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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


Hi earthangel ... I hope you get a cancellation sooner rather than later ?? I'm off to hospital (again!!) on Thursday, assuming that I can put up with everything that long !! ?? It was so hot here in Christchurch yesterday, that today's cool temperature and rain is a blessing really. Take care everybody. winnie ... a question for you, please ... can you tell me an approximate price range for lunch at the Casino ? Many thanks :-)

2halls - 2011-02-07 16:19:00

2halls - there's a lunch special on at the casino until the end of Feb ... $19 for 3 courses with the choices changing daily. It's available 12-2pm.

winnie231 - 2011-02-07 16:36:00

heya EA, di you tell them you had an infection when you phoned, as they should be able to push you ahead or prescribe something

motorbo - 2011-02-07 16:44:00

Thanks winnie, that is very reasonable indeedy ! I had read recently that they had made a lot of changes to the food, and just wondered if it also meant a big hike in prices ? :-)

Edited by 2halls at 4:50 pm, Mon 7 Feb

2halls - 2011-02-07 16:49:00

I didn't add that special is in the Grand Cafe ... the prices did change/go up when they went from buffet to a la carte & the customer numbers at lunchtime have been low which is why they have the special on to drum up business.
I think it's a very good deal and worth trying. I plan on taking Mum before it ends (the only part of the casino I'm allowed in as a customer).

winnie231 - 2011-02-07 16:56:00

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elliehen - 2011-02-08 00:39:00

Hi Everyone..

Hi Earthangel - can you ask your GP's receptionist to phone you if they get a cancellation - let them know you can get there in 'x' amount of time - hopefully you'll get something quickly - good luck.

I was talking to my Son - who is now in Brisbane - earlier tonight - he's taking time off to be here for Jenni's 21st in April.. I'm smiling, will be so good to have him with us.. we see him often, last time early November, it's just that this is a very special occasion - and Jenni has a huge surprise coming! :-)

Have a fabulous Tuesday everyone..

juliewn - 2011-02-08 04:34:00

Hi Julie ... hope things are well in your neck of the woods.
I thought I was the only one around at this hour of the morning ...

winnie231 - 2011-02-08 04:58:00

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cookessentials - 2011-02-08 06:59:00
elliehen wrote:

Bumping for Tuesday's early risers ;)

I had only just gone to bed then haha! got back up really early. Hope things are well with all...

jcprotea - 2011-02-08 07:44:00
motorbo wrote:

heya EA, di you tell them you had an infection when you phoned, as they should be able to push you ahead or prescribe something

Yes I did,here before you get an appointment with the doctor,they get the nurse to ring you,I am not that bad,its just started,so its ok hun.

earthangel4 - 2011-02-08 07:54:00
cookessentials wrote:

engagement Julie?

yes wating for someone too cancel,I am ok,just not getting much sleep,have tried everything,its the pills I am on,slowly coming off them,I am sure its those given me panic attacks,as have never had them before,very very scarey thought I was having a heart attack.

earthangel4 - 2011-02-08 07:57:00
juliewn wrote:

Hi Everyone..

Hi Earthangel - can you ask your GP's receptionist to phone you if they get a cancellation - let them know you can get there in 'x' amount of time - hopefully you'll get something quickly - good luck. oh sorry posted in wrong thread,not much sleep here,I would be smiling too.

I was talking to my Son - who is now in Brisbane - earlier tonight - he's taking time off to be here for Jenni's 21st in April.. I'm smiling, will be so good to have him with us.. we see him often, last time early November, it's just that this is a very special occasion - and Jenni has a huge surprise coming! :-)

Have a fabulous Tuesday everyone..

ah lovely I would be smiling too,have to watch this post,lol,I posted in wrong thread,have had very little sleep sorry.

earthangel4 - 2011-02-08 08:00:00
winnie231 wrote:

I didn't add that special is in the Grand Cafe ... the prices did change/go up when they went from buffet to a la carte & the customer numbers at lunchtime have been low which is why they have the special on to drum up business.
I think it's a very good deal and worth trying. I plan on taking Mum before it ends (the only part of the casino I'm allowed in as a customer).

You are a lovely person to think of your mum,Angel hugs to you.

earthangel4 - 2011-02-08 08:01:00
2halls wrote:

Hi earthangel ... I hope you get a cancellation sooner rather than later ?? I'm off to hospital (again!!) on Thursday, assuming that I can put up with everything that long !! ?? It was so hot here in Christchurch yesterday, that today's cool temperature and rain is a blessing really. Take care everybody. winnie ... a question for you, please ... can you tell me an approximate price range for lunch at the Casino ? Many thanks :-)

Hi there,I am ok,have been thinking of my darling dil,she is 7 months pregnant,they heat must be getting too her poor thing,must txt her today.

earthangel4 - 2011-02-08 08:03:00
calista wrote:

Winnie, I like your attitude regarding Miss 14's hair, but could it get her suspended from school? Some high Schools have done this in the past.

yep me too,a lovely attitude,so positive,you rock.

earthangel4 - 2011-02-08 08:05:00

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elliehen - 2011-02-08 09:01:00
elliehen wrote:

That's not enough sleep! You need your eight hours ;)

yeah I never get enough sleep in this house, just a fact of life really.

jcprotea - 2011-02-08 15:31:00
jcprotea wrote:

yeah I never get enough sleep in this house, just a fact of life really.

I so know the feeling....even on nights off partner wakes 5am and so do I. My trouble is i work every 2nd night and then 4 nights off at end of the fortnight.

jbsouthland - 2011-02-08 17:22:00
winnie231 wrote:

Hi Julie ... hope things are well in your neck of the woods.
I thought I was the only one around at this hour of the morning ...

Hello Rae.. all ok here thanks.. and am busy in my garden and kitchen.. I have visitors from Aussie coming soon, then Jenni's 21st in April - and want my garden to look gorgeous for both! Having an injured shoulder isn't helping.. it's been taped up today to support it.. another ultra-sound guided cortisone injection again in 2 weeks.

How are you? I'd think you're looking forward to spending your time with your Daughter.. have the best time.. I guess you're back into your studies again.. or about to be.. good luck with them for this year Rae.. you have a support crew of many here - it's lovely to read of your successes..

Hi Pam.. how are you there? Great that your Qld holiday was lovely..

No.. not an engagement.. Jenni doesn't know Chris is coming home for her 21st party - I gave her a special party when she turned 18 too, Chris came back from Vancouver for that and has told Jenni 'Ohh I'm not gonna get there for your 21st Sis, I was there for your 18th, does that count?' I'm guessing her happy tears will be flowing because he'll be here.. it'll be very, very special..

I've decided to make all the food from recipes I've made for her over the years since she was young, that she particularly enjoys.. and that'll include some of the drinks - my grapes are almost ripe - will make grape juice from them and add lemonade and sliced lemons and mint leaves for punch that night..

I've been thinking of foods to make for the party - and can't think of what to make for dinner!! It's so hot here, have been steaming a few prawns some nights, having them with salad and veges from my garden.. don't even feel like that tonight. Time to go inspire myself.. :-)

Hope you all have a lovely evening..

juliewn - 2011-02-08 19:28:00

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elliehen - 2011-02-09 00:59:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-02-09 07:38:00

Morning all,
6th shift in a row coming up for me tonight and feeling it!!! Think I need to buy a cucumber to deal with the bags under my eyes lol!
Atleast tonight I start at 5pm so only work till 1am and I'm in the smaller bar which means I'm not the shift supervisor - less pressure hooray!

winnie231 - 2011-02-09 13:42:00

im worn out, so its my leaving morning tea tommorrow and i made danas choccy cake - gluten free (hope it tastes ok) peanut butter cookies - gluten free, gluten free shortbread and breadcases with asparagus/cheese sauce filling, time to crash!!! lol

motorbo - 2011-02-09 20:07:00

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cookessentials - 2011-02-09 21:04:00

Just flying in and flying out... Have been super busy the last few days and for those in the "know" things have gone extremely well. Just been to see my Dad for his birthday,, It was nice to have all the family together as my brother is over from Darwin. I must go to bed now as these long days are killing me... what I should really say is they are making me tired lol... still very much alive.

Take Care one and all and in the famous words of Arnie... "I'll be back" when I have more time and my eyes arn't trying to close on me...

Nighty night.

toadfish - 2011-02-09 21:53:00

be kind to yourself Toady, and enjoy the family time .. precious memories when siblings live further afield xx

fastlanenz - 2011-02-09 22:54:00

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elliehen - 2011-02-10 00:43:00

Shakey shakey ... a short sharp jolt here at 2.24am just to remind us Cantabs the earth is a living thing!

winnie231 - 2011-02-10 02:27:00

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cookessentials - 2011-02-10 10:16:00

Hello all,
Its a beautiful day here today,have been sitting out in the sun,a great healer.
i so wished I could unpack the last of the boxes that I saw out in the garage,but dh has said no.
I am doing ok just so down i can not do too much,as have started to bleed,at least I am up and out of bed.
And I am on here,just get so depressed.
The cherry rite is not working at the moment,so little sleep,never mind over venting,I am a live.

earthangel4 - 2011-02-10 14:53:00

There's nothing like adding a lack of sleep to what's wrong to make things feel really bleak is there? Good for DH - bleeding and lifting boxes - shame on you EA. Just keep sitting in the sun and maybe snoozing a bit - don't let this set back get you down.

greerg - 2011-02-10 16:37:00

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elliehen - 2011-02-11 00:35:00

Where is everyone today?
I've been minding chores today ... great way to spend my day off!
I took my car in for a service this morn in prep for the drive up to the bay next week ... and came out $260 poorer but with a car that's running well.
Have driven around town for Mum - she's having a big clean out ready for moving to her townhouse next month ... the city mission op-shop are very happy with my deliveries!
Off to house & dogsit for a friend for the next 2 nights .... he has a huge flat screen tv so it's me, the dog, a bottle of wine, blue brie, some crackers & a dvd tonight! Mmmm - what more does a single girl need lol!

winnie231 - 2011-02-11 16:20:00

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cookessentials - 2011-02-11 16:33:00

sounds like a lovely restaurant Pam, hot here in auckland, got a bit cold in wellington on monday, brought hubby a new jumper while shopping and wore it till I got to the hotel lol - the shop assistant gave me a bag to bag it in !! - two pairs of shoes later I was a happy camper, lovely meals we had in wellington we have had a bit too much japanese and thai lately so ended up twice at italian, beautiful food. I had a flurry of hospital rounds with parents - time of life got the teenagers almost off our hands and now its the parents getting elderly, circle of life... enjoy your big screen tv and wine winnie.

auckland_ali - 2011-02-11 18:04:00

Hi Everyone.. sounds good Rae.. sounds like my kind of evening sans wine.. grape juice bubbles instead.. and add some home-made pesto.. :-)

I had a productive afternoon this week.. using vegetables and herbs from my garden - the only vege purchased was onions as I didn't want to use the wonderful shallots I've harvested and have drying on a netting frame. I made tomato relish, adding some ground ginger, mixed spice and cinnamon.. it tastes very good.. Also made parsley, mixed basil types and lemon balm pesto, with macadamia's added, three bottles of mint sauce, and bottled some beetroot.. very nice to have them all done.. some to use for Jenni's 21st in April.. I'm using goodies I've grown for as much as possible for her party.

For the pesto, I now add the zest and juice and pulp from the lemon's - the only part not used is the pith. I remove the zest, then cut the lemon's in half. Remove any pips then add the pulp and juice to the processor.. .. extra goodies, extra lemon and it's flavour.. all of which is good to me!

I have several kg's of tomatoes I've picked to make some tomato sauce.. my favourite recipe after trying many recipes in the years after getting married, is still packed, I have no idea where.. trying to remember it.. I think it was 12lbs tomatoes, 4 large onions, 3 oz common salt, 1 packet pickling spices tied in muslin, I think 1 and 1/2 bottles malt vinegar.. and think 3lb sugar.. no apples were used.

I've searched here in Trademe and online, to find something similar - the closest is this, here in Trademe - it doesn't have onions, however would be ok to add.. :

12lbs Tomatoes
3 lb sugar
2 TBLSP plain salt
1 1/2 pints vinegar
2 oz pickling spice (2 pkts)
Boil all 2 1/2 hours, moulie and reboil 1/2 hour, then bottle
This comes out fairly spicy with me picking out most of the chilli's from the pickling spice, so you could leave them in and don't put them in a bag, just mouli it all up together.

sooseque (294 ) 1:50 pm, Sun 21 Mar 2010 #5

Thanks Sooseque.. :~)

Have a great weekend everyone.. raining here.. wanted to get some vege and flower seedlings today to plant.. the flowers to plant at garden edges so the gardens look gorgeous for the party - rain way too heavy to go plant hunting, so a job for tomorrow or asap. Take care all.. :-)

juliewn - 2011-02-11 19:26:00

I've got a Nora Jones dvd on ... the surround sound is giving me goose bumps!!!

winnie231 - 2011-02-11 19:33:00

Ohh.. I love her music and her DVD's..

My sauce is cooking.. added extra spices - ginger plus some mixed spice and cinnamon.. it smells very good!

Enjoy yourself Rae..

juliewn - 2011-02-11 21:00:00

Hi all,
Its been a lovely sunny day here,all is well.
Just popped in to say good night.
Hope you are all well,its still very hot and muggy here.
Night night,and sweet dreams.

earthangel4 - 2011-02-11 23:16:00

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elliehen - 2011-02-12 00:43:00

o my goodness elliehen,I thought I was the only one up at this hour,too hot to sleep,sign.

earthangel4 - 2011-02-12 01:20:00

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elliehen - 2011-02-12 12:01:00

A quiet bump for all the night owls ... though it looks like they're asleep. Shhhh

winnie231 - 2011-02-13 04:05:00

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elliehen - 2011-02-13 12:12:00
elliehen wrote:

Wake-up call for winnie and the dog ;)

and me I was watching Australia the movie and reading the IDF news site.

I have a hummus recipe that I just made. Not sure if one has been posted. May be the same or different but it is very easy and yummy.

Homemade Hummus recipe:

1 x 420g can of chickpeas
1/4 of a cup of olive oil
1 teaspoon of cumin powder
...1 tablespoon of lemon juice

Blend in a food processor until smooth and creamy. You can add pepper to taste if you want.

jcprotea - 2011-02-13 16:27:00

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elliehen - 2011-02-13 18:12:00

looks good jcprotea, the only hummus I have made had seasame tahinni in it as well, didnt realize you could make it without, easy enough if you have a tin in the pantry and you dont have a lot of time to do some nibbles. just done grocery shopping, had 4 canvas bags, they worked out at $50 dollars each, no meat from the meat department either, mind you thats a cheap shop for the 5 of us!! its hot hot hot, even the car said it was 28c outside!!

auckland_ali - 2011-02-13 19:17:00

Alison and Simon Holst have a hummus recipe that uses peanut butter rather than tahini.

calista - 2011-02-13 20:44:00

I find Tahini expensive. I always have chickpeas around as I am vegan and it is used in a lot of my curries. You can also add roast pumpkin or kumara in it to make it a bit more chunky. If you use a 390g can, you end up with a bit of liquid so adding 1/4 cup of mashed roast kumara or pumpkin would be nice. I have not made the roast pumpkin or kumara but myself but I am going on trial and error of using a smaller can and adding a 1/4 cup more chickpeas for added bulk.

oh and guess what the kids get for lunch tomorrow with excess hummus hahaha...

Edited by jcprotea at 10:18 pm, Sun 13 Feb

jcprotea - 2011-02-13 22:15:00
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