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cookessentials - 2011-04-23 19:44:00

you can email me TM username at yahoo dot co dot nz

jcprotea - 2011-04-23 19:52:00
earthangel4 wrote:

mmmmmmm strange you should mention the relationship,they told me not to mention without your permission ,I really don,t like doing readings in here,as I think they are personnel,and what I tell you stays in my heart,it is forgotten,but I did see a struggle here,I know you are shy and you think you are not good enough,but it willl shine thru,I also know you blamed your weight on a lot of things,as we all do from time to time.
I also feel there is another baby as I see 4 children,really don,t want to mention too much.
Just let me know how far I can go,or you can get my email if you want.
Do you have motorbo email? also you are loved,your husband loves you,don,t forget it. lol lol,I do see you at a crossroad,but don,t throw away something good.

right on the button. Seriously. you can email at the email mentioned above. I am interested in hearing more.

jcprotea - 2011-04-23 19:55:00
greerg wrote:

Have a lovely weekend Winnie - you could certainly do with a break and some happy times.

Thanks greerg :)
Sumstyle - I lived on Worcester St ... a few mins walk from Latimer Sq. Alot of old buildings in my block are already gone or will be soon. I can't go near there at all - just can't cope with seeing it & remembering Feb 22nd.

winnie231 - 2011-04-23 20:10:00
cookessentials wrote:

of course! LOL. I got your email the other day and will gt you sorted in the sharpener department next week. I have not forgotten.

Thank you.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-23 21:29:00
jcprotea wrote:

you can email me TM username at yahoo dot co dot nz

thank you,have written it down and will email you soon,I have work tomorrow so it may not be until tuesday when dp is at work,I can think better,lol

earthangel4 - 2011-04-23 21:31:00
earthangel4 wrote:

thank you,have written it down and will email you soon,I have work tomorrow so it may not be until tuesday when dp is at work,I can think better,lol

that is fine. I appreciate the insight. I have work to do as well. More study argh! So much for a holiday. you are so right with your reading so far. Interested to hear more on the 4 kids hahaha. but we can talk about that over email. and yes I am at a crossroads sadly. I do blame my weight. I am a body dysmorphic.

Edited by jcprotea at 9:42 pm, Sat 23 Apr

jcprotea - 2011-04-23 21:41:00
jcprotea wrote:

that is fine. I appreciate the insight. I have work to do as well. More study argh! So much for a holiday. you are so right with your reading so far. Interested to hear more on the 4 kids hahaha. but we can talk about that over email. and yes I am at a crossroads sadly. I do blame my weight. I am a body dysmorphic.

you are a lovely person,and would like to meet you when I come over in June.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-24 08:35:00
earthangel4 wrote:

you are a lovely person,and would like to meet you when I come over in June.

I can,t meet you just yet,got you mixed up with someone else I am doing a reading for lol lol

earthangel4 - 2011-04-24 08:36:00

morning all, i was thinking i should buy some choccy today and umm eat it LOL....well i dont have an easter egg and they just cost more, so might go for whittakers almond and watch slumdog millionaire on tv 3 tonight, if you have not seen it - do, its a great feel good movie!!!

motorbo - 2011-04-24 09:35:00
earthangel4 wrote:

I can,t meet you just yet,got you mixed up with someone else I am doing a reading for lol lol

that is ok. June is busy for me as I have assignments and wedding anniversary, Plus hope to be finished studies by then. :)

jcprotea - 2011-04-24 10:24:00

oh and here is yesterday's efforts of my feijoa muffins.

and the cross section:

there were a dozen but half got snapped up for dessert.

jcprotea - 2011-04-24 10:58:00
winnie231 wrote:

Thanks greerg :)
Sumstyle - I lived on Worcester St ... a few mins walk from Latimer Sq. Alot of old buildings in my block are already gone or will be soon. I can't go near there at all - just can't cope with seeing it & remembering Feb 22nd.

Totally understandable, particularly as you were out walking on the street when it happened. I have friends who live in the old manse of Oxford Terrace Baptist on Chester Street, so lots of their neighbourhood (which is also yours) has changed dramatically.

sumstyle - 2011-04-24 11:08:00

Mother Nature is trying to get back into Christchurch's good books by giving us some lovely weather over Easter. Amazing how sunshine can lighten a mood :-)

I roasted all my red peppers and now can't remember what I was going to use them for! Perhaps it is the pesto in Annabel Langbein's book....

sumstyle - 2011-04-24 11:10:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-24 11:27:00
sumstyle wrote:

Mother Nature is trying to get back into Christchurch's good books by giving us some lovely weather over Easter. Amazing how sunshine can lighten a mood :-)

I roasted all my red peppers and now can't remember what I was going to use them for! Perhaps it is the pesto in Annabel Langbein's book....

or this:

jcprotea - 2011-04-24 11:33:00

Thanks jc, the first one is a possibility with all those ingredients in my cupboard.

sumstyle - 2011-04-24 16:30:00
sumstyle wrote:

Thanks jc, the first one is a possibility with all those ingredients in my cupboard.

no worries. I usually make the second one but the first one might be a bit cheaper to make as capsicums are expensive where I live. Hands are a bit scratched up from helping fell trees today.

jcprotea - 2011-04-24 18:42:00

I've just had the nicest day in a long time!!!
Fab drive down from Chch to Dunedin (with a yummy stop at the Evensdale Cheese Factory), very enjoyable afternoon spent meeting & getting to know Miss 14's half brother in person & then a supurb dinner together at Lonestar.
Missy & I can't stop smiling :)
Tomorrow we will visit the butterfly house, the chinese gardens & wherever else our local guide wants to show us.
Most importantly it'll be another day together! I've waited so long for this & I'm so happy :)

winnie231 - 2011-04-24 20:05:00
winnie231 wrote:

I've just had the nicest day in a long time!!!
Fab drive down from Chch to Dunedin (with a yummy stop at the Evensdale Cheese Factory), very enjoyable afternoon spent meeting & getting to know Miss 14's half brother in person & then a supurb dinner together at Lonestar.
Missy & I can't stop smiling :)
Tomorrow we will visit the butterfly house, the chinese gardens & wherever else our local guide wants to show us.
Most importantly it'll be another day together! I've waited so long for this & I'm so happy :)

Yay I am so happy you are having a wonderful time at the moment, you deserve it. :)

jcprotea - 2011-04-24 21:43:00

Yay Winnie.

I've had a lovely day too.

calista - 2011-04-24 21:59:00

so nice to read such a lovely post, thrilled you had an awesome day

winnie231 wrote:

I've just had the nicest day in a long time!!!
Fab drive down from Chch to Dunedin (with a yummy stop at the Evensdale Cheese Factory), very enjoyable afternoon spent meeting & getting to know Miss 14's half brother in person & then a supurb dinner together at Lonestar.
Missy & I can't stop smiling :)
Tomorrow we will visit the butterfly house, the chinese gardens & wherever else our local guide wants to show us.
Most importantly it'll be another day together! I've waited so long for this & I'm so happy :)

motorbo - 2011-04-25 09:07:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-25 09:58:00
cookessentials wrote:

Well, what had been a lovely weekend has now turned into a very sad time for us in regards to our gorgeous chicken girl's.
Two staffordshire cross mongrels entered our back garden this morning,killing our loveely "Snowy" and causing mayhem. It was not a nice sight to come across...poor girl was still alive in the middle of the back lawn but she died a few minutes later after I carried her inside. These two things were jumping up at me as I carried her indoors. Luckily we managed to get dog control here to catch them. A very sad and distressing day all round

Was thinking of you this morning,now I know why,such a nasty thing to happen.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-25 10:11:00

Quietish weekend here Went to the pool yesterday hoping to have a spa do some exercises for my Knee ,spa was closed so i used the cooler biig pool, certainly helped Diet has been a lot better since last Monday.
Winnie, great to read that you had a lovely day, those types of days are so rejuvinating, especially when one has been thru the terrible stress that you have experienced. .My DH did lots of outside activities here, trees cut down & tip trips etc. Feels good to know that those tasks are behind us. An elderlly realtive had a fall so I plan to make some small meals for her today. Heard the cannons for Anzac day at 6am this morning, there also was a 'dummy' run during the day on Saturday. Last post is now playing on the radio before the news, as I type this.

510 - 2011-04-25 10:13:00

ohh cookes, how very sad is snowy your cat?

motorbo - 2011-04-25 10:14:00

Cooks, that's horrible. Thinking of you.

calista - 2011-04-25 10:15:00

Cooks how horrible - so sorry the weekend you had so looked forward to has been ruined by this. I love dogs but they just cannot be allowed to damage other people's chooks, cats, rabbits and it happens only too often. I heard someone say a while ago "he's a lovely dog but death on the neighbours' cats" and couldn't help wading into him. I think he just thought I was some crazy cat lady. Bury your wee girl in a nice sunny spot.

greerg - 2011-04-25 10:27:00

i didnt read that well did i,,,,,,,,,,,so sorry for your loss, i read in yesterdays paper this male seeing no reason why his dog should be put down and there is a picture of a child with an injured face.....cannot believe he could even think it let alone say it

motorbo wrote:

ohh cookes, how very sad is snowy your cat?

motorbo - 2011-04-25 10:46:00
winnie231 wrote:

I've just had the nicest day in a long time!!!
Fab drive down from Chch to Dunedin (with a yummy stop at the Evensdale Cheese Factory), very enjoyable afternoon spent meeting & getting to know Miss 14's half brother in person & then a supurb dinner together at Lonestar.
Missy & I can't stop smiling :)
Tomorrow we will visit the butterfly house, the chinese gardens & wherever else our local guide wants to show us.
Most importantly it'll be another day together! I've waited so long for this & I'm so happy :)

Ah Winnie,so happy to read this awesome post.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-25 10:51:00

Fabulous to hear your weekend is going well Winnie... must be a nice change to do completely different things with lovely people. How long did it take to drive to Dunedin? Its so much cheaper to fly to Christchurch we are thinking of flying into CHCH... then driving to Dunedin as a bit of a road trip. Maybe even to the chocolate Festival which has been on my bucket list for years.

Sorry to hear you news Pam... must have been awful for you... and a horrible way to end the weekend.

Well I have boarded the wagon a day early... enough was enough!!! and I am very focused... still its only 11.05am lol... Have a lovely rump roast for tea tonight with dry roast vegies and some kind of fresh vegies... Not sure about lunch yet... maybe a salad tuna roll..... Will eat more fruit & Veg.. less bread... (Note.... less not no) as thats my red light food and I can eat oodles of it because I love it... "My name is Toadfish and I am afraid I am a Hot Cross Bun-a-holic" Can't have them on the bench with out them smothering themselves in butter and jumping in my mouth.... lol.

Enjoy the rest of what is a very wet and miserable day here in Auckland.....

Edited by toadfish at 11:12 am, Mon 25 Apr

toadfish - 2011-04-25 11:11:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-25 11:14:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-25 11:15:00

I'll slow them... groom them and have the seat belts at the ready.....

Now all you need to do is make sure you have everything in the house to enable success... even if that involves a quick trip to the supermarket or fruit & veg shop... I am going to have a salad at work tommorrow so am going to keep some roast beef to oneside... before hubby inhales any left overs... now the old me would have loved nothing more than putting it between fresh white bread with lashings of horseradish... I think I actually drooled then... so being completely honest the new me thinks the idea pretty appealing as well lol. But will resist and find a way of readjusting my tastebuds.....

toadfish - 2011-04-25 11:24:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-25 12:09:00
toadfish wrote:

Fabulous to hear your weekend is going well Winnie... must be a nice change to do completely different things with lovely people. How long did it take to drive to Dunedin? Its so much cheaper to fly to Christchurch we are thinking of flying into CHCH... then driving to Dunedin as a bit of a road trip. Maybe even to the chocolate Festival which has been on my bucket list for years.

Sorry to hear you news Pam... must have been awful for you... and a horrible way to end the weekend.

Well I have boarded the wagon a day early... enough was enough!!! and I am very focused... still its only 11.05am lol... Have a lovely rump roast for tea tonight with dry roast vegies and some kind of fresh vegies... Not sure about lunch yet... maybe a salad tuna roll..... Will eat more fruit & Veg.. less bread... (Note.... less not no) as thats my red light food and I can eat oodles of it because I love it... "My name is Toadfish and I am afraid I am a Hot Cross Bun-a-holic" Can't have them on the bench with out them smothering themselves in butter and jumping in my mouth.... lol.

Enjoy the rest of what is a very wet and miserable day here in Auckland.....

Hi Toadie,sorry i miss ed you this morning along with everyone else,like you I am back on the wagon,I have till nov to lose 8kgs,have a wedding up north to go too.
I am also going to go easy on the bread,but still have it,as I like toast for breakfast,but just one piece,and a salad roll sounds nice for work tomorrow.
It is hard at the weekends when I am working as I do cook a hot meal during the day,but it is all good and i am losing again.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-25 12:36:00

Just bought some Massive figs off a Christchurch trader for a dollar each - such a bargain when they are selling in the supermarket for $2.30 each. I thought maybe she was going to be over in Heathcote or the Horotane valley where it's a bit of a microclimate, but no - this fig tree is braving the odds on the flat in Papanui.

Life is good when I can afford to eat figs!

sumstyle - 2011-04-25 13:43:00

yum figs!!!

motorbo - 2011-04-25 14:07:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-25 14:10:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-25 15:44:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-25 15:48:00
cookessentials wrote:

I love dogs too. Luckily ( for me at the timeLOL) they were actually very friendly and I think their normal instincts probably kicked in. Although, they had to push their way through the fence, so they were determined to get in no matter what.

I hope the owners have been found and told of what the dogs have done. I hope that does not sound retributive but you have had a loss and although it may not bring the chickens back, the owners still need to be made accountable or made aware what has happened. Sorry to hear about your chickens by the way.

jcprotea - 2011-04-25 16:36:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-25 17:09:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-25 17:13:00

not at all cookes, i would bawl my eyes out, i havent had pets for years due to not being ready to be attached again......but thats changing
i think chickens esp. the different breeds are beauties, it would have been heartbreaking x

cookessentials wrote:

no motorbo, one of our three chickens..a light Sussex ( so a big girl) I carried her inside and put her into the cats warm bed...she was very cold and wet, but breathing,however, she only lasted a few minutes. I noticed a couple of bad bit marks on her back. The other two went hiding, Ruby managed to get behind a wooden pallett leaning against the wood shed and Speckles had run into the back porch and was huddled in the corner. Ruby has a very sore and red bum,with no feathers, II would say dog grabbed a mouthfull and she has pulled to get away. They both huddled together inn the bushes, but managed to get them into the coop and shut them in for their own safety and to help them settle. Luckily, I had some rescue remedy which I gave them and they seem to have settled down. Some people may think they are just animals, but you get very attached to them. Brian dug a hole and we buried bawling my eyes out, I must have looked a right sight,but she was a lovely girl with her own unique personality and she also gave us lots of beautiful eggs.

motorbo - 2011-04-25 17:16:00

sorry to hear hopefully the dogs owner will be dealt with, I am not a huge animal person but the mentality of some dog owners begs the question whom should be put down - some dog breeds are known for troubles and some dog owners create the monster themselves through their actions, what an rainy end to the weekend, we have had a lovely time catching up with 2 groups of people one whom have moved into their new home ohh and ahh says I from my very humble home!! wagon here I come for monday - have hauled out my weight watchers books, had a look at a friend who is going currently - they have changed the point system but to me it seams very sim to the fomula that they already have, have a lovely night warm everyone

auckland_ali - 2011-04-25 17:41:00

That would upset me too we had similar situation where a dog broke the ribs of our cat, luckily it managed to get away thanks to a neighbour. We decided not to take it to the small claims court for the costs of the vet bills, ,after receiving a very aggressive reponse from the the low life dog owner. Some time later we read in the paper that they had been 'visited by karma'. . Same dog had killed other dogs in the street

510 - 2011-04-25 18:21:00

DH completed some our garden tasks this weekend. Chopped trees down and took the rubbish to the tip. We are in the process of changing our section & garden to make it easier to maintain. Dogs keep bringing mud in which upsets the cleaner (me). Completed my cooking goals, found that I had to adapt recipes as the bacon was off, & shops were shut until 1pm here.

510 - 2011-04-25 18:39:00
510 wrote:

DH completed some our garden tasks this weekend. Chopped trees down and took the rubbish to the tip. We are in the process of changing our section & garden to make it easier to maintain. Dogs keep bringing mud in which upsets the cleaner (me). Completed my cooking goals, found that I had to adapt recipes as the bacon was off, & shops were shut until 1pm here.

Must be something with doing sections this weekend. I am still trying to finish this essay and my friend is getting a bit annoyed. I mean I have that to do and group work etc. I have a neighbour who has dogs who wander and I approached her over it as I yelled Oi at her dog for sniffing the council rubbish bags. She just had a go at me. her dog came onto my property and crapped. Her kid wanders down the road and onto the road. Also onto our property where there are pruners and the like out. I mean we leave them there as it is a safe street and if I feel so inclined I can do gardening when I want. I just leave her alone and tell the kid nicely to go home. I just don't want to have to deal with her again. Funny she was nice to my husband when a rabbit got left on our doorstep. he is good looking so must be his charm haha.
I would want to know what damage my dog or kids do. You can't microchip kids of course. I believe that everything we do has an effect on someone else. Even if we are not entirely aware of the extent of the circumstances.I try to raise my kids to be respectful and thoughtful human beings. 530 words translated. 460 to go.

jcprotea - 2011-04-25 19:09:00
cookessentials wrote:

Thanks JC. They are apparently micro chipped and are being held in the pound until tomorrow before the owners are contacted. They will be seeking payment for replacement chicken not that it helps in how I feel about it. These two dogs have been caught "wandering" before and I know that at times, a dog can escape a property through no fault of the owner, but by the reaction from the dog ranger, I would say it is a constant problem with these dogs/owners. They will contact us later this week with the outcome.

I know it does not help with the pain but I study restorative justice and whilst I am all for the restorative side of things, I am still very much in the retributive camp. I do a BA social sciences if you are wondering why I do RJ but my major is conflict resolution.

jcprotea - 2011-04-25 19:28:00
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