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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


Charlie - thanks, I know it sounds silly but those wee ducks are one of my symbols of hope. I have been really worried about them because they are endangered and 20% of the NZ population are on Christchurch rivers.

Greerg because I have high blood pressure and am on blood thinners it was bleeding heavily through BOTh nostrils for 2 to 3 hours both times. Nothing since Thursday though - fingers crossed.

I lay in bed this morning really annoyed by being woken but was glad it wasn't too bad here - the clock didn't end up in the sink and the little wooden rainbow wasn't knocked over (my 2 person measures of a bad one).

I was out most of today - 20km bike ride, meeting a friend for lunch and looking at TVs. When I got home the remains of my last chimney had been cleared off my roof and the hole tiled over - Thank you Pothole People.

calista - 2011-05-10 19:54:00
charlieb2 wrote:

Hey julie! We are ok down here I think! lol.....

lovely to hear your babies are all enjoying themselves...

Hi Charlie.. :-).. thanks.. gosh.. more big quakes early - yesterday now - I can't begin to imagine how this must be for you all there.. know you're thought of and that I'm sending hugs.. x

juliewn - 2011-05-11 00:24:00
juliewn wrote:

Hello Everyone.. how are you all there in Canterbury??.. am thinking of you all there..

Something special happened yesterday.. my Son in Brisbane walking through a park, beside the river there with his Partner - they both stopped and he rang me and his Partner rang her parents in Masterton and spoke to her Mum - all for Mother's Day..

Then a short time later, I talked with my Daughter - as she and her Boyfriend were walking through Memorial Park along the river there in Hamilton.. and she rang to wish me a Happy Mother's Day..

Later I texted them both: 'It does your Mum's heart good to know you were both with your darlings today, walking beside the rivers and enjoying special time together.'

Yes.. it would have been lovely to see them all.. however.. it does my heart good to know they were all making time together special on a Sunday afternoon in the cities they both live..

I meant to include.. both my kids were home here for a week around Easter for Jenni's 21st party.. precious time together, and a long trip together to Auckland for a flight back to Brisbane, then to Hamilton, spend a night with Jenni there, then home.. :-)

juliewn - 2011-05-11 00:28:00
cookessentials wrote:

Julie, I see your Son's partner's parents are in Masterton!

Hi Pam.. :-) .. yes..Chris met Sarah in Melbourne - currently they commute at weekends to and from Brisbane. We have many relatives around Carterton, and a few near Masterton.. places that have become very special to me in these past years of getting to know them all.. my parents moved away from the Wairarapa to the Bay of Plenty when I was young, and we were brought up away from the extended family there.. I've been making those links for myself and my kids since first meeting some of the Family in early 1995.. it's been a real pleasure and privilege to meet and get to know them.. very special to have one cousin here for Jenni's 21st, to receive phone calls, emails and letters from Aunts and Cousins.. and to get to know all of these people from this Danish Family we are part of.. We're still meeting more of the Family each time we're there. My Aunty J, who passed on last June, was a big part of us meeting so many of the Family.. and even at her funeral service, we met 19 more members of the Family - including her two son's, for the first time.. Just amazing.. even with her passing, she was bringing us together with more people.. At Jenni's party, the NZ flag was flying here.. and so was the Danish flag - thanks to finding one on Trademe.. :-) Gosh, tears here just thinking about it.. these people mean the world to me..

juliewn - 2011-05-11 00:43:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-11 20:12:00

Did you have a good walk around Hagley Park Charlie?

No ride today, madly cross stiching, but I have a long one planned for tomorrow if the rain clears as forecast. I think I'm getting less, rather than more fit as I was riding so slowly the other day that I popped into a bike shop to check the tyre pressure, but the problem was with the rider, not the bike, )-;

calista - 2011-05-12 00:29:00

Morning everyone, very long day yesterday, up at 5am, left home at 6.45 am to drive to Whangareii for the funeral. We arrived an hour early which meant we had plenty of time to relax before hand. The funeral was a lovely send off for our friend. Got home about 7.30 pm, I hiit blanket bay quite early as I felt very tired.

510 - 2011-05-12 02:17:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-12 06:25:00

Morning everyone...

Glad you rested up 510 it's a draining day with all that travel.
Good news about the new business in the are Cooks.. thats one part of the formular for a successful business.. foot traffic... some are coming to your store and some just pop in as they are passing.. good sign.

Same ol same ol here,,,, going to take a day off soon, just to get my life in order... when I got my promotion they have given me a no count day off... plus a "night out" somewhere "nice" with hubby so am going to find out exactly what they had in mind and plan it........ and the good news it can be my choice...mmm what to chose.... any ideas... I have always wanted to try Euro's to see what the fuss is about.

Well thats me for now. Have a great day all... think BBQ steak and salad for tea... easy peasy.

toadfish - 2011-05-12 07:02:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-12 09:16:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-12 13:50:00

Pleased to hear that they have appointed the new CERA CEO
Hugs to Charlie, feeling tearful didn't sound silly at all, Sounded like a very nomal & healthy reaction we were given tears for a reason.
Cooke, Toady, & Charlie thanks for your supportive comments. Had a huge nana nap this arvo, nearly feel like a new person. LOL

510 - 2011-05-12 22:36:00

Flipping heck - nasty, sharp shake a couple of minutes ago. Been a bit shaky myself after hearing about a mag 5 quake in Spain only 1 Km deep - those poor people.

Charlie, I didn't start until after lunch, so it wasn't too bad - and I wizzed home, especially along Bealey Ave - even though the traffic was a bit scary. And I'm in total agreement re Roger Sutton.

calista - 2011-05-13 00:23:00

Morning all, hope we're going to see some more sun today.
510 - hope you're back up to full speed soon.
Calista - watch your speed ... I find it very disconcerting when driving - the new holes which keep appearing in the roads. Must be scarey on a bike!
It seems like with all the liquafaction that came up, in a lot of places there is only a thin layer of road left with big voids underneath ,.,.,. and with the ongoing weight of traffic - that thin layer is starting to give ...
The share an idea expo on the rebuilding of Chch is on at the CBS Arena this weekend ... if you're in Chch - make sure you go and have your say.
I feel another coffee is on the menu soon Chch peoples ... what do you think? Weekend after this? So the 21st or 22nd? And I thought the cafe at Oderings Garden Centre in Barrington might be nice .... input please ...
Mmm toady - look forward to hearing what Euro was like - nomnom!
Pam - I'm still hoping to have a wee holiday once my course is finished and you & the shop will def be on the agenda!
Julie - thanks for your thoughts of us ... as you can see, we have bright moments here in Chch but alot of ongoing challenges too ... and the aftershocks that just keep coming don't help! I guess we all have to just enjoy the bright spots ... and do our best to cope through the rest.
Charlieb - hope you're braced for the washing that's coming home today lol!!
Keep smiling all, xx

winnie231 - 2011-05-13 06:34:00

And if I didn't mention you in the above - sorry - hope you have a nice day :)

winnie231 - 2011-05-13 06:36:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-13 08:16:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-13 10:05:00

morning all,
It is pouring down here today,but no problem,got everything done yesterday,spent a couple of hours out in the garden,it is looking good.
I am feeling really good now,sure hope I stay that way,still have a cough,but it is nearly gone,going to up my vitamins for the winter,so my asthma stays away,I hope.
Also been having me time,did me a world of good,so it is going to stay that way.
not long now before I go meet my new grand daughter,and catch up with the rest,it will be a nice break away,am so looking forward to it.
Have a wonderful day all,off to do some more cleaning.

earthangel4 - 2011-05-13 10:56:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-13 11:35:00
cookessentials wrote:

That is brilliant news earthangel....just take it easy and get yourself right again. Nothing worse than feeling really poorly.

Thank you cooks,hope you are doing ok.

earthangel4 - 2011-05-13 13:43:00

I'm in for coffee Winnie. Maybe a few others will be able to make it this time as life calms down a bit and hopefully people's health improves.

greerg - 2011-05-13 19:22:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-13 19:26:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-13 21:47:00

waves hello to everyone, sorry I have not posted for awhile, had a two day course mon tues and then a quick trip down to tauranga dinner with friends who have just finished building their "dream"home, lovely to see - helped another friend on thurs whom is moving this weekend and today was purely for my besty whom is going away end of next week for 4 months!! I treated her and me to a massage and shopping lol!! thank you grab one!! - more moving and a shaking I hear in chch - will it ever end we wonder, cooks masterton has a great shopping street I like the towns that are that size you get to do "proper"shopping not in a generic mall - 510 the last time I was in whangarei was for my fathers funeral so I associate the place with that a bit as you would.. toady if you are thinking a nice restaurant in central city go the whole hog and get a last minute deal for a hotel, cheaper than a taxi home and you can both enjoy the ridiculously expensive wine!!!!

auckland_ali - 2011-05-14 00:40:00

Hello eveyone, sunny morning here now, heavy rain during the night though.
Ali,even though the funeral was sad, there was lots of happy reminescing during the service & after, & I took away lots of memories, met his friends that we didn't know & caught up with old friends. I came away feeling inspired by his life and the impact he'd left on people. I thought it was a funeral that was 'true & real to the person who died', if that makes sense. ali You have certainly packed in quite a bit this week.

Cookes, I live not far from Waiuku if you wanted to catch up for a coffee, you could get my details thru Toady. It would be good to put a face to your posts..

EA,,looking forward to hearing about your new GD after you have been to see her. Pleased to hear that you're feeling better.
Charlie, one of the t treats that I gave myself, was a visit to a small waterfall that I had only just found out about. I love the sound of water & just being out in the country.
Toady, that sounds like a neat thing to have in one's contract.

To all our Chch posters, it can't be easy living with all those shakes, I can only imagine what must go thru your minds when each after shock happens.
Hope everyone has the best day possible :-)

Edited by 510 at 8:55 am, Sat 14 May

510 - 2011-05-14 08:42:00

Busy week for you Ali.I was at the bach for a few nights, a couple of them on my own and enjoyed my time and looking at the results of planting and tidying up in the veg garden Son grew brocoli and some radish looking things to be used as sprouts-I thought it was time they were pulled out and hung upside down in newspaper bags. They had been very messy looking so the area looks neat though empty now. Roll on spring. Big thing school camp often being the first time children are away from a parent-glad it went well and congrats to the football player.

marywea - 2011-05-14 10:33:00
cookessentials wrote:

yes, alot better in regards to what we discussed. Will fill you in when you are better.

you email me when ever you want,feeling 100% now,on my new inhaler.

earthangel4 - 2011-05-14 10:46:00

Thank you all,yep I feel some what better,have to say Asthma is very frightning,but now I am on a new inhaler it should be under control,should of been on it ages ago,then I would not have lost so many days off work,or end up in hospital.
I am so looking forward to meeting my new grand daughter and all,so excited,lol lol.

earthangel4 - 2011-05-14 10:49:00

Just got some lovely news, my son's partner (they live in America) passed the Californian bar exams, which consisted of 2 x 3 hour exams over 3 days (18hours in total). She was so happy she was in tears, we all were. actually. If they fail one paper they have to sit all the 3 days of exams again. Jumpis for joy, clapping, high fives here!!!

510 - 2011-05-14 14:26:00

How lovely to hear good news, what a relief for all the family. Thank-you so much for sharing.

marywea - 2011-05-14 14:32:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-14 16:21:00

Good morning, another shakey night here ... sigh!

Good to read you're feeling better EA - make sure you take good care of yourself now & eat well to build yourself back up to full strength.
Thanks 510 for sharing your great news - that's quite an achievement!

Confirming coffee meet details for you Chch folk ... next Sunday (22nd May), 2pm at Silverbacks Cafe, 144 Cashmere Road, Hoonhay (it's at the Craycroft shops).
I'm looking forward to seeing greerg, macwood & 245sam again & hope more can join us this time!

winnie231 - 2011-05-15 07:41:00

YaY~ as from Monday the number 3 bus goes right through to Avonhead or the airport - no having to change buses and just in time for winter. Life is definitely looking up.
Didn't feel any shakes last night - had a brilliant sleep.

Edited by calista at 7:59 am, Sun 15 May

calista - 2011-05-15 07:57:00

Morning Morning lovely people... sorry to hear about the bumpy night.

Well last nights soiree for Miss soon to be 17 was a huge success, must admit to being a little concened about having 18 teenagers and alcohol in the house... but was impressed with what a nice resposible bunch of young adults they all are. We had a strict no extras rule and i fed them up large... Miss soon to be 17 had a fab time....
... a family dinner on her actual birthday on Tuesday will round off what seems to have been a 17th birthday that has gone on for weeks... lol.

Just made a double batch of "Maggieb's Mums" Pumpkins Soup and a 1.5 times batch of "Pumpkin, Kumera & Peanut sou"p... so have 2 huge stock pots on the stove to whizz when cool and put into containers. Over the years I have collected about 15 or more of the large size vegemite jars.. these are a perfect soup for 1 size so will have lots and lots of lunchs to take to work.. and at least 3 dinners... starting with one tonight... will have it with a foccaicia base pizza.. a nice casual Sunday dinner. DH is off on a car run today so its just the girls at home trying to decide what to do on this grey ol day that doesn't cost a fortune... mmmm will think on that one.

Have a great day all. JB

toadfish - 2011-05-15 09:40:00

Toadie and the tadpoles would be welcome here - I'm having an exciting afternoon sorting out the kitchen cupboards.

Does anyone else find they end up with too many of one item? For some reason I have an overabundance of glass casserole dishes, I inherited some of them, but still can't account for the collection. If anyone in ChCh lost theirs during the eathquakes, or would like them (free) I have a squarish clear glass one and a round one that has orange flowers on the bottom and a clear glass top. Just sing out and we can go from there.

calista - 2011-05-15 13:09:00

Are you joining us for coffee next week calista?

winnie231 - 2011-05-15 13:13:00

Hi everyone Feel pleased with what we accomplished this morning, DH cut down the Fejoa tree as it was too big & in the wrong place. I intend to plant another Fejoa tree in a different place. Wanted to do it b4 the nasty weather hits town. Got a local student to help with the stuff that I couldn't do. Many hands certainly made light work, now there is so much more light in the dinning room. One more tree to be cut down around the back then I can start planning the changes for the layout of the back yard. Anyone else planning to watch master chef final tonight, who do you think will win? I 've got my money on Jacks at this stage.

510 - 2011-05-15 13:45:00

Waves to winnie & Calista

510 - 2011-05-15 13:47:00

great result for sons partner with the exams, what a big deal it would have been awful to resit that lot, will watch but later we have the idiot proof sky box that we tape quite a few series so no adds to watch which means that you get to see a movie as well and still be in bed at the same time.
sounds like miss toadys party was a hit, its a hard one to serve alcohol or not to this age,
earthangel I am on seretide and it makes all the difference in the world, - are you on that as I think its considered the best one, its just come off being mega exensive - read that as it wasnt funded before.
at the moment I am finding if I dont puff before bed I am sounding like a mosiquto on seroids, its horrible so must be very much that time of year for ashma sufferers.
our weekend guests have just left, as they stayed in dd bed it looked like a show room again, I did a major clean/tidy yesterday before they arrived as just didnt have a minute before that so feeling very clean and tidy at the moment, bro and I are roadtriping later this week to levin so fingers xed that we are able to do so.
hope everyone is having a nice sunday afternoon

auckland_ali - 2011-05-15 15:02:00

We are a bit old school on the alcohol and would never buy it for them... in fact I have never brought Miss 18's alcohol... she wants it.. she pays for it.. but it was a big step for us to let them BYO.. some were over 18.. others not... its a hard one I tell you.. and anyone with younger children... you may have your opinion now.. but wait to you are in the middle of it all.. opinions change.

We had a fab day out today... knew we needed to get out... and I knew I wanted to keep costs down... we headed to Mission bay and I found a cafe in Kohimarama "Fix cafe" that had buy 1 main meal get 1 main meal complimentary in the entertainment book.. we plugged in the address into the GPS and had an adventure finding it... Miss 16 had a Prawn Linguine, Miss 18 a Cajun Chicken Salad and I had the most devine 3 level date scone - it sort of went scone-date-scone-date-scone. and a huge flat white... the whole lot came to $25... not bad I thought and cheaper than a visit to Mc Donalds bleurgh.... Then we headed back to mission bay watched the kite surfers and wandered around the craft market.. lots of laughs and nice just to hang out. We came home and watched the "Dear John" DVD... a good chick flick for a Sunday afternoon. such a lovely lovely day....

Hope everyone else had a great weekend

Edited by toadfish at 6:49 pm, Sun 15 May

toadfish - 2011-05-15 18:48:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-15 18:56:00

Hi Everyone.. have a lovely week.. take care..

juliewn - 2011-05-15 23:23:00
auckland_ali wrote:

great result for sons partner with the exams, what a big deal it would have been awful to resit that lot, will watch but later we have the idiot proof sky box that we tape quite a few series so no adds to watch which means that you get to see a movie as well and still be in bed at the same time.
sounds like miss toadys party was a hit, its a hard one to serve alcohol or not to this age,
earthangel I am on seretide and it makes all the difference in the world, - are you on that as I think its considered the best one, its just come off being mega exensive - read that as it wasnt funded before.
at the moment I am finding if I dont puff before bed I am sounding like a mosiquto on seroids, its horrible so must be very much that time of year for ashma sufferers.
our weekend guests have just left, as they stayed in dd bed it looked like a show room again, I did a major clean/tidy yesterday before they arrived as just didnt have a minute before that so feeling very clean and tidy at the moment, bro and I are roadtriping later this week to levin so fingers xed that we are able to do so.
hope everyone is having a nice sunday afternoon

Hi there,was on Seretide,but did nothing for me,so they changed me to Flexatide,a steroid one,and has made a huge difference to my asthma,i now sleep all night without coughing and wheezing.
Seretide also gave me mouth ulcers and thrush,was glad to get off it.

earthangel4 - 2011-05-16 00:04:00

Charlieb and other Christchurhians, I thought of you all yesterday morning when the electricity went off during a weather bomb. I felt it would be shortlived(as it was) but we sure are very dependent on it, especially on a Sunday morning before the kettle has boiled. Ali, hope you and bro have a fun time in Levin and achieve all you want to do. Pleased you and EA now have medication that helps. Toadie, what a bargain your lunch was-sounds like you had a nice day. Sunny here in Wgtn but I fear cold horrible weather is coming up-has it hit ChCh yet?

marywea - 2011-05-16 10:07:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-16 10:23:00

No rain yet and the sun came back - YaY.

Winnie I should make it unless my friend/handyman/ chauffeur decides *that's* the time to get rid of my old bed, bring my new one out of storage and put it together and take my broken TV to be re cycled,

Will have more idea later in the week.

calista - 2011-05-16 15:03:00

lol charlie all I could think of was "shit a brick"and wonder if there was a market for brightly patterned calico bags with half a doz bricks in it - could sell like hot cakes!! - sorry couldnt help that one
great sounding lunch toady, must get my new hospic book and we will need to do our annual swap, am finding with grabone theres some good dinner deals on that as well but there is so much more in the entertainment book, friend got hubby a lesson at the fish markets for his birthday this last weekend and with a 25% off voucher was well worth while, wonders if I will do the filleting fish class for hubby or he just might we too far gone to improve (sorry hubby)
suns shining but that wind has been very vicious and cold today.

auckland_ali - 2011-05-16 16:33:00

I just love grab one, spreets, yazoom, treat me....

We have had a couple of great nights out so cheaply, 1 at Troy in Ponsonby for Miss 17's birthday and 1 at Wildfire for DH's. I brought 4 x full breakfasts and 4 coffees from a local cafe for a Sunday treat for us.. when we get around to it for $39 all up, its for my Mothers Day brekkie but we wanted to go on a day that suited all of us better and wasn't crowded. I have had my haircut and foils for $69 ($275 worth of treatment) And my latest purchase is 4 for dinner at Hees Garden (Chinese) ,an entree, main and desert each .... for $80 for all 4 of us (plus drinks) which we will use some time before its expiry in August and probably the first thing I have brought "just because".. thats just because we know we will have a lovely evening out the 4 of us - Normally my rule is that it is something I would normally have paid for eg birthdays, anniversarys etc..... We love eating out as a family and with the help of those 1 day deals and the entertainment book its not prohibitive.... I have brought several deals for Miss 18 for lunch at uni or when she is working at Sylvia Park.... Habitual Fix $5/Oportos $1/ coffees from Downtown where her bus comes in 5 for $5.....As a family we got 2 each of the $1 Burger fuels.....yes I am addicted, It allows treats to sneak in on the budget....

I got wet on my walk this morning it was Fat cold rain and I got soaked to the skin... don't know if its my age but it took me to well after lunch to feel warm... I have had a thick Katmandu fleece jacket on all day....

About to go to bed and snuggle down and warm up some more lol...

Take care everyone

Edited by toadfish at 9:00 pm, Mon 16 May

toadfish - 2011-05-16 20:58:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-16 21:19:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-16 21:22:00
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