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The water truck came - 13 litres of water to be boiled.

calista - 2011-03-02 11:56:00
cookessentials wrote:

Yes, it was nor west of Wellington, but 40 odd km deep ( thank goodness) got a txt from my Son to see if we felt it, but we didn't feel a thing.
Very windy here this morning.

Pam, I'm not surprised that you "didn't feel a thing" as our daughter who lives in the Johnsonville/Raroa area was blissfully unaware of there having been an earthquake so close to Wellington until we told her and enquired re how they (DD, SIL and pets) were as part of our regular texting to keep in touch.

For everyone in the area(s) affected by last night's earthquake, I hope that the only affect is that you were shaken but otherwise uninjured, so you're all safe and ok, and that your homes and pets are all ok too.

All the best to everyone wherever you are, but particularly all fellow Christchurch people some of whom are currently living in far from normal circumstances. :-))

245sam - 2011-03-02 12:27:00

My brother from Wellington texted me about it and I texted back -"now you can't accuse me of not sharing!"

Seriously though - it was a nasty shock to my Dad (with whom I wasn't so flippant as he's 85 and frail). The trouble is you never know how big they are going to get.

calista - 2011-03-02 13:21:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-02 13:57:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-02 14:06:00

scary stuff happening around the place. I had one relative (sister) caught up in the flooding and another (sister in law) caught up in the earthquake. thankfully both are ok. Sis has two sons and a daughter and the other just a son. so Mum has 6 grandies and MIL has 4.

jcprotea - 2011-03-02 16:14:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-02 19:37:00

Hi Everyone..

I'm thinking of you all there in Canterbury.. Charlie.. hope things are ok for you.. sending heartfelt thoughts to you..

Hello Rae.. I hope everything goes well for you on your return.. your courage and strength will get you through this time..

Hugs to you all there..

juliewn - 2011-03-03 00:52:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-03 06:45:00

Hi everyone, we're praying for the wind to abate, for power to be restored as quickly as possible, and for the aftershocks to cease. Thinking of you all, especially darling Jo, Calista, Timetable, and Winnie, all our luffly Chch TM families xxx

fastlanenz - 2011-03-03 07:45:00

Hi all,
I had a rotten sleep last night & am feeling quite anxious about going back to Chch today ... I need to go though so I'm better equipped to make some decisions about my future.
If any of the Chch family (or the rest of you) want to be in direct contact with me - my email addy is in the info on the trademe cooks page on facebook ... or click on my name there as admin & send me a 'friend' request with a note saying who you are ... or ask toadfish for my cellphone number if you are in contact with her.
Thanks for the love & kia kaha, Rae xxx

winnie231 - 2011-03-03 08:15:00

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herika - 2011-03-03 09:24:00
winnie231 wrote:

Hi all,
I had a rotten sleep last night & am feeling quite anxious about going back to Chch today ... I need to go though so I'm better equipped to make some decisions about my future.
If any of the Chch family (or the rest of you) want to be in direct contact with me - my email addy is in the info on the trademe cooks page on facebook ... or click on my name there as admin & send me a 'friend' request with a note saying who you are ... or ask toadfish for my cellphone number if you are in contact with her.
Thanks for the love & kia kaha, Rae xxx

The first night I stayed back in Chc was anxiety-ridden, but I am better now. Different for you with no home though, sorry Rae.

A wee lighter moment - couldn't understand why I had money in my bank account so close to payday - then I realised that I haven't paid out for any fancy coffees for over a week! I must've gone cold turkey without even noticing, and put the jitteryness down to EQ stress!

sumstyle - 2011-03-03 10:29:00

lol to the coffees, its amazing how much you dont spend when you are no were near shops!! - you certainly have a choice Rae, to stay or not, not having the pleasure of a morgage in chch you are not tied either. thats a real pig that one if you have a condemed home and insurance only for building - which I am sure a lot of people will have. ramifications will just keep coming I think, it will be a long time before things feel anywhere near normal, so hugs again eveyrone in chch

auckland_ali - 2011-03-03 13:04:00

Hi from Cashmere in Chch ... got hot water cylinder repaired yesterday, so that was great ... first shower at home this morning, blissful, although I felt incredibly anxious in the shower ! To add insult to injury, I had an emergency dentist appointment this morning as got tooth ache in a cavity that I have been delaying doing something about. Thought I best get it fixed quick smart, and am a real dental phobic. Long story short ... I DID need a huge filling, but I needed NO drilling as he said it was so clean ! I didn't even know that was possible ? Can't tell you how relieved I was. Love to all my fellow Chch dwellers. winnie, you will be okay ... I slept much better last night and I am a real nervous Nelly let me tell you. In the end your body does adjust (to a degree). :-)

2halls - 2011-03-03 13:38:00

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elliehen - 2011-03-03 13:53:00

Thinking of you all there in Christchurch.. travel safely Rae.. and I hope all is well for your Mum.. and Winstone the Cat..

Hugs to you all.. and hope you're all safe there Charlie..

juliewn - 2011-03-03 14:21:00

.. I've just received an email from Women's Refuge.. need for their help has increased in Canterbury, their staff and helpers are dealing with huge effects on their own lives and homes too.. and staff from other areas have been there helping, including CEO Heather Henare.. the info in their site includes:

'Here are the issues for our Refuge workers in Christchurch:
• With a Civil Defence National Emergency in place Police are stretched and breeches of Protection Orders are hard to action amidst all the other priorities
• Women and children in some areas cannot access water as the pick up points are not within walking distance of their home
• Women and children in some areas, or due to no benefit payments, have no power, no milk, no basic needs covered
• Petrol to get out of town is hard to access so transferring women is difficult
• Advocates are traumatised.'

If anyone else would like to make a donation, you can do so here: - and include a note in the message part of the donation that it's for helping with the effects of the Canterbury Earthquake.

Heartfelt thoughts to all there needing safety..... and support and help and kindness and hugs..

Edited by juliewn at 2:35 pm, Thu 3 Mar

juliewn - 2011-03-03 14:22:00

Julie when they say you can donate phone top up cards do they mean those little bits of paper like supermarket receipts that you get when you top up your phone? - Calista the technologically challenged.

calista - 2011-03-03 14:35:00

Hi Calista.. how are you there.. have been thinking of you..

Yes, I think it would be those.. their website has this:

'Immediate needs for our Refuges are:
• Cash – 100% of which will be sent directly to the Refuges in Christchurch
• Petrol vouchers
• Phone top ups
• Sanitising materials
• Baby formula and food

The email includes: ' If you would like to donate any of the other goods please email to be advised about how to do this.'

They're on Facebook too...!/pages/Womens-Refuge-Chris

juliewn - 2011-03-03 14:42:00

doesnt that make you so mad, that domestic abuse skyrockets, miserable bastards they arnt the only ones stressed and having a bloody great wack accros the head dosnt do anyone any favours low lifes. what little mean men they actually are - step up all that energy could be used finding food and helping out to alieve everyone stress. (sorry cant stand the thought of poor people being treated that way) hugs again.

auckland_ali - 2011-03-03 17:12:00

Oh no I think I may have to join Facebook which I've been resisting quite strongly but too much communication is going on that way to ignore! Winnie I do hope your first night is OK but 2halls is right - just as we did last time we adjust and having got out myself for a few days I think it provides a good break but magnifies the fears. I will ask my daughter to ask to be your friend because I would would like to be in contact - she'll coming home tomorrow night because she can't bear not helping. Says she's going to shovel but her father says the fish slice will probably be big enough! Her heart's in the right place and I'm sure if she could do emergency dental work she would. I do have a large able- bodied son going spare if you or your Mum need him to shovel or lift stuff.

greerg - 2011-03-03 19:54:00

Great - I get off the plane ... and get hit by a 3.9 jolt!
Thanks for the welcome back Chch ...
On the positive side it is good to see Mum & Winston and find she has water here in Barrington. Tomorrow I'll make contact with my school ... and go find some more clothes. Anyone know if Savemart Hornby is open?
I brought back dustmasks, babywipes & biodegraderble towels that look like oddfellow peppermints until you add 2 drops of water to them - all donated by businesses in Golden Bay.
Let me know if any of you need them ... I did have 3 cartons of hand sanitiser too ... but had to leave them at Nelson airport because it is alcohol based & therefore a flamable liquid. The redcross were going to collect the boxes & truck them with their collected items. Seems crazy - but rules are rules.

winnie231 - 2011-03-03 21:18:00

The friend I stayed with now has water on properly so I'm going to visit while he is away and have a shower (i;m beginning to be truly obsessed about having one).

Rode to Riccarton via some interesting detours today. Yelled out "Thankyou" to the Singaporeans guarding the cordon around the 4 Avenues. I know I probably should have stayed at home. but I needed to be around some loving people - it was all getting a bit much.

I stopped off in Riccarton Bush (which is a tiny remnant of the bush that once covered Christchurch) at sat there surrounded by the songs of birds and the sound of kereru flying overhead and bawled my eyes out. It really helped and the added bonus was the dust was washed out of my eyes (-:

I also realised how lucky I have been with all the quakes, although I am going to have to interact with EQC again *sigh*

Winnie I crossposted with you - that jolt was Christchurch welcoming you back. Here in Woolston definitely felt stronger. The fat 'n' fluffy one ran to me crying. Welcome back, hope it quietens down for us all to have a good sleep.

Edited by calista at 9:26 pm, Thu 3 Mar

calista - 2011-03-03 21:21:00

I've just come back from my sister's farm where I had a lovely roast pork dinner, a hot shower, a toilet stop with no anxiety about flushing, and filling up the back of the car with more water.

Truthfully, I think the flushing toilet was the highlight! Sleep well one and all.

sumstyle - 2011-03-03 22:18:00

Calista, I love Riccarton Bush too, both there and Birdlings Flats (wild and woolly beach) always bring me solace. Please tell me: how was Riccarton House ? Also, do any of the Chch posters know how "Alice's" in High Street is ? I just hope all the lovely staff got out safely ? Thank you and sweet dreams :-)

2halls - 2011-03-03 23:22:00

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elliehen - 2011-03-03 23:46:00

Calista, going to Riccarton Bush sounded like it was just where you needed to go.. Nature & wildlife can be good for the soul and soothing on the mind. Winnie, well done you for the courage it took to go back to ChCh.

510 - 2011-03-04 05:27:00
sumstyle wrote:

I've just come back from my sister's farm where I had a lovely roast pork dinner, a hot shower, a toilet stop with no anxiety about flushing, and filling up the back of the car with more water.

Truthfully, I think the flushing toilet was the highlight! Sleep well one and all.

Roast pork sounded delicious, having running water, a flushing toilet, hot shower are the basic necessities that I have tended to take for granted but I must say that since the earthquakes in Christchurch I feel very lucky to have those basic commodities.

510 - 2011-03-04 05:36:00
2halls wrote:

Calista, I love Riccarton Bush too, both there and Birdlings Flats (wild and woolly beach) always bring me solace. Please tell me: how was Riccarton House ? Also, do any of the Chch posters know how "Alice's" in High Street is ? I just hope all the lovely staff got out safely ? Thank you and sweet dreams :-)

Hi 2halls, I looked through lots of photos a couple of days ago based on that corner (my favourite cafe is Mondo in the McKenzie Willis building) and Alice in VL was still standing, so let's hope that are all good.

sumstyle - 2011-03-04 08:30:00

2 halls the toilets at Riccarton House were roped off as was part of the riverbank, but nothing else looked changed.

There possibly are streets that are damaged in Riccarton but I only saw a large hole outside the church, certainly nothing like the East side of town.

calista - 2011-03-04 09:12:00

Thanks calista and sumstyle ... it's just impossible to know about everywhere that is of importance to you, isn't it ? I keep thinking of places all across the city, and firstly worrying that the people are okay, and then wondering about the buildings ? I think it will only become clear in the fullness of time the level of impact across the city. I've also seen virtually no coverage of Sydenham, so don't know what happened in there either ? I know the suburban streets seem okay, as I've been down that way, but you can't see Colombo St at all beyond Brougham St. Take care one and all :-)

2halls - 2011-03-04 09:38:00

I work on Wordsworth Street and it's all very sad around there. Even though it's usually only a 2-5 minutes drive home, there was lots of liquefaction on the industrial back streets, lots of water and holes.

As for Colombo St, Sydenham there's been a tragedy with at least one person dying in the Tasty Tucker cafe. Lots more damage to the old buildings along that 500 m piece of road.

sumstyle - 2011-03-04 09:55:00

We have just started a new thread - please come and have a look and give us your thoughts.

Many thanks
Pat & Andrea

pixiegirl - 2011-03-04 10:52:00

what a nice idea. Hugs to all returning back to Chch. Sent kids today for Red and Black day. They loved it. my girls (8 and 6) understanding about what the people are going through and I always teach them about compassion and empathy. Six year old said, I hope this helps someone in Christchurch. I am happy they managed to save the scrolls from Chabad house. Weird to most of you but in this time of uncertainty, whatever faith people cling to get them by is important for the healing and recovery process.
In-laws are down tomorrow so I will do some baking and mad as cleaning. i think they are either taking sister in law to airport or meeting up with her down here as she is flying back to Chch. Can't do much for now as son is home and he is so active but he is entertaining himself so I do it in short bursts. Although I am on here so naughty naughty of me. I am enjoying my time back at uni and even made a couple of new friends. even found out one of my close friends transferred into a class as of last minute..YAY! Good to have some close people and her and I will graduate together as well.

jcprotea - 2011-03-04 11:38:00

I am just making some of the Edmonds Apple Bread as it is pretty basic and easy to make. Found my Edmonds book after I thought I lost it. I did under my mountain of paperwork hehe.

jcprotea - 2011-03-04 16:52:00

I have running water again thanks to the myriad workers out there who made it possible. It's amazing how many are out there in the hot, muggy and dusty conditions and I am so grateful to them for the work they are doing.
First shower will be tomorow after the water has heated, I am so looking forward to it, but must remember not to stay in too long.

Thinking of those with no phone, power or water.

calista - 2011-03-04 20:32:00

A little progress for me today ... I have been offered a caravan to use as my home for the next ... (? months) ... and a secure place to park it.
Baby steps on my road to recovery but I'm happy.
Went out to Savemart (2nd hand shop for those who don't know) in Hornby & bought a couple of tops & some pj's - nice to own some clothes again!
Will go to the Sallies for some 'shopping' tomorrow. Trying to save my pennies for the bigger things & also for upcoming weeks as the casino will remain shut for some time to come. May need to find a whole new job yet ... winnie's adventure is far from over!

winnie231 - 2011-03-04 21:24:00
winnie231 wrote:

A little progress for me today ... I have been offered a caravan to use as my home for the next ... (? months) ... and a secure place to park it.
Baby steps on my road to recovery but I'm happy.
Went out to Savemart (2nd hand shop for those who don't know) in Hornby & bought a couple of tops & some pj's - nice to own some clothes again!
Will go to the Sallies for some 'shopping' tomorrow. Trying to save my pennies for the bigger things & also for upcoming weeks as the casino will remain shut for some time to come. May need to find a whole new job yet ... winnie's adventure is far from over!

is it rude to ask what size you are in top and bottom? I have quite a few clothes I have offered on here. I love to do RAK and never do it for any personal gain other than the other seeing the recipient happy. There is a mix of organic cotton, hemp etc as well.

Edited by jcprotea at 10:05 pm, Fri 4 Mar

jcprotea - 2011-03-04 21:59:00

Hi winnie231/Rae. Welcome back to Christchurch.
I see that jcprotea has asked you the same question as I was going to, except that I was hoping that you would contact me through my auction and we could then make contact privately to discuss how I may be able to help you. The wardrobe has shrunk some of my clothes and our daughter has reduced in size thanks to Jenny Craig so for someone in your situation I can't think of a more worthy use for whichever are suitable of a variety of clothing that neither of us need any more.
I hope that you will consider this genuine offer of help and make contact with me but I'll leave the choice up to you entirely. :-))

Edited by 245sam at 10:38 pm, Fri 4 Mar

245sam - 2011-03-04 22:28:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-04 22:57:00

Sorry I asked in a a public forum about sizes. I have no auctions up at present so could not do it that way. I have literally shrunk in size and so has my wardrobe. I don't need that many clothes. Just the odd nice thing for job interviews. I will leave it up to Winnie. I even have a couple of pair of shoes as I no longer weather leather or synthetic ones.

My apple bread. It tasted better than it looked (or so hubby said). Must take better pic next time for facebook.

Apple and Pear muffins. I decided to make these so in laws could have something nice to have as a snack. They aren't coming down now as nephew not ready to go back to school yet and SIL has only just gone back to assess damage etc. I will put the muffins aside in a snack box I am making for a friend. I will use the same muffin recipe for Banana and pebbles muffins. Hope you are keeping well and chat later on today.....

Edited by jcprotea at 12:20 am, Sat 5 Mar

jcprotea - 2011-03-05 00:10:00
jcprotea wrote:

Sorry I asked in a a public forum about sizes. I have no auctions up at present so could not do it that way.

jcprotea, please don't feel that you need to apologise because of my preferred way of making contact with winnie231/Rae - it's for me and my DD as much as for winnie231 that I would prefer to discuss the finer details on a one to one basis, so if you're comfortable with discussing those details here then please just go ahead and I'm sure that if winnie231 wishes to keep her details private she'll make some suggestion as to how you and she can make that private contact. :-))

245sam - 2011-03-05 00:17:00
245sam wrote:

jcprotea, please don't feel that you need to apologise because of my preferred way of making contact with winnie231/Rae - it's for me and my DD as much as for winnie231 that I would prefer to discuss the finer details on a one to one basis, so if you're comfortable with discussing those details here then please just go ahead and I'm sure that if winnie231 wishes to keep her details private she'll make some suggestion as to how you and she can make that private contact. :-))

I just don't like offending people or anything. I guess that is just my nature. i hope you are holding up well though.

jcprotea - 2011-03-05 00:21:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-03-05 00:43:00
charlieb2 wrote:

welcome back charlie!! lol

yes welcome back Charlie! Hope you are holding up as well. OK bed time for me. I was just making a before and after pic of my weight loss.

jcprotea - 2011-03-05 01:10:00
jcprotea wrote:

yes welcome back Charlie! Hope you are holding up as well. OK bed time for me. I was just making a before and after pic of my weight loss.

Wow well done you, that is a wonderful weight loss, you look great.

510 - 2011-03-05 02:27:00
charlieb2 wrote:

Hi everyone.

I've just spent the last hour going back to the postings from the day of the quake and reading them.

Firstly I would like to say thank you for those of you who have expressed personal messages of concern. Those sorts of messages have made dark days brighter. To those who've expressed messages to Canterbury at large, those thoughts are greatly appreciated and help to keep our heads up.

Its been a devastating time, especially having just having experienced the September quake. Many, many families and friends have left the city or sent their children away. We made the decision early that the best place for our kids was with us...... not sure when they will be back at school, but in the mean time they are enrolled with Correspondence school. Thankfully we have children that arent panicked or scared. When I picked them up from school after the quake, both had a 'wee' cry. But I think more in relief that I was there to pick them up, iykwim.

None of us have found the aftershocks particularly disturbing this time....... which has kept us sane. We've had many an offer of a shower, but nothing is like stepping into your own.

We now have power and as of today dial up internet (YAYE). Water is still some way off, I believe.
We are here and standing strong and our hearts are going out to other cantabs in this whole mess. Good to see so many of you posting and ok.

Lovely to read your long post, & know that the charlie family is doing okay

510 - 2011-03-05 02:33:00

Charlie.. a huge welcome back.. :~) .. you've been missed, and it's lovely to see your post.. I'm glad that some things are improving for you, with the power back on.. hopefully water very soon..

I saw something in a thread recently, about kid's following their parents example in uncertain times (also in other times of course) .. and for your children to be handling everything well, just shows you and your hubby are doing a great job for them to follow..

A huge job to home school.. I think I'd be the same and would want my kids close too..

Hello Rae.. I think you need to write a book on the occurrences in your life over these past months.. a novel wouldn't cover the events that have occurred!.. you're courageous and inspirational... I hope your caravan works out well.. and a new job comes quickly.. are the classes able to continue for your training.. I hope so..

I joined a Facebook page of support about the quakes.. the photos there are shocking and tv coverage doesn't begin to show what many people have posted there.. though I was here for the Edgecumbe quake in 1987 - the anniversary was 2nd March - it was not a tiny example in comparison to what is occurring in the Canterbury area.. and it's impossible to imagine what you've all experienced and seen and heard.. know you're all being thought of..

Take good care of yourselves and each other..

juliewn - 2011-03-05 02:58:00
jcprotea wrote:

yes welcome back Charlie! Hope you are holding up as well. OK bed time for me. I was just making a before and after pic of my weight loss.

Wow.. a fantastic achievement.. you have every reason to be very proud of yourself..

juliewn - 2011-03-05 02:59:00
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