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We Don't Have to Buy It Cos We Can Make It Thread!


Hi Tracey.. this is a worrying time for you both.. and I do hope you've both got some answers today.. Oh Tracey.. I'm sending understanding hugs.. my Jenni had years of chest problems from age 6 to just before she turned 15 - she had many tests, xrays, etc.. over all those years.. we were told all sorts of things were wrong, insinuations were made that "something isn't right at home" etc..etc.. then after severe pain in her side caused an urgently ordered ultra sound, and the thankfully vigilant ultra sound doctor ordered an immediate chest xray - and it was found that Jenni's left lung was almost 50% collapsed.. and not only that, checking past xrays showed it had been that way for for all those years. The head paediatrician, Gp's, ED doctor's, weekend doctor's, etc..etc.. and all the radiographers over the years, had all missed seeing that her lung had collapsed - and no wonder she had been as unwell as she had been all those years.

juliewn - 2008-08-15 23:52:00

She was admitted to hospital - and that was the beginning of over 10 1/2 weeks in hospital here and at Waikato, and four lung surgeries, over the following months. She and I were at Waikato hospital for the surgeries - so a long way from home, and it was a worrying and stressful time.. I understand how it feels to have health worries for someone close, and for answers to be hard to find.. So.. a huge and understanding hug for you Sweetie.. I do hope today has brought some answers - and I'm thinking of you.. Hugs Sweetie.. x

juliewn - 2008-08-15 23:52:00

Well, I'm pleased to see 'that' tosser's ... post removed, what a retard! Julie, honey, you are the best, thanks, I jump on here each day to chat to you and you make me feel so much better xxx You poor thing with Jenni, what a nightmare, you think they would have picked that up earlier, how awful for your family, did they say why it happened? Fancy making comments about her home life, you must have felt like shit, thank goodness she is OK now, does she have any recurring problems from it or did all the op's fix it for good? God all those weeks in hospital puts things in prospective for me, here I am stressing about 11 days lol...

jenna68 - 2008-08-16 06:31:00

Had a bit of good news yesterday.. afternoon, Chris' MRI came back clear of Aorta damage which is what they were worried about so that's a relief, he also had an Endoscopy (camera down throat to tummy) and that was good as well. He has had so many procedures and scans lately, they have now narrowed the pain down to his Spleen area and as the Spleen is dead they have to decide whether to remove it or let it shrivel up and get absorbed by the body. Feeling a bit guilty about hogging your thread with all this, supposed to be posting homemade, yummy recipes here is a couple of home remedy's just to show I am doing my bit too... {{{hugs}}}, Tracey xx

jenna68 - 2008-08-16 06:41:00

EUCALYPTUS OIL... is excellent for removing substances like, glue, tar, chewing gum and other unknown sticky substances - place a few drops on the stained area, leave for 2 mins or until the oil has evaporated, then wash. It will also rem tar from shoes, apply the oil, leave, then sponge with hot soapy water :o)

jenna68 - 2008-08-16 06:44:00

EUCALYPTUS OIL... Writin ink, carbon and other marks can be removed by a cloth dipped in this oil, plastic surfaces should first be tested in an unseen area to ensure it won't be adversely affected :o)

jenna68 - 2008-08-16 06:45:00

EUCALYPTUS OIL... now, I do not have a Dog, but have heard from Friends that this works...... Add 40 -60 drops of the oil to soapy water for the dog wash and apparently it gets rid of fleas??? :o)

jenna68 - 2008-08-16 06:48:00

EUCALYPTUS OIL... as a Mosquito Repellent, dissolve 10 drops in 30ml of Almond oil or any other Vegetable oil and rub well into exposed skin, renew every 2 - 4 hours, I use this as am allergic to Mossie bites and it really does work!! :o)

jenna68 - 2008-08-16 06:50:00

EUCALYPTUS OIL... In the garden, is both safe and non-residual and can be used to control earwigs, slugs, snails and slaters. Blend together 1 tsp of the oil with 500ml soapy water in a spray bottle kept just for this use, and spray around seedlings and at the base of plants, Do not store make up spray and thoroughly wash sprayer after use :o)

jenna68 - 2008-08-16 06:53:00

EUCALYPTUS OIL... Bathroom and Kitchen tiles, to disenfect them, wipe over with the following 'Eucalyptus Disenfectant' - Dissolve 20 drops of Eucalyptus Oil in 100ml of Methylated Spirits and blend this mix into 1 litre of tepid water, store in a pump spray bottle, use on fine spray and wipe over the tiles :o)

jenna68 - 2008-08-16 06:56:00

There.... no more guilt lol, have a great weekend julie xxxx

jenna68 - 2008-08-16 06:57:00

Julie - I made almond butter after roasting the almonds lightly and it turned out brilliantly. Yummo!

bedazzledjewels - 2008-08-16 15:37:00

Hi Prue.. that's great!! I bet it tastes good too - you've inspired me.. thanks.. :-) I was told today that Bin Inn shops usually have peanut butter making machines.. I'd guess it's much nicer to make it at home.. Now I'm thinking.. walnut butter, macadamia butter, etc...etc.. could be rather tempting!

juliewn - 2008-08-16 22:33:00

Hi Tracey... I'm thinking of you all there.. .. that sure is good news that the tests have shown that there aren't problems in those areas.. thank goodness.. Jenni is much better thanks.. still has to be careful - no jumping, diving, etc.. Any time in hospital is hard time.. no matter how long it is.. it is completely worrying and stressful - though helpful too cos the opportunity is there for answers to be found.. Check out listing 171574313 for a picture of a teddy bear with flowers for you.. thanks for the great eucalyptus recipes and tips.. isn't it a wonderfully clever oil.. Hugs.. Julie

juliewn - 2008-08-16 22:49:00

gvreat euc oil tips Jenna also with the pen one, it is good for removing pen from a dolls face, make sure you use a cotton but and don not use on painted eyes such as a cabage patch doll, I have learnt the hard way lol...

alebix - 2008-08-17 00:20:00

Great alebix now I will be able to remove the "make up" from miss 2's baby

nicolas6 - 2008-08-17 08:02:00

julie... you have mail and I'll be back on tonight, xx

jenna68 - 2008-08-17 12:00:00

You are welcome alebix... and thanks for the doll tip, what a good idea, I know my Jenna has some interesting pen marks on some of her dolls put there by her big brother (like, moustaches, bushy eyebrows and moles lol) so am going to attack those sometime :o) And of course the obvious uses when one has a cold - Eucalyptus oil tipped on a hankie, so you can have a sniff now and then, oil on the pillow at night and my favourite - oil and water in the steamer thingy is great for breathing up to release some of that nasty chest congestion :o)

jenna68 - 2008-08-17 20:50:00

Coffee drinkers..... I have saved money on Coffee by getting one of those Thermos Travel mugs. I make my morning coffee in one and it lasts for hours! Usually I have a coffee first up, mid morning, with lunch and mid afternoon and now I only make one first up and at lunch time because it stays hot for so long! :o)

jenna68 - 2008-08-18 06:33:00

Grocery Shopping tip to save money.... LIST, LIST, LIST! Make a menu for the week for every meal of the day and get the ingredients for all those meals. This saves you going back for bits and pieces during the week and throwing other things in the trolley that you don't need. Also, never shop when you are hungry! :o)

jenna68 - 2008-08-18 06:36:00

Home made takeaways NO MONEY just make them Hotdogs and chips..6 savoleys roll them lightly in cornflour(makes batter stick) and then add to batter of 1 egg 4 onces of water(beat) add 1 cup of flour and 1 teaspoons of baking powder 1/2 teaspoon of salt mix together and cook in hot fat or oil...cook chips and there you have it.......Fish and chips......cook chips and then either use bought crumbed fished, fish fingers or fish that you batter yourself using batter above(beer batter is nicer).....Pizza...base 2 cups of flour 2 teaspoons of baking powder, 1/2 cup of oil, 1/2 cup of milk S&P mix together to form a dough and kneed and roll out to desired shape add spagetti or tomaato puree chesse, bacon,sliced salmi, sliced savaloy,ham, pineapple, onion, chesse, toato S&P cook 180 for 1 hour YUMMY

This will save you heaps of money

kob - 2008-08-18 06:38:00

we had got into a naughty habit because we are so busy and friday nights a so hectic, i mean we get home from work and there is so much data to process , dockets to sort, faxing to do that it was so simple to get takeaways, saturday night by the time i finished work and got home (5pm) everyone else had finished work hours earlier and instead of having a sammie or have toast they were starving so we would have takeaways again then SUNDAY RELIGIOSLY is golf so on their way home from golf the guys would pick up KFC so in one weekend we were spending almost $100 on takeaways this went on for about 2 months NAUGHTY I know so i applied my budgeting guru sence to them and said that we could up our family trust payments(set up to benifit the kids and eventually their kids) by that much....and ive gone

kob - 2008-08-18 06:45:00

cont back to on my days off making and freezing at least one meal so that on a friday night tea is done easy to reheat, and sat night i dont mind T/A sunday is easy tea night might be spag & egg or soup & toast but its better to spend $5 at the supermarket than $30 at the T/A shop its much better for you and I was always moaning about the way the fried rice was made or the kfc was fatty but still ate it

kob - 2008-08-18 06:47:00

Hi Tracey and Kob.. :-) those lists sure do work.. and the homemade 'takeaways' Kob.. amazing how the cost can build up so quickly.. our favourite homemade one is pizza's.. yeast dough rolled out into circles of a size to suit each person.. dishes of topping ingredients; everyone makes their own, into the oven and everyone has had a creative and delicious dinner.. yum! For a change, we put ingredients on half of each circle, dampen the edges, fold the other half over and press together well the edges of the half circle that's formed .. into the electric grill and cooked till golden and the bread is cooked through.. to make filled breads.. they're rather delicious.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-08-18 23:51:00

Saw this thread in the Hawkes Bay Today's Today. Pack and Save, save money tips etc.

Will have a good read of it later.


snowboard123 - 2008-08-19 17:38:00

Yehaa I just made my own condensed milk, I'm a star. Now for the baking. Thanks for this thread.

nicolas6 - 2008-08-20 11:49:00

i made... lemon and barley drink concentrate, it is yummy, the recipe said 4 cups of sugarbut i only put 1 3/4 in. glad i tasted as i went, next is homemade laundry detergent, fantastic stuff.also made a huge pot of the destitute gourmets minestrone soup from her talk at parents inc.

nadine10 - 2008-08-20 23:34:00

Hi.. that's great that you're all finding recipes to make.. feel free to add some too if you'd like to.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-08-21 00:46:00

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shanthade - 2008-08-21 12:26:00

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shanthade - 2008-08-22 13:24:00

Hi Shanthade... are you wanting the crisp ones.. or the dried banana's? I've dried banana's in thin slices in a dehydrator, after dipping the slices in lemon juice so they don't go brown. For the crisp ones, hopefully someone can help..

juliewn - 2008-08-23 23:10:00

Have just found this thread.. and agree it is awesome as many others have stated. Have to takes medium bites of it as we are only on dail-up :-( so will be making many trips back. Was wondeering if there would be any interest in how to make a modern 'Hay Box' or non-electric slow cooker/crockpot as I have info for this stored in my recipe book.

aveross - 2008-08-24 18:24:00

Back up you go... ....

baznmiss - 2008-08-24 18:24:00

Hi Aveross... I'm glad you're enjoying the thread ... How to make and use a haybox would be great to have included.. thanks.. I remember cutting out the instructions on how to do this a few years ago.. and it will be packed away in boxes for a couple of months more yet.. To make a quick save of the pages of the thread, have a page of the thread on your screen.. at the top left, click on the word 'File' - then 'Save as' - a box will pop up.. type the name of the thread - use the page number too if you want.. ie: "Home-made thread 1" or any other name you want to use, in the 'File name' part, and at the top of the box, click on the little down arrow at the right end of the 'Save in" box. A range of options will come up.. choose where you want to save the thread too - ie.. to your desktop, so you have it readily accessible.

juliewn - 2008-08-24 19:04:00

.... Now click on 'save' at the bottom right of the box, and your computer will take a few moments to save that page of the thread (or any internet page you want to save like this) so you have it readily accessible to read through as and when you want.. Hope this helps..

juliewn - 2008-08-24 19:05:00

Julie, what you just said about saving the thread, will it still be saved if the thread drops off? I never knew how to save a thread before so thanks for telling us!!

cautis - 2008-08-24 19:08:00

Thanks from me too Julie.... as I am still really on a learning curve and this info will be a great help.

aveross - 2008-08-24 19:56:00

Hi Cautis and Aveross... yes you will be able to keep it.. by clicking on the name you give it on your desktop or wherever you save it, you'll be able to access it.. Have a lovely week.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-08-24 21:19:00

Bumping for a trader looking for scroll recipes :o)

jenna68 - 2008-08-26 07:05:00

juliewn.... found the articles on making the 2 styles of haybox, original one and a more modern version using chillybin and paper, but feel it could be too big for thread. Could I possibly scan and e-mail it to you and get your advice on how to do it or maybe I need to scan and e-mail to anyone interested. Feel it is worth to pass on.

aveross - 2008-08-26 19:47:00

Hi Aveross... it's fine if adding the info takes up as many posts as are needed in the thread.. if you have the time to do that it would be great.. thanks.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-08-27 01:28:00

Thanks juliewn.... will get onto it then. See you are a night owl like me...still on computer at 1:28 am ;-))

aveross - 2008-08-27 15:17:00

Yes.. about to head for some sleep now.. Have a great Friday.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-08-29 01:13:00

Up it goes :o)

jenna68 - 2008-08-31 08:56:00

And again.. :o)

jenna68 - 2008-09-02 06:33:00

Hi Tracey.. :-) Have a lovely day everyone.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-09-04 02:48:00

Bumping to add more recipes.. when I find the time! Have a great weekend..

juliewn - 2008-09-06 14:44:00

julie How is your daughter now? I hope shes doing better.

alebix - 2008-09-06 15:08:00

This message was deleted.

fly04buy - 2008-09-09 07:43:00

my killer bbq sauce recipe this can turn any chicken thigh, pork spareribschop or pork steak into a divine taste of heaven.....1/4 cup of tomato sauce, 1 t salt, 1 T soy sauce, 1/4 cup brown(or white) sugar & 1 t ground ginger mix together and pour over meat, marinade if tougher cuts other wise just pour on before baking...absoultely divine just used it tonight so thought id tell the world about it im doing pork fingers with miine and they have marinated all day long YUmmy

kob - 2008-09-09 17:09:00
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