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charlieb2 - 2011-03-18 23:19:00

Am a bit decrepit here for 6 million dollars here Charlieb2 - maybe just a couple. Husband off to join the farmy army today. It's a good few years since he was farmy - his role through snow, drought and earth quake is a usually coordinating one these days so am expecting a rather sore item home tonight! I think I'll do some baking for the baking army and tackle our windows which I have ignored so long they hardly qualify as windows.

greerg - 2011-03-19 09:30:00

I loved Hayley. She is so beautiful in song and spirit. Listened to her Ave Maria and Pie Jesu last night. Just lovely. Even though I am not Christian or whatever, it is the tone in her voice I love. I love classical music. As for me this weekend, I have to tackle a Research report worth (40%), look at researching two essays that are due in early April and help my friend with his Marketing quiz even though I have never done the subject. I found the book online as I knew I might and I read it and we brain storm the questions together. he said I have helped him more this semester than the lecturer had done all year. The language difference can make it hard for him as well. Although he is from Brazil, I have enough Spanish and can pick put the Portuguese to understand his written work. his oral English is great. Lucky I don't mind helping and he is very appreciative. my saying for the moment "In solidarity, there is strength".

jcprotea - 2011-03-19 10:00:00

Nice, jcprotea. It makes such a difference when you are studying to have someone else as a sounding board and particularly if there is jargon or another language being used. Good on you for helping.

I am officially an university drop out from yesterday :-( My work had agreed for me taking study leave this year, but due to the earthquake I was already three weeks behind, and then when our work officially re-opened this week (I have been working from home), we have almost a third of our staff away due to the earthquake. So with my own home pressures, and now being so short staffed, I rang Massey and asked if I could defer my course. They were really good about it, especially as the date for withdrawal had passed.

So much has changed cos of the earthquake. Many life plans will be either put on hold or discarded as we re-evaluate priorities.

Anyway, I'm going to make some cheese muffins so that will get the smell of comfort food in the house, and I had my first decent coffee from a cafe across town today so things are on the up!

Edited by sumstyle at 10:31 am, Sat 19 Mar

sumstyle - 2011-03-19 10:30:00

Damn rain - I had plans... still I too could bake muffins. Lemon ones think so I don't waste the lemons I bought.

Then I'll ring my builder friend so I don't scoff the lot.


Edited by calista at 11:29 am, Sat 19 Mar

calista - 2011-03-19 11:27:00

You're not a drop-out Sumstyle you're an adapter and I imagine that since you've shown such loyalty this year your work will give you the study leave next year with their blessing.

greerg - 2011-03-19 12:08:00

I'm down in the dumps today.
Still no caravan to live in. The friend who is/was lending it to me is going through a hard time himself & so I'm left in limbo.
Anyone got a caravan or camper they're not using for the next 6 months or so?
I just wish I could get a sense of 'normal' in my life ... and having my own space might help with that ... but nothing's normal here nor will it be for some time to come.
The Chch sky is very grey today - sorry everyone - it's probably the big black cloud hanging over me.

winnie231 - 2011-03-19 12:33:00

You are all adapters and survivors. Your strength and resilience is amazing. I wish I had a camper to lend you or you were closer so I cold lend you my Mums. I have so much baking to do as I have 3 other people to feed plus my lot. I have made more lollie cake and will do muffins etc. Also tackle and hang the washing out.
I love having a sounding board. I do it in here as you lot are all so friendly ad welcoming but at uni as well. My good friend and I are graduating together hopefully. She is amazing. the best heart and an extension of my brain. Does anyone know what I can use instead of brown rice syrup as I would love to make dulche de leche and I have everything except that. I want to use it for alfajores, a south American treat.

jcprotea - 2011-03-19 13:01:00

I didn't see much of the memorial due to being at work and I felt the 6pm news was a little lacking... But the standing ovation for the rescue workers was very moving.

As you can see Max is having trouble settling in... Not... still not predictable
and will give a nip if he is not happy... but a different cat to the one that used to live under the shed and spit at people.

Went for an hours bike ride this morning and I had almost forgotton the bone weariness I feel after such a ride... but at least i am back on the bike and it can only get easier.

We are out to dinner tonight with friends, we had planned at the beginning of the week to go to Wildfire, as its hubbies favourite restaurant... and what do you know they had it on a one day sale on Thursday... so its costing us way less... which is a bonus... So I rang some friends and they are coming too... really looking forward to catching up.. one of those good friends that you can go for months.. or years and then slip back in.

So thats me for now... not moving too quickly.. so may do some accounts... joy oh joy.....

Edited by toadfish at 2:29 pm, Sat 19 Mar

toadfish - 2011-03-19 14:22:00
winnie231 wrote:

I'm down in the dumps today.
Still no caravan to live in. The friend who is/was lending it to me is going through a hard time himself & so I'm left in limbo.
Anyone got a caravan or camper they're not using for the next 6 months or so?
I just wish I could get a sense of 'normal' in my life ... and having my own space might help with that ... but nothing's normal here nor will it be for some time to come.
The Chch sky is very grey today - sorry everyone - it's probably the big black cloud hanging over me.

Hang in there Winnie... things will come right... you just have to believe it. You will feel more normal as time goes on... it will just be a new normal.

toadfish - 2011-03-19 14:26:00
greerg wrote:

You're not a drop-out Sumstyle you're an adapter and I imagine that since you've shown such loyalty this year your work will give you the study leave next year with their blessing.

Thanks greerg, appreciate that

sumstyle - 2011-03-19 17:11:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-20 00:08:00

I think that's right Charlieb2 - logistically it just seems like a nightmare, but for me anyway the feeling that we WILL get through is stronger than it was before Friday. The odd thing about being there was the sense that even though we were seeing for the first time how different things really were, on the other hand there was a real sense that some things would be just the same - just finding them and focussing on them is going to be the challenge. For the architects, planners, etc. I guess there are protocols for starting after a disaster. All we can do is try not to get to stressed when we're stuck in gridlocks in crazy places or over your way when even a few groceries is a major effort. So many people are really stressed about the predictions that maybe some things will calm down after this weekend.

greerg - 2011-03-20 09:26:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-20 10:24:00

Here we go again. Hope everyone on the East side is OK.

greerg - 2011-03-20 22:09:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-20 22:11:00

That was my first thought too. We're fine but will be furious if he's now confirmed people's fears. Did you know that some firms have closed for these few days because their staff are too terrified of these damn predictions to work! Exactly what Christchurch needs - someone making people more upset than they already are!

greerg - 2011-03-20 22:16:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-20 22:21:00

I am sooo over this!!!!! Beeping beep beep earthquakes & beeping beep beep scaremongering! And still no caravan either!!! @#$%^!!

winnie231 - 2011-03-20 22:35:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-20 23:30:00

Feeling for those of you in ChCh.

marywea - 2011-03-20 23:48:00
marywea wrote:

Feeling for those of you in ChCh.

Yes me too......

toadfish - 2011-03-21 07:00:00

Morning all,
hope someone got more sleep than me!
Went online last night looking for an alternative caravan to rent as I'm tired of being let down by my friend who was going to rent me his and got an offer back this morning of $225p/w!!! How the hell can they justify that sort of price?
I don't know what I'm going to do ... will go back to winz this afternoon & see from there I guess. I really don't want to live in the campervan village they are setting up at the A&P showgrounds but I may have to. There is a securely fenced space at the front of Mum's property made for a caravan & that's where I had hoped to be. Independant but with a nice neighbour.
Better get moving - going into school to fail my 1st test this morning. There's no way I'll pass with my current stress levels. Thankfully I'll get to resit.

winnie231 - 2011-03-21 07:17:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-21 07:21:00

Good luck with the test anyway Winnie. Have you though of putting a listing up on here about the caravan on the Earthquake help wanted thread, or approaching the caravan club about approaching its members - there must be others here who would prefer to live in one on a site near friends and family than in Hagley park. Just saw a sad picture in this morning's Press. My old school is about to be torn down and there was small farewell yesterday. I didn't know but I would like to have gone and sung one last Jerusalem to the old place - not just for me but for Mum, my Grandmother. her mother and my daughter who went to the new CGHS that is also quite damaged. I know that in the scale of things a rather grotty old building in which no lives were lost is no big deal but it feels bad this mornng.

greerg - 2011-03-21 07:39:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-21 08:00:00

how about a garage/shed thingy winnie? one thats been converted to be a outhouse? probably not so easy to move as a caravan. your concert sounded great Pam - am sure he was totally professional and gave a great show. my brother in law and family live in Japan so we were quite worried about them they are 4 hours south west of Tokoyo so they felt the earth move but are o.k. we are hoping that the large mountain range between them and the nuclear plant is high and long enough for it not to be a problem!!

auckland_ali - 2011-03-22 16:17:00

Some good news from me at last - I have my caravan!
Sorry for being so negative the last few days ... I guess I had hit my wall!
Onwards & upwards now :)
It's a tight fit & we are making some hedge & fence adjustments (ie. the hedge is history & the fence has a hole in it) but it will suit me fine.
Haven't got my results back from accounting yet ... tomorrow hopefully. I will need to resit some but not as much as I had expected ... ie. I know I got a little bit right!
Off to bed early tonight as sleep or lack of is taking it's toll on me.
Keep smiling all, Rae

winnie231 - 2011-03-22 18:57:00

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elliehen - 2011-03-22 21:29:00

lol - just reread what I wrote ... was definately tired ... I'm doing marketing this term, not accounting!
Christchurch TMC family members - greerg & I are talking of getting together soon and would love as many of you as possible to join us :)
It will be so good to put some names to faces ... and have a positive distraction in our fragmented lives.
Where & when???
I guess a weekend would be best ... family, friends & followers would be welcome too ofcourse.
My suggestion would be the 2nd or 3rd of April & somewhere with an outside option. My 1st thought was The Raspberry Cafe in Tai Tapu but maybe there's somewhere closer to town that would suit?
Input needed here ...
Better go hit the shower, later, Rae

winnie231 - 2011-03-23 07:23:00
winnie231 wrote:

lol - just reread what I wrote ... was definately tired ... I'm doing marketing this term, not accounting!
Christchurch TMC family members - greerg & I are talking of getting together soon and would love as many of you as possible to join us :)
It will be so good to put some names to faces ... and have a positive distraction in our fragmented lives.
Where & when???
I guess a weekend would be best ... family, friends & followers would be welcome too ofcourse.
My suggestion would be the 2nd or 3rd of April & somewhere with an outside option. My 1st thought was The Raspberry Cafe in Tai Tapu but maybe there's somewhere closer to town that would suit?
Input needed here ...
Better go hit the shower, later, Rae

Yay on a place to live winnie. Never apologize for being grumpy or venting. I would be too in that situation. You Cantabrians have been through enough to last a long time. Sorry I have had my head in the sand the last couple of days with being tired myself and low iron and doing assignments. I have one due on the 8th of April and it is doing my head in. As I am helping a friend, I fear I am spreading myself too thin but they are one of the nicest people you could ever meet so I feel bad if I don't help them. I got asked to also do some work for LEADR (a dispute resolution company) to do some role plays for them. I need the money so I hope they come back to me. Cool you are doing marketing winnie, that is what I help my friend from Brazil with.

Edited by jcprotea at 7:42 am, Wed 23 Mar

jcprotea - 2011-03-23 07:41:00

i'm commmmmiiinnnngggg .... well I will If I can get flights cheap enough.... can you pick me up from the airport?

toadfish - 2011-03-23 07:42:00

Between us I'm sure we can collect any non-Cantabrian lunchers from the airport - that would be fun. Hope it's just the euphoria of having a home that has mixed up the marketing or your lecturer is going to be just a bit confused Rae. Raspberry cafe is nice and so peaceful as are some of the wineries on the West side of town. I have no idea about more central places that are open now, but perhaps someone who lives further East has a better idea.

greerg - 2011-03-23 08:12:00
jcprotea wrote:

Yay on a place to live winnie. Never apologize for being grumpy or venting. I would be too in that situation. You Cantabrians have been through enough to last a long time. Sorry I have had my head in the sand the last couple of days with being tired myself and low iron and doing assignments. I have one due on the 8th of April and it is doing my head in. As I am helping a friend, I fear I am spreading myself too thin but they are one of the nicest people you could ever meet so I feel bad if I don't help them. I got asked to also do some work for LEADR (a dispute resolution company) to do some role plays for them. I need the money so I hope they come back to me. Cool you are doing marketing winnie, that is what I help my friend from Brazil with.

yep,amen all the way,never apologize we are here for you,and winnie yay for you.
I have been feeling the same way,have to look for another job,that does not envolve heavy lifting.
I have started to bleed,not good after surgery.
On a happy note my bulbs I have planted,have started to show there heads,woohoo,first time I have planted them,dp partner asked if I planted them the right way up,bless him lol lol.
Watch this space dp is talking marridge woohoo a dream come true.

earthangel4 - 2011-03-23 09:21:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-23 09:47:00

Ouchies! That would be soooo uncomfortable, not to mention sloooow.

Winnie I'm so pleased for you

Am off to get my new shower today and the plumber who fixes the cold water flow can install it. I figure if the EQC pays for getting the flow right, and I pay for the shower and fitting it then I'm not ripping them off, just using the situation to piggyback on. That's not dodgy is it? (I worry about being seen as ripping anyone off).

The bloke whose in charge of the water system told me if all goes well we may have our lovely (non chemical) water back in 4 weeks or so.. It brightened my life.

Another little wobble (sigh)

calista - 2011-03-23 11:26:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-23 11:45:00

You are all sooo gorgeous...we read this and snigger...please not unkindly or anything such ,have been there as a single parent and luckily are now in a better place,,,, I have offered help. on this thread....If not required as I'm now wondering ...... I will put the same amount into the Red Cross.Today in the Post I received a' Memory of Service ' for our Bishies in our Westie thread....his Life at 33yrs old was destroyed in the CTV building where he worked as a Cameraman/Producer.. I'm wanting to help on this thread ...a Bank acc.... But am awaiting the means too...

jbsouthland - 2011-03-23 14:44:00

Maybe a problem in communication .... this is not how I wanted the post to read ...we are just awaiting an acc number to help .

jbsouthland - 2011-03-23 14:47:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-23 14:54:00
earthangel4 wrote:

...Watch this space dp is talking marridge woohoo a dream come true.

earthangel4, how exciting for you! Did he just hint slyly, or come right out and say it?

sumstyle - 2011-03-23 17:23:00

jbsouthland - you have mail. Thankyou!

winnie231 - 2011-03-23 18:41:00
toadfish wrote:

i'm commmmmiiinnnngggg .... well I will If I can get flights cheap enough.... can you pick me up from the airport?

toady - I would be there with bells on!!!
and edited to say - there's a spare bed here at Mum's now I'm out in the gypsy pad :)

Edited by winnie231 at 6:57 pm, Wed 23 Mar

winnie231 - 2011-03-23 18:42:00
sumstyle wrote:

earthangel4, how exciting for you! Did he just hint slyly, or come right out and say it?

lol,A couple of times this week,he has said now if you want to be my wife,ect,and I was talking to him about his brother,s wedding coming up at the end of this year, and how much it is going to cost and all, and with a smile on his face he said ah too much money wink wink,lol lol.
I so much want it to happen,so just dig now and then,in a nice way,we have been together 6 years next month.
Next year is leap year,but I so want him to ask me,

earthangel4 - 2011-03-23 21:11:00

Do you have a birthday or anniversary coming up Earthangel? Perhaps you better practice looking very surprised - 2011 seems to be a much better year than 2010 for you. We need to hear good things happening on here to remind us that after the bad comes the good.

greerg - 2011-03-23 21:32:00

I agree greerg, this feels like we could turn the corner into some real hope, thanks to earthangel4! I am willing to live vicariously through her heh heh

sumstyle - 2011-03-23 21:34:00
greerg wrote:

Do you have a birthday or anniversary coming up Earthangel? Perhaps you better practice looking very surprised - 2011 seems to be a much better year than 2010 for you. We need to hear good things happening on here to remind us that after the bad comes the good.

I have had my birthday and so has dp,we are both in Jan,but we have been together 6 years on the 23rd April,we met on the internet,on findsomeone,yes this year is better then last year,much better health wise.
I was kinda thinking the other day,i better practice,being surprised,lol lol

earthangel4 - 2011-03-23 22:09:00
sumstyle wrote:

I agree greerg, this feels like we could turn the corner into some real hope, thanks to earthangel4! I am willing to live vicariously through her heh heh

lol lol

earthangel4 - 2011-03-23 22:10:00

I have been thinking hard about coming down... think 2nd & 3rd April would be too soon to organise something... As I said the girls and I are planning a couple of nights away... but I sat down with a year planner and they only have one 1 week overlap in their holidays... all year!! and that week Miss 16 has agreed to work full time to cover at her part time job... thats the week before Easter... The other thought was to come down Easter Sunday and back the Tuesday after... But honestly... do you think its too early to come?... I heard a guy on TV trying to encourage tourists to not be put off coming to Christchurch as its such a major part of the economy.,,,but I would hate to burden the infrastructure. We would stay in a Hotel as thats part of our weekend pampering. Feedback welcome.. as if its not ok we might go to Wellington.

toadfish - 2011-03-24 06:52:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-24 07:02:00
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