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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


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elliehen - 2011-03-31 23:31:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-31 23:33:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-31 23:34:00

Hi Charlie.. I'm hearing you.. you're all going through so much.. so many huge effects and heartache from it all.. I'm sending huge hugs.. x

juliewn - 2011-03-31 23:56:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-01 00:03:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-01 00:07:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-01 00:07:00

elliehen, how about trying to make the quince paste in the microwave? Have a look at Carolyn's posting at:-,20818,152776#ms

Carolyn's recipe/method produces both quince jelly and paste from the same batch of fruit.

Hope that helps - it should definitely overcome any possibility of you getting burned. :-))

245sam - 2011-04-01 01:31:00

Morning all - if my fellow cantabs weren't awake yet, they will be now! Just had a noticable shake.
Charlieb - I hope you can come on Sunday cause I want to give you a hug!!!

winnie231 - 2011-04-01 06:31:00
charlieb2 wrote:

I feel sad tonight, having one of those moments when you realise that 'normal' is years off and even 'everyday' is a luxury... Wondering how much of this our 'regular' citizens can take...

Sending you many angel hugs,I think of you often,sweet lady.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-01 06:55:00

Good Morning all,
Hope you are all well,it has been raining here,over night,and when I drove home from work,last night,we need it for the garden.

earthangel4 - 2011-04-01 06:57:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-01 10:22:00

Charlie, you give so much of yourself to your family and to others that it is not at all surprising that you will have quiet times of "emptiness".

marywea - 2011-04-01 10:22:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-01 10:35:00

cyber hug from me, I dont know if I could cope with what you are coping with, its the longevity of the blasted thing.
Just lost the sun a plane was trying to land on my rooftop again!! we have the airforce base in view of our house and they have been practicing for this weekend I think!! just made a pile of baking have told the broken ankle she has cheese scones coming for lunch so dont make anything, have also made choc coconut slice, ginger crunch, weetbix delux and a muslei type slice if the icing has set will send off some today am helping another friend move this arvo, and 2 of my friends who had open homes last weekend have both sold, so a lot of movement in auckland I think. I had brought a scrapbooking pad for the broken ankle for her birthday coming up but shes going to get it instead of flowers!! - she will be able to do loads of scrapbooking in the next 8 weeks, no job she can go to hubby is taking kids to school in morning and then ducking out of the office to get them home, so its working out for them. - hes lucky that he works so close by. hope everyone has a lovely day planned, and take it easy on yourself

auckland_ali - 2011-04-01 10:43:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-01 10:53:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-01 11:17:00

Oh yuk Charlieb2 that's horrible for you and your neighbours. It's no wonder you're feeling a bit blue at times - I don't think any of us realised how long it would take just to get these very basic things sorted out let alone all the other issues back on February 22. Hopefully when they finish in your street that problem will gone for good? You must be glad you have sons only - imagine teenage girls confronting that in the bathroom! I hope you feel a bit better soon - do come on Sunday if you can.

greerg - 2011-04-01 12:06:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-01 12:19:00

poo charlie poo poo poo phew not nice not nice at all, one can cope with ones own no.2;s but when its the whole street thats another story, I find I quite like dettol as it makes me feel really clean and special, a throwback from when my sister and I used to go and stay with some elderly aunts whom treated us like princesses they ran us dettol baths and supper was bread and butter with a pickled onion and a bag of crisps, gosh got goosebumps from that memory that just surfaced, they were lovely to us, one year gave us lovely white vinyl coats with big brass buttons = it was the late 60s after all!!!
Pam good luck, no takers good sign for you if its got into your blood and you have to have it, we have stayed at a few b and bs and those that cook well with everything homemade are getting quite boutiquey and money can be made, its making sure you sell yourself well and highly, are the gardens good enough to do weddings! can you cater - you could have a like garage/outhouse as a showroom and do morning and afternoon teas or demonstations on weekends what can you do to make the people come to you ? I am a firm believer in things happen for a reason and if it happens its meant to be - what are your hubbys interests how can they relate to this house?
just come home from helping out, gosh very tired, the home baking looks great took one lot around with cheese scones for their lunch took the last of the scones to the house movers so we had something to eat, have told broken ankle will make dinner for thursday next week, shes fairly tired got the graphic details of how the bone looked gleaming out of the ankle eeewww eeewwww eeewwww happy to be making her dinner and not me with the cast on thank you!!!

auckland_ali - 2011-04-01 19:37:00

Just come out of hosp again, 3rd admission in 2 weeks. feeling better & pleased to be home again.

510 - 2011-04-01 20:34:00

Off to bed shattered.... Don't think I like the fact that the financial year end and my birthday falls in the same week......but its official now.
I have been promoted! and my assistant starts on Monday... I am really looking forward to the help and the least favourite parts of my job going to someone else. And the treat to myself is a cleaner.... I am not superwoman, I can't do everything and I am getting sick of the house always in need of a clean...... I am starting looking straight away and the increase in pay will more than cover it... Yippeee can't wait!.

Edited by toadfish at 10:42 pm, Fri 1 Apr

toadfish - 2011-04-01 22:31:00
510 wrote:

Just come out of hosp again, 3rd admission in 2 weeks. feeling better & pleased to be home again.

Hope you are on the up and up....

toadfish - 2011-04-01 22:31:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-01 23:03:00

Hi 510.. I hope they've got everything sorted for you now, and you're quickly well again.. hugs..

Congratulations Julia.. very exciting news, and well deserved.. and good for you for getting some help.. enjoy your new work.. :-)

Lots of hugs are being sent Charlie.. wish I could meet you for a coffee and be able to take your worries away - coffee's good like that! Hugs some more..

juliewn - 2011-04-02 00:37:00

Congrats Toadt, that is so great, you deserve to be rewarded for your hard work. Charlie sorry to hear about the pooh problems.
Thanks for all your hugs & get well wishes. I feel much better this morning, so nice to be in our bed again. Hospital is so noisey. had a 91 year old calling out at night which sometimes made sleeping a challenge. Cooke all the best for the meeting re the house today..

Edited by 510 at 6:22 am, Sat 2 Apr

510 - 2011-04-02 06:21:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-02 09:25:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-02 09:26:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-02 09:27:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-02 09:37:00
cookessentials wrote:

Boy I want to go rural. Our "neighbours" across the road had the loud thumping music until 3.49am! and we had much the same on Thurs night I am very tired.

Ah that brings back memories. I shifted from a two bedroom flat about 12 months ago where there were 14 immediate households - it only takes one household to be that way inclined to ruin day to day life for a whole lot of others. I shifted to a house that is bordered by 5 other properties, but still the change in outside noise is astounding.

Good luck with the challenge of the finding a positive change that works for you both.

sumstyle - 2011-04-02 12:31:00

winnie - hoping to hear some news from you today after your work meeting this morning...

sumstyle - 2011-04-02 12:32:00

Good afternoon ladies - don't fall over, or Charlie, slip in others poop you find in your house! I've a weekend to mememememe and I'm fair stuffed - to the point I missed my hair appointment this morning, didn't even realise I'd booked it for this weekend. 4 of 5 weeks on the road, and my brain has gone to mush! One more week to go then I can reaquaint myself with you all. 510, pleased to hear you feeling better, Ali, you are always so generous! TF congratulations! You have really found your feet in this position well done. My babes all off doing their own things, youngest been rowing (or coxing) at Maadi all week, home tomorrow, Ms 18 working all weekend, is knackered working and studying, but enjoying the do ray mees, Mr 19 has just come home from work about to head off to football, as is hubby. So I think a date with my pillow is in order. Take care all, I've enjoyed reading all the news on here.

graebalz - 2011-04-02 13:11:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-02 15:21:00

LOL - I'm the baker!! AND ladies we made 320 dozen cheeserolls to get the rower and her mates off to Maadi this year - so I do not want to make one ever again!!

graebalz - 2011-04-02 15:31:00

Wow grae, so lovely to see you on here. Feel tired just reading about what u have been doing. Spent most of the day sleeping but went to the market, bought some yummy sour dough bread & some plants for the garden. Also bought some cards, the market is only on the 1st saturday of the month so i was pleased i could go oday.

510 - 2011-04-02 17:40:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-04-02 18:05:00

grae aka Jan - dunedin??? just so long since we have had a graebalz posting lovely to hear you are well and busy as usual.

auckland_ali - 2011-04-02 18:12:00

510 hope you are o.k. and taking it easy. Congrats Julia on the promotion, good idea the housework will give you more time to have quality time with family not worrying about what needs to be done - and a promotion goes hand in hand with a payrise right? so you should have spare change as well hopefully. , Jan I take it they were the famous ones with the onion packet mix in them? take care everyone.

auckland_ali - 2011-04-02 18:17:00
auckland_ali wrote:

- and a promotion goes hand in hand with a payrise right? so you should have spare change as well hopefully.

Yes, feeling very blessed and my company have been very generous.... found a lady today that will do it fortnightly on a Friday, I am so excited........ But having 2 people to manage thats new to me... wish me luck as one has been there longer than me. Although I have confidence that I will do it the "toadie" way... with love and respect... so I'm hoping all will be fine... Then when we open a branch in Christchurch... will have Winnie on board lol.

Edited by toadfish at 9:18 pm, Sat 2 Apr

toadfish - 2011-04-02 21:05:00

A Graebalz sighting how lovely... let us know when you are up this way.

toadfish - 2011-04-02 21:07:00
charlieb2 wrote:

Life has changed quite dramatically for you over the last 18 months or so!! A new stage in your life...

You are not wrong there, if you had told me as I headed off to Nepal how my life would change when i got back I would never have believed you... I may never of come back lol. Definately time poor though, need to schedule some time off and make wise use of my 4 weeks leave so I get regular breaks... still Easters coming up that will be nice.

I was thinking about what you said about life not being normal for a long time... take small hope in the fact that even without what you are going through life changes constantly for us all....with your children growing up, peoples jobs, spouses work.. or lack of it... freinds come and want to move.. you want to renovate..... for all of us life is constantly changing....
Just lately I feel like "normal" is illusive as well.... The girls lives are changing dramtically... my lifes changed dramatically over the last 2 years... hubby.... well he continues to be our rock throughout.... Maybe he is normal.... Nahhh don't think so.... loves his car with a passion and loves his 3 girls more.. how lucky we are... and with a tight family unit you can withstand whatever life throws at you...
You have that tight family unit and your life will be "Normal" again... just a new "Normal" Does that make sense or am I waffling......

toadfish - 2011-04-02 21:17:00

Talking of property.... I put this on out watch list just to scare hubby.. . way out of our league.. but so beautiful...

toadfish - 2011-04-02 21:38:00

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vintagekitty - 2011-04-02 21:40:00

Life is 'dynamic' toady - you're right there! I just wasn't quite prepared for how dynamic my life would become when I made the big move last year to start the Chch chapter lol!
Being made redundant today just makes the storyline a bit more dramatic I guess.
It'll certainly be interesting to look back one day & reflect on where this twist led ...

winnie231 - 2011-04-02 21:43:00

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vintagekitty - 2011-04-02 21:47:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-02 21:47:00
vintagekitty wrote:

Hope you got a large redundancy package

Ah - no!
But with over 500 staff, that's hardly surprising.
The good thing is apparently we will have no stand down period with winz. Will go see them on Monday.

winnie231 - 2011-04-02 21:51:00
winnie231 wrote:

The good thing is apparently we will have no stand down period with winz. Will go see them on Monday.

I know its not ideal.. but how much better for your studies than working night shift.. how long is your course?

toadfish - 2011-04-02 21:56:00

Studywise it's definately better! My course ends 28th August ... 5 months and counting ...

winnie231 - 2011-04-02 22:09:00
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