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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!

motorbo wrote:

ohhh yah got the call just now, gota home, its very small and no garden cos im upstairs in a flat...but its dry and sunny and will be my home!!! move in two weeks cant wait

yay for you my friend,you can make it nice,well done.

earthangel4 - 2011-06-02 08:33:00
sumstyle wrote:

How's the Mr charlieb2? Horrid to be that crook. I still have a few days off so I took the dog for a walk around Southshore yesterday - lots of progress being made on fixing some of the more popular roads, if only just patch jobs at least it's not the intensely bumping drive it has been.

Trying to consider weaning myself of real coffee - that money could be put towards good quality winter veges but I do not seem to be able to convince myself! My dog now expects the coffee dregs and leftover froth if I get a takeaway coffee after we have been for a morning walk, which gives me a real laugh to watch.

I know what you mean,I need to get off real coffee,but work is far too stressful atm.

earthangel4 - 2011-06-02 08:35:00

Echoing "how is Mr Charlieb"? Motobo how lovely it will be to be settled-what area will you be in-all sounds to be going well with you. EA sorry about the stress after such a good wee while....This too will pass. Ali, where are you, off jaunting or just out buying more shoes?? 3 siren blaring vehicles have just gone down the main road-always a worry. Another lovely day, it has been lovely working in the garden this week-areas I haven't tpuched for ages and the grass/weeds were very high. Makes for dramatic viewing when cleared though.

marywea - 2011-06-02 09:49:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-02 10:23:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-02 10:33:00

very cool Pam - some watercolour people are just amazing. glad to hear you have a flat motorbro, good on you and sumstyle nice tripping shame about the cheese and crackers, that stables is just behind smith and caughy, its an upmarket food hall with a wine cellar and tapas, crepes, sausages etc a very cool spot for meeting people, we went there when daughter graduated and fed us all what ever anyone fancied.
glad mr charlieb is feeling much better, wonders what it was that caused it!! I think chicken is a main one for that. question its not catchy is it?I dont think it is.

is it the best boss going earthangel, hope you get something soon, life is too short to have to deal with awful people you can choose not to meet people you dont particualary like but working with them can be another story. - I had terrible health problems years ago and farily much put it down the the most evil boss I had ever had he made my life hell and think he was a woman hater with a power trip, I had had enough and went to the MD and said heres my resignation - I was deadly serious he shut the door and said you cannot leave we are getting rid of oh evil one and he meant it he said if I left the bast#rd had won, so I actually stayed and they did he was gone overnight I knew when it was happening it was very stressful, but the short of it was I had no enjoyment left of the company felt that my spirit had been broken and couldnt do justice to the job I had so I did leave but after HE had gone!! not a life experience I would like to repeat to be truthful!! -

yes mary have been away but fiji is not a shoe shopping place :( - drank lots of wine and had a lovely snorkel and was on a sandbar with wine in hand sitting in the water very cool experience I think the water temp was 28 so not too shabby. shame I didnt fit a bikini (read that as 20 kgs lighter!!) but that warm on your bones is a seductive thing short sleeves, I was beachside in a hammock first day read the most lovely chick flick - only moved to take a dip in the pool and back again!! poor poor hubby was locked away in a room having a meeting - hey someone has to work in our family lol!!

Edited by auckland_ali at 12:16 pm, Thu 2 Jun

auckland_ali - 2011-06-02 12:15:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-02 12:48:00

no more kissing mr charlieb then!! - my eldest son had tidied his room while we were away - it was AMAZING - said to my sister he had been taken away by aliens when asked why I explained and she said yes def that had happened, I am still picking myself off the floor, this is the one we did an intervention on his room a few months ago - now he has proven to be capable the gloves are going to be off- if it slips let me tell you!! lol, off for food supplies, none of some things and others just got the deep six from the fridge - its kinda nice that I am on my toes when I come back from being away it will be all too soon when we come home to no one living here I am sure.

auckland_ali - 2011-06-02 14:43:00

Sirens have been accident on the wind farm at Makara with one dead and another seriously injured, that makes for sadness in numerous homes. I thought mr charlieb would be too weak to be starting work so soon, glad he is feeling better and that the health department visit the food outlet soon.

marywea - 2011-06-02 15:40:00

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elliehen - 2011-06-02 15:51:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-02 16:11:00

charlie lol remember the 6 week rule after having babies - its on the other foot now lol waiting for the mr to get the all clear lol and lol.
Ellihen I have visited new york and just loved it they really are in their own village with attitude and proudnes if there is such a word!! pleased you had such a wonderful time its always such a buzz travelling and seeing and tasting new experiences.
sounded dreadful that accident mary - would think there would have been quite a bit of support crew happening quite a freak accident by the sounds of it.

auckland_ali - 2011-06-02 20:17:00

Morning Ladies, a bleak day here this morning, not cold though. Weekend at home, plan to do maitenance type jobs as well as visiting or meeting up with family & friends. Wishing everyone a lovely relaxing long weekend.

510 - 2011-06-03 10:26:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-03 11:19:00

nasty having your neck out Pam, can you get hubby to stretch out your neck I get hubby to to hold my head and pull a bit it just takes the pressure off the discs - not suggesting he pulls your head off completely but I have found that to work quite well with the trapped headaches that you can get.
what a winters day today has been have had the new heat pump on and am quite impressed how it belts out the heat, mind you of course we havent had the power bill yet!! ended up with an at home day today so all housework bar mopping floors are done, have a dinner party tomorrow and we are on desserts, have a ton of fruit bread in freezer thinking of queens pudding, its certainly cold enough - I might just make molten puddings, think they will go down well!! its about time I did a chocolate dessert they will be most surprised I havent done one for a while.

auckland_ali - 2011-06-03 17:04:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-03 20:50:00

Cooks, try adding WASHING soda or Epsom salts to your next bath. I don't know quantities but lots can't hurt.

marywea - 2011-06-04 04:47:00

ITS THE WEEKEND!!!!! Here I am.... and man what a week it has been!!!

Work has been full on emotionally with changes, luckily all my changes have been good ones... and I have changed roles again.... For a girl who doesn't like change... think the universe keeps sending me things to practise the "skill of accepting change on" lol ... Still the dust will settle and I have great employers who are really supportive and are moving the company forward,

The above has put the rest of life on hold this week a bit... just doing the minimum for the house to keep functioning... and that seems to have worked. Excep I need to do a big grocery shop and some baking as the cupboards are looking bare.... I can't wait to just "be" this weekend and potter... no big plans except... Miss 17's Ball tonight... we have a pre pre Ball here first with Miss 17's date and his parents... then we are off to the Pre Ball... then its the pick up.. and sleep in. Miss 17 is very excited and is off to get her hair done this afternoon and Miss18 is the make up artist..... Will take lots of photos.....

That really is me in a nutshell. have enjoyed catching up with everyones news.... Take care lovely people.

Edited by toadfish at 5:51 am, Sat 4 Jun

toadfish - 2011-06-04 05:51:00

Morning all, nice to have reached the long weekend!
My classes are pretty full on at the moment with alot of essays to write, analysing statistics on current & future trends in tourism. Wish I could just kick back but I have 2 assignments due Tuesday!
Got a nice surprise when I got home last night - thanks to Pam - a little package with the olive stuffer I won on her facebook page & a packet of English Brekky Tea ... it made my week! :)
Pam - I recommend what Ali says about the neck stretch thing. My physio used to do it & my ex was pretty good at it too ... standing up they need to hold your head firmly around the base of your skull - I would then just bend my knees a little & let them take my weight in their hands. Hope you can picture that & get what I mean as it really helps.
I wish there was a similar remedy for a hamstring strain - racing the dog in the park in my current state of unfitness was not the smartest idea!! lol - I always knew running was bad for you!
Toady - the universe is good like that. Enjoy your chance to just 'be' :)
Welcome home ellie ...
Hi 510, charlieb (hope you're making mr 12's bed at the mo!), mary, ali, ... everyone else ...

winnie231 - 2011-06-04 08:00:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-04 09:13:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-04 09:15:00

just remember gentle pressure - it just gives space between the discs and releases sometimes a headache can go just like that.
good luck for miss toady hope to see photos am sure she will look totally fabulous. how exciting is it a boyfriend or just a date?
hows mr charlieb wonders if its going to be a movie marathon in the charlie household so everyone can just chill and stay quiet,
good luck winnie on your assignments in a solid house hopefully you have a nice place to study, much more spacious than a caravan!!
off to do the ironing mountain, I know its bad when hubby makes noises that theres only one shirt left, dont know why I always leave it to the biggest pile, will let you know how many shirts when I have done.

auckland_ali - 2011-06-04 10:21:00

Its a date.... with potential lol.. and Miss 18's recent date looks more serious.... she is smitten... we are going greyer as he is 21 and works full time as a bricky..... she seem to by pass dating "boys" think thats because she has always been so mature....

So much easier potty training them and teaching them how to safely cross the road lol.

toadfish - 2011-06-04 10:42:00

I should have mentioned the gentle bit too ali ... Pam - you only bend your knees enough to release the pressure in your neck - not so you're 'hanging' lol!

winnie231 - 2011-06-04 10:42:00

Off to the market it is held only once a month so it is one of my monthly treats. I like going on my own as there is no Mr 510 trying to hurry me up. I can be as indecisive as I choose to be. I like window shopping at markets especially if they are not crowded. Ali thank goodness I don't have business shirts to do any more, I hate ironing & do the very least amt possible.

510 - 2011-06-04 10:46:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-04 11:35:00

Charlie, pleased to hear that Mr C has recovered, good on you for getting those jobs behind you so you can enjoy the weekend with the men in your life. Toady, thinking of you all with the excitement re Ms 17's ball. Looking forward to seeing the photos. Winnie all the best with your assignments, I have a few friends doing assignments over the long weekend. Hope you find time for a coffee with a friend as a break from the paper work. CE hope u soon get relief from the neck pain.. Waves to everyone else.

510 - 2011-06-04 17:36:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-04 18:47:00

fantastic Cookes!! once settled i want to come up to the shop!! who was it that said i should go to so bad with my memory...very pretty place,, went for a drive today out there....has anyone tried puhio (think thats the name) lemon deliscous advice is not to....omg its to die for thick creamy yogurt with lemon going to the gym again tommorrow!!!!!!!!............h-
ey EA hope ur all good xxx

motorbo - 2011-06-04 19:38:00

Good morning,
Glad you had a busy day Pam - word about your lovely shop must be spreading!
I'm enjoying having a big house but Honey is the 'chewiest' dog I've ever met lol! I went & spent nearly $30 on new toys yesterday & she's well on her way to killing 2 of them already! Thankfully I also bought a 'kong' and these things are the best toy ever invented. You can put things inside it (like a dog biscuit) & it has been so funny watching her chase it all over the place, trying to get her tongue inside or the biscuit out! Here's miss honey ...

winnie231 - 2011-06-05 09:41:00

very cute doggie winnie. ironing still waiting for me went out with hubby and time ran away with us. dessert last night success, I found a really cool chocolate sauce recipe googled with golden sryup coca powder sugar and real choc I drizzled this on plate then put molten puddings on then put a scoop of killarney choc fudge ice cream - used the 1 ltr between the 8 of us and then a blob of cream had my icing sugar in my tea bag strainer so sprinkled that on pudding and one chocolate overload - did buy cadbury cream eggs and was going to put them in a egg cup with the dessert but hubby said NO!! - I hadnt made a choclate dessert for a long time and that was my trademark choclate desserts so back to my roots!! lol
how was the ball? photos please

auckland_ali - 2011-06-05 11:15:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-05 11:31:00

Winnie the first photo reminded me of a Grandson-he looks up at you and your heart just melts but it doesn't last the day! Ali, what is a "molten" pudding? It sounds a delightful dessert and SO glad you didn't make the B&B one, no matter how it was dressed up. I am of the age group that has lots of pretty afternoon teacups and was hearing how someone used them to serve individual desserts in, I suppose a mousse type of thing-wouldn't that be fun. Was Mr Charlieb tired after returning to work? nice for him and other workers to have this break. Not an outdoor day in Wgtn. Toady all seems to be going well with you and yours, also looking forward to photos.

marywea - 2011-06-05 12:10:00

no but i will next time, dont buy puhoi lemon deliscous i swear you wont stop eating it if your a lemon curd lover!!!

cookessentials wrote:

It was me...did you go to the cafe along the waterfront? left hand side, has a craft shop/gallery next door. They do lovely breakfast there.
Puhoi do cheese and probably yoghurt too. We are into the Piako yoghurt which is delicious, especially the passionfruit which is my favourite.

motorbo - 2011-06-05 12:48:00

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vintagekitty - 2011-06-05 13:05:00

For someone to know they have been blacklisted they would have had to ask a question on someones auction, or try to buy something from them. In life I chose who I hang it with... I have very limited... read that as no control on the message boards... except to ignore.. which I try really hard to do. But I do have control over who makes it into my inbox.. and have to admit to blacklisting a couple of people from the recipe boards.

toadfish - 2011-06-05 15:14:00

so Uli and Buzzy really think they are nice old people then

vintagekitty wrote:

lol lol lol. Funniest thing I have seen written

Now WHY could that be................

motorbo - 2011-06-05 17:16:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-05 18:02:00
cookessentials wrote:

Me too and I have no problem with it. Why would I want to trade with someone like that who behaves in such a disgusting manner on the messageboard.

After reading this I had to try and ask a question and yes I am on the blacklist, me with 65 trades at 100% and the amount I spend on cooking equipment, that makes me laugh, your loss.

nala2 - 2011-06-05 18:43:00

Please peoples ... to quote myself from last year ... this thread is simply about sharing who we are & where we're at - and I'd love it to stay that way.
We will clash with people here as we do in real life ... that's ok - we're all different.
But those points of view get left by the door ... when we enter this thread ... so we can meet & greet on neutral & friendly ground.
With respect, Rae.

winnie231 - 2011-06-05 19:19:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-05 19:44:00

I'm having a good weekend thanks Pam though quiet as I have 2 assignments due Tuesday. Was supposed to have met greerg/Glen & family for a drink Friday night but tweaked my hamstring being silly with the dog in the park earlier in the day & just wasn't up to it.
The tea is lovely thankyou. You sent me NZ breakfast the first time which was very nice but I have to say the English Breakfast this time is more 'my cup of tea' lol!.
Home grown kumara - yum! Do you have the shop open or shut tomorrow?

winnie231 - 2011-06-05 20:05:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-05 20:10:00

Winnie123 wrote
But those points of view get left by the door ... when we enter this thread ... so we can meet & greet on neutral & friendly ground.

Fair enough winnie fair comment but then you have this---
"Why would I want to trade with someone like that who behaves in such a disgusting manner on the messageboard."
So going by that I am disgusting as I have been blacklisted.
I will no go any further with this but to the best of my knowledge I have not been blacklisted by anyone else so I find it a novelty.
It is obvious one must always agree with some.

nala2 - 2011-06-05 20:40:00
nala2 wrote:

Winnie123 wrote
But those points of view get left by the door ... when we enter this thread ... so we can meet & greet on neutral & friendly ground.

Fair enough winnie fair comment but then you have this---
"Why would I want to trade with someone like that who behaves in such a disgusting manner on the messageboard."
So going by that I am disgusting as I have been blacklisted.
I will no go any further with this but to the best of my knowledge I have not been blacklisted by anyone else so I find it a novelty.
It is obvious one must always agree with some.

Nala2 - I am friends with cookessentials but I haven't condoned her or anyone else on this subject.
I was reminding EVERYONE that this thread is neutral territory.
Please respect my request and let it go ...
With all that has happened since the earthquake I need my friendly safe haven here ... thanks & have a good weekend.

winnie231 - 2011-06-05 21:17:00

well my mt ironing pile was 19 hubby shirts - mix that in with another 5 loads and mopping of floors (why did I wish I had a large house lol!!!) busy day I also got on with my 2 banana boxes of stuff to list on trade me and wa la a whole day gone!!hope you feel better tomorrow winnie.

auckland_ali - 2011-06-05 22:02:00

19 shirts Ali??? There are only 7 days in a week & I would hope he has days off lol! No wonder the poor man was making noises .... mind you some men do their own ironing ;)

winnie231 - 2011-06-05 22:18:00

its like the dishwasher you make sure you have about 24 coffee mugs so that the dishwasher is full when you turn it on, same for shirts make sure the boy has loads - on saying that there are quite a few öld"ones that need to hit the deep 6 but when boys turn over 50 they have their favourites lol, have an inner ear which is itching and itching not sure what I can do for that, I got severely bitten by sea lice last week and the itch is just coming off now, mostly in my togs read that as upper front - not nice!! lovely dinner last night I am finding with feeding 6 most nights a small amount of meat doesnt cut it, I had some chicken but not enough so did oriental beef (thank you maggi) and butter veggies with vegeterian things on the side for veggo, and a teriaki chicken which was left over from the night before put out 500 gms of cashew nuts for people to sprinkle on so most of that went as well!! - I only have one more week before daughter leaves home again so going to miss her again have really enjoyed having her back.

auckland_ali - 2011-06-06 08:22:00

Just had another big shake - 5.5 .... very scary! Honey & I were quivering under the doorframe & one of us was crying :(
Hope everyone else is ok.

winnie231 - 2011-06-06 09:30:00

thats terrible, I was just thinking this morning that things seamed to be settling down a bit - a new normal with no more big shakes, hope everyone is o.k. cyber hugs to everyone

auckland_ali - 2011-06-06 09:37:00
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