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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!

motorbo wrote:

god just ignore what i said i didnt even see your post above until tonight, i am so sorry EA, my heart goes out to you, i am so sorry.

its ok,don,t be sorry.

earthangel4 - 2011-01-13 23:36:00
motorbo wrote:

heya EA, would you give me a reading via email? your 1000% accurate

yes will do,no problem,dh is going away tomorrow for 2 nights so will get it done while he is away.

earthangel4 - 2011-01-13 23:37:00

Just popping in to say hi and enjoy the day!

fastlanenz - 2011-01-14 07:13:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-15 00:15:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-01-15 00:20:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-15 00:23:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-01-15 00:40:00

Hey you lot ... I'm supposed to be the night owl around here lol!
Hi all,
not much to report. All good at the casino, Mum's back so I've moved back to my home (and missing Sir Winston!), going out on a mystery hike today - looking forward to it though 27 is forecast so hope there's not too many steep hills involved!!!
Keep smiling, xxx

winnie231 - 2011-01-15 07:08:00

Good morning!
Great kids = great mum Charlie, enjoy the day! First day back at work yesterday, went for a lovely walk along the beach after with Mr and kids ... hope you have a great weekend!

fastlanenz - 2011-01-15 08:31:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-01-15 09:39:00

Good morning all,and a very very happy birthday to master 12.
Another night at work for me tonight,then two lovely days off,I do enjoy them.
The move is this friday,I am counting the days,it will be so nice this winter too be warm.
Motorbo,will send you an email as soon as we have settled,I am so busy busy busy.
Also have my hospital appointment this tue,hopefully they will give me a date,for my surgery.
Have a wonderful day all especially master 12.

earthangel4 - 2011-01-15 09:55:00

happy birthday to master 12 - glad he got his cell phone, and I just bet he is too, presents get way smaller and more expensive aye? hope the day just goes really really well.

auckland_ali - 2011-01-15 12:00:00

Happy birthday to Mr 12. Hope he enjoyed the film and his Indian.
Good luck for your appointment on Tuesday Earthangel and that your packing and moving goes smoothly.

marywea - 2011-01-15 17:43:00

no worries EA, gosh thats a quick moving date! how exciting for you, am so pleased! is keeping my fingers and toes crossed the surgery is asap - but after the move :)

earthangel4 wrote:

Good morning all,and a very very happy birthday to master 12.
Another night at work for me tonight,then two lovely days off,I do enjoy them.
The move is this friday,I am counting the days,it will be so nice this winter too be warm.
Motorbo,will send you an email as soon as we have settled,I am so busy busy busy.
Also have my hospital appointment this tue,hopefully they will give me a date,for my surgery.
Have a wonderful day all especially master 12.

motorbo - 2011-01-15 18:00:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-15 18:41:00

sounds fabulous Cookes, some pictures of the seafood would be great to see!!!!!

motorbo - 2011-01-15 18:49:00

Happy Birthday to Charlie's master 12, CookE, Cairns sounds lovely I have some lovely memories of holidays there. Just finished vaccuming as it is too hot to do it earlier in the day

510 - 2011-01-15 21:14:00
marywea wrote:

Happy birthday to Mr 12. Hope he enjoyed the film and his Indian.
Good luck for your appointment on Tuesday Earthangel and that your packing and moving goes smoothly.

Thank you,hope you are well.

earthangel4 - 2011-01-15 23:47:00
motorbo wrote:

no worries EA, gosh thats a quick moving date! how exciting for you, am so pleased! is keeping my fingers and toes crossed the surgery is asap - but after the move :)

Thank you motorbo,I am sure it will all go well.

earthangel4 - 2011-01-15 23:48:00
cookessentials wrote:

n everyone! I am here in sunny Cairns and loving it. Have had my second mango alread! The one I got yesterday was ok, a little acidy. But today, we bought FIVE! R2E2 ( sounds like starwars!!) they are mild and creamy and very "perfumey" Went and lay on the bed at 4.30 pm yesterday ( for an afternoon nap) as we had very little sleep with flying up to Auckland on Thursday evening, getting to the hotel at about 10pm, then up again at 3am...the flight and then transfer to Brisbane domestic, a 2 hr wait and then the flight yesterday 10am. Weather is lovely....very hunid and about 31 degrees. I organised a citrus madeira cake to be mnade by a lady here in Cairns ( the internet is great) it is being delivered within thee next hour. We went to Rust'ys market this morning where we got our mqangoes and a couple of dragon fruit as well as other bits and pieces. Sat at the marina for breakfast which was a toasted croissant and fruit with a fruit platter to share and about 1 litre of water!
We are off to Michelmas Cay tomorrow with a seafood buffet lunch, so that is our celbration for Brian's Birthday tomorrow. The apartment is fabulous..all tiled with fans and aircon, a covered front patio facing the Coral Sea. Very warm, but air conditioning just about everywhere you go.

good to hear you are having a good time,so lovely to hear from you.

earthangel4 - 2011-01-15 23:49:00
cookessentials wrote:

n everyone! I am here in sunny Cairns and loving it. Have had my second mango alread! The one I got yesterday was ok, a little acidy. But today, we bought FIVE! R2E2 ( sounds like starwars!!) they are mild and creamy and very "perfumey" Went and lay on the bed at 4.30 pm yesterday ( for an afternoon nap) as we had very little sleep with flying up to Auckland on Thursday evening, getting to the hotel at about 10pm, then up again at 3am...the flight and then transfer to Brisbane domestic, a 2 hr wait and then the flight yesterday 10am. Weather is lovely....very hunid and about 31 degrees. I organised a citrus madeira cake to be mnade by a lady here in Cairns ( the internet is great) it is being delivered within thee next hour. We went to Rust'ys market this morning where we got our mqangoes and a couple of dragon fruit as well as other bits and pieces. Sat at the marina for breakfast which was a toasted croissant and fruit with a fruit platter to share and about 1 litre of water!
We are off to Michelmas Cay tomorrow with a seafood buffet lunch, so that is our celbration for Brian's Birthday tomorrow. The apartment is fabulous..all tiled with fans and aircon, a covered front patio facing the Coral Sea. Very warm, but air conditioning just about everywhere you go.

also a very happy birthday to Brian.

earthangel4 - 2011-01-15 23:49:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-01-16 00:43:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-16 07:23:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-16 07:29:00

Charlie,had tears in my eyes when I read your post,what an awesome mum you are,wish there were more like you.
Ah cooks great to hear from you,you will continue to have a wonderful time,and you are so wonderful to your dh,what I dislike at work,is hearing co workers run there partners down,mine is my world.

earthangel4 - 2011-01-16 09:03:00

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fisher - 2011-01-16 09:23:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-16 11:44:00

The member deleted this message.

charlieb2 - 2011-01-16 14:23:00

hi Charlie

i can vouch for Dana choccy cake, easy to make, cheap and yummy!!!

charlieb2 wrote:

Thanks again for the birthday wishes.. and aww earthangel what a nice thing to say!

ellie.... yes, I think I was just as excited as he was yesterday.... had a nice time looking through the old photos of the 'birth' day and first 3 years too!

So hot and blustery here today, have caved in and turned on the air con. We've also had to do an ice-cream run! lol.....Dairy will be making a fortune off us this weekend! (as will the power company, lol)

Have to make the 'birthday cake' today as we have friends coming for morning tea tomorrow, by request from Master 12.... talk about extending a birthday! lol.

Thought I might try Dana's chocolate cake (destitue gourmet) have heard rave reviews about it, but never made it.

Keep cool everyone!

motorbo - 2011-01-16 14:33:00

let us know how the cake goes, sounds promising, glad birthday was such a success and nice father sons time as well, hubby about to come home with caught snapper - we have friends for dinner so they are probably going to get that lightly panfried in butter and rock salt and pepper!! almost finished house, one more cubboard to go phew, sons rooms look amazing its been 13 months in the waiting you can imagine the difference that made!! lol have a good one everyone, lovely and hot at least we know its summer!! go tip top go tip top.

auckland_ali - 2011-01-16 15:37:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-01-16 16:33:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-16 22:51:00

Hi all,
some of you will be getting up soon - or already be up ... & I haven't been to bed yet! Just had last week on dayshift and the first night back on my 8pm-4am last night which is playing havoc with my sleeping pattern! Sitting here now at 5am with a glass of reisling as a nightcap lol!
Pam - glad the weather has come right for you & Brian has had a happy birthday! Sounds like just the holiday you needed.
Charlieb - what colour icing are you going to end up with this time? lol!!
I've just had my leave approved for miss (nearly) 14's birthday on 16th Feb so I'm off to Golden Bay from the 14th-18th Feb :) First time back since I left at the end of July ... can't wait! Will have to take some baking supplies with me as I'm sure her dad won't have them in his cupboard & I will be expected to produce a cake now that I can be there :)
EA - I hope that along with your move comes some peace, happiness & good health this year, xxx
Fisher - hi ... Ellie - hi ... Ali - yum & hi ... all the rest of you - hi and keep smiling!

winnie231 - 2011-01-17 05:09:00

Sleep well Winnie. Charlie, I find cooking together with the kids will halve the prep time and double the clean up time LOL!! The fish sounds lovely, Ali. CookE ... the times I've snorkelled (not many) stand out in my memory like bright lights of happiness, it's a beautifully coloured world underwater on reefs aye!

Had a fantastic weekend, on Saturday we had a picnic day for extended family at one of Auckland's many regional parks. Cricket, soccer, swimming, sandcastles, and too much food! We are so lucky to have so many beautiful beaches in NZ I think. After church yesterday I had to work (from home) and then the cluedo board came out again, before watching Changeling (love mysky, to catch up on movies). Can't believe it was based on a true story ...

fastlanenz - 2011-01-17 07:52:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-01-17 10:14:00

I must admit I like angelina Jolie, watched tomb raider the other night, boy shes beautiful, liked her fuller figure too, she was nicely covered, and not looking too scrawny which I think she can look apon occasion nowadays. time is marching away, not long before school back, youngest sons results were stellar so had letters from auckland and massey so he just needs to decide where he wants to go. Pam I am sure you are having the most wonderful of times, a very magical place up there and truely one of the wonders of our earth. quiet here both sons at jobs and hubby at tennis, managed to get my washing off the line as I was scrapbooking today, that was lovely to go back to I thoroughly enjoy my mondays with my scrapping buddies!! anyway hope everyone has had a lovely day.

auckland_ali - 2011-01-17 19:45:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-01-17 20:32:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-17 23:16:00

2nd day back on night shift is always the one that hurts so feeling it now! This quick message to you lot then I'm off to bed :)
The cake decorations sound 'interesting' charlieb lol!
I wonder what DD will want on hers ... it'll be a lemon yoghurt cake because I'm baking & don't like chocolate cake!
Have a great day all, xxx

winnie231 - 2011-01-18 04:46:00

that yoghurt cake works wonders, if you ever want a moist cake thats what you throw in, and greatest thing is no one really realizes theres yog in there, if I make a lemon cake I like to make a lemon sryup with rind, juice and a cup of sugar I use an old knitting needle to stab the zzzioz out of it then pour over, love that sryuupy soaked in flavour, mind you I tend to serve that as a dessert as I am not one to throw cakes in the oven and just eat them!! I am sure you will enjoy the being back in golden bay, it is such a lovely part of the country, how many hours driving is it?

auckland_ali - 2011-01-18 10:08:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-18 10:22:00

thank you for that, thats not much sugar for the top - must be better for me than what I usually tip in, sounds like a nice recipe. very very humid in auckers today, but the drizziling rain is good for the garden, at least we will steam dry if we get wet going out in it!! have a lufflie day everyone

auckland_ali - 2011-01-18 10:51:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-18 11:14:00

Morning ... or atleast it is for me lol.
So nice to wake up to the sound of rain ... better than the 34C we had the other day here in Chch!!!
I've got to summon my inner Tom Cruise this afternoon - I have cocktail training from 3-5pm :) We don't get to drink them though - just a taste in the end of a straw & then some lucky punter gets given the cocktail for free.
Right - breakfast time :)

winnie231 - 2011-01-18 13:20:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-01-18 15:12:00

Hello everyone,I had work this afternoon,but after my pre operation did not go in,had to have blood tests this afternoon,and are going into hospital in the morning for surgery.
I have to be there at 7.30,am a bit nervous no sleep tonight,have to be up at 6am for my meds.
They said because I take a bit too wake up and all,and are not good for 3 days,will be there for at least 4 days.
Not coming back to this house and will miss the move on friday,so dh and the movers will move us,was hoping to get the key so I could start unpacking,but it has not been cleaned yet,sign.
Winnie hun thank you for your kind words,and everyone else.
Not sure when I will be back,so do take care.
it has not stopped raining here,and its poured down all day,have been wrenched twice,yuk.

earthangel4 - 2011-01-18 16:04:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-01-18 17:25:00

EA - just remember heartfelt thoughts and good wishes are with you from all round the country! xxx

winnie231 - 2011-01-18 17:34:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-18 20:42:00

EA, only just read this, so not sure if u will read this in time, but all the best for the surgery, u will be in my thoughts & prayers.

Edited by 510 at 7:09 am, Wed 19 Jan

510 - 2011-01-19 07:08:00
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