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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


Fabulous, thank you Kob & Jaxma, the links above worked perfectly for me, so now I just need to download the pages &/or print them out.

pony_girl - 2014-12-03 18:19:00
pony_girl wrote:

Fabulous, thank you Kob & Jaxma, the links above worked perfectly for me, so now I just need to download the pages &/or print them out.

yay im thrilled

kob - 2014-12-04 15:30:00

Needs to be here as well.

Hmmm no response to my note, anyway here is the best recipe involving Chocolate, most sort after especially when still slightly warm.

You do need a Blender or be able to chop up the fruit as fine as possible, and a mixer or something to cream the butter mixture, plus a sifter to sift the flour and a ring type cake baking tin - has a hole in the centre hence Ring tin, not the basic circular cake ting.

Firstly, line the base of the tin with grease (buttering) baking paper, do this greasing all sides on tin and one side of paper with the greased side up when into the tin.
Now preheat oven to 180C (turn the oven on).
Cream 120g softened (not melted) butter and 1 heaped cup of sugar together in a bowl, mix until all looks a bit creamy looking.
Add 3 eggs, one at a time mixed into butter mix and mixed together increasing the creamy look, put to one side.
Now, finely chop an orange and a medium Mandarin Skin and all o into a food blender roughly chopped, add 1 1/4 cups of roughly chopped dates plus level teaspoon baking soda and 3/4 cup of water and blend all together in blender or finely chop all mixed well together.
In another Bowl, sift 2 1/4 ups of flour, add a pinch of salt (finger and thumb holding amount).
Now the big mix, add the three bowls together and stir well adding 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla essence as well.

Pour the Mixture (cake batter) into the cake tin then the Chocolate part.....

I usually use those thinner Whittaker's Choc bars about 25 grams each of various flavours broken into thirds but any choc bars slabs can do. The idea is to pieces of choc about 2 to 3 cm long and place then vertical into the cake batter all around,If using different flavours, just imagine the thrill of such taste as you eat the cake. If the choc shows above the batter then just leave it and when baked just smooth it.

Into the oven and bake for at least 45 minutes possibly say about 55 minutes. A skewer is then inserted but not where the choc is to check for doneness, it should come out clean.

Cool a little then onto a wire rack or cool further and onto a serving plate remembering to check the sides is not sticking to the tin before taking out of tin.

If cake is still warm, nice served with a little bit of whipped cream. If cold then as is.


valentino - 2015-05-15 09:22:00

Thank you for the links to the recipes. A great resource for bakers.

greerg - 2015-05-17 18:37:00
melisk wrote:

Red Velvet Whoopie Pies :)

Do you jave to use butter milk?

lyno53 - 2015-08-12 21:14:00

bev00 - 2015-09-17 10:52:00

Hi There, the links work great, big ups to jaxma/kiwijo for all her hard work over the years - I'm sure we all appreciate it. Thanks

gr8stuf4me - 2015-09-18 10:23:00

Ohh except in volume two I'm finding a lot of recipes where the method had been cut short, gaps - as I'm not sure what's happened here I thought I better bring it to kiwiJo's attention. Love your work but hmm not sure what's happened as I'm sure you would have typed it in. Thanks

gr8stuf4me - 2015-09-18 10:31:00

The third one worked great too and kudos to you too kob as I see you were involved too, great work. It's just the second I had trouble with. Thanks

gr8stuf4me - 2015-09-18 10:36:00
gr8stuf4me wrote:

Ohh except in volume two I'm finding a lot of recipes where the method had been cut short, gaps - as I'm not sure what's happened here I thought I better bring it to kiwiJo's attention. Love your work but hmm not sure what's happened as I'm sure you would have typed it in. Thanks

In those days when this thread first started, the postings were very restrictive on amount of letters, words that can be used. One can see even today where a number of these older threads still existing that a recipe could take up to 2 to 4 posts, today is a lot longer now. Also a lot of bumps were registered as the period for keeping a thread was only a week, this was changed not too long ago to a year (for recipes - some other topics maybe shorter).
In the old days, was quite common for posters to only type the very basics knowing that most people are aware of how to mix it generally or assume to know as such.

Hopes this helps.


valentino - 2015-09-18 10:41:00

Bump!!! On page six, what, has nobody bee baking lol.

gr8stuf4me - 2015-10-17 16:00:00

TIme to start all that back to school baking for the freezer again, quite excited about it really, doing it this time for the grandkids, special diets to contend with so this will be a huge help to the parents so yer planning to be orginised over this weekend

kob - 2016-01-17 10:27:00


sikem - 2016-04-11 15:11:00

This message was deleted.

deb8888 - 2016-08-06 04:57:00

cannot lose this thread - up it goes

pixiegirl - 2017-08-02 12:38:00
kob wrote:

I am not promising this will work, BUT I have tried to get a link working for the 3 Volumes of recipe books.

These are a collection of recipes from this thread made over the years and are compiled together by Kiwijo (or Jaxma as she was) for us all.

Try it and let me know if this works ok.

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Thank you for the link but l don't visit as often these days and wondering why kiwijo's posts have vanished?

Does anyone know if there is volume 4 and if there is can someone kindly post a link please

griffo4 - 2017-08-03 14:07:00

Hi everyone.. so lovely to see some of the threads that have so many posts still treasured.. will look for others too.. :-)

juliewn - 2017-08-06 23:24:00

on last page

mutley83 - 2018-08-04 12:15:00

Honestly thought we had lost this amazing thread!
Is there a 4th book??

whiskey13 - 2018-09-03 16:54:00

Coffee Walnut Slice

1 egg, lightly beaten
120g butter
1/3 c castor sugar
1 tbsp instant coffee dissolved in hot water
250g plain biscuits, crushed (I used girl guide biscuits)

· Heat butter, sugar, egg and coffee together until smooth
· Add crushed biscuits (I crushed mine with a rolling pin so that there were still chunks of biscuit)
· Press into 20x18cm lined tin and chill
Ice with coffee icing and scatter with chopped walnuts

willman - 2018-09-05 14:30:00

Wish trade me message boards was around 25-30 years ago when I was trying to figure out different things to bake each week to fill the cake tins for the weeks lunches. With 4 kids I could not afford to buy ready made stuff from the supermarket.

luvmycat - 2018-09-15 21:30:00


mutley83 - 2019-09-05 13:09:00
willman wrote:

Coffee Walnut Slice

1 egg, lightly beaten
120g butter
1/3 c castor sugar
1 tbsp instant coffee dissolved in hot water
250g plain biscuits, crushed (I used girl guide biscuits)

· Heat butter, sugar, egg and coffee together until smooth
· Add crushed biscuits (I crushed mine with a rolling pin so that there were still chunks of biscuit)
· Press into 20x18cm lined tin and chill
Ice with coffee icing and scatter with chopped walnuts

Thanks for that, love a delicious coffee walnut slice!

whiskey13 - 2019-09-24 19:41:00
luvmycat wrote:

Wish trade me message boards was around 25-30 years ago when I was trying to figure out different things to bake each week to fill the cake tins for the weeks lunches. With 4 kids I could not afford to buy ready made stuff from the supermarket.

I think the idea of "filling the cake tins" has gone out of date. It was dependent on everyone expecting to eat large quantities of sugar regularly.

Who bothers these days?

davidt4 - 2019-09-24 20:01:00

Wow! Over 3000 posts. That was phenomenal!

I think to this day that the TM recipe board as a whole would have remained very popular if a small number of truly nasty people hadn't chipped away constantly, bullying then alienating many lovely, friendly posters - and even getting them banned.

Really, who can justify that awful behaviour when this was simply a group of pleasant like-minded people talking about a shared passion with food?

One case that still comes to mind is the sneering and utter vitriol one poor lady endured from a single poster when she asked for ideas around a beachside Christmas barbecue in memory of a late relative - or something like that. Maybe it was with a foreign student? I can't just remember the fine details. It did involve an element of surprise.

This was years ago now, but it was just appalling and the person who said those things should be utterly ashamed. The thread has stuck in my memory as it definitely drove away genuine, kind, food lovers who no longer felt comfortable posting here. And that's a shame.

For the record I last baked a week ago and made a batch of chocolate chip cookies for my son and his friends. I'm not very imaginative!

Edited by wasala at 10:01 pm, Tue 24 Sep

wasala - 2019-09-24 22:00:00

Do people actually still bake....?

johvri - 2019-09-25 23:37:00
johvri wrote:

Do people actually still bake....?


strowan1 - 2019-10-10 08:29:00
johvri wrote:

Do people actually still bake....?

Yes because we like cakes that are moist and freshly baked, not dry stale cakes and biscuits with preservatives

toyboy3 - 2019-10-10 09:30:00
toyboy3 wrote:

Yes because we like cakes that are moist and freshly baked, not dry stale cakes and biscuits with preservatives

Agreed. Some of us prefer baking made with butter, not slimy tasting palm oil or hydrogenated, industrially extracted, rancid vegetable oils. Some of us prefer eating food with ingredients that we can recognise rather than becoming unpaid guinea pigs for food manufacturers chemical experiments.

buzzy110 - 2019-10-10 11:09:00
davidt4 wrote:

I think the idea of "filling the cake tins" has gone out of date. It was dependent on everyone expecting to eat large quantities of sugar regularly.

Who bothers these days?

I agree, I seldom bake because I'd have trouble not scoffing it & I don't really have a sweet tooth.
Although I enjoy baking I only bake for guests & that's usually some sort of fruit muffins &/or a slice.
I can understand others baking if they have lunch boxes daily ...better quality as a small treat than shop bought stuff & packets of crisps/chips & other crap food that some kids have in their lunch.

samanya - 2019-10-10 17:21:00

I haven’t made it yet but I am planning to make a batch of lolly cake for my daughter to take to camp on Monday - she’s the teacher and perfectly capable of making it herself but she’s just come back from 3 weeks in Europe visiting family so she’ll be jet lagged and busy doing laundry - also I want some

sarahb5 - 2019-10-11 16:09:00
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