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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


Hello Rae.. enjoy your time with your darling daughter.. my thoughts are with you.. take gentle care.. x

juliewn - 2011-02-26 00:31:00

Ali, or Toady, could you please text or email me Jo's mobile number ... I had it in my old phone, but haven't caught up since my new phone arrived, cheers!

fastlanenz - 2011-02-26 08:54:00
fastlanenz wrote:

Ali, or Toady, could you please text or email me Jo's mobile number ... I had it in my old phone, but haven't caught up since my new phone arrived, cheers!

All done Jxx

toadfish - 2011-02-26 09:42:00

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elliehen - 2011-02-26 11:33:00

Hi, it's 2halls here from Cashmere ... thank you for all the good wishes, and I'm sorry it's taken me such a long time to get to the computer. My computer is in one of the highest parts of the house, and I'm too frightened to stay here for too long. We are all okay, a lot more internal damage, but so blessed to be alive and alright. Many or our neighbours not so lucky regarding their houses. For those of you that know CHCH we are immediately behind Princess Margaret Hospital. We still have no water or loos. I have so much adrenalin coursing through me much of the time, that I constantly feel like I'm at the start of a running race waiting for the starter's gun to go off. Thank God to hear so many others okay too. I will post again letter. Love to all fellow members in Christchurch. :-)

2halls - 2011-02-26 13:39:00
2halls wrote:

Hi, it's 2halls here from Cashmere ... thank you for all the good wishes, and I'm sorry it's taken me such a long time to get to the computer. My computer is in one of the highest parts of the house, and I'm too frightened to stay here for too long. We are all okay, a lot more internal damage, but so blessed to be alive and alright. Many or our neighbours not so lucky regarding their houses. For those of you that know CHCH we are immediately behind Princess Margaret Hospital. We still have no water or loos. I have so much adrenalin coursing through me much of the time, that I constantly feel like I'm at the start of a running race waiting for the starter's gun to go off. Thank God to hear so many others okay too. I will post again letter. Love to all fellow members in Christchurch. :-)

Thank god you are ok, and thank you for coming in,you have made my day.

earthangel4 - 2011-02-26 13:45:00

Hi 2halls/Fiona. So good to hear from you and that you are ok. I can't speak for all of Halswell as we have heeded the request to stay at home unless really necessary to be out and about, but right here in our immediate vicinity we have been so lucky compared to in September. We lost our power momentarily but otherwise have not lost any of the essential services (sewerage excluded), so water is not a problem for us. It is not far from our place to PMH so if you'd like to contact me/us please do so through my auction.
Take care and all the best. :-))

Edited by 245sam at 1:51 pm, Sat 26 Feb

245sam - 2011-02-26 13:51:00

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elliehen - 2011-02-26 15:09:00

I just started a thread called I have a thought - can you guys have a look and let me know what you think. Thanks

pixiegirl - 2011-02-26 15:12:00
2halls wrote:

Hi, it's 2halls here from Cashmere ... thank you for all the good wishes, and I'm sorry it's taken me such a long time to get to the computer. My computer is in one of the highest parts of the house, and I'm too frightened to stay here for too long. We are all okay, a lot more internal damage, but so blessed to be alive and alright. Many or our neighbours not so lucky regarding their houses. For those of you that know CHCH we are immediately behind Princess Margaret Hospital. We still have no water or loos. I have so much adrenalin coursing through me much of the time, that I constantly feel like I'm at the start of a running race waiting for the starter's gun to go off. Thank God to hear so many others okay too. I will post again letter. Love to all fellow members in Christchurch. :-)

I feel for you 2halls - I used to live on Longhurst Terrace which is just below Victoria Park. I'm in Spreydon now, but still walk up around your neck of the woods.

Crazy times. I have been staying out at my sister's farm and brought in a whole lot of water for my neighbours today. Too uncertain about my safety to tough it out in my home alone tonight, so I'm heading back into the country with empty containers for filling again. Do you need me to bring you some water too?

sumstyle - 2011-02-26 15:21:00

elliehen, as far as I am aware the Bernadette Street area which is part of the Aidanfield subdivision of Halswell is ok, but please be aware that our postal delivery services are not operating - according to NZ Post's website deliveries should start, where safe and possible, on Tuesday. :-))

245sam - 2011-02-26 15:28:00

Hello again ... thank you very much sumstyle and 245sam for your lovely offers of help. At this stage, we are just fine for water. Some gorgeous young women from Southbridge have been bringing a tanker of lovely well water each day and parking themselves down near the Zeroes cafe on Cashmere Road. I think we will all get through this if we all stay calm, loving and kind ... even when our nerves do get frayed (as they most certainly do) ... All I've been able to do is keep in super close contact with neighbours who live on their own. Checking in all the time, stopping for a cuppa, etc. Feel quite helpless, but if we all do a little in our own neighbourhoods, it must help ? :-)

2halls - 2011-02-26 15:35:00

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elliehen - 2011-02-26 15:50:00

every little helps and cantabrians are a wonderful giving lot, looking after yourselves and neighbours is the ticket to the whole thing, its certainly not going to be a band aid fix for anything that has been badly damaged and will take months and months day by day and cyber hug by cyber hug hopefully will get everyone thru. stay safe everyone.

auckland_ali - 2011-02-26 16:28:00
245sam wrote:

elliehen, as far as I am aware the Bernadette Street area which is part of the Aidanfield subdivision of Halswell is ok, but please be aware that our postal delivery services are not operating - according to NZ Post's website deliveries should start, where safe and possible, on Tuesday. :-))

Thank you,I want to send my son a food parcel.

earthangel4 - 2011-02-26 17:28:00
2halls wrote:

Hello again ... thank you very much sumstyle and 245sam for your lovely offers of help. At this stage, we are just fine for water. Some gorgeous young women from Southbridge have been bringing a tanker of lovely well water each day and parking themselves down near the Zeroes cafe on Cashmere Road. I think we will all get through this if we all stay calm, loving and kind ... even when our nerves do get frayed (as they most certainly do) ... All I've been able to do is keep in super close contact with neighbours who live on their own. Checking in all the time, stopping for a cuppa, etc. Feel quite helpless, but if we all do a little in our own neighbourhoods, it must help ? :-)

A little help goes a long way.xx

earthangel4 - 2011-02-26 17:30:00

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elliehen - 2011-02-26 17:44:00

I feel like Calistas Stalker but am even more reassured that she is OK and will touch base soon as I stumbled upon this

Beef olives now in the crockpot with oxtail soup.

Yes, I know according to the purists (and my own conscience) I should have done it from scratch, but I am not on top of things today and at least it 's better than takeaways.
Quote calista (77 ) 12:40 pm, Tue 22 Feb #6

So we can be reasonably sure she wasn't in the central city when it hit,

toadfish - 2011-02-26 20:58:00
elliehen wrote:

Please add your name to this thread if you think this is a good idea.

Excellent idea - I am surprised it has not been done to be honest.

nfh1 - 2011-02-26 21:21:00

I'm in Golden Bay now and looking forward to some r & r!
Had a dose of reality shared by one of my classmates & I wanted to share with you.
I'm known for always being early ... but thankfully on Tuesday I was running late!
This is where my school was ...

winnie231 - 2011-02-26 21:43:00

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cookessentials - 2011-02-26 21:50:00

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elliehen - 2011-02-26 22:16:00
winnie231 wrote:

I'm in Golden Bay now and looking forward to some r & r!
Had a dose of reality shared by one of my classmates & I wanted to share with you.
I'm known for always being early ... but thankfully on Tuesday I was running late!
This is where my school was ...

Wow - pleased you were late.

I am so sorry you new life has been interrupted with the earthquake, it must be very stressful.

nfh1 - 2011-02-26 22:24:00

Good night all,hope you are all ok,and sleeping soundly,
I am going to try get some shut eye,its been a very sad week.

earthangel4 - 2011-02-27 00:32:00
winnie231 wrote:

I'm in Golden Bay now and looking forward to some r & r!
Had a dose of reality shared by one of my classmates & I wanted to share with you.
I'm known for always being early ... but thankfully on Tuesday I was running late!
This is where my school was ...

See Winnie... just not your turn! More chapters still to add to that exciting life of your that still has the making of a Box office Hit Movie!

I have to admit feeling more than a little guilty that life is going on as normal... we had a team building day here on Friday, it was amazing in the middle of a cornfield.

They nearly cancelled out of respect for Christchurch but decided to go ahead with it.... I don't think any or my Christchurch friends would have wanted to see it cancelled... My company made a sizeable donation to the Red Cross on our behalf and we had a prayer and our own moments silence before we started the days activities. I can barely walk this weekend though all that sprinting.. I am fairly fit but not built for sudden sprints. Do you know that Sky advert where people find their happy place when they are going through tough times... eg the lady giving birth re enacting the Titanic...
Well Miss 18 as her new "Happy Place" the thought of her mother playing baseball and running around a diamond in the middle of corn field induces her into a "Laughing so hard you cry and can't speak and are in danger of wetting your pants" state... mmmmm thanks Miss 18 lol. So when she started to complain about something last night... I said "think of your happy place" ... and off she went again... We are so blessed our house is always full of love and laughter.

Edited by toadfish at 9:32 am, Sun 27 Feb

toadfish - 2011-02-27 09:18:00

Well done Toadie - you're right she can't have been there - am so glad. Winnie sounds as if your guardian angel was working overtime - just out of your house AND late for school. Hope Golden Bay is working its magic - Nelson is certainly helping me although now I need to get home to see what the moderately decrepit can do to help. I would certainly like to help with replacing things when you get back Winnie and 2halls we are are 10 minutes from you and have fresh water not connected to a damaged system and all services. Will be back tomorrow night so if you need water, laundry or a hot bath with a glass of wine please post here - you would be more than welcome.

greerg - 2011-02-27 09:22:00

I just want to say thank you to ali for getting that charger to Jo, and toadie for stalking calista & feeding us Jo's messages (I haven't been using up her bandwidth knowing you're in touch), and earthangel for your blessings. I'm right with cooksessentials, I can try & help resupply winnie or others with stuff they need. Our Chch office & that of our new parent company were damaged & they're looking for temporary premises together, but fortunately everybody got out of both buildings. They're getting together on Tuesday for a pow-wow on what to do next.

lennyb1 - 2011-02-27 10:40:00

I hope Calista is safe and maybe just having some much needed rest at this time. I love how the students mobilized and made a large army of volunteers. Go us Students! If I had no kids, I would be down there in a flash! I was wondering if anyone has a bread roll recipe at all? I hate asking about recipes at this time but baking and cooking keep me occupied at the moment.

jcprotea - 2011-02-27 11:16:00

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elliehen - 2011-02-27 11:20:00
jcprotea wrote:

I was wondering if anyone has a bread roll recipe at all?

jcprotea, have a look at:-

That's the link to the "Bread Thread. For Hand & Bread Machine Recipes :-)" where you'll find a great selection of recipes for breads of all shapes, sizes and types. :-))

Edited by 245sam at 11:22 am, Sun 27 Feb

245sam - 2011-02-27 11:20:00

nice. I have a wholemeal bread one for a loaf but I wanted a nice one for rolls or buns for the kids fish burgers. Trying to make as much as I can to save money.

jcprotea - 2011-02-27 11:24:00

Just heard from Jo and they still have no power or water, and have been told they may be waiting as long as 2 weeks for it to be sorted, its going to be a trying time for her, I hope she has friends close by with both to help her out.

Edited by toadfish at 11:56 am, Sun 27 Feb

toadfish - 2011-02-27 11:53:00

Well I made some bagels last night to bake today...Mus say they turned oout ok for everyone. Kids had some and hubby had some too.

after having been boiled for 30seconds each and just before being baked..

Fresh out of the oven and I had no polenta to coat them with so I used sesame seeds. Yes they look a little dark hehe.. the plain one is my "perfect" bagel due its size and texture.

Cross section of the "perfect" bagel.

jcprotea - 2011-02-27 13:46:00

I just texted too and shes at her dads having lunch and a shower, have offered a couple of times for her and boys to be welcome here so maybe she will come!! I do think people like to be taken out of humdrum and we are all still able to crack a joke then thats what we should be doing,
sounds like a great team thing to do and well done to that farmer it would have been a lovely day being out of the office.
I am nursing a awful cold/infection so got myself to docs on friday so waiting for the antibotics to kick in, cause I have also developed ashma doc threw me on the neberlizer before I left the building so have been quite out of breath and the coughing fits have been epic!! lol which suburb does calista live in?

Edited by auckland_ali at 1:48 pm, Sun 27 Feb

auckland_ali - 2011-02-27 13:47:00

Hi Everyone,
ok I am not much of a cook,but I try,when I was little and growing up,we were never aloud in the kitchen,when meals were getting sorted or baking done,I remember once watching my father at a very young age of 8 or 9 all he was doing was putting dripping in a pan for the roast to be cooked,he told me to clear out,that I was being nosy,so really I taught myself to cook at the age of 14,by buying books,and recently I bought a beginers book on baking.
What I really wanted to know is what boards do use use for hot pots and pans.
The other day after cooking chops in the oven,I took the pan out and put it on a wooden board and burn,t it.
It was just a cheap wooden board from the warehouse,but everytime I look at it,it looks horrid lol lol.
I went to the warehouse this morning,for some spring bulbs,they are $4.95,just wanted to price,them,sure hope they are still there on friday,if they are was mean,t to be,lol

earthangel4 - 2011-02-27 13:55:00
auckland_ali wrote:

I just texted too and shes at her dads having lunch and a shower, have offered a couple of times for her and boys to be welcome here so maybe she will come!! I do think people like to be taken out of humdrum and we are all still able to crack a joke then thats what we should be doing,
sounds like a great team thing to do and well done to that farmer it would have been a lovely day being out of the office.
I am nursing a awful cold/infection so got myself to docs on friday so waiting for the antibotics to kick in, cause I have also developed ashma doc threw me on the neberlizer before I left the building so have been quite out of breath and the coughing fits have been epic!! lol which suburb does calista live in?

I am thinking of you,get well soon,I too have a cold,but no asthma yet.

earthangel4 - 2011-02-27 13:56:00

Good afternoon from sunny Cashmere in Chch ... firstly, greerg: thank you so much for your generous offer of washing and showering. We are okay at this stage, but I suppose if no water for much longer I may well have to reconsider your gorgeous offer !! I have just walked down the hill and restocked my water supplies from the angels that come in from Southbridge each day. Did a bit of a tidy up this morning and used 1/2 bucket of water (heated) for 4 purposes: dishes, cleaning kitchen, then to mop the floor and water a plant. Amazing how little water you actually need to do a lot, shows how much we usually waste. Trying to have a bit of a 'normal' day, but not exactly possible. Hope all other Chch members are coping well. God Bless ... :-)

2halls - 2011-02-27 13:57:00

I am not much of a cook either... everything I do is trial and error. I am just lucky my bagels came out ok. first time using this recipe.

jcprotea - 2011-02-27 13:57:00

Lovely to read all the offers of support & caring comments on here which is what I love about this thread, i always feel that people that contribute to this thread accept others just as they are, & with out judgement

510 - 2011-02-27 15:01:00

The member deleted this message.

510 - 2011-02-27 15:03:00
auckland_ali wrote:

I am nursing a awful cold/infection so got myself to docs on friday so waiting for the antibotics to kick in, cause I have also developed ashma doc threw me on the neberlizer before I left the building so have been quite out of breath and the coughing fits have been epic!! lol

Hope you r soon feeling better Ali

Edited by 510 at 3:09 pm, Sun 27 Feb

510 - 2011-02-27 15:07:00
elliehen wrote:

Don't feel guilty about asking about recipes...doing something 'normal' is what people in crisis crave and I know personally some who are longing for their internet connection to feel 'connected' again.

I have been having similar conversations with other people, & one great response was that "we have to carry on doing normal things so we can support the people in Christchurch."

510 - 2011-02-27 15:14:00

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elliehen - 2011-02-27 15:29:00
jcprotea wrote:

I am not much of a cook either... everything I do is trial and error. I am just lucky my bagels came out ok. first time using this recipe.

And what you have done is so yummy.

earthangel4 - 2011-02-27 15:30:00
510 wrote:

Lovely to read all the offers of support & caring comments on here which is what I love about this thread, i always feel that people that contribute to this thread accept others just as they are, & with out judgement

And I agree with you 100% that is why I post in here,I know I will not be judged.
I pick and choose my threads now,have been really hurt over some comments that have been said. hugs to you.

earthangel4 - 2011-02-27 15:33:00
510 wrote:

I have been having similar conversations with other people, & one great response was that "we have to carry on doing normal things so we can support the people in Christchurch."

I know what you mean,I sent a joke away the other day,and the answer I got back was ,all jokes put a side,you should be thinking of those in ch ch. wooooooooooo

earthangel4 - 2011-02-27 15:35:00
elliehen wrote:

WELL DONE!, not the bagel ;)
The bagel is pretty good looking ;)

I have got a recipe book with all the instructions, eat bagels often, but have never got around to making my own. I lived in a Jewish suburb of a large US city for several years and got used to walking down to the village for fresh bagels of every description, bought by the dozen.

was it in New York? there is a large population of the Chabad sect living in Brooklyn/Crown Heights area. I could turn these into pizza bagels for the kids. Yeah I feel a bit guilty only because SIL is in Chch as is my nephew and i know they have nothing at present but what they could grab. They flew out Wednesday I think and inlaws got them on Thursday. I have been busy with my son getting grommets on Friday so can't help much plus being short of money until student money comes back sucks.
I like this thread as it is not a b****hy as parenting.

Edited by jcprotea at 4:55 pm, Sun 27 Feb

jcprotea - 2011-02-27 16:54:00

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elliehen - 2011-02-27 17:01:00
elliehen wrote:

Squirrel Hill in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. From my first floor bedroom window I could see three synagogues - and lots of squirrels ;)

The good thing about this thread is that you can ask, or comment on, absolutely anything at all and not be told you are hijacking the thread.

Pittsburgh was my first thought but then I thought nah... oh you lucky thing. If I had no kids or anything, I would be off in a kibbutz right about now.

jcprotea - 2011-02-27 17:32:00
2halls wrote:

Good afternoon from sunny Cashmere in Chch ... firstly, greerg: thank you so much for your generous offer of washing and showering. We are okay at this stage, but I suppose if no water for much longer I may well have to reconsider your gorgeous offer !! I have just walked down the hill and restocked my water supplies from the angels that come in from Southbridge each day. Did a bit of a tidy up this morning and used 1/2 bucket of water (heated) for 4 purposes: dishes, cleaning kitchen, then to mop the floor and water a plant. Amazing how little water you actually need to do a lot, shows how much we usually waste. Trying to have a bit of a 'normal' day, but not exactly possible. Hope all other Chch members are coping well. God Bless ... :-)

Great news, 2halls. I brought in about 60 litres in all types of containers for my neighbours, and now that I've spent the day here I'm going to be brave and try and stay the night. It has helped that there's only been one aftershock that I've felt while out shoveling the liquifaction.

Stuff smashed in my pantry. I could identify only the grape seed oil as one of the liquids - it took a while to clean up so I had plenty of time to try and i.d. the other additives in the chaos!

Lost all of the contents of my freezer - the only thing I regret is some duck breasts that I had brought as a luxury treat/experiment. That'll teach me to procrastinate about cooking em.

sumstyle - 2011-02-27 17:42:00
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