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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


Hi Jaxma I would love a copy of both of these books too please, thank-you so much,, thanks again, regards Maria

muzzle2 - 2007-02-11 18:19:00

Hi there Jaxma I too would love your copies of these recipes books please. Have made lots of this great recipes and would be great to have them altogether. Many thanks, what a great job you are doing.

glenys21 - 2007-02-11 19:34:00

Hi Jaxma Thank you so much all printed and in clear file . You have done a very good thing . thanks

joianprebble - 2007-02-11 20:25:00

Ohhh Jaxma.. am I too late? Would love a copy of book 2 if possible please. How wonderful of you to do this again :-) The first one I use often! user name at farmside dot co dot nz. Many thanks :-)

jaybee2003 - 2007-02-13 12:08:00

All done again :-) Enjoy!!!

jaxma - 2007-02-13 20:46:00

Jaxma I feel a meanie after you have just written 'all done' but please may I have a copy of Vol 1&2 of your book. I have tried so many of these recipes and even posted a few myself. With two teenage sons I do a heap of baking! Giffney at xtra please Really appreciated

dabo - 2007-02-14 08:49:00

No worries :-) You should see it in your inbox soon.

jaxma - 2007-02-14 08:51:00

WOW just thought i'd pop into recipes for a look see and so surprised to see this thread still going , have not been in here for ages and i think we started it- well KOB started it and i helped ! must be nearly 2 years ago/ well done ladies for keeping it going.

bams1 - 2007-02-14 10:08:00

for school lunches bump

pam.delilah - 2007-02-15 12:17:00

Hi Jaxma I hate to be a pain BUT... could you please forward your legendary recipe books vol 1 & 2 to thecurds at the xtra place. Many many thanks

sonz2 - 2007-02-16 15:42:00

Jaxma If you're not too busy I'd love a copy of your books forwarded to me. You're pretty famous here on the old message board. Thanks. thegibsons at that slingshot place.

cliff609 - 2007-02-16 19:34:00

Thank you Jaxma This person is the best, getting all these recipes out for everyone. Thank you Joanne for your time and trouble. Best Wishes

glenys21 - 2007-02-19 12:49:00

wow anyone got any new awesome recipes to add for us all... been busy with the books and new stuff is great :)

.ookreeoo. - 2007-02-22 16:28:00

Hi Jaxma May I please get a copy of your recipe books? My address is lael at ihug dot co dot nz. Thanks in advance!

laemills - 2007-02-22 16:59:00

I wonder if everybody that contributed is actually happy about the idea of having the recipes printed "for ever"??? Most people write here "off the cuff" and know that within a few weeks the recipes and what they have written "go". What are the legal implications of printing this off and using it? What about copyright etc? I don't want to be a spoil sport, but Jaxma needs to check this out I think!

uli - 2007-02-22 17:52:00

Hi Jaxma.... Would it be possible for you to email me book 1 and 2 also the extra place.Many thanks in advance

2quick - 2007-02-23 09:41:00

uli I understand your thought but I understand that once I write something on this message board, anyone can do what they want with it. It is a public board and you can copy and paste ideas if you want. As for a couple of 'weeks' this thread has been nearly three years!!! It is a valid point you raise and a timely reminder that what is written here can be kept and is public record.

carterne - 2007-02-23 16:43:00

searching for... a home made muesli(sp) bar that is not the birdseed bar already in this thread im going through a real muesli stage lovely how post partum cravings take hold after the morning sickness is gone lol

.ookreeoo. - 2007-02-23 17:55:00

This message was deleted.

wahinetoa11 - 2007-02-25 14:45:00

uli "Don't want to be a spoil sport" ... well, you are being one! I created both "books" for my own personal use - out of the goodness of my heart, have offered them to anyone who wants a copy. Anyone is capable of doing what I did with the thread, it just takes a bit of know-how to get it into the format that I have put it into. If I was making ANY money at all out of the books, you (and everyone else) would have good cause to complain, but I won't even start to tell you how many hours of work went into those books ... work that I usually get paid extremely well to do. Sorry everyone, I don't usually get aggro like this on the threads, but when someone attacks me personally, shutting my mouth is not something I can do!

jaxma - 2007-02-25 18:52:00

Well said jaxma I've had both your books since they were "released" and not a week goes by that they aren't used.And I have reason to believe that uli has "contributed" to book #1, if he/she had a problem why wasn't it voiced earlier(This is just my opinion, please don't jump down my throat)

whiskey13 - 2007-02-25 20:10:00

I don't mean for jaxma to jump down my throat, I meant anyone else who has a problem with what she's doing. I love contributing recipes and seeing my name in print knowing that hundreds of people are making things that i love making

whiskey13 - 2007-02-25 20:15:00

When people post on a public thread like this, they should (I certainly would) assume that whatever they post becomes public property, for the reader(s) to do with as they see fit. When you get the "nana's" (as the Message Boarders call them) making a fuss over something like keeping copies of recipes for personal use (and sharing if need be), then you have to ask "what is this world coming to". I have started putting together a compilation of other recipes from a variety of threads that I thought looked good ... I've no doubt that others would be keen for a copy of that book too, but now I wonder if it's all worth it *sigh*.

jaxma - 2007-02-26 14:41:00

I think what you need to do.. is decide for yourself if you want to do it and share it with everyone else like you have been doing. I can only speak for myself but i would love a book compiled of all kinds of recipes.People realise the time and effort that goes into something like that and really appreciate you doing it, don't let one person out of thousands put you off, you deserve a metal.

whiskey13 - 2007-02-26 17:11:00

Jaxma three words... it's worth it!!! Keep me posted. I appreciate the effort you have gone to. I tried once using a spreadsheet and it worked OK but NOWHERE near your effort. The thing about TM Message Boards is that we realise the world is full of wonderful giving people. We all have talents and should share them.

carterne - 2007-02-26 19:20:00

Jaxma I would love a copy of your books. The closest I have got to organising is pasting them into a word document - it was a big step this year to put them into a folder and print the occasional one out! My email is timsmum at the hotmail place. That is if you don't mind! Thanks

flanges1 - 2007-02-26 19:27:00

wow - talk about shooting the messenger! :) Jaxma - if you feel you are right then that is all you need to go by. However since I know that a lot of people have been stung with huge amounts of money for "stealing recipes" I thought I need to warn you. Obviously not! I for one post messages here for everybody to enjoy. Since I hate recipes that start with biscuit crumbs, a sachet of onion soup and such stuff I always try to post recipes that people can make with things out of their own gardens (if they have one). And I will continue to do so. I don't give a toss if my name appears in print. In fact I couldn't care less. So to everybody here: Just continue and you might all be lucky! I am not the one that makes the laws, but if you feel better for making me a scapegoat - go for it. I cannot care less! :)

uli - 2007-02-26 19:58:00

2quick I tried to send you the files, but the email bounced back.

jaxma - 2007-02-27 09:02:00

Hmmm Im not really up on computers,can i do something this end to help?

2quick - 2007-02-27 09:42:00

Jaxma Could I please pretty please have a copy of your 1&2 books. My email is fiona at orbitgroup dot co dot nz. Thanks heaps. I can't believe what a drama has been made over this. I think certain people need to chill out!

fee21 - 2007-02-27 09:45:00

address is im2quick at xtra co nz

2quick - 2007-02-27 09:47:00

This message was deleted.

baraahnz - 2007-02-27 15:17:00

Jaxma please send me a copies too.... I think you have done a lovely thing to keep a record of all the wonderful recipes.
email: priyavasan at xtra dot co dot nz. TIA.

pkv - 2007-02-27 23:59:00

Great aunty someone's fruit cake 400gm sultana put in pot and cover with water. Bring to the boil and simmer for five mins. Drain and add250 gm butter or marg. The heat from the fruit will melt the butter/marg. In another bowl beat three eggs with 1 cup sugar. Add 1 3/4 cup flour, 1 1/2 tsp baking powder and 1 tsp mixed spice if you have it and 1 tsp vanilla essence. Mix together with fruit. POur into 8 inch cake tin. BAke 170C for about an hour,. Maybe less. This is lovely and moist and fruity. My friend's great aunt used to make it so I am sorry I don't know her name!! You can use other fruit. I have used dried apricots as well.

carterne - 2007-02-28 06:28:00

good old afghans. and a tray of extra bikkies with the surplus mix. I always end up with more mix, yet the proportions are fine. I think it's the latent baker in me.

zeke16 - 2007-02-28 13:36:00

Jaxsma I also would love your books. Sounds wonderful. I too have only been copy and paste into a word doc but haven't atempted to go further. my con is brenoob31 at hotmail dot com

obie1 - 2007-02-28 15:08:00

I'll be the first for the month.BUMP!!

whiskey13 - 2007-03-01 19:51:00

No beat cheats fudge This is a really easy chocolate recipe. The result is rich so small pieces. Great for anytime but esp after dinner with a coffee.
200 grams marshmallows (1 large packet)Doesn't matter what colour pink and/or white 100 grams butter 1 tablespoon water 375 grams dark chocolate (1 packet chocolate melts) 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
Place marshmallows, butter and water in a large microwave proof bowl - microwave on high for 3 minutes stirring once or twice as marshmallows and butter melts. You need a fair size bowl as the marshmallows puff up to start with. Stir in the chocolate. This should melt into the hot mixture but if the chunks are large you may have to pop it back in for 30 sec bursts. - add vanilla essence and mix to combine well. Add nuts and any optional extra bits and pieces. Turn out into a tinfoil lined 20cm (approx.) square cake tin and chill. - store in the fridge. I didn't have any nuts so I used chopped dried apricots and sultanas.

carterne - 2007-03-04 07:16:00

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the_toymaker - 2007-03-04 10:29:00

Jaxma Hi there. Just a few weeks ago I lost Book 1 and would love you to mail Book 1 and your new Book 2 to me. Thanks so much for every thing you have done. clearwater at paradise dot net dot nz

taana - 2007-03-04 20:11:00

I did some baking today I made an Orange Jelly and sultana loaf. Here is the recipe 2 cups boiling water, 1 packet orange or lemon jelly, 1/2 cup white sugar, 60 grams butter, 2 teaspoons baking soda (This is the right amount because I have double checked it) 375 grams sultanas, 3 cups flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 1/2 cup chopped walnuts. combine jelly and water, in a large bowl, stir to combine add the butter, baking soda and sultanas, stir to mix well cover and leave overnight or at least 8 hours, Next morning add rest of the ingredients mix well and pour into large well greased and baking paper lined loaf tin bake 1 1/4 hours at 180Oc cool on wire rack

bunny51 - 2007-03-04 20:19:00

Sorry for the delay in sending this out guys, but all up to date again :-D Enjoy!!!

jaxma - 2007-03-05 00:28:00

OOH Gee.... Many thanks Jaxma,will have to get my butt into gear and try some of those scrummy recipes.

2quick - 2007-03-05 09:19:00

Me too please... Both books.... marilynyenzo at gmail dot com. Happy to contribute financially. Saves me doing all the work. Thankyou for doing it for me.

asado - 2007-03-05 16:41:00

Me as well please. I would like both books if you don't mind. Email is Thanks heaps.

sstraight - 2007-03-05 16:54:00

Jaxma Make it a rule that if you haven't contributed to this thread you have to pay a donation to a charity for your books!!! LOL. This is to encourage more recipes to be added!!!

carterne - 2007-03-05 17:04:00

Yes Please Jaxma both if you have the time katz2atxtra

Thank you

maitredee - 2007-03-05 19:26:00

cartene Then I'd get people complaining that I'm making money from THEIR recipes that they posted ... just imagine the crap I'd end up in!

jaxma - 2007-03-06 12:56:00

wow, what an awesome thread! i'm a baker too, although been a bit slack lately, but am definitely going to try some of these recipes out. wish me luck!

spangey1 - 2007-03-06 14:13:00

Haven't been here for a while glad to see it's still going. And good luck spangey your'll do gr8t

whiskey13 - 2007-03-06 17:44:00
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