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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


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cookessentials - 2010-12-31 14:57:00

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vintagekitty - 2010-12-31 15:03:00

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cookessentials - 2010-12-31 15:37:00

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vintagekitty - 2010-12-31 16:17:00

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cookessentials - 2010-12-31 16:47:00

I'm heading in to a very busy but hopefully fun night at the casino.
I hope the revellers behave themselves!
Have a safe and happy new year everyone :)

winnie231 - 2010-12-31 18:23:00

Happy New Year to all TM recipe posters. Good Health to all, especially those who have been unwell this year; an end to shaking and speedy resolution of EQC issues for Cantabrians; Good Luck to those who have taken up their studies again and a fantastic 2011 to everyone. And many thanks to those whose recipes I have enjoyed this year or who have answered queries on TM - your efforts are much appreciated.

greerg - 2010-12-31 21:41:00

Happy New Year everyone, hope it's better than the last!

calista - 2011-01-01 00:01:00

How are the heads this morning? My son(40+ years) has inherited my height which is good but he has also bulged somewhat, as i do. WE are aiming to loose 10Kg in 3 months-very do-able but sucess is important and easier for the more experienced me-he will use exercise to a much greater extent than I will. ANYONE want to join us in the weigh-in on April 1st? I started a few days ago and 1kg gone. Something has to click for us to make the committment doesn't it? I need a lot more off but this is enough for starters-no advice needed thanks!!

marywea - 2011-01-01 08:03:00

Happy new year Everybody, Marywea, I wont give you any advice but wish you and your son all the best in your quest to drop some weight - good on you! Heres to good health and happiness for all in 2011 and lots of sharing of lovely recipes and advice here on the message boards without too much scrapping - not speaking of any particular posters on this front at all, I just feel that it prevents people that used to post alot - to not do so anymore which is a shame. Cheers.

gr8stuf4me - 2011-01-01 08:40:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-01 09:56:00

Happy Happy new Year one and all....

We had a quiet night in, although the night before we stayed at the Stamford Plaza.... Gambled far too much at Sky City... luckily a last minute win saw us about even... give or take about $10... but thats cheap for a night out. I convinced hubbie for dinner at "The Mexican Cafe" and he loved it as well which was good. Had a wander around the viaduct... did a little shopping... a bit like a 24 hour date really. Brekkie at the Stamford Plaza was just lovely and then home to reality. What a lovely way to end 2010. The night was a gift from work... thoroughly enjoyed it...

Blobbing today... made a couple of cottage pies for the freezer, continued my kitchen blitz....2 more cupboards left and the oven.. has been very painless doing it this way, just a section at a time. I think what I am enjoying is chilling like I did pre full time work.

Had to laugh at the Prawns thread Pam,
Yes you are lucky... but we have a saying in this house. "The harder you work the luckier you get" and I am sure you will enjoy the trip... lovely people lead lovely lives and do lovely things.... May your trip to Cairns be Pink & Fluffy.

I have had 2 freinds lose fathers in the last week, one on Christmas Eve & One on New years Eve.... Hug your families and don't take one minute of this life for granted.

Treasure Yesterday, Dream about tommorrow but live for today....

Edited by toadfish at 2:44 pm, Sat 1 Jan

toadfish - 2011-01-01 14:43:00

Morning all,
I'm slowly waking up here ... it was a huge but great night in the casino. People were out to have a 'happy time' as opposed to just getting wasted. A really fun atmosphere & although mega busy, enjoyable for all - including us staff :)
Chch is still shaking though ... that could have stayed in 2010!
Have a lovely day whatever you are doing, xxx

winnie231 - 2011-01-01 14:53:00

Afternoon lufflies. I'm inside for a bit of shade, we've been on a block party today. The people across the way put down a beautiful hangi, we all put dishes out, all the little mokos in out backyard getting their ya-yas out on the playground. Just wanted to wish the lovely folks in here a prosperous (and mostly un-dramatic) New Year.

lennyb1 - 2011-01-01 15:44:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-01 16:55:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-01 17:44:00

lol ellie ... same answer for you as I give the casino punters -
I work in Food & Beverage not Gaming ... advice from me on gambling would be like asking your hairdresser legal advice ;)

winnie231 - 2011-01-01 17:52:00

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noelee - 2011-01-02 12:31:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-02 21:35:00
cookessentials wrote:

Well, today was very productive with all kitchen cupboards re-organised and cleaned. It was pretty warm,especially sitting doen on the kitchen floor with my head in the cupboard LOL but a good job done. I am just sitting here having a Baileys on oce watching a DVD of Andrea Boccelli live in Tuscany.

You put me to shame, I have been doing it in "blocks" 1 or 2 a day... couldn't face it all in one go. The pantry was my biggie.... don't think I have had it all out since we moved in... but feels great to know everything in there now we can eat or use. Just have 2 more cupboards to go... todays mission. Must admit its a painless way to do it... If I get carried away... may be the oven tommorrow.

I have managed to refine the act of chilling this Christmas Break... Back to work on Wednesday though which is a shame. Even started to read a book and have a skirt ready to cut out, had some navy fabric which cost me $3 from the op shop years ago (It was New & unused cotton fabric and i will need about a third of it - so the skirt will cost me $1 plus cotton and elastic lol), got an 8 gored pattern off the net and am going to see it I like the shape... If i do I am going to get some pretty florals and make a couple more skirts for summer, I am quite tall and the ones in the shop are never quite long enough. I may tweak the pattern slightly to make it fuller for the "Proper" skirts...... Is nice to have a practice before buying the fabric - will let you know how I get on.

Miss 16 arrived back from camp last night looking brown as a berry... is nice to have my world "complete" again as she left last year (29th Dec lol)

Have a great day all.

Edited by toadfish at 6:24 am, Mon 3 Jan

toadfish - 2011-01-03 06:22:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-03 07:54:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-03 11:11:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-03 11:19:00

Hot with a touch of rain hovering here.. humid though!

I hope you've all had a lovely start to 2011..

We've had lots of time with people who are special to us over the past while.. more this weekend when we have another Christmas with friends who have been camping, so the Christmas tree is still up, and it'll be Christmas once more on Sunday.. roast pork I think.. roast veges and lots of salads, Christmas Pudding, and other goodies.. all eaten and enjoyed outside..

Thinking of you all there in Canterbury and in the Greymouth area.. hope there were some smiles over the holiday's after the heartache of the past while... hugs..

juliewn - 2011-01-04 16:53:00

ps.. on Christmas day, we helped with our local Community Dinner, served for just over a hundred people at one of the high schools here - the perfect place to be able to use all the cooking class oven's, fridges, etc.. and to have dinner served in their hospitality suite.

A group of about 15 of us, preparing, cooking, washing dishes, etc.. - who I thought all knew each other - turned out that apart from a few, we were all people who had volunteered. Everything just flowed.. everyone finishing something, looking for the next thing to do, and doing it.. it couldn't have gone better - a real tribute to the organiser too.

Hot ham, cold roast chickens, roast veges, gravy, hot fresh veges, lot's of salads..etc.. then pavlova, icecream and large bowls of fresh berries - strawberries, blackberries and boysenberries, all from one of our local berry farms..

It felt good to be there.. and we've added our names to the list to help next year.

juliewn - 2011-01-04 17:10:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-04 17:29:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-01-04 22:47:00

Extra for charlieb ... but the rest of you too - this is my bedmate for the next 10 days :)

winnie231 - 2011-01-04 23:40:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-04 23:46:00

He ellie ... and his face earned him his name - Sir Winston Churchill!

winnie231 - 2011-01-04 23:51:00

He's a bit of a 'basket case' ... lol!

winnie231 - 2011-01-04 23:54:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-05 00:03:00

Julie, you rock! Well done to those who are getting thru their kitchen cleaning with gusto. Mine is patiently waiting, and will just have to keep on waiting while I get loads of paperwork done ... best get back to it instead of distracting myself here! Have a good day all xx

fastlanenz - 2011-01-05 10:24:00
elliehen wrote:

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, winnie, and to one and all!

One of my returning-for-Christmas family was given a Texas Holdem Poker set and has been taking money from me - at $5.00 a game. Any hot tips from the Casino on how to get it back??

Hi Ellie, re your poker set and how to get your money back or perhaps to play the game better, check out or any other by searching Holdem Texas Poker websites and look at all the recommended ways of playing especially knowing the better ones to check or bet upon....

I think another one that is popular is "Full Tilt", google it, some of these can be played online and dose not cost anything but gives some practising....

and have a great New Year.


valentino - 2011-01-05 11:41:00

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elliehen - 2011-01-05 17:20:00

grr just did a large post and poof!! winnie that cat just downright scares the pants off of me, good luck thinking you are going to be sleeping in a bed!! blue blood and distain come to mind, did you say it was your mums?
juliewn well done and I am sure you got as much out of the day as everyone you worked alongside, a great thing you did and karma - do as to others that you would want done to you.
happy new year to everyone, its such a lovely time xmas and new year you can fit in so much inbetween, we have had 2 mini hols, one to kai iwi lakes, the campsite looked dreadfull with all the trees down, we have been going there since it was a secret, 32 years there was no toilet blocks and it was a dirt road from dargaville, it was find your own pine tree toilet, now NO pine trees around, it was on campbell a few weeks ago, this lush tree shaded campsite - no more. the other mini was friends new boat and out to kawau island boy do we have a faboulous harbour in auckland, world class - the biggest thing people do is undervalue what we have and nz also hit the cnn top 10 destinations of the world - we cannot complain with what we have. (sorry rave but we do live in such a special place.)

auckland_ali - 2011-01-05 22:18:00

lol ali!
I've just got home from work & 'that cat' is lying on my knee purring his pants off & covering me in cream fur!
Yes he's Mum's ... she got him for company after the big quake & dispite his blue blood & snooty demeanor, he's actually very snugly & loving :)
I've been to the Kai Iwi Lakes about 13 years ago ... I can't imagine them as you're describing. Why have they cut the trees down??
Seems a shame.

winnie231 - 2011-01-06 04:35:00

Have you done shift work before Winnie, I can't imagine it myself. Did I tell you about melatonin, we had it for jet lag, was amazing but shift workers use it as well.

Yes it has been a lovely time Ali, think the weather (at least in Auckland... sorry Charlie) feels like it has been better than recent years.

My return to work has been fairly painless, have a huge amount to catch up on, but seem to have a "peace" about it all and am just plodding through....knowing that the back log will eventually clear. My boss (for once) can see the back log and is not adding to it with lots of random little jobs... so thats a blessing.

Talking of cats, any hints on taming a timid stray? We have the most beautiful black and white cat living under the neighbours garage (and has for some years), that gets on well with our cats. We feed him now (for the last say 2 months) and call him Max, but can't get within 2 metres of him, thats an improvement as before we couldn't get within 10 metres of him. Will keep talking to him and feeding him and see what happens, any hints gladly accepted. My goal is to have him curled up in front of our fire by the time its winter. (Instead of cold under a shed)

toadfish - 2011-01-06 06:22:00

Good morning all. I'm battling a really stubborn cough, after 3 days I can't wait for it to shift ... I don't do being sick well!! Toady, I'd say that cats love and are comforted by routine, so just keep doing what you're doing. They always choose who they "take to" and in their own time .. there's a reason "dogs have masters, cats have slaves" - I've often thought how true that saying is!! Keep your doors facing Max open so that he/she can see into your house without feeling threatened, and try moving his/her food a little closer to your house every day. Hunger is the most powerful motivator for our furry friends. I'm sorry to hear the changes at Kai Iwi Lakes Ali, we have friends who are there right now, so will be interesting to hear their report when back. You are right about the Auckland Harbour, seeing our city from the water, and also the beauty of our coastline is just magic. Last year when we summered at home over Christmas/NY, we really felt that we are so blessed living in a "holiday location" .. a walk along the beach each day was enough to keep us relaxed and recharging the batteries. But it is also nice to pack up the tent and live outdoors 24/7!!

fastlanenz - 2011-01-06 08:41:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-01-06 09:25:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-01-06 09:25:00

dont know if I said it either!! happy new year - got a weight watchers flyer thru the mail yesterday new year new you???? they have a new plan, not sure what it entails, thinking it is more about doing more moving than the food - anyone any wiser, I am sure that cat is lovely winnie, they usually are a purr fest those breeds arnt they? I think going to work at this time of year is great, not too many people around, not full steam feeling, you can clear out the cobwebs on your desk get rid of the clutter be home at the o.clock and generally still feel chilled with the long weekends we seam to get in january. (not that I have an office to go to lolol perish the thought!!) hubby hasnt asked me the jan question yet, - are you perhaps thinking of entering into the workforce this year, lolololol you can tell I think thats a total joke, lolololol sorry laughing away here. muggy already today. charlieb I have sons camping gear where it was dumped so thats a job he can do today - putting it all away!!

auckland_ali - 2011-01-06 09:35:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-01-06 09:44:00

but thats full of FUN stuff, and yes if I am on the way to changing sheets I quite often find myself lost in my office lolol I have been making calendars and they are so lovely, take more time than you realize mind!!

I went and took loads of photos of my friend whom is the Christmas Queen (I am but a lowly elf compared to my friends all out efforts!!) and am going to make her a xmas album for her coffee table for next xmas, its a great project to do and gives enormous pleasure.

auckland_ali - 2011-01-06 11:35:00

Happy New Year Everyone. My first post for the year. On Tuesday spent 4 hours at the zoo, absolutely crowded, I loved it, but felt pretty exhausted at the end of it. Just got my first ripe tomato, only disappointment is that I bought the plant as a beef stak & it is acid free. Another first is I have just put We are enjoying our new hooded bbq, last night I cooked beef meat balls on kebabs. They were yummy. Have a good day everyone.

Edited by 510 at 12:33 pm, Thu 6 Jan

510 - 2011-01-06 12:30:00

Just popping in - and Happy New Year!

Toadfish - could you help please, re the melatonin - did you purchase some through the site or where would we find it elsewhere? Thanks for your help.

floralsun - 2011-01-06 14:18:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-06 14:41:00

Hi Everyone,its cold and windy here,good for washing.
Julie you rock,what an awesome person you are.
Yes cooks I bought the capsules and the juice,it helps me with my aches,ect,but not with my sleeping,I lay awake for hours,it did to begin with.
Hope everyone is enjoying the new year and all.
We had a wonderful time at Hamner Springs,even Abby enjoyed the bush walks.
btw our health shop here has the capsules.

earthangel4 - 2011-01-06 15:26:00
cookessentials wrote:

Happy New year floralsun...dont mean to butt in , but the cherryvite tart cherry juice has natural melatonin. We bought the juice and i know Earthangel bought the capsules....we find it wonderful

Thanks - will look for some here.

floralsun - 2011-01-06 17:54:00

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cookessentials - 2011-01-07 09:47:00
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