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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


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cookessentials - 2011-04-03 07:36:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-03 09:09:00

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vintagekitty - 2011-04-03 11:56:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-03 13:29:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-03 13:50:00
charlieb2 wrote:

Its more accepting that our day-to-day reality will be of learning to live with chemical toilets for 12 months at least and not knowing when/if your house will ever be repaired (not being able to sell) Friends walking away from their properties !! The children have lost over 1/3 of their classmates, most wont return. The place I go for my walk, probably 1 house in 10 is occupied along much of the walk. Knowing that when we are able to return to the inner city it will be changed forever from the last time we saw it.

Gosh Jo - we forget that you are living every day with this new reality, and I didnt think about the fact that the boys would have lost friends and the lunchtime playtime noise would be less - walking past empty houses would also be unsettling wondering if it will once again be a place where people live. I made pooh jokes but if it was me I wouldnt be a happy chappy at all, no one would want that to be their reality and maybe we are dismissing your feelings a bit - sorry if that is the case.

I liked that house too, thought it would be a wonderful b & b or one for a large family. cooks time is a great leveller, it certainly wont sell and as vintage kitty says get someone to put a stupid offer in, that will give them a bit of a wake up call, and as said if its meant to be it will be.
hubby and I just cleaned the windows what a job, but after the fly man coming twice (first time didnt work) the windows where white!! hopefully it wont encourage the flys back but hopefully we are at the end of the fly season.

auckland_ali - 2011-04-03 14:19:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-03 14:34:00

OMG thats an amazing joke still laughing, I can actually see a cat getting its nose out of joint over that lol lol -
hope the chch get together has gone well, expecting people back soon for a update on how it all went.

auckland_ali - 2011-04-03 14:42:00
auckland_ali wrote:

OMG thats an amazing joke still laughing, I can actually see a cat getting its nose out of joint over that lol lol -
hope the chch get together has gone well, expecting people back soon for a update on how it all went.

It's not until 3 p.m. auckland_ali - just going around the road to meet up now. :-))

charlieb2 wrote:

Ali.. you are so lovely... I dont think you would ever dismiss anyones feelings ... and all pooh jokes taken as they were intended.... We are experts in that area now!!
JOKE: You know you are from Chch when you and the cat fight over the best place to 'pooh' in the garden!!!

charlieb2/Jo - I'm so pleased that it was you who shared that joke. We heard a similar one a week or so ago but I just couldn't bring myself to share it until now, knowing that for so many people that is/has been the reality - here's what we heard.....

JOKE: You know you are in Chch when you find that the cat has been there first!! :-))

Edited by 245sam at 2:51 pm, Sun 3 Apr

245sam - 2011-04-03 14:47:00
charlieb2 wrote:

I guess when I said 'normal', its not the normal ebb and flow of life stuff you refer to in your post life still goes on here, mt washmores still need folding, etc lol.... Its more accepting that our day-to-day reality will be of learning to live with chemical toilets for 12 months at least and not knowing when/if your house will ever be repaired (not being able to sell) Friends walking away from their properties !! The children have lost over 1/3 of their classmates, most wont return. The place I go for my walk, probably 1 house in 10 is occupied along much of the walk. Knowing that when we are able to return to the inner city it will be changed forever from the last time we saw it. The uncertainy is a big stressor for many, I think.... Not knowing what will happen to homes and livelihoods takes its toll.

Thats the sort of info that you don't get in the papers.... in fact I had no idea it was predicted 12 months for your toilets... I totally get where you are coming... I guess what i was trying to say was please don't hanker after pre Feb "normal" as its not going to happen.. to any of us.

If it was me i would try my hardest to gain some inner peace... know your situation was not of your making (thats a biggy for me... If I was in the c#*p I could handle it so much better if I didn't spend every waking moment beating myself up IYKWIM)... and carve out your new normal... Focus on your wonderful healthy boys... spoil your hubbie and go on creating special memories...

This is completly off topic, but I knew someone who lost everything on a business deal.. a biggie... He committed suicide over it... What he missed in his thinking was his wife and 2 young children would have forgone the flash cars and fancy schools to have him and live on Baked beans... but he was too busy beating himself up for letting it happen.

So know we are all thinking of you... you and Winnie (plus others) are my window into the Christchurch Earthquake and how it really has effected every area of your life. As Ali said I hope I in no way belittled your situation... and if you think i am send me a short and sharp cyber slap lol.

Love you ladies.. you are aspecial and constant part of my life.

toadfish - 2011-04-03 18:16:00

It was lovely to meet Winnie, Macwoods and 245Sam this afternoon. We look forward to a repeat when others can join us.. There are other single storied weatherboard cafes in Christchurch that we can visit. Toadfish, you are right - pre-quake normality is never going to be normal again in Christchurch. I think we all know that, although I don't think any of us have any idea what normal will be. I find the really hard bit is not "what will be normal in future" but "when will future normal start?". Everyone, even those of us who are affected least, have things we used to do routinely that we don't feel comfortable about any more, like going into Westfield Mall or being out in the dark. It's quite comforting to hear other people saying the same things - at least I feel less of a wuss.

greerg - 2011-04-03 18:53:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-03 19:07:00

What a great end to my weekend!
It started with being made redundant but ended on a high with meeting some lovely ladies from here :) So good to put faces to user names!
I'm definately looking forward to our next get together ... charlieb - I think you & I will have to 'test' the new 'Under the Red Verandah' before hand lol!

winnie231 - 2011-04-03 21:07:00

I am in the same boat charlie, I go thru two pairs a winter, one because they just get smelly - they get the washing machine treatment believe me. and two because they actually wear out lol and the red shed really is the place to get slippers at $6 they really arent hurting anyones pockets aye? I cant stand cold floors in winter. we have been invited to a 21st when I told one son - it was geeeeee are you coming tooo (in the most dissapointed voice) !!! tough, daughter rang and said she had invite as well so we are ALL going!! lol - totally lovely family so that was a neat thing. suppose us oldies will have to make an earlier exit, truth be told we could hold our own against our kids but they just dont realize that :) ha ha.
glad the chch get together went well. we must get on to a auckland one soon.

auckland_ali - 2011-04-03 21:57:00

Heartfelt hugs Charlie.. (((((x)))))

Hard times to be going through with everything happening there.. and awesome you have your hubby and he has you.. and you both have your fabulous, strong, inspiring and courageous children that you write of with the pride that shines through in your posts.. where did they learn to be that way?.. clearly, from the fabulous role-model's that are their Mum and Dad.. very cool..

What more could anyone possibly be at this challenging, awful, shocking, emotions-wrenching, frightening, unpredictable, topsy turvy, changing, changing, changing world that is there that you're all going through..

I saw a saying recently that was something like "Just as the night follows the evening, so too will the day follow the dawn.. the day will come when the nights won't feel so hard, and the days will be easier' ... thank goodness..

Heartfelt hugs Charlie.. x

juliewn - 2011-04-04 00:00:00

So glad you had a nice 'meeting' today and I would love to be a part of the next one. Off topic I know but am wanting to know if anyone has any info re the women who came in from out of town for a weekend and upon setting up in someone's shed made jewellery out of 'quake damage'? I am asking as I have a very precious (not expensive- memory precious) piece of Murano glass with a family story behind it which I would love to have made into some pendants for my family as keepsakes.Or if any of you could recommend someone who does this kind of work I'd greatly appreciate it.

suzanna - 2011-04-04 00:06:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-04 07:35:00
winnie231 wrote:

What a great end to my weekend!
It started with being made redundant but ended on a high with meeting some lovely ladies from here :) So good to put faces to user names!
I'm definately looking forward to our next get together ... charlieb - I think you & I will have to 'test' the new 'Under the Red Verandah' before hand lol!

Winnie,I heard on the news this morning that over 500 have lost there jobs,I feel for you all,I really do.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-04 08:07:00
charlieb2 wrote:

julie.. thank you for those kinds words... They are much appreciated.

susanna, hope this link helps you

Charli,you also are in my daily thoughts,I think of you all often,my son and family are doing ok,over there,can not help but worry about them,but he does have a job to go too.
My little grandaughter over there runs to daddy everytime there is an after shake,she is nearly 3 and is due in 2 weeks to have another one,it is a wonder bubs has not arrived with all the stress they have had.
Hugs to you.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-04 08:12:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-04 08:51:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-04 09:39:00
charlieb2 wrote:

Thank you so much Earthangel.

Your poor wee granddaughter... at that age they just dont really understand what is happening. And what about your daugher in law? Has she had to change her birth plans? I know both Burwood and St Georges birthing units were closed. I hope they have all their facilities, it would be hard coming home from the hospital with a new born and not having water etc. With winter coming too, and the threat of power cuts. Hope they are ok.

I should correct myself from my 'novel' post yesterday... they say its likely the eastern suburbs could take up to a year of using chem toilets.

Today, my mission is the 'man-cave' commonly know as the youngests bedroom........ Tip does not begin to describe it. Its a lovely sunny day though... and I'm getting the washing out first....

Behave everyone.....

Yes Charlie,she did not tell me for a long time,as she knows I worry,but yes she has had to change hospitals,also her midwife lives in the area where they were hard hit.
They had power and water back on that day,so were the lucky ones,they live in Rickerton,so they are ok,but I do worry.Bubs is due on the 13th.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-04 11:41:00

This has dropped to page two - how dare they, so just bumping to get it back to page one, where it belongs
Love to all

rema - 2011-04-05 09:36:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-05 10:26:00

Just had a huge nana nap lovely rainy wether to be doing that to. Quite chilly here with southerly wind Soup wether today. i got a lovely cauli soup recipe given to me I had it last year & it was so yummy, I can't wait to try it. I copied down a lovely fejoa / orange muffin recipe from TM that I hope to make.

510 - 2011-04-05 13:33:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-05 14:32:00

Cooke, I am making progress still pretty knackered & breathless at times. Had a bad day yesterday, scrapped the front side of the car on a wall at the drs car park when I was backing turning. My sis is coming up to stay so I am looking forward to some girlie time together.

510 - 2011-04-05 16:56:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-05 19:27:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-05 23:08:00

as every year seams to charlie girl, take care 510 - keep warm and keep your neck covered, a friend with asthma which I now have says keeping your chest warm is the best thing you can do, keeps the breathing under control. keep us posted on the grandie earthangel.
on another note, when I went away the other week my credit card was "compromised"so had some little ba$trd using it in mexico, apparently the visa credit card people are inundated with credit card fraud at the moment and the guy I was talking to at asb said that most of its coming from melbourne, and they "sleep"on your details usually until your card is ready to be expired. so any one thats been in the last 3 years if your card is due to be expired think about doing it earlier.
Look out for a Mr ali hes flying down your way today charlie - locked into meetings for next 2 days, have 2 girlfriends and we are going out for tea, I have been enjoying the grab one site, they really have some great deals, so have a voucher for a local italian which I will use to buy a bottle of wine with yummo!!
Daughter is coming home week after next she has just booked a week at les cabos down mexico way its a resort with food/drink all included swimming pools etc looks great am happy she finally booked as she was running out of time, problem was every day was getting cheaper on the deal - so think shes going for a song!!
have a great day everyone.
I am going to tackle mt washmore and the bio hazard boys bathroom eeewwwwww.....

auckland_ali - 2011-04-06 08:16:00

Hi guys,
Just heard from my daughterinlaw,her cervix has prolapsed poor thing,I really feel for her,this is her third baby,she has a boy and a girl,will keep you posted.
Also I have asthma atm,have done for over a week,due to the flu jab,so I so feel for you 510,it is the hacking cough that is getting to me,only 3 hrs sleep at a time,and thanks for that advise ali,it has been to cold to go out in my garden,sign.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-06 10:56:00
510 wrote:

Cooke, I am making progress still pretty knackered & breathless at times. Had a bad day yesterday, scrapped the front side of the car on a wall at the drs car park when I was backing turning. My sis is coming up to stay so I am looking forward to some girlie time together.

keep well honey,thinking of you,have to go now wee dog is knocking at the door,lol lol

earthangel4 - 2011-04-06 10:57:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-06 12:01:00

that is cold, chch is cold as well aye? will it be a c section earthangel if that happens? not sure of the implications of that. have you got a great deal Pam? its always exciting booking a new holiday and having time for the anticipation to bubble up. I have just booked a hideiouly epensive craft class - designers coming from usa so a big treat its not till november so have plenty of time to get excited about it.
anyway hope everyone is having a lovely day

auckland_ali - 2011-04-06 13:03:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-06 13:37:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-06 14:21:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-06 14:22:00

All the best Earthangel for your DIL....thinking of you ...

jbsouthland - 2011-04-06 15:02:00

Thanks everyone for you kind thoughts. Just put in some lamb shanks for tonights dinner. Used another great recipe from trademe. My oven drawer is a proper oven so I can cook in that instead of using the main oven. I find it great. EA, thinking of you & your DIL

510 - 2011-04-06 15:15:00
510 wrote:

Thanks everyone for you kind thoughts. Just put in some lamb shanks for tonights dinner. Used another great recipe from trademe. My oven drawer is a proper oven so I can cook in that instead of using the main oven. I find it great. EA, thinking of you & your DIL

your lamb shanks sound yummy ...have inspired me for tommorrow night..many thanks.

jbsouthland - 2011-04-06 16:32:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-06 16:56:00

Dinner was so tasty. very tender. Been grooming the dogs, one down one to go. Takes for ever.poodles are very high maitenance dogs & worse when they are the big ones... One of them is the size of a min horse.

510 - 2011-04-06 20:57:00

Hi 510.. great to see that you're feeling better..

Thinking of you all there in Canterbury.. it was cold here last night - will be much colder there.. hope you all have somewhere warm to be..

Earthangel.. best wishes for your Daughter-in-law - I hope all goes well..

Take care everyone..

juliewn - 2011-04-06 21:26:00

Morning everyone... nice to see everyones news.

This week has gone in a blur as I thought it would, the new staff memeber has been met with an unexpected increase in work this week... makes for busy days but all going well. Next week will be better and I am planning to take a few days off for some long weekends... if I play my cards right I will have 3 in a row with Easter.

I am so jealous of your flexibility Pam, The first ovelap the girls have Miss 16 (soon to be 17) is working and the next is not the Dec 16th!! Then Miss 16 has her youth group New years Eve Camp and Miss 18 has in her contract that she cannot take time off over Christmas....... And both in critcal years with their education... and I have Airmiles burning a hole in my pocket,...... So weekends it will have to be,..... just need to have some breathing time to book.

Miss 18 got her first Uni assignment back... an "A" well deserved as she has really put some time in over the past few weeks.. always has her books out.

Last night I was given free movie tickets... so I had a spur of the moment "Date" with Miss 16, she met me at the town centre and we shared a pizza and fries... and went to see "My wedding and other secrets" I loved it... not a Hollywood blockbuster, a NZ film... but I loved it such a sweet love story in an unconventional way... And we sat there in the dark giggling and linking arms... thoroughly enjoyed it and was home by 7.30pm... just as well as this daylight saving on top of additional work has thrown me and I am shattered come 8pm. Miss 18 and DH had a treat dinner as well... so everyone was happiness filled last

Well off I go to make the chicken mince I had out for last nights dinner into meatballs for "Fishers Glazed Meatballs" nom nom nom..

Take care one and all. JBxx

Edited by toadfish at 6:49 am, Thu 7 Apr

toadfish - 2011-04-07 06:35:00

epic post toady, well done on the A for miss 18, havent seen you do a nom nom nom for a long time...
dinner last night with girlfriend was lovely its my 3rd visit to said restaurant and hubby and I are going next week, think hes a bit miffed that I have already been there three times without him.. he might be "working"but he gets nice restaurant meals all the same. how did I get so wise in my old age??? lol lol
I saw a recipe for lamb shanks on here with baking paper before foil thought that was a really good idea. its got to be with creamy smooth mash mind total winter food, hasnt the weather turned the button on!!
lovely day planned here going to meet a couple of girlfriends for coffee and its right next to spotlight and am going to get my canada photos printed off while they are 9c each - ridiculous price when we think of the film cameras it was a tenner for the film and a about twelve dollars for the developing and we didnt know how many good shots were going to come out, - 9 cents x 24 is a grand total of $2.16 - how times have changed and our wages were probably 1/3 of what they are today -
sorry its turned into I remember when - in a very old shakey voice lol

auckland_ali - 2011-04-07 10:19:00

Hello everyone - I'm back. It was lovely, but I was tempted to tell people I was from Wellington, because the sympathy was almost too much.

Christchurch people - I'm pleased the afternoon tea went well - I was thinking of you, especially Winnie when I heard the Casino announcement.

Charlie - Thanks for the 'bricks on the toilet seat advice,' On the way to Nelson I read "The Press" and discovered my street had damaged sewer pipes so am expecting a chemical toilet at some time, meanwhile I am flushing less and have also put a brick in the cistern so less water is used per flush.

I am also in the zone where the power is compromised so am trying to only use the stove elements to boil water and to steam the masses of silverbeet growing in my garden, and avoid the oven altogether. Thank goodness a friend is returning my crockpot tonight as I have bought some cheap meat for a stew which will last me several days. Am also planning to make chickpea soup because I feel the need for warm, comforting food.

The plumber comes on Monday to fix the mixer on the shower, which will be a relief as I am 'showering' by pouring warm water over myself while standing in the bath and it's getting a bit chilly for that to be comfortable. At least I managed a couple of deep, long baths while I was in Nelson, which were bliss. I also managed to get some of the luxurious soap that has helped me feel better as well as a new one shaped like a purple and white slice of cake, with bergamot in it, that I bought at the Saturday market.

I'm not tempted to leave Christchurch, but I may take some days away over winter, to lessen the stress.

Charlie - you may not feel italways, but you are magnificent and the closest I have to a heroine at present.

calista - 2011-04-07 11:40:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-07 14:13:00

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vintagekitty - 2011-04-07 14:15:00

funny you posted that I thought of you when I saw it vintage kitty. , is'nt it darling!! you are many a peoples rock charlie with your lovely personality - aways a positive encouraging word for everyone, mwahs and hugs to you.....
coffee done but my disc wasnt covered in my handbag so got too scratched will have to do harvey norman another day...

auckland_ali - 2011-04-07 14:29:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-07 15:17:00
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