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We Don't Have to Buy It Cos We Can Make It Thread!


Variations: Savoury: Spread a very thin layer of marmite or vegemite across the surface of the dough. Mix in a bowl 1 to 1 & 1/2 cups grated cheese, 1 medium very finely chopped onion, and some chopped fresh parsley. Spread this mix over the marmite/vegemite. Roll up, slice and cook as above. Add some very well drained and chopped pineapple pieces too if you want.

juliewn - 2008-08-08 01:52:00

Sweet: Spread a very thin layer of soft butter or margarine across the surface of the dough. Mix together 3/4 cup brown sugar and 1 & 1/2 cups of your choice of sultana's, raisins, currants, chopped dates, chopped dried apricots, etc.. Add 2 tsp of cinnamon, mixed spice, and/or ground ginger too if you want. Spread this mix evenly over the butter/margarine mix. Roll up and seal. Cut into slices and bake as above.

juliewn - 2008-08-08 01:52:00

WOW, this thread.. has got huge! julie, I wish you lived by me - I'd be round at your house 24/7 lol for all your goodies. Not much input from me lately although I DO have more stuff but my darling Husband is in hospital so I just jump on here in the morning and late at night and I can see when my life has settled again, I will be furiously copy and pasting!! Have a nice day all, at least it's Friday, wahoo :o)

jenna68 - 2008-08-08 06:25:00

To help purify your blood or "relieve" piles In a medium size glass/cup disolve 1/2 - 1tsp of manuka honey in a small amount of boiling water, add 1 tsp of cider vinegar (organic is best). mix together and top up the glass with cold water. Drink this every 2nd day fist thing in the morning.

maxville - 2008-08-08 12:43:00

Silk Play Dough for the kids!! this is a recipe i make and as long as i keep it in an air tight container or bag and out of the sun we can still be using it a year later!!!!
It is great to make up for birthday and xmas presents or put in goodie bags after parties!!
This recipe makes a LARGE amount and i usually make it into 2 or 3 colours!
6 Tbsp oil 6 Tbsp cream of tartar 1 1/2 cups salt food colouring mix these ingredients together in a large bowl then add 6 cups of boiling water- stir in well then add 6-8 cups of plain flour (after 6cups start kneeding and add flour as required to get consistancy you want).Divide and add food colouring and mix in. leave to cool before using or storing. Have Fun!! :)

maxville - 2008-08-08 12:54:00

Chocolate Coating for Ice Cream- goes hard 1/2 C icing sugar
3 T cocoa
125 gm Kremelta or Copha
1 t vanilla

Sift icing sugar and cocoa into small bowl.
Melt Kremelta over low heat, gradually stir into icing sugar until smooth.
Add vanilla.
Coating can be used immediately.

Makes 3/4 C.

katalin2 - 2008-08-08 13:24:00

Hi Tracey... I'm thinking of you.. and your hubby. and do hope he is ok.. If you lived nearby, I'd love you to come for a cuppa.. and wish I could be of help to you now.. take care.. hugs.. Julie..

juliewn - 2008-08-08 23:09:00

Hi Maxville.. your recipe for manuka honey, cider vinegar and hot/warm water is delicious.. and very popular too.. and isn't it refreshing.. Comvita now make Honeygar, which is honey and apple cider vinegar mixed together.. add some to water.. and your drink is ready. My Partner adds a little Honeygar to his water sipper bottle, and has some every day.. he prefers this to water now, and feels better for it too.. I included a recipe for making apple cider vinegar in this thread.. am planning to make it next summer and looking forward to having my own to use for salads, pickles, etc.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-08-08 23:29:00

Hi Cathy.. I hope your garden isn't getting damaged with all the wild and wet weather lately.. I've started the process of growing the blackboy peach stones.. wish me luck.. :-) I hope all is well for you there.. cheers.. Julie

juliewn - 2008-08-08 23:32:00

Chaep exfoliate and skin softener Heres a great way to give your self a great facial.
Use a tablespoon or so of coconut oil and add just enough sugar to make it grainy. About 1 teaspoon is ample.
I do this with the coconut oil melted - just stand in bowl of hot water for a time. Then let it set again.
This makes a great exfoliant for your facial. Massage in and rinse with warm water. Your skin feels so soft and refreshed after. I also use coconut oil as a night cream. It's great for your skin and you can buy the coconut oil from most indian spice shops.

tansey - 2008-08-09 08:35:00

Awww julie, thank you... I had tears in my eyes when I read your post, certainly could do with some hugs at the mo'! Hubby has Pneumonia, infarcted Spleen (clot) and 2 clots in Liver, been in hospital since Sun night, got sent home Monday (bloody idiots) and back Mon night and still there for some time yet, SUCH a stressful time but we have lots of friends and family helping which is awesome, Tracey xxxxx

jenna68 - 2008-08-09 12:42:00

I just made the bran muffins, with one mashed banana. They were really good - made 12 filled to the brim in the muffin tray, and 12 mini muffins too, Thanks!

bildasteve - 2008-08-09 12:42:00

Hi Tracey.. big hugs being sent.. think of them whenever you need one.. or two.. or more.. limitless hugs being sent.. :-) I'm thinking of you both.. and best of wishes for a good recovery for your hubby.. take gentle care of You too.. hugs.. Julie..

juliewn - 2008-08-09 20:20:00

Hi Julie, garden surviving ok- covering up some of my pots each night and moved some into garage. I have also planted the blackboy peach seeds- will keep in touch how they germinate. Good luck with yours. Plenty more if you don't have any luck, but they should come through ok.

katalin2 - 2008-08-09 21:00:00

Thanks julie.. will sure be cashing in on those hugs lol after today, hubby in there for at least another 2 weeks Doctor's tell us, will really have to hone up my organisation skills... yes, will have to take better care of me, have not been hungry, just doing the kids so will have to stop that! Gosh some of these recipes that have been added are awesome, I am going to have fun when I get back to normal! xxx

jenna68 - 2008-08-09 21:08:00

wow thank you everyone for you fab ideas and tips. Im going to make myself a little book and maybe one each for my kids and get them bound...I did have to laugh about the bath cleaner with the lemon and salt, I was wondering if you rinsed with tequila?????

alebix - 2008-08-09 22:25:00

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hippys - 2008-08-09 22:46:00

Hiya Tracey.. :-).. thinking of you both.. mmm I haven't made that recipe in quite a while Hippys.. mu Mum in Law used to make it with her corned beef.. yum!

juliewn - 2008-08-11 00:43:00

Pavlova.. our favourite slightly crisp outer, with marshmallow inside.. and it couldn't be easier to do. Everything goes in the bowl and you beat it all together for 15 minutes and it's ready to place on the tray.. In a mixer bowl, place 3 egg whites, 1/2 tsp vanilla essence, 1 1/8cups sugar, 1 tsp cornflour, 1 tsp malt vinegar and 1/4 cup boiling water. Beat all together for 15 minutes. While it's beating, line an oven tray with baking paper. Heat your oven to 150°C. When the mix is ready, place in a pile in the centre of the tray, and spread out to form a circle about the size of a small dinner plate. Place in the oven and bake for 5 minutes, then without opening the door, reduce the oven temperature to 90°C and cook for 45 minutes. Again don't open the door at all. Turn the oven off and leave the pavlova in the closed oven till it's cold. Remove from the oven and slide onto a platter and decorate as you wish.

juliewn - 2008-08-11 00:44:00

If you want, you can bake the pavlova straight onto a round ovenproof platter (a microwave turntable is good) - without using baking paper, so it's already on the platter you wish to serve it on.. makes it even easier.. You can also make the pavlova well in advance of when needed, and freeze it in a container.. it won't go hard due to the sugar content, and can be decorated straight from the freezer and served immediately.. makes it an easy choice when preparing for parties or Chirstmas etc.

juliewn - 2008-08-11 00:45:00

You can use this recipe to make 6 individual pavlova's - spread them into saucer sized circles on the oven paper - or onto individual oven proof serving plates, and bake for 5 minutes at 150°C, then 20 minutes at 90°C. then turn the oven off and leave till cold.. everyone then has their own pavlova.. These are also easy to freeze.. good for a night when you're home by yourself and "just feel like something else!"..

juliewn - 2008-08-11 00:45:00

And.. thanks to another trader who posted about doing this some time ago: You can use the individual pavlova's to make surprises - when you spread them out before baking, make a hollow in the centre of each pavlova. While they're cooling in the oven, make an easy chocolate mousse - melt 125gms dairy milk chocolate and 25 gms butter in your microwave just till the butter is melted. The chocolate will look whole though it will be soft. Stir together till smooth. Add 1 tsp vanilla and the yolks of two eggs. Stir through well. Whisk the egg whites till stiff and fold them through the chocolate mousse - and voila - your chocolate mousse is ready. Cover with plastic wrap and chill till needed. When ready to decorate your pavlova's, place them onto individual serving dishes, place some chocolate mousse in the hollow in the top of the pav's, and cover the mousse completely with whipped cream, so the mousse is hidden, and decorate. When they're served, your guests will find the chocolate mousse surprise inside the pavlova.. Yum!!

juliewn - 2008-08-11 00:46:00

The surprise doesn't work so well
with a large pav as the mousse is a bit heavy to serve without it falling out, as you cut the pavlova and lift it onto plates.

juliewn - 2008-08-11 00:46:00

Pavlova roll Use the same pavlova recipe.. and spread the mix on baking paper in a swiss roll tin - if you want, the mix can be spread more thinly into two slice tins.. Sprinkle coconut on the top of the mix - it will toast as the pav cooks and become a lovely light brown. Cook the pav at 150°C for JUST 15 minutes. While that is cooking, place a piece of lunch paper or baking paper on your bench. Sprinkle caster sugar or coconut over this. When the pav is ready, turn it upside down onto the caster sugar. Gently peel the baking paper off. Use the lunch paper to help roll the pav into a roll - like a sponge roll. You can do this from the side or the end, depending on the size dish you'll serve it on.

juliewn - 2008-08-11 00:46:00

Leave rolled together till the pav is cold. then unroll it carefully. Spread well drained crushed pineapple (or your favourite fresh or preserved fruit) over the surface, and then some whipped cream. Roll the pav up gently again - small splits will happen - they add to the effect.. and place onto a serving dish. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate till needed. This can be made the day before needed. When serving, slice cross-wise or diagonally.. and place on dishes..

juliewn - 2008-08-11 00:47:00

You could make a berry couli or sauce to serve this with.. Use a can or jar of your favourite berries. Drain the juice through a sieve, then press the pulp through so the seeds are removed. Sweeten the pulp to taste and refrigerate till needed. Or place half the juice and pulp in a microwave bowl - add a little cornflour and sugar to taste and stir to blend. Heat in the microwave stirring often, till the juices have thickened. Stir well and mix the remaining juices well into this. test for sweetness. Leave to cool.. Place a swirl of this onto a plate, then offset a slice of the pavlova roll.. Enjoy!

juliewn - 2008-08-11 00:48:00

I did this for a 50th Wedding Anniversary party and it looked great and worked very well... Make a double pavlova recipe. Place baking paper on an oven tray, and spread the pavlova mix right across the rectangle of the tray, leaving about 3cm around each edge to allow for expansion when cooking. Your Pav. will then be rectangle in shape. Spread it so it's the same height right across the tray. Bake as per a one pavlova recipe directions. Once the Pav. is cold, you can place the whole tray in the freezer until the day it's needed if you want - they freeze very well without cream. When decorating, leave the Pav. on the paper on the tray - just neaten the edges of the paper - and serve it from there.

juliewn - 2008-08-11 00:48:00

To decorate: Spread whipped cream right across the top of the pavlova. Now cut the pav into smallish squares - and then decorate each square. I used slices of Kiwifruit on half the squares, and a strawberry that I cut so it would fan out, on the other half of the squares. I had the kiwifruit on one corner, then strawberries diagonally across for the next three squares, then kiwifruit for the next angle, etc.. till it was all decorated. It looks great when the decorations run diagonally like that. And it's easy to serve, and you'll definitely impress!

juliewn - 2008-08-11 00:49:00

Here's a way to serve a pavlova on the same dish as it's cooked on. Second hand shops or garage sales sometimes have the glass microwave turntables available cheaply - I bought one for 50c. They're ovenproof - so you can pile your pav mix on one of those, spread it out till it's a little smaller than the size of the turntable (they usually spread slightly while cooking) and bake as per the recipe. Leave on the plate and decorate as you wish.. and... enjoy!

juliewn - 2008-08-11 00:50:00

Pavlova Variations: Coconut Macaroon Pavlova Add 1/2 to 1 cup of coconut to the mix when beating it.. bake as per the recipe.. it will be a firmer mix.. and still taste very good..

juliewn - 2008-08-11 00:51:00

Chocolate Pavlova: Melt 100gms of your favourite chocolate with 25 gms butter.. mix together and leave till just cool but not set. Beat this through the pavlova mix once the 15 minutes is up - or create a marbled effect by folding it through lightly. Bake as per the recipe..

juliewn - 2008-08-11 00:53:00

Lemon or Orange: Add the finely grated rind of one lemon or orange to the mix at the beginning of beating, plus use the juice from the orange or lemon in place of the vinegar and 1 tablespoon of the water in the recipe. Bake as per the recipe.. Coconut is nice added to this too.. or fold chocolate through an orange pavlova mix for a jaffa flavoured result..

juliewn - 2008-08-11 00:55:00

Almond: Add 1/2 to 1 tsp of almond essence to the mix before beating. Once the mix is spread out on the baking paper or dish, and ready to go into the oven, sprinkle the top with slivered almonds and bake with these on top. Just delicious! Chocolate could be folded through this too..

juliewn - 2008-08-11 00:57:00

Caramel: Add an extra teaspoon of vanilla and use brown sugar instead of the white sugar.. bake as per the recipe.. slivered almonds can be sprinkled across the top for this too.. or chocolate can be folded through.. yum!

juliewn - 2008-08-11 00:58:00

Hey julie, thanks for that hun.... back at work today (I look after kids, in my home) so can't see Chris until later when they go, will do that hard, having done 10 hour days with him this last week, he is improving slightly every day, had present opening yesterday at the Hospital for Jenna who is 5 today so Daddy could be there too, she is off to School this morning for the first time, am hoping the weather is Sunny so I don't look like a dork wearing Sunglasses to cover my eyes... Gosh, thanks for the above Pav recipes, one of Chris' fav desserts so will copy those down for when he his better, he will love it! xx

jenna68 - 2008-08-11 05:59:00

Yay! Happy Birthday Miss Jenna 5 Year Old!!! I hope you've had a happy day - and a fabulous first day at school.. :-) A special day for you too Tracey.. I reckon our kid's birthdays are days for us to celebrate too.. That's great to hear that Chris is improving.. a big relief for you both I'm sure.. Take care :-)..

juliewn - 2008-08-11 19:09:00

Home-made cough mixture: This was a recipe given by our Plunket Nurse when my son was 4 years old.. and the same recipe is in my own Plunket book.. clearly a time honoured recipe: Mix equal quantities of honey, freshly squeezed citrus juice (orange, lemon or grapefruit), and oil (salad, canola or olive). I use the juice from 2 lemon's or oranges, and equivalent of the honey and oil. I place them in a sipper water bottle. Lid on and shake really well to dissolve the honey.. Give the bottle a shake and sip on the mix whenever its needed.. Discard any left after 3 days and make a new lot if needed..

juliewn - 2008-08-11 19:13:00

drying herbs is easy if you have a hot water cupboard. Pick your fresh herbs, remove the woody bits and put the soft leaves into a paper bag. Record the date and the name of the herb on the bag, and then hang in the hotwater cupboard for about 6 weeks. (timing depends on the herbs) Once dry and crumble remove and store in a jar in the dark place... I buy a basil plant once every couple of years and get enuff fresh and enuff to dry that lasts me the next year.

emmas - 2008-08-11 20:41:00

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jimness - 2008-08-11 21:30:00

Hi Jimness... You can make packages up for making bread in a breadmaker or by hand.. Having the dry ingredients made up in packages, not including the yeast, means you can pour one bag of ingredients into a breadmaker, add the yeast and the wet ingredients, and turn the machine on.. it speeds up the process as you don't have to measure or weigh the ingredients each time you bake bread.. hope this is of help.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-08-11 21:52:00

Bumping for Ritzy343 and post 255 for Play dough..

juliewn - 2008-08-11 21:57:00

bumping to share the goodness to everyone...

alebix - 2008-08-11 22:52:00

Bump This is fantastic

nicolas6 - 2008-08-12 10:10:00

bumping again any more brilliant ideas??? anyone??

alebix - 2008-08-12 13:28:00

Fanks julie for the Birthday wishes for my baby.. Yep, sad day for Mummy lol, cried when I dropped her off, what a wuss, she had a lovely day at School but a crap birthday really with Daddy in Hospital so we told her when Daddy is home and better we will have a special day just for her to celebrate her birthday properly. Chris improving slowly but surely, thanks for your lovely thoughts, they mean the world to me, everyone has been so kind, it does my heart good! Anyways, here is a picture of my prescious all ready yesterday in her Uniform xx

jenna68 - 2008-08-12 21:19:00

Bumping for Debnz looking for choc spread

risey - 2008-08-13 09:45:00

Bumping for another trader :o)

jenna68 - 2008-08-14 05:10:00

Hiya Tracey... I've been away for a few days so have just caught up on your post.. your little darling is just gorgeous.. she'll love having her special day when Chris comes home.. How is he? I've been thinking of you both.. and hope his health is improving.. I know what you mean.. I just made it to the car on my Kid's first days at school, then the tears came.. sure is a mix of emotions on those first days in our Kid's lives.. my daughter Jenni is having one tonight.. friend's in Tauranga are away for 10 days - Jenni is house-sitting for them, so is tonight having her first night away from home in a being-in-charge kind of way.. plus she has two cats and a very large wall-length tank filled with tropical fish to look after.. She's quite used to looking after herself and she enjoyed planning all her meals.. sweet-sour pork, spaghetti bolgnese, etc..etc.. lot's of fruit and veges - she said "heck I didn't even buy any chocolate!" She's enjoying herself.. so lovely to see.. Take care.. and hugs to you.. Julie..

juliewn - 2008-08-14 23:21:00

That's so neat for Jenni to experience... those 10 days, good on her for choosing nice healthy meals, tell her not to overfeed the fishies lol! Chris has gone backwards really and is a bit down about the whole thing, the DR's still don't know what caused all his grief so therefore cannot fix it, he went for an MRI scan yesterday so hopefully we will get the results today, fingers crossed it is nothing 'sinister'. Tell you what, after 11 days in that place, I'd be losing my rag too.. It's one thing to be there and know what is wrong and what will make you better but he knows none of that. I have seen more specialists and DR's in these last few days that I have had hot dinners lol, thanks for your kind words again julie, does my heart good xxx

jenna68 - 2008-08-15 05:46:00

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yourhomesold - 2008-08-15 05:54:00
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