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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!

cookessentials wrote:

do you want to tell me the same EA?? LOL

You deserve to be happy,you really do.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-28 15:35:00
cinny19 wrote:

ohhh so nice can I join your group of friends sharing reciepes I love cooking

welcome,lovely to have you in here,we share anything in here,be it sad,or whatever,we are here to share and support,so welcome aboard,the lovely charlie started this thread,I thank her everyday as I really love coming in here.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-28 15:41:00
earthangel4 wrote:

welcome,lovely to have you in here,we share anything in here,be it sad,or whatever,we are here to share and support,so welcome aboard,the lovely charlie started this thread,I thank her everyday as I really love coming in here.

thanks for you email. I will send a reply soon. I have a couple of qs.

jcprotea - 2011-04-28 15:54:00

Cinny, your own seafood chowder sounds pretty good - quite delicious. Has made me want some for dinner really.

Edited by greerg at 4:43 pm, Thu 28 Apr

greerg - 2011-04-28 16:42:00

Just a quick pop into here B4 dinner, will read all the posts later. Had a day of being with people whose company I really enjoy,

510 - 2011-04-28 17:35:00

i agree a seafood chowder is a special meal, its delish!!

greerg wrote:

Cinny, your own seafood chowder sounds pretty good - quite delicious. Has made me want some for dinner really.

motorbo - 2011-04-28 18:53:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-29 00:24:00

Hi all,just in and out here,have a nasty head cold,lucky for me,I have another day off work.
Cooks if you are around,may I have the name of the stuff you take,to stop a cold,I have not felt the same since being in hospital the first time,need to build up my immune system,it is so out of wack,and where I work,I will pick up anything,as the elderly,have trouble not putting there hand over there mouth when they cough,sign.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-29 05:51:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-29 06:37:00
cookessentials wrote:

Hi Heather, it's homeopathic aconite.

Thank you cooks have written it down,this time.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-29 07:24:00

What a week! Sadly miss 14 is flying home to Golden Bay today so I'm wagging school this morning to have a few more hours with her.
It's been so good to put all my worries aside for a while and just enjoy my daughter.
I'm very proud of the young woman she is becoming & have loved this time together.
Having Mr 22 become part of our lives too was the icing on the cake for me.
Have a happy, healthy Friday all, xxx

winnie231 - 2011-04-29 08:05:00

Ahh have been reading winnie, so pleased u had a wonderful time

anyone watching the wedding tongiht and getting inot the party mode as so many seem to? i will be watching but no party here just boxes cos im packing!!

winnie231 wrote:

What a week! Sadly miss 14 is flying home to Golden Bay today so I'm wagging school this morning to have a few more hours with her.
It's been so good to put all my worries aside for a while and just enjoy my daughter.
I'm very proud of the young woman she is becoming & have loved this time together.
Having Mr 22 become part of our lives too was the icing on the cake for me.
Have a happy, healthy Friday all, xxx

motorbo - 2011-04-29 09:04:00

earthangel my mil swears by buccalina burners - not that I have ever brought them lol. keep that chest warm especially with the asthma.
nice to hear you had such a lovely day 510,
MARYWEA where are you ? are you fine?
Winnie sounds like you have had a wonderful time with dd - at 14 they are turning into the women they will become, our daughter has got a temp job starting today so she will be pleased to be earning some money!!

We are off to an amazingly organized party tonight, we have "proper invites"with the order of whats happening, eg:
Greeting of guests, Official Photographs, Champagne and canapes, royal Quiz, Parade of headgear, viewing of the ceremony live from westminstr abbey and on the appearance of the royal couple wedding cake is to be served. - I havent hauled out my wedding outfit yet but assume all op shops will be depleted of headwear!! off to get a very special bottle of wine later, its our 30th wedding anniversary on Monday but are going somewhere special sunday night - woo hoo

auckland_ali - 2011-04-29 09:31:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-29 10:02:00

Poor home from my Night Shift where she has a Bad cold and more ...unfortunately two of her Carers are full of it....and agency doesn't allow unlimited sick leave.... so our 24 hr High needs client has it ....have been up all night and happily so ( I survive OK on limited sleep ) with her.Most of the Carers are themselves Smokers and as an EX Smoker ( years ago now ...gave up for trying hard for Pregnancy 25 yrs ago ) can truthfully say its what caused me the most Colds and Chest Infections..... my Partner as I may have said on here is a Manager of a Hosp/Rest home ... also a Reg Nurse thankfully an ex smoker himself... . Auckland Ali your night sounds fun...John has gone to work with a vintage Union Jack Flag of mine flung across his shoulders as has a special invite to a " Cucumber Sandwich Royal Wedding Morning Tea ".... you can imagine the Fun for the Elderly...we will watch together night ( Yay ...i'm off nights till Tues ) on our bed surrounded by three furry critters ..(bedroom TV is larger screen than living room.)

jbsouthland - 2011-04-29 10:13:00
winnie231 wrote:

What a week! Sadly miss 14 is flying home to Golden Bay today so I'm wagging school this morning to have a few more hours with her.
It's been so good to put all my worries aside for a while and just enjoy my daughter.
I'm very proud of the young woman she is becoming & have loved this time together.
Having Mr 22 become part of our lives too was the icing on the cake for me.
Have a happy, healthy Friday all, xxx

please can I say its so lovely reading of your times together...we would have happily helped you Winnie if we had known how.

jbsouthland - 2011-04-29 10:30:00

awww thank you everyone,I will try anything too get well,as I have no sick leave left or a/leave,so its back to work tomorrow.
I am thinking maybe it is my allergies with the food I have been eating,not sure.
I am, also trying onions and honey,just drinking the juice,a tsp a day.
Work is short this week,but next week am going to go into the chemist,and have a talk to them,as it has been only been 3 weeks since I was in hospital with Asthma and a chest infection,just feel really run down.
I am also giving up the dreaded puff,it has been 1 week,now,I gave it up for over a year bu the stress at work got to me,however things are getting better there,I would like to think they are,but we do have troublemakers,I keep well out of it,and do what I have to,and that is take care of the sick.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-29 10:58:00

earth angel my great aunty queenie whom is about to turn 95 swears if she has a cold coming she boils a onion in some milk and eats the lot she swears that it wards of the start of a cold, she also has another saying about salt and vinegar chips - ït draws my knees up to my arse!!" (as she purses her lips as she says it )

auckland_ali - 2011-04-29 11:15:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-29 11:56:00

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cinny19 - 2011-04-29 12:07:00

....please regardless of our old darlng aunts and the Comradness on this thread .....We need to consider giving up smoking...sadly we all know this is the main cause of Chest Infection.....I so want to hear that you do give up this nasty addiction....Sadly so many Carers of our elderly/disabled ( my clients only 32yrs ) do smoke ..... But am here for you ... you have my e mail addy from JC....please we are here to encourage......nothing to do with your physic abilities....just that I like you....and am in similar work.....hope thats why you haven't replied for those reasons... Don't please let it be ..... I'm wanting to hear and help you ...please,,,,,

Edited by jbsouthland at 12:22 pm, Fri 29 Apr

jbsouthland - 2011-04-29 12:17:00

Waves to earlier 'posters', beautiful sunshine here today. Neighbour is having a garage sale so I am getting some stuff ready for her girls to sell for extra pocket money. At present my house looks like a bomb site, I am enjoying seeing the space left in my kitchen as it will be easier to work in.

510 - 2011-04-29 13:12:00

The member deleted this message.

cookessentials - 2011-04-29 13:26:00
510 wrote:

Waves to earlier 'posters', beautiful sunshine here today. Neighbour is having a garage sale so I am getting some stuff ready for her girls to sell for extra pocket money. At present my house looks like a bomb site, I am enjoying seeing the space left in my kitchen as it will be easier to work in.

...of course skips and whistles thru....

jbsouthland - 2011-04-29 14:17:00

....sorry EA ...hope my encouragement hasn't offended and that your health Issues ....all are temporary and disappear as I so wish for you and your clients....didn't wish to offend..

jbsouthland - 2011-04-29 14:24:00

Just looked at your profile, meadow is a cutie, how did she break her ? hip?

510 - 2011-04-29 14:28:00

CE thanks for sharing that video , had a good chuckle. Wasn't the look alike Prince Wlliam the Aussie guy interviewed on Close Up.
jb Giving up comforts for stress is a real biggie, especially smoking, I have a friend who is dealing with some huge issues with her family, for her to give up at the moment, would not be the right time as some how it is keeping her sane. Until my friend is willing to try different ways of dealing with her stress,she won't or can't make that change. I have had to accept that for the moment it is her choice..
I agree with you about smoking paralysing the cillia ( ?sp) in the mucous membranes and making one more at risk of getting colds & chest infections, & the big C I smoked in my late teens & early twenties, unfotunately I took up over eating during the peri menopause.phase, I find that has been harder than giving up smoking was, as I still have to eat food

Edited by 510 at 3:16 pm, Fri 29 Apr

510 - 2011-04-29 15:04:00

If you read our profile correctly wasn't her Hip but her Tibia .... sadly was thru the Growth Plate.., thankfully after a second opinion ( our request ) didn't require pining /surgery other than sedation to X ray /cast ... was explained to us she twisted it in a hollow in the ground , we accept this .....while she was out walking but as wasn't there , not 100%.she had 4 cast changes in total ( over 2 .5 mnths ) .....all under Sedation and the last one .... sadly unfortunately caused rubbing....was a walking cast allowing her to weightbare tone her muscles as they were on a growing 5/6/7 month Pup , you can imagine....we have with our considerable knowledge esp mine in Orthopaedics/ Orthotics and able to afford the expenses applied all our years of experience ..( I'm trained as an Orthotist ) ... a Tibia in an Animal isn't that different from a Partner is a RN. We are fortunate she has no side effects... ( sadly may as an older dog experience Arthritis ) and considering she also had a random benign growth removed the same time from her considerable expense and worry till we had it sent away to Histology...we have with our Pet Dog as a puppy been to extremes...thankfully we have afforded all these costs and any that she and her much loved Cat brothers cost one has also many years ago...sad that our Pets get random illnesses/fractures ...thankfully can say not thru neglect nor any of our doing healthwise ...Sometimes i think these things are I wouldn't say meant to happen ..but that they are fortunate that they have to those who can and will afford the cost. Thanks Kindly for your concern and hope we have explained to your requirements. Meadow is absolutely Gorgeous and she would think you were too....such is puppy love...we are blessed and she with us to have her ....

jbsouthland - 2011-04-29 15:18:00

think ing of you EA and hope you get well soon, make sure you get lots of quality sleep, always good to help you fight bugs

motorbo - 2011-04-29 16:11:00
jbsouthland wrote:

....sorry EA ...hope my encouragement hasn't offended and that your health Issues ....all are temporary and disappear as I so wish for you and your clients....didn't wish to offend..

Awww you have not offended in any way,you are a wonderful help,I have been sleeping,so its all good.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-29 16:37:00

Thank you all,still not smoking,feel too ill to smoke,I feel so rotten,so may not be in here much.
Cooks,have not bought the aconite yet,but I plan too,just trying the onion and honey atm as that is all I have until payday,just short this week,yikes.
Thank you motorbo,just feel it is so unfair getting this cold,on top of everything else.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-29 16:41:00
jbsouthland wrote:

....please regardless of our old darlng aunts and the Comradness on this thread .....We need to consider giving up smoking...sadly we all know this is the main cause of Chest Infection.....I so want to hear that you do give up this nasty addiction....Sadly so many Carers of our elderly/disabled ( my clients only 32yrs ) do smoke ..... But am here for you ... you have my e mail addy from JC....please we are here to encourage......nothing to do with your physic abilities....just that I like you....and am in similar work.....hope thats why you haven't replied for those reasons... Don't please let it be ..... I'm wanting to hear and help you ...please,,,,,

Thank you for your kind words.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-29 16:42:00

I truely do wish you well...but you know that...

jbsouthland - 2011-04-29 16:47:00
earthangel4 wrote:

Thank you for your kind words.

Sorry have been up at Starship with my son as he had a hearing test thing done. what a long day! I'd love to relax this weekend but alas it will be a busy one. Baking and sorting kids out before they go back to school and me back to uni. I feel myself changing a lot over teh last day or two and I am not sure how it is going to pan out of the rest of everything. Hmmm... which is why I will email you earthangel for you to answer at your pace. Hope you all who are sick feel better soon.

jcprotea - 2011-04-29 17:13:00

Ali I can picture you in your wedding garb, look forward to seeing some photos & hearing more about it..
I still haven't caught up on the earlier posts, which meant that I hadn't realised you had stopped smoking or even were a smoker until I read some posts on this page., Having had some breathing problems myself I would also encourage you to stop. Recovering from a chest infection & an asthma attacks are bad enough, without smoking during that time.
EA, I have also read your previous posts about the all stresses that you have been under, so thats where I was coming from when I commented on jb's post. It is so easy to get it wrong with replies on the threads. Hope you are soon feeling better EA.. I certainly wasn't promoting smoking. I am sure when the time is right for you, EA you will find your inner strength to stop forever. May be emailing / texting supportive friends when you get that urge for nicotine might be helpful. My sister went to a hypnotherapist I know she did little things to help her stop smoking as the smoking habit can be related to other daily habits and places. I remember she put plastic flowers in the car to remind her not to smoke there.

Edited by 510 at 7:08 pm, Fri 29 Apr

510 - 2011-04-29 18:57:00

I s'pose you have been busy having fun with your grandies over the holidays. Today I spoke to my family members in Wellington, on skype. It was great to see the young ones on skypes. I had a laugh to myself, later, about the faces they were making into the camera as they saw their reflection on their Aunt's computer screen.
How r our Christchurch internet contacts getting on? Any Royal wedding parties happening down there?

510 - 2011-04-29 19:26:00

Wasn't she beautiful... have stayed up as long as I can .. will have to see the bacony kiss in the morning... nighty night...

toadfish - 2011-04-29 23:37:00

Sitting here at a girlfriends house waiting for the kiss!
But alot of wine, cheese, crakers & other nibbles have disappeared between the two of us & we might not last the distance!! LOL!

winnie231 - 2011-04-30 00:02:00
winnie231 wrote:

Sitting here at a girlfriends house waiting for the kiss!
But alot of wine, cheese, crakers & other nibbles have disappeared between the two of us & we might not last the distance!! LOL!

I just watched highlights. Loved the dress! the style was traditional but with a modern twist. Love the train as it was not fruity.

here was my wedding dress when I got married...

jcprotea - 2011-04-30 00:30:00

Hi All,
I am up,having trouble sleeping.
Thank you 501,I am doing good,will I like to think I am,lol.
I am all stuffed up with Asthma and a nasty head cold,sign.
I have to go back to work this afternoon,if I can get thou the 4 days,it will all be good.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-30 03:47:00
jcprotea wrote:

I just watched highlights. Loved the dress! the style was traditional but with a modern twist. Love the train as it was not fruity.

here was my wedding dress when I got married...

beautiful,you both make a lovely couple.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-30 03:48:00
jbsouthland wrote:

Poor home from my Night Shift where she has a Bad cold and more ...unfortunately two of her Carers are full of it....and agency doesn't allow unlimited sick leave.... so our 24 hr High needs client has it ....have been up all night and happily so ( I survive OK on limited sleep ) with her.Most of the Carers are themselves Smokers and as an EX Smoker ( years ago now ...gave up for trying hard for Pregnancy 25 yrs ago ) can truthfully say its what caused me the most Colds and Chest Infections..... my Partner as I may have said on here is a Manager of a Hosp/Rest home ... also a Reg Nurse thankfully an ex smoker himself... . Auckland Ali your night sounds fun...John has gone to work with a vintage Union Jack Flag of mine flung across his shoulders as has a special invite to a " Cucumber Sandwich Royal Wedding Morning Tea ".... you can imagine the Fun for the Elderly...we will watch together night ( Yay ...i'm off nights till Tues ) on our bed surrounded by three furry critters ..(bedroom TV is larger screen than living room.)

8 days here non smoking woohoo,I am starting to feel better,so its all good.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-30 09:03:00

well done EA!!! im coming up close to my 1 year! hope everyone is going to have a fabulous weekend the weather is great!! i got a quote to move me that is so good i think i have to say yes, but that gives me 3 days only to pack....yup im gonna be busy this weekend!!

motorbo - 2011-04-30 09:22:00
earthangel4 wrote:

8 days here non smoking woohoo,I am starting to feel better,so its all good.

sending u big congrats & cheers of encouragement

510 - 2011-04-30 09:58:00

Motorbo, all the best with the shift.

510 - 2011-04-30 10:07:00
earthangel4 wrote:

ou both make a lovely couple.

thanks. I was a size 16-18 back in those days. My dress was an Alfred Angelo from trade me and cost $60!! I posted the pic because I had a similar train to Kate, just a bit shorter. Good luck on the non smoking all. You will feel a lot better physically, financially and holistically. After watching my uncle die of lung cancer you think I would not try a cigarette. I have socially smoked in the past but never full time. I used to like cigarillos. then one day nothing. after I changed my diet and kept myself busy, the desire left. I am not picking at anyone, just giving my example of it in my life.

jcprotea - 2011-04-30 10:13:00

jc,many moons ago, my dad used to smoke cigarallos. Over 30 years I was a menthol smoker, I still have my frock which I had a lpeep at yesterday, Thirty four years ago I was a size ten,oh to be closer to that size again.

510 - 2011-04-30 10:40:00
motorbo wrote:

well done EA!!! im coming up close to my 1 year! hope everyone is going to have a fabulous weekend the weather is great!! i got a quote to move me that is so good i think i have to say yes, but that gives me 3 days only to pack....yup im gonna be busy this weekend!!

congrat too nearly on year,you rock,and you will do the shift,everything will fall into place for you,you will be thinking,why did I not make this move years ago,and you will love Wellington,we did,we had our holidays there,loved the people and the shopping,lol lol

earthangel4 - 2011-04-30 10:59:00
510 wrote:

sending u big congrats & cheers of encouragement

Thank you so much hun,I hope to do it this time,it was stress at work that let me down,but it is not good for my health.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-30 11:00:00
jcprotea wrote:

thanks. I was a size 16-18 back in those days. My dress was an Alfred Angelo from trade me and cost $60!! I posted the pic because I had a similar train to Kate, just a bit shorter. Good luck on the non smoking all. You will feel a lot better physically, financially and holistically. After watching my uncle die of lung cancer you think I would not try a cigarette. I have socially smoked in the past but never full time. I used to like cigarillos. then one day nothing. after I changed my diet and kept myself busy, the desire left. I am not picking at anyone, just giving my example of it in my life.

It is ok,and I should know better,as I have seen this time and time again.
I am feeling better today,just a nasty cough,Asthma sign,just give me a couple of days and I will answer your email hun.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-30 11:02:00
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