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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


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charlieb2 - 2011-05-06 13:52:00

Hi All,have not been in for a bit,have been not so well,i ended up going to the doctor last wed,thought I had another chest infection,but no bad Asthma,so am now on new inhalers,have had a big weight loss due to mouth ulcers and thrush,doctor said it is time to start looking after me,and stop worry about others,so have put a lot of stuff on hold,including my readings ect.
I am still not smoking,too sick to think about it,I think I am going into my third week,can not remember.
Last night was the best sleep I have had in a while,due to not coughing.
Will be back soon,just wanted to update you all.

earthangel4 - 2011-05-06 14:07:00

Hello, I am new to this, although i have been reading the recipes for a few weeks now. Trying Hangi in the slow cooker tonight - smells great,can't wait to try it. This is a fab site and the recipes many and vast - it's going to take a while to go through them. Thanks for all the suggestions, they make budget meals that much tastier!

djpablonz - 2011-05-06 18:21:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-06 18:24:00

Welcome DjPablo. Are you are actual DJ? :) I am off to make some relish for hubby and I found I only have 3 peppers..oh well I can just make half the mix. :) I made a traffic light relish the other day.

It is that red pepper relish recipe I have posted but I used 2 red, 2 green and 2 yellow.

jcprotea - 2011-05-06 18:32:00

Hi jcprotea. My partner is the dj - we use the same account.

djpablonz - 2011-05-06 18:43:00

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cinny19 - 2011-05-06 20:23:00

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cinny19 - 2011-05-06 20:27:00

Good on you Cinny19 - giving up was the best thing I ever did. There are patches called habitrol - i used them for three weeks - free from the pharmacy on a trial (just ask around). The bonus is that they call you up and follow your progress/help with cravings/withdrawls etc - awesome support! I have been smoke free for a year now.
The hangi was great here is the recipe - I altered the following ( i used Hangi Pork from Pak'n'save - instead of the meat listed, Orange Kumara and Carrots instead of pumpkin and I left out the stuffing as I ran out of room, I used tinfoil instead)

This is copied from original thread Evening everyone.... hangi was fantastic!I blended two recipes I got off the
trade me cooks website. I prepare all the veges (spuds, kumera, pumpkin,
carrots) and put a ring of spuds on the bottom but leave a hole in the
middle. Then sit a whole chicken (or whatever type of meat you fancy) on
top of the spuds so it’s not sitting directly on the bottom. I then put all
the rest of the veges packed around the chicken. Then I put some watercress (or silverbeeet)
(to taste, depending on how much you like it) on top of that, then big
cabbage leaves over the whole lot. Lastly I cover everything with stuffing
to create kind of a crust on top. I usually put it on first thing in the morning on high (lid on) and turn it down to low about 1-2pm.
Perfect by teatime

djpablonz - 2011-05-06 21:33:00

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cinny19 - 2011-05-06 21:46:00

Another bleeding nose on Thursday and a trip to the 24hr medical centre -3 hrs this time.. I am so fed up - it doesn't hurt (unless the put the balloon thingy up my nose) - which they didn't this time, but it's messy and takes up time when their are sicker people needing help.

I put it down to my blood pressure still being a bit high and a very hot shower - which was a dumb thing for me to do, So - no more hot showers and no more ginger- think I'll go down the garden and eat worms - except they probably would cause another bleeding nose. ;-(

On a brighter note I see more people in ChCh can flush their toilets again and Orion are doing wonders with the fragile power supply. And my favourite needlework shop (Broomfields) is open again!!! They managed to get their sutff out of their shop in the CBD - so life isn't too bad.

calista - 2011-05-06 22:17:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-06 23:51:00

Morning Ladies... I have been up for ages...
Thought my bike ride may have been cancelled and I would have had a leisurely morning.. but i can see stars ourside and there has been no texts... so looks like cycling it is....

We are off out to Troy tonight... a combo dinner treat for Miss soon to be 17 and Mothers Day. We need to go to Waikato tommorrow to visit a sick freind, so this gives me a way to catch up with my Mum (& Dad) this weekend. We brought a groupy deal so its a very reasonable night out... and I will buy a birthday cake from Eves Pantry today so that will cover dessert.

Have a great day all... Take Care JB

toadfish - 2011-05-07 06:25:00

morning all, Calista that comment reminded me of my childhood, when i wouldnt eat dinner my mum would get so made she would threaten to put me in the garden...apparently i did eat dirt HA HA

oh EA hunny you do need to put U first and get well, please do be selfish for a long time and look after ur health its so so important.......hope you all have a wonderful mothers day tommorrow...ive been invited out for lunch which will be nice as i cant be with family and my own dear mum passed away years people born in May are not always lucky as she died well before her time.

motorbo - 2011-05-07 10:31:00

Thanks Elliehen for the updates from New York.

bedazzledjewels - 2011-05-07 10:35:00
bedazzledjewels wrote:

Thanks Elliehen for the updates from New York.

Think I have missed something... went back 3 pages....

toadfish - 2011-05-07 10:46:00

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cinny19 - 2011-05-07 11:09:00

Had such a nice evening that it is worth sharing with you. I was invited to watch the Hurricanes against the Blues (Wgtn V Auck) from a corporate box. I had been to a social function ages ago but never a match and I thought it might feel too remote as you are very high but it it was great viewing. There were 2 Stadium staff(1 a trainee) who waited on you. Pizzas and raw oysters for tea, sweet and savoury food served after half time and all you wanted to drink being brought to you as you watched the game. 30 there and nice to meet new people. No rushing you out after the was all very civilised and fun to do something different.Bridge at a friends house this afternoon so a good weekend. Hope the unwell are feeling better though the weather will be no brightner for anyone. Enjoy your dinner out Toady. I was saying No No to food last night then the continuous smell of Pizza got to me and once I start all thoughts of diet vanish. Sympathies to ChCh people, that one this past week seems to have been quite frightening.

marywea - 2011-05-07 11:51:00
toadfish wrote:

Think I have missed something... went back 3 pages....

Lol Toady - she's posted in another thread about her New York experiences but she needs to be careful that TM don't ban her for posting while out of NZ.
Here's a link so you can catch up - #88

Edited by bedazzledjewels at 11:53 am, Sat 7 May

bedazzledjewels - 2011-05-07 11:53:00

Sad today, we have just lost a long time friend, got a call from friend in hosp & we both said good bye to friend, a. very moving emotional experience. We were both awake during the night when friend passed way. Friend had been sick for a number of years, so was a release from the struggle that went with the health condition.

Edited by 510 at 11:57 am, Sat 7 May

510 - 2011-05-07 11:55:00

yes Earthangel you need to put yourself first. I know I am a hypocrite of this but I am trying to look after myself more. Joined the gym finally so I can do some toning etc and make me feel good. I am a body dysmorphic so it is just what I need. I also applied for radio school as well and have an interview on Monday. I wanted to go through AUT but they seem to be mucking me around so I am applying to all avenues for post graduate study.

jcprotea - 2011-05-07 12:00:00

Happy mothers day everyone. Enjoy breakfast in bed / special treats / time with loved ones / phone calls & memories etc.

510 - 2011-05-08 08:07:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-08 08:53:00

Happy Mothers day to you all. No breakfast in bed for me. I am up early first things washing, baking etc as per normal. NO rest for me. too much to to do to be idle and rest unfortunately. So have a good day all and I will check back in later when I am doing some study.

jcprotea - 2011-05-08 08:58:00

Happy Mothers day to all you Mums :) xxxxx

i wont be with my boy today but im going out for a mothers day lunch with other mothers!!! and 3 days and i move! so i may not be on much for a while.........spoil yourselves today ....pamper ....have fun...remember your loved and special ((HUGS))

motorbo - 2011-05-08 10:58:00

Happy Mother's Day all.
Mine is not the greatest. I'm by myself (well, there's Winston but he doesn't really count) so no spoiling for me ... and I've had no card, no text, no phone call, no nothing.
Mum's in Wgtn with my brother so I can't even do the good daughter thing.
Bit sucky really.

winnie231 - 2011-05-08 12:28:00

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cinny19 - 2011-05-08 12:52:00

mothers day hugs for everyone even if your not a mum!!- been spoilt had pancakes made and dinner with grandma whom is coming up daughter is going to make a quice - grandmas teeth arnt what they were and will appreciate the softness and hopefully it will be fairly straight forward for daughter to make, youngest son made me a beautiful handcrafted card, saw someone had been in my room but most impressed, punches, kindy glitter, handmade flowers, cut netting best writing.

auckland_ali - 2011-05-08 13:07:00

I am going to bid thee all farewell. I am going to be selling what ever I have left of clothing then I will be gone from trade me. I just don't have the time anymore and I can feel myself shifting in a different direction with my life. I did get a handmade card from youngest daughter. if you have trade me you can contact me through winnie231 if you have her on facebook or through earthangel or jbsouthland.

jcprotea - 2011-05-08 17:21:00

Best wishes for your future Jc Protea.

calista - 2011-05-08 21:43:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-08 22:43:00

all the best!!!!

jcprotea wrote:

I am going to bid thee all farewell. I am going to be selling what ever I have left of clothing then I will be gone from trade me. I just don't have the time anymore and I can feel myself shifting in a different direction with my life. I did get a handmade card from youngest daughter. if you have trade me you can contact me through winnie231 if you have her on facebook or through earthangel or jbsouthland.

motorbo - 2011-05-09 08:52:00

good luck jc protea - you have a lot on your plate and you will know how to prioritize hope your weekend was good charlieb hope the boys gave you a lovely day

auckland_ali - 2011-05-09 19:00:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-09 19:17:00

Charlie, in your travels with the dof have you seen any scaups (the little black diving ducks)? They seem to have disappeared off the Heathcote here and I've only seen one on the Avon near the hospital. I'm missing them.

calista - 2011-05-09 19:41:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-09 21:42:00

Hello Everyone.. how are you all there in Canterbury??.. am thinking of you all there..

Something special happened yesterday.. my Son in Brisbane walking through a park, beside the river there with his Partner - they both stopped and he rang me and his Partner rang her parents in Masterton and spoke to her Mum - all for Mother's Day..

Then a short time later, I talked with my Daughter - as she and her Boyfriend were walking through Memorial Park along the river there in Hamilton.. and she rang to wish me a Happy Mother's Day..

Later I texted them both: 'It does your Mum's heart good to know you were both with your darlings today, walking beside the rivers and enjoying special time together.'

Yes.. it would have been lovely to see them all.. however.. it does my heart good to know they were all making time together special on a Sunday afternoon in the cities they both live..

Edited by juliewn at 10:17 pm, Mon 9 May

juliewn - 2011-05-09 22:14:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-09 23:21:00

Nice to have touched base with them both on Mothers Day Juliewn...

Mothers Day was... unsual.... in this house. I was thoughly spoilt with pressies.. and had breakfast cooked for me... then we drove to Hamilton (1.5 hours) to see a friend in Hospital (sadly Terminal) but enjoyed catching up with the family... then we picked up one of Miss 18's besties from Waikato Uni....and went to the Mall for a Mothers day Lunch, We chose the mall so they could have time to catch up while hubby and I chilled (and I managed to buy 3 x shirts for work for $60!!)... then home.... To my favourite easy tea of spag bol.... Was shattered by the end of it with all the driving... but it was a lovely day albeit tinged with sadness.

Edited by toadfish at 5:53 am, Tue 10 May

toadfish - 2011-05-10 05:51:00

Winnie231... You don't need to have a commercial day to celebrate being a Mother... You had a fabulous weekend just before Mothers Day... hang on to that one. We very rarely celebrate things on the actual day in this house... and treasure the special moments when they occur.. Althoug naughty Miss 14 for not at least texting lol.

Good Luck JCProtea....look after yourself and remember.. you don't have to do everything all at once... Prioritize... now might not be the best time to study with small children.... believe me there is plenty of time later, and those years before they start school you can never get back.

Waves to Charlieb in the wobbly city.... That soon will be a distant memory.. part of your life when you say to people... remember 2010/2011 & that B&*#y earthquake... Bet you can't wait for that time to come.... My advice (for what its worth)... Visualise what you would have been doing with your life had it not happened or what path you want your life to take... see how far that is from your reality and see if there are any steps you can take to move towards your goal... I know your house is uncertain... but luckily your DH still has a job , the boys are back at school....mmmm what now.... You know you have the love and support of a wide extended "Family" .

Well thats me for now.... up early to get an early start to the day....Washing just about finished.... and need to think about dinner.

Edited by toadfish at 6:09 am, Tue 10 May

toadfish - 2011-05-10 06:06:00

Just heard about your nasty aftershock in the night..... Grrrrr is a all I can say (to the earth that is)..... and of course stay strong and take care to all the people.

toadfish - 2011-05-10 06:40:00

Morning all - though not such a good one here. Not alot of sleep been had since 3am!
Thanks toady - you are right ofcourse ... I think Mums day felt like a bit of a let down after such a fab time at Easter.
Better go get in the shower and try and make myself look awake ... or atleast human lol! Hope my fellow shakees are all ok.

winnie231 - 2011-05-10 06:59:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-10 09:12:00

calista, the only place I have seen lots of those little 'choccy ducks' as I call them, is down at the Estuary. I haven't seen any here down by Princess Margaret Hospital since the EQ in Feb. Perhaps they've all gathered together in Ferrymead ?? :-)

2halls - 2011-05-10 09:45:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-10 11:16:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-10 11:18:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-10 11:40:00

gosh more shakes i do feel for you down in chch one wonders when will it ever stop!!
my last day cleaning the wee house for final inspection this afternoon...had a lovely dinner with a friend last night and again tonight with another...then in the car for the drive south tommorrow!!

motorbo - 2011-05-10 11:42:00

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cinny19 - 2011-05-10 14:27:00

Calista I have a bleeding nose trick that the local GP gave us when my kids were young as they all had noses that bled at the drop of a hat. They all had them cauterised in the end but his tip was to place the thumb firmly along the full length of the outside of the bleeding nostril, exert quite a bit of pressure and leave it there for twenty minutes. It doesn't only stop that nose bleed but should mean that that capillary doesn't bleed again at least for a reasonable length of time. I was sceptical but it really did seem to work. Sorry about Mother's day Winnie - kids do have a knack of making you feel a million dollars one minute and flat as a pancake the next don't they? We went away for the weekend as I felt like a bit of out-of-shake-zone time but it's been quite full on since we got back. At least they are over our way and not battering the poor old eastern suburbs so badly at the moment.

greerg - 2011-05-10 17:52:00
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