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charlieb2 - 2011-05-16 22:53:00

Morning all,
I'm off to Kaikoura for the day with my class - woohoo!!!
have a great day yourselves ...

winnie231 - 2011-05-17 06:10:00

morning all...sorry i havent had time to read posts and hang out! but im on limited internet at present and using what limited time i have to house hunt!!! gosh its so very hard to find somewhere at the right price...i dont want to go flatting!! hope u r all good!!

motorbo - 2011-05-17 10:05:00

Oh! my post disappeared - hope you had a great day anyway Winnie,

calista - 2011-05-17 19:05:00

wee market indeed - try a solid one lol lol lol
cold day today am off to the antartic levin this week - thinking of my ""chilli socks"and wynyette pjs!! lol one forgets going from a modern fully insulated auckland home to an 1950's bungalo with no insullation and wooden floors brrr brr brrrrr dont know if this aucklander will cope lol.
I googled a couple of those other sites toady, got my hospice enterainment book today looks HUGE havent looked inside yet but will send out the list.....
calista winnie charlie and other chchs hugs to you just cause I XXXXX

auckland_ali - 2011-05-17 20:52:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-17 21:05:00

I have had a fantastic day!!!!!
The weather in Kaikoura was picture perfect & the ground stayed still :)
Excellent class trip all round - thoroughly enjoyed the Maori Tour & finally learnt how to weave a harekeke putiputi (flax flower) which I've always wanted to do. Old dogs can learn new tricks lol!

winnie231 - 2011-05-17 21:07:00

Sounds a fantastic day Rae.. how is your course going? Hope you're enjoying it..

juliewn - 2011-05-17 23:49:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-18 02:43:00

good luck motorbo you never know what is just around the corner, pleased I had a little looksey in threads today I have been after a magic bullet and have one on my watchlist which is going for a fortune and someone mentioned one day has them today hooray!! done and dusted pressie for daughter, sons was purchased in canada so just have the eldest son in august and its going to be a biggie as its his 21st. took some crabtree and evelyn handcream wrapped for mil in hospital whom birthday is on friday - thought that was a great gift hands get very dry in that enviornment!! kaikoura sounded good winnie those flax flowers are lovely bet you need firm hands to make one mind.
hope all is well with you calista

auckland_ali - 2011-05-18 17:19:00

I am on a mission to get my kitchen under control - Georgie -Porgy is *so* messy (-: Anyway last night I lost the cutting blade for the food processor and wandered around the house looking for it. Eventually I gave up and went to bed. This morning I found it in the hot water cupboard where i had put it to ensure it dried properly and I found the big casserole dish in the garage the other day. Sometimes I wonder about my memory.

Charlie, there's a special spot in heaven for punsters.

calista - 2011-05-18 17:44:00

calista - welcome to earthquake brain-itis!!!
It affects anyone any age from Chch - you are not ...
forgot what I was saying lol!
Going to Kaikoura for the day was a lovely escape :) Although when it came to the harakeke puti puti - anyone watching left-handed me following the instructions from a right-hander ... with my bung left hand would have been very confused!!!

winnie231 - 2011-05-18 20:04:00

Morning lovely people.

I have been making flax flowers for years... when things are tight and its someones birthday we raid the local shopping mall that has masses of flax 2 sides and make a bunch of flax flowers.. they look great dried out and in a vase. I have some in my entry way that I made years ago.. wonder if our are the same type Winnie... if not we can trade skills.écor/Flowers
mine look like these.

Well personally I am sick of getting wet & cold. Monday morning saw me get soaked to the skin on my walk.. and cold, then yesterday morning the same thing happened on my bike... Then I just can't seem to warm through.. takes till about lunchtime for my bum to defrost... am seriously thinking of some thermal granny knickers lol. The good new is though both mornings I worked out for an hour.. so thats got to be good for me. The new girl at work is terrified that I will catch a cold and have time off and she will have to fly solo lol.

Yes the book does seem huge Ali... and again lots this way... will make my list when I get a mo.. and promise to send yours sooner... You have to be really careful with those sites.. they are so tempting, you have to make sure its something you would normally do. Waggamamma is on treat me to day... I could get 2 for $30 that would but us $60 food.. but we are unlikely to go there in the next 3 months in the normal run of things.. plus I have the entertainment vouchers.. plus we also have the treat chinese one to use.. so will be giving that one a miss.... Got a good deal on Yazoom yesterday... When they had a local Howick Cafe I sent the link to all my friends and 2 people must have joined and brought it.... so I have $20 yazoom dollars to spend... so sushi for Miss 18 yesterday instead of $4 was free,, and I also have $16 left...mmm wonder what todays is lol.

Well its Thursday already..... made a large pot of soup for dinner tonight (last night - always better after its sat isn't it)... think we will have that with Paninis....
And today I am meeting friends for lunch at Columbus... so looking forward to that. Other than that same ol same ol...

Plus I have some massive news (well it is to me) but won't share it on here in case I jinx it but feel free to text and I'll share... lol

Have a great day all, JB

Edited by toadfish at 7:01 am, Thu 19 May

toadfish - 2011-05-19 06:58:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-19 09:36:00

Hi Everyone.. cold here too.. last night was our first cold night - lit the fire for the first time and glad to have it.. looked outside about 3am - to see a white frost.. amazing as yesterday was quite warm, today has been short sleeves warm, have a feeling another frost tonight though.. it'll make my Jerusalem Artichokes taste good.

Good on all the well-known people from all the TV channels, and Maori TV, for running and being part of the Telethon for Canterbury this Sunday.. Anna Paquin, Rachel Hunter, Martin Henderson, et al.. sounds like Brooke Howard-Smith from Target has been the front-man to get it going.. good for him. I'd guess it'll raise a lot of money for the people of Canterbury..

Reminds me of telethons when my Kid's were young..
'Thank you very much for your kind donation, thank you very much, thank you very, very, very much.... lol..

Keep warm..

juliewn - 2011-05-19 20:58:00

morning all...thank you Auckland Ali!!! stunning day here in Napier...but fly home a few places to look at tommorrow, fingers xed.......hope you all have a fabulous weekend and keep warm as that cold snap is here :)...EA i havent seen or heard from you,,,hope all is ok hun

motorbo - 2011-05-20 08:05:00

Hi All,
Motorbo,have been thinking of you,how is your new job going?
I am stressed with work,it is not good.
I rang another hospital yesterday,they have nothing going atm,but fingers crossed something will come up.
I am going to book my travel on Monday for Christchurch,and dp is shouting me 3 days in a motel,will be just around the corner from my ds.
The weather here is just horrid,has been all week,just rain,rain,rain,am so hoping to get a walk in,sign.

earthangel4 - 2011-05-20 10:52:00

Hello.. hope you're all having a lovely weekend.. cold here.. good to have the fire warming the house.. take care and have a super-Sunday!

juliewn - 2011-05-21 22:32:00

hello everyone, well it was a bit crisp on the dessert road going down, but as my brother and I worked so hard we were in t-shirts all weekend!! our first job was to saw down a palm tree we worked it out after we had broken major sweat to take off the kernal stringy stuff - and roped up and timber ho!! - our list was long and we got through some impressive stuff - totally shattered now just home, left levin at 3.00 4 stops including dinner and was home at 11.00 phew!!
earthangel you are going to love that first wee cuddle of grandie bet you cant wait, for that as well as a break from work, I do hope you get something soon, as its not good for our insides to be so twisted - that old saying lifes too short for that shiiit is very true!!
toady epic post again, when you post you certainly work it you must use all your characters up, I agree with getting carried away with the vouchers nothing worse than paying for something and by the time you go to use it its expired, nothing worse than that!!
happy birthday to our dear charlie hope it was a lovely day yesterday!!

auckland_ali - 2011-05-21 23:29:00

Morning all, gorgeous day here in shakerville today .... perfect weather for a coffee & cake date with the TMC family.
Don't forget - Silverbacks Cafe, 144 Cashmere Road, Hoon Hay at 2pm. See you there :)

winnie231 - 2011-05-22 07:16:00

EA, I hope you soon find a nicer working enviroment. Been having a lovely of couple of days, nothing flash more what I call quality couple time. Yesterday I had a wonderful long conversation with son talked for ages, lovely to feel really connected to him, & hear about his feelings & insights. I really cherish those types of conversations, with living so far apart from each other, it is sometimes hard to have those types of conversations.
Ali, hope you have a relaxing time after all your hard work & long drive,you & your bro are very kind & supportive.
To all the ch ch people meeting for their meet up enjoy your time together. Look forward to hearing all about it. To everyone have the best day possible :-)

510 - 2011-05-22 09:51:00

Sorry Winnie -couldn't make it. Domestic disaster - fixed by builder friend . I really must bake the birthday cake for his March birthday.

calista - 2011-05-22 20:28:00

hi everyone and EA

job is good so far and im loving wellington, im going to get a camera and show u all some pics when i can...i do hope u find a new job soon EA, i will send some good angel vibes your way!!!! we all desrve to be happy in our work HUGS to u and hope the diet is helping, im sure ive gained with the move an all.....cant wait to be settled then do a trip over to see Cookes shop!!! hehehehehe

earthangel4 wrote:

Hi All,
Motorbo,have been thinking of you,how is your new job going?
I am stressed with work,it is not good.
I rang another hospital yesterday,they have nothing going atm,but fingers crossed something will come up.
I am going to book my travel on Monday for Christchurch,and dp is shouting me 3 days in a motel,will be just around the corner from my ds.
The weather here is just horrid,has been all week,just rain,rain,rain,am so hoping to get a walk in,sign.

motorbo - 2011-05-22 21:42:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-22 21:54:00
motorbo wrote:

hi everyone and EA

job is good so far and im loving wellington, im going to get a camera and show u all some pics when i can...i do hope u find a new job soon EA, i will send some good angel vibes your way!!!! we all desrve to be happy in our work HUGS to u and hope the diet is helping, im sure ive gained with the move an all.....cant wait to be settled then do a trip over to see Cookes shop!!! hehehehehe

Hi Motorbo,good to hear that you are loving Wellington and your job is good so far,feel you will be very happy,as for me,I am now happy,had a long talk with my boss,and she said I am doing really well,and wished there was more like me,as I do my job without complaining,and the people love me.
I have uplifted alot of stuff that was upseting me,I now feel at peace,and are happy.
Thank you for your lovely vibes and all.

earthangel4 - 2011-05-23 07:10:00
510 wrote:

EA, I hope you soon find a nicer working enviroment. Been having a lovely of couple of days, nothing flash more what I call quality couple time. Yesterday I had a wonderful long conversation with son talked for ages, lovely to feel really connected to him, & hear about his feelings & insights. I really cherish those types of conversations, with living so far apart from each other, it is sometimes hard to have those types of conversations.
Ali, hope you have a relaxing time after all your hard work & long drive,you & your bro are very kind & supportive.
To all the ch ch people meeting for their meet up enjoy your time together. Look forward to hearing all about it. To everyone have the best day possible :-)

Thank you 510,I am doing real good now,feel sad I have put on some weight,but I will get it off,I sure know when I am not gluten free,feel so bloated and stuffed up with hay fever.sign.
Angel hugs to you and all my friends in here.

earthangel4 - 2011-05-23 07:12:00

I have woken up this morning feeling dreadful, blocked ears, nose sore throat very coughy with lots of closing up feelings going on in the throat department, not feeling very well at all, I got really cold on my chest first night in levin think that what has done it, it was freezing in the nighttime. not lying down so up and dressed with a scarf around my neck hopefully will feel well enough to lie down later for a sleep - sod it.
hope the chch lunch went well, and things arent too shakey at the moment.

auckland_ali - 2011-05-23 08:04:00

Poor Ali, hope you improve as the day goes on. Was everyone pleased with your weekends efforts in Levin? I was at Waikanae for the weekend-always good. EA so pleased to read your happy posts and Motobo good that you are happy in your work, any rentals suitable for you? Charlieb your Mother would have had first hand experience of your quakes. Hope you all have a great week.

marywea - 2011-05-23 11:16:00

thanks mary had a 4 hour sleep and still not feeling that great, really chilled that first night, great jobs done a new roof on woodpile, guttering, tree down, warderobe clearout and pantry we worked like the clappers. the weather was quite nice too, I thought fairly mild for may as well, we were not that far from each other lol.
I have my new entertainment book to sort out for my next project!!

auckland_ali - 2011-05-23 15:54:00

Hi all,
it was a very small Chch get-together ... only greerg & myself!
Still, we had a nice catch up & coffee.
The next one will be 27th June when EA is over from the coast so hope that with plenty of notice we'll get a good turn out.
Big change in my situation - I moved to Bishopdale today where I will be house & dog sitting for the next 2.5mths. The owners don't leave till Thurs but they wanted me here & settled before they left which is fine. Ít's a lovely home & Honey the dog is ... well ... a real honey so all's well in my world.

Ali - a recipe from my Doc ... peel a lemon & blitz it till it's puree then mix that with active Manuka honey. Take by the spoonful throughout the day ... but if you can't handle the potency - dilute with a little warm water (not hot - you don't want to destroy the Vit C).
Get well soon.

winnie231 - 2011-05-23 20:32:00

Sending get well wishes to Ali... take it easy and look after yourself. I was given these super strength echanacia tablets from a health shop "Nutralife 6000plus" and take those at the first on set of symptoms... seems to keep it at bay. I have to go to the Doctors for my "WOF" so to speak so will get the flu jab again this year I think. Seems to stop the severity of any cold.

Lucky you Winnie, sounds like a nice place to hang out in winter, maybe you need to start advertising your hous sitting services for when you are available again... I have heard of people that spend there lifes going from one place to another. We have had them here... love leaving the animals looked after and the house secure and lived in, and they get the bonus of free rent, power and phone.

The 27th June is a Monday? Do you mean the 26th? Still aiming for a weekend away at some stage... Will get my A into G soon and book something and let you know. Sounds contradictoru but we want to stay somewhere central so realise those options are quite narrow.

Work is going soooo well, I have normal days now where the new girl no longer needs so much imput and this allows me to put my energies into other places..... But I no longer feel like I am rushing from one task to the next... quite chilled.

Off to have a coffee with Miss 18, I get up early on a Tuesday to hang with her before she leaves for the bus at 6.40am.....

toadfish - 2011-05-24 05:55:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-24 10:02:00

Damn nosebleeds. Wednesday last week, Sunday and this morning. will have to go and annoy the Gp again - seems like such a small thing, but it's messy and I never know if it will be half an hour or 3 hours. I wonder if they still cauterize ~ sounds painful and I am such a wuss.

calista - 2011-05-24 19:57:00

a bit too frequent arnt they calista, hope it gets sorted a little blood always seams to go a long way especially when its yours!! any way of getting an answer on that?
feeling much better sayed warm and had a big sleep on monday think I diverted the big nasty cold, woke up feeling really ill, so pleased about that.

took daughter out to local italian we have been going to - gosh they are good at the flattery, said your daughter is just beautiful and looking at the mother its no wonder - lol lol - boys got a very generious $15 each to go forgaging at the takeaways!! - truth be told I had a grab one voucher that was expiring soon for the italian place so it didnt cost much more than the boys!!
we have youngest sons birthday this week and also family visiting from overseas, we have been quite busy with family some not very well - time of year and time of life I am afraid.
anyway hope everyone had a lovely day today

auckland_ali - 2011-05-24 21:56:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-25 08:28:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-25 09:33:00

slimey buggers really but it does lift ones spirits, friend went to ginas italian restaurant in town the other week - their party trick is they take off their shirts to sing you happy birthday!! lol to that one.
those after school activities multiply without realization that whoa - mum is a very big taxi and running from one to the other, car pools come into their own at this stage and if you can do the drop off rarther than the pick up your car will be a lot cleaner!!
poor doggy having the op - I presume it was the chop in his manly parts aye? the claw thing sounded awful as well.
just had a heat pump installed think its going to do a marvellous job also had a heat transfer tube installed from our lounge that has the gas fireplace that heat goes no where so we are diverting it to the computer room which is just off the kitchen - as we are all a bit fixtated on the computer this room is well used and this with the heat pump which is in the hall blowing towards kitchen and compter room should make us all that little more cosy hopefully.
entertainment book sorted those that want to do a swap let me know - have loads howick mt eden way people!!
dont think I mentioned but well done on getting a house sitting job winnie, I am sure its a better solution than the caravan, I wonder how many people would prefer to have people living in their homes than being empty.

auckland_ali - 2011-05-25 13:45:00

hey cookes how do we find u on fb im keen :)

Calista hope u get that sorted hun....not good when things aint right huh

my diet is so bad atm cos of being kinda in transit and blow me down im getting zits, i deserve them...its tell tale to get back on the healthy eating

quote=cookessentials]Morning everyone...keep warm Ali, snuggle under the blankets or curl up by the fire. I always have aconite on hand,it is a homeopathic remedy for sudden illness and I take it as soon as I get any hint of a sore throat. I keep taking it till I get releif and 9 times out of ten, it will disappear.
Chilly morning here this morning, but beautiful all the same.
Had a lovely weekend with work on Saturday and then home for housework. Sunday was our day off and we headed out to Riversdale, picking up some lunch on the way. Sat out at the beach in the sun, reading the paper and having a sandwich, then a lovely long walk along the beach. The weather was a pearler and so warm in the sun. Up to Auckland on 16th for a long weekend and catch up with Adam for his 25th, then three weeks after that, off to Noosa for nine days. If we do decide to go to the Melbourne gift fair, it is about 2 weeks after we get back from Noosa, so it will be all go. Have been doing a bit of work on the Cookware Essentials facebook page...would love to see you all there! and I am trying to arrange some decorating classes as well as i have so many people wanting to learn the basics of turning out nicely decorated cupcakes or hand made cakes and chocolates.[/quote]

motorbo - 2011-05-25 22:18:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-25 22:52:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-25 23:02:00

Hello Charlie.. I just watched it too.. heartbreaking, and thank goodness for all those who helped, as those police officers, digger driver's, etc..etc..etc.. have done and many are still doing..

One thing that shines through everything I've seen, read or heard about, including reading in posts in threads here in Trademe, are that even with what has happened in Canterbury on and since September 4 last year, is that Cantabrian's are hugely strong and resilient - compassionate, caring, supportive, generous people, all getting through the unthinkable together.. and that all of you there are to be respected and admired.. I think of you all often, send thoughts of strength and courage.. and wish there was more I could do.. know you are thought of.. and hugs are being sent.. x Charlie.. x

juliewn - 2011-05-25 23:33:00

Ali and Calista.. I hope you're both much better.. no fun feeling unwell.. hugs..

juliewn - 2011-05-25 23:34:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-25 23:38:00

I do think you cantabians have a special bond... you did before the eathquake, I always said Christchurch was my favourite city... and one of the things I loved about it was.... that everyone that lived there loved it too.
People in small towns might get the same feel.... and possible the town I live in would... but greater Auckland.... Nah. We are quite lucky with our town (The Old original village with the old original "villagers" not the sprawled subdivisions that have been added to it) There is still a bond of "Howickians". If you have to live in Auckland then I think its as good as it gets.... still working towards the lifestyle block dream....

Well out of town today to do some training at head office... not me.. I am the trainer... wow how times they are a chnging... 18 months ago I started this job very insecure... now I really feel part of a good company... the management are excellant., very supportive.

All on track for my Pink Ribbon Breakfast on Saturday... 15 confirmed attendees and a couple of my friends are going to help... which is awesome.
I have to make the fruit salad... will start a thread I think.... what makes a really good fruit salad....

Have a great everyone... JB

toadfish - 2011-05-26 06:21:00

ahhh thanks but it didnt work i couldnt find her lol will try again tonight after work, its a big day for me today at wokr, wish me luck lol

charlieb2 wrote:

try searching on Facebook using the exact words you quoted above, should come up top of the list

motorbo - 2011-05-26 07:54:00

Cooks I saw your friend's shop being demolished yesterday. I was walking along Moorhouse Ave and glanced across the road. I know it's the people, not the buildings that are important, but so much of our lives are tied up in the buildings around us. I hope they have or will find new premises - the woman I was served by when I went in there a couple of times was always very helpful.

Julie, you;re right about the people caring for each other. I was wheeling my bike along Ferry Rd at dusk, walking the last km home as I was too tired to cope with the traffic, when a woman on a bike did a massive U turn to stop and ask if my bike and I were OK. I really appreciated that.

calista - 2011-05-26 08:38:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-26 09:13:00

Have had a lovely day despite having to drive in unplesant rainy conditions, met up with a friend for a healthy 'sammy' & water. Last night we got the bus into town, for work. My low blood sugar, pounding head & need for food caused my mood to change into Mrs Grump. I soon became a different woman who was much nicer to be around, after we shared a delicious burito at Mexicalli Fresh in New Market

510 - 2011-05-27 00:03:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-27 06:57:00

Morning all, TGIF!!! lol ;)
I've actually had a pretty good week - moved into my house-sitting job & certainly enjoying being in a proper house again. My bedroom is on the 1st floor though & I didn't enjoy the swaying sensation in the aftershocks the other day. Still - on the plus side - it's warm & big! You could park the caravan in my bedroom with room to spare lol!
And I've been offered another house-sitting job after this one ... it's for 3 weeks in Sept so I must be destined to stay in Chch. It's where I'd like to be ... but there's been times when I just wanted to run as far away from here as possible...
Ali & Calista - take care of yourselves. Everyone else have a great day, xx

winnie231 - 2011-05-27 07:36:00
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