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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


I'm continuing to preserve... tonight has been apples and several jars of their juice, rhubarb, golden queen peaches and grape juice, with grapes from my vines. Over the last few days I've also dried tomatoes and prune plums in my oven - the plums taste very gooood!!!

Some of the apples will be to make patty-pan size apple crumbles for Jenni's party - am freezing blackberries from my garden and will add those when making them, so blackberry and apple crumble patty-pan size tarts will be part of the dessert.. will serve them slightly warm..
The grape juice will be added to lemonade to make punch..

She found out today that her big brother is coming from Brisbane for her party.. she's one happy little Sis.. my kids will be together once more.. we're lucky.. it was only November when he was here last.. always good to have him home to visit..

Have a lovely weekend Everyone... take good care..

juliewn - 2011-03-05 03:07:00
juliewn wrote:

I'm continuing to preserve... tonight has been apples and several jars of their juice, rhubarb, golden queen peaches and grape juice, with grapes from my vines. Over the last few days I've also dried tomatoes and prune plums in my oven - the plums taste very gooood!!!

Some of the apples will be to make patty-pan size apple crumbles for Jenni's party - am freezing blackberries from my garden and will add those when making them, so blackberry and apple crumble patty-pan size tarts will be part of the dessert.. will serve them slightly warm..
The grape juice will be added to lemonade to make punch..

She found out today that her big brother is coming from Brisbane for her party.. she's one happy little Sis.. my kids will be together once more.. we're lucky.. it was only November when he was here last.. always good to have him home to visit..

Have a lovely weekend Everyone... take good care..

Gosh Julie you have been busy, when do you sleep?
I have a couple of questions
1. With drying in the oven, is it at 50 degrees C for several hours.
2.When you have dried the tomatoes can you store them in an air tight container or a zip sealed plastic bag as I don't have vacuum pack sealer.

510 - 2011-03-05 06:42:00

Terrible weather here during the night with heavy rain & wind., despite that the rain is very welcome for the garden.

510 - 2011-03-05 06:47:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-05 08:28:00

I'll go past them this morning if I can Pam - parts of Moorhouse can be used, and their building is on the south side of the road which is 6 lanes wide.

Edited by sumstyle at 8:49 am, Sat 5 Mar

sumstyle - 2011-03-05 08:49:00

hi everyone, in katikati and they do the farmers market its kind of the same as the sat morning tauranga one, i went along last night and firstly noticed the age group was very much the retired group, had to laugh at the couple behind me they stopped to talk to another couple and afterwards she is going no i dont know who he is how do you know him, hehehe anyways i really enjoyed it, it had a real country feel found a new place to buy my eggs, and they had plenty of variety there, got some indian spicy balls - gluten free but tasted like samoas......and the man selling garlic was giving away free tiny nashi pears!! a great little market which i think i will attend weekly!

motorbo - 2011-03-05 09:11:00

Thanks all on the weight loss comments. I appreciate it. I did it for my own health as I was sick of being unfit again. I used to be very fit and the same weight. I had since had 3 kids and was about 95kg. It has taken me 2 years to get where I want as part of weight loss for me is losing it and keeping it off. I have not been to the gym, I just walked lots and did weights and ate right. I am a vegan now but I wasn't always.
Julie i wish I had all the nice yummy things to preserve like you do. I can never get the hang of making preserves right. I get them to set and all that but I don't yield much from the fruit I use. I will get my back garden one day with fruits and veges. If I had no kids or responsibilities, I would be living in a kibbutz type place.

jcprotea - 2011-03-05 10:06:00

Charlie, the thread is now fully operational-you were so missed. I am back at home now and while I have been reading the postings I haven't been posting. .
I feel proud to be a participant in this thread, everyone has been so open, so generous and for those affected, you have given a better picture of the aftermath than any journalist could possibly do. I am surprised any of you have retained a scrap of sanity! jcp, that is an amazing effort you have made over a long period and that you are keeping it off is truely great.

marywea - 2011-03-05 10:45:00
cookessentials wrote:

Morning all...for you girls in ChCh...has anyone heard what the state of TFE is..they are in the cordoned off area at 200 Moorehouse Ave. I know someone that worked there and have heard nothing from them. TFE (Total Food Equipment)

Went passed as planned. They have floor to ceiling windows at the front of the building and three of them (about half the store front) have broken and are boarded over.

sumstyle - 2011-03-05 10:54:00

Yeah the guy I get my gluten free flour off, his shop was pretty much totally. I feel so bad for him and his family. Nice guy to deal with.

jcprotea - 2011-03-05 11:17:00

We just had a very sharp aftershock, our power went off again for a while. Very frightening. I am in Cashmere, and it was centred in Cracroft, which is right next door basically. jcprotea ... SN Market on corner of Colombo and Milton St is fine, and they have gluten free flours (rice, buckwheat etc), if that is of any help ? :-)

2halls - 2011-03-05 11:34:00
2halls wrote:

We just had a very sharp aftershock, our power went off again for a while. Very frightening. I am in Cashmere, and it was centred in Cracroft, which is right next door basically. jcprotea ... SN Market on corner of Colombo and Milton St is fine, and they have gluten free flours (rice, buckwheat etc), if that is of any help ? :-)

Oh I live in Auckland hehe. It was a a shop in Linwood. I could just get stuff really cheap from him that is all.

jcprotea - 2011-03-05 11:37:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-05 11:47:00
cookessentials wrote:

dont put yourself in any danger sumstyle

Nah I didn't - my feedback on the shop is in post 2509.

They are quite close to my work, and on the way to Pak n Save. My usual two supemarkets are out of commission - St Martins New World is to be demonlished which is shocking as it is quite new, and South City NW is within the cordon.

sumstyle - 2011-03-05 11:53:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-05 11:55:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-05 12:35:00

The head of Orion (power lines company) said connections are fragile so I have bought a little gas cooker. Hope the power doesn't go off as I have food in the slow cooker, bit *this* time it's sitting on the floor so it is less likely to tip over.

calista - 2011-03-05 12:57:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-05 14:25:00

sumstyle ... those are my two New World supermarkets too ! I think Sth City will reopen given time, but I'm very sad to lose St Martins forever. Does anybody know if the other shops at St Martins are going to stay open ? (bookshop, hairdresser, chemist, bank etc..) The staff in St Martins NW were second to none. cookessentials ... fortunately TFE is a very spacious shop, and the middle of the shop would have been relatively safe. The KitchenAids were right by the front windows, so I wouldn't be surprised if they had gone flying right out the shop ?

2halls - 2011-03-05 14:52:00
jcprotea wrote:

Thanks all on the weight loss comments. I appreciate it. I did it for my own health as I was sick of being unfit again. I used to be very fit and the same weight. I had since had 3 kids and was about 95kg. It has taken me 2 years to get where I want as part of weight loss for me is losing it and keeping it off. I have not been to the gym, I just walked lots and did weights and ate right. I am a vegan now but I wasn't always.
Julie i wish I had all the nice yummy things to preserve like you do. I can never get the hang of making preserves right. I get them to set and all that but I don't yield much from the fruit I use. I will get my back garden one day with fruits and veges. If I had no kids or responsibilities, I would be living in a kibbutz type place.

My son is vegan and he cops alot of flax for his beliefs .....lost alot of weight and some say it isn't healthy looking being so tall ...his beliefs are very strong to him and he lives his life his way....I don't interfere and with our families cancer history I can see his educated beliefs.Please I want to help your Winnie...don't wish to go on else can I get to her some money....not clothes or goods but something she can use to buy whatever...I'm not as computer literate as some of you and want to just help her $ always lurking...thanks.

Edited by jbsouthland at 2:57 pm, Sat 5 Mar

jbsouthland - 2011-03-05 14:55:00
cookessentials wrote:

Thanks sumstyle. I know they had alot of glass shelving in there and knives and VERY heavy KitchenAids...just imagine those flying across the store!

Yes I've been in it so I visualised where I would stop/drop/hold! 2halls is right - good thing it is spacious - imagine being sconed by a pasta machine or a mortar and pestle!

sumstyle - 2011-03-05 16:34:00
2halls wrote:

sumstyle ... those are my two New World supermarkets too ! I think Sth City will reopen given time, but I'm very sad to lose St Martins forever. Does anybody know if the other shops at St Martins are going to stay open ? (bookshop, hairdresser, chemist, bank etc..) The staff in St Martins NW were second to none.

Even though rubber neckers are frowned upon, I feel I should go and pay my respects to St Martins NW. Probably twice a week I would park in their carpark, walk around the delightful suburban streets, and then do my shopping.

sumstyle - 2011-03-05 16:36:00

sumstyle ... I feel the same way about St Martins NW. I've shopped there for such a long time. I actually loved the old store ... cramped and a bit muddly, but I knew where everything was. I know it's such a little thing, but it is a bit disconcerting when even your regular supermarket has gone. :-)

2halls - 2011-03-05 17:12:00
2halls wrote:

sumstyle ... I feel the same way about St Martins NW. I've shopped there for such a long time. I actually loved the old store ... cramped and a bit muddly, but I knew where everything was. I know it's such a little thing, but it is a bit disconcerting when even your regular supermarket has gone. :-)

the old one was Hideous! The new one did some different breads than South City, so it was worth trotting over there. Ah well, life goes on.

sumstyle - 2011-03-05 17:23:00

My late Grandma lived on St Martins Rd...makes you wonder what the older folks if still with us would think.....Awaiting any news re Winnie and how I can help..

jbsouthland - 2011-03-05 18:57:00
jbsouthland wrote:

Please I want to help your Winnie...don't wish to go on else can I get to her some money....not clothes or goods but something she can use to buy whatever...I'm not as computer literate as some of you and want to just help her $ always lurking...thanks.

jbsouthland, I'm hoping that winnie/Rae will contact me through my auction. If she does, you could then also contact me via my auction and that way I can help you two to get in touch with each other - watch this space and if there's anything I can do to help I'll let you know. :-))

245sam - 2011-03-05 19:10:00

Hi All,
Just popped in to say hello,and to let you all know I am thinking of you all.
Charlie it is so lovely to see you post,hope all is well in your world.
I have been keeping by self busy,was going to plant my spring bulbs I would yesterday,this afternoon,but decided to put my feet up with a book,have not done that in ages,starting to feel good about everything.
Cooks I saw the other day that you had a big chook,that sits up on the bench,that you can put eggs in,sure hope I didn,t dream,lol lol.
But if it was you,do you have them in from time to time,I am would like to buy one,when I go back to work.
It would look nice sitting on my bench.
Just wanted you to know those in ch ch and all,am thinking of you all.
I am going to be another gran in just under 5 weeks,they are in ch ch,so feel she has done so well,with all the stress they have had,bless them.

earthangel4 - 2011-03-05 19:39:00

Thankyou everyone for your offers of help.
Shirley - I have just posted a question on your auction ... and I'm happy for you to put others in touch with me.
Another contact point for those without facebook access would be Pam at the cookware essentials shop. She knows me & I'm sure would be happy to pass some contact details on, on my behalf.
It is very humbling to be in the position of needing help ... there's a silver lining though - I believe very strongly in paying it forward & know the day will come when I can help someone else. Much love, Rae xxx

winnie231 - 2011-03-05 19:47:00

Just had a 4.8 shake at 7.34pm ... hope you're all alright ...

winnie231 - 2011-03-05 19:55:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-05 19:57:00

Not nice at all, I feel sorry for those in tents tonight with it raining so hard and then that big boom before it hit...

Edit to say: changed my mind about attempting to have a shower tonight (first one at home since the 6.3). I have trouble standing in the narrow old tub as it is!

Edited by sumstyle at 8:10 pm, Sat 5 Mar

sumstyle - 2011-03-05 19:58:00
winnie231 wrote:

Thankyou everyone for your offers of help.
Shirley - I have just posted a question on your auction ... and I'm happy for you to put others in touch with me.
Another contact point for those without facebook access would be Pam at the cookware essentials shop. She knows me & I'm sure would be happy to pass some contact details on, on my behalf.
It is very humbling to be in the position of needing help ... there's a silver lining though - I believe very strongly in paying it forward & know the day will come when I can help someone else. Much love, Rae xxx

anything in particular you are after with clothes? Offer is still there and I have access to free postage so it is no worries.

jcprotea - 2011-03-05 20:19:00
jcprotea wrote:

anything in particular you are after with clothes? Offer is still there and I have access to free postage so it is no worries.

If you make contact with me through one of the ladies mentioned above ... or the trademe cooks page on facebook, we can discuss details from there. Thanks heaps for your generosity.

winnie231 - 2011-03-05 20:31:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-05 20:50:00
charlieb2 wrote:

winnie, that one rattle me, mentally as well as physically.....

Getting to the point of just not wanting to 'do' this anymore.........

Hugs to all in chch, including EA's nearly here grandbaby!!!

Keep safe everyone

Thank you Charlie,am really trying hard not to stress out,its so hard when my son and family are so far away from me,son,s little girl is only 2.5 and the poor little girl is so upset,every time there is a quote the dear little girl runs too daddy.
You are all close in my thoughts,trying so hard to put a smile on my face,and I don,t live there,but boy do we feel your pain,just trying to get hold of son now.

earthangel4 - 2011-03-05 21:03:00
earthangel4 wrote:

Thank you Charlie,am really trying hard not to stress out,its so hard when my son and family are so far away from me,son,s little girl is only 2.5 and the poor little girl is so upset,every time there is a quote the dear little girl runs too daddy.
You are all close in my thoughts,trying so hard to put a smile on my face,and I don,t live there,but boy do we feel your pain,just trying to get hold of son now.

you take care EA some of us are here on steady ground to help others on shaky....all the best to your family and keep thinking and planning that wonderful garden....i for one want to lurk and read about it in the coming seasons...

jbsouthland - 2011-03-05 21:55:00

My partner John flew up to relieve management in various Oceania Hosp/Rest Homes last Tues....we were talking tonight when the latest aftershock struck ...he was in an Indian takeaway and said all leapt from near the large plate glass windows...the homes he is helping in have residents in army barrack beds side by side in normally recreational areas , as their homes have been closed due to damage. Last night he drove to Rangiora and relieved an afternoon shift that they could not place a Registered Nurse many must have there own issues ongoing.I feel for those Demetia patients who cannot express themselves verbally but still must be feeling so scared with all this activity going on...thankfully alot of families are removing their loved ones out of CHCH where a Support worker of High needs myself I wish I could be there to hold and comfort them....and I will be pleased when he comes home next week... my thoughts are with you all.

jbsouthland - 2011-03-05 22:08:00

We have a spare room down here in Southland.... I realise a long way from Canterbury but the ground is stable....we are more than happy to share our home..Johns cooking could be called inspiring in a Vicar of Dibley Latisha way...bless him... we do laugh about his experiments!

jbsouthland - 2011-03-05 22:14:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-05 23:04:00
jbsouthland wrote:

My son is vegan and he cops alot of flax for his beliefs .....lost alot of weight and some say it isn't healthy looking being so tall ...his beliefs are very strong to him and he lives his life his way....I don't interfere and with our families cancer history I can see his educated beliefs.Please I want to help your Winnie...don't wish to go on else can I get to her some money....not clothes or goods but something she can use to buy whatever...I'm not as computer literate as some of you and want to just help her $ always lurking...thanks.

I know the thing on cancer, been there had it. It is why I am going Vegan to see if it helps my health.
Winnie or any do you have the link to the TM cooks page on facebook. I would like to join since I have facebook. Thanks. :)

oh and it part of my nature and what I have grew up with. Doing Mitzvahs or in essence kind deeds for people.

Edited by jcprotea at 11:47 pm, Sat 5 Mar

jcprotea - 2011-03-05 23:43:00

Goodmorning all, a bit of a rough night here although the shakes settles down after midnight. Winston jumped on my bed at some stage in the wee small hours though and nearly gave me a heartattack!
Here's the fb link -!/group.php?gid=4050278418

winnie231 - 2011-03-06 06:44:00
jbsouthland wrote:

you take care EA some of us are here on steady ground to help others on shaky....all the best to your family and keep thinking and planning that wonderful garden....i for one want to lurk and read about it in the coming seasons...

You are a beautiful person,as my partner would say,and do,nt you forget it.
I will keep you up too date.

earthangel4 - 2011-03-06 08:47:00
winnie231 wrote:

Goodmorning all, a bit of a rough night here although the shakes settles down after midnight. Winston jumped on my bed at some stage in the wee small hours though and nearly gave me a heartattack!
Here's the fb link -!/group.php?gid=4050278418

Ah winnie,my heart goes out to you,you poor thing,I still have not heard from my son and family,sure hope they are all ok.

earthangel4 - 2011-03-06 08:49:00

Well, I've had an emotional but winning day.
An unsung hero in the form of a council engineer took pity on me and after checking my stairwell, stuck his neck out for me, over-ruled the 'red sticker' & allowed us 20mins to grab as much as possible from my munted home.
Big thanks to Mum & my brother for their help ...
Sometime when life is more 'normal', I'll also find my hero to say thankyou!

On the down side - I found it very distressing to be back on Worcester St ... the shattered remains of my life there, remembering the day of the earthquake, the sights & sounds I can't get out of my head ...
It'll take time to heal but I, like everyone here, will get there :)

winnie231 - 2011-03-06 19:08:00
jbsouthland wrote:

My partner John flew up to relieve management in various Oceania Hosp/Rest Homes last Tues....we were talking tonight when the latest aftershock struck ...he was in an Indian takeaway and said all leapt from near the large plate glass windows...the homes he is helping in have residents in army barrack beds side by side in normally recreational areas , as their homes have been closed due to damage. Last night he drove to Rangiora and relieved an afternoon shift that they could not place a Registered Nurse many must have there own issues ongoing.I feel for those Demetia patients who cannot express themselves verbally but still must be feeling so scared with all this activity going on...thankfully alot of families are removing their loved ones out of CHCH where a Support worker of High needs myself I wish I could be there to hold and comfort them....and I will be pleased when he comes home next week... my thoughts are with you all.

Ah I did not know you are in the same job as me,I am also a support worker for the high needs,I adore them all,and are forever hugging them,poor dears.
I so want to be back at work,but it is not to be just yet,will know more on tuesday when I see my surgeon.
I was kinda hoping maybe he would let me go back on wed,but I now have another infection,and are on abs.
He has told me I am never aloud to ever lift any of them,like I have been doing,have to use the Hoist.

earthangel4 - 2011-03-06 19:33:00
winnie231 wrote:

Well, I've had an emotional but winning day.
An unsung hero in the form of a council engineer took pity on me and after checking my stairwell, stuck his neck out for me, over-ruled the 'red sticker' & allowed us 20mins to grab as much as possible from my munted home.
Big thanks to Mum & my brother for their help ...
Sometime when life is more 'normal', I'll also find my hero to say thankyou!

On the down side - I found it very distressing to be back on Worcester St ... the shattered remains of my life there, remembering the day of the earthquake, the sights & sounds I can't get out of my head ...
It'll take time to heal but I, like everyone here, will get there :)

Winnie there are some lovely people out there,you pull at my heart strings,big hugs to you.

earthangel4 - 2011-03-06 19:35:00
winnie231 wrote:

Well, I've had an emotional but winning day.
An unsung hero in the form of a council engineer took pity on me and after checking my stairwell, stuck his neck out for me, over-ruled the 'red sticker' & allowed us 20mins to grab as much as possible from my munted home.
Big thanks to Mum & my brother for their help ...
Sometime when life is more 'normal', I'll also find my hero to say thankyou!

On the down side - I found it very distressing to be back on Worcester St ... the shattered remains of my life there, remembering the day of the earthquake, the sights & sounds I can't get out of my head ...
It'll take time to heal but I, like everyone here, will get there :)

Winnie, u are very courageous, so lovely to hear that there are officials prepared to make allowances & ignore the rules. Lots of hugs to you.

Edited by 510 at 8:10 pm, Sun 6 Mar

510 - 2011-03-06 20:09:00

Thanks - it's so nice to own a little again after thinking it was all gone!
This week I'll have a sort through and see what I actually have ... it was a rather nervous grab and dash for us as we were very concious of being upstairs in an unstable building & not knowing when another aftershock might hit ...

winnie231 - 2011-03-06 20:23:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-06 21:32:00

This morning I drove the maze of back streets that I used to get home on that Tuesday - much less scary without the water pouring out all over the place, but it still made me a little tearful remembering how awful that day was.

Glad you got at least some your stuff winnie231.

sumstyle - 2011-03-06 21:51:00
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