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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


choc chippie bikkies and apple and cinnamon muffins this week: Cinnamon and Apple Muffins

2 medium apples, grated (skin on)
1 C. yoghurt
1/4 C. oil
1 egg
1 C. sugar
1 C. wholemeal flour
1 C. plain flour
3 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. salt

Preheat oven to 190„aC (375F). Grease a muffin tin.

Put apple, yoghurt, oil and egg in a bowl and mix well.

Fold in all other ingredients until the flour is just moist.

Bake 12-15 minutes.

Makes 12.

zellas - 2004-06-28 10:40:00

genelle I don't know if there is a secret to creaming butter and sugar, but I always find it easier if the butter is fairly soft (and you don't get bits flung all round the kitchen!), and it always takes longer than you think it should to get creamy. Regarding your afghans - all the afghans I've ever made do that,I tend to roll them into balls with my hands and then gently squash them to get a biscuit shape. Hope that helps!

zellas - 2004-06-28 10:44:00

yep gennelle helps if you begin with soft (but not melted butter) and cream with an electric beater for ages! The colour of the butter goes pale and it is creamy but still with grains of sugar all thru it. You don't have to cream for ages but I find the longer I cream the butter and sugar the better the end result.

smileeah - 2004-06-28 13:41:00

thanks zellas and smileeah maybe thats my problem, Im not creaming it properly. Ok back to the kitchen to try something else :P

gennelle - 2004-06-28 14:06:00

i am so lazy i never cream butter and sugar i always melt the butter what ever the recipe , i don't often have failures( and even they get eaten around here!) - real chefs would hate me but hey it works for me !!!Including scones i melt the butter with the milk and they never fail always light and fluffy and tasty.

bams1 - 2004-06-28 16:29:00

can't wait to get back home and do some more baking. In the meantime I have to make do with Black Forest gateaux and Sacher Torte, which is not too bad by the way.

uli - 2004-07-01 08:32:00

bump don't want to lose this thread off the bottom. Too many yummy recipes I need to c&p.

smileeah - 2004-07-05 13:54:00

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rosebudnzl - 2004-07-06 15:36:00

#194 djsh I'm going to try this one next week, sounds interesting, and I love orange cakes, thanks

hobbles - 2004-07-06 16:56:00

Bams1 Rasp Choc Slice..... tastes really good with apricot jam instead of raspberry.

I also made Paghan's yummy peanut caramel slice but I think I used too large a slice tin as the base was thin, the caramel was thin so I iced it with choc icing to make it seem a bit thicker. It was really gooey and yum - esp with the honey roasted peanuts I used in it.

Thanks guys for the recipes - I was inspired to do the weeks baking with help from my 5 year old. Her contributions were lollie slice (pressed into a tin rather than shaped into a log - easier and less messy) and peach puree cupcakes. We made the Birdseed bar to be a bit healthy - we added linseeds to the mix as well (reduced the sesame seeds quantity). Another yummy slice I recommend is the Cherry Mellow Slice on the back of the Mellow Bake packet.

add1 - 2004-07-07 18:32:00

hey yumm add1 will have to try it with apricot jam ,thanks

bams1 - 2004-07-07 21:51:00

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ella5 - 2004-07-07 22:42:00

not baking but will slip it in 1/2 a reasonable size pumpkin cut and peeled into small pieces, 3-4 potatoes peeled and cut up small 3 onions cook these slowely with beef or chicken stock just enough to cover and add s/p cook until tender and then puree and add some cream and your away.....i usually use chicken stock homemade of course by just using the juice that the chickens have boiled in, but beef stock is just as good or even the oxo cubes

kob - 2004-07-08 06:24:00

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ella5 - 2004-07-09 22:51:00

bump back to the top - too many great recipies to lose this thread....

hobbles - 2004-07-16 13:38:00

Yummy Lemon Slice Crust: 1 1/2c flour, 3/4c castor sugar, 150g butter, cubed....Filling: 4 lrg eggs, 1 3/4c castor sugar, finely grated zest of 3 lemons, 2/3c lemon juice (from 4-5 lemons), 1/3c plain flour......... 1/ Preheat oven to 180°c. Line a 20x35cm cake tin with non stick paper. 2/ Place flour and sugar in food processor and pulse to sift. Add butter and process to resemble fine breadcrumbs. Press into tin (will be crumbly) and bake for 15mins until golden. Remove from oven and reduce oven to 140°c. 3/ Beat eggs and sugar until thick and pale. Fold in lemon juice and zest, then flour. Pour over crust and bake for 40mins or until set. 4/ Cool completely in tin before cutting into 12 pieces and dusting with icing sugar.........This is a cross between a lemon version of chinese chews and lemon meringue pie. Takes a bit of effort to make if you haven't got a food processor (like me) but is definitely worth it if you like lemon things.

smileeah - 2004-07-16 16:33:00

I made double chocy chip muffins and apricot crunch muffins this morning and they are almost all gone. will have to make more before school on monday

hodiah2 - 2004-07-16 17:02:00

made hummingbird cake for the first time. Like banana cake but with pineapple and coconut as well (with cream cheese icing for hubby and plain for me)Yummmy!

maysept - 2004-07-17 11:51:00

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hoplocat - 2004-07-23 13:35:00

Last Sunday I made 1 tray of brownies and 1 lot gingernuts. bownies gone about 3hrs later and the gingernuts lasted a couple of days. Made a banana cake on Fri nite gone by sat nite ....might have another crack now!

coreblimey - 2004-07-25 21:53:00

Yummy Date and Oat Slice and sugar vanilla/choc chip cupcakes.
Date and Oat Slice

Base and Topping
220g butter, softened
1 C. brown sugar
1 C. wholemeal flour
1/2 C. white flour
1/2 tsp. baking soda
11/2 C. rolled oats

2 C. dates, pitted and chopped
1/2 C. orange juice
11/2 tsp. ground cinnamon

Preheat oven to 180„aC (350F). Grease a sponge roll tin.

Base and Topping
Cream butter and sugar until very pale.

Mix in the flours, baking soda, and rolled oats.

Firmly press half the mixture into the sponge roll tin. Reserve other half.

Put the dates, orange juice and cinnamon into a heavy-bottomed saucepan.

Stir over a low heat until the dates soften to a smooth pulp. You may need to add a little water to them.

Spread filling over base.

Crumble the reserved oat mixture over the dates and press down lightly. Try to cover the dates evenly.

Bake for 30 minutes. Allow to cool, then cut into bars with a sharp knife.

Makes 12 slices.

zellas - 2004-07-26 09:14:00

This weekend I made ginger oaty slice,banana cake,date muffins,anzac bics, and choc chippie bics, that should keep the troops going for a few days !

bams1 - 2004-07-26 09:44:00

I just made ... bams1 Sesame seed bars!! It looks good but it hasn't set yet ... so I don't know how it tastes!! Everyone is just waiting, waiting, waiting!
Next is the eskimo slice and the rice bubble bars! All very easy recipies ... and the last two hopefully very sweet(I'm craving something sweet)! AND tomorrow is going to be a cake or a slice! I am sooooooooo proud of myself!!!! :D

milly28 - 2004-07-28 16:48:00

carefull milly28 cos that sesame bar is addictive once you start you won't stop till its all gone !

bams1 - 2004-07-28 16:57:00

I had a piece b4 it was set! But I will leave it now till later tonight or the morning! My 6 year old has decided he dosn't like it (WAHOO) as its got birdseed in it!! Its VERY VERY VERY nice thank you!!!! Now I just have to hide what I have been baking ... can you freeze the sesame bar at all? The older boys here have tried it too ... its just a pity they don't think like a 6 year old! lol

milly28 - 2004-07-28 18:42:00

Bumping back to the top Only made moro bar slice today ... and that was because master 6 really wanted to bake something!
Going to make the sesame seed bar again too, only when ALL the boys are out (including master 6 as he decided he did like it!") so I can hide it in the back of the fridge somewhere (hopefully where no boys look)!!! Oh I might even make a cake this week ... anyone got any simple cake ideas?

milly28 - 2004-08-01 15:57:00

Can someone direct me to the recipe for sesame seed bars, I've liiked thorugh this whole thread, but can't find it. Thanks

dolphin9 - 2004-08-01 16:31:00

Post 13 BIRDSEED BAR- 1c sesame seeds. 1c sunflower seeds,1c coconut, 1 c chopped nuts- roast all these till nicly browned in the oven, then add 1c sutanas , in a pot put 100g butter 1/4c honey , 1/2c sugar, melt together and mix into dry ingre , press into a tray and cut when cooled.

milly28 - 2004-08-01 19:55:00

Sorry I probably confused you as I called it Birdseed bar and my 6 year old wouldn't it eat ... so now I call it sesame seed bar ... and he eats it!

milly28 - 2004-08-01 19:57:00

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xr8 - 2004-08-02 19:44:00

monster choc chip biscuits I make monster size and while they are still warm wrap them in gladwrap, the kids really like taking them to school. - i have a basic recipe with one egg and it would be a good palm full onto the tray.

auckland_ali - 2004-08-02 19:49:00

bumping back up the top too good ta loose :)

lisa_marie40 - 2004-08-08 12:32:00

Russian slice and choc chip cake was the weekends bake..YUM

campmum - 2004-08-09 21:45:00

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gordy8252 - 2004-08-11 13:50:00

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rosebudnzl - 2004-08-12 19:08:00

I have a professional baker do mine,i pay him well too, mr griffin and mrs pams,lol, cheers jude

pinehollows - 2004-08-15 18:52:00

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classychick - 2004-08-16 16:29:00

This week I made trademe recipes Blondies (can't remember who posted them) and chelsea Coffee Fudge Slice (I think posted by campmum). Both delicious.

zellas - 2004-08-16 16:44:00

mmmm baking ... good on you all for keeping alive the home baking tradition. I can remember there always being baking in the tins as a kid & I know my hubby & kids appreciate it now too. Will add a couple of my fav recipes.

rwatchorn - 2004-08-16 19:29:00

CHOCOLATE COCONUT SQUARE 225g butter, 1 c flour, 2 tsp cocoa, 1/2 c sugar, 1/2 c coconut. Cream butter & sugar. Add flour, coconut & cocoa. Press into sponge roll tin. Bake 15-20mins 180C.
Topping - combine 1 c coconut, 1 c icing sugar, 2tsp cocoa & 1/4 tin cond milk. Spread on base while still slightly warm.

rwatchorn - 2004-08-16 19:32:00

INSTANT PUDDING BISCUITS 170g butter, 1 egg, 1 1/2 c flour, 1 tsp BP, 1 small c sugar, 1 packet instant pudding (any flavour !), 3 tab cornflour.
Cream butter & sugar. Add instant pudding & remaining ingredients. Mix well. Roll into balls & press down on tray with fork. Bake 180C for 10-15mins. They spread LOTS so give them plenty of room on tray. Really tasty & quick to make.

rwatchorn - 2004-08-16 19:35:00

MUESLI SLICE 150g butter, 1 tab g/syrup, 1 c sugar. Melt together 2 mins in m/wave.
Add 1 1/2 c flour, 1 c rolled oats, 1/2 c coconut, 1 tsp BP, 1 c sultanas.
Mix well & press into tin.
Bake 180C for 10 mins.

rwatchorn - 2004-08-16 19:38:00

EASY SLICE 1 tab g/syrup, 1/2 c sugar, 1/2 tsp BP, 1 c rice bubbles, 150g butter, 1 c flour, 1 c sultanas.
Melt together syrup, butter & sugar. Add flour, BP, sultanas & rice bubbles. Bake 180C for 20-30mins.
Melt together 50g butter, 1 cup icing sugar, 1 tab g/syrup. Pour over base while still hot.

rwatchorn - 2004-08-16 19:40:00

Re post # 205 Im lazy too !! I always melt the butter & sugar, never mind the creaming thing. My baking never seems to fail so Im guessing we can get it away with it :-)

rwatchorn - 2004-08-16 19:42:00

Re # 1-205 I am so hungry right now and evry day since i found this thread. I will definatelt put some recipes up when i have time but in the meanwhile just a bams or kob or whom ever is out there tonight:
Please tell me which cakes and slices can be frozen and for how long. Im an amatuer baker(will try anything once) as long as my kids are not around. I bake evry 2-3 weeks which is slack i know, but when i do i make far too much and i end up chucking the rest away!!!! How can you fellow bakers help me????

chch_gal - 2004-08-16 22:10:00

Use your freezer I make up a batch of chocolate chip cookies and freeze half the dough in a bar(wrapped in glad wrap). This way I can have fresh cookies as required. The second lot are better as cooling the dough strengthens the gluten. I just take the bar out of the freezer and cut into (about) 1cm thick slices then cook as usual. Its soft emough to cut by the time my oven has reached cooking temperature.

shot_gav - 2004-08-16 23:52:00

pretty much all the biscuits that I have listed are ok the freeze uniced, i wouldn;t freece the slices thought and the cakes well its up to you they are much better fresh but you can freeze uniced as well....i sometimes do if I know I need to have one say for a saturday morning for rugby or something I will freeze it and ice it once defrosted and no one really knows unles you tell them

kob - 2004-08-17 06:58:00

I agree freezing is ok , but the frozen dough method is great too, mine goes to fast to make it to the freezer usually.

bams1 - 2004-08-17 16:09:00

*****Bams1 Rules Awesome****** Just stumbled across this thread, Its great, Lots of Ideas, I love baking, But I have to be in the mood, and you know what, after going through this great thread.(I AM IN THE MOOD) Problem is theres so much to choose from where do I start , Come on guys I will let You deside, whatever you say I will try and make, by the way my name is julie and I,m Married with 2 boys. This is my sons account.Glad to come across you.

j_d_stevo - 2004-08-17 16:29:00

Re# 249 i am fairly new to this thread but have been copying down all the recipes to date. Yesterday i made the American Slice and the Crazy cake. Im not sure who posted them but i want to say THANKYOU!!!!!! The american slice sunk on me a little but was yummy. The crazy Cake was the best of all. When i first saw the recipe i thought, ewwwwwww, but after trying it i was amazed. It was moist and delicious. So definately try those two recipes. I also made the apple crumble and as always was yummy!!

chch_gal - 2004-08-18 09:58:00
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