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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


Sorry - Georgie Porgy and I were staying with a friend who has no internet. Just returned home today - now have power and water thanks to some of the hardest workers in the world.

I am upset about the various buildings that we have lost, but it's the people who are irreplaceable. I was almost too scared to go to church today in case I found that someone had died, - no one had.

I have some liquifaction and my Mum's childhood teaset got broken, which I cried about for ages - partly to avoid thinking about anything else. My house appears to have no more structural damage, althogh two large bookcases scattered books allover the front room.

I still haven't got to try the beef olives as they spilt all over the kitchen floor, but the crockpot isn't broken and I've bought some more to try tomorrow. I was actually planning to go into town after I had put them on because I was running out of medication, but I got hung up on another online community so was sitting at my computer when it struck, not cycling along Colombo St.

I feel vey lucky and have been wondering about Charlie and her family.
Thank you all for your prayers and concern.

calista - 2011-02-27 21:42:00

Oh Calista.. thank goodness you're safe.. have been thinking of you so often, and very thankful to see your post..

Ali got in contact with Charlie and posted this on Friday:

I managed to txt and get through to charlie by phone, she really needs our hugs, she is in one of the worst hit areas again, especially with the liqiudifaction roads are almost impassable there and her aftershocks can be guaranteed to be much worse than people in the west which isnt so hard hit.

* Quote

auckland_ali (753 ) 12:12 am, Fri 25 Feb #2313

juliewn - 2011-02-27 21:46:00

ps.. from Ali later on Friday:
I just heard from Charlie, the parcel I sent got thru, so she now has a car charger for her cell, so she at least can keep in contact with the outside world. hope calista is fine, hope word gets thru. have a peaceful time in nelson Rae, we are thinking of you all, more footage of what is happening in the burbs is getting through now, so people are starting to see it as it really is, saw the chancellor from a distance its certainly on a lean hope that can be done in a controlled way rarther than going!! - hugs hugs hugs

* Quote

auckland_ali (753 ) 2:07 pm, Fri 25 Feb #2337

juliewn - 2011-02-27 21:49:00
elliehen wrote:

Don't feel guilty about asking about recipes...doing something 'normal' is what people in crisis crave and I know personally some who are longing for their internet connection to feel 'connected' again.

510 wrote:

I have been having similar conversations with other people, & one great response was that "we have to carry on doing normal things so we can support the people in Christchurch."

Please don't stop posting about 'normal' stuff like recipes ... for people like me at the moment it's a kind of little anchor to a more 'normal' reality!!!
As wonderful as it is being in Golden Bay, I haven't even begun to deal with what I went through on Tuesday - being in the central city when the earthquake struck - or the things I witnessed ...
I need you lot to carry on ... 'as normal' ... to help me cope with all I'm going through! And I'm sure the other Cantabs in our TMRecipes family feel the same!
Your love and support is needed and appreciated ... but so is your humour ... and your kitchen successes & dilemas!!!

winnie231 - 2011-02-27 22:00:00

Hello Rae.. and huge hugs.. just shocking what has happened for you.. thank goodness you'd already left home and that you'd not yet reached your place of study.. I'm very glad you're safe..

A little humour.. on Tv3 a few days ago, the reporter said he'd been in a Christchurch suburb.. he came across a man wearing a Michael Jackson hat - he had an icecream in one hand, a cigarette in the other, and he was drunk.. he was also in the centre of an intersection directing the traffic!

In other times, he'd have brought some criticism, now, he's brought some smiles and laughter.. good they are..

Huge hugs Rae.. and know you're being thought of often, as are you all there in Canterbury..

juliewn - 2011-02-27 22:23:00

mmm I have wholemeal bread in the oven and I am back at uni tomorrow. Hooray! my bread smells like yeast. Just trying to find a decent anzac recipe as I want to start experimenting and I want an Anzac tin to put them in.

jcprotea - 2011-02-27 23:08:00

lovely to have a posting from you calista, we have all been hanging out for you to come back and let us know you were safe and unharmed. not much good beef olives all over the floor, mind you with some people the whole freezer going, I did mention to a couple of people at the chch office make sure you have the decent stuff on the bbq first, if you are going to loose the freezer you have a day to -cook the best of the best - I have just got back from watching crowded house, I was so thrilled to get to it, I have loved their songs for the longest time, I am pretty sure I am the same age a Neil (48???) Liam sang and also wife sharon did a bit of backing vocals, very cool. still got (at yourrr feet Im falling blah blah..) in my head, I am still buzzing.

auckland_ali - 2011-02-27 23:21:00

Waves to Ali.
callista so pleased that you are safe and sound.
I have had a busy couple of days with pre autumn cleaning. We have been in our new home for 8 months and i decided that i needed to re arrange the bedroom furniture, then I got stuck into the kitchen unscrewing things from the walls and shifting apliances around, next was the china cabinet as it looked too cluttered. After that I realised the windows were dirty so then that led to one side of the house being washed down. It feels so great to have some things crossed off my to do list.

510 - 2011-02-27 23:32:00

mmm the smell of bread... I wish I was in Chch making loaves for people

jcprotea - 2011-02-28 00:18:00
jcprotea wrote:

mmm the smell of bread... I wish I was in Chch making loaves for people

Love the look of you bread can just imagine the smell of it baking. . I find the smell of bread really gets my taste buds working over time. All the best for you first day back at uni

510 - 2011-02-28 05:35:00

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cookessentials - 2011-02-28 06:41:00

I'm feeling a bit shakey after 3 small a/shocks. I know it's a small thing, but the water tastes horrible (I am grateful to have it, but I would like a nice cup of tea). Will be better after I get some bore water from a few streets away,

Edited by calista at 7:59 am, Mon 28 Feb

calista - 2011-02-28 07:57:00

Yay! Rang friend who reminded me we had left 4 litres of artesian (sp???) water here yesterday - boiled it and had 3 mugs of Early Grey tea.
Life is looking up!

I don't have Charlies text number, but please send my love if you are txting her.

calista - 2011-02-28 09:06:00

Calista so relieved you and Gorgy are safe. And I am so glad Peter Beck has said they will rebuild the Cathedral -it really is the heart of Christchurch and its loss a huge one for our city. I'm glad to have the memories of this year's beautiful floral carpet to hold on to, although its impossible to realize that was only a fortnight ago. I feel like baking/cooking to keep busy but oddly I don't seem to be able to put things together. The time taken to cook pesto chicken and scalloped potatoes last night would have been enough for a four course dinner for 12. Perhaps getting back to work on Wednesday will help unscramble the brain although I can't imagine being able to write anything sensible when I get there. Hope all Canterbury posters are feeling a little better today and if I can help anyone tomorrow when I get back please post.

Edited by greerg at 9:35 am, Mon 28 Feb

greerg - 2011-02-28 09:33:00

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cookessentials - 2011-02-28 10:39:00
calista wrote:

Sorry - Georgie Porgy and I were staying with a friend who has no internet. Just returned home today - now have power and water thanks to some of the hardest workers in the world.

I am upset about the various buildings that we have lost, but it's the people who are irreplaceable. I was almost too scared to go to church today in case I found that someone had died, - no one had.

I have some liquifaction and my Mum's childhood teaset got broken, which I cried about for ages - partly to avoid thinking about anything else. My house appears to have no more structural damage, althogh two large bookcases scattered books allover the front room.

I still haven't got to try the beef olives as they spilt all over the kitchen floor, but the crockpot isn't broken and I've bought some more to try tomorrow. I was actually planning to go into town after I had put them on because I was running out of medication, but I got hung up on another online community so was sitting at my computer when it struck, not cycling along Colombo St.

I feel vey lucky and have been wondering about Charlie and her family.
Thank you all for your prayers and concern.

A huge hug as i too have been worried about take care.

jbsouthland - 2011-02-28 10:59:00

Good afternoon ... been over to a friends place today for our first shower since last Tuesday, also did a load of washing. Blissful to feel sparkly clean and have nice shiny hair !! Small things do matter after all. I have been taking a ribbing for bothering to do my makeup every day, but that's what I always do ... so have been determined that it should continue !! He he. Best wishes to all Chch posters ... :-)

2halls - 2011-02-28 12:28:00

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elliehen - 2011-02-28 12:40:00

VERY happy to hear from you Calista ** smoochy hugs ** ... will text Charlie now, and give her the news, kia kaha xx

fastlanenz - 2011-02-28 13:01:00

The local hairdresser was open so I now have a new haircut and my hair is clean!!

After I finish my eleventy zillionth cup of tea for the day I'm off to see if Ferrymead Countdown is open - I'm craving fresh fruit and need some food for the furry member of the family who seem a bit more distressed.

calista - 2011-02-28 16:32:00

I have several family members effected by the quake, one has lost a very dear friend, one has 3 colleques missing from their Christchurch branch & one has lost a young work mate, my best friend's daughter had to run for her life & has lost her car, & we have family members who have lost their house. Sending all our christchurch posters the caring thoughts

510 - 2011-02-28 17:14:00

Countdown Ferrymead is no more. A woman in Mitre 10 said it's being demolished. Actually Ferry Rd East of the Tunnel roundabout is a mess. It brought home to me how lucky I am. And I just heard that Redcliffs and St Martin's New World are closing too.

My longsuffering friend (whose jacket G-P peed on) has said he will take me grocery shopping tomorrow -I just need to make the list tonight so I don't forget anything important.

Edited by calista at 6:12 pm, Mon 28 Feb

calista - 2011-02-28 18:09:00

Hi my lovelies,
I'm feeling sooo much better after a couple of days in the tranquility of rural Golden Bay. I enjoyed a lovely hot bath out in the garden last night ... lying there with a glass of red, looking at the stars ... my troubles faded for a while :-)
I'm flying back to Chch Thursday night - crazy maybe (part of me thinks so!!!) - but I need to look at the shards of what was life as I knew it ... and decide where to from here.
In the mean time I have a few more cuppas to enjoy with friends, some more peace to soak in and strength to be gained from being in a safe place.
Kia kaha my fellow Cantabs ... and when we get through the other side of this ordeal - I think a get-together is in order!!!
Thankyou everyone else for your ongoing support of us, xxx

Edited by winnie231 at 7:04 pm, Mon 28 Feb

winnie231 - 2011-02-28 19:02:00

So glad to hear from you Calista... isn't it funny to feel so concerned about someone you haven't met ... yet.
When I spoke to you Winnie after the quake I was at work and had only heard a few stories on the radio and the TVNZ website was jammed, I had no idea of the mass devastation you were standing in. Same with Charlie... no wonder her poor son sounded so shaken. It wasn't till I got home that night that I realised it wasn't like last time and it was so so much worse, and I am so very very greatful that I did touch base and we knew that you were safe. Maybe you could email me your mobile Calista.... so you can't hide from your stalker again... lol. Lets hope we don't need it though. Just txted Charlie and even though 85% of Christchurch has power she still has been told it could take as long as 2 weeks for her area. She is also talking about the possibility of her having to home school the boys... so I guess that gives you an idea about the state of the schools in her area. Sending big higs, luffs and strength to our dear charlie.

Edited by toadfish at 8:08 pm, Mon 28 Feb

toadfish - 2011-02-28 20:06:00

Think I need one of these as well.

toadfish - 2011-02-28 20:28:00

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elliehen - 2011-02-28 20:35:00

Toadfish I cried when I clicked your link.
No problem sending my cellphone number.

Damn water has gone off -again. Never mind it tasted awful and I didn't feel safe drinking it even after bioling it for *10* minutes, let alone 3, It smelt funny too.

calista - 2011-02-28 20:44:00
510 wrote:

Love the look of you bread can just imagine the smell of it baking. . I find the smell of bread really gets my taste buds working over time. All the best for you first day back at uni

thanks. I was running late as son got something on his hair. so had to shower his hair and get it out. Missed bus I needed by 3 mins. Thought I did well getting 3 kids out the door before 8. no worries, got to uni 20 mins late but got a few things for O-week and had a good class in the afternoon. International relations :D. Best go do housework as stuff never gets done when i am not here as I was at uni all day until 4. Tutor is away tomorrow, which is a blessing in disguise as I have lack of funds to travel tomorrow until Thursday when I have class again.
Bread was a huge hit with kids and hubby. He likes it..YAY!

jcprotea - 2011-02-28 20:45:00

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cookessentials - 2011-02-28 21:03:00

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cookessentials - 2011-02-28 21:10:00

I just don't know yet Pam ...
My school is looking for alternative premises where they could open the doors again but nothing for sure yet.
Work wise - the Casino was damaged but is repairable ... however being in the cbd means it could be shut for a long time.
And on the home front ... well you know the situation there :-/
I'm just going to go back ... get as much information as I can on everything .... and see from there.

winnie231 - 2011-02-28 22:17:00
cookessentials wrote:

Oh 510, I am so sorry to hear that. It is such a dreadful time for many people...gentle hugs to you and your family

me too. Hugs to all affected. I was going to offer if anyone has lost clothes I have a quite a few nice ones in size 14-16 mainly. they will not fit me as I have shrunk a lot due to health. I will post them to you for free as well. Sorry it is not much to help out as being a student finances are limited but I am happy to help none the less.

Edited by jcprotea at 10:48 pm, Mon 28 Feb

jcprotea - 2011-02-28 22:47:00

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elliehen - 2011-02-28 23:41:00

OOOooo, I'm a morning person.

I'm trying to eke out my last litre of bottled water until I am taken shopping when I will also fill up on the artesian stuff. I hope to do a quick visit to friend's place for a wash at the same time.

I want a nice deep bubble bath -- sigh

calista - 2011-03-01 06:47:00

Toadfish - you have mail.

calista - 2011-03-01 07:05:00
calista wrote:

OOOooo, I'm a morning person.

I'm trying to eke out my last litre of bottled water until I am taken shopping when I will also fill up on the artesian stuff. I hope to do a quick visit to friend's place for a wash at the same time.

I want a nice deep bubble bath -- sigh

I wish I was closer, I would say come here I have bath salts and you can stay in bath all day and I can look after furry animals whilst you rest.
I am a late night, early morning person myself.

jcprotea - 2011-03-01 07:38:00

Thanks CE & JC, just spoken to one of my family members who works in the auck office that had their office in CHCH destroyed, she said last week they were all functioning on pure adrenaline, this week it is not as bad. They have even managed to obtain new premises already, some sort of normality & stability is part of the recovery process for the people who are able & willing to return to work.. It is a firm that will have all the right support strategies in place to offer their staff.

510 - 2011-03-01 07:55:00
calista wrote:

OOOooo, I'm a morning person.

I'm trying to eke out my last litre of bottled water until I am taken shopping when I will also fill up on the artesian stuff. I hope to do a quick visit to friend's place for a wash at the same time.

I want a nice deep bubble bath -- sigh

Baths & water r so relaxing & theraputic

510 - 2011-03-01 07:57:00

Calista we have a bath and water s if you feel like it you are most welcome.

greerg - 2011-03-01 08:22:00

I love Radox bath stuff. I enjoy what I study because dispute resolution is much needed, especially in times like these.

jcprotea - 2011-03-01 08:24:00

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elliehen - 2011-03-01 12:17:00

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elliehen - 2011-03-01 13:51:00
elliehen wrote:

Trade Me is observing the two minutes silence to remember the victims of the Christchurch earthquake between 12.51 and 12.53 by going offline.

yes Partner and I did this together at lunchtime,it hit my heart when partner rang his work gang to down tools.

earthangel4 - 2011-03-01 15:36:00

Hi All,I have been lurking in here,but sometimes you just don,t feel like posting if you know what I mean.
I don,t mean to say this,its just me and my darn sad heart.
Calista,its so darn good to see you,and all our friends in here.
It felt so good to hear my sons if not voice on chat,he means the world to me,him and his sis are my world.
I have been busy learning to bake and planning my garden,can
. not wait to get my bulbs in on friday.
mmm not long for my app next tuesday,sure hope he sends me back to work,I am driving my partner nuts,and I am starting to miss my work mates.

earthangel4 - 2011-03-01 15:43:00

Was just reading the updates now when another aftershock hit - first big one I've felt today (missed the early morning one). Sooo over them eh. No lighting in my bedroom, or the lounge where I have a borrowed lamp now.

Weird issue - last wek I lent my bbq and gas bottle to a neighbour I hadn't ever met before, cos they said they hadn't anything to cook on, but the power's been back on for hmmm 4 days here and they have not given the bbq back! (They have been on my property looking for their rabbit since.) Feel I would be churlish to ask for it so will just mark time, and see how long it takes for it to return...

sumstyle - 2011-03-01 17:26:00

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elliehen - 2011-03-02 00:26:00

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cookessentials - 2011-03-02 06:45:00

Bugger, was thinking of Nelson for a couple of day away. but need to put leaky Georgy somewhere/

Greerg - thanks for the offer _i think I have a possible shower lined up. but will get back to you

calista - 2011-03-02 08:35:00

freak wave hit a wellington ferry this morning, crazy things ahappening. I am still not feeling very well at all, day 5 of antibotics and still very sore throat and choking up flem - very concerned as flying to canada next week to go and visit my daughter who is in a ski resort, so very cold and just dont know how I am going to be. feeling very frustrated that I seam no better than when I went to the docs last friday!! (sorry self indulgent moan!!) will have another sleep todäy to see if that will help!!

auckland_ali - 2011-03-02 10:16:00

Oh Ali. didn't realise your trip was so soon. How depressing to have your sore throat etc linger so long. Should you go back to the Dr? Other antibiotics/swab may be needed. Can you hear me screaming out "do something more"?? It was a big jolt in Wgtn last night I was at Bridge Club and peoples main concern was that it might be a reverberation of a big one in ChCh. Thankfully not.

marywea - 2011-03-02 11:25:00
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