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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


Hi ChCh -gal What number posting is the crazy cake under
Oh and by the way I should be thanking you kob for starting this cool Thread, But thanks to you Bams1 For the cool recipys

j_d_stevo - 2004-08-18 14:36:00

jd... its post 182 on page 4. honestly...dont knock it til ya try it!!

chch_gal - 2004-08-18 16:07:00

And today is another baking day for me, not sure what but will let all know once done.

chch_gal - 2004-08-19 09:29:00

Happy to hand them on Nice to know there is so many mums out there who still like to bake , last weekend i did the usual banana cake in a roasting dish - gone ,also a louise cake in a roasting dish-gone, and some anzac bikkies still a couple left , and 2 dozen dates muffins enough left for school lunches tomorrow-hell i wish these boys would stop growing ,actually the girls are just as bad just not hungry as often!Never mind no bananas left in the freezer so this weekend it will be a chocy cake, have fun ladies.

bams1 - 2004-08-19 19:56:00

I made oat crunchies (recipe from Interwebtech) and before that I made white chocolate version of Nestles kiwi crisps.

a_kiwi_grl - 2004-08-19 20:15:00

Great Thread I love baking too, but its not a daily treat at our place.

DD and I are going to try out some of those yummy sounding recipes - but we use brown sugar and wholemeal flour for our cooking. It doesn't seem to affect the results much, and at least we're getting more of the goodness in the food.

With 7 of us, bikkies usually don't last more than a few hours . . .

Jillian in Oz

jille - 2004-08-19 23:39:00

I attempted a double batch of evrything yesterday. Double of American slice, choc chip bicks and savoury muffins. All turned out tasty but the choc chip spread like eagles wings. i put tiny spoonfuls onto the try and they spread like buggery so i ended up doing like 10 to a tray. I was in the kitchen all afternoon.
Today i am making caramel slice and weetbix slice. Thanx to all who helped me get back into baking!!!! I Love It!!

chch_gal - 2004-08-20 09:20:00

Well I've Decided.......... I'm going to have a Baking Sunday Just like Bams1 As I need to seriosly try and cut down the Shopping Bill, Today i went to Binn Inn And bought Bulk S/F flour , 2kgs Soft brown sugar, 1kg Scone Mix, Oh and some nice Crystalised Ginger. When I went to the supermarket I bought the Cheapest Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Bread, Mince, Got some Soup bones with quite a bit of meat on, Lots of veggies, Cut out all buiscuits and will make my own.I have plenty time on my hands so I have no excusse, Iam determined to Bake every Sunday, Just like My nanna did when I was Young:-)

j_d_stevo - 2004-08-20 18:25:00

By The way ......... I saved $50 on what I normally spend Yipeeeeeee~!!

j_d_stevo - 2004-08-20 18:27:00

One problem....... I will have to go and Buy some more Baking tins especially if I am going to bulk bake.

j_d_stevo - 2004-08-20 18:29:00

i hear ya on that one j_d i am lacking cake tins etc....i dont wanna buy second hand as i want to keep them 4ever but yet i dont want to buy budget either for the same reason!! Think i might just buy one a week and start my Sunday baking in a month or so.

chch_gal - 2004-08-20 19:55:00

Its hard to find good quality bakeware All the stuff at Kmart. supermarket etc just seems to be junk - the coatings come off after a few uses.

I find garage sales great for finding good sturdy old tins & trays, but you have to spend the time.

Jillian (ex kiwi in Oz)

jille - 2004-08-20 20:29:00

GOOD ON YA GUYS Baking does save heaps and is more filling for the kids too which seems a never ending job to fill them up.I usually do my baking on a sunday cos then the kids get to have fresh stuff for their lunches and what ever ( or IF) there is stuff left in the tins they have to finish it off over the weekend so i can refill on sunday- Miss 4 loves to help and is my cheif stirrer the others just try to distract me so they can pinch the mixture.

bams1 - 2004-08-20 20:33:00

i buy in bulk too get a 5kg of budget plain flour and a 5 kg sugar,from the super market ( i found that cheaper than the bin inn) but the rest i get from the bin inn or buy when its on special -like choc chips,cocoa, etc.tell you what is really yummy (this is for the person who bought the ginger) i make my choc chip recipe, add cocoa and cut up ginger - very nice.I find it really funny at christmas when people give us those big boxes of biscuits -the kids go ape cos bought bikkies are such a treat !!!

bams1 - 2004-08-20 20:38:00

Bams 1 Made Your special Chocolate Cake Today In a Very large Cake Tin, t was fab, my boys had friends around, Only one small slice left now, I think I will hide it. Baking Lots of Buiscuits and Slices Tomorrow, Thanks

j_d_stevo - 2004-08-21 19:52:00

Might Give it a Burl Some of these recipies sound rather nice... might just give a couple a go today...Thanks

tippsey - 2004-08-22 07:46:00

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koha3 - 2004-08-22 18:55:00

bams1 - aren't children funny? Mine love bought bikkies too, but we hardly ever buy them.

Whenever we go to a "do" and there's a selection of bikkies they always go for anything sticky or pink (home made or not).

They saw Shrewsberry's for the first time last week (not sure what they call them here). Of course they knew instinctively what to do - pick out the jam!

Jillian in Oz

jille - 2004-08-22 20:41:00

this week I made.. marshmallow rice bubble slice, and raspberry and white chocolate muffins. YUM

zellas - 2004-08-23 09:58:00

re - kids are funny They sure are - mine go for those wafer biscuits - the pink ones of course, and yes shrewsberries are a fav too -xmas is a good time of year we usually get given lots of those big packs of bikkies so i get time off baking and the kids get a treat-can't see the attraction myself they all taste like plastic!

bams1 - 2004-08-23 15:43:00

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gordy8252 - 2004-08-24 12:51:00

does anyone have ...... any easy slice recipes to share that are not really sweet. My husband is not 1 for the sweet caramel slice type recipes (my favs !) so Im always looking out slices that you dont ice. I tried the chocolate raspberry slice with jam but he said that tasted too much of cocoa .. fussy huh !! Thanks in advance :-)

rwatchorn - 2004-08-24 13:47:00

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becs - 2004-08-24 15:39:00

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becs - 2004-08-24 15:41:00

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becs - 2004-08-24 15:42:00

Here's another Programme....... Hi Happy Bakers, I found another Make your own recipy Fileing system to download , There are also some recipy card to download as well, Once it is downloaded, Just delete the rubbish, and create your own cards Looks Quite Good, Here it is Anyway See what you think:-)

j_d_stevo - 2004-08-24 17:17:00

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kopite9 - 2004-08-24 18:55:00

Ginger Crunch Why not try replacing some of the flour with Rice Bubbles. It should just be trial and error. I don't see why it wouldn't work. as long as the texture looks okay you should get the same result.

sammie55 - 2004-08-24 19:37:00

Choc-a-Nilla Cake Combine 2 tbsp cocoa, 1/2 C chopped walnuts, 1/2 C sugar, 2 Tbsp melted butter & set aside. In bowl:125 gr butter, 3/4 C sugar, 2 eggs, 1 &1/2 C SR Flour, 1/2 C milk, 1 tsp vanilla, 1/8 tsp salt. Cream butter, sugar, salt & vanilla. Add beaten eggs,milk & flour. Mix well. Pour in 1/2 the batter mix into a prepared ring tin. Sprinkle over 1/2 walnut mix then rest of batter & rest of walnut mix on top. Bake 30 mins 190*C. YUM!

campmum - 2004-08-25 10:05:00

Oh boy oh boy If I wasn't on a diet I would so be trying to cook all these yummy things (trying being the opperative word of course). It makes me think of all the yummy things my mother used to bake when I was a child. (sigh) damn diet!

cefercat - 2004-08-25 11:46:00

The best site so far for recipe card templates are from the following address:
she has all sorts of goodies on there from scrapbooking to recipe cards. I have done all my recipes using her templates and they look gr8!! You pick your two templates, type recipes(do two at a time) and then you print. I have just stuck them onto card and then cut out!! Oh and by the way i have done another crazy cake and a biscuit fudge!!

chch_gal - 2004-08-25 12:50:00

chch_gal Oh Yes thoes are Cool , I like the way you can customise them . I wish you had told me about them sooner, Oh well!! Here we go again:-)

j_d_stevo - 2004-08-25 16:01:00

bump .

tippsey - 2004-08-26 15:05:00

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robjorzyn - 2004-08-26 19:51:00

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robjorzyn - 2004-08-27 08:27:00

Well JD i didnt actually think about it til i read another thread. They are gr8 tho huh? Today i am making yet again....another crazy cake (hubby loves it), Biscuit Fudge, Apple and Cinnamon Muffins and a Apple Crumble.

Does ne1 have the biscuit fudge recipe or does ne1 want it?? I will post later if someone wants it!! Its YUMMY!!

chch_gal - 2004-08-27 11:04:00

post it please ch_ch gal sounds yummy!

zellas - 2004-08-27 13:57:00

Zellas and all fudge lovers!!!!!! Biscuit Fudge!!!!
Ingrediants: 10 tbspns margerine, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 tbspn cocoa, 1 egg(beaten), 1/2 tspn vanilla essence, 2 pkt malt or wine bsicuits.
Method: Heat together marg, sugar and cocoa until well blended. Remove from heat and add egg and vanilla, mix well. Pour over the top of coarsely crushed bickies and miz well. Press into tin and refrigerate. Sprinkle coconut over top before pressing into tin to give it a bit of bite.
This fudge is soft and creamy and as long as you keep the bickies coarse, youll have a soft crunchy fudge!!!!

chch_gal - 2004-08-27 14:09:00

tryer Hi There
Just a quick note to say-What a wonderful site. Had chocy chips left over from Xmas & Couldn't find a recipe for CC Biccies have since learnt they r called Kiwi bics. BRING BACK THE RACE HOME FROM SCHOOL 1st TO LICK THE BAKING SPOON Ooh La La The Smell!! oh The Hips@! 2morrow is another day! hehe

kabre - 2004-08-28 19:38:00

Wow all these awesome recipes - thanks This week my baking was a plain but moist orange cake (I cheated on that cos short of time so bought a packet mix) and banana chocolate chip muffins - kids will probably have demolished both by about Wednesday.

sarahb5 - 2004-08-29 16:16:00

busy baking weekend I made the 4-minute microwave chocolate cake (can't remeber who posted it, SORRY!!), inside-out chocolate chippie biscuits (peanut brownie biscuit dough with white chocolate replacing the peanuts), and for me, low-fat spiced date muffins. Yummy!

zellas - 2004-08-30 10:23:00

Good old shortbread today!! Many more to come, gonna space my baking out for the whole day!!

chch_gal - 2004-08-30 10:58:00

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gordy8252 - 2004-08-31 12:40:00

Google rocks... Hey, was doing a search on google for a rice bubble slice & it came up with this message board ... I don't have any kids and I bake every now & then for my partner and myself ... admittedly it doesn't last very long, but nothing beats home baking ... except maybe when my mum or nana bakes :)

ripcurlchickie - 2004-09-01 20:44:00

Yogurt Raisin & Cinnamon Slice I have enjoyed making lots of the other recipes that have been posted here so I decided to add I make a lot.
125g butter, 3/4 cup brown sugar (200g), 2 eggs, 1 t vanilla essence
1/1/2 cups flour, 1 t baking powder, 3/4 cup plain yogurt, 1/2 cup raisins, 2 t cinnamon. Cream butter, sugar, add eggs and vanilla, mix well. sift in flour and bp. Fold in yogurt. Pour half mixture into 18x28 greased slice tin. Sprinkle over premixed raisins and cinnamon. Cover with remaining mixture and bake mod oven 40-50 minutes. Serve dusted with icing sugar.

I made a different version yesterday- omit raisins, cinnamon, vanilla essence. Add coconut essence to mixture. Spread banana icecream topping (about 1/4 cup)over bottom layer and sprinkle with coconut, top with rest of mixture. Ice when cold with lemon icing. Yummmmmm.

add1 - 2004-09-02 19:23:00

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smf - 2004-09-04 12:22:00

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smf - 2004-09-04 12:24:00

Milo Caramel Melts 225g softened butter, 1/2cup sugar, 2Tbs milo, 1/4cup Highlander Caramel, 2cups flour, 1tps baking powder, choc/white melts. Heat oven to 190C. Cream butter, beat in sugar, milo and caramel. Mix until light and fluffy. Sift in flour and bp. Stir until combined. Roll into balls (2-3cm) dia. Place on baking paper on lightly greased tray. Flatten each ball then press a choc or white melt into the middle of each biscuit. Bake about 15 minutes. Makes about 30 biscuits.

add1 - 2004-09-04 17:04:00

Chocolate Fruit Cookies 1cup each of flour, coconut, rolled oats, 3/4cup sugar, 1/2choc bits, 1/4cup chopped dried apricots, 1/4cup currants, 125g butter, 2T golden syrup, 1/2tsp baking soda, 3Tbs boiling water.
Heat oven 180C. Put flour, coconut, oats, sugar, choc bits, dried fruit in a large bowl. Melt butter and golden syrup together, dissolve bs in boiling water. Add wet ingredients to bowl and mix well. Roll tsp lots of mixture into balls, place on lined greased tray. Press down with fork and bake for 15 minutes.

add1 - 2004-09-04 17:07:00

mmmmmmmmmmm three hundy

raggdoll - 2004-09-04 17:20:00
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