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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!

motorbo wrote:

very well said toadfish, i admit in the beginning they tore me apart and it very much hurt deeply, i then found myself lowering myself to their level, now i tend to avoid it all, as i dont need that in my life - timetable you will also find who you like to talk to hear and who you dont, and once i calmed down afetr the attackes i did find they sometimes do say useful stuff lol

Another cliche.

"Never let yourself be lowered to their level... as they will beat you with experience"

Morning everyone... isn't the weather lovely... NOT... but good for the garden I suppose, and even better for spending the day in bed reading and watching th shorty street omnibus.... in otherwords following everyones instructions and taking it easy.

Have a great day one and all....

toadfish - 2011-01-23 10:09:00
elliehen wrote:

winnie, where's the best place to get fish'n'chips in Takaka?

Sorry for the delay in answering Ellie - I've been out & about.
Bay takeaways, near the Dangerous Kitchen was always fine ... but they have changed hands so not sure how it is now. The other option is 'That's a Wrap' at the start of Commercial St ... excellent doner kebabs (had often) & great fish & chips, the one time I tried them.

winnie231 - 2011-01-23 11:17:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-23 11:25:00

No worries ... are you heading over the hill for something special?
If you're a tea drinker there's a little tea shop in the back of the building just across the road from the post office that's worth a visit.

winnie231 - 2011-01-23 11:31:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-23 11:34:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-23 11:35:00

another well written post!!!
i dont let them get to me anymore, but gosh you gotta wonder about their blood pressure LOL

elliehen wrote:

It's hard to put into practice, but the old adage 'kill with kindness' does have folk lore meaning.

Hostile people thrive on hostility and are left without any wind in their sails if they are met with an even temperament.

motorbo - 2011-01-23 14:48:00

hi guys... hey thanks so much for filling in the gaps so to speak lol.... as a sallie officer i have a pretty tough hide anyway lol and afford a lot of grace... and i don't go out of my way to offend or upset... so if i sense that i may have - cos at times i can be 'passionate' and go like a bull at a gate lol - i tend to just step back and double check if i have over stepped the mark, then do as need be to rectify... i also make wise choices in whom i spend my time with - negative breeds negative - but sometimes in my ministry life that is not always easy so i say a big thank you to clinical suppervision and a wonderful God who is happy to hear all my moans and groans lol..
i love your thread and have often lurked but not often posted - thank you for making me so welcome!!! i too send get well wish's to all those not well at present - am praying that your recovery is quick and painless!!!
i have found so many on this part of mb to be really helpful and have gained some cool idea's and recipes along the way... right speaking of am off and away to put away the current pile of recipe books lol finaly got our menu's orgainsed through till end of feb... take care all and catch ya later...

Edited by timetable at 4:08 pm, Sun 23 Jan

timetable - 2011-01-23 16:07:00

hi timetable, im not a christian as in belong to or go to a church and im not keen on alot of charites either, but i do believe in the sallies and think they do a great job! one of the few i will give to. well done you !!!

timetable wrote:

hi guys... hey thanks so much for filling in the gaps so to speak lol.... as a sallie officer i have a pretty tough hide anyway lol and afford a lot of grace... and i don't go out of my way to offend or upset... so if i sense that i may have - cos at times i can be 'passionate' and go like a bull at a gate lol - i tend to just step back and double check if i have over stepped the mark, then do as need be to rectify... i also make wise choices in whom i spend my time with - negative breeds negative - but sometimes in my ministry life that is not always easy so i say a big thank you to clinical suppervision and a wonderful God who is happy to hear all my moans and groans lol..
i love your thread and have often lurked but not often posted - thank you for making me so welcome!!! i too send get well wish's to all those not well at present - am praying that your recovery is quick and painless!!!
i have found so many on this part of mb to be really helpful and have gained some cool idea's and recipes along the way... right speaking of am off and away to put away the current pile of recipe books lol finaly got our menu's orgainsed through till end of feb... take care all and catch ya later...

motorbo - 2011-01-23 17:51:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-23 18:14:00

Heavens Timetable and I thought I was organised this year! Always used to be but as the kids got older and left for uni I slackened off a lot but really it's easier to stick with the lists. I never managed a month out though. Well done.

greerg - 2011-01-23 19:45:00

hey thanks for the lovely support guys - you rock!! i can honestly say that it is a calling from God - lol we are not like other ministers by any stretch of the imagination! in my covenant it states that i will give the whole of myself to serve the Lord wherever the Army place me - lol and hubby of course - we kinda go together lol!! ... all of our hours and all of our days... and i have to say that i wouldn't have it any other way - even on the hard days... God always sends a blessing somewhere along the way....
lol greeg i have to be organised but i have always been a list person and i find that to be so helpfull especially at our really busy times.... only mr 11 at home now but i find my kitchen such a grounding place and really cathatic when its been a bit hairy ministry wise... yeah i don't know ellie why aussi army are called the salvo's... and we are 'sallies' - just a name that stuck right from the word go when the army was planted here in nz and the same for the aussi's when it was planted there... we have a wonderful rich history and i pray that we never stray from God's call for us - to be His heart, hands and feet in our communities... heart and hands christianity..
hey i hope that i have not offended anyone - lol i told you i was passionate!! but i don't push my christianity on people but respect where they are in the life journey... i am honest tho is saying that i don't not live it on here as i do in 'real life' lol... so if i get a bit over the top then please say so!!! right off to pop the feet up and watch a bit of tv... catch ya all tomorrow guys and have a good one tonight - hope the rain stops!! bless ya...

timetable - 2011-01-23 21:01:00

Hi Everyone. After a disastrous start to the year with the death of my lovely lovely father-in-law on New Years Eve, life is slowly starting to return to normal. I've had my lovely hubby home for a week now after he and his sister stayed with their mum and extra week. I had my sister-in-laws two boys here for a week after the funeral and it was an incredibly busy week. Miss 16 coped with being the only girl very well especially since she had a Mr 11 a Mr 12 and a Mr 13 to deal with while I was at work.

Spent the week coming up with plans on getting back into the swing of things weight wise - I can now honestly say that I turn 50 next year. Very scary considering the extra weight I'm carrying. My early morning walks that I was starting yesterday didn't evenutate as I got stuck into the garden and housework instead and today I spent the day on the computer sorting out photos. I guess tomorrow is another day!

I will be firmly back into the swing of things this year and I fully intend to be an active part of this MB - so watch out! Sorry I've been out of touch so much - last year wasn't the best with our student, the unexpected accidental death of a friend who I've known for 27 years and with Xmas, our wedding anniversary and New Years Eve all spent in the hospital, 2010 was firmly kicked out and 2011 embraced.

More will follow as I get back into the swing of things! Hope the weather improves over the next few days and the earth stops shaking in Christchurch quickly. Take care everyone - I'll be back...

maggieb2 - 2011-01-23 22:58:00

Maggie, sorry to hear about your not such a good 2010 and really hope that this will be your year. I tend to think that New Years Day is just another turn of the calendar page but I can see when there have been problems then it can act as a line in the sand. Be nice to have you posting and good luck with weightloss. I cannot seem to get below 84Kg, in fact I sometimes have an increase dspite no real change to the eating pattern. Being an optomist I get on the scales thinking this could be the day it shows a good result for the effort. Toady, hope you are enjoying your rest. With your family, I am sure
you are getting lots of care. When are you home Cooks-the holiday activities sound so good. We have had some steady rain in Wgtn but nothing like the wet and windy conditions that others have had.

marywea - 2011-01-24 11:42:00

hi maggie and mary... oh maggie my heart goes out to you... such a lot happening in such a short time frame!! awesome that family and friends have been so loving and caring over those hard days.... and yep i think that the old weight thing is something a few of us are struggling with myself included...... i was 125kg's and then went down to 101.7kg's but in the past 5 years went back up to 115.6kg - way too much weight for my nearly 49yr's so like you am back on track and over the past 6 months have dropped back to 106kgs and am working on getting down to 100kgs in the next 2 months... have to get below before winter sets in!!!
one of things that i found helpful was having the dr refer me to a diatition... after much discussion at this age stage it does get so much harder to lose weight so now i eat when i am hungry - yep still sensible tho!!, watch my sodium intake and have uped my calcium intake ...home made yog and calci trim milk and still eat fruit, veg, meat, pasta, home made bread etc but can't believe how much easier it has been to lose the weight this time round and its staying off! slower than when doing weight watchers and i confess the exercise is not always part of the daily plan lol but this does seem to be working... all the best and hugs for the rest of the week...

timetable - 2011-01-24 14:11:00

timetable you sound like the rest of us, and its a life plan not a diet, sounding like you are mastering it mind you. and I firmly do believe that when your head is in the right space the rest will follow. maggie sorry about your fil - hope he went peacefully. - bad timing new years eve trust me it gets better, I "gave"myself a year to mourn when my dad died and I felt a great weight lift off me after the anniversary of his death, this year marked 5 years and now it feels a long time since he has been gone, still sad but o.k. marywea will send you dates, maybe we should do a good walk!!! - I have a few kgs to moove myself!! sun shining in auckland today, was more than pleased to see master 18 return saftely from taupo/rotorua over the weekend, not the best conditions to be on the open road and there were some terrible accidents. all those lives lost and the whole circle of people being affected just terrible.

auckland_ali - 2011-01-24 16:14:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-01-24 16:53:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-24 18:34:00

You are Elliehen. Absolutely my favourite place - sleep like a log when I'm there and daughter says the hospital is a lovely friendly place. Also since she doesn't know anyone much really yet she thinks it's lovely that people just talk to her at the market out of the blue. We used to have magic holidays at Kina Pensinsula - stony beach over the road, sandy beach down the bank from the house, sparklers and roast marshmallows in the domain at night, wet dogs, endless sun and bear hunts in the "forest". Kina has changed so much that I'm very glad we had those lovely years.

greerg - 2011-01-24 19:13:00

}hugs{ for maggieb's New Year wishes

lennyb1 - 2011-01-24 23:03:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-24 23:09:00

Hi everyone - a bit late to be (artcukate) see what I mean? -I meant articulate :-). Maggie -good to see you back posting -sorry you've had such a tough time, do be kind to yourself.

Late for a New Years resolution but I have to get my eating on a healthy track. I was totally in awe of timetable's organisation. I don't even have a clue what's for tea tomorrow night, which is when I do dumb things like order a pizza.

I am pigging out on mizuma and silver beet as they are running riot in my garden -at least that's a start.

Must go to bed before I turn into a pumpkin.

Edited by calista at 11:30 pm, Mon 24 Jan

calista - 2011-01-24 23:29:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-25 00:19:00
elliehen wrote:

winnie...went over The Hill today and from the heights, your valley was sparkling this morning. It reminded me of images of Welsh valleys with the sun glinting off craggy rocks and tiny sheep and goats far below on the bright green.

No wonder you're keen to get back!

Bay fish'n'chips wasn't opening up for a fry-up till evening, which suited me fine because it wasn't my choice. I went to the Organics Shop Cafe and had a delicious vegan 'milkshake' made with almond meal, dates and strawberries - a smidgen of cactus root in there too I believe! I came away with the Breadman's famous cracked pepper crackers.

Then later after much meandering around the shops and catching up with GB people we went to your little German teashop bakery and found the best cinnamon bun ever...and bought a loaf of rye sourdough. Fraser's Orchard at the foot of the hill had some just-picked sweetcorn ears for 50 cents each, and their legendary bush tomatoes.

We are so fortunate to be Mainlanders at the Top of the South :)

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your daytrip to the Bay Ellie ... isn't the tea shop just great. I left off the bit about it being a bakery as I thought you would enjoy the discovery :)

Hi everyone else & good luck all with your new years resolutions regarding your weight, health & wellbeing. It hasn't been easy for me shedding the kilo's but through trial & error I've found an eating pattern that works for me and I think that's the key - we are all different and there is no perfect recipe (or diet) for success!

timetable - my cousin is the officer (with her hubby) in New Plymouth, her parents are also officers, my brother was an officer & I grew up in the Blenheim Corps although have found my own path in life now away from the sallies. I have lots of fond memories of some pretty crazy youthgroup fun :)

I've had a good night at the casino tonight although training a new guy in the bar which is mentally very tiring. Not sure how I'm going to cope when my course starts again ...
Time for bed, goodnight or good day to you lot.

winnie231 - 2011-01-25 04:42:00

You'll ace it Winnie - your superwoman efforts since you came to Christchurch have been amazing (although I feel tired just thinking about it) and you know that every exam you worried about last year turned out to be one you did really well in. Your few days in Golden Bay will recharge your batteries as well.

greerg - 2011-01-25 08:44:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-25 09:35:00

Charlieb and other ChCh people-read that you had another reportable quake, sympathies. Are people confident that there won't be a repeat of the first one and therefor they can relax-sort of- during the shake? Cooks, it was the fil of Maggie who died. Ali, you suggest a walk in Wgtn-I shall plan a gruelling route from one coffee bar to another!! Looking forward to seeing you-under those conditions!! Toady, hope you are listening to Dr's advice. If you do return to work early can you do shortened days? I think when relaxing at home you feel you can go to work as usual BUT it is often a different story when you have been there a few hours. Hope EA is recovering quickly.

marywea - 2011-01-25 10:00:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-25 10:13:00

hope our chch friends are o.k. I havent checked the news yet, tend to have my read of this thread first, so hope it wasnt too bad. mary you are ON girlfriend, though I think you will put me to shame, I am quite concerned with my asthma I am finding if I dont keep on top of my morning and night inhaler I am getting quite short of breath quite quickly, anyone else with asthma, this as a new thing for me as it only started a few months ago so wondered if this is "the new me"not nice and am planning on trying to do big days skiing shortly, wondering if I will beable to cope quite frankly.. Toady I hope you are still at home and resting up, I know you have a wonderful work ethic but dont go for the sake of your health, we all know health is everything and dont go back until you feel 100 - your body needs rest not work and stress!! have a lovely day everyone,

auckland_ali - 2011-01-25 10:31:00

hi all... oh my goodness what a hugely busy crew!!! ce that was a bit on the nose not even offering you a towel to dry off!! hey i hope that the rest of your time in aussi was not so much of a wet blanket (sorry about the pun!!) its funny but we don't tend to eat as much when its hot aye and yep do tend to retain the fluid when we drink in the heat.. still i agree once that fluid is down you will drop those last 2kg's in no time!!
well its cooler here today and rather cloudy so am hopeing for some rain... although not as much as the north island crew!! we are very dry and hubby has been watering heaps... our chedder cauli and broc have gone mad - even with consequtive plantings - so have some down in the frezzer, heaps of chowchow pickle done and we are now enjoying broc salad mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!
right betta get off this wee thing and back to the kitchen and why or why does dust love my house so much lol... need to break out the furniture oil and duster again!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh holidays lol... bless ya all and have a good one...

timetable - 2011-01-25 10:39:00

ps: i am so pleased that i did take the time with hubby to do the meal planners.... its so nice not having to think about what we are doing for tea each night and it is helping heaps with keeping us on track with our healthy eating - if you have the time and you think that its for you then guys i really encourage you to go for it - lol it puts all those lovely collected over the years recipes to good use!!

timetable - 2011-01-25 10:41:00

welcome home cookes! i find drinking alot of water helps with the whole ankle thing, if it persists i heard it could be blood pressure, i dont knwo as it hasnt with me. wonder when EA may be out of hospital, am hoping all is going well with her!

motorbo - 2011-01-25 10:42:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-01-25 11:04:00

Good Morning all,am back,came home friday,but had no net,because of house move.
Have had surgery,but need to rest for 6 weeks,then back to the dr.
Had a few scares but all is well now.
Hope to be back at work in 8 weeks,but no heavy lifting ever,so may have to look for another job,bit hard at my age.
The move went very well,when I got here all had been moved,dh would not except help.he is like me,but all is done now.
We did have a furniture truck for the heavy stuff,and still tools to move out of the garage.
the cleaners are there as we speak.
Thank you all for all your kind words and all.

earthangel4 - 2011-01-25 11:37:00

Welcome back earthangel ... sending lots of healing wishes your way :-)

2halls - 2011-01-25 12:12:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-01-25 19:14:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-25 22:14:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-26 09:30:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-26 09:32:00

Ok... I hold my hand up an say


Ok got that out... tried to go back to work this morning and now realise whay they gave me a week off.... back to the couch for me!!

toadfish - 2011-01-26 12:22:00

Toadie - you must know by now that Superwoman is NOT A REAL PERSON. I worked very hard at being her when I had baby twins a 2 year old daughter,, a demanding job, a back injury, an immaculate house... and you can imagine how well that went. And my recent disregard of instructions re a a cut tendon in my finger didn't go well either. This is my year of attempting to be sensible and not overdo things so open another book, stretch out a hand for another cup of tea/coffee/glass of wine and relax!

Winnie - I see the Casino Bar at night has got an excellent write up in Zest in this morning's Press so I guess that's a big pat on the back for you. Congratulations.

greerg - 2011-01-26 12:46:00

*frowns at toad but gives her big hug regardless...oh and greeg you take it easy as well!!* you duffer!!!! if there is one thing i am learning as i get older its that the wee body needs a bit longer to heal than it used too.. so come on kiddo be sensible and just let it heal as it needs too... you take care, rest up and be good!!!!
lovely rain today... nice and steady and soaking into our very dry ground... blessings all for the rest of the day and take care!!!

timetable - 2011-01-26 12:58:00

I agree Timetable - I imagine I've got at least a decade on Toadie but just lately I too find things do take longer to get better, or that if one bit goes wrong the other bits don't compensate as well as they used to. The other day I lifted a box of preserving jars off a high shelf then realised I was completely stuck. Couldn't get them back on the shelf but couldn't get down the ladder with them as I'd intended. Luckily son turned up unexpectedly early or I'd have been perched there for hours. The aging's happening on schedule but the grace is a bit lacking at this stage.

greerg - 2011-01-26 13:16:00

thats incredible, amazing technology to show the difference, i feel for those poor people what a mess to clean up not to mention the loss of life and those posessions you can never get back, gosh if you blew up like that i would too im terrible for fluid retention!!

cookessentials wrote:

Thanks motorbo, I had been drinking alot of water while away anyway. I had a gold bangle on when we left and i took it off while we were away. I can wear it on either wrist. On the morning we were leaving i thought I would put it back on rather than packing it ( much safer) and went to put it on my right wrist...I could not get it over my hand! Once we got to Auckland, I tried it again and it was fine. The scales are 1.6 kg less this morning, so I knew it would come off eventually!

A friend sent me this link to the Brisbane part of the flooding. Click on the link and as you scroll down, place your cursor over each image, it gives you a before and after of each one...pretty amazing.

motorbo - 2011-01-26 14:01:00

Hugs to toadie,just know how you feel,always thought I was super woman,I am not a sit down person,either watching dh hoovering ect when he has done a hard days work,does not go down too well for me,but if I want to get better,that is the way it has to be.
I went for a walk into town this morning for a coffee with a dear friend,it took me half an hr,was walking home when dh rang me on my cell phone,asking and where are you,ummmmmmm I got caught,lol lol.
I had been to the supermarket and all,but now its rest this afternoon.
Cant wait to plant new plants in my garden and all.
Thank you all for your lovely welcome back,its so good to be back.
Hope you are all well.

earthangel4 - 2011-01-26 14:09:00

tisk tisk tisk

auckland_ali - 2011-01-26 14:10:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-26 15:56:00

greerg - haven't seen that so thanks for the heads up. I'll get Mum to keep her copy for me.
I got sent home from work last night :( Sudden & severe case of tonsilitis - I went from a slightly sore throat yest afternoon to tonsils swollen & icky, fever, headache, bodyache, chills, giddy ... & nearly fell down the stairs at work. Doc now has me on 3 days off work so sitting here feeling sorry for myself & shaking my head at toady & EA! We are not 6foot tall & bulletproof!!!

winnie231 - 2011-01-26 16:47:00

Gosh.. lot's of us are bearing the consequences of injuries and/or illness.. hope you all feel better soon.

I got told off by the physio - my shoulder isn't healing at all well.. go rest!.. he said!

Have a lovely Thursday everyone.. take care..

juliewn - 2011-01-27 00:54:00
charlieb2 wrote:

Welcome back earthangel. Glad to hear you are ok. Keep us posted!

Who on here recommended the book "room". I ordered it through the library but the lure of the book depository was too great and I've just received and started it today... Think it will be riveting!! Also ordered eat, pray, love.. which I've heard a lot about too

Was I copy has done the rounds at work and now holidaying with friends daughter in Central Otago before posting to mum in Ashburton...Great Bookgroup read....

Edited by jbsouthland at 5:13 am, Thu 27 Jan

jbsouthland - 2011-01-27 05:12:00
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