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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


Hi Jaxma, haven't been here a while but I see there is now Vol 3.........would you please email me a copy, really appreciate it....have been using my others continually for the past years!! send to glass2ultd at gee mail dot com, cheers

oconnec - 2013-07-03 15:09:00

Or anyone else that could mail it through.............Thanks, Christine

oconnec - 2013-07-04 14:07:00

Why was my post removed?
Am about to leave for work Christine but will send them throu when i get home. So they should been with you by midnight. Something to look forward to when you get up tomorrow morning.

Edited by whiskey13 at 1:42 pm, Fri 5 Jul

whiskey13 - 2013-07-05 13:40:00

Thanks Jo,
All good!!!, really appreciate it....... :)

oconnec - 2013-07-06 10:38:00
oconnec wrote:

Thanks Jo,
All good!!!, really appreciate it....... :)

No worries. :)

whiskey13 - 2013-07-08 12:38:00
lemsip wrote:

That is fair enough but just because you made it and not bought it does not make it that much less unhealthy.

Oh dear lord.... go away, Kids want to eat sweet things, they need energy from various sources.... right through the last century Mothers have been baking sweet treats for kids. What is more important is that they are not loaded with manufactured and processed foods. Instead made with love and you cant beat baking made from that. As long as that is not all they eat and they eat a balanced diet which she said they did who are you to judge her!

kara101 - 2013-07-09 12:57:00

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blackbart1 - 2013-07-13 23:43:00

Two Lemon Madeira cakes yesterday. Easy peasy and always nice with a cuppa. Making another one today for the freezer. Haven't frozen one before so hope it freezes well.

Edited by matuq at 8:16 am, Sun 14 Jul

matuq - 2013-07-14 08:15:00

Recipe book please,would love copies of recipes maryfordwaat gmaildotcom.Many thanks to those providing these

flo16 - 2013-07-14 11:40:00
kiwijo wrote:

I have just sent though a whole lot of emails of the recipe books - sorry for taking so long to get them out to you all - I very rarely come into this thread these days. (ex Jaxma).

Hey Jax how are you, do you still have my email address I would like to ask you something im at the xtra place if youve forgotten

kob - 2013-09-20 08:44:00
flo16 wrote:

Recipe book please,would love copies of recipes maryfordwaat gmaildotcom.Many thanks to those providing these

on there way

kob - 2013-09-20 15:25:00
nanasee1 wrote:

Hi Jaxma copies of your books would be really appreciated. User name without the 1 at the xtra place. Many thanks

on there way to you

kob - 2013-09-20 15:27:00
surf2 wrote:

Hi Jaxma, Could I please please please have a copy of all the books you have done vol 1,2,3 & 4 if there is one. Both myself and my children would be very grateful. Email addy is Thank you so much

Ive just sent them to you

kob - 2013-09-20 15:32:00

Hi all life has been pretty bvusy lately and I have not had much time to pop in and have a chat.
There are new ventures in the horizon for me, and I would like to get hold of Jaxma or Kiwijo as her new name is, if anyone can help me out with letting her know I would like to contact her, I would appreciate it emmensly.

I have been going back thorugh the thread, slowely to see all the terrific entries that are in there, is there still a website that has all the recipes on it all copied out, there used to be one but cant remember if it was trademecooks, or something similar to that.

Jaxmas recipe books she made have been amazing, has 4 come out yet, that would be great to get hold of as it has all the recipes that I have not been around for.

Happy cooking everyone, I am a Meals on Wheels Cook now for the elderly in our area, so I have been able to take or the recipes etc from here and adapt them into my working menu, so its been faboulous, and my nephew who I was cooking with when this thread orignailly was started is now 16, can you believe that. This thread im sure has to be the longest run thread on trademe, I wish they could state it, we should get an award.

kob - 2013-09-20 15:53:00

All those emails I thought I had sent out last night with the few recipe book requests all bounced back, so please disregaurd my sent message to you.
Happy weekends cooking everyone

kob - 2013-09-21 10:23:00

I can finally reveal that I have done it, I have made a blog site, it may have taken me ages to complete, but life if extremely busy with working 2 part time jobs, and running the household, you know how it is.
I have some exciting news I am going to be a grandma in February, so im absolutely thrilled, and for some reason this has given me the motivation to get my A into G and get some things I have wanted to do, done.
So for all of you who have said, I should make a web site, do some publishing, etc etc this is all in the pipeline, so thank you for all the encouragement you have given me over the years, please check them out and leave me some messages, I'd love to see you sign up and see what comes of it all.
So onto the sites, I have a facebook account which everything I place on my blog, automatically transfers over to so it is where most people spend their social media time, so if you are a facebook member, check out the link, like the page and make some comments, it will be brilliant to see you stop by,

and if you would like to check out the actual blog and sign up to receive updates, please check it out here,
I am still ading things to it, and you know how I work, my brain is full of ideas, so it is a definate work in progress.
I look forward to seeing you all stop buy.

kob - 2013-09-21 10:48:00

thank you for the time and effort into sharing the recipes.

could someone please send me a copy of the recipe book? greatly appreciated

playfair at gmail dot com

playfair - 2013-09-21 12:11:00

Have finally started trying some things from this thread (but when I went to find it again it was way down on page 14!) So bumping back up - don't want to lose it.

cantab29 - 2013-10-24 12:54:00

The member deleted this message.

kiwijo - 2013-10-29 19:08:00
kiwijo wrote:

Kob - I have just messaged you via Facebook.

Cool thanks Jo

kob - 2013-10-30 07:57:00

Bump ... does anyone have a yummy pumpkin soup recipe that has bacon and cream in it please?

breesbuysell - 2013-11-08 17:45:00
breesbuysell wrote:

Bump ... does anyone have a yummy pumpkin soup recipe that has bacon and cream in it please?

O def do, all I use for mine is pumpkin, potato, onion and cover with beef stock and cook, then blitz with a blender, or stick, when serving I add some cooked chopped bacon and a swirl of cream, its absolutely delishous. I used to buy it at my local restaurant for $10 a bowl and one day aasked her how it was made, not only did I stop going in there for soup, but for $10 I can make 20 bowls

kob - 2013-11-09 12:25:00

HI All, I have a question.
Last year when I anounced that I had made my son's a recipe book with all their favourite meals in it including photos, everyone said they would be keen to purchase it, if it went up for sale.
So I'M thinking of publishing it as it would be great for guys and girls leaving home, to help them, and you would rest asured that they were eating well as they would have all the basic recipes to keep them going from beginner to experienced cooks, let me know your interest as I am looking into the cost of editing/publishing it and see what kind of number run I would need to do, as no point in getting 50 done if only 15 want them.
Please show your interest here so I get an idea of who would want them.
Thanks all

kob - 2013-11-17 15:45:00

Hi Kob-that is a fabulous idea,I often read through ths thread and get different ideas to make.
I would definately be keen on purchasing a couple of recipe books.
Keep up the great work you are doing.

antzmaria1 - 2013-11-17 16:34:00
antzmaria1 wrote:

Hi Kob-that is a fabulous idea,I often read through ths thread and get different ideas to make.
I would definately be keen on purchasing a couple of recipe books.
Keep up the great work you are doing.

Thanks I'm looking at editing options this week and what runs to do etc so I'll keep in touch

kob - 2013-11-17 19:28:00

Marking these too

huca1 - 2013-12-10 21:28:00

kob, i would be interested in your book.

whiskey13 - 2013-12-11 12:04:00

Cool I'll go ahead and look into it seriously then thanks

Edited by kob at 8:54 pm, Thu 12 Dec

kob - 2013-12-12 20:54:00

This message was deleted.

kiwijo - 2013-12-21 07:29:00

I often visit this thread and enjoy the wisdom within. Could I please have the books emailed Elspie at Vodafone co nz

melinda1 - 2013-12-21 07:45:00

Post 2945 does anybody know if the old fashioned Edmonds cheesecakes can be frozen for later use? Love them and need to bake for an upcoming event?

melinda1 - 2013-12-21 07:57:00

Thanks Joanne-awesome. Much appreciated. Will now have more fun baking!

melinda1 - 2013-12-21 19:21:00

Daughter printed the volumes out, added a lovely colour pic to front of each and has bound for me-they look a million bucks. Thanks heaps

melinda1 - 2013-12-27 09:47:00

made some Coconut Rough slice (always was my favourite slice)

now looking for a good biscuit recipe or two

destiny6nz - 2013-12-28 13:28:00

hi, any chance you can email me the book many many thanks in advance megan dot garland at xtra dot co dot nz.

kellybme - 2013-12-29 13:47:00

Bumping, have been meaning to read this thread for ever, started tonight, and only on pge 9 - and already have a recipe i have wanted for 3 years (a lemon one for my MIL) - didn't know what it was tl i found it, many thanks!!

kay34 - 2014-05-11 21:44:00

up to pge 51 tonight!!

kay34 - 2014-05-12 21:41:00


cantab29 - 2014-10-17 13:41:00

Today, I made a coffee walnut fudge slice (bev00 recipe), put half in the freezer for later use. 2 Christmas puddings, chopped & mixed the fruit for my Christmas cake and put it to soak in rum. Just added somemore rum to a jar of last years mince ready to make the pies to put in the freezer. A bit ahead of myself this year but I'm sure it won't last.

Edited by nauru at 8:15 pm, Fri 17 Oct

nauru - 2014-10-17 20:03:00

Xmas cakes 2 weeks ago, and no sitting well wrapped ready for Xmas. I know everyone here is super busy, but would love copies of the recipe books. kaywatson1 2 3 hotmail. TIA

kay34 - 2014-10-26 23:44:00

Hi to all the new ladies who are now going through the thread, this has been an awesome collection from all involved, and I am so thrilled that it is still alive and active

kob - 2014-10-29 21:57:00

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kiwijo - 2014-11-20 07:00:00

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blackbart1 - 2014-11-20 22:31:00

I would also love copies of all the books if possible, many thanks in advance. address is shazandmuzza at xtra dot co dot nz

maxeboy74 - 2014-11-22 12:46:00

Printed 2 sets of the books last year and love them. Daughter just bought a house and moving before Christmas so her set of Cook books about to be regularly used to I would say. Thanks so much

melinda1 - 2014-11-23 08:52:00

This message was deleted.

blackbart1 - 2014-11-28 07:27:00

Could I have a set of all the books please
dr mrs 96 at yahoo dot com (no spaces )
Thanking you in advance

actiongirl1 - 2014-11-29 16:51:00

I would love copies of the books too please, Thanks heaps!

darena - 2014-12-01 09:55:00

If I could join the requests for copies of the books that would be greatly appreciated, brian dot phillipa at the xtra place (no spaces). Many thanks.

june126 - 2014-12-01 17:02:00

I am not promising this will work, BUT I have tried to get a link working for the 3 Volumes of recipe books.

These are a collection of recipes from this thread made over the years and are compiled together by Kiwijo (or Jaxma as she was) for us all.

Try it and let me know if this works ok.

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Edited by kob at 5:39 pm, Wed 3 Dec

kob - 2014-12-03 17:38:00
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