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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


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cookessentials - 2011-04-25 19:51:00

Another fabulous day here in Dunedin. We went to the worlds' steepest street which was freaky (and scary to drive up ... & down), the Chinese Garden which was pleasant but over-rated, the Butterfly House which was awesome & Discovery World at the Museum which was alot of fun! It's going to be hard to head back to Chch tomorrow but I know it's the start of a great new relationship for all of us and for that I'm greatful :) Miss 14 just loves having a big brother & he's pretty stoked with her too.

winnie231 - 2011-04-25 20:53:00

You've still got the Peninsula to explore next time Winnie (although Miss 14 might find a tour of North Dunedin studentville more entertaining) - the albatrosses, the penguins, Pot Chalmers, etc, but nicer out there in spring/summer. The Chinese Garden is pretty expensive for what it is isn't it? And how lovely that you all get on - what an exciting thing to happen.

greerg - 2011-04-25 21:39:00

that street is certainly not for the faint hearted or ones with less than 2000cc I would imagine lol!! - its a cool place dunedin - we were there for younest boys downhill last year so was able to show him the party streets in full swing, lol
we have teens everywhere at the moment, hubby and I are either in computer or craft room lol, three lots of kids and friends in three different areas of the house, lucky we have the room for everyone to have their own space!! the easter eggs got the better of me after dinner - we had done so well until then.

auckland_ali - 2011-04-25 21:57:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-25 22:01:00
elliehen wrote:

Wonder if they still have the annual roll-the-jaffa race down the street? I can't imagine driving up or down it...walking was hair-raising enough ;)

You mean I get to roll down a street in Dunedin now..wooo hoo! I am a JAFA! Just A Fabulous Aucklander. yes it is late. Finished my guff for my friend and he is so happy. I am happy so now I can zzz for a bit then take son to get follow up appointment at North Shore hospital. Means I can relax and do some listing. YAY!

jcprotea - 2011-04-26 01:57:00

Work... grrrrr but the good thing is that its a short week yaayyy.

Had a fabulous recharge of batteries this weekend.... I have created a "JB Blitz" list of all the things around the house that need attention.. eg cupboards sorting out etc.... Its a long list and I aim to cross at least one thing off a weekend... I had hoped to do more this weekend but I was too busy doing nothing lol. I managed to sort the magazine rack out... sounds a small job but it had 2 piles behind it as well and 4 family members with vested interest in it's contents.... I took 2 huge shopping bags to the op of the nice magazines, caught the recycling and have crossed one thing off my list.

Off to go and make a nice salad for work.... and coleslaw for dinner so I just need to add dressing when I get home... Have a great day all.

Edited by toadfish at 6:28 am, Tue 26 Apr

toadfish - 2011-04-26 06:28:00

I just need a really big clearout as I feel it is needed. I am still very much at a crossroads with everything. I am beginning to feel myself shut down emotionally.

jcprotea - 2011-04-26 08:08:00

LOL everyone ... my car is only 1500cc and half way up I was seriously questioning the junior peoples decision that I should drive up!!!
And it was un-nerving to have people at the top lining up behind us to photograph our descent!
Mr 22 is as reluctant to see us go as we are to leave so we are calling by the student hovel he calls home this morning. It's straight across the road from the Uni library & definitely fits the text book description of a scarfie flat!!
Then it's on to the Moeraki Boulders & a slow meander back to Chch. Seeing how much seismic activity there's been in the last 2 days makes me doubley glad to have been out of town!
Have a great day all, Rae

winnie231 - 2011-04-26 08:10:00
jcprotea wrote:

I just need a really big clearout as I feel it is needed. I am still very much at a crossroads with everything. I am beginning to feel myself shut down emotionally.

hang in there,I pick up on your stress,hun,I will email you as soon as I can,my days off are thur,fri this week,hang in there hun,you are not far from my thoughts,you can not be everywhere at once,you are not super mum,you do the best you can.xx

earthangel4 - 2011-04-26 08:24:00
toadfish wrote:

Work... grrrrr but the good thing is that its a short week yaayyy.

Had a fabulous recharge of batteries this weekend.... I have created a "JB Blitz" list of all the things around the house that need attention.. eg cupboards sorting out etc.... Its a long list and I aim to cross at least one thing off a weekend... I had hoped to do more this weekend but I was too busy doing nothing lol. I managed to sort the magazine rack out... sounds a small job but it had 2 piles behind it as well and 4 family members with vested interest in it's contents.... I took 2 huge shopping bags to the op of the nice magazines, caught the recycling and have crossed one thing off my list.

Off to go and make a nice salad for work.... and coleslaw for dinner so I just need to add dressing when I get home... Have a great day all.

You lucky thing you,a short week sign,have worked over Easter but good for my pocket,lol lol,bring on the salads,I will have to go shopping,need more ideas for food to take to work,i need to get this weight off,its getting to me,but at least only 8 kgs to lose.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-26 08:26:00

Christchurch you are in my thoughts,they say you have had2 good shakes this morning,omg when is it going to stop.
I live your pain,I really do,big hugs to you all.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-26 08:28:00

good morning all, today is a big day for me...and the weather is a shocker yah i so dont wanna be on a long drive today!!

motorbo - 2011-04-26 08:44:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-26 10:16:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-26 10:58:00

Morning all,
JC, what line of work are you hoping to do with your social science degree? This damp weather plays havoc with my clarity of thinking, feels as if there is cement in my eustachian tubes.
"Charlie, good on you for re-enroling in the the sign language course." I did note takiing for deaf students at one time, Some pluses of the translator's job seemed to be flexibilty, wages & one on one connection to students

510 - 2011-04-26 11:02:00

Earth angel if I email you my address thru JC will you be happy to reply...not asking for advise But you and i on our Garden Advise...await either off your replies.

jbsouthland - 2011-04-26 11:27:00

Do hope that makes sense...

jbsouthland - 2011-04-26 11:28:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-26 11:32:00
jbsouthland wrote:

Earth angel if I email you my address thru JC will you be happy to reply...not asking for advise But you and i on our Garden Advise...await either off your replies.

that would be so awesome.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-26 11:34:00
earthangel4 wrote:

You lucky thing you,a short week sign,have worked over Easter but good for my pocket,lol lol,bring on the salads,I will have to go shopping,need more ideas for food to take to work,i need to get this weight off,its getting to me,but at least only 8 kgs to lose.

If you were here, I would walk with you and encourage you along. My friend knew just to come online now and give me some kind words. It is weird the connection we have almost spiritual. it is nice to feel special and to be told you are nice. :) doing shopping as well. Needs to make feijoa muffins if I can get them.

jcprotea - 2011-04-26 11:45:00
510 wrote:

Morning all,
JC, what line of work are you hoping to do with your social science degree? This damp weather plays havoc with my clarity of thinking, feels as if there is cement in my eustachian tubes.
"Charlie, good on you for re-enroling in the the sign language course." I did note takiing for deaf students at one time, Some pluses of the translator's job seemed to be flexibilty, wages & one on one connection to students

I want to be a mediator or negotiator of some sort. Failing that I want to get into radio.

jcprotea - 2011-04-26 11:47:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-26 12:00:00

ok any of you can email me TM username at yahoo dot co dot nz. :)

jcprotea - 2011-04-26 12:35:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-26 13:06:00

Will email you JC ...please pass on to Earthangel my addy...thanks for that. I'm lucky i'm not feeling any stress but just happy to talk gardening and whatever as we are from a similar work related place.

jbsouthland - 2011-04-26 13:39:00
jbsouthland wrote:

Will email you JC ...please pass on to Earthangel my addy...thanks for that. I'm lucky i'm not feeling any stress but just happy to talk gardening and whatever as we are from a similar work related place.

done and done :)

jcprotea - 2011-04-26 13:48:00

Thanking you.

jbsouthland - 2011-04-26 13:54:00

I like to help people regardless if there was a forum or not. I decided at beginning of this year to be more helpful and a bit more into servitude.

jcprotea - 2011-04-26 13:58:00

Hi everyone - hope you are all good. Sorry haven't been around to update you much on the cookbook but have been up to my elbows cooking. Cookbook is currently with fastlanenz for her to put in book form. Andrea sent me through a sample and is looking good. Will let you know what else we need. Getting closer now.
We had brilliant weekend - had son's 30th brthday - lots of people - some from Aus and some from ChCh as well - So good to catch up with them all. Hated dropping ones off to the airport to go home - always hate that part! His birthday cake was a double roasting pan "boatboys" chocolate cake, filled with choc cream in middle and choc ganache on top. His MIL made choc Bob the Builder tools for the top of the cake (saved kids choc xmas Bob the Builder choc moulds). Was so good - such a good recipe is that one!! Thanks boatboy if you see this.
Pam sorry to hear about your chookie - I have them too and they are like family - mind you I could maybe send you a rooster if you need one - lol - he only starts crowing about 2.30am!!
Will update on cookbook as soon as I know more. All the best. Pat

Edited by pixiegirl at 2:09 pm, Tue 26 Apr

pixiegirl - 2011-04-26 14:08:00
jcprotea wrote:

If you were here, I would walk with you and encourage you along. My friend knew just to come online now and give me some kind words. It is weird the connection we have almost spiritual. it is nice to feel special and to be told you are nice. :) doing shopping as well. Needs to make feijoa muffins if I can get them.

hugs to you,mmmm feijoa sounds yummy,off to work now,thinking of you.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-26 14:32:00
jcprotea wrote:

done and done :)

got it thank you

earthangel4 - 2011-04-26 14:33:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-26 14:34:00
jcprotea wrote:

If you were here, I would walk with you and encourage you along. My friend knew just to come online now and give me some kind words. It is weird the connection we have almost spiritual. it is nice to feel special and to be told you are nice. :) doing shopping as well. Needs to make feijoa muffins if I can get them.

in my eyes you are special,and I mean every word.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-26 14:34:00
pixiegirl wrote:

Hi everyone - hope you are all good. Sorry haven't been around to update you much on the cookbook but have been up to my elbows cooking. Cookbook is currently with fastlanenz for her to put in book form. Andrea sent me through a sample and is looking good. Will let you know what else we need. Getting closer now.
We had brilliant weekend - had son's 30th brthday - lots of people - some from Aus and some from ChCh as well - So good to catch up with them all. Hated dropping ones off to the airport to go home - always hate that part! His birthday cake was a double roasting pan "boatboys" chocolate cake, filled with choc cream in middle and choc ganache on top. His MIL made choc Bob the Builder tools for the top of the cake (saved kids choc xmas Bob the Builder choc moulds). Was so good - such a good recipe is that one!! Thanks boatboy if you see this.
Pam sorry to hear about your chookie - I have them too and they are like family - mind you I could maybe send you a rooster if you need one - lol - he only starts crowing about 2.30am!!
Will update on cookbook as soon as I know more. All the best. Pat

awww thank you,I am,also want to buy 2 more for my kids for xmas,

earthangel4 - 2011-04-26 14:35:00
earthangel4 wrote:

awww thank you,I am,also want to buy 2 more for my kids for xmas,

I red that as I want to buy 2 more kids for xmas haha! silly me. Thank you all my lovelies for the kind words, they still resonate inside. Now I must process that light and reflect it upon the world. Ok enough of my ramblings. Waiting for hubby so we can take son to get ear check followup in regards to his grommets.

jcprotea - 2011-04-26 14:54:00

The delivery part of the meals on wheels to DH's 86 year old aunty is now completed. She was very grateful as always,makes me feel good doing things like that Got home just b4 the manic motorway build up started. The windscreen of my car now has a chip in it, thanks to a speeding woman driver & the darn wind. Scared the hell out of me (one of those only the dry cleaner would know experiences!!) Dinner is already prepared so I'm off to the spa pool at the public pools to do my knee exercise. At the moment I am unable to swim which I really miss doing.

510 - 2011-04-26 16:45:00

evening all, thanks for the email EA so nice to know you were thinking of me, that may be what helped me today gosh the weather was a shocker this morning and very scary driving to Rotorua, but it got a bit better as i progressed to Taupo...gee winter is here !!! whihc makes me think of soup for dinner....keep warm everyone and have a fabulous evening!!!

motorbo - 2011-04-26 17:10:00

Oh no Winnie is it a pinkish horror with brown doors, right on the street? Son was in a hell hole of that description right opposite the library last year. Was his absolute worst in a series of flats that went downhill over the years! Daughter used to take dental school friends there if they needed a laugh. It is such a good location that half the world used it as a between-lecture place so they never looked the front door, just their rooms. I only ever ventured in as far as the kitchen (uuuuugh). There's quite a pleasant little coffee bar/bar two minutes walk away so we used to meet there - Eureka I think. Yes they do still have the Jaffa race down Baldwin St but you wouldn't want to make that joke down there JC - someone would be bound to roll you straight down.

greerg - 2011-04-26 19:05:00

No greerg - he's along the little side street with Poppa's Pizza on the corner.
It's pretty rough but the flatmates I met seemed alright - mind you - I have also seen party photo's on facebook ... but we won't go there!!!
This is his 5th & last year. He'll be back up in the north after Nov but he's hoping to come to Chch next hols and also go and see missy in Golden Bay.
I'm tired after the drive back today but still beeming from such a great weekend.

winnie231 - 2011-04-26 19:25:00

And by November you'll have finished studying, have a great new job so a few trips up North will be something to look forward to next year. Rough doesn't seem to hurt them any - and they have some fantastic memories of a uni life lived to the full My son and his friends did seem to settle down when necessary and get good grades in final year and post grad studies. Mind you I have only have that view in retrospect; in his first and second years I definitely felt there were too many parties and too little study.

greerg - 2011-04-26 20:17:00
greerg wrote:

Oh no Winnie is it a pinkish horror with brown doors, right on the street? Son was in a hell hole of that description right opposite the library last year. Was his absolute worst in a series of flats that went downhill over the years! Daughter used to take dental school friends there if they needed a laugh. It is such a good location that half the world used it as a between-lecture place so they never looked the front door, just their rooms. I only ever ventured in as far as the kitchen (uuuuugh). There's quite a pleasant little coffee bar/bar two minutes walk away so we used to meet there - Eureka I think. Yes they do still have the Jaffa race down Baldwin St but you wouldn't want to make that joke down there JC - someone would be bound to roll you straight down.

find me a tyre and sign me up. NO I would not be that silly after knowing what happened to a girl in a wheelie bin, not pretty.

jcprotea - 2011-04-26 21:29:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-26 22:50:00

Chch is welcoming me back in the only way it knows how ... the caravan's rocking and once again it wasn't me!!!
Insomnia strikes again too ... sigh ... atleast I had 2 nights of good sleep while in Dunedin - even sharing a room with miss 14 lol!
Mr 22 will finish with a double degree so despite the photos I've seen, he has put in the study time too. Having him show us around the Museum was certainly educational with Zoology being his major. Suddenly those 'boring' disply cases filled with bones were interesting when explained with stories about how the creatures used to live!

winnie231 - 2011-04-26 22:51:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-26 23:02:00

Hey Rae
Nice to see you back in town.

macwood2 - 2011-04-26 23:17:00

We need a catch up this week.

macwood2 - 2011-04-26 23:23:00
jcprotea wrote:

find me a tyre and sign me up. NO I would not be that silly after knowing what happened to a girl in a wheelie bin, not pretty.

yes That was so sad,I new Anna and her mum and sister,it was very very sad,such a lovely girl.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-26 23:39:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-26 23:40:00

Nearly put things back on a ledge between kitchen and living room that my husband has just resanded and finished. He didn't want the blu-tak back yet so I decided to leave them down. A good decision or I'd be dealing with more broken china and pottery now. really well in a shake.It makes dusting slower but blutak is a great invention and holds things really well. I'd love to be asleep now. Damned earthquakes!!!

greerg - 2011-04-27 01:35:00
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