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Earthangel do take things easy as healing takes time and you have had such alot of illness...warm hugs....enjoy dreaming re that new garden and draw ideas onto paper...I did when we moved here 7mnths ago to grass...both our backs were niggly after the shift and no way could I plant yet alone get garden beds started....lots of keeping clumps of Perennials watered in pots/cardboard boxes for months...but now in and better late than never and our backs ( both have old Nursing injuries ) are coping.Initally I planted two lots of Sweetpeas on fences and they kept my" fresh flowers in house "need happy till the rest gets developed...take care all you others too.

Edited by jbsouthland at 5:23 am, Thu 27 Jan

jbsouthland - 2011-01-27 05:21:00

Good morning all you sicking, ailing, injured, recooperating .... and in a minority group - healthy bunch of friends.
I'm lying here in bed doing the covers on ... covers off thing while waiting for panadol to bring my temp back down. Thankfully our postings here don't involve a webcam lol!!!
Have a fab day - and wherever you are at - find one thing to smile about ... and do one thing to make someone else smile.
The world would be a much better place if everyone did this every day!xxx

winnie231 - 2011-01-27 06:46:00

heya Ea hope your well today, and all the other injured!! i have tooth problems lol

think i might not have mentioned EA, i got a new job! 2 weeks and two days to go yahh they let me leave early!!

motorbo - 2011-01-27 08:46:00

morning all...big hug outs to all those not so well today - especially winnie...loads of fluid kiddo and keep resting!!!!
motor that is awesome news about your job!! all the best and brill that you have such a good transition....
raining off and on here today so no gardening... mmmmmmmmm lol now i don't feel guilty about card making today... take care all........

timetable - 2011-01-27 11:41:00
motorbo wrote:

heya Ea hope your well today, and all the other injured!! i have tooth problems lol

think i might not have mentioned EA, i got a new job! 2 weeks and two days to go yahh they let me leave early!!

well done to you,you rock.

earthangel4 - 2011-01-27 12:23:00
jbsouthland wrote:

Earthangel do take things easy as healing takes time and you have had such alot of illness...warm hugs....enjoy dreaming re that new garden and draw ideas onto paper...I did when we moved here 7mnths ago to grass...both our backs were niggly after the shift and no way could I plant yet alone get garden beds started....lots of keeping clumps of Perennials watered in pots/cardboard boxes for months...but now in and better late than never and our backs ( both have old Nursing injuries ) are coping.Initally I planted two lots of Sweetpeas on fences and they kept my" fresh flowers in house "need happy till the rest gets developed...take care all you others too.

so true hun,I am stressing out,dont sure what to do about my job and all.
I am a caregiver.

earthangel4 - 2011-01-27 12:24:00

So am I EA and the lifting can be a Beggar....just get yourself well and then see how you are re work....mark the calender in advance as Drs would have told you the required time ...remember everyday is a healing one...just don't overdo things. Our gardens and housework can wait . Take Care... *HUGS*

jbsouthland - 2011-01-27 14:19:00
timetable wrote:

morning all...big hug outs to all those not so well today - especially winnie...loads of fluid kiddo and keep resting!!!!
motor that is awesome news about your job!! all the best and brill that you have such a good transition....
raining off and on here today so no gardening... mmmmmmmmm lol now i don't feel guilty about card making today... take care all........

How wonderful you make cards....have fiddled around abit with them years ago .I remember Gore had a nice shop with all the fancy bits and pieces for cards and scrapbooking. We were up in Gore Geocaching as well as visiting a friend last weekend ... she makes cards...wish I'd checked out the shop though have a feeling its long gone.

jbsouthland - 2011-01-27 14:23:00

no its still here jb!! Kelvin House - relocated around the back industrial part of town but still have a wonderful selection of bits and pieces.. was sad to see that a long timer is closing down in ingill - whichcraft... when we lived at eastlime hills all my craft came from there... got my wonderful cross stich large frame from there... and they did layby which was such a blessing....hope everyone's day is going well... lol jb card day for me on sat me thinks...

timetable - 2011-01-27 15:53:00

Thanks must have a lookie next time there...though shouldn't go near the place tempting. Whichcraft has been around for ever started in arcade , wee shop crammed full of supplies. We can all guess what large nationwide retailer that came to Invers helped their demise.... Have another nice private owned patchwork shop in Spey st . By the way timetable have you ever stopped in at Annies in Ashburton...dear wee cottage and garden ,inside lovely displays of crafts.

Edited by jbsouthland at 4:42 pm, Thu 27 Jan

jbsouthland - 2011-01-27 16:41:00

jbsouthland,when reading your post,my heart tells me too wait,and rest.Ah I would love a hobby,would love to make cards.
I am also thinking scrap boarding.
Ah welcome timetable lovely to see you in here.
Its a lovely day here,so nice,I am a summer baby.
Sure hope everyone else is well,and enjoying there day.

earthangel4 - 2011-01-27 16:54:00

thanks ea lovely to see you too!!!! and glad that you are being a sensible wee cookie and taking it easy!!
jb yes i had a look last year when in ashburton for our officer fellowship week... was lovely!!! but a bit out of my price range bar the lovely pattern i brought to make a christmas quilt... that is on my to do list for this year!!!!!

i have been doing cards for about 5 years now and don't spend much money on them by keeping an eye out for specials and bits and bobs that i pick up at warehouse especially.. heaps of lovely christmas bits on special that have me set for this years christmas cards.... just finished pizza - naughty me i ate too much!!!! hugs all and catch ya later...

timetable - 2011-01-27 18:32:00

Hi Earthangel - great to hear you are on the mend. Have you thought of some cross stitch or other embroidery. Ideal from the sofa, totally non stressful and quite absorbing. I did a lot years ago when I was really cast for quite a while and it was excellent for removing the mind from all the things you "ought" to be doing.

greerg - 2011-01-27 20:44:00

hey EA, something ive learnt in the last year, some things have to run there course, it will all work out in the end just have trust and work on not working and healing, once healed the world will be waiting :) HUGS!!

motorbo - 2011-01-27 21:56:00

Hi Greerg,was thinking about cross stitch,then I thought I had a rug I started last year,would like to finish for our bedroom,but thanks for the ideas.
Yes Motorbo,I have to heal first,I am doing good,watching a lot of movies,and reading.
Not able to sleep tonight,but I am a night owl,so its all good.
Sent a parcel to my grandaughter,she is one on the 31st,so hope she gets it in time,its got to go to Blenheim.

earthangel4 - 2011-01-27 22:53:00

Hi earthangel, I have been admitted to hospital almost 60 times in the last four years or so, so I do know what it's like to feel frustrated by your physical condition and limited in your ability to do things. The biggest thing I have learned is to take great pleasure and satisfaction in the things you CAN do ... and not dwell on those you can't. This can be as small as being able to ring a friend and have time to listen to them, it does not have to be physical activity. You have to mentally adjust to your situation. Sometimes we have no control over what our bodies do, but we do ALWAYS have a choice about our thoughts. I send you all my best wishes for a speedy recovery, and the ability to cope with what comes your way :-)

2halls - 2011-01-28 07:37:00

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herika - 2011-01-28 08:00:00

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herika - 2011-01-28 08:03:00

Wow...60 times in the last 4 years..... Before Saturday I had been in to hospital only twice... and each time came home with a baby. I told the anaesthatist... that under no circumstances was this to happen this time lol. It was my first ever General.... he said he was putting something in the tube that would feel like a couple of G&T's.... Liar... lay there waiting for that lovely feeling for all of 2 seconds... then woke up in recovery.

toadfish - 2011-01-28 08:40:00

Healing vibes to all that need it... hope your tonsils are feeling better Winnie... I always think you get tonsillitis when you get run down..... Winnie???? It must have been hard settling into shift work and I guess your body is having a wee "Revolt".

Another day taking it easy... luckily being paid... quite like this full time work business... sometimes. The silver lining of my cloud is I have got to just hang out with the girls... not doing stuff and making the most of my day off.... just hanging... have loved it. Its been a very long time since I have done a full week... before Christmas now.

Have a great day one and all, be happy.... And for a giggle have a look what I have just brought my sister in law for her birthday... apparently they have flowers on them now... wont she get a surprise! (I have brought one for me too... couldn't resist them.
If someone can let me know how to extract seeds you can all have one... kind of a "Circle of Freinds" secret

Edited by toadfish at 8:54 am, Fri 28 Jan

toadfish - 2011-01-28 08:46:00

Good grief toadie ... what on earth were you searching for when you came across that ?? The mind boggles ! :-)

2halls - 2011-01-28 09:01:00

morning all... lovely and sunny today... off to finish the buyin gof the school uniform for mr 11 today............... lol there goes the last of the cash in hand!! still we are blessed to get him into St Peter's and just know that it is the right school for him.... hugs all for today, continued rest and healing for all those that need it and may today bring a smile to your dial... re cross stich... i love it!! have not been able to do much of it till these holiday's when i got busy and re organised my craft room... now have a couple of near finished projects ready to work on each night and am making cross stich cards again also... as not studying this year i wanted something that i could sit and do in the lounge to keep me away from the fridge and bickie tins lol.. bless ya crew!!

timetable - 2011-01-28 09:16:00

Lol Toady......I blame the anaesthetic(sp) ...I believe it takes awhile to leave the system ! My father spreads the seeds out on paper towel and lets them dry when he saves seeds from Heritage tomatoes each year....guess its the same for peppers.

jbsouthland - 2011-01-28 09:22:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-01-28 09:29:00

thanks!! today im at home with horrid tooth/gum ache, hope the antibiotics kick in today i want to enjoy the long weekend

herika wrote:

Hi motorbo,
Great to hear you got a new job! All the best and enjoy your time off

motorbo - 2011-01-28 09:35:00

Hi all ... and thanks for the thoughts.
I went back to the doc yesterday as I was getting worse & the lab tests have come back positive for strep throat so now I'm on antibiotics & hopefully will be over my tonsilitis soon!
Seems like such a small thing compared to what some of you are going through ... but it's really taken me down hard. I think you're right about the shiftwork thing toady. I just wish I'd been in the job longer as this is all unpaid sick leave which I really can't afford!!! The standard joke in our family when pennies are tight is "will just have to head down Manchester St"!!! lol (You may need to come from Chch to understand)

Miss (nearly) 14 starts back at school on the 7th Feb ... thankfully she's at an Area School with no uniform so no big expense right after christmas! The other plus is because of the rural location, the kids live in shorts or jeans & tshirts year round with no pressure to make a fashion statement each school day. Much healthier I think.

Have a good day everyone.

winnie231 - 2011-01-28 10:56:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-28 11:13:00

winnie ... as it is not your 'conversational skills' that are required on Manchester St (!!) you may well be fine ? Sore throat and all ... :-)

2halls - 2011-01-28 11:26:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-28 12:00:00

jb it does for sure!! i had a procedure last week and am only just starting to feel ok today... my prayer partner who is a nurse says that the anesthetic can stay in your hair alone for up to 10 days after!! i have been perking myself up with a garlic/zinc/vit c and echinacea tablet - just one a day - and am feeling a heap better... will only take it for a week just to perk the old system up...

winnie loads of good thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery.... you are a worry about 'alternative income'!!

motor same as to you too kiddo - get well soon.....

did not too bad on the uniform stuff as managed to get most of what we still needed and saved about $100 all up buying at the uniform shop rather than the recomended dept store...

take care all and catch ya later...

timetable - 2011-01-28 12:44:00
2halls wrote:

Hi earthangel, I have been admitted to hospital almost 60 times in the last four years or so, so I do know what it's like to feel frustrated by your physical condition and limited in your ability to do things. The biggest thing I have learned is to take great pleasure and satisfaction in the things you CAN do ... and not dwell on those you can't. This can be as small as being able to ring a friend and have time to listen to them, it does not have to be physical activity. You have to mentally adjust to your situation. Sometimes we have no control over what our bodies do, but we do ALWAYS have a choice about our thoughts. I send you all my best wishes for a speedy recovery, and the ability to cope with what comes your way :-)

Thank you 2halls,I am doing really well today,just need to sleep,went to bed at 1am,still awake at 4am,up at 9.30,I have a bad addiction with caffeine,was off it,but with all the stress over the past few weeks,I went back on it,but I am not smoking,felt like it a couple of times,but no way.

earthangel4 - 2011-01-28 14:23:00
winnie231 wrote:

Hi all ... and thanks for the thoughts.
I went back to the doc yesterday as I was getting worse & the lab tests have come back positive for strep throat so now I'm on antibiotics & hopefully will be over my tonsilitis soon!
Seems like such a small thing compared to what some of you are going through ... but it's really taken me down hard. I think you're right about the shiftwork thing toady. I just wish I'd been in the job longer as this is all unpaid sick leave which I really can't afford!!! The standard joke in our family when pennies are tight is "will just have to head down Manchester St"!!! lol (You may need to come from Chch to understand)

Miss (nearly) 14 starts back at school on the 7th Feb ... thankfully she's at an Area School with no uniform so no big expense right after christmas! The other plus is because of the rural location, the kids live in shorts or jeans & tshirts year round with no pressure to make a fashion statement each school day. Much healthier I think.

Have a good day everyone.

lol lol,I know all about that,dh,went over a few weeks ago,he got asked twice,said he had a lovely wife at home waiting for him,lol,but I do know what you mean,I rang the disability insurance office this morning to change my address and update about the claim,they only received it yesterday so much for fast post,took 4 days to get there,but siad I should hear early next week,sure hope its good news,otherwise why have a one,that I pay every week into.
I have used up all my sick leave and all,am thinking of you.

earthangel4 - 2011-01-28 14:28:00

thansk timetable! i gotta say im sitting here laughing - wrong of me i guess but they say if you dont laugh you will cry and the thought of us all falling apart will ills etc just made me laugh! im going to a gf`s tongiht for a couple of wines, they might numb the pain, im a bit better this afternoon, or it could be im learnign to live with it, i gotta cos i cant see dentist till next wed. all up by the itme im finished it will cost me about 1,600 for one lousy tooth!!

motorbo - 2011-01-28 14:58:00

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herika - 2011-01-28 15:46:00

Wow - it pays to clean up the bedroom once in a while. I found a stash of money that was enough to pay my lunch at a local cafe, then this afternoon in a disused suitcase I found some beautiful rose gold wire earrings I bought in Auckland and had never worn. I had thought I had lost them for good.

calista - 2011-01-28 16:31:00
calista wrote:

Wow - it pays to clean up the bedroom once in a while. I found a stash of money that was enough to pay my lunch at a local cafe, then this afternoon in a disused suitcase I found some beautiful rose gold wire earrings I bought in Auckland and had never worn. I had thought I had lost them for good.

wow hugs to you.

earthangel4 - 2011-01-28 17:37:00

sending prayers of healing to all those "under the weather" one way or another, and a warm squeeze to Maggie: may 2011 bring you peace and strength, lovely lady xxx

fastlanenz - 2011-01-28 18:04:00

A Saturday bump! While camping we took the Takaka oaty ginger slice - YUM!!, and choc chip biscuits (AWW recipe I have), and I premixed some mince into hamburger mixture, which made 2 x easy dinners, and plenty of salad stuff for sandwiches. I picked up 20 bread rolls for $4.50 on special so that made it a cheap and easy choice for lunches/dinners. I made some chicken kebabs out of chicken thighs that were on special, and froze them covered with a peanut butter/sweetchilli/garlic marinade, they were delicious with wraps and tzatziki sauce - I could have made the tzatziki but ran out of time. Premixing and planning made it such a relaxing holiday!

fastlanenz - 2011-01-29 10:35:00

hi fast... lol i think that i will come with you on holiday - sounds soooooooooooooooo yum!!!!! clever you for getting that all sussed and great prices too!!
raining here still and hubby has lit the boiler as rather chilly..... like winter really!!!!
take care all and have a great day....

timetable - 2011-01-29 11:02:00

hello everyone! feeling better today the antibiotics are working, yippeeeeee cos im off to see the Hollies in concert at Mills Reef Winery! hope everyone else is feeling better today also!!

motorbo - 2011-01-29 13:01:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-29 14:03:00

yup cookes the system will always find a way to screw ya, hope some good luck comes your way!!

motorbo - 2011-01-29 14:34:00

Some of you may know i know just a little bit about ACC.... and if you are self employed... you must.. must... must get cover plus extra.

An example is a builder or shop keeper who has a bad year and makes $40K and profit shares $10K to partner leaving him/her with $30K.... of which if he has an accident ACC will pay him 80% of $30K.... to live on which is $461 BEFORE tax, as this is what his levies are paid on.

What the same Builder/Shop Owner can do is say... What the books say I earn and what I really earn can sometimes be different (Once depreciation, expenses, profit share etc are taken off) What I really need is $50K to live on should I have an accident. You then specify that with ACC and then they pay you immediately (after the 1 week stand down) the agreed amount. If you didn't have extra you would have to go to the accountant and get up to date books.. and then its all held up till you can prove actual earnings....If you are having a good year.... too bad they pay you on the previous year... make sense

Lecture over.....

And for the records... I HATE ACC LEVIES.... you think a shop owner or Real Estate Person is bad... try being a self employed builder... horrendous.

Edited by toadfish at 2:45 pm, Sat 29 Jan

toadfish - 2011-01-29 14:43:00

Hi all,
I'm on the improve thanks ... but closely resemble a well wrung dish rag so don't worry - don't think I'd make much $$ down Manchester St anyway!!
Just concentrating on getting better - have my feet up in a lazyboy with Sir Winston by my side :)
Hope your weekend's going well!

winnie231 - 2011-01-29 15:54:00

o dear cooks,hope it all gets sorted for you.
Winnie angel hugs to you.
Its been raining here and a bit chilly,so dh lit the fire,now the sun is out.
I have had a day that I call,potting around,and did a wee bit of shopping,and walked the dog,just a short walk,as I am still not 100% yet.

earthangel4 - 2011-01-29 16:21:00

It takes a while building up stamina again. I went to the local town centre as I have a birthday I HAD to buy for. Brought this fabulous Glass Teapot, with diffuser in the middle... 60% off at briscoes so cost me $24, plan to add some nice loose leaf tea afrom a speciality shop and the present is complete. But came home exhausted and slept for an hour.
I have also accepted an invite for early tea with good friends.. will be interesting to see how long I last. Whipped up a spiced apple cake... nom nom nom. Yesterday my temp at the Drs was still 37.5, she thinks with all the antibiotics I am on i could have been lucky enough to pick up a virus... great...

But I am trying to do more and more each day.... without overdoing it.

Hope everyone is having a lovely day off... and for us Aucklanders... 2 more to come!

Edited by toadfish at 4:38 pm, Sat 29 Jan

toadfish - 2011-01-29 16:37:00

Hidey Hi... can relate to being self a "previous lifestyle " I was involved in the retail of Antiques/second hand very up and down industry but around beautiful things...some too hard to sell on...prior to that had trained and worked in hosp situation ...big difference.Now my employment is very iffy as can lose a client to holiday, hosp,death etc , always we are classed as casual workers. had no work over Xmas for 3wks though on call to return to roster once client returned from hosp...thankfully partner has a steady job!

jbsouthland - 2011-01-29 17:03:00

Am now remembering the hosp dining room lunches...Oakhill Potato ...anyone have a recipe...ta.

jbsouthland - 2011-01-29 17:04:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-29 17:18:00

Hi to you all..

I hope those unwell are healing well..

I was referred yesterday by the physiotherapist, back to have another ultrasound guided cortisone injection in my shoulder - last one in November helped.. it almost feels like the physio treatment is making it worse. Truly hope that this one in about a fortnight will help.

I'm thinking of you all in Northland and other places affected by Tropical Cyclone Wilma.. It was a wild and very wet time here last night - Whakatane has been - maybe still is, apart from one lane along the Matata Straights - cut off from all directions with flooding, slips, etc.. no access out through Ohope - flooding and slips, Taneatua, the same - just on the news that a slip destroyed a house there, the Rotoma Hills, slips, and the Matata Straights, slips and flooding - though the Straights did have one lane open.. Unsettled sleep, keeping a check on what was happening outside.. checked on friends this morning - all ok with them.. incredibly now, it's brilliantly sunny, with a breeze and sometimes gusting winds blowing..

Friends are on a cruise which meant they were in the Bay of Islands area yesterday / last night - hopefully the ship sheltered among the islands and they weren't exposed to the winds that went through the area.

This site is interesting to see the weather patterns just finished, currently and in days to come..

Keep safe everyone.. and yes, a day off on Monday for us too.. enjoy..

juliewn - 2011-01-29 18:04:00
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