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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


Morning all,
didn't know I'd become such an influence around this town ....
Will try tiptoeing around today & see if the earth doesn't notice me and as a result, stay still!!!

winnie231 - 2011-04-27 06:58:00

waving to winnie and all,thinking of you all.
I have woken with a head cold ,sign,I catch everything,and it is where i work,have alot of sick people with nasty chest infections and all,and I had none of cooks medicine,that I forgot to buy,it is on top of my list for next week.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-27 07:24:00
jcprotea wrote:

I red that as I want to buy 2 more kids for xmas haha! silly me. Thank you all my lovelies for the kind words, they still resonate inside. Now I must process that light and reflect it upon the world. Ok enough of my ramblings. Waiting for hubby so we can take son to get ear check followup in regards to his grommets.

lol,hope your son gets well real soon,he will be a different boy when he gets his grommets in,poor kid.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-27 07:26:00
motorbo wrote:

evening all, thanks for the email EA so nice to know you were thinking of me, that may be what helped me today gosh the weather was a shocker this morning and very scary driving to Rotorua, but it got a bit better as i progressed to Taupo...gee winter is here !!! whihc makes me think of soup for dinner....keep warm everyone and have a fabulous evening!!!

got my fingers crossed for you,I pickup your stress,you poor thing,some people can be so nasty,no need for it,we have it at work,but I am left alone,as I do my job and leave it at that,I am not saying you don,t do your job,it is just what I am saying at my work.
Hugs to you,think of you often.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-27 07:28:00

thanks EA, cant wait to start sleeping again!!!

jcprotea - grommets are great solved my sons problems when he was little!!

motorbo - 2011-04-27 09:15:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-27 11:07:00

at least with this weather the eggs wouldnt have melted in the shop window pam!! dreary day here, hubby home as has had wisdom tooth pulled out and I have a pm appointement to have my crown fitted - our dentist is going to eat well tonight !!! (or should I say for the next month!!)
its just lovely having piles of kids around at the moment - we had 9 for dinner the other night - mind you my cubboards are emptying out really quick!!

auckland_ali - 2011-04-27 12:43:00
earthangel4 wrote:

lol,hope your son gets well real soon,he will be a different boy when he gets his grommets in,poor kid.

he has grommets in already. It was a follow up to see they were doing there thing. If it would only solve how I feel. *sigh*

jcprotea - 2011-04-27 14:54:00

well it may be a while away....but seems that visit to the shop will be coming Cookes :)

motorbo - 2011-04-27 15:23:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-27 15:35:00

yes, had to take a dive in income....but a job is better than none huh

motorbo - 2011-04-27 15:42:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-27 21:27:00

Hi Everyone.. nice to catch up on the thread and see all of your posts..

Well, 21st party over.. and have been away till tonight taking my grown-up kids back to catch a plane to Brisbane and to an apartment in Hamilton.. both safely at their homes..

As I'd planned, I made everything for the party, from cheese and bacon twice baked crackers, to pesto, to glazed and baked ham, roasted chicken pieces with stuffing patties - our favourite stuffing recipe cooked in patty-pans.. marshmallow shortcake, lamingtons, etc..etc.. and her special birthday cake that she couldn't keep her eyes off when she saw it.. a big distraction she told us all, as she made her speech.. :-)

Surprises were many for the birthday girl.. from a friend who flew especially here for the party from Dunedin, and was delighted by Jenni's surprise when she saw her, and my kids only cousin on their Dad's side arriving from Rotorua, her child-hood neighbours, called by her since she was little as 'Mr Frank and Mrs Jan' being here.. a cousin of mine, 2nd cousin of my kids, joining us.. we met him for the first time last June, and there were warm hugs from many, many people.. speeches said with love and laughter.. and the poem I wrote, and my friend filmed, then placed onto a DVD.. tears in eyes for them both - and me - as she and her big brother and I - and everyone here - listened.. I'm sharing it with you below..

Now, it's sleep time for me.. it's been a full-on few weeks and rest is needed.. ready for spending Friday night with friends for a special dinner as we watch the royal wedding on TV.. Ninight all.. :-)

juliewn - 2011-04-27 22:34:00

'Hello Ms Jenni..

Wow.. the 19th of April,
It’s 2011
And you’re twenty-one..
Where has the time gone, since you were born
That Thursday night
With your Dad
And your big brother Chris
Right there..

I loved you from the moment I knew
Our lives would be joined
And you would come to share
The journeys we each of us would take..

I remember the exact moment
You first looked into my eyes
Connection made
Then your eyes closed once more in sleep..
In my arms
Snuggled close and safely held
My cheek against
The gentle curve of your forehead
So precious, I feel that touch still..

You grew, learning and exploring
Always finding a pathway that is your own
Making changes to find what works for you
And changing again
If that’s what’s needed too..

How can I possibly express
The twists and turns your life has known
As I reflect
And acknowledge
With a quiet sincerity
The epitome of who you are..

Ever changing and ever resilient
I’ve seen you learn
To make your own choices and decisions
With the courage and strength
And the sense of humour
That get’s you through
Anything that needs
Being got through..

There’ve been holidays and weekends
Drama club and embroidery
Bus trips and train rides
And a few flights on planes..
Santana concerts
And Cirque-du-Soleil
Sleepovers and birthdays
Times at hot pools
Dinners out
Breakfasts on beaches
Trips to ‘the snow’
Creativity ever there
Because it’s part
Of who you are..

Holiday’s and special times
The three of us have shared..
Chris, you, and me..

There’ve been many times
With friends and family too
These many people who share our lives
You’ve grown up knowing
That they care and are there
For you
Each step of the way..
Ever learning of the connections
You have with each of them
Friendships growing until
The mentors and role-models
They each have been
For you as you’ve grown,
Have continued and evolved
And changed with adulthood
And they’ve become
Your friends too

And there’s been the give and take
Of having a brother who is Chris,
Who has a sister that is you..
Your relationship as brother and sister
To be celebrated
To be respected
To be honoured
To have all the goodness in the world smile upon..
Because he’s your brother Chris
And you’re his sister Jenni
The two of you living lives that connect..
And though many miles are travelled
Each time you are together..
It’s as if there were none
Because each of you knows
The other is there..

I couldn't be more blessed
Than to be a part of your lives
And to see the wonder of the two of you today..

And from us all..
Each one of us that is here
And others elsewhere
Loving you
Believing in you
And for the future
Wishing you well..

How fortunate are we all to have shared
Your growing pathway
To be the woman you are today..
May blessings and love be yours
For always, my Darling Daughter..

Happy 21st Birthday Ms Jennifer Lorraine

Know I’m always here
I believe in you
And am proud of who you are

What it is I dream for you
Is whatever it is
You want to do..

.. I love you..

And I’m honoured to be..

Your Mum

juliewn - 2011-04-27 22:34:00
cookessentials wrote:

WELL DONE!!! It was what you wanted, so fantastic.EA was right then?

now I just need a job or to sort out my bills :| Sorry I am such a sad sack hmm maybe I should stay away for a while until I feel happy again.

Edited by jcprotea at 10:43 pm, Wed 27 Apr

jcprotea - 2011-04-27 22:40:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-27 23:43:00

jcprotea - 2011-04-28 00:27:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-28 06:32:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-28 06:33:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-28 06:34:00

Morning all, it's -1C in Chch and I'm feeling it!!!
Time to escape my fridge for Mum's hot shower!
JC - you've witnessed the ups and downs we have here .... as others have told me - this circle of friends is here through good & bad. Don't stop calling in!
Catch you all later ...

winnie231 - 2011-04-28 06:53:00

Sounds like you have had a wonderful time Juliwwn..... That's great news as you have put so much effort into the party. Sounds like it's just the 3 of you... I was wondering about Jenni's dad you mentioned in the poem... is he not around? just ignore the question if you feel its too personal... its just that I feel I know you so well and there is a part missing.

jcprotea... can I give you a piece of advice from a mum of older children.... I feel like you a spreading yourself too thin... with children, study, baking, helping other people.... What you need to do is what I call "consolidate"... Work our what has to be done eg your familys needs and your study....and then focus on getting back on top of things. If your friends are true friends they will support your need to "regroup" and even help "you" for a change.. just ask for help... . When things were particulary tight in the early days I would garage sale on Saturday mornings and then list on here (I didn't haggle just paid them what they wanted if I knew it was worth more).... It could turn $20 into $100 and so much better than putting the children into childcare and getting a job... or working nights and getting run down. Read the budget thread and reduce your costs it's equal to increasing your income...The cost of baking for people would add up considerably... also as someone probably old enough to be your mum... I am going to sound very Mumsy (for which I apologise in advance)... Are you sure your Vegan diet is giving you all the nutrients you need?... because if not, this in turn will cause you to feel lousy.... Ok speech over but its only because I care.. and have been there... A young family is exhausting.. add that to everything else on your plate no wonder you feel overwhelmed.... But as Cookessential said don't stay away.

Edited by toadfish at 6:57 am, Thu 28 Apr

toadfish - 2011-04-28 06:53:00

"Consolodate" We use that term a lot in our family... we can go through a particualry expensive time.. and then we tighten our belts and "consolodate" for a while till the pressure eases.

Or we go through a busy time... with 4 active social lives in this family... we work out what needs to be done... and let the less important things slide while we make sure we are rested enough and everyone is supported and looked after, I use meals I have preprepared in the freezer or simple BBQ & salad meals.. I don't grocery shop just live out the cupboards & feezer and suppliment with fresh... The housework becomes a needs only, you see less of me on here and the lawns grow etc etc...then just focus on all the "has to be dones".... Then when things ease up you catch up on things.

So endeth the spoutings of toadfish... hope it helps someone in someway....
I am off to make my lunch... sort out dinner... hang a load of washing on the airer all before leaving at 8am.... arrggghhh I have spent far too long on here.

toadfish - 2011-04-28 07:04:00
motorbo wrote:

yes, had to take a dive in income....but a job is better than none huh

Hi Motorbo,glad you go the job,and you will get the home that you want,you will be very happy,also you will be ok with money,as you are good with money.
It is all upwards with you now,don,t look back you deserve to be happy.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-28 07:58:00
jcprotea wrote:

now I just need a job or to sort out my bills :| Sorry I am such a sad sack hmm maybe I should stay away for a while until I feel happy again.

don,t you go any where,you are loud to be sad,things will get better,you are going thou so much,will get your email to you today.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-28 08:00:00
toadfish wrote:

Sounds like you have had a wonderful time Juliwwn..... That's great news as you have put so much effort into the party. Sounds like it's just the 3 of you... I was wondering about Jenni's dad you mentioned in the poem... is he not around? just ignore the question if you feel its too personal... its just that I feel I know you so well and there is a part missing.

jcprotea... can I give you a piece of advice from a mum of older children.... I feel like you a spreading yourself too thin... with children, study, baking, helping other people.... What you need to do is what I call "consolidate"... Work our what has to be done eg your familys needs and your study....and then focus on getting back on top of things. If your friends are true friends they will support your need to "regroup" and even help "you" for a change.. just ask for help... . When things were particulary tight in the early days I would garage sale on Saturday mornings and then list on here (I didn't haggle just paid them what they wanted if I knew it was worth more).... It could turn $20 into $100 and so much better than putting the children into childcare and getting a job... or working nights and getting run down. Read the budget thread and reduce your costs it's equal to increasing your income...The cost of baking for people would add up considerably... also as someone probably old enough to be your mum... I am going to sound very Mumsy (for which I apologise in advance)... Are you sure your Vegan diet is giving you all the nutrients you need?... because if not, this in turn will cause you to feel lousy.... Ok speech over but its only because I care.. and have been there... A young family is exhausting.. add that to everything else on your plate no wonder you feel overwhelmed.... But as Cookessential said don't stay away.

Very wise words as usual...I enjoy your wisdom and others on here and we can all take something from them.I believe from time to time we have to chip of the edges to focus on the solid stuff in the middle...its not about our needs so much when our children are young...then we can focus on our own ambitions more as they age...Children grow up so quickly as the lovely Heartfelt 21st Birthday Poem we have been privileged to share in shows us.The best gift to our Children is being Happy parents....

jbsouthland - 2011-04-28 08:03:00

Hello everyone,
I just love coming in here and reading everyone,s posts before breakfast.
Julie lovely to see you,and are so glad everything went well for you,was thinking of you.
Toastie,I have lost 1kg already this week,by cutting my portions,am so wrapped,and like you am making things,then I know what is in it.
Winnie and charlie,thinking of you both,we have gale force winds here,but nothing like up north.
I am nursing a head cold sign,but is nothing like the last one I had,as long as it does not bring on another chest infection,and Asthma.
Work is improving,I knew it would,I got a good report,they said that I am a good caregiver,and that they could not fault me,I do not have an issue with anyone there,just have to support the staff,as some are going thou some very tough times.
I feel stressed but it is getting better,and I feel a need to stay there,it is some staff do not pull there weight,and we carry them.
Anyways enough of my moaning here,have a wonderful day all,I think of you all where ever you maybe.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-28 08:08:00

thanks all. I feel a little better. I had a couple of angels help me out yesterday. I do have one friend who does help me out with moral support, actually a couple. One more so spiritually as I find it hard to be like this at home sometimes. Just two different belief systems in our household = two unequally yoked people sometimes. He is a good sort though is hubby. it is me who lets him down. I am looking at changing my diet next year anyway. I find it quite hard with it and I find myself wanting tuna. no meat just fish. I ahve done some pics for my trade me listings finally and done all the notes needed so will list later on today. hard to believe I was so much bigger. I have some nice clothes then haha! Love Kathmandu's enact range. I op shop and even got some stuff off my neighbour once when she was putting stuff out for inorganic. Nothing was gross, I just asked have you got anything in my size and it was have a looksie. Have my work related jacket from her. :) Ok I best go and do house duties.

jcprotea - 2011-04-28 08:36:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-28 10:18:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-28 10:21:00

hi everyone, lovely poem Julie, its such a special marker the 21st and to acknowledge it so beautifully and to share that with us was just lovely.

Glad you got a job greeg - you never know it might turn out to be the pot at the end of the rainbow, it might just be the perfect job and you really enjoy it, I always am of the motto that things happen for a reason and you were meant to change jobs and maybe you will look back in a couple of years and say that was the making of me it made me do this and that which I would never have done...

hope your cold doesnt develop any more earthangel, 510 is bad on asthma as well and its a dreadfully scarey thing to have make sure you are both keeping your chests covered - be modest lol...

Love the toady wisdom, I will also add - to make sure that you nourish yourself in the inside, we are all very special people and if you allow doubt and harmful self-image blind you all the good you do is not being done with a pure heart. you have to hibernate a bit on yourself and make yourself feel strong, how can you help others when all you want is a bloody big cuddle from someone, projecting perfectionisim and appearing to be super mom comes at a cost and its you and the hubby and kids who should be your sole universe. so my message is nourish yourself believe in yourself first and when you KNOW that you are a great person it will have the flow on effect.

Edited by auckland_ali at 10:33 am, Thu 28 Apr

auckland_ali - 2011-04-28 10:31:00

like the dalai lama quote he has done some beauties simple but profound

auckland_ali - 2011-04-28 10:34:00
cookessentials wrote:

Dalai Lama
Our visit to this planet is short, so we should use our time meaningfully, which we can do by helping others wherever possible. And if we cannot help others, at least we should try not to create pain and suffering for them

I like the Dalai Lama too

jcprotea - 2011-04-28 11:32:00

oh EA thank you for the very kind words, would you believe i went to buy pills yesterday cos im so over not sleeping......i slept almost all night last night with no pill....i feell asleep before i took it ......the wonders of the stress subsiding....ive found a place to stay, so will put most of my stuff into storage..whilst i hunt for the right place.....ha ha will see me shopping at your store weekend soon!!! ........i realised today how important sleep is, i rarely get sick but started to feel a cold coming, got a pimple and some other tings...half of which feel better today.......hope your all having a good day...

earthangel4 wrote:

Hi Motorbo,glad you go the job,and you will get the home that you want,you will be very happy,also you will be ok with money,as you are good with money.
It is all upwards with you now,don,t look back you deserve to be happy.

motorbo - 2011-04-28 11:37:00

I like the idea of the "Spoutings of Toadfish" - a catchy off-beat book title? Hang in there JC - I'm sure that lots of us went through the stage of feeling as if we were letting others down when we had small children jobs, etc. Looking back I bet you find that it wasn't really so at all. Not me with the new job auckland-ali - in fact I've been planted here for the best part of thirty years - which is quite disturbing when I let myself think about it. Here thirty, married nearly 40 - everythig in my life is starting to be measurable in decades not years anymore. Glad the party went so well Julie_wn, you certainly certainly came through as Supermum there. Lots of people sound a bit blue this morning so I hope the sunshine is starting to sneak in other windows now as well as mine - enjoy the rest of the day everyone.

Edited by greerg at 11:42 am, Thu 28 Apr

greerg - 2011-04-28 11:42:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-28 11:50:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-28 11:52:00

The member deleted this message.

cookessentials - 2011-04-28 11:53:00
cookessentials wrote:

I LOVE it!! Can't stop laughing

I know! I saw it on a friend's wall and I thought of this thread. Some of my sense of humour must have come back haha!

Edited by jcprotea at 11:57 am, Thu 28 Apr

jcprotea - 2011-04-28 11:56:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-28 11:58:00

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cinny19 - 2011-04-28 12:27:00
cinny19 wrote:

ohhh so nice can I join your group of friends sharing reciepes I love cooking

sure welcome aboard! :D

jcprotea - 2011-04-28 12:53:00

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cinny19 - 2011-04-28 13:03:00

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cinny19 - 2011-04-28 13:11:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-28 14:10:00

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cinny19 - 2011-04-28 14:32:00

sorry greeg it was motobo I was refering to..
cinny will it need thickening with all that stuff, I would almost mash a bit of the potato to thicken.

auckland_ali - 2011-04-28 14:35:00

OMG i love it too

ha ha

cookessentials wrote:

I LOVE it!! Can't stop laughing

motorbo - 2011-04-28 14:38:00

thank you auckland ali

welcome cinny.....i found this wonderful place and just pushed the cushion over and climbed on still getting to know everyone!! .they are a welcoming bunch here :):):) its a nice cosy place to be :)

auckland_ali wrote:

sorry greeg it was motobo I was refering to..
cinny will it need thickening with all that stuff, I would almost mash a bit of the potato to thicken.

motorbo - 2011-04-28 14:41:00
cinny19 wrote:

I'll leave that other post I started and just ask in here :-)
Im going to do a dinner party for my work mates in three weeks, but get sick of doing the same old stuff, so any help with new tasty ideas be great, Im basing it around seafood, What are your ways of doing a seafood chowder, I usually use potatoes, carrot,cellery, corn on the cob, onions, blue cod, mussels, prawns,scollops,squid,shrimps,-
chopped bacon, garlic, fish stock, thick cream, parsley, bay leaf, and corn flour to thicken, ??

no idea, I don't eat seafood so can't advise on it :D

jcprotea - 2011-04-28 14:57:00
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