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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


Today I made a date loaf and choc chip cookies - and a loaf of bread in the bread maker....does that count?

razell - 2012-01-29 19:02:00

I think I have forgotten how to bake! Am in a rental & the oven burns all my baking! Plus all my baking gear, mixer etc are all in a box somewhere in the rental garage pending building a new home.

lindylambchops1 - 2012-01-29 19:15:00

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elliehen - 2012-01-29 19:17:00

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blackbart1 - 2012-01-31 13:36:00

I made Banana loaf yesterday, tried it toasted it was delicious will make again and freeze thick slices for toasting for quick brekkie or snack.

supercook - 2012-01-31 14:04:00

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blackbart1 - 2012-01-31 22:49:00

I can't beleive this thread is still here! I loved it and still use most of my baking from here. right back from page one.,

pauls66 - 2012-02-04 13:16:00
lemsip wrote:

Do people really still feed their children this much butter, sugar and white flour?

ha ha, i happens every time!unless your family eat no sweets at all, home baking is the best.Its not as though it all eaten by one person in one day. and no added chemicals.

diana96 - 2012-02-05 11:49:00

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blackbart1 - 2012-02-08 11:13:00

Anzac biscuits last night - I added a spoon of mixed spice - yummy!

razell - 2012-02-08 20:32:00

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blackbart1 - 2012-02-15 11:46:00

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blackbart1 - 2012-02-20 08:53:00
kob wrote:

orange slice ORANGE SLICE-

125 grams of melted butter,
3 tablespoons of orange juice,
4 crushed weetbix,
1 1/2 cups of flour,
1 1/2 teasppons of baking powder,
1/2 cup sugar,
1 cup of coconut,
add buter and sugar then add dry ingeredients then juice and coconut,......

Bake at 180 for 20-25 mins
Ive with orange icing and sprinkle coconut over the top

I'm going to try this one, thanks for that.

vashti - 2012-02-20 09:09:00

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blackbart1 - 2012-02-28 07:15:00

just thought id mention that the nephew I was baking with way bake when this started 8 years ago cut his 15th birthday cake on Sat so well done everyone, this thread has to be one of the longest running threads on trademe, I wonder if the have a thread preservation society lol, I must ask traeme

kob - 2012-02-28 07:59:00

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blackbart1 - 2012-03-06 09:04:00

Ginger gems and scones this week.

razell - 2012-03-06 19:59:00

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blackbart1 - 2012-03-09 22:37:00

Have used this thread and your advice so often over the years kob....keep up the great baking! MMMMmmmm.... This week in our cake tins...triple choc chunk cookies, banana cake, ginger slice.

elleneva - 2012-03-10 21:25:00

needed to bump this fab thread - it's one of my faves thanks everyone for their awesome recipes

gemini007 - 2012-03-31 21:54:00

Today I baked the choc courgette cake, but halved it and made 12 muffins as well as a cake.
Great thread..... thankyou

actiongirl1 - 2012-04-01 19:57:00

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blackbart1 - 2012-04-14 10:33:00

Just baked peanut brownies and a Date loaf.

dbab - 2012-04-14 10:35:00

bumping for happydayz2day

kob - 2012-05-30 08:04:00

I only buy Pams Wholegrain oats, could i use these or would they be to course.

whiskey13 wrote:

Sorry, just went

TAKAKA OATY GINGER CRUNCH from The Wholemeal Cafe, Takaka, Golden Bay

150 gm butter
2 Tablespoons golden syrup (try to be precise - hold the spoon in boiling water before measuring golden syrup)
3/4 cup brown sugar

Mix together:
3/4 cup coconut
1 & 1/2 cups rolled oats
3/4 cup flour
1& 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1& 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger

Combine wet & dry mixes

Press into 20 x 20 cm pan

Bake 180* C for 25 minutes

When cool, ice with:
4 Tbsp butter
8 Tbsp icing sugar
4 teaspoons golden syrup
2 teaspoons ground ginger
Heat, melt, beat and pour hot icing over cool base

Quoteelliehen (3485 )

Edited by kokopuff at 8:38 am, Wed 30 May

kokopuff - 2012-05-30 08:37:00

i baked two chocolate cakes, fudge cake, choc oat biscuits and banana muffins today, im going away for weekend so taking one cake with me, a one for the freezer to use for lunches next week, a plate of fudge cake for kindy tomorw and the rest for the boys to eat while im away

tinawal - 2012-05-30 20:25:00

Sourdough loaves, one rolled with cream cheese and pesto, cream cheese and salmon filled profiteroles, custard and cream puffs, banana bread and best ever chocolate slab cake.

jasmine77 - 2012-05-30 21:17:00

Just made a Feijoa cake was meant to be a loaf but there was too much mix for loaf tins so it became a cake.
Feijoa Cake/Loaf: 14 peeled and sliced feijoas, 60g butter, 1c sugar, 1c water. Boil altogether then mash, cool down before adding 2c flour, 2 tsp baking powder and 1 egg. Bake at 180C until golden brown.

connor2003 - 2012-05-30 21:30:00

Just made a gluten free banana loaf. It was made with ground almonds and the recipe came from Wild Health. I buy ground almonds from Davis Trading for $18 per kg bag. - 2012-05-30 22:28:00

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elliehen - 2012-05-30 22:28:00

I made a cookies and cream cake this week. Noms !

vampiriousmist - 2012-05-30 23:43:00
kokopuff wrote:

I only buy Pams Wholegrain oats, could i use these or would they be to course.

There is no reason why you can't use Pams Wholegrain oats. It's just giving you more fibre (and counter acts a naughty food lol)

whiskey13 - 2012-05-31 00:24:00
whiskey13 wrote:

There is no reason why you can't use Pams Wholegrain oats. It's just giving you more fibre (and counter acts a naughty food lol)

Thankyou whiskey13

Edited by kokopuff at 1:51 pm, Sat 9 Jun

kokopuff - 2012-06-09 13:50:00

Yesterday I made two dozen wholemeal bread buns, 5 of them cut in half, spread with peanut butter and individually wrapped for son's lunchbox next week and put in freezer (makes mornings so much easier!!). Also made two dozen raisin buns, these I also wrapped individually and froze. Today I'm making pizza bases that I will par-bake, cool, wrap and freeze for a Pizza Night on Saturday. Will be baking a big banana chocolate cake sometime today too - guess what .... I will also cut into slices, wrap and freeze!! Shame there's nothing in my pantry to eat - all the baking's hidden away in the freezer!! :)

lizab - 2012-06-10 11:55:00

We had homemade pizza watching the rugby last night
Apricot jam, red onion, chopped apricots, smoked chicken, pineapple pieces,dollops of cream cheese and grated tasty cheese.
Yum Yum

Edited by whiskey13 at 7:23 pm, Sun 10 Jun

whiskey13 - 2012-06-10 19:18:00

Good on you Mums baking for your families, for their lunches. And good on you for making the lunches too! There are far too many kids out there who have never had home baked goods, only supermarket rubbish. The one or two twits who start on about 'healthy' food, need to pull theoir heads in a bit. I'll bet they eat broght biscuits!
My mother at 90 is still baking for family. None of us or our children & grandchildren are any the worse off for it either!

bambi58 - 2012-06-10 20:08:00

I'd love a copy of the recipe book ...

leanneg - 2012-06-13 20:52:00
leanneg wrote:

I'd love a copy of the recipe book ...

There are 3 "books" now.
I've printed them out and put in an arch leaver folder. Leave your email on one of my auctions and I'll see if i can email them to you. Leave your email cryptically of course and i'll see if I'm any good at working it out lol
). Or you could see if "jaxma" has any listings and ask her( Joanne) she is the mastermind behind them

whiskey13 - 2012-06-14 00:25:00
bams1 wrote:

Heres one for you lemsip BIRDSEED BAR- 1c sesame seeds. 1c sunflower seeds,1c coconut, 1 c chopped nuts- roast all these till nicly browned in the oven, then add 1c sutanas , in a pot put 100g butter 1/4c honey , 1/2c sugar, melt together and mix into dry ingre , press into a tray and cut when cooled. This is addictive, and my kids love it .

I make this too but have taken to adding hulled buckwheat from Bin Inn. It's still gluten free and is really crunchy/nutty. I usually boil the sugar/honey mix gently for no more than 5 mins.

pom-pom - 2012-06-14 20:53:00

What a great lot of goodies to make. We are retired and I spend a day a week baking and making puddings/what ever.
We both love home made and so do grand children neighbour, or just a small package for a person on her own to have with a cuppa.
I have always baked had four children ( plus school fairs etc.). who hated "shop biscuits" as they called them, and I must say I like

mary92 - 2012-06-14 21:49:00

Nutella swirl doughnut muffins, these turned out great:

drsr - 2012-06-14 22:18:00

It's the start of the weekend, so I've got a batch of wholemeal dough in the breadmaker and have just made a dozen 'triple choc and banana muffins'. Back to the kitchen for me, I want to make some slices today for the freezer and also some pumpkin soup :) (Might have to go and tickle my chooks as I've only got 4 eggs in the house atm!)

lizab - 2012-06-16 10:23:00
leanneg wrote:

I'd love a copy of the recipe book ...

Have you managed to get copies?

jaxma - 2012-06-20 13:12:00

Eccles cakes and am going to try florentines as soon as I can find a recipe close to the one I have lost - it had a lot of fruit in it and not a lot of nuts, very moorish!!!

donna23 - 2012-06-20 13:34:00


modeez - 2012-06-25 18:56:00

I would also love to be emailed the ebooks, if possible?

kesley - 2012-06-26 09:32:00

Whoopie Pies, open Edmonds Box mix and follow instructions..... :-)
Cheese Scones, open Edmonds Scone Mix packet and add water.... :-)

Both were NOM NOM Delicious!!

kara101 - 2012-06-26 11:20:00

Amazing thread. I stumbed upon this tonight and just had to try the orange slice. I used fresh lemon juice instead of orange so it was really a lemon slice and tasted delicious. Thanks kob!

medrunk - 2012-07-08 21:55:00

Good thread! *watches* I've been making sure I can keep my freezer full, as well as using up all the things I still have. I made several of my chocolate cakes, as my recipe uses sour milk and I'd otherwise have thrown out lots of old milk.

mamabecs - 2012-07-11 17:40:00


modeez - 2012-07-28 15:50:00
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