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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!

earthangel4 wrote:

It is ok,and I should know better,as I have seen this time and time again.
I am feeling better today,just a nasty cough,Asthma sign,just give me a couple of days and I will answer your email hun.

I haven't even written is yet, brain and my physical self is too busy to think right now.

jcprotea - 2011-04-30 11:50:00
510 wrote:

jc,many moons ago, my dad used to smoke cigarallos. Over 30 years I was a menthol smoker, I still have my frock which I had a lpeep at yesterday, Thirty four years ago I was a size ten,oh to be closer to that size again.

I have gone from a size 10 through to a size 18 with kids etc and now back to a size 8-10. I sold my dress as I needed the money at the time and made a small profit on it.

jcprotea - 2011-04-30 11:52:00
jcprotea wrote:

I haven't even written is yet, brain and my physical self is too busy to think right now.

yep I was just getting ahead of you,lol lol

earthangel4 - 2011-04-30 12:02:00

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cinny19 - 2011-04-30 12:23:00
cinny19 wrote:

hello all how is everone today?

saw in another thread,that you are not well,I know the feeling,get well soon,no fun being sick.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-30 12:41:00

thanks EA, remember how much u inspired me when i gave up smoking, i so know you can do it, interesting you saiud you started again due to stress....what have you got in place to deal with that this time? i suggest thinking about something so you can call on that rather than smoking again...for me i think the hypno is what helped but everytime stress hit me i said and will that smoke help? no it wont cos i will then stress that i had a smoke here for ya hunny me anytime you need a shoulder to get through

earthangel4 wrote:

congrat too nearly on year,you rock,and you will do the shift,everything will fall into place for you,you will be thinking,why did I not make this move years ago,and you will love Wellington,we did,we had our holidays there,loved the people and the shopping,lol lol

motorbo - 2011-04-30 15:00:00

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cinny19 - 2011-04-30 15:31:00

Hello all.. :-)
Thanks for your lovely comments about our 21st party and the poem I wrote..

A lovely time last night, delicious roast dinner and goodies with friends to watch the wedding.. saw in another thread the recipe for the Chocolate Biscuit Cake William chose as part of their wedding cake - made it and took it for supper.. rather moreish - and tiny pieces needed as it's very rich.

I just read our local newspaper from yesterday - one front cover story is about a couple who have yesterday celebrated their golden wedding - the lady said she had her wedding dress out recently - and it still fits.. good for her.. Their recipe for success for a long marriage - 'keeping active, staying positive and 'living for the day'...' a fabulous success..

My thoughts are with you all there in Canterbury - how are you all there?.. sending hugs.. x

juliewn - 2011-04-30 15:43:00

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cinny19 - 2011-04-30 16:41:00

Hi. Cinny.. thanks.. :-) my daughter just turned 21.. my poem I wrote for her is a couple of pages back in this thread if you'd like to read it..

For the recipe.. is it this:

juliewn - 2011-04-30 17:17:00

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cinny19 - 2011-04-30 17:21:00

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cinny19 - 2011-04-30 17:30:00

The member deleted this message.

charlieb2 - 2011-04-30 23:06:00

Hi all,woke up early coughing,i got though last night at work no trouble so I am getting better,except for a nasty headache and cough,but each day I am getting better,so its all good.
Motorbo thank you so much for your kindness,I am on meds for the cravings,but it is getting better,I have to handle stress in another way,have also dropped down to one coffee a day,the rest of the time I drink decafe,I rang greggs cooffee up on the 0800 number to enquire how much caffeine is in the decafe,there is only 0.6 in 75gms,so not much at all.
It is very windy here today,so staying inside until work time,if I can get though these last 3 days,will be on the mend next week.
Hope everyone else is having a good day so far,off to cook bacon and eggs for our sunday breakfast,happy sunday everyone.

earthangel4 - 2011-05-01 08:35:00

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cinny19 - 2011-05-01 10:24:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-01 10:34:00

Greetings all. Cooks I was sad to read about your poor chooks-have you bought more? Charlieb and Ali, thanks for messages. I have been to the batch a bit, son is getting the section how he wants it, amazing what you can do with a chain and a tow bar. The kids(and parents) and cat love it there and they are lucky to have neighbours with young hildren who live there permanently. I am playing more Bridge as the weather worsens. Charlie, very pleased your time away went well, Ali your DD is starting her 5th winter in a row I think-pleased she has an Auckland job. Toady, you are amazing once you start to diet, Maggie is the other one who has it rolloing off once she sets to it-will she give you a challenge? Mine is slow and fairly steady with over 13KGs gone (again!!) That is 4 months worth and I feel there should be a quicker return but it is OK. Have gone from loose 1st belt notch to the 4th which makes for happiness. Hope all those struggling with health issues are coming out on top. Lovely weekend in Wgtn for the Vit D intake.

marywea - 2011-05-01 11:24:00

Should be "bach" NOT batch!!

marywea - 2011-05-01 11:25:00

I have no Mt Washmore. I have been keeping on top of things. i can guarantee after holidays it will come back. I think my next lot of holidays will be less stressful as I won't be studying.

Edited by jcprotea at 11:34 am, Sun 1 May

jcprotea - 2011-05-01 11:33:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-01 12:54:00

I hate having washing sitting around. I like to try and be semi organised. Not I think it is going to get harder this part of the term as a lot more work is involved and I am thinking I am going to need to see a doctor about how I am feeling etc.

Hope things are a bit less stressful for you this term jc.[/quote]

jcprotea - 2011-05-01 17:24:00

Charlie, good to c u back safe & sound, I am sure there'll be lots of mums tackling their 'mt washmores" after the end of school holidays. I had some lovely me time to day, exploring the district, went to a market that I'd been meaning to go to. No rain just very windy there. Drove past an old hospital which is now an estate of 1 acre blocks with houses built on each block.. The old hospital is now a training centre. i spoke to a lovely lady walking her dog. Lovely to see a post from Mary.
Got some upsetting news earlier today that a close young female (26) member of our family had a 2nd seizure yesterday, Just had some very happy news, we have a dear wee girl on DH's side. She was born just after 4pm today.

Edited by 510 at 5:56 pm, Sun 1 May

510 - 2011-05-01 17:52:00

JC, I have been thinking of you today, especially when i was in church this morning, first time I have been since Xmas. cyber hugs to you.
Julie, I went back & re read the poem that you read out at your daughter's 21st, found it emotional just reading it & I wasn't even there. Those types of presents are more precious than monetary gifts.

510 - 2011-05-01 18:05:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-01 18:32:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-01 19:57:00

that would make sense, cos if they did care the animals wouldnt behave that way!!

cookessentials wrote:

Hi marywea, no we have not replaced Snowy yet...may wait till Spring as Ruby and Speckles have had quite a shock and I think introducing another one or two girls may just cause them more stress. Spoke with the dog ranger today and the people who own the dogs say they dont have the money,so looks like council will destroy the dogs. Apparently the owner walked past our house on the day when the dogs were being loaded into the van and chose to ignore them and keep walking!! Apparenltly, their couch and play station are far more important than their own animals or anyone elses!

motorbo - 2011-05-01 20:10:00
510 wrote:

JC, I have been thinking of you today, especially when i was in church this morning, first time I have been since Xmas. cyber hugs to you.
Julie, I went back & re read the poem that you read out at your daughter's 21st, found it emotional just reading it & I wasn't even there. Those types of presents are more precious than monetary gifts.

I appreciate the thoughts of Prayers in church. Just recently I have changed my belief system but due to personal reasons I can not practice anything at home. This is why my friendship with my friend from Brazil is important. He is my spiritual sounding board.

jcprotea - 2011-05-01 20:39:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-01 20:48:00

Morning morning... Hope everyone had a great weekend.. I certainly did.

Didn't go for my walk this morning as the weather is lousy which means it's in the Gym for circuits which I loathe. Its too tough on my joints and I just hate it and I don't have to do it if i don't want to.... Did you see my virtual foot stomping tantrum then lol..

Well its a new week and its May!.. the year is just flying by. Miss 16 will soon be 17 and has her ball coming up early June so let the preparation begin.... She has a fabulous dress that needs a little alteration so that it fits her perfectly (and being strapless thats critical so it stays up lol) so we are off to the dressmakers tonight.. apart from that nothing much planned this week.

Have a great day everyone

toadfish - 2011-05-02 06:16:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-02 06:40:00

Morning everyone, One of todays goals is to make something for a small raffle, the person that wins the last raffle provides the next one. As I won the last one, it is now my turn
Toady, how was the play?

510 - 2011-05-02 07:34:00

JC, my belief system is my own adaption, & is still evolving The theme yesterday started off with the excitement of the royal wedding & the challenges, that they will each have to deal with individually & as a couple in their life together. The message went on to be about how recharging ones batteries is important to cope with every day stresses in modern life. Got me thinking about my relationship with one of my besties who I have purposedly taken a step back from, as it had become unhealthy for both of us. I love her like a sister, & still want her in my life in a differnt way.

Enough of my waffle, Have the best day possible everyone.

510 - 2011-05-02 08:26:00

morning all, oh the stress is back, i feel guilty even talking about it as i know people have far worse issues!!! but finding osmeone to move me and finding a place to store stuff grrrrrrrrrrrrr........anyways hope you all will have a fabulous day!!

motorbo - 2011-05-02 10:09:00

Thank you all for your kind wishes,I am not at my best today,back to the doctor on friday,I am so over all this,had a bad night last night with Asthma,it needs to be sorted,if it does not get sorted soon,I am going back to Blenheim,back to my old doctor,have had enough.
Yeah i am so grumpy today,motorbo,I still pickup good things for you,it will get sorted.

earthangel4 - 2011-05-02 12:00:00
motorbo wrote:

morning all, oh the stress is back, i feel guilty even talking about it as i know people have far worse issues!!! but finding osmeone to move me and finding a place to store stuff grrrrrrrrrrrrr........anyways hope you all will have a fabulous day!!

If you were closer I would have happily stored stuff for you here. Had a nice easy day today! Class was a breeze this morning. Got to see my friend I help, and just had a lazy day with him and another friend. Class got cancelled so made my way back home to specially made Feijoa muffins I made for me and a mocachino soy latte :) I got some good advice from my friends. they have been saying I am intelligent and I just need to realise it more. That I have the potential to go far.

jcprotea - 2011-05-02 15:33:00

you certainly come across as intelligent jc - bet your marks are usually quite good, what age are your kids?
charlie that drying pile finished boy its been stormy here,
Mary lovely to hear from you and that you have been so busy, all good and 13 kgs thats really great.
ball season gosh miss 16 is 6th form still aye? - one more ball to go.
earthangel and cinny hope you are feeling better, its that time of year when its dreary outside it also makes us feel that much more ugg ourselves.
Ann interesting getting to a new market there is so much difference in areas to what markets offer, I still havent got to the otara market yet, very colourful and great veggies I have heard.

just got back from a most wonderful night away kumeu auckland backing onto matua vineyard is some little cottages they are all named after different wines so we had the sav blanc cottage, a fire, seperate bedroom kitchenette with bacon, eggs, mushrooms and tomatoes in a basket in the fridge to make our own breakkie, with a loaf of bread in a brown paper bag and plunger coffee - very romantic and a great way to spend our 30th wedding anniversary, for my gift to hubby is a night at Takatu lodge very upmarket in matakana in june as its going to be our 35th anniversary of going out - (3 days turned 14 when I met him!!) have one very sparkly new diamond ring on finger ooh and ahhing lol. blinding in fact, got a 3 stone 3 decades and 3 children so feeling very spoilt!!

auckland_ali - 2011-05-02 16:51:00

thank you, i got it all sorted today well pretty much! got just over 1 week left then im outta hope i sleep tonight, your friends are right dont ever doubt your onw abilities .....and EA you are allowed to be grumpy, we are all allowed those days!!!!

jcprotea wrote:

If you were closer I would have happily stored stuff for you here. Had a nice easy day today! Class was a breeze this morning. Got to see my friend I help, and just had a lazy day with him and another friend. Class got cancelled so made my way back home to specially made Feijoa muffins I made for me and a mocachino soy latte :) I got some good advice from my friends. they have been saying I am intelligent and I just need to realise it more. That I have the potential to go far.

motorbo - 2011-05-02 17:40:00

oh how wonderful!! it sounds like such a special night, congrats on 35 years!!! YAHOOOOOooooo, i think couples that are still in love after all those years are lucky indeed....they have learnt how to work at it!! and make it work..
thats something that will never happen to me, not that it upsets me - my life is i guess just different from most......congrats again

auckland_ali wrote:

you certainly come across as intelligent jc - bet your marks are usually quite good, what age are your kids?
charlie that drying pile finished boy its been stormy here,
Mary lovely to hear from you and that you have been so busy, all good and 13 kgs thats really great.
ball season gosh miss 16 is 6th form still aye? - one more ball to go.
earthangel and cinny hope you are feeling better, its that time of year when its dreary outside it also makes us feel that much more ugg ourselves.
Ann interesting getting to a new market there is so much difference in areas to what markets offer, I still havent got to the otara market yet, very colourful and great veggies I have heard.

just got back from a most wonderful night away kumeu auckland backing onto matua vineyard is some little cottages they are all named after different wines so we had the sav blanc cottage, a fire, seperate bedroom kitchenette with bacon, eggs, mushrooms and tomatoes in a basket in the fridge to make our own breakkie, with a loaf of bread in a brown paper bag and plunger coffee - very romantic and a great way to spend our 30th wedding anniversary, for my gift to hubby is a night at Takatu lodge very upmarket in matakana in june as its going to be our 35th anniversary of going out - (3 days turned 14 when I met him!!) have one very sparkly new diamond ring on finger ooh and ahhing lol. blinding in fact, got a 3 stone 3 decades and 3 children so feeling very spoilt!!

motorbo - 2011-05-02 17:44:00
auckland_ali wrote:

you certainly come across as intelligent jc - bet your marks are usually quite good, what age are your kids?

If I apply myself I can get good marks. The best paper I did was Conflict Resolution. My girls are almost 9 and 7. My boy is 3 and a half. it is one thing to have knowledge but it is making the information come across as reliable and valid that is another story all together.

jcprotea - 2011-05-02 17:44:00
motorbo wrote:

thank you, i got it all sorted today well pretty much! got just over 1 week left then im outta hope i sleep tonight, your friends are right dont ever doubt your onw abilities .....and EA you are allowed to be grumpy, we are all allowed those days!!!!

oooo where are you off to? Sorry if I missed if it was mentioned somewhere.

jcprotea - 2011-05-02 17:46:00

oh no worries, im moving from Tauranga to Wellington ....its not easy to keep up with all the posts!

motorbo - 2011-05-02 17:57:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-02 19:53:00

thanks cooks, it was only last night and this morning, have sister arriving tomorrow its her 50th birthday this wekks so lots of celebrating happening, brother and I have gone halves in a fairly decent pressy so hoping she will be well pleased, we have dinner all booked and will need to make a nice small cake - as restaurant we are going to is famous for its chocolate dessert. - daughter came home with a bottle of champagne and chocolates from the three of them so thought that was fairly impressive as well!!

Edited by auckland_ali at 8:40 pm, Mon 2 May

auckland_ali - 2011-05-02 20:39:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-02 23:01:00

am sure you have clothes airers, I wanted the one that looked like a mini retangle and was on hooks up in the ceiling as heat rises, we have just had a heat pump guy in as we just need to tweak our heating as our kitchen is in a very large area its a hard one to heat so looking at putting one in and a ducting system out of the main lounge were the gas fireplace is and putting a few outlets in the computer room - should be good.

auckland_ali - 2011-05-03 08:21:00

Morning everyone.
Ali, your romantic 30 years of marriage celebration sounded pretty special. Say Happy Birthday to Y for her 50th birthday. How was the party on Friday night?

Motorbo, all the best for the shift, & the transition of adjusting to your new job, & life style. We shifted last year, I was in 2 minds & anxious about moving from our home of 21 years. I now realise it was the best thing we did. Have met lots of new interesting people, who I am sure will be come good friends. I love the slower pace of life. DH & I joke that we spent 33 years living around his place place, so now it is time to spend the rest of our life together out near where I lived I from my birth until the age of 17.

Charlie, sometimes when I look at my pile of washing I think of you and the term washmore. At the moment I have a to be done Mt Washmore. That term might be your contribution to the NZ slang dictionary LOL

Last night I had a very enjoyable evening with some new friends, I am just getting to know them more. Lots of laughs, we started off with a wedding quiz, great way to break the ice. I am meeting 2 of them on Thursday. Now that my work is home based & I don't have children at home, I am now taking a different track to have meaningful people in my life I have joined different groups of interests & hobbies. Still wanting to find a course that is stimulating for my brain, as well as being good for my soul.
Off to skype my sister, one of my treats.

Edited by 510 at 9:15 am, Tue 3 May

510 - 2011-05-03 09:08:00

thanks 510, where did you move from and to? im going to be approx an hour from my son when i move, it will be so nice to see him more than 3 times a year, though i wont live in his back pocket! lol

charlieb2, it was horrid here yesterday and then omg the sun is out today so hope it stays so i can do some washing!

EA and cinny hope your feeling better

motorbo - 2011-05-03 09:45:00

Ali, how great that you both appreciate each other, may you have many more happy years together. A friend had her first date with husband for his leavers school ball, amazing. Anyone else marry someone from school days? Hope you enjoy your sister's stay-will brother be there for it? Lots of rain in the night but sunny now. Motorbo, best wishes for yor move and new life. Good that your move was a happy decision Ann.

marywea - 2011-05-03 10:01:00

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cookessentials - 2011-05-03 10:14:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-05-03 10:57:00
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