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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


I have made Nancy slice, raspberry slice and one of the weetbix slices. Only problem is I end up eating all of the Nancy slice myself it is so YUMMMM!

karen_gr - 2004-05-22 18:56:00

awesome recipes but was wondering whether any1 out there have a recipe for chocolate slice. The 1 im after(wat i can remember) had wine biscuits,cocoa, condensed milk. after that im blank, it didnt have coconut or anything xtra and most cookin. Saw one on here be4 but it had a raw egg...ewww sounded gross. Help please...oh ps would it need butter? ty

felani8 - 2004-05-24 19:24:00

This message was deleted.

wurzil1 - 2004-05-24 22:01:00

bumping just thought i'd bump this up , i am off to try the peppermint slice recipe posted on another thread , used to make one similar and it was hubby's fav so thought i'd give him a treat.

bams1 - 2004-05-27 10:22:00

day off work today so thought id get some baking done for the weekend...made a roasting dish of banana cake and a triple batch of american slice #44 this should save me abit on bikkies when i do the shop today and if im lucky might start the week off without having to bake on sunday might get some golf in(just learning to play)

kob - 2004-05-27 10:29:00

I did the pepper mint slice Just finished icing it , and it looks yummy, also did a caramel square, ( my kids call it chewing gum cake cos i brown the top of the caramel and it sometimes goes chewy)Seems me and kob have the same idea!!(you are not a libra are you kob?)about getting it done before this sunday i might get to do some extra training or mow the lawns ,or maybe i'll just lay around and read.

bams1 - 2004-05-27 11:57:00

nope Bams Virgo but sometimes it kills me to be orginised , especially trying to work as well, I bake all week long at work and even though i love it sometimes if i can get mine done before the weekend , it gives me abit of me time

kob - 2004-05-27 16:15:00

You must, You must Try the muffin receipe under BLUEBERRY MUFFINS TO DIE FOR sent in by oldie,
soooooo yummy.

letto - 2004-05-29 17:26:00

bump just noticed this thread nearly going to the bottom of the list - so I thought I would bump it up as there are so many fantastic recipes on this thread

hobbles - 2004-06-03 17:47:00


1/2 cup of butter,
2 eggs,
1 cup of mashed bananas,
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda,
1 & 1/2 cups of sugar,
vanilla essence,
2 cups of flour,
1/2 cup of milk,.....

Cream butter & sugar add eggs and the bananas then the flour and lastly add the baking soda to heated milk and mix in with the other ingredients
This makes a good sized cake i usually double and cook in a roasting dish or it also will make 24 muffins
Cook at 180 for 40-45 minutes

kob - 2004-06-04 08:46:00

simplicity chocolate cake SIMPLICITY CHOCOLATE CAKE-

80 grams of butter,
2 tablespoons of cocoa,
1 cup of flour,
2 teaspoons of baking powder,
1 cup of sugar,
1/2 cup of milk,
2 eggs,
vanilla essence,.......

Beat together the egg and the milk, then add the melted butter, sift in the dry ingredients stir and then cook at 190 for 45 minutes

kob - 2004-06-04 08:47:00

MIcrowave cake MICROWAVE CAKE--

1 cup of flour,
1 cup of sugar,
1 teaspoon of baking powder,
2 tablespoons of cocoa,
2 eggs,
3 tablespoons of melted butter,....

Put dry ingredients into a bowl add the eggs, butter, milk and fold together but dont beat...Pour into a greased microwave dish and cover ith a serviette or clean T Towel and cook on medium power for 6 minutes and then high power for 2 minutes
This can be made into all flavours of cakes by adding different flavours just omit the cocoa

kob - 2004-06-04 08:49:00


Melt 1/2 pound of butter and add 500 grmas of fruit mix
seperately mix together 3 eggs, 1&1/2 cups of sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence and the butter and fruit and stir then add 3 cups of flour and 2 teaspoons of bking powder
Bake at 180 for about 1 & 1/2 hours

kob - 2004-06-04 08:50:00


Boil 500 grams of sultanas with a little water then drain.............add 1/2 pound of butter and 1 tablespoon of golden syrup...beat 3 eggs with 1 cup of sugar sift in 2 cups of flour and 1 teaspoon of baking powder then add both mixes together and cook for 90 minutes at 150

kob - 2004-06-04 08:51:00

glad this thread is still here i did my baking early again this week as we are having visitors for the weekend, i made the peppermint slice again , its really nice and that recipe makes a big tray, a double mix of anzac biscuits , which i notice is already moslty gone, and a roasting tray of banana cake ( still trying to get thru the big box hubby bought -all in the freezer now i rekon they make better cakes when they have been frozen)no doubt i will have to do more before school on tues~!!!

bams1 - 2004-06-04 09:56:00

Porridge Buns Hi, wow - took me about half an hour to skim through all these messages and I couldn't resist adding a fave little recipe of my own - actually I am surprised that I beat bams1 to adding it, after all, I'm pretty sure I got the recipe off her in the first place - isn't that right Mum!
Porridge Buns
1 cup cold porridge, 1/2 cup sugar, 2 cups flour, 2 tsp baking powder, 1 egg, 1 Tbl butter, milk. Beat eggs and sugar, add porridge, then butter, flour and baking powder. Add milk to make stiff dough. Drop on oven tray in spoonfuls and Bake 180 degrees for about 15 minutes (if you make them as big as I do they can take about 1/2 hour).

These are yummy, easy, and fool proof. I've found them really nice by adding raisins and cinnamon, or feijoas and apples which I preserved last year. Even if they don't rise - they still taste good. Great as a warm, quick lunch on the weekends.

nighteyes - 2004-06-04 16:01:00

Ha Ha nighteyes yes you beat me , was thinking of you earlier check out the thread for caramel mud cake it sounds just like your sort of thing was going to email the recipe to you but now you've found the recipe thread i don't need to !!!!

bams1 - 2004-06-04 17:18:00

Porridge...mmmm Funny thing. My husband and I were just talking about porridge this morning. He hates it. Had to stir the pot for his Mum making it for 10 kids. Then he remembers the other kids rushing home from school to eat the cold left overs. I laughed and asked had his Mum ever made a porridge cake - No she hadn't - now I see this recipe for porridge buns. Can't wait to try them - I won't tell him what they are of course.

weebub - 2004-06-05 21:39:00

Message for Bifo What is the choc chip recipe you have with rolled oats in it? If you have already posted it, don't worry, I will find it eventually, but it sounds yummy!

eigna - 2004-06-06 10:10:00

S T I C K Y T O F F E E P U D D I N G Hi gals, here's a good one for warming your tummies this winter!!
1cup dates (180g), pitted and chopped.
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup boiling water
2 tablespoons butter
1 cup soft brown sugar
2 eggs
1-1/2 cups sifted self-raising flour
1 cup soft brown sugar
3/4 cup full cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
2 tablespoons butter
Mix dates and baking soda in heat-proof bowl, pour boiling water on top and leave to stand for 1 hour.
Cream butter and sugar until pale, add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.
Gently fold in sifted flour, add date mixture, then pour into a lightly greased 18cm (7") square or round cake tin.
Bake in pre-heated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 30-40 minutes, until an inserted skewer comes clean.
Combine sugar, cream, vanilla and butter in a saucepan, bring to the boil, stirring and simmer for 5 minutes. Set aside until ready to use, then quickly reheat when needed.
Cut pudding into slices, place in centre of warmed pudding bowls

jen92 - 2004-06-06 13:38:00

steam pudding Quik and easy steam pudding
that i made for my ones for tea
and it never fails me

I put a large pot with water on the range then
i grease the bowl well then i put 1cup of flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup chopped Dates or saltanas
currents, mixed fruit\or i sometimes like last night lined the bowl with nutmeg cinnamon and sliced apples
in a pot i put 1 cup milk and a nob of butter and brought to almost boil and added 1 teaspoon
baking soda and quickly mixed into dry ingedients and put the lid on bowl and left to boil for 1 to 1/2hours real Yummy

vic5 - 2004-06-06 17:00:00

yum yum yum more cakes to try out..nothing new but as they are easy recipes, it's fun trying them instead of usual recipes..

hodiah2 - 2004-06-06 19:48:00

Proodige buns.... ....that is a totally new one on me - better give it a go!

raveltd - 2004-06-10 08:42:00

Way to go Bams sorry, am a wee bit late here but have to say nothing beats homemade baking. If you knew just what crap is in prepackaged foods it would blow your socks off!!'s the thought that counts too...I know my family appreciates homemade stuff more because of the effort you put into it (whether it turns out great or not!)And ooh great recipes by the way....

chrissybabes - 2004-06-10 21:55:00

thanks chrissybabes your right , it is the thought that counts too and your also right about the "whether it turns out or not" sometimes the flops are the best!!!and get eaten even if they are not good too.

bams1 - 2004-06-11 10:17:00

Peppermint Slice Hi Bams1 can you guide me to the site for this recipe or whatever as it sounds really yummy. Thanks. Happy cooking all.

mary301 - 2004-06-11 17:27:00

to mary301 The thread seems to have gone ,i can't remember who posted it but here isa copy of the recipe- CHOC PEPPERMINT SLICE- 1 1/2c flour,1/4c cocoa,1 1/2c brown sugar, 1c coconut, 3c cornflakes or crushed weetbix, 250g melted butter, 1 t vanilla ess. Melt butter , mix all dry ingre together , add butter mix well and press into a greased tray ( makes a big tray) bake for 25 mins @180*c, when cooled ice with a thin layer of peppermint flavour icing , then a layer of choc icing , ( make the icing quite thick so it spreads well makes it easier to do the layer of choc) can add green colouring to mint icing, coat with coconut.This is very yummy

bams1 - 2004-06-11 21:12:00

Russian Slice This is my hubbies Fav!!
125 g butter, 1/2 cup sugar, 1tbsp golden syrup (melt together) then add, 1 egg, 1 cup flour, 1 tsp baking powder, 1 cup sultana's & 1/4 tsp vanila essence. Mix well & spread into tin. Bake 180*C 20 mins. Ice with butter icing when cold then sprinkle over toasted coconut..Easy & YUM!

campmum - 2004-06-12 09:55:00

Chocolate Peppermint Slice Thanks for that Bams1 really appreciate it as it sounds as you say really yummy. The 'sit-upon' grows bigger by the day!! But hey we only live once (unfortunately).

mary301 - 2004-06-13 17:48:00

Not sure if it was on this thread or another one with slices on it..But kob posted a recipe for meusli bars make with apricot muffin mix..I could not get that at two supermarkets and in the end I bought Betty Crocker blueberry muffin mix..I was suprised to find the blueberrys in a can so I kept those and will make real muffins with them...I used the dry ingredients of the muffin mix, plus added chopped apricots and instead of a cup of meusli which I didn't have I used 1/1cup rolled oats, 1/4cup ricies,1/4cup cornies and a few sunflower seeds and chopped almonds...added the 150g melted butter and the 1/2cup (or maybe it was 1/4 I can't remember) of orange juice and baked about 25minutes and it is so yummy we can't stop eating thanks again kob

hodiah2 - 2004-06-13 23:49:00

re number 36 i must have been typing faster than my fingers could
yway there is a sugar amount mising it is 1/2 cup....thanks once again guys for all youtr help in making this a succesfull thread, cheers Katrina

kob - 2004-06-15 06:47:00

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smf - 2004-06-15 14:48:00

Bump ...

dcviper98 - 2004-06-17 23:18:00

kobs tan slice hey u left the sugar amount outta your tan square recipe so i put 150 sugar and 150 butter but the mixture was waaaay to dry so i creamed another 150 of butter and another 150 of sugar and it worked so dunno wat was up with that recipe

--lisa-- - 2004-06-17 23:54:00

Caramel mud cake I made the one that was posted on the recipe site during the week. Bloody gorgeous (although you have to read through the recipe properly and work out what to do with the butter and white choc.) I also added a mashed banana to it, which turned it into a banoffie caramel mud cake. Totally decadent! I'm actually on a diet (lost 9kgs so far) so this was a real treat.

mieshammie - 2004-06-18 00:45:00

hi Lisa if you had just looked 2 above question it would of been answered for you, we are all human and sometimes typing out these recipes makes you a tad blurry.........anyway pleased you had success that is one of my kids favourite recipe

kob - 2004-06-18 06:50:00

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smf - 2004-06-21 13:45:00

On the weekend I made... Chocolate chip biscuits,melting moments,fruit and nut loaf and the self saucing chocolate pudding for dessert.

dee5 - 2004-06-21 13:55:00

yay go dee5 I made triple choc chippies- used my recipe but added cocoa and a choc button on top as well as the choc chips!!( bad i know )also a ginger crunch and a fruit cake , thought i'd get it all done before the rugby came on , but it came on earlier than i thought so i missed the first half - damn - but we won anyway -yay go the all blacks.

bams1 - 2004-06-21 14:51:00

gees smf ive been caught out again sultanas i hang my head in shame it should read for the sultana biscuits 1/2 cup of sultanas

kob - 2004-06-22 06:44:00

ok u guys now that you have got me all excited and made me bake, bikkies, 2 lots of muffins and savory scones, all double batches, who is giong to come and do my dishes and clean the kitchen, bearingin mind that master two also helped lol, hehe it's so funny u should see him squatting on bench eating the mixture left in the mixer bowl lol, alright if no one is gunna help with this mess i guess it's up to me, thanks guys for a fantastic thread!!!!!!!!

mum99 - 2004-06-25 11:21:00

RE #152 - chocolate slice 125g butter - 1/3 tin condensed milk - 1 tblsp cocoa - vanilla essence - 1 packet wine biscuits METHOD melt butter and condenced milk, add a few drops of vanilla and some sultanas if desired. Add crushed wine biscuits and press into a tin and leave in fridge overnight to set. Ice with chocolate icing and sprinkle coconut on top. I hope that is what you were after.

djsh - 2004-06-25 16:37:00

yummo savoury mini muffins 1 1/2 cups self raising flour - 1 1/2 cups grated cheese - 1 jar sweetcorn relish - 1 egg mixed with 1 cup milk METHOD mix all ingredients together and spoon into small muffin trays. Push a small pieve of cream cheese into the centre of each muffin. Bake @180 for 30 mins or until done

djsh - 2004-06-25 16:40:00

really moist orange cake The secret ingredient might sound wierd but this cake is really nice. 200g butter - 1 cup sugar - 1t vanilla - 2 eggs - 1/2 cup orange juice - 1 3/4 cups flour - 1 t bak powder - 1 t bak soda - 2t grated orange rind - 1 1/2 cups grated potato METHOD melt butter and sugar in pot large enough to mix all ingredients. Remove from heat and cool slightly. Mix in vanilla, eggs, rind and juice until combined. Sift flour flour, bak powder and soda into butter mixture. Add potato and beat with a wooden spoon until combined. Pour into a lined 20cm ring tin and bake @180 for 45-50 mins leave in tin for 10 mins before turning out. Sprinkle with icing sugar to serve.

djsh - 2004-06-25 16:47:00

what great recipes! thanks so much, but can I ask for one thing please. Esp Kob and bams1, can you tell me the size tins you use for each recipe. Im thinking if I put a recipe in too big or too small a tin, its not going to turn out right. I have enough problems getting edible baking LOL And what is a swiss roll tin? Is that like a loaf tin? Thanks so much, cant wait to get started on this lot :)Oh and when doubling a recipe, do you double everything?

gennelle - 2004-06-27 19:23:00

swiss roll tin is a tray that you would make a slice in , about 35cm long x 20 cm wide , 4 cm deep.Or if you double the recipes make it in a roasting tray.

bams1 - 2004-06-27 20:18:00

thanks bams :) ok someone tell me the secret to creaming sugar and butter. Also I made the afghan recipe in post #89 I think it is, and after mixing it all up, it was real dry. When putting on to tray I had to mould it together in my hands. What did I do wrong? I used the exact amount of ingredients listed. Man, I know theres a reason why I dont bake often hahaha

gennelle - 2004-06-27 20:58:00

Caramel Drops Just found this recipie in a magazine and it looks tasty so thought I'd share. 125g Butter, 1/4 C castor sugar, 1 c flour, 2 TBLSP cornflour. Cream butter and sugar then add the flours and knead lightly til smooth.
Caramel filling, 20g butter, 3tsps golden syrup, 2tsps brown sugar, 1/4 c condensed milk. Combine all over low heat until mixture thickened. Roll mix into ball flatten slightly then make an indent with the handle of wooden spoon or finger. Divide the caramel among the biscuits and bake 15 mins at 180.

fishaboy - 2004-06-27 23:00:00

Yum I might do some baking...

fruitbat - 2004-06-27 23:13:00

I'll take the cake! .

fruitbat - 2004-06-27 23:14:00
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