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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


There is a sign out now ...:-)

2halls - 2011-03-14 16:52:00
cookessentials wrote:

I have just heard from my neice in Wanaka..yes has heard that Jo Seagar has been confirmed as missing as she apparently was in the city when the quake struck. I have not found anything to confirm that, she is in the travel industry and heard it through someone in Air New Zealand, lets hope Jo is ok.

According to the e-mailed newsletter I have just received from Jo Seagar she is definitely alive and well, and being kept extra busy with life at Oxford . :-))

245sam - 2011-03-14 18:16:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-14 19:51:00

Pam, Jo did say in her newsletter.....
"I know there is a rumour I had died in the CTV building, but NO it was definitely not Jo Seagar."
I wonder if there was some confusion between the two Jo's - Jo Seagar and Jo Giles, who very sadly has been lost to our community due to the earthquake and its effect on the CTV building. :-))

Edited by 245sam at 8:26 pm, Mon 14 Mar

245sam - 2011-03-14 20:26:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-14 20:42:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-14 20:45:00

I had a great day. Made a new friend from Brazil and scored 100% in a test I did. Need to do 5 more to get 30% of overall mark.

jcprotea - 2011-03-14 20:55:00

hope you all are keeping safe. Had another nice lunch from the vegetarian cafe. A nice chickpea and spinach dish. I want the recipe!!

jcprotea - 2011-03-15 18:54:00
245sam wrote:

According to the e-mailed newsletter I have just received from Jo Seagar she is definitely alive and well, and being kept extra busy with life at Oxford . :-))

wow thank you 245sam,was just thinking of her,woohoo

earthangel4 - 2011-03-15 19:07:00
jcprotea wrote:

I had a great day. Made a new friend from Brazil and scored 100% in a test I did. Need to do 5 more to get 30% of overall mark.

well done you.

earthangel4 - 2011-03-15 19:09:00
cookessentials wrote:

How was your day winnie? how did the first day at school go?
Our couple of days hit a bit of a snag as the lady that fills on for me while we are away cant do Friday and Sat morning as her FIL dies yesterday...we had bought the tickets and booked the accomodation,so we have to just close the shop which is a bit of a bugger.

sorry to hear this cooks,but it will all work out.

earthangel4 - 2011-03-15 19:10:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-15 19:42:00

Enjoy Napier and the concert cookes - have dinner at The Mission or The Old Church.

nfh1 - 2011-03-15 20:27:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-15 23:53:00
cookessentials wrote:

We have put a notice up on the door and window advising that we will be closed on Friday and Saturday. I must say, I am looking forward to a couple of nights away in Napier and seeing Lionel Ritchie at Church Road

Have a Fab time Pam... I realised a few days ago... that's what is missing in my life at the moment... a holiday to look forward to. Just got an email saying we can use Air NZ $$ for holidays for a limited time, previously you could only use them on flights... so may go shopping..... Also the girls and I are going to book an adventure. It was going to be Christchurch and still maybe as the plan was to catch up with friends... you know who you are.... and then road trip to Dunedin.... and Miss 18 could catch up with her bestie and I could catch up with more friends... so that still may be on the cards... and/or maybe a trip to wellington as well. Just need to get my A into G and book.... then it will happen. We may even have enough Air $$ for 7 days in Aussie for the 4 of us.... but booking around school holidays is an issue for us now.......and more of a critical year for the both of them.

have a great day all... find out what makes you happy and go for it......

toadfish - 2011-03-16 06:53:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-16 07:14:00

Morning all. I have been asked by a friend to make lollie cake. never made it before but found an easy recipe on here. My pilaf I made my friend went down a treat as did the jam. Decided against the crumble in the end as it would have been a pain to transport home for her. so I made m and m muffins instead. I need to do more baking today as I have orders haha! I like cooking for friends especially baking! Something nice about doing something good for other people.

jcprotea - 2011-03-16 07:48:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-16 08:54:00

Charlie, I don't blame u for feeling anxious I would be anxious too. I've had a busy time of late on Sunday we went to a 5oth wedding anniversay celebration, which involved going to Taupo in the one day left at 7.30am & got back at 7pm. Wonderful to catch up with family. The couple now live in America. Have damaged my cartiage in my knee so spent time at Drs & Physio. I have picked up a virus so feeling a bit under the weather. I've started doing volunteer work at the local hospice, really enjoyed it, Makes me feel so lucky. Have a wonderful day everyone. & as the song says "Love the ones you're with".

Edited by 510 at 10:31 am, Wed 16 Mar

510 - 2011-03-16 10:30:00

Charlieb, it is nearly break time so hope you hear from son. What is happening with the school for Number Two son? Aftershocks from the first quake did increasing damage to your home. What further damage was done this time and is it getting worse with the aftershocks? I think you were passed to fix up existing home-does that still stand or do you need to be inspected? Hope you are not in limboland again. Must be fantastic to have water on. What happens to the mud/silt from liquifaction-does it have to get dumped somewhere and do the council do that-must take an age to clear it all. Is it footpaths first? Enjoy your weekend Cooks.

marywea - 2011-03-16 10:30:00

Snap Mary, waves to you in Wellington

510 - 2011-03-16 10:33:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-16 10:58:00

Charlieb - the joys of liquefaction )-:. I had a miniscule amount but it's around the foundations at the back so it does worry me a bit. Thank God for the SVA who cartered it away for me. I have a shoulder injury and couldn't even manage the little I had myself. Of course Georgie-Porgy fat'n'fluffy is no help at all.

EQC came doing their triage bit this mornimg and asked whether I had put in a claim for the Feb quake. I said I hadn't as I found dealing with them worse than an earhquake - and burst into tears. Made a right idiot of myself, but the man was Ok, I feel such a fool - minimal damage and maximum drama.

calista - 2011-03-16 11:28:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-16 12:09:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-16 12:53:00
cookessentials wrote:

We had dinner at the Old Church a couple of years ago when we went to Napier for our wedding anniversary. it was a fabulous place. At the time, we couldn't get into the Mission Estate. i think there is also dinner at Vhurch Road, but not sure if I fancy dinner there this time as we have done that when we went to see the Nairobi Trio there.

If you are staying in Napier - The Pacifica Restaurant on Marine Parade is definitely worth a try. The Menu changes every day and they used to do a Seven Course Tasting Menu which is excellent - not sure if they still do that. Have a great week-end.

nfh1 - 2011-03-16 13:14:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-16 13:19:00

The liquefaction is going into the old tip site at burwood to make sand dunes and will be planted to stabilise.
BUGGER ! I have just re-read the "Notice of Preliminary Assessment". I misread it last time.
"Your property has severe structural damage. You will be revisited for a full assessment within 4 months." I feel like I've been punched in the guts. The Assessor was a nice bloke and he also wrote down about my hearing disability, which may make dealing with them easier.

I'm hoping he was being conservative in his estimation just to be on the safe side,

calista - 2011-03-16 18:26:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-16 19:26:00

I've had tea, so am now in a more rational frame of mind.
Thanks for that Charlie, you really are a source of comfort and commonsense, I think the chimneys may have something to do with it as both are internal. Do they leave them inside the walls where they could be a source of potential danger?

I keep thinking that if the structural damage was so bad I'd have more than hairline plaster. None of the actual mortar has come off and there are only a couple of bricks with hairline cracks around the front door. The roof does seem a bit worrying as mortar has come off from the ridgelines, but that can happen on 50 year old houses.

I'm thinking I may claim for a damaged mind as well as the glasses, tv, doggie teapot (waaa) plates, some royal Albert cups and saucers, etc. Thank god both sets of hearing aids were safe, although I did need a strong young man to lift the chest of drawers up so I could access them. Now both pairs live seperately to minimise risk.

Actually I could do with a strong young man about the house as a permanent feature - they are so useful ;-)

The good news is that my GP gave ne some voltaren, which means I no longer have pain in my shoulder so I can do more cleaning up. Oh Joy! Still I think actually doing something positive (though boring) will help me feel better. Handyman friend is going to get brackets to screw the bookcases to the walls, then I can fill them.

calista - 2011-03-16 21:13:00
cookessentials wrote:

Sounds interesting nfh1, we like to try something a little different. Maybe would could try that on Friday night. We are staying at Manor On Parade which is just along from there.

The Manor on Parade looks like a nice place - I often park just down from there, I love Napier. If you have not been around The Port area in Ahuriri for a while, take a trip up there - it has changed amazingly over the last few years, a lovely place for a meal or just to watch the sun go down with a glass of wine. Have a good time - I am sure you will.

nfh1 - 2011-03-16 22:13:00

Hello.. hugs for you Calista.. I hope it's been written that way as a precaution - and good that they're being cautious - and thorough - and checking everything again within that time period, rather than leaving something that may not be completely safe for you..

Have a fabulous time Pam.. enjoy your break.. we love visiting Hawkes Bay too.. always something to do and see there.. plus visit dear friends.

We're going to Auckland for the Santana show at Vector Arena on Sunday night. part of the soon-to-be-birthday-girl's-
21st pressies.. Santana is her favourite band .. and the other part being that I get to go too! :-) We last saw his show in 2008, just before her 18th birthday - my son was home from Vancouver and we saw the show together.. it was amazing.. and great together-time for us all..

Take care everyone.. and keep safe.. x

juliewn - 2011-03-16 22:25:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-17 06:57:00

Waving to you all on this st pats day,cooks you have a wonderful time away,thinking of you.
I am driving over to pick up dp mum,she is having a hip replacement tomorrow.
Looking forward to spending time with her today,she is a lovely lady,having lunch together in town,she wants to shout,mmm I have no money,no worries back to work on saturday after having 2 months off,and I have to say I am a new person,did not realize how ill I really was,now its time to help others,and when I can do that,it makes me smile.

earthangel4 - 2011-03-17 07:17:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-17 10:07:00

Watch out what you wish for Calista - those strong young men eat a lot and honestly they're only useful in small bursts! Suspect we may have two here for the rest of the year given the shortage of flats. Just came back from Napier last night Cooks and would like to have stayed for weekend - so beautifully warm and calm. But husband couldn't be away from work right now and I feel I need to go to Friday's memorial service even if I think it is a bit early. The logistics of getting there, parking, etc. are going to be interesting - if my back was causing so much trouble at the moment I think I'd be walking from Riccarton. I assume your boy was just carried away with the excitement of seeing everyone again Charlieb and forgot to text? They really just can't understand how much a mother can worry when she sets out to do they - I'm not sure that blokes ever get up to speed on serious worrying about things like that.

greerg - 2011-03-17 10:38:00

Jo and Calista, thanks for the info on liquifaction. I have googled it and Wikipedia mentions both of your quakes so very up to date. Jo, I would like to have you nearby in an emergency. How has met who in CHCh? Hope Winnie is Ok and Calista, anyone in ChCh is entitled to have tears flow at any time for a long time yet-I would be more worried for those who cannot let go every now and then though people get release in a variety of ways don't they.

marywea - 2011-03-17 10:40:00

Hi everyone,
sorry I haven't been in but after a very stressful housemove with Mum on Friday, school started back for me on Monday (on the other side of town) & I've been struggling to keep up. Afternoons are spent negotiating my way around this munted city trying to re-establish my life here!
I called by my old home yesterday to clear the mailbox as my redirection hadn't kicked in, and sat in my car, crying my eyes out. And I felt better afterwards! Tears are a healthy form of release :)
My caravan is arriving tomorrow so I will be the Hoon Hay gypsy queen :)
Cookessentials has sent me a lovely box of kitchen goodies & I look forward to being able to use some of them soon! For a friend I have never met, the generosity you have shown Pam is truely heartwarming & I look forward to my oppotunity to 'pay it forward' one day :) Bless you.
For those of you who have my details & were waiting to hear from me - please text me ... my phone which I thought had survived me landing on it in the quake, spontaniously gave up the ghost & I've had to buy a new one & start over. I tend to use my phone as address book, birthday book, notebook ... you get the idea so I may have lost your details. (sorry) The other issue is texts I send to vodafone don't seem to be getting through (?) I don't know if this is a 2degrees thing or just me (?) In Chch - anything is possible at the moment!!!
Feeling rather emotional about tomorrow - I won't be going to the service as I just can't cope with the crowds but will be watching from Mum's. Also rather nervous about the weekend as like many here, I don't want to believe another big shake will happen but can't dismiss it entirely either. We have alot of water & non-perishable food here now - just in case.
Goodnight all, Rae xx

winnie231 - 2011-03-17 22:37:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-17 23:54:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-17 23:59:00

Same here charlieb ... and my guess is there will be some sort of comemerations next year. I'll go to those ones.

winnie231 - 2011-03-18 08:30:00

I'm not a fan of big crowds, so I don't go to any of the concerts in the park etc so I won't be there this morning either. Reading the list of the names of the dead last night was very sad - especially the older ones who might have struggled to run away from the danger. At times it is very hard to see a way through all of this.

sumstyle - 2011-03-18 08:37:00

I agree it's too soon Charlieb2 and Winnie so I don't expect to come out of it feeling as if we can start to put it behind us. But as one those who lost almost nothing, unlike both of you who have lost so much, I feel as if I should go. I know it's going to be emotionally devastating so I have very mixed feelings. More practically, Charlieb2 - can I bring you bottles of some pure clean Selwyn District water when your bottled water is all drunk?

greerg - 2011-03-18 08:58:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-18 09:46:00

Peace and love with you all. Shalom and prayers.... I have not lost anything but I cried when the Kaddish came on (Jewish prayer of mourning) and had tears rolled down my face. May whatever get you all through, keep well and safe.

jcprotea - 2011-03-18 14:00:00

I had tears for our Hayley singing Amazing Grace... and of course respect for others. My partner is European and English his second language...We,he does appreciate BUT at the moment Kiwis needs rule....Winnie you have obviously lost our numbers...oh two seven three two one eight four x2 ,one......

Edited by jbsouthland at 3:51 pm, Fri 18 Mar

jbsouthland - 2011-03-18 15:50:00

Despite my doubts I'm so glad I went - I think that of all the emotions today's memorial left me with the dominating one was of hope. It was a chance to show the emergency services how much Christchurch has valued their help; a chance to show the families of those who died, including those from overseas that we grieve with them. And the sun shown so brightly on Christchurch that it really was possible to believe that someday we'll all wander beside the river, browse in the Arts Centre market, light a candle in the Cathedral, have glass of wine outside the Dux again - but that we'll probably never take it all for granted again.

greerg - 2011-03-18 19:36:00

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elliehen - 2011-03-18 21:09:00

I didn't go - I don't do crowds, but ended up comforting a rather distressed young man walking past my place who had watched it on TV and cried, then was doubly upset because when he was a little boy his father told him "Real men don't cry". I told him I thought it took a strong man to cry, and sometimes that's what everyone needs to do.

Greerg I feel some of that hope, and am trying to hold on to it as several new cracks have opened up in my house.

Winnie, when you're feling up to it could you email Toadfish or Charlieb your number - I'd love to catch up with you, and both of then have mine.

Edited by calista at 9:19 pm, Fri 18 Mar

calista - 2011-03-18 21:18:00

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elliehen - 2011-03-18 21:28:00
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