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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


Thinking of you EA....all the best.

jbsouthland - 2011-01-19 11:07:00

Have been busy and didnt check yesterday, so have missed you EA, but am thinking of you, all the best for the op and a nice trip to the new home once out of Hosp.

motorbo - 2011-01-19 14:14:00

Hello Hello Hello....

Just back from being chased around the pacific by Cyclone Vania & Zillia on the Pacific Pearl.... and i can honestly say its one of the best family holidays we have ever had.. and we have had a few. Miss 16 loved HQ+, Miss 18 was forced to relax and discover herself and I haven't seen DH so relaxed in years... we met special friends who I know we will keep in touch with, ate too much, saw excellant shows and perfected the art of relaxation..... and even though we only got to 1 out of 5 Islands that were planned we still had a fabulous time, its what you make of it.... Miss 16 wants to go again!!

Will catch up later... but the big news is....

Miss 18 has been accepted into Auckland University for her Batchelor of Commerce degree .... and Miss 16 has Level 1 NCEA... with Merit endorsement.

So all happiness filled here in the toadfie house.....

(And I will be joining you Mary in the 10kg challenge... just not today lol)

Edited by toadfish at 3:13 pm, Wed 19 Jan

toadfish - 2011-01-19 15:12:00

Welcome home toady! Can you walk straight yet or does it still feel like the floor is sloping?
Congrats to your lovely girls - you have every reason to be a proud mum!!!
Lol to the 10kg bit ... now I'm planning on a trip back to the bay I'm also looking in the mirror & going hmmmmm! Although I've lost 16kg since I moved, I don't see it - I still see what wobbles lol! I need Gok!!

winnie231 - 2011-01-19 15:22:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-19 21:34:00

Lovely to hear of everyone's travels ... if I MUST go to work, the next best thing is to holiday through the reports of Toady's and CookE!! Luffly Charlie, yes it was an Angelina Jolie movie, I only had to hide my eyes once, when they were performing 'treatment' at the 'hospital' ... LOL, I'm such a wuss! Young Mr got a new DVD out of the library earlier this week - UP. Had never heard of it, but was a very surprising, funny and entertaining movie, for adults too! Pixar have a great way entertaining both age groups IMO.
Went swimming at the beach during the bad weather on Tues, good fun watching the kitesurfers and surfers. Kept an extra close eye on the kids as the sea had a reasonably strong drag, but they love being in the water and it was soo humid in Akl. My BIG news is that I was baptised last night at the beach ... an AMAZING experience, have been buzzing ever since. Right, better get back to chores, praying you aren't returning to Mt Washmore Toady, although with your organisational abilities, I'd bet you've had the machine on at 5am!! Hugs to all xxx

fastlanenz - 2011-01-20 07:22:00

gosh I would have thought you were baptised ages ago, am sure it was lovely, the water would have been the place to be for sure the other day, glad you are back on dry land toady, and pleased even if the experiences wernt what you had antisipated you had a wonderful time. congrats on the girls results, and a uni girl big time now!! and winnie you must look very different with a 16 kg loss, you must feel the lightnes in your step from carriing those extra kgs around, maybe you feel more wobbily because thats where the fat was and its not holding everything so firmly, - there are some very good pants that instantly solve that problem girl!! have finished EVERY cubboard in my house - and those that have seen my house can ooohh and ahhhh in wonder boy thats been a big job, but thrilled everything is tidy and space has been created woo hooo, the salies are doing very well, fasty I have soccer boots in my boot - they will come in useful for you, drop me a email and I will drop them into you at work, have a luffly day everyone

auckland_ali - 2011-01-20 10:00:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-01-20 10:09:00

Toady, so pleased it was a good trip even though not to plan. There was a photo in paper taken from cruise ship near Vanuatu but I couldn't remember the name of yours so thoughts were with you. Well done to the off spring of Toady and Ali. My scales show some eratic results that don't go in my favour-how often do you change batteries in electronic scales? I wear a belt with jeans so may have to celebrate when/if I go a hole tighter. Son, who is still on holiday at the beach has started running and cycling, I think he will lose that way and get fitter . Winnie, great weight loss. Charlie, thanks for reporting on the 'quakes. I prefer your reports here to reading the the designated thread. Sympathies.

marywea - 2011-01-20 10:32:00

Morning all. EA, I hope you are back in your new home very soon, and feeling much better. I lost your email when my computer hard drive had a meltdown, if you've still got mine ... send me an email. Yes, charlieb2, it was another shaky start here in the garden city wasn't it ? I was awake, and heard it coming. It made quite a number of things in our house fall down. Nothing broken, but nerves a bit edgy again. Even pusscat responded to this one, and she's got very nonchalant in general. She wanted to get straight into the bed with me ! :-)

2halls - 2011-01-20 10:47:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-20 11:15:00

Hi cooks, glad to read you are having a lovely holiday. I went in to TFE the other day and Ian sharpened my knife for me ... brilliant job too. For CHCH readers that's TFE in Moorhouse Ave, near Hunter Furniture. They sharpen knives for $6.50 per knife, and I highly recommend. Have a great time cooks and hubby :-)

2halls - 2011-01-20 11:24:00

Hi CookE - glad you are having a lovely holiday and yes Christchurch is having a very shaky morning. Do you know if TFE sharpen scissors as well 2halls? Both my dressmaking and embroidery scissors have reached sharpening point and the local man has retired.

greerg - 2011-01-20 11:46:00

Hi greerg, no, I don't know I'm sorry. You could ring them. Not sure if they are under TFE or Total Food Equipment in the phone book ? If you get stuck ring Harald's fabrics and ask Tony, he seems to know everything in the sewing business. :-)

2halls - 2011-01-20 11:50:00

Hi Everyone.. and ☆☆☆☆☆ a huge congratulations to your Family Toady for all the wonderful successes ☆☆☆☆☆
.. glad you had a fabulous holiday too..

Fasty.. sounds like a very special way to be baptised.

Hi Earthangel - hope everything is going well there for you.

Thinking of you all there in Canterbury.. surely the ongoing quakes must stop happening soon.. hope so for you all..

I agree Pam.. the Kuranda rail trip is lovely.. are there still masses of flowers around the rail station there?

My garden's are growing beautifully - we had blustery winds two nights ago - everything fine, except one cluster of sweetcorn plants that are over a metre high.. thought very sheltered and right beside other plants and trees, the whole group got flattened sideways.. have placed stakes and a tie around those, to hold them upright.. hoping they continue growing - they look ok.

Enjoy your afternoon :-)

juliewn - 2011-01-20 14:00:00

I'm sitting here feeling very 2nd hand tonight ... the first quake of the day hit not long after I had gone to bed & was strong enough to wake me :/ ... felt all of them after that. A rotten sleep all round and then had to go into work for a supervisors meeting this afternoon. Trying to summon some energy for my 8pm start ... but struggling!
Thankfully I have the next 2 days off!!!

winnie231 - 2011-01-20 19:01:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-20 21:08:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-01-21 09:23:00

Sending hugs to all the Chch lufflies, and lots of healing prayers to EA. Hope the tremors settle down in Chch REAL soon xxxx

fastlanenz - 2011-01-21 09:31:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-01-21 10:16:00

We're in Prebbleton and now seem to be having our own "local" earthquakes as of yesterday. Hope that doesn't mean the Greendale fault has developed another kink in our direction. "oh yaye" indeed Charlieb2 - they seem to have been going on for far more than four months already don't they?

greerg - 2011-01-21 10:42:00

Morning all - greerg, I think you are getting more EQ's out your way, that one at 8.30 this morning was centred at Dunsandel of all places ! Our poor houses are getting tired of being shaken, not to mention us !! He he :-) BTW greerg, a sewing friend said to take your scissors to Bernina to be sharpened, I have no idea where it is I'm sorry :-)

2halls - 2011-01-21 10:49:00

Just dropping in here to let you know I've passed on by txt to EA all the kind messages you've posted. "Thankyou so much" she says. - CG's Mom.

countrygirl17 - 2011-01-21 11:01:00

Thanks 2halls - Bernina is on Colombo opposite South City. My overlocker needs to go in there so will take the scissors too.

greerg - 2011-01-21 12:32:00

sorry to hear of more movement in chch - hold in there it will settle down just more time, I am sure that its feeling like chch has always been an earthquake zone, cooler here today which is lovely.
have a lovely day everyone

auckland_ali - 2011-01-21 13:12:00

What a shame that CHch is still experiencing the shakes. My sister & her family are down there at the moment. Congrats to toady's daughters & ali's son NCEA results. More painting completed today.

Edited by 510 at 6:13 pm, Fri 21 Jan

510 - 2011-01-21 18:06:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-22 11:58:00

hello thello just got alison goftons crumble in the oven as we are taking dessert to dinner party - had blueberries, nectarines, apples and a handful of cranberries, had some mixed nuts that were the topping of my carrot cake so threw that in the topping of ground almonds, oats, brown sugar etc, had some left over caramel sauce so that went in the bottom mixed with all the fruit, the butter will probably kill us all, bound to be yummo mind!! - will let you know how it works out. the temperature has dropped considerably, thank you for congrats on sons achievements, was very impressed with how he put the yards in, so deserved IYKWIM !! tidy up time and go, I was in my craft room all morning, been reading a book this arvo - dinner out life doesnt get much better.

auckland_ali - 2011-01-22 15:27:00

The crumble sounds yum ali!!!
I know what you mean about life being good ... the ground seems to being holding steady under Chch today. It's alot cooler and we woke up to proper rain this morning.
I went out for a haircut & colour this morn then have spent all afternoon lying on the sofa with a book.
Going out to the beach for a walk later followed by pizza at Spagalimi's then a dvd session at a friends :)
Can't think of a better day off!!!
Enjoy your weekend all :)

winnie231 - 2011-01-22 16:24:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-22 16:33:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-22 16:35:00

hi all... please forgive if i am highjacking but could someone please give me a heads up understanding on uli and buzzy.... thanks in advance...

timetable - 2011-01-22 17:07:00


bedazzledjewels - 2011-01-22 18:53:00

wot do you mean

timetable wrote:

hi all... please forgive if i am highjacking but could someone please give me a heads up understanding on uli and buzzy.... thanks in advance...

motorbo - 2011-01-22 18:58:00

i have encounted both posters in a thread that i posted re flour and sugar and was rather suprised at their 'passionate' response... i just wondered if i had touched a raw nerve or something...

timetable - 2011-01-22 19:00:00

Passion is a well chosen word.

bedazzledjewels - 2011-01-22 19:58:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-22 21:06:00

Foods made with flour (except sourdough) and sugar are regarded as "poison" by a number of extreme lo-carb posters and they have a tendency to express those views in threads started by people who do not share their convictions - often with some rather unpleasant mockery which is best ignored. Both do, however, post useful information to other times.

Edited by greerg at 9:34 pm, Sat 22 Jan

greerg - 2011-01-22 21:33:00

Evening all, just a quick post as I have had an eventful day resulting in minor surgery! All right now though and will spend the next few days recouping... have a med cert for a week but will probably go back wednesday.

Just ignore the "passionate" posters timetable I do. In my cyber life as well as my real life I chose who I associate with and in life there are certain people "who I wouldn't cross the road to spit on if they were on fire" I just love that old expression of my Grandads. The people in this thread are, as Fasty so rightly put it the chocolate chips in my vanilla icecream... Life is richer for having them in my life.

The "passionate" people seem to have the health part of their life sorted... but I am not so sure there life is in balance as there are many sectors to whole life balance. They seem to quote one expert I have never heard of and treat the word as gospel, while equally dismissing another expert... who I also haven't heard of as they don't agree with there beliefs... as said... safer to just ignore.

Edited by toadfish at 9:58 pm, Sat 22 Jan

toadfish - 2011-01-22 21:45:00

see Health in my opinion is a spoke in the wheel to life balance.....

toadfish - 2011-01-22 21:57:00

Oh dear Toadfish that doesn't sound good. Make sure you rest as long as you need - I brushed off medical advice last year after one of those "eventful days resulting in minor surgery" and ended up with an infection, a lecture and rather more pain than necessary. I felt stupid enough over the accident but stupider after the lecture!

greerg - 2011-01-22 21:57:00

As all my friends know I am sceptical of the Public Health System and usually go privately... but because it happened so quickly and being on the weekend I had no choice, but was very impressed with Middlemore today, even managed not to have to stay overnight.... so nice to snuggle with DH when I am not feeling 100%. I have a course of antibiotics - profilactive (sp) and a check up next Friday so fingers crossed all is sorted.

toadfish - 2011-01-22 22:04:00

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vintagekitty - 2011-01-22 22:14:00
vintagekitty wrote:

Gosh, thats polite, you are so kind. I was just going to type socially inept nutters


You will very rarely see me respond to "them". I don't want to interact with them in any shape or form.

Edited by toadfish at 10:25 pm, Sat 22 Jan

toadfish - 2011-01-22 22:22:00

Careful VK - this is the polite thread remember.

greerg - 2011-01-22 22:23:00

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vintagekitty - 2011-01-22 22:28:00

hugs to toady, put your feet up, sounds like a day you hadnt planned - huh well that was a nice day NOT . crumble was very very yummy I could have put custard on it but probably would have gone into a sugar coma (vying for second place to the butter) phew, feeling very santa like in the tummy lol!!! timetable sounds like you have had the best advice here, occasionaly I will make comment but not often lifes too short for all of that. sounds as though you had a nice day winnie, are you pleased with your hair? bed time for me, entertaining again tomorrow must be the season.

auckland_ali - 2011-01-23 00:36:00

Toady, sometimes life throws those unexpected curve balls or health challenges out of the blue. Sending you lots of cyber hugs & wishes for a good recovery.

510 - 2011-01-23 08:58:00

very well said toadfish, i admit in the beginning they tore me apart and it very much hurt deeply, i then found myself lowering myself to their level, now i tend to avoid it all, as i dont need that in my life - timetable you will also find who you like to talk to hear and who you dont, and once i calmed down afetr the attackes i did find they sometimes do say useful stuff lol

motorbo - 2011-01-23 09:40:00

Definitely not worth being upset over and arguing just seems to fuel the fires. Ignoring it as people have mostly been doing lately seems to minimise the problem and TM recipes is much more the place it used to be. Hope you are feeling better this morning Toadfish

greerg - 2011-01-23 10:07:00
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