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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


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charlieb2 - 2011-04-17 23:55:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-18 00:04:00

I didnt know what the answer is - we had friends staying this weekend and talking about christchurch - hes going to br 60 in the next couple of months and his comment was at his age he would just leave if he was there - reasons being hes not educating anyone, not on the start of the morgage tree and hes heading to the end of his life cycle (still got years mind you) location of chch is great with active port etc, worry is that companies that have relocated from the heart of the cbd a good porpotion of them have been locked down into long term leases so the likely hood of them returning to the cbd are slim - 20-30% has been destroyed and 20-30% of people have left - so it all kinda fits. how the city will look in 5 years will be a different vibe from pre earthquake - no one is sick of you guys going on - you guys are probably really restrained with what you are living through. and I think it gives us not in chch a bit more of a perspective and in turn hopefully makes us more touchy feely or more responsive with the pictures you show us with your words, hope that makes sense.

auckland_ali - 2011-04-18 00:10:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-18 00:20:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-18 00:39:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-18 00:41:00

Thanks ellie & ali ... and charlieb - I know you get it - more than most.
Atleast I don't have to continue living in the CBD, seeing the devastation every time I open my door.
In some ways I have it easier in that I had no chioce but to leave - having nothing to go back to.
I miss my life old though ... I miss my flat ... I miss my job ... I miss normal!

winnie231 - 2011-04-18 05:50:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-18 06:15:00

Yes I found this thread to be so good and non judgmental. No one is vying for attention and competing for an opinion, it is a just a flow of conversation about food, family, friends and life. That and a supportive sounding board for us all. I might be the youngest of us all, but I am still open to lend an empathetic ear for listening to. I may not have been in the Earthquake but I know what it is like to face hardship and have nothing. I am glad I came to this thread, it is the first thread in trade me out of the 8 years I have been on trade me, I can call HOME!

jcprotea - 2011-04-18 08:12:00

I feel the same as the other Chch girls, I've hardly said anything lately, not because I haven't been reading the thread ... I do all the time, and love hearing everything. But I too feel as if I only come in when I've got something about the EQ that's worrying me. Although I'm carrying on as 'normal' as best as I can, things are not 'normal' at all. I was talking with a friend the other day and she was worried that the rest of NZ was sick of us here in CHCH, and sick of us being in the news all the time. I tried to reassure here that this was not the case, but it got me wondering too ? I too, have typed some notes for the board, and then promptly deleted them at the risk of sounding like I'm having a 'moan'.

2halls - 2011-04-18 08:43:00

To all our Ch Ch TM friends, I feel it is very important to vent on here.

Winnie what you describe sounds very normal for some going thru what you are experiencing. It is high stress burn out type stuff. You have lost so much
2halls keep posting as it is good for us to hear the human side of things.
Charlie, I hope you and the boys have some nice things happen over the holidays

510 - 2011-04-18 09:24:00

Yesterday i went to a baby shower and the host ( grandmother) gave me 2 lovely cup cakes to take home for my DH. I was sitting down when the younger dog came & sat down by me ( ususally does this when the other one is in trouble or getting told off) I didn't think much of itat the time. Later when I went to get the cup cakes which were wrapped in a serviette in my hand bag which I had put on the floor by my bed I couldn't find them.. All I could find was the paper serviette, no crumbs or any thing.My assumption is that my naughty big brown poodle had scoffed the lot. DH wasn't impressed at all..

510 - 2011-04-18 09:34:00

Ali, sorry to hear you have a bad sinus infection again, hope you get all the right stuff to help you to soon get rid of it.

510 - 2011-04-18 09:35:00

thanks 510 - that feeling of being punched in the face when no one has is irksome!! glad everyone came and had a few words to say, I think the rest of new zealand is more sympathectic than you realize - a lot of people ho hum but a those ofthose people are ho hum about most issues here and probably are quite uncaring of a lot of things that happen. , its nice that you feel at home jcprotea, there are a few of us that try not to get into threads that will only make our blood boil and we have almost severed tongues because of it lol!!! we just lost circulation in our hands as we were sitting on them at the time.
off to scrap, not sure what am doing today so taking the kitchen sink with me its a nice way to spend a monday and the housework will still be here when I come back. have a lovely day everyone.

auckland_ali - 2011-04-18 09:46:00

and 510 I think dogs can be better at "butter wouldnt melt in my mouth"and standard poodles are known for their intelligence (and probably could spell better than me if we got them by a keyboard!!)

auckland_ali - 2011-04-18 09:48:00
auckland_ali wrote:

thanks 510 - that feeling of being punched in the face when no one has is irksome!! glad everyone came and had a few words to say, I think the rest of new zealand is more sympathectic than you realize - a lot of people ho hum but a those ofthose people are ho hum about most issues here and probably are quite uncaring of a lot of things that happen. , its nice that you feel at home jcprotea, there are a few of us that try not to get into threads that will only make our blood boil and we have almost severed tongues because of it lol!!! we just lost circulation in our hands as we were sitting on them at the time.
off to scrap, not sure what am doing today so taking the kitchen sink with me its a nice way to spend a monday and the housework will still be here when I come back. have a lovely day everyone.

yeah no point wasting energy being negative. I can feel with a couple of my friends if they are under pressure. Weird and strange connection I tell you. Weather all crazy and mixed up today. Have some baking to do and make a nice pilau and stirfry. Need to find some focus and extrapolate the necessary information from my head.

Edited by jcprotea at 3:26 pm, Mon 18 Apr

jcprotea - 2011-04-18 15:26:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-18 17:30:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-18 17:31:00

I got caught out on the way back from the physio witj tje rain so I ducked into McDonalds to use their nice clean loo, eat something a taxi and go home but I had forgotten my cell phone. A kind woman handed me hers and I was so muddled I couldn't remember the name "McDonald's" - all I could think was "It isn't KFC" I felt so stupid and was thankful that people are so kind.

I was so glad to get home and find my friend had dropped off the gas bottle that I had asked him to get filled for me. Now I can have 2 burners on and Georgie-Porgy is very happy.

Tonight I am going to bed early to listen to a talking book and finish a card I am making a friend that says " Be of good courage, cry when you need to" because I am fed up with the "Be strong" posters all over Christchurch. I understand they are meant to be encouraging, but there does need to be a recognition of the importance of grieving or what has been lost. (in my case I think it's my mind).

calista - 2011-04-18 19:00:00

Calista many people with be with you on the mind thought!! liked the words of the card, and having a bloody good cry does blow out the cobwebs and makes one ready to draw a deep breath and re charge, people forget its a healing thing to do as well.
cold here in auckers as well so can imagine its a few degrees cooler down south, those gas fired heaters are marvellous things and they are no where near the price they used to be, do the warehouse sell them?
Had a lovely day scrapping today, making a page with dear daughter put a very cheesy title on it, which I thinks a bit sucky but its - More like sisters - I thought the photo of me was one of the best I have had taken for a very long time, and daughter at 22 doesnt look like a teenager anymore - bet she will have something to say when she sees it. - as I am the author of the scrapbooking I am in charge right?
hubby just come in from tennis so dinner time it is!!

auckland_ali - 2011-04-18 20:18:00

Morning Everyone. Thinking of you all in ChCh & hoping that you are warm with this sudden cold spell. it is chilly enough up here. It is lovely & sunny here this morning. i find the sun so healing and positive. Enjoyed yesterday though as i made it a blobbing day, did the essentials but stayed inside & just relaxed, In the evening i went out for a meeting, a beautiful clear night but very crisp outside. Charlie, you are a very caring lady, I read the thread that you started in the earthquake section. Took me ages to get to sleep last night, due to an over active mind & the fact that I couldn't get warm. Got up about 1.30 & had a hot shower.which solved the problem

510 - 2011-04-19 07:28:00

It's so nice to be able to pop in here when I'm needing a bit of love!
Just got hit with $650 to get my car roadworthy. I've paid it but it knocks back my recovery plan & getting out of the caravan by a few months atleast. No work means no way to save.
It was just 1 degree C when I woke up this morning ... BRRRR!!! Thankfully I have some very unsexy fleece PJs which help!
Calista - I had to laugh ... I know about the losing your mind thing ... my brain just doesn't function right anymore & I find myself mixing up words like my tongue was drunk or something! Very strange!!

winnie231 - 2011-04-19 11:07:00

Hi All,
It is a cold bleak day here today,so cold.
Winnie I know what you mean,with me just starting back at work yesterday,had a short pay this pay,but at least I can get things paid,and I have a job,have to register the car this pay.
Hope everyone is well,I do think of you all.
Yep Charlie you are a very loving caring person,i picked up on you and others in this thread,a long time ago,and you all rock,not to judge,makes me smile and all.
I have work again today,tis so stressful,but this week will fly,and it will be all ok again.
You all take care out there what ever you are doing,sending you angel hugs and

earthangel4 - 2011-04-19 12:19:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-19 14:02:00

It's lovely to see the sun again - I just wasn't ready for winter this year. Was moaning last night when son texted that it was so wet in Southland that he was having to walk and carry his fishtraps and radiotracking gear over quite long distances because his truck just gets stuck. He described this as "fun but tiring" so I thought I better shut up and harden up. Mind you I think his brain may have been affected by the wet. I thought of you in your caravan this morning Winnie - it's so good that you wil be out of it through the worst of winter. A Dunedin student flat tip for staying warm is a Warehouse polar fleece dressing gown. They are so big that you can put them on over your clothes and tuck a hottie in above the belt. Not classy but warm. Are you planning to return to the Casino when it reopens? I saw that they were offering that as an option instead of redundancy but not very helpful for living expenses in the meantime.

greerg - 2011-04-19 14:52:00

I have bacon hock soup in the crockpot, which is my ultimate comfort food.

I was wheeling my bike on the Colombo St overbridge this morning (only open 1 way to traffic but both ways to pedestrians) when I met a woman who looked a bit overwhelmed so I stopped for a chat. It was the first time she had walked through Sydenham since the quake and she was in shock about the extent of the damage. so we talked about how we both loved Sydenham and how our Grandmothers had shopped there. then went on our ways. It reinforced for me how much grief is out there not just for the losses now, but for losses of past connections.

Good on you for getting the washing out charlie - I hope tomorrow is sunny too as I have a mini-mountain to do. How can one person generate so much mess?

calista - 2011-04-19 14:57:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-19 23:47:00

Feel as if i have been hit by a bus this morning, I am so fed up with being below par physically. Gave myself a talking to this morning about what I could do to help myself with my ailments. decided distraction would be a good idea after having a lovely hot shower. Water is my friend, it is so theraputic, next on the list is a nourishing breakfast, & pain relief. I feel very pleased with myself, I won an easter egg in a raffle so yesterday I gave it away to my neighbour to give to a worthier cause. she works with intellectually disabled adults. I thought someone who couldn't afford an easter egg was a worthier recipient than me. Cos I knew exactly where the chocolate & lollie will go if I consumed it.
Hope every one has the best day possible today.

510 - 2011-04-20 06:29:00
510 wrote:

Feel as if i have been hit by a bus this morning, I am so fed up with being below par physically. Gave myself a talking to this morning about what I could do to help myself with my ailments. decided distraction would be a good idea after having a lovely hot shower. Water is my friend, it is so theraputic, next on the list is a nourishing breakfast, & pain relief. I feel very pleased with myself, I won an easter egg in a raffle so yesterday I gave it away to my neighbour to give to a worthier cause. she works with intellectually disabled adults. I thought someone who couldn't afford an easter egg was a worthier recipient than me. Cos I knew exactly where the chocolate & lollie will go if I consumed it.
Hope every one has the best day possible today.

Nice to see things being paid forward. I have 24 chocolate muffins to make for a friend for Easter. one dozen white chocolate and one dozen milk chocolate. I need to so lit some stuff on trademe I think to make some money so that is my job for the afternoon. Then some study and I have a 1000 words list to get out before tomorrow. Taking two eldest munchkins to head into town to meet my student I mentor and have lunch. I have been teaching them to speak a bit of Portuguese to him. Should be fun! Waiting for groceries to arrive then baking and other fun yummy stuff is going to get created in my kitchen today!

jcprotea - 2011-04-20 11:08:00

Good Morning all you lovely people in here,sending you all angel hugs to all that need them.
You are all not far from my daily thoughts and all,and big hugs to those in Christchurch xxxxxx

earthangel4 - 2011-04-20 11:34:00

Hi Earthangel I missed your message earlier, but I must have caught some angel hugs as today was so much better than yesterday. I finished the needlework for a card I'm making then found a lovely metallic (bronze) blank card to put it in - very effective and so satisfying to make.

JCprotea I was wondering what type of muffins to bake for Easter - choc ones would do fine -thanks for the idea. I'm making heaps so will avoid the ones with the mini eggs in though. Orion (power lines company) have asked people on this side of town to avoid using their ovens so I'll go and stay at a friend's place to do the baking - he's away so it has some chance of making it to it's intended destination. When he gets back I'll bake him the birthday cake I was too stressed to make in early March- he likes Alison Holst's rum and raisin cake so I'd better start soaking the raisins.

calista - 2011-04-20 21:35:00

yeah I still have to make my muffins yet, I am typing up and translating an essay into English. Only 1000 words but it is challenging and my brain is mush. Lucky I speak comprehensive Spanish as does my friend. It is a good thing I like him haha. I kid, I have been through some tough times and he has been there for me when I needed it so time to repay the favour. You imagine having about 4 or 5 other languages in your head as well. My brain feels like a UN summit.

jcprotea - 2011-04-20 23:07:00

Up B4 the birds this morning, sleep pattern is a bit haywire at the moment, nice & quiet for thinking & planning my day and the weekend. Jcp having the skills of 4 or 5 languages must be a great assest to have. Is english your first language? I chuckled at your description, my brain can feel mushy, just coping with one language. Wishing everyone a happy & safe easter.

Edited by 510 at 6:12 am, Thu 21 Apr

510 - 2011-04-21 06:06:00

Calista, what needle work do you do? i have been buying some cards from a lovely lady at a local market, great. Very different & nicer than cards bought in the shop. My neighbours give me muffins, always good to sample home made baking, gives me inspiration & ideas of what to make..

510 - 2011-04-21 06:23:00

Yesterday, I started back on a regieme of healthier eating as I had reverted back to bad habits. Here's hoping I can stick to it.

510 - 2011-04-21 06:27:00

I am up early as well... what a surpise... Have done my banking... first load of washing is almost finished.. and I am doing a happy dance as although its only Thursday ITS THE LAST DAY OF THE WEEK!!!!! Its gone alot better though and I feel more relaxed within myself... think when you relax you realise how stressed you were as stress became normal for me for the last 2 weeks. The new lady continues to be delightful and has taken a lot of the pressure off as she works quite independently now and I can get on to other things.
I seemed to have manage to have a week of leave untaken from last year so now have 5 weeks under my belt for this year.. I really need a break but will have to wait for a suitable time... its a shame with all thats going on I have been unable to take time off this holidays with the girls... in saying that though they have both been busy and Miss 16 has worked full time herself this week... and Miss 18 is chilling and recouping. So maybe hubby and I will take advantage of one of those cheap holidays in the sun that are scheduled outside school holidays.
Next Holidays will have to make a plan......

I have nothing much planned this Easter except chilling, I have a Wedding to go to Saturday night which will be lovely and our normal Easter Sunday BBQ brekkie with family and maybe a pot luck dinner with neighbours.. just pottering around home really with some nice things interspersed....

Have a great day everyone... take care JBxx

toadfish - 2011-04-21 06:41:00

I'm up early too Toady.
My dear little cat brought a live gecko into bed! Got me moving faster than any alarm going off!

bedazzledjewels - 2011-04-21 06:56:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-21 07:18:00
510 wrote:

Up B4 the birds this morning, sleep pattern is a bit haywire at the moment, nice & quiet for thinking & planning my day and the weekend. Jcp having the skills of 4 or 5 languages must be a great assest to have. Is english your first language? I chuckled at your description, my brain can feel mushy, just coping with one language. Wishing everyone a happy & safe easter.

I was up about 6am. Force of habit and hard to break. English is my first followed by Hebrew and Afrikaans. Then along the way Spanish, Japanese and bit of French and German. oo actually also Latvian. Learning Portuguese as well. My brain was like the pudding about to slide off the plate and onto the floor last night. One more batch of muffins to make. 1/2 of them white choc, half with pebbles. I have more food to make when I get back home as it is Pesach (Passover). My friend for him it is Holy Thursday he said so special for Mary and Joseph's. So in his culture (Being a Jose), it is important. He can't have any meat only fish. I said try being vegan that is no meat or fish hahaha. Anyway I digress, have a wonderful day and I hope some of the nice sunshine from up here, finds it way to you all.

P.s You can all call me JC. :)

Edited by jcprotea at 8:16 am, Thu 21 Apr

jcprotea - 2011-04-21 08:13:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-21 09:52:00

morning lufflies, certainly cooler here, I had a gathering here last night so did the housework rampage yesterday so feeling very chilled out today which is a blessing as have worken to full blown cold, ears, cough, throat, so hopefully the antiboitics that I have already started taking will knock it on the head soon enough, woo hoo daughter arrives tomorrow, shes talking about doing a ski season in Queenstown so think she will only been home a couple of weeks, she seams to have got the snow bug big time not ready to settle down but on saying that if a great job comes along am sure she will go for it, its not that easy in the market nowadays aye?
hope you are feeling better 510 and cooks it amazes me what some shops sell especially when I do a road trip out of auckland!! - not as humbly jumbly as other towns we have family in masterton so know the town well , its a nice size masterton I think. - got to live in a town thats got more than one supermarket as then you get competition and food prices are as good as they can be!!
enjoy those hols charlie question are the power companies making sure they charge right - didnt they used to be if you used less they loaded up on the unit costs - would be rarther a bummer if they are doing a min charge and then asking you to conserve, they should be helping as well?

auckland_ali - 2011-04-21 10:46:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-21 10:55:00

make sure you write a letter explaining why you are closing your account, if they go under then they only have themselves to blame - I was hacked off that I went to a local restaurant which opened and the old one is still heaving with people, had a nice meal but made a valid suggestion stated that we had had a lovely meal but not enough veggies or something like that - next time we went it was the same and said again, got my face torn off with a slap back - will not go again - just waiting for them to shut their doors really, when a place doesnt have a lot of people and someone makes a suggestion one would think that you would listen - its in your interests I am sure I was not the only one, its nice to have a bit of choice but you have to deliver what the people want.

auckland_ali - 2011-04-21 11:49:00
calista wrote:

Hi Earthangel I missed your message earlier, but I must have caught some angel hugs as today was so much better than yesterday. I finished the needlework for a card I'm making then found a lovely metallic (bronze) blank card to put it in - very effective and so satisfying to make.

JCprotea I was wondering what type of muffins to bake for Easter - choc ones would do fine -thanks for the idea. I'm making heaps so will avoid the ones with the mini eggs in though. Orion (power lines company) have asked people on this side of town to avoid using their ovens so I'll go and stay at a friend's place to do the baking - he's away so it has some chance of making it to it's intended destination. When he gets back I'll bake him the birthday cake I was too stressed to make in early March- he likes Alison Holst's rum and raisin cake so I'd better start soaking the raisins.

Awwww glad you caught some angel hugs,hun,you have a great day and all.,and a very happy easter to everyone in here,it is a beautiful day here today,shame I have to go to work.
Much love and hugs to you all,am thinking of you all xxx

earthangel4 - 2011-04-21 13:29:00

The dust clouds have settled for me Charlieb2 - the wagon has got too far ahead! I am trying to catch it, but there is a large batch of afghans on the bench about to go to Nelson and they keep calling me. All this talk of muffins, particularly with little eggs inside isn't hardening my resolve either. Pretty dumb of a firm risking losing a high-end kitchenware shop over a postshop Cookessentials! I hope the coffee soothes and that it was a range you can replace readily. Looking forward to a few days off and hoping the weather holds long enough to have a major blitz on the garden - things like the hostas have just collapsed in the rain recently and I'd like to get things tucked up under pea straw for the winter. It's an odd season, some things have completely gone but other like the cherry trees and teh dogwood haven't really started to turn yet.

greerg - 2011-04-21 13:35:00
charlieb2 wrote:

lol.. JC, has a certain ring to it!!

bahaha! not in that connotation. it was maiden name initials. I have two kids hyped on chocolate and a little one full of hot cross bung and a marshmallow egg. The food was well received and we got a little something in the return for the kids. I thought that was nice. Hope you have a wonderful Easter, Pesach or chocolate munching to all.

This is a great song which shows solidarity in New Zealand's spirit. May you draw from this what you want.

Masses of the people moving
Moving in a positive vibration
Working and learning together
Aotearoa New Zealand

...Land of the long white cloud
Whom are we
We the people love to sing and dance
Out homeward bound
It keeps our love alive
Aotearoa Keep Rising!

Edited by jcprotea at 5:27 pm, Thu 21 Apr

jcprotea - 2011-04-21 17:25:00

Morning all.... First chance to sleep in and PING my eyes are wide open lol.
Also I hastily answered Yes to a question that is seeing me going for a bike ride at 7.30am this this morning...
*Mental note: Think hard before answering next time* lol...
Still I will feel very righteous at 9am when its over and will probably thoroughly enjoy a Nana Nap this afternoon lol.
All this talk of the Wagon... I am psyching myself to get back on and buckle in tight on Tuesday.. Get this weeknd over and done... then go hard.. setting myself a 10kg goal....Work life has settled down and I feel in a better head space to think of me again.... So feel free to join me.

Have a great Easter one and all.....

Edited by toadfish at 6:09 am, Fri 22 Apr

toadfish - 2011-04-22 06:08:00

Good Morning all,and happy Easter.
Toadie I would love to join you,I have put on some what due to stress,so now I am back on the wagon with you.
I also want to lose 10kgs.
So count me in.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-22 08:50:00

the good news this week is i have lost 4kg and alot of inches......but truly its been a week from hell last night was the 1st night i got some sleep, i didnt know so much could happen in one week!! hope you all had a better week than me, and please wish me the best of luck for a job interview next week xxx

motorbo - 2011-04-22 09:16:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-22 09:22:00
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