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Preserves Thread - Jams, Pickles, Relishes, etc..


Family Circle Tomato Sauce This is not exactly the same method as in the book, I have modified it to make it really easy. Put in a large pot 2 kg tomatoes, 3 green apples cored and chopped, 3 onions peeled and chopped and as much peeled garlic as you like. Add 2.5 cups malt vinegar, and simmer until everything is soft. Puree with a stick mixer and strain out the seeds if you want, I never do though. Add 2 c sugar, 2 tbsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper, 1/2 tsp mixed spice and 1/4 tsp ground cloves. Simmer for another 1/2 hour or so until thickened slightly. Pour into sterile jars or bottles and seal. Makes about 3 litres. I double this recipe and make it 3 times to make enough for my family of 5 for the year, with extra to give away. You will never go back to Watties!

sclaredy_cat - 2008-03-24 13:55:00

bump ing

supadeal - 2008-03-26 23:36:00

Bumping for Nfh1 :-)

juliewn - 2008-03-28 02:51:00

Mint and Apple Jelly? Im sure I saw a post here somewhere for this recipe but cant seem to find it. Also does tomato relish usually have salt in it? I used one of the recipes from this thread to make some - and it is quite delicious but seems to be lacking something, I think it is salt?

bjkiwi - 2008-03-28 20:33:00

Hi Bjkiwi...There's an Apple & Mint Jelly recipe that has been saved from hthese threads into the TrademeCooks website - it's the top recipe on the page, and there may be other recipes there too.. Here's the link..

juliewn - 2008-03-28 23:07:00

Yes tomato relish has salt - it is usually sprinkled on the chopped tomatoes and onions and left overnight to stand, then next day the liquid is poured off and the rest of the ingredients added before continuing with the rest of the recipe. With yours needing salt, you could bring all of the relish back to a boil, add salt to your taste, boil a few minutes and then re-bottle. Or when opening each jar, pour the contents into a microwave proof bowl. Zap on high till it's almost boiling. Add salt to your taste, stir in well and zap for a minute or so more. Pour into a clean jar and leave it to cool before using - or you could use it hot too if you wanted.. You could do individual jars in a pot on the stove too.. stirring well so the relish doesn't stick to the bottom of the pot. Hope this helps..

juliewn - 2008-03-28 23:07:00

For those who love pesto.. here's a lower fat recipe, which uses sunflower seeds instead of pinenuts, and doesn't use cheese at all. A good recipe to make with late summer basil, or use parsley, or a mix of basil and parsley for a delicious and iron packed change. The recipe is from a link through to the site from this weeks Get Growing email: Nancy's Pesto, a True Taste Treat Delight. 20-25 cloves (5 heaped tablespoons) chopped garlic, 1/2 cup sunflower seeds, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon honey (optional), 1 cup water, 6 cups well-packed basil leaves (more or less). In a food processor, combine the garlic and sunflower seeds with the oil and honey, and a little of the water. Whizz, gradually adding the rest of the water. Then add the basil, 2 cups at a time. Process until everything is well blended. Pour into jars and seal well. To keep, freeze in ice cube trays, pop the pesto out once frozen, and place into a sealed container and return to your freezer. Or freeze in jars like Craig's Jam Jars. It makes about 4 cups of pesto.

juliewn - 2008-03-28 23:15:00

Bumping for Viv29 :-) ..

juliewn - 2008-03-28 23:45:00

re 256 i guess the recipe didnt mention that part!! oh well, still plenty of tomatoes to have another go. this stuff still tastes fine - just feel like it needs something else....

bjkiwi - 2008-03-29 10:08:00

bump for poolgirl 6 .

bjkiwi - 2008-03-29 22:46:00

And.. bumping for poolgirl6 :-)

juliewn - 2008-03-30 22:38:00

bumping Julies grape juice recipe for Beagle

supadeal - 2008-03-31 07:47:00

and bumping for Banchee and tomato pasta sauces.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-03-31 19:43:00

This message was deleted.

_banchee_ - 2008-03-31 20:05:00

Hi Banchee... no grouching here.. Ask anything you'd like to know.. there'll always be someone who will be happy to help.. :-) .. I've not had that happen with freezing tomatoes... and with the greatest respect to your Mum, I'm wondering if flour or similar may have been added to the soup, etc.. which may have produced a slightly gluggy taste once thawed??? Would that taste like old socks??! I think that any tomato recipe that is frozen without having been thickened with flour or cornflour, would taste great once thawed.. Let us know how you get on.. Cheers.. Julie

juliewn - 2008-04-02 01:00:00

BUMPITY bump :o)

jenna68 - 2008-04-06 08:06:00

How are all of your harvesting preserves going.. I'm guessing there are busy kitchens all around the country..

juliewn - 2008-04-06 22:52:00

Hi.. for those interested, I noticed today that Countdown is now selling jars, Perfit preserving seals and screw-bands, for preserves.. I haven't seen them for a while..

juliewn - 2008-04-10 02:41:00

Anyone got a recipe for beetroot and date chutney. I had one but have lost it. Think it was from the dyc vinegar book and it was yummy, tried google but no such luck.Tnx..

fifie - 2008-04-11 17:35:00

Hi Fifie.. I don't have a beetroot and date recipe - however I do have a banana and date recipe.. I think it would work to substitute the beetroot for the banana, and use the rest of the ingredients. It may need a little extra cooking as the beetroot are a firmer texture - and check the seasonings and sweetness close to being ready to bottle, as beetroot may not be quite as sweet as banana.. here's the recipe:

juliewn - 2008-04-12 03:47:00

Banana and Date Chutney: This is a mild, sweet chutney which tastes very good. 12 ripe banana's (I would use 12 medium to large sized beetroot, peeled and chopped finely, or processed in a food processor), 500gms dates chopped. 1 kg onions peeled and sliced finely. 600mls malt vinegar. 500gms brown sugar, 2 tsp mixed spice, 2 level teaspoons curry powder. Place banana's (beetroot), dates, onions and vinegar in a large pot. Bring slowly to the boil stirring often. Simmer till everything is tender. Add the brown sugar and spices and cook gently, stirring often, until thick. Pot into sterilised jars and cover. Ready to use in 3 weeks. I hope this is of help.. I think it would work very well.

juliewn - 2008-04-12 03:51:00

Thanks Juliewn, that sounds about it. Its the spices i couldn't think of, rest sounds pretty much the same, Will give it a go have a few beetroots left over after the preserving finished so decided to make this as its nice with crackers, cheese and drinkies lol..

fifie - 2008-04-12 09:27:00

I hope you like it.. you could add other spices if you want.. a little nutmeg even might be nice too.. let us know how you like it.. Have a lovely day :-)

juliewn - 2008-04-12 09:31:00

With lots of feijoa's around now, I'm preserving some tomorrow.. my Son leaves to return to Canada next week - I'm guessing a few jars will be added to his luggage!

juliewn - 2008-04-15 01:31:00

Bumping for Autumn harvests.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-04-17 01:57:00

do you have to use plain salt or can you use iodised salt for bottling etc?

demsey - 2008-04-18 17:13:00

would love a recipe for red pepper relish
fancy making relish this weekend and would love a recipe.. please help. thanks in advance

letto - 2008-04-18 17:24:00

bump bump for someone looking for tom relish

natcat2104 - 2008-04-19 20:08:00

Hi there - Edmonds Tom Relish - questions..... I have all the ingredients and have finally psyched myself up to making tom relish tomorrow. I've picked the Edmonds recipe because that's the one I remember. I have 3 questions: 1) Is it necessary to blanch and salt tom and onions for 12 hours prior, 2) The recipe says to quarter the onions - but wouldn't they be better chopped? and 3) The recipe needs 3 chillies - I have these - but isn't that too hot? Appreciate all feedback. I know it's just stupid relish - but I've never made it before and I want to make a 'good fist' of it.

viv29 - 2008-04-19 20:22:00

bump .

viv29 - 2008-04-20 11:13:00

please help :)

viv29 - 2008-04-20 15:54:00

i make this one also i have found yes better to blanch and yes do salt ,yes i cut up the onions smaller in slices and no not too hot with the chillies i in fact throw in a few more(dried ones that is) and you can take out when bottling so the flavour doesnt keep developing and a lot safer when using so you dont get one when eating

fishheadsoup - 2008-04-20 20:41:00

Hi Viv :-).. I make the Edmonds Tomato Relish too.. I don't use the chillies at all.. mostly because I don't use them for anything else - we find the recipe has excellent flavour without them. I don't blanch the tomatoes - I remove the part where the stem comes from and chop the tomatoes in 4 to 6 pieces, depending on the size. I don't mind having the skins still in the relish as they add goodness. Like Fish above, I chop the onions when adding them. I change the vinegar from malt vinegar to white vinegar - I find this gives a better red colour to the relish, rather than a brownish red which the malt vinegar gives. I hope this helps.. enjoy your relish.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-04-21 02:25:00

Bumping for Goatcheese :-)

juliewn - 2008-04-21 02:39:00

A big THANK YOU to everyone who answered my questions - I finally did it - I MADE RELISH!!! And it's not too bad - husband slurping it up as we speak. Thanks to all who answered my 'very basic' questions.

viv29 - 2008-04-21 20:46:00

Good for you Viv... :-) Tomato Relish is also delicious added to sour cream or cream cheese and seasoned to taste to go with nacho's, taco's, or as a dip.. enjoy your goodies..

juliewn - 2008-04-21 23:48:00

stil wanting to know if you can use iodised salt 4 preserves or does it have to be plain salt?

demsey - 2008-04-23 18:09:00

Hi Demsey... plain salt is best as the iodised salt can limit the keeping of preserves, pickles, etc.. Hope this helps..

juliewn - 2008-04-24 02:50:00

What a fantastic thread - : ) I make lots of chutney, relish and jam and like to give it away to friends and family - I find it really satisfying. At the moment I am on the lookout for green tomatoes for 'river cottage chutney' and this morning I am making pear and ginger jam. Hello to fellow preservers and alike, I love the hints everyone shares. Vanessa.

leon20 - 2008-04-24 07:55:00

Oh and Viv29 I also make the edmonds tomato relish and I do use the chillies as it gives the relish a little or big (depending on amount of chilly) kick. It's just personal taste. And the onions I quarter and I do keep for 12 hours soaking before cooking. Tomato relish is one of the basic food groups here!

leon20 - 2008-04-24 08:00:00

This message was deleted.

_banchee_ - 2008-04-24 20:21:00

Bumping - for green tomato recipes in this thread.

mybooks - 2008-04-27 01:27:00

Hi Leon.. I'm guessing there are shelves filled with goodies in your kitchen.. doesn't it give a rewarding sense of achievement..

juliewn - 2008-04-29 01:48:00

How to make fruit jellies - Apple, Crab Apple, Quince, Apple and Quince, Feijoa and Apple, Lemon, Feijoa, Mint, etc..etc.: Chop fruit and place in a large pot. Bring to a simmer and simmer till tender. Lay a large piece of muslin or similar over a large bowl, gently pour the fruit and liquid into this. Scoop up the corners and tie the top of the cloth. Don'tt squeez the bag at all as cloudy jelly will result. The bag is then hung from something set higher than the bowl that is placed underneath. A broom handle between two cabinets or chairs works well.. (keep pets away!) with the juice dripping into a bowl. Leave to drip overnight.

juliewn - 2008-04-30 23:10:00

The next day, lift the bag away from the bowl of juice. Measure the juice in cupsful, then place in a pot, and heat till boiling. Add the same amount of sugar as there is juice - 1c juice to 1 cup sugar. A little less sugar can be added to your taste - try the mix after adding a bit over half the sugar, and add a little at a time, stirring in and tasting, till it's how you like it, then bring the mix to a boil. Boil rapidly till setting point is reached, fill jars and place lids or jam circles on top.. and enjoy..!

juliewn - 2008-04-30 23:12:00

For mint jelly - make a jelly mix using apples, adding a good handful of freshly picked and washed mint, including the stems, to chopped apples, Make as above, and just when the jelly has reached setting point, stir in a cup full of fresh, finely chopped mint. Mint jelly is delicious with hot or cold lamb, mutton, etc.. and very nice in sandwiches or rolls with some cold meat too - or in an antipasto platter, use with cheese and breads and meats and pickles, etc.. From recipe books I have that are from 30-40 or more years ago, often the skins and cores of the apples were used to make jelly, once the apples had been used for preserving or chutney etc... It's interesting looking at recipe books from the past - the changes of recipes over the years show a record of the history of society in some ways - no butter recipes during war years - and again now!, etc..

juliewn - 2008-04-30 23:14:00

Hi, I have a few feijoas (quite a lot actually) Can you make feijoa jam? Is that different from jelly? Sorry if this is a stupid question lol. I'm not very up with the play on this sort of thing and haven't done very much jam-making at all.

1speed - 2008-05-01 09:46:00

Never mind ... I found the feijoa thread lower down on the page. I can't have looked very hard the first time lol.

1speed - 2008-05-01 09:48:00

Hi.. good for you for making some feijoa jam :-) Feijoa's can be used for jam or jelly - or preserved in the same way as peaches, etc.. don't hesitate to ask here or in a new thread, if there's something you would like to know.. enjoy your goodies..

juliewn - 2008-05-02 01:33:00

hi there juliewn well yes I have a shelf 'groaning' with jams and such, and I have just brought a freezer as I thought I could freeze toms and corn. Very satisfying! Today I made some chutney with green toms. I always seem to be on the look out for fruit and veg to create with. What would be the most favorite preserve/jam/jelly etc you like to make? Enjoy your weekend - Vanessa

leon20 - 2008-05-02 17:52:00
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