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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


we are all gearing up for the big day, funny how much we all set so much store by it when in fact its just another sunny day - oh the feasting and overeating!! - its the chocolates for the next month in the fridge that really do the damage I think!! My son thought I was a terrible mother when I suggested to him he drop me off at my first "get together"- I said I was being a good example as didnt want to even have one glass of wine (more about the cops on the road than being that good mind) and he said I was being a bad example as I intend to drink too much to be able to drive - so which is it I wonder bad mum or responsible mum. am sure the month off will be like heaven toady but wonder if you will start to itch to be back at work as your days are so filled and busy?? glad to hear you are feeling much better earthangel, and am sure you will be right as rain once you have had your op. charlie what date is the camping, now that you are a pro I am sure you will fit right in with your books and mags!! especially if your men are foraging for food on the water!! pam I am sure you are flat out in the shop at this time of year, I have brought quite a few kitcheny things for friends this year, one of thems husband waxed lyrical over a egg slicer last year went on and on about it being his best present (think he might have been pulling a leg) so I got him a oxo corn cob stripper looks like a nifty gaget, so to follow thru I brought the wife a set of 4 funny t-towels and the boys have a pizza cutter that in the shape of a smiley face complete with eyes - lol!! so practical and impressivley wrapped, what more can one ask for. my brother hates xmas and only wants lotto so I have brought him 2 x of those $15 mini cooper scratchies and put on the tag, this could be the best present of your life xxx I also get him every year the wild appitete cajun hot chilli sauce that has wax on the top so it looks like a stick of dynamite - he loves that stuff, its seriously hot he goes through a bottle in a week apparently. still havent got a coffee machine friend brought over printed out consumer recommendations, know its more about the beans being fresh, after this monster post I will hit the post key before I loose the lot, which I did the other day, it was about this size as well bummer

auckland_ali - 2010-12-23 10:18:00

Hi everyone,
I've been lurking more than posting lately ... so time for an update.
Life is going really well for me.
Loving my new role at the casino but have ALOT to learn! Got to play with cocktails last night ... I'm not movie material yet but they tasted good :)
Enjoying having miss (nearly) 14 around ... she is growing into one great young lady with a level head & a good heart.
Mum has put her house on the market which I'm really happy about as it will help her immensely with moving on after losing Dad (it's been 2yrs now) ... but ... she has also gone to Wgtn for christmas so DD & I are house and cat sitting.
A bit of a pain when an agent rings at 9.30am to book a viewing & I only went to bed at 5am!!! Have made arrangements with the office now that I don't get disturbed before 12. There's lots of interest so we have to be super tidy - hope it sells soon!
Looking forward to 4 days off in a row - I get the stats plus my RDO's (rostered days off) so will have some good mum/DD time before she goes home to Golden Bay next week.
Great to read everyones happenings & plans & ... :)
And earthangel - fantastic to read that you are doing so much better!!!
A very merry christmas to all of you, Rae xxx

winnie231 - 2010-12-23 11:28:00

Rae, I had a cocktail in the new intercontental hotel in fiji a couple of months back and as a glass of wine was $19 and a cocktail was $23 thought why not, well ordered a mojoto and they had NO idea, they put it all in the BLENDER and it was a green mess swirling around, choking and getting stuck in the straw, NEVER again the most revolting cocktail in history if they could have just learnt to crush the mint etc etc NO IDEA

anyway happy xmas to you all

auckland_ali - 2010-12-23 15:51:00

Oh ali - that sounds awful! I was making Mojito's last night ... a delicious cocktail when made properly!! Crushing lime wedges, mint leaves, etc is called muddling ... and fun to do. Putting the mint leaves in a blender would make them go bitter - blergh!!!

winnie231 - 2010-12-23 15:59:00

still shuddering thinking of a) the taste and b) how much I paid for the bl##dy thing!! lovely day here we are off to friends whom have been fishing today and is smoking as I speak we are going to get some fried rice and take salad and away we go, effortless entertaining I call it!!

auckland_ali - 2010-12-23 19:10:00

Hi.. just hours now till Christmas Day begins.. hope your goodies are all made and time to enjoy them is able to be yours.

My thoughts are with you all there in Canterbury.. not what you would have all wanted for this Christmas, to be dealing with the quakes and all their effects on your lives and homes and communities.. know you're being thought of.. and I hope answers are soon there and ways forward are happening and quickly completed. Hugs all..

juliewn - 2010-12-23 23:21:00

Morning everyone,
Thank you for your kind words,I am getting better and better each day,it all good.
This will be my last post until we get back from holiday.
Here,s wishing you all a very happy and safe day tomorrow,and may 2011 be the best yet.
Thinking of those spending xmas on there own this year and those that are grieving you are all in my heart and soul.
Please stay safe and well.
And those that are traveling encluding my son and family stay safe.

earthangel4 - 2010-12-24 09:49:00

Travel safely and have a lovely holiday Earthangel..

juliewn - 2010-12-24 11:44:00

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cookessentials - 2010-12-24 12:14:00

Merry Christmas to all the lovely MBers ... and wishing everyone a better year in 2011. Note to Toady: I made your rocky mallow slice, with a twist: quarter of a pack of orange jelly crystals instead of vanilla and food colouring in the marshmallow which gives a hint of orange flavour, and garnishing the slice with chocolate shavings and orange zest, for a festive treat!

fastlanenz - 2010-12-24 17:59:00

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vintagekitty - 2010-12-24 18:08:00

On my way to bed I would just like to say ...


winnie231 - 2010-12-25 00:29:00

Merry Christmas Rae.. have a lovely day with your Daughter.. :-)

Just posted this in another thread.. after being organised and having most things done, we went to get some berries at one of our lovely local berry farms here later this afternoon.. had coffee at their cafe, then decided to pick some berries ourselves.. a lovely evening to do so, and there were plenty of delicious boysenberries..

Got home, made 5 jars of boysenberry jam.. while the berries were heating, we made two batches of shortbread and baked them to place in the freezer for guests in a few days, then as the last lot was in the oven, made a double pavlova mix, and spread that into 9 individual pavlova's.. into the oven, baked for a while, then turned off.. Christmas dessert organised..

An easy dinner, then our traditional drive to see the Christmas lights.. a fabulous sunset over the harbour and town, a McD's icecream each, and a drive through town looking at the lights..

Home to a piece of shortbread while we watched some of the Christmas Concert on TV1.. then, even though she's Miss 20, the reading of 'T'was the night before Christmas, all through the house.. not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.....' - her 20th time of having it read to her.. and more years than that before for our Son.. a precious Christmas Eve shared tradition here..

Merry Christmas Everyone.. have the best day, with many smiles, and with people you care about.. x

juliewn - 2010-12-25 01:46:00

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cookessentials - 2010-12-25 08:11:00

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cookessentials - 2010-12-25 20:40:00

that sounds very very nice Pam, happy xmas to everyone, we had a lovely easy meal here, and not a lot of leftovers, so all good. Santa was very good to me - and hubby was wheeling his TI2000 golf cart around the house for ages!!! a big hit present, love it when you get it just right!!

auckland_ali - 2010-12-26 11:07:00

Great day here yesterday too, lovely to be with family and awesome neighbours who called in too. Made a lovely salad: roasted kumara, potato, and red onions with slices of fresh orange and grilled bacon, mixed with aioli. Hope you are all enjoying the great weather, and Chch mbers, I hope everything has settled back down after today's shakes ... thinking of you all xx

fastlanenz - 2010-12-26 20:28:00

that sounds like a nice salad fasty, I made toadfishes brown rice salad thought I might heat it up with chicken and veggies for another meal variation.

auckland_ali - 2010-12-26 21:00:00

Toadfishes brown rice salad big hit here too....once again thanks for the recipe .ChCh mbers thinking of you all and my own family affected there too.

jbsouthland - 2010-12-26 21:24:00

My thoughts are with you all in Canterbury.. thankfully no injuries.. keep safe there and I hope they all stop very soon..

juliewn - 2010-12-27 01:57:00

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas.... and so sorry to hear that Christchurch is a rocking again, must be very unsettling for you... again!

I had a lovely low key Christmas and am thoroughly enjoying some down time. A beautiful new cutlery set from Ma & Pa has spurred me into a kitchen spring clean.... Started with the pantry which was a biggie and am slowly working my way around the kitchen, today should probably finish it.. might even get carried away and do the oven! Doesn't sound relaxing but it is to me and very satisfying.... had a big rubbish bag to throw out, a box for the hospice and even listed a couple of things on here. Also been making some freezer meals.... But as I said the pottering along with some lovely Nana Naps are doing me the world of good as I was "stupidly" and unavoidibly busy busy at the end of this year, ... We are taking our "proper" holiday later in the year.

I am off to the library today.. anyone recommend some light holiday reading?

Edited by toadfish at 6:14 am, Wed 29 Dec

toadfish - 2010-12-29 06:12:00
auckland_ali wrote:

that sounds like a nice salad fasty, I made toadfishes brown rice salad thought I might heat it up with chicken and veggies for another meal variation.

How was it warm Ali, can't seem to get my head around having it that way.

toadfish - 2010-12-29 06:15:00

Morning all,
the sun is shining here in Chch again & apart from the nerves still being a little frayed around the edges, I've woken up feeling pretty good. Managed to get a decent nights sleep which had evaded me since the shake up on boxing day. I'm back to work today & needed it!
Thanks for your thoughts for us Cantabs everyone ... I'm not going to bother responding to the 'comments' left in the "Chch is shaking again" thread ... the saying comes to mind - "Never mud wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, the pig likes it."
Toady - have you read any of Sarah Kate Lynch's novels? They are perfect light holiday reading. I've just finished "On Top of Everything" & thoroughly enjoyed it. I've also read "The House of Peine", "By Bread Alone" and "Blessed are the Cheesemakers" and can recommend them all.
Enjoy the season all and stay safe, xxx

winnie231 - 2010-12-29 07:58:00
winnie231 wrote:

... the saying comes to mind - "Never mud wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, the pig likes it."

Its Par for the course... you'll notice its either late at night or a wet day....boredom sets in and there is a rash of Sarcastic... antagonist... one liners in lots of threads.. trying to gain some entertainment in what must be very sad lives.

Edited by toadfish at 8:26 am, Wed 29 Dec

toadfish - 2010-12-29 08:25:00

toadfish may I recommend a 2010 book "Room" Emma Donoghue...maybe not light reading but very thought provoking and my copy has done the rounds of workmates and family..very fast reading.

jbsouthland - 2010-12-29 10:18:00

morning lufflies, cant say I could bring myself to heat it up toady, it was combination fried rice from the chinese last night rarther than heat the brown rice salad up and use it up!! - didnt have enough cooked meat to feed us all and didnt feel like cooking, you know the drill, if mum doenst cook no one else does (correction if daughter had been home she would have done it, but boys pffffttt..)
cant believe you guys got another shaking, and it looks as though it hit the centre quite hard, hope the squre is o.k. for new years eve its such a lovely spot and has been done there for years.

auckland_ali - 2010-12-29 10:35:00

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cookessentials - 2010-12-29 11:10:00

This is the first time I've posted in this thread, but thank you for the kind thoughts re our earthquake woes. I sincerely hope that the 'knockers' in the CHCH Shaken thread never have to deal with what we are going through. "There but for the Grace of God..." and all that. It DOES make a huge difference to know that people in other parts of the country care. I've just been down to Sydenham this morning, two of my favourite shops have been demolished, and it does bring a tear to the eye. Thanks :-)

2halls - 2010-12-29 11:35:00

there are such lovely dresses this year, I am wearing one as am attempting to do housework, the after the mass mess so a bloody good vaccumming needed cant say its pushing my buttons too much, hence the side track back on to here :) on the plus side it will be mega calories lost when I do finally get to my job. having a large house does have a downside when you have to clean the thing!! one son on open road the other heading off tomorrow so am waiting to hear that he has got to his destination safetly.!! have a good day everone

auckland_ali - 2010-12-29 11:38:00

2halls its so awful and everyone is totally powerless about the situation which I think makes it sadder, and the unpredicablity of when it will happen again, hubby and I went down last month I think it was and was gobsmacked by the damage, walking amonst it is a totally different thing to seeing it on t.v. and living amonst it day after day is another whole story. hugs and we just have to believe that the tremors will stop and chch will be back to being that beautiful city we all know and love so much.

auckland_ali - 2010-12-29 11:41:00

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cookessentials - 2010-12-29 12:02:00

Thank you all again, you have renewed my faith in humanity ! cookessentials ... I am off out this afternoon for a 'lustful' look at TFE (Total Food Equipment on Moorhouse Ave) ! If I find anything I like, don't worry, I will order it from your lovely self. :-)

Edited by 2halls at 1:40 pm, Wed 29 Dec

2halls - 2010-12-29 13:40:00

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cookessentials - 2010-12-29 13:55:00

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vintagekitty - 2010-12-29 14:00:00

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elliehen - 2010-12-29 20:16:00

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vintagekitty - 2010-12-29 20:34:00

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vintagekitty - 2010-12-29 20:35:00

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cookessentials - 2010-12-29 21:52:00

Pam you will not want to be buying too much with the dollar the way it is, but on that note have a lovely time - I liked the second dress as well,

auckland_ali - 2010-12-30 10:41:00

I remember the shirred togs only too clearly. They were vilely cold and droopy when wet - the first stretch fabric togs were really exciting! I have much fonder memories of shirred dresses when they were "in" in the 70s - such easy-fit patterns. A bit long in the tooth for maxi dresses now but it was a style era I really enjoyed last time - a bit of effortless glamour never goes astray.

greerg - 2010-12-30 11:09:00

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cookessentials - 2010-12-30 11:47:00

2halls you're braver than I am - I've been avoiding Sydenham because it's so distressing to see favourite buildings reduced to rubble.

I'm also really grumpy at the moment as the fall from my bike on Christmas Eve has grounded me with a whiplash injury to my neck as it's not safe to ride when you can't look behind

calista - 2010-12-30 20:12:00

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calista - 2010-12-30 20:13:00

Oh calista, that's no good. Hope you are better soon. I had to go down to Sydenham again today to go with a friend to a mirror shop of all places !! He he. They hadn't lost a thing in the new quake, but the building next door was now corndoned off and totalled. You could see right inside, lightbulb swinging from the ceiling and all. Quite surreal. To add insult to my earthquake woes ... tonight my washing machine disgorged its contents onto the floor, and even soaked through the wall into the airing cupboard ! The airing cupboard had already been drenched through when the earthquake ripped the tank off the pipes ! Hubby is at work, so I had to single handedly manhandle the machine ! I'm going around singing 'always look on the bright side of life' !! :-)

2halls - 2010-12-30 20:52:00

waves hello.
Had an awesome couple of days in the garden ... we finally have a "proper" vege garden after 18mths of waiting for some spare time LOL. Young mr has the watermelon plant he's been asking for, lots of tomatoes, salad stuff etc. We may be planting late, but the fun we've had over the last few days has been worth the sore knees, feet, fingers etc !! Ali, did DD have a white christmas this year? Hope the boys travelled safely. Chch lufflies, thinking of you all xx

fastlanenz - 2010-12-30 22:01:00


A busy time here too - Placemaker's 33% off landscaping materials means I have a trailer load of fence materials - and a New Year job to do! We're staying with friends over the holiday break, then back to build a new fence.

Very best wishes to you all for a 2011 that brings hope and opportunities and laughter..

juliewn - 2010-12-30 23:44:00

Hi all,
I'm on my way to bed after another busy night at the casino. Just enjoying a glass of Chardonnay & some down time first. Put Miss (nearly) 14 on a plane this afternoon ... with a brave face from Mum!! She had the tears yesterday & was excited today to be heading home to her cat, Dad & friends ... and to see the aftermath from the flood in Golden Bay. I was just being stoic! The 3 weeks went sooo fast! I'm going up for her 14th which I'm told is in 49 days ... or 48 now I guess lol.
My Mum is back home too so I'm about to climb into my own bed for the first time in 3 weeks ... mmmmm!
2010 has been a trying year in many respects ... make the last day count as a positive one :) xxx

winnie231 - 2010-12-31 05:01:00

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cookessentials - 2010-12-31 07:25:00

Morning all, beautiful warm sunny morning here in CHCH. Pam, have some honey on toast for breakfast ... I read recently that is the best thing to have when you have slightly 'over indulged' ! I'm still waiting to hear back from my washing maching man (towels aplenty under the machine !) ... but I suspect he's on holiday ? Thank the Lord for lovely neighbours with washing machines that go !! A very Happy New Year to all, and I think we want a very positive 2011 :-)

2halls - 2010-12-31 07:55:00

will put in my happy new year to everyone as have a very busy day planned, have a visitor whom needs to be taken about the place and xmas trees down if I can make it, I NEVER go into the new year with xmas trees up think its bad karma, you start the new year fresh!! so happy new year everyone, we can dust off 2010 and put it in the memory banks and look forward to a less shakey and more solid 2011

auckland_ali - 2010-12-31 10:33:00
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