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make your own vinegar


Donut/choc chippie tower. help I have stupidly volunteered to make this for a nephews party. It kept me awake last night. Any ideas on how I would do this?It is for an engasgement party (not small child!)

Edited by angheenan at 7:45 am, Mon 22 Jan

angheenan - 2018-01-22 07:44:00
angheenan wrote:

Donut/choc chippie tower. help I have stupidly volunteered to make this for a nephews party. It kept me awake last night. Any ideas on how I would do this?It is for an engasgement party (not small child!)

Start a new thread for this question. You'll get a much better response I think.

buzzy110 - 2018-01-22 10:13:00

I'd love to figure out if I could do the Modena variety. Any thought pickles or buzzy?

uli - 2019-01-08 18:25:00
uli wrote:

I'd love to figure out if I could do the Modena variety. Any thought pickles or buzzy?

First find the necessary barrels.

davidt4 - 2019-01-08 19:21:00


bev00 - 2020-01-09 01:19:00

Might be something here

mkr_ahearn - 2020-01-09 07:55:00

lol to whom ever it was that dug this up.., this thread had died a long time ago. I was going to start another one but have been too busy.
I will say this, when a raw vinegar with ''mother of vinegar'' won't turn a fermented juice into vinegar it is not ....raw....The only raw vinegar I can get to start a ''mother of vinegar'' to grow is my own vinegar or raw vinegar from a health food shop. I have tried most every ''raw vinegar'' on the market. A lot of folk really are kidding themselves as to the consumption of ''raw cider vinegar'' for the health benefits. They need ''bud' rather than swallowing vinegar. I cannot wait to go on over to the Gardening section, to share my expertise on growing your own buds..

I am wanting to make another lot of malt vinegar using Dark stout malt, rather than the brown sugar. Brown sugar makes a fine vinegar but will never be as nice as the more expensive, Stout method. I found Balsamic vinegar a very worth while inheritance to leave my children's children in my will. They may in turn leave it to there children's children to make the very best of Balsamic vinegar.
I buy Balsamic vinegar myself, as I appreciate the best vinegars over the other vinegars on the market. psst. I have never tried the peels of apples in a bucket method, but may if I can buy the cider apples, this year.

pickles7 - 2020-01-09 09:09:00
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