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bedazzledjewels wrote:

Bump for this thread too. A pity Uli's recipes are gone from here.

Luckily they are back now.

uli - 2015-07-11 16:12:00

These sauerkraut pots are imported into NZ:

uli - 2015-08-02 17:22:00

Here is something to discuss:
How do you start your vegetable ferments?

Cabbage (organic) needs no help at all - just cabbage and salt will bubble away in a few days.

Others like my celeriac experiment last year needs a bit of a hand and I usually use whey from freshly made organic yoghurt as a starter.

However here is an interesting article:

which says:
A list of bacteria that are found in fermented vegetables:
Lactobacillus brevis
Lb. plantarum
Leuconostoc mesenteroides
Pediococcus acidilactici
Ped. pentosaceus

Here the list of bacteria typically found in plain yogurt, which is where I we get our whey from:
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Lb. casei
Lb. rhamnosus
Lb. bulgaricus
Streptococcus thermophilus
Bifidobacterium bifidum

Notice how there are no crossovers. Not one.
The bacteria in the milk products are designed to eat milk sugars, like lactose.
The bacteria in the vegetable products are designed to eat vegetable sugars.
They are two totally separate organisms.

Which means for my future fermenting that I will rather include some cabbage with whatever I ferment and have a whole lot more good "bugs" in my food.

What do you think?

uli - 2015-08-02 17:29:00

Interesting article - thanks for posting.
I tried whey the first time I made Nourishing Traditions kim chi recipe (or maybe it was the gingered carrot recipe?) anyway it didn't work and tasted terrible and the whey was fresh as I had just made cheese. So I used the alternative sea salt and that is working really well. Just made a new recipe from a Korean blogger, however my local Korean shop only sells that particular spice in 1.3kg bags and I didn't really want that much so just substituted chilli flakes. It is quite nice and includes a touch of fruit. The rest of the family complain about the smell when I open the jar though ha ha!

Edited by at 8:33 pm, Sun 2 Aug - 2015-08-02 20:33:00

yes - opening the kim-chee jar is always a bit of an experience for the others at the table :)

uli - 2015-08-02 21:19:00

I once worked in a building that also housed a Korean language school. The smell of kimchi in the lifts at lunch time was revolting. I haven't been able to eat it since even though I previously enjoyed it.

davidt4 - 2015-08-02 21:24:00

uli do you use a sauerkraut pot like the ones above sold by goldenfields? I currently just use glass jars.

vmax2 - 2015-08-03 10:23:00

I used to vmax when I made huge quantities in autumn to last over winter as the next fresh greens would be 6 months or more away.

Here in Northland I do not have to really so I make 4 to 6 Mason jars at a time whenever there is surplus stuff in the garden.

uli - 2015-08-03 17:03:00

bump for daarhn and jan2242

uli - 2015-08-26 20:32:00

Dr Libby: Give your gut a hug by feeding it fermented foods

uli - 2015-09-10 20:50:00

I bought some sauerkraut from a market in Parnell. It was so salty I couldn't eat much at once. Is this normal?? I thought I'd try some real stuff before I had a go at making my own. It wasn't very convincing!

Edited by wendalls at 5:33 pm, Fri 11 Sep

wendalls - 2015-09-11 17:31:00

Could have been that they were worried about spoilage and used too much salt - a pity.

You can of course soak it - but then you lose all the nutrients too.

Try making you own and you will love it - all you could lose is $2 for a cabbage :)

uli - 2015-09-11 18:12:00

have a glut of cabbage so will attempt for first time to make sauerkraut. lots of reading here for me. hope there are some success stories. First ever tried it as a child and really enjoyed it, now buy it occasionally for a treat, so would be great to have it preserved for when ever I feel like some.

-tiggamacboing- - 2015-12-28 19:58:00

Good luck!

uli - 2015-12-31 13:08:00

-tiggamacboing- how is your "experiment" going?

uli - 2016-01-14 17:17:00

Can anyone help. Mine has been sitting on the bench for over a week. Initially saw a few bubbles but now nothing. It is covered in the salt liquid about a cm over the top n is pushed down. I'm going away for two weeks and wondering whether I should biff it and start again when I return. I've clearly done something wrong. It should be ready to put in the fridge by now.

shan4 - 2016-06-10 18:36:00

Well if it doesn't look spoiled then I'd taste it. No point in throwing out perfectly good cabbage! If it's salty then you'll know not to use so much next time, if it's soft then not so great either... If it's crunchy then just eat it anyway. Who knows what goodies (probiotics) are or aren't in it! That's my not very experienced but read a bit about it opinion! Also have you joined the fermenting freaks NZ Facebook group?

wendalls - 2016-06-10 21:13:00

No I haven't but will now thanks. OK so tasted it n it tastes ok n still crunchy. Do you think I should put it in the fridge??? I don't want to come home in two weeks n my walls have been decorated in fermented cabbage.

shan4 - 2016-06-10 21:46:00

bump for flick5050

uli - 2016-06-27 16:18:00

Today I start my first tiny test batch using the 1/4 cabbage I had in the fridge. I didn't like idea of plain, so added some garlic powder, coriander, cumin and a touch of sweet chilli sauce. This will be interesting.

ange164 - 2016-07-14 16:21:00

How did it turn out ange164?

uli - 2017-04-15 17:05:00

Sauerkraut and Kim-chee season is upon us up here in the North - is anyone else still fermenting? Or are you all buying?

uli - 2018-01-20 16:12:00

Yes. It is time for me to get out the gear and make another batch to last me through the winter months.

buzzy110 - 2018-01-20 17:12:00
uli wrote:

Sauerkraut and Kim-chee season is upon us up here in the North - is anyone else still fermenting? Or are you all buying?

I make kimchi regularly, and presently we have nine large jars in the spare fridge. I gave up on sauerkraut, partly because of a batch that went off but mainly because it doesn't fit so readily into our diet, which includes a lot of Asian and Indian food and suits kimchi but not sauerkraut.

davidt4 - 2018-01-20 18:42:00

How did it go "off"? Did it smell badly or got fungusy on top?

I had a "bad batch" last year when I used not my traditional German cabbage slicer but (because it was just one surplus cabbage) my usual plastic grater/slicer which I use every day.

I think it sliced it too thinly and while it fermented beautifully and also tasted great it was very very soft and not crunchy at all when finished.

I ended up using it in Szegediner goulash which uses beef, onions, sauerkraut and sweet peppers.

Another option would have been to seed the composts with it, but it was too nice to be "wasted" on the compost :)

Here is a recipe in English:

uli - 2018-01-24 18:32:00

Of course it is not German but Hungarian.

uli - 2018-01-24 18:33:00
uli wrote:

How did it go "off"? Did it smell badly or got fungusy on top?

It turned grey, had patches of white mould, and smelt musty. I know that white mould is probably okay but wasn't willing to risk it. I think we didn't pack the cabbage down firmly enough and bits got exposed to the air, and I also wonder if we used too much salt so that it didn't start fermenting quickly enough.

davidt4 - 2018-01-24 19:08:00

Smelling musty is not something you want to eat. Although everyone warns you not to open unnecessarily I always open the jars once daily and stuff the cabbage back down again.
In this weather it should be fermented enough in 3 days and can then go into to fridge where it will still ferment but slower.

uli - 2018-01-25 11:30:00

bump - just made a huge batch of kim chee

uli - 2018-06-09 18:14:00

bump for kenny92

uli - 2018-12-10 18:23:00


bev00 - 2019-12-09 00:10:00
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