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hugs for chch peoples, bet you are enjoying the spreading out and what a great idea to be housesitting. are you going back to the casino Rae? have scarf on and sitting quietly, ears really hot and itchy hate that!! we are off for a few days next week so the warmth should do me good. its my little mans 19th birthday today - as I said in the card my baby is in his 20th year!! gosh. hubby just rang to sheepishly tell me he had had a wee accident in our driveway, he toppled the letterbox - and then tried to blame daughter as he saw her car in the driveway and it should have been gone so he came back inside to wake her up lol!! his reasoning was that he was at a different angle when he reversed the second time you have to laugh, I told him that will be his first job on sat morning!!
having hair done today so looking forward to that am having foils so will look like a new woman even if I have the red nose!!

auckland_ali - 2011-05-27 10:07:00

Calista & Ali hope you r both feeling better soon. Happy birthday to Ali's Mr 19. Nice to have no rain & some sunshine here today. Rae, enjoy your time house minding I s'pose it will be hard going back to the caravan when the house minding job is finished. How's your course going? Looking forward to meeting up with another couple for ? movie or meal on Sunday, have found a laughter club out here that meet on ? 2nd & 4th Saturdays for an hour. interested in the philosphy & the breathing techniques that they use, I plan to text the # to find out more.
Wishing everyone the best day possible.

510 - 2011-05-27 10:35:00

Hi All,
Just passing though,very busy with work ect.
health is very good,taking aconite,olive leaf and echinacea and garlic,never felt better,no asthma,long may it continue.
Hope you are all well,very very wet,has been raining for 2 weeks now,sign,so no walks.
Have a wonderful day all.

earthangel4 - 2011-05-27 11:21:00

Hello Rae.. I saw that the casino has reopened - hope that means you have your job back if you're wanting to continue there.. enjoy your house-sitting..

Have a great weekend Everyone :-)

juliewn - 2011-05-28 00:03:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-28 08:01:00

Morning all, well life just gets more & more interesting around here. Not only do I have the 3 wk house-sitting job to do after this one in Sept ... I met a friend of a friend last night who is looking to move to Australia but doesn't want to pack up his home until he knows it's going to work out so I may have another job coming up!
As for the casino, I don't have a job as I took the redundancy & they legally have to employ those on unpaid leave first. At the moment there's not even enought jobs for those people as they are operating limited hours & with a skeletal staff so I don't expect a phone call any time soon. To be honest, I don't know that I could cope with being back there at the moment any way so it's all good.
Lots on my to do list today ... packing up the caravan & emptying the water containers, etc, groceries, washing, finding a birthday present for my lovely SIL and finishing a school assignment so I'd better get out of bed!
Have a great day ...

winnie231 - 2011-05-28 08:24:00

sounds good Rae, and theres always a reason for things so you are not meant for the casino in the near future - other things will unfold.
Glad to hear you are feeling much better ea, hope you are as well calista, I am at the know I have a nasty blocked sinus so ears are horrible and feel quite slimey/posionous inside if you know what I mean.
I have a red/coppery with light blonde with my browny/blonde original hair colour so a more winter look, have gone back to a fringe as the one length I felt was making me look a bit matronly - as I am a cuddly person anything that makes you look round is not a good thing I have decided, its nice to have your hair done and be pampered I got a half head of foils as the price difference between few foils was only $20 -
have family dinner tonight but is going to be thai so am off the hook for cooking which I am happy about, made a family meal last weekend so not my turn again.
hope your pink ribbon breakky goes well toadfish and that you make loads for the charity.

auckland_ali - 2011-05-28 12:41:00

That's great Winnie231. This may be a start of a new business venture - house and pet sitting - and certainly beats the caravan in winter. I can certainly understand being doubtful about working in the city centre right now. I do want to say goodbye to the buildings of my past but I expect going in to be upsetting and would hate to face it every day. I really admire the people who are moving back in as soon as they can. Still no sign of the bad weather here which is lovely. Just had lunch sitting semi-outside at Browsers cafe with the sun filtering through the plastic cover on the verandah. Our daughter has a bit of a letterbox demolition history Auckland_Ali and her brothers will still be stirring her about it when she's 70 I expect, so she'd definitely be the person anyone would try to blame round here too. Hope all the people wit the lurge are feeling better today.

greerg - 2011-05-28 16:00:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-28 16:59:00

I am doing Ok - had a great birthday on Friday which included getting a care package from Estee Lauder worth over $200. The whole school got one, and as I was volunteer there, I did too. I have 2 wee tubes of "high gloss ultrabrilliance" which might be a lipgloss or an eye makeup, a blushing nude lipstick and a refill of "two-way foundation" bright-up powder and anti-shine powder with a 22 on the container which are surplus to my requirements if anyone wants a free gift. At my advanced age I am beyond the reach of make -up, but the liquid soap, body scrub, perfume and wet ones are handy, while the razors I'll give to City Mission for the Nightshelter blokes.

Today I went to a Heart Foundation Seminar on coping with stress today which was terrific. I am resolved to eat more veges and try to plan out my exercise rather than just as it happens (or doesn't).

I read one of those "You Know you're from Christchurch when ... books which wasn't funny as it said "when you look at the expensive new road bike you bough and wished it was a cheap mountain bike" - I'm still waiting for an opportunity to ride the white bike I bought, rather than the slower, heavier mountain bike. I keep telling myself that at least it's good exercise.

calista - 2011-05-28 17:48:00

Happy belated birthday Calista,
just popped in for an update on the thread, at the moment I'm in the middle of reading a really good book called The bed I made, by Lucie Whitehead. When i was at the library the other day I heard a lady say loudly to 2 boys "hey Dude have you got a knife?" Turned around to see that one kid had one of those craft knives in his hand. I can certainly see why they need secruity guys in libraries now days. The boy was showing it to his mate but I shudder to think when & how he was going to use it.

510 - 2011-05-28 23:34:00

Happy belated birthday Calista....

Why oh why can't I sleep in. I was shattered after yesterdays Pink Ribbon Breakfast... My 2 helpers didn't turn up for various reasons... Miss 18 got up earlyish but by the time she looked "beautiful" it was 20 mins to the start but she did help during....and Miss 17 helped a wee bit before she left for work... lucky DH was a trooper and cooked all the bacon & Eggs on the BBQ to pefection. So it was full on till people arrived preparing....Cutlery, cups, glasses, plates, bowls for 16 is a mission on its own....and then full on while they were there keeping everyones coffees, Teas & juices full. But it was a huge success and we raised over $500. We had a delicious Bircher & Dry Meusli (made by my friend) with 2 different types of Yoghurt and fresh fruit Salad. Then lovely fresh White Baps with bacon and Eggs in them.... hand delivered, then 2 dozen Bran muffins made that morning so nice and fresh... 2 types Blueberry and Apple & Cinnamon. I knew the muffins were probably surplus to requirements but more got eaten than I thought would.... and the rest I glad wrapped up and froze for lunches while they were nice and fresh. (which was the plan).
Lots of laughter and people left feeling full and happy..... PHEW.... All over till next year... When I will probably do it all again.. as over $500 is great for NZ Breast Cancer.

Edited by toadfish at 6:30 am, Sun 29 May

toadfish - 2011-05-29 06:28:00

Well done! I'm ashamed to say awareness of Pink Ribbon Day entirely bypassed me, no TV and I mainly turn on the radiio for the weather forecast, xhich today is lovely for most of the country, although the frost is a bit nippy. I just looked out the window to see I had left my bike outside and there is frost on the seat - I'll have to thaw it before I go otherwise I might end up with frozen assets (-; I thenk someone should invent a heated bike seat.

calista - 2011-05-29 07:50:00

Goodmorning, what a chilly start in our munted city - but looks like it's going to be a cracker!
Calista - a friend of mine had an old hotty he used to put a bit of hot water in and leave on his bike seat in the morning while he got ready for work. We gave him heaps about it but he just smiled & said "his lads appreciated it!" lol!!
Happy belated birthday to you.
Charlieb - my girlfriend Jennie has an emergancy backpack in her car boot with food,shoes,knickers,torch,etc in it. I think it's pretty 'normal' in Chch these days.
Time to get up - I'm having a coffee somewhere with Jennie today ... it'll be somewhere outside seeing as the weather looks so good then I'm going over to macwood2's house to watch the rugby tonight :) Good to have such a nice neighbour!
Enjoy your day ....

winnie231 - 2011-05-29 08:31:00

Calista, I love the idea of a heated bike seat. A couple
of years ago a close friend had a bad acident on his motor bike thru not of his own. The accident left him with with a crocked finger which now has arthritis in the injured joints. He now has heated hand grips on his motor bike.
winnie, I laughed at your mates comments re the hottie & his friends.
Toady, if you get stuck again like that contact me. Good on you for putting putting on a such a successful breakfast for breast cancer. You must feel pretty chuffed with the amount you raised.

I t is bl###y bucketing down here now so much for getting out in the garden, good excuse for blobbing with my book. Wishing everyone the best possible day.

Edited by 510 at 11:10 am, Sun 29 May

510 - 2011-05-29 11:09:00

Here's some sobering reading about what Chch is facing ... thought it was worth sharing ...

winnie231 - 2011-05-29 21:48:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-30 07:46:00

Winnie, that article made me realise how huge & daunting the task of rebuilding Chch really is.
Busy day planned today, a nice mixture of work and pleasure.

510 - 2011-05-30 08:06:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-30 09:35:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-30 11:08:00
winnie231 wrote:

Here's some sobering reading about what Chch is facing ... thought it was worth sharing ...

Sorry, haven't been here much.

Now after reading your post noted this link is circulating in the cat world re Ch Ch, very worthy of a look..

Some really great pics but oh my gosh!!! Chin up to all in ChCh.


valentino - 2011-05-30 12:21:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-30 14:33:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-30 19:25:00

Charlie, I hope the Mr got some help from the doc - whatever he has sounds awful.

Winnie, I don't know how I have managed to be such an ostrich but that link shocked me so much I cried for ages. Please don't fel bad about it - it was a good link and stuff I needed to be aware of, but I had somehow avoided facing it.

It's like when the retailers in Cashel St said they will be in business during Show Week I was somehow imagining buildings, not the marquees they are going to be using. Somehow there is a part of me that is in denial about how long it willl take.

Edited by calista at 8:29 pm, Mon 30 May

calista - 2011-05-30 20:27:00

sounds like a fab day out Cookes, EA pleased to hear your feeling well - keep it up, im trying to get back to the healthy eating but its all alot harder when your not in your own home...........tell me ladies, no help me ladies ha ha,,,im staying with a lovely lady but she forgets all the time what she has said and asks me the same things over and over again, its starting to drive me nuts, please send me house finding wishes, i know selfish of me isnt it when others go through so much..i shouldnt complain but im so over living out of a suitcase...i so want to go to my own home at night...on a brighter scale.....

motorbo - 2011-05-30 21:06:00

i love wellington and went to the markets in the city yesterday and to my first food show!!!! yah yah...this city rocks!!............i think i wanna go every week to the market ha ha .............once settled i wanna explore more

motorbo - 2011-05-30 21:08:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-30 22:54:00

Poor Mr Charlie that's a real nasty bug to get. I hope he is soon on the mend
Motorbo, all the best for finding your ideal living space. One that fits your needs,

510 - 2011-05-31 03:00:00
motorbo wrote:

sounds like a fab day out Cookes, EA pleased to hear your feeling well - keep it up, im trying to get back to the healthy eating but its all alot harder when your not in your own home...........tell me ladies, no help me ladies ha ha,,,im staying with a lovely lady but she forgets all the time what she has said and asks me the same things over and over again, its starting to drive me nuts, please send me house finding wishes, i know selfish of me isnt it when others go through so much..i shouldnt complain but im so over living out of a suitcase...i so want to go to my own home at night...on a brighter scale.....

Hang in there honey,the right home will come to you at the right time,do not rush it,I know how you feel.
Also heard you have done over 12 months of no smoking,you rock.
Just knew you would love wellington.
How is your new job going?

earthangel4 - 2011-05-31 08:26:00

Hi to everyone else,life is so busy.
Charlie sure hope mr charlie feels better real soon,nothing like not feeling well.
My health is still good,long may it continue.
Work is still stressful,but things will change soon,every time I go look at another job,I get a no no,feel there are changes coming.
I am counting my time away with my kids and grandchildren,less then 3 weeks now,I sure need the break.
Sending you all angel hugs xxx

earthangel4 - 2011-05-31 08:31:00

poor Mr Charlieb, no wonder he was feeling so bad, that is a horrible bug. Glad you are enjoying Wgtn Motorbo-there are various markets-Martin Boseley's is worth a visit though I haven't been since it first opened. Moore Wilsons in Tory St has a huge range f foods, hope job is going well. Is it someone you have known that you are staying with? Another lovely day.

marywea - 2011-05-31 10:45:00

hope mr charlieb gets well soon, thank you all for the kind words, and yes im loving my job, some negative staff but funny i feel empowered to deal with really getting desperate for a home ...staying with this lady is hard work!!! and its not her i just need my stuff around me...yes EA over 1 yeaqr smoke free now and loving it...but damn i need to lose so looking forward to exploring more...but i tend to spend all my time atm searching for a home..hoping to see another tommorrow hoping its whats everyones plans for the long weekend? wish i had a man ha ha i would have a weekend away!!

motorbo - 2011-05-31 19:12:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-31 20:54:00

thanks cookes great idea for the weekend,,,, i could head out there and check it out


cookessentials wrote:

you must try La Bella Italia in Petone...they do fabulous coffee and food and heave a great selection of Italian goods. Also, take a trip to Eastbourne, its beautiful there.

motorbo - 2011-05-31 21:10:00

Good morning,
hope Mr. charlieb is on the improve!
Good to read your health is holding up EA.
motorbo - make youself a list of all the things you want for your new home ... loction, off street parking ... & go out looking with the thought - I am going to find the right place for me! Don't hope for it but believe it ... it really works :)
And read The Secret.
calista - don't feel bad - our reality is hard to face at times & there are parts I chose not to think about some times because it gets too overwhelming.
Waves to 510, marywea, cooks & everyone else ... better go get in the shower.
Keep smiling ...

winnie231 - 2011-06-01 07:01:00

Good Morning all,
I am feeling on top on,more in control with my weight,I have had a good loss this week,mine is portion control,and I am still not smoking,over 40 days now.
I heard yesterday the boss is leaving,and the other one is staying,I don,t think so.
The health is good still,can not wait to meet you all winnie,will be having cake and coffee that morning,lol lol.
Charlie,sure hope Mr charlie is feeling better.
Motorbo,the weight will come off,when you move house,and yes Winnie is right,make a list and it will come to you.
To everyone else thinking of you,hope to get out in my garden this weekend,get it all ready for the winter.
Angel hugs to you all.

earthangel4 - 2011-06-01 09:38:00
cookessentials wrote:

you must try La Bella Italia in Petone...they do fabulous coffee and food and heave a great selection of Italian goods. Also, take a trip to Eastbourne, its beautiful there.

yum yum lol

earthangel4 - 2011-06-01 09:39:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-01 09:55:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-01 09:59:00

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elliehen - 2011-06-01 11:23:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-01 11:41:00

I seriously luv you ladies, thank you for the great ideas and kind words…and EA fabulous news re diet and health and non smoking, I talked to a group yesterday re my giving up, it wasn’t a planned talk but at the end someone said gosh you should work for smokefree organization haha
elliehen - wow what a kewl visit, my son went when he was 17, paid for by a charity over there he did work for, he loved it – I know he will go back again one day, I do think we get a negative idea here with the tv shows cos before he went you wouldn’t have had me ever considering it as a place to visit.

motorbo - 2011-06-01 13:28:00

Tomorrow I'm picking up the 2 needlework designs I worked for a friend who was unable to rescue the large applique work out of her office when it was hit by the earthquake. Here is a link to the page which is at

Edited by calista at 6:08 pm, Wed 1 Jun

calista - 2011-06-01 18:07:00

ohhh yah got the call just now, gota home, its very small and no garden cos im upstairs in a flat...but its dry and sunny and will be my home!!! move in two weeks cant wait

motorbo - 2011-06-01 21:37:00
motorbo wrote:

ohhh yah got the call just now, gota home, its very small and no garden cos im upstairs in a flat...but its dry and sunny and will be my home!!! move in two weeks cant wait

Yay for you motorbo - that's fantastic news! Dry & sunny is great and you can always grow things in pots - even if it's just some herbs. My now munted flat was upstairs but I still ended up with a mini garden as there was a little strip along a fence that was unused & full of weeds. The landlord said go for it so I cleared it, added compost & wah-la :) Maybe you'll get the chance too ...

winnie231 - 2011-06-01 22:22:00

I too have been away - I spent 5 days in the Far North, and ate very very well. Tried tapas in The Stables in some Auckland alleyway, then a lovely evening meal at 35 Degrees in Paihia. In Monganui there was fresh fish to die for - blue nose was a favorite and I was aiming to try kina and smoked snapper heads but we ran out of time.

At one salubrious winery we got a cheese board with some very ho hum cheeses and stale crackers!! Bad form, what what.

Everything else was great though, and a lovely break from dear old Christchurch which I missed like heck (started getting homesick by day 4).

sumstyle - 2011-06-01 22:36:00

ellihen's food diary sounds good too - especially bear claws, been wanting to try one for ages.

sumstyle - 2011-06-01 22:37:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-01 23:53:00

How's the Mr charlieb2? Horrid to be that crook. I still have a few days off so I took the dog for a walk around Southshore yesterday - lots of progress being made on fixing some of the more popular roads, if only just patch jobs at least it's not the intensely bumping drive it has been.

Trying to consider weaning myself of real coffee - that money could be put towards good quality winter veges but I do not seem to be able to convince myself! My dog now expects the coffee dregs and leftover froth if I get a takeaway coffee after we have been for a morning walk, which gives me a real laugh to watch.

sumstyle - 2011-06-02 08:31:00
cookessentials wrote:

Well done're a star.

Thank you for your kind words,you made my day,angel hugs to you.

earthangel4 - 2011-06-02 08:31:00
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