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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


Moroccan Honey & Mint Syrup Cake Batter; 160g butter softened, 310g sugar, 1 ½ tsp dried or fresh mint, 6 eggs, 230g coconut & 210g Self raising flour.
Preheat oven 150c. Beat butter, sugar & mint until change of colour. Add small quantities of egg, coconut & flour beating well between each addition to prevent mixture from curdling. Repeat until all is used. Line a lightly greased 22cm spring release cake tin with baking powder. Pour in the batter, bake for 1 –1 ½ hours ( you can make the mint syrup during this time). Check the cake is baked by inserting a skewer in the centre. If it comes out clean, cake is ready. Remove from oven and allow to cool in the tin for 5-10 minutes.

valentino - 2009-07-24 11:36:00

Moroccan Cake continued... 2nd part of 3... Mint Syrup; 200ml water, 180g sugar & 1 ½ c roughly chopped fresh mint. Place all in a saucepan, bring to boil stirring to ensure sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat & allow to cool for 30-45 minutes. Strain through a sieve and discard mint leaves. Use the syrup as directed in the following.

valentino - 2009-07-24 11:37:00

Moroccan Cake... Final part...the Assembly. Assembly; 75g butter, 180g honey & 180g flaked or slivered almonds. Preheat oven 170c. With the cake still in tin, prick 60 to 75 holes in the top and down into the cake. Pour the mint syrup evenly over the top of cake slowly to allow seepage into cake. Place butter, honey & almonds in a saucepan & melt together stirring until well combined. Do not allow to boil. Remove from heat and immediately spread this topping on the cake to cover the whole top. Place the cake back into oven & bake the topping to a light amber colour approx 15 minutes. Remove and allow to cool in tin for 20-30 minutes. Remove cake from tin carefully and remove paper gently while still warm. Dust with icing sugar before serving. P.S. Please avoid burning the top upon second time in oven.

valentino - 2009-07-24 11:38:00

smooches for kob Just thinking about you sending mum packages to your kids, how lovely is that?

lennyb1 - 2009-07-24 13:24:00

This message was deleted.

herika - 2009-07-27 08:35:00

x... x

jenna68 - 2009-08-01 08:51:00

y... y

jenna68 - 2009-08-06 06:00:00

A big bump........... ........ from the last page. Didn't want to loose this..


earth_moon - 2009-08-09 20:18:00

Jaxma Hi, i would love a copy of your books. Thanks. "yvette70" it would be "extra" great.

bettyboots - 2009-08-09 23:35:00

This message was deleted.

humberston - 2009-08-12 19:49:00

This message was deleted.

humberston - 2009-08-12 19:55:00

Jaxma Hi there l sent you a message through Old Friends are you still doing the book as l would love a copy?Can you please let me know if my email got through, thanks heaps.

griffo4 - 2009-08-15 09:35:00

Jaxma I would also like the 3rd installment, you can get me at gingedee at the g male place.
Thank you

dee5 - 2009-08-15 14:41:00

Beetroot and Cardamon Cake I haven't posted for a while but here i am!! 4 Eggs, lightly beaten; 1 1/2 cups Vege oil; 1 tsp vanilla;2 cups sugar; 2 cups beetroot-grated;1 cup carrots-grated;2 1/2 cups s-r flour; 1/4 tsp salt;1 tsp cinnamon;1 tsp nutmeg;2 tsp Cardamon;1/2 orange(zest for topping)
Set oven to 180 and line a 25cm cake tin with baking paper. Mix eggs;oil;vanilla;and sugar together. Add carrots and beetroot and stir to combine. Fold in dry ingredients. Place mix into prepared tin and bake 50-60 minutes until skewer comes out clean. Allow to cool befroe icing. Ice with cream cheese icing Yummo

whiskey13 - 2009-08-16 16:35:00

kob - could you elaborate further please? I was headhunted out of this thread a long time ago when I tried to say that there is something like copyright .... However with the advent of votemenot the whole affair is getting beyond ridiculous anyway. So I am not here very often anymore. Would like to know what happened kob to make you change your mind so completely. Thanks!

uli - 2009-08-21 18:46:00

Orange and Carrot Cake 250gms unsalted butter, softened, 250gms(1 cup) castor sugar, 4 large eggs, lightly beaten, 250gms(2 cups) plain flour, finely grated rind of 1 orange, 2 ½ teaspoons baking powder, 250gms carrot, finely grated, 50gm(1/2 cup) desiccated coconut, ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg.
Preheat the oven to 180*C. Lightly grease a round, 20cm loose-bottomed cake tin. Line the base with greaseproof paper.
In a mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in the eggs, adding a teaspoon of flour with each addition. Mix in the orange rind.
Sift the remaining flour and the baking powder over and stir in gently. Carefully fold in the carrot, coconut and nutmeg.
Spoon the mixture into the tin and make a shallow hollow in the centre of the cake with the back of a spoon.

whiskey13 - 2009-08-22 15:52:00

Orange and Carrot Cake cont. Bake for 1 hour and 20 minutes, or until well risen and firm to the touch. Allow the cake to cool in the tin for 10 minutes, and then turn out onto a wire rack and leave to cool completely.
For the icing: 175gms cream cheese, 200gms(11/4 cups) icing sugar, sifted, orange rind, cut into julienne strips. Put the cream cheese, icing sugar and 1-teaspoon water into a bowl and beat together until smooth. Spread the icing over the top and sides of the cake. Arrange the strips of orange ring on the top of the cake and transfer to a serving plate.

whiskey13 - 2009-08-22 15:53:00

I don't know if the above recipe has been posted before(cos theres been so many lol) but thought I'd add it anyway.

whiskey13 - 2009-08-22 15:54:00

Iced Carrot Cake 2 large eggs, 185 (3/4 cup) castor sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla essence, 250gms carrot, finely grated, grated rind of 1 orange, 125mls (1/2 cup) canola oil, 185gms (1 1/2cups) plain flour, 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda, 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder, 2 teaspoons ground mixed spice, 30gms (1/4 cup) hazelnuts, toasted.
Preheat the oven to 180*C.Grease a1.75litre, star shaped cake tin or a 20cm square cake tin. Line the base with baking paper.
In a mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs and sugar with an electric mixer, until thick and creamy. Stir in the vanilla, carrots, orange rind and oil.
Sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda, baking powder and mixed spice over the mixture and fold in with a plastic spatula. Chop the hazelnuts and stir in.
Spoon the mixture into the prepared cake tin. Bake for 40-45minutes, or until a warm skewer inserted into centre comes out clean. Leave the cake to cool in the tin.

whiskey13 - 2009-08-22 15:55:00

Iced Carrot Cake cont. For the icing: 125gms cream cheese, 60gms unsalted butter, 1 teaspoon vanilla essence, 125gms (1 cup) icing sugar, sifted, 30g (1/4 cup) toasted, flaked hazelnuts, to decorate.
Beat the cream cheese until smooth. Add the butter, vanilla and icing sugar and beat until smooth.
When the cake is cold, turn out and remove the paper. Put on a serving plate and spread the icing over the top. Sprinkle with the flaked hazelnuts

whiskey13 - 2009-08-22 15:56:00

Muesli Slice 2cups rolled oats, 2Tbsp wholemeal flour, 1cup dried mixed fruit eg apricots, dates, raisins, sultanas, figs; 1tsp cinnamon, 1tsp mixed spice, 1/4cup seeds eg pumpjin, sunflower, sesame; 1/2cup fruit juice, 1tbsp peanut butter, 1tsp coconut essence, 1tsp vanilla essence, 1egg, 1Tbsp brown sugar. Method: Mix the oats, flour, fruit, spices and seeds together. Stir in the juice, peanut butter and essences. Beat the egg and brown sugar together then combine all the ingredinets, mix well. Press into a sponge roll tin and cook 15mins @ 200C. when cold slice into 15 bars.

whiskey13 - 2009-08-22 15:57:00

Ginger Kisses 125g butter, softened; 3/8 cup sugar; 1 egg; 1 tspn ginger; 1 tspn cinnamon; 1 rounded dessertspoon golden syrup; 75g flour; 75g cornflour; ½ tspn baking powder; ½ tspn baking soda Soften but don’t melt butter (in a microwave). Put it in a food processor with the sugar, egg, ginger, cinnamon and golden syrup, and process until smooth and light coloured. (Measure the golden syrup in a spoon that has been heated first. Have the spoon gently rounded but not heaped to maximum capacity.) Measure the dry ingredients directly into food processor, then process until smooth. Spoon the mixture into a piping bag with a plain nozzle (Or into a clean plastic bag with the corner cut off.) Line two oven trays with non-stick baking paper. Pipe the mixture into walnut sized mounds , on the trays. Leave a lot of space between, as these rise and spread. Place in a oven pre-heated to 220C. Turn down temperature to 210C as soon as the oven door is shut.

whiskey13 - 2009-08-22 16:00:00

Ginger Kisses cont. Cook for about 5 minutes, reducing the heat if the bottom browns before the centre is cooked. When cooked the mixture will spring back when pressed. Watch carefully or they will burn. Sandwich with mock cream. Don’t press together until all the mock cream has been used up. Mock Cream 80g butter; ½ tspn vanilla, ½ cup icing sugar, (sift it to avoid lumps); about 2 Tbsp water Put the room temperature butter, vanilla and icing sugar (sifted) into food processor with about 1 Tbsp hot water and process until smooth. Add about 1 Tbsp cold water, gradually. You can add more water if it is absorbed. Store filled ginger kisses in a cool place so the filling hardens.

whiskey13 - 2009-08-22 16:00:00

Thank you Valentino for the Moroccan Honey and Mint Syrup Cake it is sooo nice and won't last round here. This is an awesome thread, thanks kob for starting it, l have made so many things from it and now l see Whiskey13 has posted more yummy recipes, thank goodness the garbage disposal unit is coming home from uni,lol.Just wish this was around 20yrs ago when kids were small

griffo4 - 2009-08-23 19:30:00

x... x

jenna68 - 2009-08-26 12:52:00

Bumped.... .

valentino - 2009-09-01 08:54:00

bump bump

bananabear - 2009-09-05 13:23:00

x... x

jenna68 - 2009-09-08 19:59:00

x... x

jenna68 - 2009-09-14 09:39:00

Bumping for tja12 to have a big read...Hmmmmm

valentino - 2009-09-16 15:41:00

hi Uli its been so long im not sure what I am elaborating on but I am NOW over the copying saga I guess I had my feelings hurt that I would give you all my familys most secret recipes so you too could enjoys it, and 99% of people take that recipe cook it and enjoy BUT the 1 % wants to hock it off for profiting, I dont mind any recipes going into a fundraising book or being given to your freinds becasue this recipe is the bomb But to copy and put intoa book something that was never yours to own just annoys me, I understand about copyright etc

kob - 2009-09-17 07:25:00

cont but how can you copyright a recipe that was your grandmothers recipe that she gave you as it had been your mothers fav recipe as she was growing up, and where did she originally get the recip from WHo knows so its not something to copyright UNE|LESS you originally owned the created recipe so its a stoned mullet really your stuck, but im over it like I said but will gaurd carefully any recipes that I dont want the world to share ill only share my advise and help those who need it to progress their happy everyone life is too short

kob - 2009-09-17 07:25:00

Yes kob life is too short, but from everyone in here that has posted recipes or found inspiration to bake from this thread, i would like to say a big THANK-YOU for starting it and to jaxma for putting together the file/folder of all the recipes.Not a day/week goes by that i don't pop in and have a look

whiskey13 - 2009-09-17 13:09:00

x... x

jenna68 - 2009-09-21 10:53:00

z... .

valentino - 2009-09-27 14:02:00

x... x

jenna68 - 2009-10-02 16:06:00

x... x

jenna68 - 2009-10-02 16:06:00

x... x

jenna68 - 2009-10-06 14:58:00

Hey all :-) I'm still formatting Volume 3, but now with the new look messageboards, it's going to cause grief because I used the posting numbers as a guide of where I was up to. Without the numbers, I have a problem :-( I'm sure I'll work something out. Be patient, I don't have a lot of spare time and the re-formatting is a labour-intensive and incredibly boring task!

jaxma - 2009-10-08 11:39:00

jaxma, the numbers are suppose to be coming back, could be tomorrow though.

Check Uli's thread in trade me discussion on the message board.


valentino - 2009-10-08 16:35:00

I think this site is wonderful!

I have made the blimmin good chocolate cake several times and several other things as well, but I am wondering whether anyone has a recipe for a sort of vanilla/plain cake like the chocolate cake i mentioned that can be baked in roasting dish as well?

Please please.......

sunshine9 - 2009-10-08 18:57:00

Bumping for jaxma and the numbers coming back!

whiskey13 - 2009-10-11 15:04:00

I have no idea if this has been posted cos with the new format i dont know how to hunt for a certain recipe. Anyway i'll post it.
No Bake Peanut Bubble Bars ( as seen on good morning programme)
1/2 cup(115gms) caster sugar, 1/2 cup(125mls) golden syrup, 1/2 cup(130gms) peanut butter, 3 cups(105gms) rice bubbles, 100gms dark chocolate, chopped. Line a 30 x 20cm slab pan with non-stick baking paper. Stir sugar and golden syrup in a small saucepan over a low heat until the sugar has dissolved. Add peanut butter and stir until smooth. Please rice bubbles into a large bowl. Stir in syrup mixture. Press into the lined pan. Place the chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. stir until melted. Transfer the melted chocolate into a sealable plastic bag. Snip the corner and pipe over the slice. Cover with plastic and refrigerate for 1 hour or until set. Cut into bars to serve. sorry if this has been posted already but I'd like to see it in Volume three cos then i do'nt have to go into my favourites and hunt for it each time i want to make it. This way i'll know exactly where it is. :)

whiskey13 - 2009-10-11 15:31:00

Bumping so we don't lose this wonderful thread

whiskey13 - 2009-10-19 11:38:00


prendy1 - 2009-11-17 13:23:00

whiskey13 and prendy1 - you only have to bump once a year now :)

uli - 2009-11-17 14:17:00

i love this thread! Thank you to all who contribute, and inspire me to continue living well on an itsy bitsy wage! NZ is a fantastic place to live, full of good people - with the 'lets have a go' attitude. Thank you so much!

lillybelle1 - 2009-11-17 22:24:00

Just made the gingernuts, which really are like the griffins one but so much nicer, and the mars bar muffins which also got the thumbs up.
Thought I'd post one of our favourite recipes; it's an Alison Holst muffin recipe and we like it because it's really moist and tasty, but not too high in fat and sugar.
ABC muffins (apple, banana, chocolate)
Mix together 1 cup mashed banana, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/4 oil, 1 egg and 1/2 cup milk. Stir in 1/4-1/2 cup chocolate chips, 1 grated apple and 2 cups self raising flour (o2 plain flour and 2 tsps baking powder). Don't overmix. Bake in muffin tins for 10-12 minutes at 210 degrees.
These are great in lunchboxes and freeze well.

prendy1 - 2009-11-22 20:45:00

Tupperware Decadent Chocolate Chip Cookies
150 gms butter
1 egg, lightly beaten
11/4 cups plain flour
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup castor sugar
1/8 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup ground almonds
3/4 cup choco chips
Preheat oven to 190*C with tray inside
Melt butter, allow to cool. Add egg and whisk lightly
Combine dry ingredients in large bowl, stir in butter mixture, mix to combine.
Remove tray from oven and working qiuckly place tablespoon amounts onto tray and press out allowing room for spreading
bake for 15-18 mins or until golden and firm to the touch
allow to cool for 5-10 min before transferring to cooling rack

whiskey13 - 2009-11-28 10:09:00

Strawberry Cream Cake
Prep 25 minutes
Cook 1 1⁄2 to 2 1⁄2 hours (High)
Cool 60 minutes
Makes 8 servings
Canola oil cooking spray
1 box (18.25-ounce) strawberry cake mix ( this is an american recipe so not sure if you can use our ready mix cake mixes, but I'm gonna see whats at the supermaket)
1 1⁄4 cups strawberry-banana nectar(I'll use the juice from a drained tin of fruit salad or something)
3 eggs
1⁄2 cup sour cream
1⁄3 cup canola oil
1⁄4 cup cake flour( just our normal high grade flour)
2 cans (12 ounces each) whipped cream cheese frosting (just make the normal cream cheese icing)
1 cup frozen (thawed) or fresh strawberries, sliced (plus more for garnish [optional])

1. Coat an 8×3-inch round cake pan with cooking spray. Wrap foil around the bottom of pan. Crumple additional aluminum foil to create a “ring base” about 5 inches in diameter and 1 inch thick. Set aside.

2. In a large bowl, beat cake mix, nectar, eggs, sour cream, oil, and flour with an electric mixer on low speed for 30 seconds. Scrape down sides of bowl; beat for 2 minutes on medium speed. Pour batter into prepared pan.

3. Place foil ring in bottom of slow cooker; pour 1⁄2 inch of hot water into bottom of slow cooker. Using 2 long strips of foil, make an “X” over foil ring and bring it up along the sides of slow cooker to assist removing pan from slow cooker. Place pan on top of ring and the “X” in slow cooker. Stack 6 paper towels; place on top of slow cooker. Secure with lid.

4. Cook on High heat setting for 1 1⁄2 to 2 1⁄2 hours* or until a wooden tester inserted into center of cake comes out clean. (Do not lift the lid for the first 1 hour of cooking.)

5. Use foil strips to lift pan from slow cooker. Place pan on wire rack; cool completely.

6. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, stir together 1 cup of the cream cheese frosting with sliced strawberries until combined. Refrigerate until ready to use.

7. To assemble, remove cooled cake from pan and slice horizontally to make two layers. Place one layer on serving plate. Spread strawberry filling evenly over layer and top with second cake layer. Frost entire cake with remaining cream cheese frosting. Garnish with fresh strawberries.

*Note: If your slow cooker has “hot spots” and a removable liner, rotate liner every hour of cooking.

whiskey13 - 2009-11-28 10:10:00
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