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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


Cooke. T'was I. The more the merrier sounds good to me. I had been waiting for more info from you until I started to organise anything. A gathering on Saturday suits me as well as I have a family gathering on the Sunday.

510 - 2011-06-07 11:31:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-07 11:32:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-07 12:59:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-07 13:15:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-07 13:16:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-07 13:16:00

Hi 510. I was up as I am everyday at about 5.45. I wish I could sleep longer but my genes say it's time to get up. Still not cold in Rotorua in the mornings. It is so mild. We had a couple of frosts about two weeks ago but other than that it has been 12 degrees in the morning when I get up. I love this thread because it so so friendly. Lots of the recipe threads have been a bit tetchy so it's nice to see kind supportive words in here.

evorotorua - 2011-06-07 16:22:00

well you really are blessed charlie girl, how spoilt is that a flushing loo and a window to air out any unwanted smells - sometimes the most simple things in life give us the most pleasure ;) I was back at docs again today - did say to dr would not like to see you so often, now have 3 mths of anitbotics and stuff for my ear infection - thats 4 visits since march - and know I am feeling it I came home at 4 and sat in lounge until just now just watched telly with cat on my lap which really isnt like me at all. fingers crossed will start to feel much better in the near future, I am really pleased as we dont have too much on socially which is going to be a nice change, lovely to be so social but lovely also just to be able to chill and not be chirpy all the time.
photos on facebook were just lovely toady I cant believe how grown up they are
hope chch was more settled today - my boys are on study leave already so grocery shopping today was lots of fill their tummy up foods, the watties very special soups like the butter chicken and irish stew fill a hole as well as 6 irvines pies they tend to be a inbetween snack lol.
hope everyone has had a lovely day

auckland_ali - 2011-06-07 19:03:00

A loo that flushes! and a window that both opens and shuts - good for you Charlie. This may sound like a weird offer, but if you have any plants you want to save you are welcome to heel them in here and them take them again when you are ready. I will undertake to offer them TLC. Unfortunately my section wouldn't be fenced enough for the dof if he needs a temp home though, besides Georgie is not hospitable.

Thanks also for your commonsense about the EQC - I had a couple of bad things happen late last week and was losing perspective.

Yay - plumbers have been and fixed every tap in the house (why do drippy taps turn into runny ones over a long weekend?). Not sure of the cost, but it's a large firm so I have some weeks to pay.

I finally took a ride on my new bike, which has been off the bumpy roads since Feb and fell in love with it all over again. I rode to my doctor's in McCormick's Bay and it was so scary as a sewer pipe is being laid and I had to ride about 30cm from the edge of the road - where there is a metre drop into an estuary filled with raw sewerage. Talk about nearly ending up in the poo!

calista - 2011-06-07 19:08:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-07 19:20:00

what kind of dof, charlieb? I could ask my sister when she gets home from overseas if she is taking on dof boarders on her hobby farm - she has two labradors. She had one over Christmas, but I don't know what her plans are once she gets back to NZ.

sumstyle - 2011-06-07 20:18:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-07 23:00:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-07 23:02:00

Early start this morning, Looking forward to today being over. Erica I have some very happy memories of Rotorua, my bridesmaid used to live in Ann St. in central Rotorua. Charlie, lovely people attract lovely offers. That is a kind really kind offer sumstyle. I know what you mean Charlie about trying to get a place to rent with dogs we tried to rent with 2 dogs last year & it was a nightmare. We moved into our home exactly a year today. Have a good day everyone.

510 - 2011-06-08 05:53:00

Morning all ... just passing through ... still up to my ears in assignments as Monday was a write off for me study-wise with the shakes ... hate playing catch up but I'll get there :)
Waves to everyone .... see ya ...

winnie231 - 2011-06-08 07:06:00

hello to everyone a year already time really does fly - cant believe its already a year that you moved Ann. how about taking up painting of the canvas variety charlie? - they can get stored for the new improved / new home!! can imagine you just wouldnt want to do anything.
could have been a shitty problem calista glad you got back on your bike as you really seam to enjoy it so much.
my neighbour is having his finger chopped off today ewwwww - he smashed it in his gym equipment 2 may and has been dogged with infections ever since , he has been at north shore hospital all of last week and the call has been made I repeat ewwwww I have wine ready for wife for when she gets home later ;) thats what neighbours do ;)
am going shopping for a formal outfit for our annual awards dinner am thinking however of using whats available at home theres a nice outfit I wore about 5 years ago if I dont look too much like a squeezed sausage I might try and see how that looks, anyone know of any great sales in the formal wear department and not for a 16 year old!!

auckland_ali - 2011-06-08 09:25:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-08 09:35:00

Have just learnt that a man I respected & was proud to call my friend passed on this afternoon in Golden Bay so feeling pretty devastated right now :-(

winnie231 - 2011-06-08 15:12:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-08 15:16:00

sorry to hear about that winnie, its always a shock if you are not expecting it.
pam I went to millys coffee shop today first time as I was in ponsonby for lunch didnt think it was as flash as I thought it would have been with all the advertising they do on the telly, didnt stay in there long so didnt really check it out.
was looking for the LBD today but instead of little in the front it needs to be Large!! am thinking of making one again as have our awards night coming up. and there really was nothing that I would have considered buying, maybe the one that was 479 dollars and Im not going there!! so if anyone has seen any nice black dresses let me know.

auckland_ali - 2011-06-08 17:57:00

Comforting Hugs to you Winnie I am so sorry to hear about your friend.

510 - 2011-06-08 18:40:00

Feeling much better had a huge nana nap, the tests were back to normal so that is great.

510 - 2011-06-08 18:45:00

So sorry to hear about your friend Winnie - Its hard to be away from family and friends when these things happen. A positive thought about being from Christchurch is that the smallest things can please us. Bet you didn't realize a year ago how thrilling your loo situation would be did you Charlieb2? And we feel like Masterminds if we sus out a route to somewhere that doesn't use a tank of petrol idling or take twice as long as it used to.

greerg - 2011-06-08 19:49:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-08 20:23:00

so sorry to hear winnie

charlie wow im thrilled for ya i can not imagine life without a flushing loo

cookes ive finally found ya on facebook ha ha

motorbo - 2011-06-08 20:28:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-08 20:57:00

510 - it's a relief when the tests are OK.

Some late birthday money arrived in my letterbox today so I bought a basket for the bike. This one really *is* faster - I passed a man cycling down Riccarton Rd this afternoon. Going along Moorhouse Ave I was travelling faster than the cars, mainly because they were going at walking speed (so why do they call it "rush hour"?). Biked around 22km today.

calista - 2011-06-08 21:31:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-08 21:33:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-08 21:44:00

Sorry to hear about your friend Winnie... very sad for you, and I am guessing with your house sitting gig you can't attend the funeral (Had you wished to)
Congrats on your Loo Charlie.. and your test results 510... and I just know you will have something Fab to wear Ali.

Work continues to be fickle and I was a staff member down.. again. Managed a good bike ride this morning.. despite the drizzle.. and had a Nana Nap on the couch after dinner with Max my stray cat.. zonked out on my lap.. he really is a hunny and I have finally got a lap cat.

Miss 18 seems to be almost over the cold and Miss 17 is probably a day behind in the healing process. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this particular bug by passess me as I truely can't afford to get sick... famous last words I know,

Had a Fab dinner, Miss 18 made Chicken Bryani.. the new Pataks.. very very nice and so incredible easy as my frypan doesn't have a long handle and goes into the oven... highly reccommended for a quick and easy dinner.

Well thats me for now.. Keen for the catch up. Take care. JB

Edited by toadfish at 10:08 pm, Wed 8 Jun

toadfish - 2011-06-08 22:02:00

Thanks for your thoughts everyone xx
I would love to attend the celebration of his life which on Sat and Honey could be take care of, but there's just no way I can manage it financially.
I got up hoping grab-a-seat might have Chch-Nlsn on offer but the cheapest flights are $250 return, add rental car & petrol to that ... student allowance just doesn't stretch that far.
Just feeling numb - he was so special.

winnie231 - 2011-06-09 06:24:00

morning everyone, glad your marks were good winnie, you can have your own quiet time the same time the funeral is on.
indian looked good toady must try one of those, my neighbour gave me the pataks book for xmas one year must haul it out!!
we are starting to get our 20 year old to think about his 21st - its going to creep up on us very quickly boys are a bit different than girls, its finding a drinking hole and somewhere were we can have speeches, daughter said you know theres amnesty right- whatever is said on speeches!! lol why do they think they have done worse than what we did when we were that age lol.... mind you last 21st the story of boy running naked thru the main shops with a scream mask on was quite hilarious!! mothers face was not amused lol - dont think he got grounded mind you you really have to laugh
good feeling going faster than cars calista, shame you cant bike on auckland motorway system you would almost certainly get there faster at pretty much any given time of the day!!

Edited by auckland_ali at 10:37 am, Thu 9 Jun

auckland_ali - 2011-06-09 10:36:00

Winnie - could Atomic Shuttles to Nelson -via the Lewis pass be an option? You would spend ages travelling though.

YaY Countdown at Eastgate is the BEST!!! All updated and posh. A map would be handy though - think I'll suggest it next time I go

Sushi shops are not open yet Charlie, but I don't think they're far away. ChCh peeps could meet up there when they do. Robert Harrris has opened up at South City too = yum,

Edited by calista at 6:25 pm, Thu 9 Jun

calista - 2011-06-09 18:23:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-09 18:26:00

This is a lovely thread to read in the morning. It sounds a bit like it used to be when we all talked over the back fence to our neighbours. Little interesting comments and support restore your faith in people. I am sorry to hear of your friend's passing Winnie. Special people like that become stars in the sky so even if you can't attend the funeral you can still see the stars and think of them every night. My FIL passed away 22 years ago today and that's how I like to remember him. It is nice to hear of our children's experiences in the kitchen too. My daughter is 21 and living in a flat in Wellington and my 17 year old son is pretty capable too even though I do most of his cooking.
Take care out there today everybody. Thanks for sharing.

evorotorua - 2011-06-10 06:09:00

Hi All,
Have not been in for a bit,have been busy,it is so cold here,with rain,we have had rain for over a month now,getting really sick of it.
Winnie sorry to hear about your friend,hope you are ok.
Charlie,good things are getting better for you.
Motorbo,thinking of you moving soon,hope it is a nice day for you.
I don,t have much news,time for a shower.
Have a wonderful day all

earthangel4 - 2011-06-10 09:33:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-10 10:00:00

cold and dark is right, not cold in auckland but a dreary day. you must be visiting darling granddaughter soon earthangel.
I got my LBD which is Stunning its just a very plain singlet style dress but it goes up a bit above the knees in the front and swoops down a bit in the back, its a funny material, crunched up but soft taffetaey but lace like, really strange to explain but ohh laa laa no lumps bumps and shapely legs sticking out the end, teamed with my mesh blingy overdress that ties at the front and sky high heels here I come, will send a photo, thought it was really slimming so all good in alis world,
ps I had a golf lesson today and he thought I already had a good swing (sniggers) so watch out tiger

auckland_ali - 2011-06-10 14:10:00
winnie231 wrote:

Thanks for your thoughts everyone xx
I would love to attend the celebration of his life which on Sat and Honey could be take care of, but there's just no way I can manage it financially.
I got up hoping grab-a-seat might have Chch-Nlsn on offer but the cheapest flights are $250 return, add rental car & petrol to that ... student allowance just doesn't stretch that far.
Just feeling numb - he was so special.

My thoughts are with you Rae.. hope you see this soon.. I've just sent something that may be of help to be there.. hugs..

juliewn - 2011-06-10 20:12:00

Hi Erica.. yes it is lovely here.. and lovely to see your posts.. I saw your note a short time ago as I was catching up with the thread here..

That's great your Daughter's 21st went well.. with extra involved I'm thinking, to have the party in Wellington.. isn't it an amazing time for our darlings as they're moving on with their lives..

Yes.. Chris studied at Waikato, and Jenni initially trained in Wellington, returning home 7 weeks after starting her course, with her lung not good.. she transferred the course to Hamilton last year, and completed the course there. It was kinda nice that they both graduated at the Founders Theatre in Hamilton too.

Wow, your Mum had a busy time! Special memories too..

For Jenni, she's had some special things happen.. the first was having a close male friend of 8 years - since she was first at high school - move to Hamilton a few months ago.. then text her when she was home in March, to say he had something to ask her..

He visited her the night she returned to her apartment, - and in her words: 'he was dressed in his best jeans, his best shirt, had polished his shoes, done his hair especially, and had on yummy after shave.. and when he came in, he said, 'so how do you think a guy would ask a girl he's known for eight years, if she'll be his girlfriend..' - awww just gorgeous..

Her 21st party was next - and included many surprises - she just smiled and laughed all night, fabulous memories and the photos are just lovely..

Then the week after returning to Hamilton, she found her very first job. She's not had an easy time finding one - she includes a brief history of her lung collapsing in her CV, and in interviews includes that she needs to wear a medic alert bracelet due to the risk of it recurring.. and the interviews haven't continued from there.. this time, she had a phone interview, then two interviews there with different people.. got asked lots of questions about her lung and health with that, including of future risks, then said they'd contact her two days later to let her know.

As she was leaving, they asked when could she start, and she said tomorrow.. and was told, Ok, you've got the job, come in tomorrow at 9am. It turns out her boss has asthma, and understands about breathing problems and the risks with that, and how painful it is, etc..etc.. so lovely to have that understanding and for her to be given the opportunity.

Jenni is just delighted.. the recurring and spontaneous pneumothorax (collapsed lung) problems have meant that she wasn't able to work at an after school job - in fact it kept her off school for more time than she was there, right through her school years.. and she finished high school with around half the number of credits needed for any of the NCEA qualifications. For her tourism and travel course she had to sit a three hour exam to qualify, and was so excited to find she'd passed with 100%.. not much time at school - a lot of learning on life's pathway, that all helped..

The job is part-time - saturday and sunday every 2nd weekend, and on call for other days - she's averaging 4 to 5 days a week currently - and I think it's good that she is there part-time.. so she builds strength as she gets used to the job.. it's just a few minutes walk from her home there. I went there to collect Jenni's keys recently, and met her boss.. she said 'Jenni's doing very well and I'm pleased with her work - she has a good brain and is picking things up faster than I would expect from someone her age.' awww...

Edited by juliewn at 9:35 pm, Fri 10 Jun

juliewn - 2011-06-10 21:33:00

She's having problems with her lung, has ended up at Waikato Hospital ED twice in the past fortnight, and three times this week has been sent home by her boss.. she has a cough at the moment, and as her lung is effectively glued into place to try to stop it collapsing, it doesn't expand and contract as a lung normally would, so when she coughs, her lung, and the chest wall and area around it get bruised, causing pain. The lung has a slight collapse on the outside currently that is being monitored, and she has to go to ED when she has difficulty breathing and/or any pain at all - past experiences of pain have been that it's referred to the opposite side of her body - almost causing exploratory surgery, until a doctor said, lets see what happens as the 24/7 oxygen she was on helped inflate her lung.. thankfully the pain stopped.

It's hard being so far away when she's unwell and in pain, though we talk most days, and I'm glad she has her boyfriend nearby - he's been there every evening over this past fortnight, making her dinner and giving lovely TLC.. he's really there for her.

It's very, very good to see her enjoying life and having successes and special things happen, she has really been through a lot, right through her life, that would challenge any adult, and through it all she's built strength and resilience and courage.. I could not write more highly or respectfully of her.. and am very proud of her..

Exciting things have happened for Chris too.. he's been travelling for much of the past 7 years, since graduating with a Bachelor of Science Degree at Waikato - majoring in Earth Sciences. Over the past few years, he's been building a career in the environmental science fields, and last year, while living in Melbourne and working as an Environmental Technician, he was asked to apply for a job in Brisbane, did so and moved there soon after - his role is as Environmental Scientist, and his work involves managing the detoxification of toxic sites, right through to the re-habiting of them with native flora..

His salary package included $5,000 as removal expenses - however he re-negotiated that to be for air-fare's between Brisbane and Melbourne, so he can commute often to spend time with his Partner who recently had a promotion too - she's a specialist Critical Care Nurse in Melbourne. He's currently looking for a similar position back there.. he had an interview there recently - and is expecting to hear soon. I'm very proud of him.. he's making a real difference for this planet we all call home.. He's usually home twice a year.. I thanked him late last year for doing that, and he said 'why wouldn't I, you're my Mum.' awww..

Ok.. this has turned out to be a manuscript.. I better get on and do some things there.. I love the Dancing on Ice shows and the results show is on shortly.. the fire is going, cuppa's to be made and just might open the choccy fishes I bought earlier.. yum!

Have a fabulous weekend Everyone..

juliewn - 2011-06-10 21:34:00

That's a lovely story to share juliewn, I enjoy hearing about adult sons who are happy to say to their mums that they love them.

sumstyle - 2011-06-10 21:54:00

:-) Thanks Sumstyle.. it is lovely.. there isn't an email or a text message or a phone call without him saying 'Love you Mum'.. Jenni is the same.. awww.. my Kids..

Do you have adult sons?.. I just looked to see where you are.. how are you there with all the quakes and effects.. hope all is well for you..

juliewn - 2011-06-10 22:01:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-10 23:33:00

Wow, Julie what an amazing story, my heart goes out to Jenni & you all. Jenni sounds like a courageous strong young woman. I enjoyed hearing about your son & I am also like sumstyle I really enjoy hearing about males expressing their love for their family, & especially their mums. Thanks for sharing.

Edited by 510 at 6:11 am, Sat 11 Jun

510 - 2011-06-11 05:58:00

Good morning everyone. I wanted to say an extra special thanks to you Julie for filling us in and reminding us that all our children are special. Sometimes when I hear people talk about their children, it all seems to be such a hassle and almost an inconvenience, a trial almost. I know they still love their children but it is really nice to hear how much other Mums really love their children and love being with them as parents and as friends . I am super proud of my kids too. My children are lucky that they have had a pretty smooth run at life health wise and I take my hat off to Jenni for being as determined and courageous as she has been and also to you Julie for your unwavering support for her. I cannot imagine how hard it is to know she may have issues and to be so far away. Still you want her to be independent too. I remember when my daughter was in the Halls of Residence in Wellington she was quarantined in her room for suspected Swine Flu. She had to stay in there for four days on her own. It was awful because she felt sick but no one could nurse her. Fortunately her friends were great and brought DVDs, skyped etc for the first few days and then towards the end they opened her door and sat in the corridor to talk while she sat on her bed. All wearing masks. Funny to look back on now. (Results were negative for swine flu)
Anyway I think today will be a bit dreary but warm still. Unbelievable temperatures really. It doesn't sit right in y head that it can be stormy outside but no heater on inside. Yesterday was so miserable but still cosy.

evorotorua - 2011-06-11 06:43:00
juliewn wrote:

:-) Thanks Sumstyle.. it is lovely.. there isn't an email or a text message or a phone call without him saying 'Love you Mum'.. Jenni is the same.. awww.. my Kids..

Do you have adult sons?.. I just looked to see where you are.. how are you there with all the quakes and effects.. hope all is well for you..

No I have not be been blessed with children and I'm ok about that but as I get older it does single me out more and more with no grandkids to dote over.

Christchurch. Hmm. I love it but it is a sad city. I am an introvert and to fill up my energy tank I need to see beauty lots and the places I would normally go are now damaged or out of reach. I walk my dog twice a day, so there are always reminders along the way about how people are suffering. The aftershocks are a pain, but it's the beauty I miss.

While I was away for 5 days in the Far North it was a welcome break, and I was seriously moved by the people who were so kind and sympathetic when they heard we were from Christchurch. This really did take me by surprise (I don't know why) and I was humbled and touched by their concern.

To me, this was a beauty of spirit that I had not considered before, and I see it via you guys on the MB too so thank you for asking, and sharing stories like the one about Chris.

sumstyle - 2011-06-11 09:42:00

Thanks everyone for your kind words of concern & support over the last couple of days ... and Juliewn - thankyou, it helps xx. I will be there with my friends in thought today & am planning a trip to Nelson at the start of July so I'll go over to the bay & plant a rata tree in remembrance of Grant then.
I had a great night out with friends last night although feeling slightly 2nd hand this morning! That's due to lack of sleep more than over-indulgence though ... got to bed about 1am and Mum rand me at 7am!! Groan - need to go find coffee soon!!! Have some friends coming over to watch the rugby tonight which will be fun - as long as I can stay awake lol.
I love the sharing that happens here ... the special people & moments in each others lives - I couldn't ask for a better group of cyber friends.
Have a great day - and share a smile with a stranger ... it costs you nothing - but may be just what they needed xx

winnie231 - 2011-06-11 10:31:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-11 10:40:00

Hey charlieb2. I live in Spreydon which isn't so bad, but I generally walk in other suburbs. Pre-Sept I had regular mapped (ie I know the distance) weekly walks at Scarborough cliffs, Sumner, Redcliffs, Heathcote, Mova Vale, St Martins, Cashmere, Bowenvale and an inner city one that started at Oxford Terrace Baptist.

The last one I would do early Sat or Sun, stopping off in High Street on the way to get coffee from Mondo cafe, or the Metro cafe in Colombo St. Both cafes have been closed, and so much of this walk (one of my favourites) is damaged beyond belief. There used to be 8 specific points of interest to me that would buoy my spirits, but as some of this walk is still within the cordon I couldn't say how it is now.

sumstyle - 2011-06-11 12:45:00
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