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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


Great thread What a great thread. I made today ginger crunch - choc cake - choc rough muffins and belgium biscuits. Its maybe not as cheap to cook these days but at least I know what goes in it and there is no taste comparrision.

rrrg - 2008-06-15 19:36:00

Yum Rrrg... can we all come for a cuppa at your home tomorrow.. they sound very good..

juliewn - 2008-06-20 02:10:00

Sunflower Seed slice Heres something instead of bought bars
Sunflower Slice
1 cup flour
1 cup coconut
1 cup rolled oats
1 tbsp golden syrup
1 1/2 tbsp honey
1 small cup sugar
1 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup sesame seeds
2 tsp baking powder
125g butter
2 tbsp boiling water (to melt butter, etc, together, but I just put on the element quickly to melt)
• Melt syrup, honey and butter in boiling water.
• Mix dry ingredients together, then add melted ingredients, and mix together.
• Press into slice tin (or whatever you have)
• Cook at 160deg for about 30mins (watch it, depending on oven)

rrrg - 2008-06-21 21:19:00

Applesauce cake I don't hink I've posted this one yet, & it's god for freezing for the lunchbozes. 2 eggs, 2c sugar, 200ml oil, 2c applesauce, (I add a few peeled chopped apples), juice & grated rind of 1 lemon, 3c flour (I use 1c wholemeal 2c plain), 1-1/2t baking powder, 1-1/2t baking soda, 1/2t salt, 1/2t cloves, 1t cinnamon, 1/2t nutmeg, 1/2t allspice or mixed spice, 1c chopped walnuts, 3/4c raisins. Beat eggs until fluffy, add sugar & rest of wet ingredients, add dry ingredients, nuts & raisins. Pour into papered big tin, about 23x33cm or so & at least 5cm deep. Bake at 175C for about an hour.

lennyb1 - 2008-06-22 11:24:00

whoops God for freezing in the lunchbozes, eh? Anyway, the above cake is served unadorned, I forgot to mention.

lennyb1 - 2008-06-22 11:26:00

Fejioa Muffins - yum - season too short Feijoa Muffins (delicious)
2 cups self raising flour, 75g butter melted, 1 cup chopped feijoas, 2 eggs, finely grated rind of 1 orange, 1/4 cup orange juice, 3/4 cup sugar, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 Tbspoon sugar. Melt butter, mix in feijoas. Add unbeaten eggs, orange juice and rind. Mix until combined. Add sugar and flour, pour into greased muffin tins. Sprinkle cinnamon and sugar mix on top. Bake at 200C for 15-20 mins.

rrrg - 2008-06-22 13:42:00

another one feijoa muffins
ingredients: 1-1/2 cups flour 1 cup wholemeal flour 2 tsp ground ginger 1 cup milk 2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/2 cup raw sugar 1 cup milk 1/4 cup butter 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 beaten egg 1 cup chopped feijoas Directions: Preheat oven to 180oC (350oF), prepare pans. Mix together the flour, ginger, baking powder & soda & sugar. Rub in the butter until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Combine the liquid ingredients, add the dry mix and feijoas until just combined. Spoon into pans & bake for 15 mins. A small slice of crystallised ginger may be placed on top of each muffin before baking if desired. Makes 12.

rrrg - 2008-06-22 13:42:00

This one is our favourite Spiced Feijoa Cake

125g butter melted,
1 cup chopped feijoas,
1 cup sugar,
1 egg,
1 1/2 cups flour,
1 tsp salt,
1 tsp baking soda,
2 tsp cinnamon,
1 tsp allspice.

1 1/2 Tbsp butter melted,
1/2 c rolled oats,
1/4 c brown sugar,
1 tsp white sugar.

Melt butter, remove from heat, add feijoas, sugar and egg. Beat well and fold in dry ingredients. Line cake tin. Pour mixture into tin. Combine topping and sprinkle over cake. Bake at 180*C 30-40 minutes till centre springs back when pressed lightly.

rrrg - 2008-06-22 13:43:00

pumkin loaf heres a recipe that my kids think is gingerbread but it has a cup full of cooked pumpkin in it!! sssssssh dont tell them it can be put into muffin tins also.1 cup of cooked cooled pumpkin puree 100gms of butter 1&1/2 cups of brown sugar cream all the above together then add. 2 eggs 2 cups of self raising fl,1/2 tsp baking soda 1tsp cinnmamon 1/2 tsp nutmeg,1/2 tsp ginger1/4 tsp cloves bake in a loaf tin at 180 for 40mins-1hr or in muffin tins for 20mins

pheebs1 - 2008-06-23 16:42:00

cant lose this gem bump!

pheebs1 - 2008-06-25 23:13:00

And again.. :o)

jenna68 - 2008-06-28 08:58:00

I made Jelly Slice yesterday but was a little disappointed ... the filling was a little bland. Next time I think I'll use less water and more lemon juice to give it a bit more zing! Recipe to follow in next post.

jaxma - 2008-06-29 12:15:00

Jelly Slice 1 packet Malt Biscuits crushed. Add 6oz melted butter and press into a 20x30cm cake tin. Leave in fridge for about 15 minutes. Filling: 1 tin condensed milk, stir in juice of 5 lemons, about 1/2 cup (next time I will use 3/4 cup), then 2 tablespoons gelatine dissolved in 3/4 cup hot water (I'll cut this down to 1/2 a cup next time to balance the extra liquid from the lemon juice). Mix all together and pour onto base. Leave in fridge again for about 15 minutes. Topping: Make jelly with 1 cup of boiling water and when cooled carefully pour over the top of first two items and again leave in fridge until the jelly sets. (Originally posted by bisel)

jaxma - 2008-06-29 12:19:00

This message was deleted.

leanneandleigh - 2008-07-01 21:45:00

Bumping for amonnk to peruse for ideas...

valentino - 2008-07-04 11:09:00

And again.. :o)

jenna68 - 2008-07-05 21:43:00

Hi jaxma re: Jelly Slice.
I felt the same way about it,so next time I make it I am going to use more lemon juice but also add a small tub of cream cheese to it as I think it will give it a softer texture.
Will let you know how it turns out.

snowflake11 - 2008-07-05 22:08:00

This was on the last page Can't let it die......

smoocherpete - 2008-07-11 21:38:00

snowflake I used double the amount of lemon juice and used gingernuts in the base and still it was pretty bland :-( I'm really disappointed because I had it once before (from someone else) and it was delicious!

jaxma - 2008-07-12 08:53:00

Hi jaxma made jelly slice last night and I doubled the lemon juice and added a 250 gm pottle of cream cheese,it is certainly got a lot more flavour and is not as rubbery for want of a better word.I did have to rub the mixture through a sieve because it wasn't warn enogh to blend properly.It was well worth the effort.Hubby this it is a lot tastier also so hands got the big thumbs up.

snowflake11 - 2008-07-12 17:29:00

ooooops you are all going to think I've been on the booze.
Should read"warm enough".LOL

snowflake11 - 2008-07-12 20:41:00

snowflake Did you reduce the water at all? Or did you just add the cream cheese as an extra?

jaxma - 2008-07-12 22:30:00

Hi jaxma I just put the cream cheese in as an extra.Whole tray is just about finished.

snowflake11 - 2008-07-13 21:00:00

Bumping this wonderful thread for mumnbub and healthy baking recipes..

juliewn - 2008-07-18 04:17:00

Bumping for the above question :o)

jenna68 - 2008-07-20 07:24:00

This weeks baking was.... Chocolate chip cookies (for my partner who was deprived as a child and never had home baking..LOL) and banana chocolate chip loaf (cos I didn't feel like making a cake). Hmm, bit of a theme with the choc chips. I love being able to find the time to get some baking done and my partner certainly appreciates it!

ladlegirl - 2008-07-21 21:50:00

bumping Am thinking of making the cookie time cookies, the recipe seems to be doing the rounds again. And also the magical orange cake

whiskey13 - 2008-07-23 00:32:00

Bumping for other's :o)

jenna68 - 2008-07-26 07:53:00

Molasses bars from 1953 Joy of Cooking (p1) They come out like brownies in look & texture, but no chocolate. Nice lunchbox cake. Beat 6T (90g) soft butter, add 1/2c caster sugar gradually, beat until very light & creamy. Add 1 egg & 1/2c (125ml) molasses. Mix together 2-1/4c flour, 1/4t salt, 1/4t soda, 1-1/2t baking powder. Have ready 125ml milk. Add flour in thirds to molasses mix alternately with milk.

lennyb1 - 2008-07-26 21:31:00

Molasses bars from 1953 Joy of Cooking (p2) Stir into batter: 1c broken nut meats & 1c chopped mixed dates & raisins. Preheat oven to 190C and grease or paper a 20x30 tin, spread the batter into it. Bake about 20 minutes (the Joy didn't actually say how long to bake it, but that's what worked for me), cut into bars when cool.

lennyb1 - 2008-07-26 21:35:00

my variant on the above bars Instead of nuts, I added about 200g Reese's Pieces that I'd gotten cheap (dated stock) - worked great.

lennyb1 - 2008-07-26 21:38:00

Kob - a question Hi kob, I made your coconut biscuit recipe: (COCONUT BISCUITS- 125 grams of butter, 2 cups of coconut, 1egg, 1 cup of sugar, 1 teaspoon of baking powder,... mix together and put teaspoon lots on a greased tray do not flatten and cook for 15-20 mins at 175) and I am not sure what went wrong but they were a disaster! First lot turned into a whole solid tray of biscuit and I had a hard time trying to scrape it off the tray, next lot burnt, next ones reduced the time to 11 mins but still hard to scrape off the tray so next lot I put on baking paper. They were really thin - not much to them - is that how they are meant to be?

racheee - 2008-07-30 20:05:00

havent seen kobs recipe but it looks like your missing flour??try mine. 1 cup of flour , 1 tsp bp, pinch of salt,60gm softened butter,1cup of sugar 1 cup of coconut 1 lge egg, i throw it all in the food processor till it clumps around the blade , otherwise youll need strong arms!!!roll into a log 3cm thick and slice into little discs bake at 160 for 10/12 mins till slighty golden

pheebs1 - 2008-07-30 21:21:00

hey rachee thats wehat happens whe you get real ex cited about passing on a recipe and you type that fast and omit the impostant bits...well try adding 3/4 cup of flour just mix till a nice dough is in the bowl, these are really nice and do form a good biscuit they are a real tea dunker hold there shape and a re nice to chrunch down on

kob - 2008-07-31 06:35:00

Haha, I thought there might have been flour missing, but was giving you the benefit of the doubt! Thanks for that, will try when I have more coconut. Thanks to the other person for the recipe too (sorry, forgot your name whilst typing this).

racheee - 2008-07-31 09:20:00

Up it goes :o)

jenna68 - 2008-08-02 07:28:00

bump .

pheebs1 - 2008-08-06 21:13:00

And again.. .

jenna68 - 2008-08-10 06:51:00

bump again...

az-em - 2008-08-12 17:37:00

Okay I can contribute here this week I have made, a fruit cake, custard squares and tan square. Tomorrow morning I am making some savoury scones to take to work for my shout. I don't normally bake so many naughty delicious things but i have a week of visitors and celebrations!

graebalz - 2008-08-12 18:15:00

This message was deleted.

pericles - 2008-08-15 09:45:00

Bumping to help also

snowflake11 - 2008-08-15 19:24:00

bumping pg 5! Can't let this one go, where would I go for inspiration?

fey - 2008-08-21 18:57:00

forgot to add this on sat on sat i made tiny bite size strawberry mini cupcakes, vanilla cupcakes with lemon icing and choc chip cookies.

On Sat i am baking lolly cake, choc chip cookie and mini cupcakes

dh loves home baking!!

angel21_01 - 2008-08-21 20:17:00

angel you are doing well. We love home baking to and I never buy any baked stuff from the supermarket other than biscuits. But I don't bake as much because have to think of our waistlines.

marcs - 2008-08-22 00:42:00

Up it goes .. :o)

jenna68 - 2008-08-24 09:49:00

If anyone would like to save the pages of a thread have a page of the thread on your screen.. at the top left, click on the word 'File' - then 'Save as' - a box will pop up.. type the name of the thread - use the page number too if you want.. ie: "Baking thread 1" or any other name, in the 'File name' part, and at the top of the box, click on the little down arrow at the right end of the 'Save in" box. A range of options will come up.. choose where you want to save the thread to - ie.. to your desktop, so you have it readily accessible. Now click on 'save' at the bottom right of the box, and your computer will take a few moments to save that page of the thread (or any internet page you want to save like this) so you have it readily accessible to read through as and when you want.. Just go to where you've saved it, and click/double click on the name you've used, and it will open for you.. Hope this helps...

juliewn - 2008-08-24 21:42:00

Up it goes :o)

jenna68 - 2008-08-30 08:39:00

Saving the wealth of fabulous recipes in this wonderful thread.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-09-04 03:34:00

And again ... :o)

jenna68 - 2008-09-06 20:54:00
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