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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


ChCh people, pleased you have come through physically unscathed, surely many must crumble into a sobbing heap after each biggish one. Pleased about the power Charlie as it didn't seem hopeful on the news. What is the status of the toilet window? Has your land been assessed-I think you might have already told us but I forget. Winnie, a house must be more comfortable than a caravan during the rumbles. Sumstyle, oil is not the easiest thing to clean away but small mercies.

marywea - 2011-06-14 04:27:00

Waves to Mary, can't slleep either huh? I have been awake since 4 am, so I decided to get up & do something productive. Hope our Chch people were warm during the night must be pretty horrible without power & all the facilities that I am taking for granted at the moment.

Edited by 510 at 5:09 am, Tue 14 Jun

510 - 2011-06-14 05:08:00

Morning lovely people...
Didn't find out about the quake till later last night.. caught up in my own woes... which pale by comparison. Glad everyone is physically safe and send lots of love and thinking of you all.
My girlfriends son was first on the scene to the Kings Boy who died... so we have had a shake up there as well... They didn't know him, they were just travelling home from a night out... tragic.. and the mental pictures will be with them for a very long while. I like Brian Gaynor and it really upset me...

Anyhoo... lets all try and look on the bright side of life.... Miss 18 continues to be smitten with Mr Bricky lol... and has just sat her 1st of 4 mid term exams and is feeling ok about it. Miss 17 has just been chosen to attend a Sir Peter Blake Leadership Day... only 1 person per high school so a big honour.... She is chuffed as are we the proud parents... She is also rapt that the Leadership Day is in the Owen Glen Building at Auckland Uni.. so is already planning meeting up with Big Sis.
I am still busy at work but we are getting a big response from the advert so thats promising.... Although that itself does add to my workload... Worked to 6pm last night which is a first... but felt quite righteous as I had set the automatic timer and the family came home to delicious Cottage Pie.. and for a change DH dished up and mine was in the microwave, intead of the other way around... Todays going to be a good day and its nice to go in know we caught up last night instead of starting on the back foot.

So thats me in a nutshell....

Have a great day... And take care.....

toadfish - 2011-06-14 06:36:00

Good morning everyone. Not too rocky over this side of town durng the night but sleep is elusive when you are poised for the next one. Looks as if it was miserable in Sumner though. No work today, University closed and staff told to cancel travel plans and stay home with families. Feel very sorry for our students. Exams scheduled for yesterday have been cancelled and aegotats will be assessed but for many their concentration will be shot to pieces and their exam marks affected. My son was thinking yesterday that he wouldn't mind it if term assessment marks were used as the total assessment as his are very high this semester but as his next exam's not till Saturday he'll just have to keep working. Hope everyone is OK this morning and can keep heating, flushing and turning on the taps.

greerg - 2011-06-14 07:48:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-14 08:38:00

I am doing a huge house clean this week, I like to try & do one at the start of each season. Pulling out all the furniture, beds, etc to vacuum the carpet underneath I start at one end & work thru the house, I am just in our bedroom at the moment. I have a new Kingsize duvet cover & matching pillow cases that I bought for $30.00 to put on the bed so hopefully the whole room will look better. This house has lots of wooden edges & skirtings that are horrible dust traps. Luckily the house has a central vac that just sucks up all the dust & dirt.. Lovely sunny day here now, tomorrow is meant to be even better.

Edited by 510 at 11:55 am, Tue 14 Jun

510 - 2011-06-14 11:49:00

Hello all just popping in to say I am thinking of you all in Christchurch,I am not going to Christchurch now,I am just too nervous,even to travel there.
I worry for my son and young family,they are ok,thank goodness,it does not stop me from worrying about them.
Thinking of you all so much,and many angel hugs to you all xxx

earthangel4 - 2011-06-14 12:43:00

Earthangel probably better to be here when it's a bit more settled.

All facilities working and cat seems OK. I visited the school where I volunteer today and tomorrow will go back and start tidying the resources room - what fun - there is cardboard everywhere and I haven't even poked my nose in the room where all the little readers are. The phtocopier was moved several feet then it was stopped by a wall.

I'm not sure whether the children will be there tomorrow or not.

Edited by calista at 3:47 pm, Tue 14 Jun

calista - 2011-06-14 15:45:00

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elliehen - 2011-06-14 16:34:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-14 16:59:00

charlie our other friend that we visited last time in chch works for a letting agency and was waiting for a client outside a house when the big one struck, it took her to the ground and she has twisted her ankle!! - hubbys branch manager said he was stationery on the road and his head was hitting the ceiling!! - very nasty jerky one by all sounds of it!! - hope your knee comes right.
that kings boy is just so sad and all those people whoms lives have been affected, its all very well pointing fingers here and there but we have a widespread, wide gaped social economic - it affects ALL of us - poor kids get hold of drugs and drink just like rich kids.
earthangel can you help by sending them your way? instead of trying to get there yourself.
am on day three of pretnozone so bing bong wide awake and stuffed, still not feeling very well, really nasty sinus infection but at least the ears are clearing, starting to look like a pharmacy shelf on my vanity lol - GIVE ME DRUGS lol - sister suggested I would probably need a sleeping tablet next.

auckland_ali - 2011-06-14 18:05:00

I have been thinking about that poor family who lost their son after the Kings ball. Several years ago we had a close family member fatally assaulted at the age of 19 thru no fault of his own. I know that the situations leading up to their deaths were completely different but the sudden & tragic circumstances of young men being taken at such a young age are sadly very similar. I can only imagine the emotional pain & huge range of feelings that his family are experiencing at the moment. So tragic.

Edited by 510 at 7:10 pm, Tue 14 Jun

510 - 2011-06-14 19:02:00

Haven't had much to say today ... don't know what to say. I'm not going through anything like charlieb and yet emotionally I'm at the end of my tether ... I have my daughter on the phone saying just leave Mum ... if only it was so easy ...

winnie231 - 2011-06-14 19:30:00

Thinking of you Winnie. I don't think you can make comparisons like that - we all have our different stresses. If you can find something nice to do for yourself - pampering or whatever - it may help,

It's just as well I live alone because I am really grumpy at the moment. I had my usual cry, but I also had a total tanty when I couldn't find my glasses and my keys and a pen (I swear Georgie hid them all from me - she's mean like that).

That was a nasty little cluster (which I dealt with by yelling rude words at -there's something satisfying about that - not recommended if you're round kids).

calista - 2011-06-14 19:59:00

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elliehen - 2011-06-14 21:17:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-14 23:28:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-14 23:31:00

Winnie I iam wondering if everytime you have another after shock as well as dealing with the shock of the present shake you are also reliving the experience that you had earlier with loosing your flat which was your home at the time & nearly your life. Those fears that you had at the time are also bought up again with the present fears. People deal with the actual situation at the time but it is often later that the emotional stuff comes out. Sometimes even when one moves away those issues are still there until they are addressed on an emotional level. I hope that makes sense. Sending you lots of warm vibes & caring thoughts.

510 - 2011-06-15 02:17:00

Charlie I don't think the earthquake stuff is dragging the thread down at all. The title of this thread is recipe - circle of friends, which means to me that it is a thread where people share things & that is both the good & the bad..You & the others from Chch are just sharing what you are all experiencing and living with at the moment. Pollyanna wasn't in touch with her feelings. In the real world people can't be Pollyanna, I believe we were given feelings for a reasons & this thread is a good place to express them. Sending big cyber hugs to you my friend.

510 - 2011-06-15 02:33:00

It is my turn to help out at hospice today, we are making mosaics.. I had a follow up at the out patients clinic yesterday & all the biopsies have come back normal so that was great news. I had a lovely registrar who answered all my questions with easy to understand answers so I feel that even though they don't have an exact answer for the health problems that had me admitted to hospital I am fully in touch with what they know about the situation They know what happened but not exactly why? All that really matters is that I am now in good health.

510 - 2011-06-15 02:56:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-15 07:19:00

Off to school today to sort out the resource room and possbly pick up the little readers. This morning's 5 night have battered it further (sigh).

And huge thanks to Orion, the lines company.

Have booked a massage for Thurs weejk YaY

calista - 2011-06-15 08:18:00

Happy Birthday to my friend Ali, I hope you are feeling much better today, prednisone does have some nasty side affects including not sleeping, I was on high doses last year & put on weight but with a combination of that & other treatment I am sure it helped save my life. Get better soon, lots of birthday hugs to you

510 - 2011-06-15 08:47:00

Happy Birthday Ali,and yes I was on prednisone,never again,I was a wicked person,my partner wanted to go bush,so took myself off it,I was on 6 a day for 2 weeks,not good.
looks like I have to go to Christchurch as there is no refund on my bookings,Aww,I am leaving next friday,sure hope all will be well.
Thinking of you all xxxx

earthangel4 - 2011-06-15 10:21:00

hi all and to those in chch...what can i say ...i feel guilty for having the basics in life and gulity if i say i had a good wasnt that great actually ha ha.....just wanted to say we make not always say or taslk about it but we do feel for you... am with you cookes.......its nice to come in here and know its friends, friends through a luv of food we dont worry about age, race, religion, i might look at you twice if you eat tripe, but i wont look down on you or cross eyeed at ya..i might miss a post..and need time to catch up on some...but i luv to know u will all be here and are a part of my life...make the best of it EA and enjoy the break...did i hear it was Ali`s BDAY...hope its fabulous!! yah i move sat.......cant wait..will finally get broadband back again and can keep up with all the posts more broadband as easy...cant be logged in as much!!....

motorbo - 2011-06-15 18:28:00

Thanks everyone for your support & understanding.
Don't know what else to say ...
Please keep posting about your days & all the good stuff. I enjoy reading that life beyond Canterbury is carrying on 'as normal' ...

winnie231 - 2011-06-15 18:45:00

Oh - and happy birthday ali xx

winnie231 - 2011-06-15 18:46:00

Evening to you all.. :-)

Happy Birthday Ali.. sure hope you're feeling better quickly..

Have a lovely holiday Pam.. and 510.. thank goodness all is well.. and here's to continuing good health.
Have a lovely time with your family Earthangel..

Hi Charlie, Rae, Calista.... and to all of you there in Canterbury.. share anything, we're all here.. what you're all dealing with there seems beyond any possibility that these quakes could still be happening, yet they still are.. and my heart goes out to you all there..

I may have written of this before.. In case it's of help, post traumatic stress can sometimes happen with something like this - simply put, it's 'a normal reaction to an abnormal situation that's life threatening or substantially life changing..'
My Jenni has it from all the times her lung spontaneously collapsed, and times - like just this morning when she needed to go to Hamilton Hospital ED - when she's had the pain, pressure, etc..etc.. of something not right with her lung, it brings up all the fear and reminders of everything she's been through - that normal reaction to an abnormal situation...
What's helped most, with the support of counselling at times, is finding out what happens with ptsd, what the symptoms are for her, how they affect her, what she can do to help, and to remind herself she's safe, etc..etc.. - for her physically, mentally, emotionally.. it affects everything..
It's that.. 'information about what's happening helps handle the situation - information/knowledge is power...' philosophy..
The NZ Mental Health Foundation website is a good resource.. and we've found the ptsd info they have helps.. it's here:

Other things that help? nurturing things.. time with friends over a coffee, a walk, reading a book - she loves Chocolat by Joanne Harris, a favourite DVD, listening to music..

I'm thinking of you all.. and sending gentle hugs..

Oh.. and she finds.. chocolate helps! lol.. funny how that happens!

juliewn - 2011-06-15 18:54:00

ps.. just found this on the Mental Health Foundation's website.. for after the quakes..

juliewn - 2011-06-15 18:57:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-15 19:06:00

**Waves to charlieb**
If your water doesn't hold out, you need showers or ... I'm rattling round in this big house in Bishopdale by myself (well there's Honey but she doesn't shower much lol) & have plenty of water here :)

winnie231 - 2011-06-15 19:34:00

My gift to myself today was 4 litres of water so my moring cup of tea tastes normal and 3 passionfruit to be eaten over 3 days - if I have the self disipline.

The little readers were Ok, so it was mainly the cardbord and the resource kits on "keeping Ourselves Safe" and "Natural Disasters" (-: that I had to put away. I'm glad I had something positive to do as it kept my mind off waiting for the next one (as a friend of mine is doing).

The wee Supervalue down the road has a competition for some travel and the woman on the checkout urged me to enter. "I couldn't do that", I said, "I'd feel strange if the earth wasn't moving" - I got some funny looks.

Wheeling my bike home I saw a little daffodil in flower. Spring will come.

calista - 2011-06-15 20:28:00

Calista Cartwheels back - South Library is open tomorrow - Good work City Council!!!

calista - 2011-06-15 21:03:00

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elliehen - 2011-06-15 21:13:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-15 22:25:00

Morning all... I am sending *settling Vibes* to mother earth.... Hope things go better today. After your course is finished Winnie is there much to keep you in Christchurch?... I know your Mums there....But you only recently moved ... I must be terribly disloyal.... but I was talking to someone at work yesterday and I think I would be one of the people "Moving out"
Think your lucky Jo... if you can call it lucky... that your boys don't have the pressure of NCEA... I had concerns about Miss 17's last year in intermediate... for different reasons obviously, but there are some fantastic books at paper plus and her and I worked through the maths one of those.. just to put my mind a rest that she was keeping up... I am reasonable sure they do the other subjects. Doesn't sound like he needs too much help though.... Good children Shine in any situation.....
Hope you had a fab day yesterday Ali.... Was thinking of you.. you always make such an effort for everyone elses birthday... They will have the "Circle of friends" to deal with if they didn't!!! Sounds like a Cult lol.
Had a lovely Thai out last night with the girls at work.... really enjoyed it.

Something to make you laugh... Our stray cat Max has decided he quite likes laps... runs up as soon as you sit down and snuggles in... so lovely and he looks so content.... TILL.... you try to get him off, because its not what he wants... he reverts back a bit to his wild ways and growls & hisses (& bites and scratches if you are unlucky)... You should see the toadfie clan trying to ease him off our laps if they need to get up.... hilarious. He is getting better though as time goes on... hasnt bitten for a while... but still grumps... I do Love Max.. our first Lap cat, and to think a few short months ago he was living wild... not letting a soul near him.

Well thats me in a nutshell... Off to catch up on life....Byeeeee

Edited by toadfish at 6:11 am, Thu 16 Jun

toadfish - 2011-06-16 06:01:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-16 09:34:00

Thank you everyone for your lovely kind wishes, couldnt believe how many I got, had a lovely day with people popping in with gifts and things, my best of all was from my MIL - she put such a lovely message on my card it was just lovely, I have a new phone which is far to techno for me really so hope I dont end up with $100's $ of billing lol. my son put a message on my home page from the phone so it was to say what he had brought me for my birthday lol. he brought me water for elephants book which I thought was really thoughtfull. other son brought me some funky shaped photo frames that you cluster on the walls, I have something simular with silver flowers that you stick up the wall in abandon they are super fun and thought they had really thought out the gifts, which is the nicest thing of all.
I have a final inspection today for our tenants that have moved out - hope its as it was when they moved in - will be taking my bucket and mops anyway, glad I didnt organize that for my birthday!! we had chinese last night for tea and tonight I have a friend whoms birthday is friday so we are meeting in the middle tonight to celebrate both of our birthdays so thats really cool. - so we are thai ing tonight as well.

auckland_ali - 2011-06-16 09:39:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-16 11:48:00

Hi everyone,
I'm happy to say it's been a good day for me today :) I sat and wrote a whole assignment in one session so now I only have one late & one current ... my school is being so supportive and understanding to our current circumstances & is simply encourging people to do what they can on the good days & not get stressed out about the bad ones. I feel like my brain is as mushy as many streets around Chch at the mo so it feels great to get something finished! Oh - and my tutor has txted me that I've passed so YAY!!!

winnie231 - 2011-06-16 17:08:00

YaY Winnie! Well done!!!

I had read the article you linked charlie, and liked it too. There is a reporter who writes for Scoop who really gets up my nose because the way he writes makes everything sound melodramatic. We are *not* victims we are people living through some really difficult times. Sometimes we cry, sometimes we laugh, sometimes we come on messageboards and get lots of support from lovely, caring cyberfriends, sometimes we just carry on despite everything. As I don't have anyone I am responsible for, some weekends I have just taken to my bed with a good book. Whatever it takes.

The library was wonderful and very busy - we bookaholics need our regualr fix. I also went to Riccarton and to Hands (craft shop). altogether I biked 27.66km so I will sleep well tonight.

Edited by calista at 5:32 pm, Thu 16 Jun

calista - 2011-06-16 17:28:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-16 18:08:00

That was a good article Charlie, thanks for sharing that, the woman in the article had an amazing attitude. It's been a nice sunny day here been today spent some time out attacking th garden have had a student helping me which has been great. Pleased with what I have done on my to do list.
Winnie wow that's great about that you have passed. You are doing really well to stay focussed on your assignments at the moment.. calista, what you wrote shows you have a very empowering affirming attitude.

510 - 2011-06-16 18:23:00

Ah thanks guys,have just spoken to my son in Christchurch,he seems happy and can not wait to see me,he said Riccarton is ok.
I was going to go to Bexley to visit someone,but partner has said no,not to go there,maybe next time,I also spoke to her this morning,and she said I don,t blame your partner as it is not good.
I am starting to get excited,I get to meet my new grand daughter,whom is now 2 months,and it is my other grand daughters third birthday next thursday,will also get to see my grand son,whom is 4,so something to look forward too.

earthangel4 - 2011-06-16 18:26:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-16 19:22:00

Hi Charlie.. thanks for your note about Jenni.. she's ok.. and her boyfriend is a very nurturing man and has been cooking them both dinner and encouraging her to rest.. helps that one of his qualifications is as a chef!

Thanks for the link too.. huge strength for what she's dealing with..

Congratulations on your success Rae.. very cool..

Earthangel - can you meet your Bexley friend at a cafe or somewhere so you have some time together - and they can have some time away from the damage that sounds to be widespread there.. Campbell Live has shown some of the effects around Bexley - a huge thing to be dealing with for the people there.

Did anyone see Campbell Live last night (thursday)? Wasn't it cool that the old DC3 was flying from Christchurch to Wellington today.. able to fly at a low altitude and therefore under the ash from the Chilean eruptions..

Have a lovely Friday everyone..

juliewn - 2011-06-17 03:01:00

Waves to Julie, Sometimes I like being awake in the wee small hours, the house is just so peaceful,as long as I am wrapped up & warm. Post traumatic stress disorder must be a pretty scarey thing for Jenni to have to deal as well as her lung problems. Having a supportive boyfriend & a caring intune sounding mum like you must help her deal with those major health issues.

510 - 2011-06-17 03:36:00

Have fun with the rottweillers charlie ( though, to be fair all the assessors I've met were pleasant - but their spokes person was not someone with whom I would wish to dine).

Earthangel. I go to church in Riccarton and the parts I know of it (around the Mall and Riccarton Bush) are ok, in fact riding from Wooston to Riccarton you get to see a a whole range. It was weird,especially after the February quake that Riccarton, apart from losing some old shops, seemed to be in a different world.

Making chickpea soup today - yum

Edited by calista at 8:55 am, Fri 17 Jun

calista - 2011-06-17 08:50:00

Aww thank you all,now i feel better.
I was going to go see Annie the pysic in Bexley so now she is going to give me a phone reading,I sent her a photo,but thank you for your kindness.
I am staying in a motel on Riccarton road,so it is all good.
I am also hoping to meet up with the chch group in here on the sunday,will get a taxi if I have too.
Thinking of each and everyone of you,you are all in my thoughts.

earthangel4 - 2011-06-17 09:09:00

You will have a wonderful time earthangel and you will be fine, the one thing you will get from that trip is living a few days in their footsteps, which gives perspecitive on whats happening down there.
I am still not feeling that great but I have had smell back now for 3 days which has been really wonderful, my MIL brought me so oskar da la renta perfume so at least I could smell that, thai dinner last night was lovely to smell what I was eating as well, one doesnt realize how much smells there are, its not all good of course, passing the boys if they havent had a shower for example!!
Anne you are awake all over the place, do you get to have a afernoon nap?
have a lovely day everyone

auckland_ali - 2011-06-17 10:18:00
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