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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


Even my son eats it and he can be fussy hehe.

jcprotea - 2011-04-15 19:50:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-15 20:25:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-15 23:18:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-15 23:25:00

Miss 14 is coming down Easter Friday for a week ... I questioned whether she is too old for Easter eggs now ... apparently not! LOL!!! A trail of mini eggs leading to the big surprise is still on the must have list! Better go shopping ...

winnie231 - 2011-04-16 00:19:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-16 00:34:00

The trail was inspired out of a failed hunt Ellie ... discovering melted, sat upon Easter Eggs between sofa cushions 2 weeks after Easter led me to the idea of a 'controlled' chocolate trail. No more un-welcome surprises lol!!

Edited by winnie231 at 12:44 am, Sat 16 Apr

winnie231 - 2011-04-16 00:43:00

Morning morning lovely people....

Well again this week went in a blur... with more "Excitement" at work... can't say to much on a public forum... Hubby was concerned about me and I said.. just support me as its a blip and it will be over soon. Then hopefully back to normal. phew... but a whole new normal.
I am planning to shop first thing, handle Mt Washmore and then do book work ready to hand it in to the accountant (well part of it) on Monday...
Then I am going to chill out. We have a car run tommorrow... start off at Glenbrook park the cars and take the train to Waiuku for lunch... that sounds like fun if the weather holds... But mostly I am planning to take it easy and recharge the batteries... it was a very long week,

Really looking foreward to Easter... we are going to plan a few nice day trips and relax... 1 trip planned is to outrageous fortunes at the museum and then maybe fish & chips or a picnic (depending how organised I am) at mission bay.

No easter eggs in this house... for the last few years we have been giving them a block of chocolate with $10 attached... they love the cash and get more actual chocolate... but in saying that their Nana & Grandad do an easter egg hunt for them... nothing quite so funny as seeing 2, nearly 6" leggy blondes running around looking for easter eggs lol.

Have a great weekend all. JB

Edited by toadfish at 6:06 am, Sat 16 Apr

toadfish - 2011-04-16 06:05:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-16 08:38:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-16 18:23:00

Hi Charlie and all ch ch people,just txt my ds,they are all ok,thank goodness.
I came in here to check as well,so sure hope everyone is ok,its a real worry,so wished it would stop.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-16 18:26:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-16 18:32:00

I heard about another quake in Chch. A friend was blogging on FB as it happened. Thoughts with you all, hang in there lovely ladies and gents.

jcprotea - 2011-04-16 18:38:00

Shaken but ok here ... one hell of a headache now though!

winnie231 - 2011-04-16 18:42:00

Hope all OK - that sounded like a big one.

nfh1 - 2011-04-16 18:45:00

**Offers all a nice hearty vege madras curry with rice**

jcprotea - 2011-04-16 19:10:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-16 19:15:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-16 19:21:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-16 19:21:00

Hi all, winnie ... I have immediately developed a headache too ! Have had a strong coffee to see if that helps. I know that the power is out in St Martins. Hell of a shake here in Cashmere, neighbours lost contents of cupboards again.

Edited by 2halls at 7:25 pm, Sat 16 Apr

2halls - 2011-04-16 19:24:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-16 19:29:00

Hi charlieb2, that is so funny re - the dishes because that's EXACTLY what I did too. I had only had one forkful of my dinner, but I leapt to my feet and cleaned the pots etc in case the water went off (as it does quite frequently around here), also immediately filled and boiled the kettle so I could have hot drinks ! :-)

Edited by 2halls at 7:32 pm, Sat 16 Apr

2halls - 2011-04-16 19:32:00

Power only just back on for me in Spreydon in last few minutes, and I could see up onto the hills that there was no power in parts up there too.

If there Has to be a silver lining to the cloud that was that nasty big aftershock, my niece and sister responded to my text immediately. They are in Europe for 3 months, and since my mum died I have relied heavily on my sis, so it's been hard for me not having her *available*.

If it doesn't sound syrupy, that's what I have really valued about this thread - even though y'all are cyber friends and I only come in here intermittently, seeing how you care for one another is very comforting.

sumstyle - 2011-04-16 19:33:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-16 21:03:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-16 21:07:00

Now Queensland as well. 5.2 or so. Also Chile and Vanuatu as well. The ring of fire is not happy!

jcprotea - 2011-04-16 22:35:00

Gosh.. thinking of you all there in Canterbury.. truly hope the shocks stop real soon.. Now's good!

Thanks for your lovely comments Charlie and Ali.. all going to plan for the party.. this time next week we'll all be together.. friends and family from North and South Islands, my Son from Queensland..
I'm writing a poem for my Daughter.. friends are coming later today and will video me saying it - I know I'd end up in tears if I tried to read it out with everyone here.. Two more sleeps, as she said, and she'll be home.. I've organised our large sleep-out ready for the party.. after most people have gone home or to bed, she and her friends can continue to party there, plus all sleep there (if they get any sleep!).. she wanted to borrow a large tent from our friends.. and doesn't know that I've got the sleep-out sorted.. way nicer than everyone partying and sleeping in a tent on these cold nights - almost lit a fire tonight.. autumn well and truly here.. raining outside - sounds lovely..

And, yes, even twenty-some-things like Easter egg hunts.. she joked about it a while ago, doesn't know I have foil-wrapped marshmallow eggs or that I'm writing treasure hunt poems for a hunt right around the property.. a whole lot of people rushing around, I'm guessing they'll all have a lot of fun.. and no-one's ever too old for fun! :-) I might text the clues to them as they find each one.. bring it into the 21st century!

A little of the poem for her:
And with Chris..
Your relationship as brother and sister
To be celebrated
To be respected
To have all the goodness in the world smile upon..
Because he’s your brother Chris
And you’re his sister Jenni
The two of you living lives that connect..
And though many miles are travelled
Each time you are together..
It’s as if there were none
Because each of you knows
The other is there..

And from us all..
Each one of us that is here
And others elsewhere
Loving you
Believing in you
And for the future
Wishing you well..
How fortunate are we all to have shared
Your growing pathway to be the woman you are today..
May blessings and love be yours
For always, my Darling Daughter...

juliewn - 2011-04-17 01:41:00

Julie, what a beautiful poem, That will certainly mean alot to your daughter to have that written for her. It speaks volumes. What you have organised sounds fabulous.

510 - 2011-04-17 04:28:00

Sorry to hear about the nasty aftershock in christchurch last night, Here's hoping it all ends very soon. Up early as DH has early start as he is in an ad today. Plan to go back & get some more sleep later.

510 - 2011-04-17 04:35:00
juliewn wrote:

Gosh.. thinking of you all there in Canterbury.. truly hope the shocks stop real soon.. Now's good!

Thanks for your lovely comments Charlie and Ali.. all going to plan for the party.. this time next week we'll all be together.. friends and family from North and South Islands, my Son from Queensland..
I'm writing a poem for my Daughter.. friends are coming later today and will video me saying it - I know I'd end up in tears if I tried to read it out with everyone here.. Two more sleeps, as she said, and she'll be home.. I've organised our large sleep-out ready for the party.. after most people have gone home or to bed, she and her friends can continue to party there, plus all sleep there (if they get any sleep!).. she wanted to borrow a large tent from our friends.. and doesn't know that I've got the sleep-out sorted.. way nicer than everyone partying and sleeping in a tent on these cold nights - almost lit a fire tonight.. autumn well and truly here.. raining outside - sounds lovely..

And, yes, even twenty-some-things like Easter egg hunts.. she joked about it a while ago, doesn't know I have foil-wrapped marshmallow eggs or that I'm writing treasure hunt poems for a hunt right around the property.. a whole lot of people rushing around, I'm guessing they'll all have a lot of fun.. and no-one's ever too old for fun! :-) I might text the clues to them as they find each one.. bring it into the 21st century!

A little of the poem for her:
And with Chris..
Your relationship as brother and sister
To be celebrated
To be respected
To have all the goodness in the world smile upon..
Because he’s your brother Chris
And you’re his sister Jenni
The two of you living lives that connect..
And though many miles are travelled
Each time you are together..
It’s as if there were none
Because each of you knows
The other is there..

And from us all..
Each one of us that is here
And others elsewhere
Loving you
Believing in you
And for the future
Wishing you well..
How fortunate are we all to have shared
Your growing pathway to be the woman you are today..
May blessings and love be yours
For always, my Darling Daughter...

Ohhhh Julie,a beautiful,beautiful poem wow bought tears to my eyes,so many lovely caring people in this wonderful thread.
Thank you Charlie for starting this thread,I have made some lovely friends in here.
Have been thinking of you all in Christchurch,it is just so heart breaking,had a cry for you all last night,I guess it really got to me,with my son and all,so wished they would come home,but ds will not leave his job he loves so much.
I am blessed he has a job,power and water.
I so feel for all those that have lost there jobs,homes,and all.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-17 07:17:00
510 wrote:

Sorry to hear about the nasty aftershock in christchurch last night, Here's hoping it all ends very soon. Up early as DH has early start as he is in an ad today. Plan to go back & get some more sleep later.

Hun,hope you are well,I too have been in hospital with Asthma,not good,so frightning.
I still have the cough,but not a hacking one now,so it is getting better.
Sure hope you are well,hun,have been thinking of you.
Angel hugs xxxx

earthangel4 - 2011-04-17 07:20:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-17 07:42:00

I meant to write in earlier post "congrats for your new dear wee granddaughter, love the name Savanna ( sorry I think I am spelling it wrong.)

Hope you are feeling better after your recent spell in hospital. For some reason i am quite wheezy now, my peak flow is low, just taken inhalers so hopefully they will soon kick in. My asthma is definitely worse after my episode of doule phnuemonia last year.

we have sun here too which is very welcome after the heavy rain that we have had. Your window display sounds lovely.
sorry to hear that you have had a challenging week, hope you get some quality Toady time this weekend.

510 - 2011-04-17 08:19:00
510 wrote:

I meant to write in earlier post "congrats for your new dear wee granddaughter, love the name Savanna ( sorry I think I am spelling it wrong.)

Hope you are feeling better after your recent spell in hospital. For some reason i am quite wheezy now, my peak flow is low, just taken inhalers so hopefully they will soon kick in. My asthma is definitely worse after my episode of doule phnuemonia last year.

we have sun here too which is very welcome after the heavy rain that we have had. Your window display sounds lovely.
sorry to hear that you have had a challenging week, hope you get some quality Toady time this weekend.

Thank you hun,and no worries about spelling,yes I know what you mean,I was in hospital with phuuemonia last dec,but I am getting better,I was put on some cough mixture,that is called chesty bosolvon,it is so good,gets rid of all the yucky stuff in your lungs,I am also still on Prednizone,last one one friday.
Good luck hun.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-17 08:29:00

What a night! Went to sleep to aftershocks ... was woken by an aftershock.
Thought we were starting to cope & then a night like that makes you feel like crap all over again.
Christchurch sky is very grey today & I think it's a reflection of the mood accross the city.
So hard to be positive in this environment ...

winnie231 - 2011-04-17 08:45:00

Thinking of you all down there. Reading the earthquake thread last night I could understand those reaching for wine and Easter eggs - to consume, that is!

Edited by bedazzledjewels at 8:48 am, Sun 17 Apr

bedazzledjewels - 2011-04-17 08:48:00

poor you guys, sorry that you have had such a crap time of it again, one just wonders if the blasted thing will ever stop.

auckland_ali - 2011-04-17 09:14:00

gosh you poor people, one wonders if chch will ever come right,,,

motorbo - 2011-04-17 09:20:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-17 09:47:00

We have to believe it will Motobo. I hadn't been any where much since Feb 22 but yesterday we went over to the lovely little gallery at Little River which had a small exhibition of paintings of Christchurch buildings before the quake. They are all bathed in the late autumn Christchurch sunlight. Then my cousin decided it was time I did look at the parts of the city that are out of the cordon, my poor old ruined school, etc. It was really sad, and such a contrast to those golden pictures of the city I've known all my life. We had just got home to her house when bang! All the resolutions about cutting the wine, nibbles etc. went straight out the window again. And we had just been saying we hadn't felt one for a couple of weeks. Hope everyone's nerves are recovering now and that you've got something nice to do on this grey Christchurch day. I am going to parcel the Easter eggs and send them off to absent kids and I'm sure that 22 year old home again after earthquake fully expects the basket he's had since he was two to be full of it's usual booty next Sunday.

greerg - 2011-04-17 09:56:00

Sympathetic thoughts with you all in ChCh-I find it hard to understand how any of you have remained sane-mind you, I can only assume that you are!
Juliewen, Jenni had such indifferent health for so long, I presume she is healthy now and enjoying her life. I hope next weekend is wonderful for you all. You sound to have really enjoyed the planning. 510 and EA, hope your asthma improves, a horrible afflictio n-are the inhalers keeping you OK Ali?

marywea - 2011-04-17 11:14:00
earthangel4 wrote:

Thank you hun,and no worries about spelling,yes I know what you mean,I was in hospital with phuuemonia last dec,but I am getting better,I was put on some cough mixture,that is called chesty bosolvon,it is so good,gets rid of all the yucky stuff in your lungs,I am also still on Prednizone,last one one friday.
Good luck hun.

I used to get acute Pneumonia in winter. It was terrible. I would be like a zombie. Since I have lost weight I only get the odd cold. Although the greeblies seemed to have hit me, I guess that is due to a very high pressure last semester I am in. I have been keeping up vitamin intake and eating lots of curries/garlic. With the help of Robitussin (stuff tastes foul but what can I do it works). Off to attempt alfajores at last as my friend although from Brazil wants some. (it is a common dish in Argentina/Chile). Also made a nice red pepper relish last nice and I have another order for stir fry and muffins. I think I should charge for food. on second, I love to cook and bake.

jcprotea - 2011-04-17 13:27:00

HUGS, i so feel for you all

greerg wrote:

We have to believe it will Motobo. I hadn't been any where much since Feb 22 but yesterday we went over to the lovely little gallery at Little River which had a small exhibition of paintings of Christchurch buildings before the quake. They are all bathed in the late autumn Christchurch sunlight. Then my cousin decided it was time I did look at the parts of the city that are out of the cordon, my poor old ruined school, etc. It was really sad, and such a contrast to those golden pictures of the city I've known all my life. We had just got home to her house when bang! All the resolutions about cutting the wine, nibbles etc. went straight out the window again. And we had just been saying we hadn't felt one for a couple of weeks. Hope everyone's nerves are recovering now and that you've got something nice to do on this grey Christchurch day. I am going to parcel the Easter eggs and send them off to absent kids and I'm sure that 22 year old home again after earthquake fully expects the basket he's had since he was two to be full of it's usual booty next Sunday.

motorbo - 2011-04-17 14:08:00
jcprotea wrote:

**Offers all a nice hearty vege madras curry with rice**

Jcprotea - sounds delicous, would you pretty please share your recipe. Ive not long become vegetarian and would appreciate your recipe ever so muchly. I used to like a good madras.
On another note - thinking of everyone down there in cantabury - hang in their guys and gals. Hope everybody is as okay and they can be in such a situation.

gr8stuf4me - 2011-04-17 14:18:00
gr8stuf4me wrote:

Jcprotea - sounds delicous, would you pretty please share your recipe. Ive not long become vegetarian and would appreciate your recipe ever so muchly. I used to like a good madras.
On another note - thinking of everyone down there in cantabury - hang in their guys and gals. Hope everybody is as okay and they can be in such a situation.

I use this curry powder. I make my own.

I use for the vegetables: Cauliflower, broccoli, onion, a potato or two, carrot. Add about 3/4 can of coconut cream and your powder. Cook until vegetables are tender. Stir occasionally so cream does not burn. Cook over a medium heat for 15 minutes. Serve on Basmati or jasmine rice

jcprotea - 2011-04-17 15:36:00

also for a vegetarian dish, you will love this.

jcprotea - 2011-04-17 15:37:00

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herika - 2011-04-17 16:32:00

Hi Jcprotea - thanks so much for your prompt reply, *rushes into kitchen to check for ingredients and spices*. Sounds so nice lol.

gr8stuf4me - 2011-04-17 16:52:00

Juliewn - lovely poem and am sure the day will be just wonderful - hope chch has settled down so people can sleep, one wonders at what point you have had enough? is it courage to stay or courage to go, I really do not know what I would be doing if I were in your shoes!!! - and am sorry its only cyber hugs to let you know that we think of you.
I have a sinus infection again so will head to the doctors tomorrow, maybe it wasnt taking enough of the hayfever tablets - I came back from holiday not taking anything at all which I thought was quite positive, lol. maybe I sould be taking a leaf out of my MIL books and doing the buccalina burners that she swears by.

auckland_ali - 2011-04-17 22:32:00

Lovely poem Julie ... and my best wishes to those of you under the weather.
I feel selfish in that my posts seem to be only about me & the Chch situation at the moment.
I am struggling at times to cope with my own situation & often am at a loss of words (and emotional caperbility) to give input for anyone else but I do read everything here and my thoughts are with you ... even when not expressed.
On top of everything else my car, which is the only thing I came out of the quake with, has failed it's warrent! I just want to stop the world and get off for a while lol!
I haven't had any $$ go into my EQ recovery fund & now I'm going to have to take out of it to get my car road-worthy. I'm playing a waiting game for student allowance so hoping it will come through before my funds run out completely!
Vent over ... on a bright note - have been asked to house & dog sit for June & July so atleast I'll be out of the caravan for a while :)
Thankyou for being there TMC family! And for listening whether you want to or not!!

winnie231 - 2011-04-17 23:03:00
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