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charlieb2 - 2011-04-22 09:24:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-22 10:07:00
charlieb2 wrote:

You popped up while I was writing my novel motorbo... Sounds like you've had a ghastly week, you poor thing. Hopefully a good night sleeps will help today go smoothly for you. Look after yourself and all the best for your job interview!! Keep us posted.

I have lost and kept off 41kg, so if anyone can do it. i have a pic somewhere of my change...

Stress does cause weight loss. I know I have been through a lot of it. Hugs to all and I hope whoever is feeling down or whatever, may you feel some peace and comfort somewhere.

jcprotea - 2011-04-22 10:11:00

I'm in on the 10kg. I have forbidden the Easter bunny to come near me, sent the baking off to scattered kids and just have to wrestle with the wine! Am just about to attack the wilderness outside so that should be good for me and have resolved to start walking everyday no matter how horrible the weather. JC that is amazing!

greerg - 2011-04-22 10:24:00

mmmmmmmm Just put the makings of a Cinnamon Raisin Loaf in the breadmaker... convinced my family I am getting into the Easter spirit and making 1 hot cross Bun for us all to share lololololol

Just settling down after my 1 hour 40 min Ride! to watch one of my favourite movies with the family... Sliding Doors... I think its so true.... one decision... one kind time when you went out of your way to do something...can change the path of your life.. I have often talked about it with the girls and they will now see it first hand.

Yes Charlie.. the group is still going and I am going to more and more sessions... this week I walked... cycled and cycled... next week no training Easter Monday but I will cycle Wednesday & Saturday and walk Friday... I know losing the extra Kgs will make it all easier.. as will keeping at it and going regulary.

Edited by toadfish at 10:27 am, Fri 22 Apr

toadfish - 2011-04-22 10:25:00

would you believe a change of diet and walking is all I did to lose my weight. and in time I found myself getting more active. Now I need to go back to the gym when I have the funds and tone up.

jcprotea - 2011-04-22 10:32:00

Yeah is has been a week from hell for me too,had to have sleeping pills to get me to sleep,and yeah I ate everything in sight,too keep my hands busy,last night at work,I ate heaps of Easter eggs,but today I have been a good girl,and are back on my gluten free diet.
Stress makes me eat.
Motorbo,I had a feeling a new job would come up and the other one would cause you stress,good luck, a good move.
I am unable to walk on cold days,due to asthma,and some days I can not exercise due to wheezing,doctor thought it would be a good idea,if I went to the gym or did some swimming for my breathing.
Yep but it is money after being off work for so long,and I am saving to go to Christchurch on the train,something to look forward to in June,yep Charlie to meet my new granddaugher.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-22 10:44:00
toadfish wrote:

mmmmmmmm Just put the makings of a Cinnamon Raisin Loaf in the breadmaker... convinced my family I am getting into the Easter spirit and making 1 hot cross Bun for us all to share lololololol

Just settling down after my 1 hour 40 min Ride! to watch one of my favourite movies with the family... Sliding Doors... I think its so true.... one decision... one kind time when you went out of your way to do something...can change the path of your life.. I have often talked about it with the girls and they will now see it first hand.

Yes Charlie.. the group is still going and I am going to more and more sessions... this week I walked... cycled and cycled... next week no training Easter Monday but I will cycle Wednesday & Saturday and walk Friday... I know losing the extra Kgs will make it all easier.. as will keeping at it and going regulary.

Ah hun,your post made me smile,so nice to make one hot cross bun to share,put a tear in my eye,little things like that pull at my heart strings.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-22 10:46:00

thank you charlieb, seriously ive never experienced such stress, and cry, it was bucketloads, its hard to deal with when you know you did nothing wrong....but wow you soon find out who your friends are and just how much your family loves you!!! .......EA i do hope i get this job as i really want it and i want to move to wellington, if i dont im scared i will have to leave NZ and just thinking about that breaks my heart

Edited by motorbo at 10:52 am, Fri 22 Apr

motorbo - 2011-04-22 10:49:00
jcprotea wrote:

I have lost and kept off 41kg, so if anyone can do it. i have a pic somewhere of my change...

Stress does cause weight loss. I know I have been through a lot of it. Hugs to all and I hope whoever is feeling down or whatever, may you feel some peace and comfort somewhere.

beautiful lady and well done,i got there once,but have had so much stress at work.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-22 10:50:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-22 13:22:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-22 13:23:00

Parents never bought me Easter eggs and I wish I knew why, not that I've missed out - i still managed to grow quite large without the help!

I like the marshmellow ones rather than chocolate, and while the icing ones look pretty they are a disappointing experience to eat.

sumstyle - 2011-04-22 13:53:00

I have made a small change by decreasing my chocolate intake at the moment, as from last Monday. Still having a milo if I need it I would like to be on the wagon as well Exercise is a bit difficult due to my knee injury. Have to change my eating habits as I find i am going with out food for too long if i get busy and which causes me to over eat. Cos I have been this size for a while I don't seem to recognise the hunger signs I had, when I was a smaller size if that makes sense. One exercise I am doing is a knee exercise but I don't think that I could be taken as weight loss exercise. after watching that program one hopefully it has shocked me into finding more motivation. The woman was just a bit youger than me and had biological age of a woman in her 80s. got me thinking about what my biological age was probaby 100. LOL and hides with embaressment.

510 - 2011-04-22 16:28:00

I could with marshmallow eggs Elliehen because I'm not keen on them but chocolate has been calling me lately. Usually I'm quite good at rationing but have been sadly lacking in willpower of late - particularly in the middle of the night when I can't sleep. My best effort was a week or two ago when my son came into our room in the morning and said "who cut themselves in the night - there's quite a bit of blood on the bathroom floor?". We both looked blank then he said "well who has a bandaid they didn't have yesterday because there are bandaid wrappers on the vanity?". Yep me - and I have no memory of it at all, but there was a cheesy knife in the sink as well. Turns out I am a sleep-eater and a really messy one too! I've spent years moaning about the boys eating and leaving dishes in the night so they are never going to let me live that one down.

greerg - 2011-04-22 16:47:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-22 17:56:00

gonna shout myself some choccy this weekend - just a bit

motorbo - 2011-04-22 18:02:00

JC - you amazing woman - well done!

I picked up a NZ book about weightloss in Paper Plus (top of their bestsellers, but I can't remember the title). The one sentence I read that resonated with me was about how we keep promises we make to other people, but are less likely to keep those we make to ourselves.

This week a friend helped me sort out some really crappy stuff from my past that was still mucking up my life - it feels like I have put down a very heavy load, colours are more vivid than they were, and I keep smiling seemingly for no reason, and I found myself dancing to (of all things) "the Baby Elephant Walk" . It's fantastic and a bit scary at the same time.

calista - 2011-04-22 18:10:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-22 18:22:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-22 18:23:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-22 18:24:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-22 18:57:00

i like ya confidence Cookes, and you so know if it happens i will come visit!!! but more to say hi to a very nice lady than shop !!!

cookessentials wrote:

When you get the job and move to Welly, you will have to come visit me in the shop!

motorbo - 2011-04-22 19:48:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-22 19:55:00
elliehen wrote:

calista, it sounds as though you might have got rid of that 'elephant in the room' that people ignore...

Ellie, a great analogy.
Calista , re your load from the past, Friends who are there for you in those times are REAL FRIENDS.. That achievement is like conquering an emotional Mt Everest. A High Five to you for that.

Edited by 510 at 8:09 pm, Fri 22 Apr

510 - 2011-04-22 20:06:00

asks winne :) not really intot the secert, but im spiritual

motorbo - 2011-04-22 20:24:00
cookessentials wrote:

Well, I am a great believer in "putting it out there" ( ask winnie LOL) what you think, you attract,so you put it out there that you HAVE the job, you picture your life with the job, where you will's about having the absolute confidence and belief that it is going to happen.


earthangel4 - 2011-04-22 21:00:00
motorbo wrote:

thank you charlieb, seriously ive never experienced such stress, and cry, it was bucketloads, its hard to deal with when you know you did nothing wrong....but wow you soon find out who your friends are and just how much your family loves you!!! .......EA i do hope i get this job as i really want it and i want to move to wellington, if i dont im scared i will have to leave NZ and just thinking about that breaks my heart

Motorbo,I still see you sitting at a desk,and a lot happier,I am picking up good vibes,don,t see you leaving nz,but I do see you taking a break,will it and believe it will happen.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-22 21:03:00
earthangel4 wrote:

Motorbo,I still see you sitting at a desk,and a lot happier,I am picking up good vibes,don,t see you leaving nz,but I do see you taking a break,will it and believe it will happen.

are you clairvoyant or the like? I don't mean that to sound rude, genuinely interested. If you are what can you see in my future. Thanks for all the nice comments. I sure don't feel beautiful right now, rather tired in fact.

jcprotea - 2011-04-22 21:38:00
motorbo wrote:

asks winne :) not really intot the secert, but im spiritual

I can't stay just lurking when my name is mentioned directly - lol!
What Pam was refering to was 'The Secret.'
It's a little book about the power of positive thinking & the effect on your life it can have when you not only wish for the things you want, but in your minds eye, see them already happening. (Like a marathan runner seeing/hearing/feeling themselves winning the race before they start)
It sounds simple but it's not always so easy ... self-doubt, negativity & fear creep in and sometimes we jepodise our own chances without realising.
When I moved to Chch last year I needed a flat in the CBD so I could walk to my classes & work and I needed a job with hours that would fit around my class times ... and that's exactly what I got.
I didn't know the earthquakes were going to happen & I've struggled at times since then but I still believe in the principles & am working on regathering my focus & what direction I want from here.

winnie231 - 2011-04-23 06:34:00

Other than that, hi everyone and happy easter.
I met miss 14 off the plane last night & she's with me for a week.
I almost didn't recognise her!!! She's growing up fast!
Tomorrow we're off to Dunedin for 2 days ... going to meet a young man who came into my life 22 years ago but who I haven't seen since then - her half brother!
We have all been communicating through facebook for a while now and are all looking forward to this next step. It's going to be a pretty amazing & memorable easter for us!
Happy days :)

Edited by winnie231 at 6:43 am, Sat 23 Apr

winnie231 - 2011-04-23 06:42:00

Hey winnie is it too nosey to ask where your flat was?

I had seen your posts when you were looking at different options in town, and some of them I thought I recognised. Yesterday me and the dog tried to do one of our "normal" weekend walks based near Cramner Square but I decided not to stop as the neighbourhood (buildings And people) all still looked too fragile to have visitors casually wandering past the chaos. Such a shame for some of those funky old buildings that had been made into apartments.

Edited by sumstyle at 8:11 am, Sat 23 Apr

sumstyle - 2011-04-23 08:11:00
jcprotea wrote:

are you clairvoyant or the like? I don't mean that to sound rude, genuinely interested. If you are what can you see in my future. Thanks for all the nice comments. I sure don't feel beautiful right now, rather tired in fact.

Yes have been a clairvoyant for years,I am not always right,but I people have told me I am right.
I will come back in this afternoon when I have more time,just know are you sitting exams,I see you very happy.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-23 08:24:00
winnie231 wrote:

I can't stay just lurking when my name is mentioned directly - lol!
What Pam was refering to was 'The Secret.'
It's a little book about the power of positive thinking & the effect on your life it can have when you not only wish for the things you want, but in your minds eye, see them already happening. (Like a marathan runner seeing/hearing/feeling themselves winning the race before they start)
It sounds simple but it's not always so easy ... self-doubt, negativity & fear creep in and sometimes we jepodise our own chances without realising.
When I moved to Chch last year I needed a flat in the CBD so I could walk to my classes & work and I needed a job with hours that would fit around my class times ... and that's exactly what I got.
I didn't know the earthquakes were going to happen & I've struggled at times since then but I still believe in the principles & am working on regathering my focus & what direction I want from here.

yes I have that little book,very very true.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-23 08:25:00

thanks Winnie, sounds like a huge move in changing your life, and gosh you have been through alot with the earth quake..i have found myself still being on the positive - dont know why!!!

EA i do hope its this job i have the interview for next week as i cant be without work for long....thanks for the kind words

motorbo - 2011-04-23 08:34:00

Have a lovely weekend Winnie - you could certainly do with a break and some happy times.

greerg - 2011-04-23 09:55:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-23 10:15:00

positive attacts positive, negative attacts crap - it hard to get to the positive place sometimes but when one does its worth while and we all have a life journey to make at the same time. - well done for feeling much better calista.

just braved the mall, cannot believe how crowded it was - ridiculous, that wagon is pulling away from me too, have put on a couple of kgs since we got home, didnt put any on as was so active its a promise to ourselves thats for sure. say it like you mean it.

auckland_ali - 2011-04-23 12:30:00
cookessentials wrote:

Well, our dear EA was certainly correct when my Dh lost his wedding ring earlier this year. She gave us the area that she was seeing and it was found, right in the area that she had described.

thank you cooks,that puts a smile on my face,and do you know,I knew you had posted before I came in here,lol lol.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-23 12:59:00
motorbo wrote:

thanks Winnie, sounds like a huge move in changing your life, and gosh you have been through alot with the earth quake..i have found myself still being on the positive - dont know why!!!

EA i do hope its this job i have the interview for next week as i cant be without work for long....thanks for the kind words

Hi Hun yep I picked up you can not be without work,they also tell me to tell you,everything will be ok,you will be looked after,also do not ruin your diet over chocs it will make you feel worse,and give you restless sleep and mind,it is not worth it.
i know it is easy for me to say but do try to stay positive,since I have been back on my gluten free diet,I am so much better.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-23 13:04:00
jcprotea wrote:

are you clairvoyant or the like? I don't mean that to sound rude, genuinely interested. If you are what can you see in my future. Thanks for all the nice comments. I sure don't feel beautiful right now, rather tired in fact.

ok here goes,you strike me as not enough time in the day,always on the go,and underneath shy.
I see a lot of children around you,about 4,maybe more to you drop any of them at school or play centre,also see friends around you,you also have selt doubt.
I see home improvements,and a shift,it may not be you but someone you know.
I also see papers getting marked,are you sitting a degree,were you not happy with your marks and thought you could do better.?
Also see a little girl here about 10,maybe 8,not sure on age,but she is a deep thinker,and very smart,she is going to go a long way in life,also who goes to the gym or walks for exercise.
Also see you cooking up things in a hurry and love to have friends around.
Who also is having trouble at school that needs extra help,it may not be now but later,is teachers interview coming up?
Just know you are doing great and do not push yourself too hard,as you are an awesome,mum,friend ect.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-23 13:13:00
auckland_ali wrote:

positive attacts positive, negative attacts crap - it hard to get to the positive place sometimes but when one does its worth while and we all have a life journey to make at the same time. - well done for feeling much better calista.

just braved the mall, cannot believe how crowded it was - ridiculous, that wagon is pulling away from me too, have put on a couple of kgs since we got home, didnt put any on as was so active its a promise to ourselves thats for sure. say it like you mean it.

yes me too hun,have put on 10 kgs,have also been under alot of stress at work,but it is all ok.
Predinzone has put on most of my weight as you build up fluid and you get the munchies,but it is coming off.
I went shopping this morning,it was good as I got a park,but when I came out there were people everywhere,bumper to bumper.
I was going to go into town,but decided not to,just got the weekly shopping done,and went to the warehouse,it was the first time in ages,I didn,t have a panic attack,going to stay on my gluten free diet,as my ceoliac disease is sooo much better today,I have a clear head,lol lol

earthangel4 - 2011-04-23 13:18:00
earthangel4 wrote:

ok here goes,you strike me as not enough time in the day,always on the go,and underneath shy.
I see a lot of children around you,about 4,maybe more to you drop any of them at school or play centre,also see friends around you,you also have selt doubt.
I see home improvements,and a shift,it may not be you but someone you know.
I also see papers getting marked,are you sitting a degree,were you not happy with your marks and thought you could do better.?
Also see a little girl here about 10,maybe 8,not sure on age,but she is a deep thinker,and very smart,she is going to go a long way in life,also who goes to the gym or walks for exercise.
Also see you cooking up things in a hurry and love to have friends around.
Who also is having trouble at school that needs extra help,it may not be now but later,is teachers interview coming up?
Just know you are doing great and do not push yourself too hard,as you are an awesome,mum,friend ect.

You are so correct on your analysis of me. I mean I am usually a bit skeptical or wary of clairvoyants but I do believe they can see a whole other level/plain.

Here is a breakdown of what you said:

yes Never enough time. I feel very swamped all the time and I am always on the go with studies and running around with kids/running my household. Yes I am very shy, hard to believe but I do pull away from a lot of people.
I have three kids and I do do the school/daycare drop off. I have a couple of close friends but due to being rejected in past I get very full of doubt with myself that I am not good enough.
Home improvements I am unsure of as we are making lists of renovations we are wanting to do but I was hoping to have it more refined on a personal level. That is where I am undecided.
yes I am in the last semester of my degree and essays are due in and getting marked at present. I always think I can do better, hence the self doubt thing again.
I have 2 daughters 8.5 and 7. The eldest is a thinker and is compassionate, whilst the youngest is my academic. So could be either. Both like to walk with me to get their brother and run errands, youngest likes ballet.
I am always cooking things in a hurry i.e baking and the likes for friends. Food is my creative outlet at present. Youngest daughter is unsettled at school so could be her. my Friend from Brazil is also having issue with his studies so could be that too?
I do push myself hard and take on too much I think so I am trying to find that balance. I always do try to be a good Mum and friend to all even though sometimes I do not feel like it.

Hope that gives you a better understanding of your analysis.

Edited by jcprotea at 3:56 pm, Sat 23 Apr

jcprotea - 2011-04-23 15:54:00
jcprotea wrote:

You are so correct on your analysis of me. I mean I am usually a bit skeptical or wary of clairvoyants but I do believe they can see a whole other level/plain.

Here is a breakdown of what you said:

yes Never enough time. I feel very swamped all the time and I am always on the go with studies and running around with kids/running my household. Yes I am very shy, hard to believe but I do pull away from a lot of people.
I have three kids and I do do the school/daycare drop off. I have a couple of close friends but due to being rejected in past I get very full of doubt with myself that I am not good enough.
Home improvements I am unsure of as we are making lists of renovations we are wanting to do but I was hoping to have it more refined on a personal level. That is where I am undecided.
yes I am in the last semester of my degree and essays are due in and getting marked at present. I always think I can do better, hence the self doubt thing again.
I have 2 daughters 8.5 and 7. The eldest is a thinker and is compassionate, whilst the youngest is my academic. So could be either. Both like to walk with me to get their brother and run errands, youngest likes ballet.
I am always cooking things in a hurry i.e baking and the likes for friends. Food is my creative outlet at present. Youngest daughter is unsettled at school so could be her. my Friend from Brazil is also having issue with his studies so could be that too?
I do push myself hard and take on too much I think so I am trying to find that balance. I always do try to be a good Mum and friend to all even though sometimes I do not feel like it.

Hope that gives you a better understanding of your analysis.

Thank you so much for your feed back,and just know you are a good mum and a friend,I would have you for a friend any day.
You are doing the best that you can,and what you do,you do 100 percent,you will come out on top.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-23 17:08:00

thanks my friend, hey and being in wellington would mean im closer to maybe meeting you one day, i know i will meet cookes if i get there, funny thing is my confidence is solid

thanks again ,,,,,,,i know things will come right for you - have faith

earthangel4 wrote:

Hi Hun yep I picked up you can not be without work,they also tell me to tell you,everything will be ok,you will be looked after,also do not ruin your diet over chocs it will make you feel worse,and give you restless sleep and mind,it is not worth it.
i know it is easy for me to say but do try to stay positive,since I have been back on my gluten free diet,I am so much better.

motorbo - 2011-04-23 18:36:00
earthangel4 wrote:

Thank you so much for your feed back,and just know you are a good mum and a friend,I would have you for a friend any day.
You are doing the best that you can,and what you do,you do 100 percent,you will come out on top.

Aww shucks. Can you see how things are for me on a relationship or personal level. I struggle with this all the time and I feel as though I am at a crossroads. The 4 kids things is interesting, I can't say too much but it is something I am thinking about. No I am not pregnant now either hehe. Thanks for your kind words, they resonate inside.

Oh yes and speaking of quick cooking, I have made a red pepper relish for my husband, a dozen feijoa muffins and Ki see Ming ( a mince, cabbage rice dish). I will post recipe later.

Edited by jcprotea at 6:42 pm, Sat 23 Apr

jcprotea - 2011-04-23 18:37:00

i call it kai si ming

and yup its a tasy cheap dish "thumbs up"

jcprotea wrote:

Aww shucks. Can you see how things are for me on a relationship or personal level. I struggle with this all the time and I feel as though I am at a crossroads. The 4 kids things is interesting, I can't say too much but it is something I am thinking about. No I am not pregnant now either hehe. Thanks for your kind words, they resonate inside.

Oh yes and speaking of quick cooking, I have made a red pepper relish for my husband, a dozen feijoa muffins and Ki see Ming ( a mince, cabbage rice dish). I will post recipe later.

motorbo - 2011-04-23 19:23:00
motorbo wrote:

i call it kai si ming

and yup its a tasy cheap dish "thumbs up"

I am only going by what the AUT Debate magazine says, you can never be too sure with them on pronunciation. the recipes section is the best part of it haha! The rest of it is meh. Kids demolished the lot and it serves 6. Hubby didn't want any as he is busy eating the relish.

Edited by jcprotea at 7:36 pm, Sat 23 Apr

jcprotea - 2011-04-23 19:35:00
jcprotea wrote:

Aww shucks. Can you see how things are for me on a relationship or personal level. I struggle with this all the time and I feel as though I am at a crossroads. The 4 kids things is interesting, I can't say too much but it is something I am thinking about. No I am not pregnant now either hehe. Thanks for your kind words, they resonate inside.

Oh yes and speaking of quick cooking, I have made a red pepper relish for my husband, a dozen feijoa muffins and Ki see Ming ( a mince, cabbage rice dish). I will post recipe later.

mmmmmmm strange you should mention the relationship,they told me not to mention without your permission ,I really don,t like doing readings in here,as I think they are personnel,and what I tell you stays in my heart,it is forgotten,but I did see a struggle here,I know you are shy and you think you are not good enough,but it willl shine thru,I also know you blamed your weight on a lot of things,as we all do from time to time.
I also feel there is another baby as I see 4 children,really don,t want to mention too much.
Just let me know how far I can go,or you can get my email if you want.
Do you have motorbo email? also you are loved,your husband loves you,don,t forget it. lol lol,I do see you at a crossroad,but don,t throw away something good.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-23 19:41:00
motorbo wrote:

thanks my friend, hey and being in wellington would mean im closer to maybe meeting you one day, i know i will meet cookes if i get there, funny thing is my confidence is solid

thanks again ,,,,,,,i know things will come right for you - have faith thank you hun,atm I am feeling really good,second day no smokes,this time I will do it.
We sometimes go to wellington,so we will meet you one day soon.

thank you hun,atm I am feeling really good,second day no smokes,this time I will do it.
We sometimes go to wellington,so we will meet you one day soon.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-23 19:43:00
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