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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


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elliehen - 2010-12-15 11:01:00

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cookessentials - 2010-12-15 15:06:00

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cookessentials - 2010-12-15 21:44:00

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elliehen - 2010-12-15 23:14:00

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fisher - 2010-12-16 11:51:00

I just popped in for a quick browse before going to bed & found this thread on page 2. I guess evryone is busy cooking, shopping and preparing for christmas.
Don't forget to smile, enjoy and stay relaxed through the busy days!
Goodnight (and good morning to most of you with 'normal' timetables) xxx

winnie231 - 2010-12-17 05:10:00

Morning Morning Everyone
How funny that we should be waking up when Winnie is off to bed.
Well it really is a busy time of year isn't it. I will get one more major thing out of the way at work today... The girls are coming in to help me with some corporate gift baskets... They reckon if "Mohomed wont come to the mountain then the Mountain will have to come to Mohomed" so coming in they will get to see me lol. I had planned to take a day off with them this week and next but I just couldn't in all good consciousness....with all the last minute stuff going on. The good news is I will have nearly a month off with them starting 24th December.. yippeee. I will just have to work 3 days in the middle of it. May take a half day next week, start early so leave work about 11am.. They want to have a "Asian day".... Yum Cha Lunch.... followed by going to the new China Town in East Tamaki.... then probably finished off with a trawl through a couple of their favourite op shops (thats not Asian I know but they do love it)
Will have to see how things pan out.

I won movie tickets off the radio to see "The Kids are alright" so thats cool and we may do that one night next week.... I just need to make the time we do have as a family count and hopefully the weather will improve.

Have a great day everyone... don't get caught up in the commercialism that is Christmas... Spend time with your family and friends.... When I hear about what some people spend over the "Silly season" it makes me kinda sad....... Thats not what its all about. Hubby and I treat each other all year around and don't need a "Day" to do it. This year we are buying each other (and the girls) a holiday..... so not alot to unwrap on the day but a cool experience for us all to enjoy.

Take care, stay safe.... lots of luff JB

toadfish - 2010-12-17 06:54:00

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cookessentials - 2010-12-17 06:58:00

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cookessentials - 2010-12-17 07:02:00

HI Everyone, Having the most relaxed xmas that I've had for years, my goal was to have a stress free one. Moving out of the city has certainly helped, notice it when we drive into the CBD for something work related.
Winnie hope you have a good sleep today it's raining here, when I did night duty I always slept better if it was raining. Hated trying to sleep on a bright sunny day.. Thankfully that was many moons ago. Cookie I love reading your quotes, thanks for posting them.

510 - 2010-12-17 10:16:00

Once again I'm just popping into say Hi and what a lovely friendly all care for each other so much.The smoker sounds lovely...yum always said my Last supper would be smoked fish..hopefully not too Winnie I work nights and also did mornings as well until always alittle lacking in sleep but am used to it and great being home daytime with a little pup in the house now. Have a lovely Christmas all , thanks again for the lovely enjoyable read.Love the quotes!!

jbsouthland - 2010-12-17 10:26:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-12-17 11:00:00

waves a round of hellos, its good for the garden all this rain!! liked the quote as well, its lovely to have a fish dinner once in a while. presents all wrapped under the tree, had a chick flick movie night here with 3 friends, what a great idea and I will be doing it again, it was a lovely way to spend the evening.

happy days everyone.

auckland_ali - 2010-12-17 12:01:00

Flippin' Heck 32c here today. I just about melted!!! One gluten=free
cake to make before Tues and a rum and raisin before Boxing Day.

Charlie B are you around? You know that bike park where kids can practice in a safe environment - I've forgotten where it is and I've found a child (and her mother) who would benefit. Can you post which street it was in please?

I have found boxes for the two cakes and 2 puds going north and will post them on Monday am, tree sit in the afternoon, deliver g/free cake and post cards Tues, collapse in a soggy heap Weds, treesit Thurs and Fri. Thank heavens I have bought all the prezzies and can avoid shops (apart from the supermarket) next week,

calista - 2010-12-18 22:11:00

Had the best sleep last night that I've had for ages. Enjoyed yesterday arvo as I spent a couple of hours , it was in the entrance of the local count down & lotto shop. People are so generous

510 - 2010-12-19 05:09:00
510 wrote:

Had the best sleep last night that I've had for ages. Enjoyed yesterday arvo as I spent a couple of hours , it was in the entrance of the local count down & lotto shop. People are so generous

Think you missed a bit out Ann?

Morning lovely ladies & fine Gentlemen

Both my girls worked yesterday and hubby had lots to do... so I worked as well... 3 hours on hubbies books (bleurgh GST), then after lunch 3 hours at my work... and do you know... I feel FANTASTIC for having cleared decks without encroaching on family time.
The reason is... this week could be busy at work and I had got behind on Friday... the gleam in my eye is to have Tuesday afternoon off... so hopefullly..... fingers crossed... If I can't because we are too busy then at least I won't be starting off the week on the back foot, so it was a win win situation and I can take those 3 hours (time in Lieu) off after Christmas..... Although in saying that they said I can have Christmas Eve off without taking annual leave.. they really are very good, thats why I didn't mind yesterday.

So today... don't know what but am planning a family day or at the very lease a hubby/wife day.

I got some fantastic advice a couple of weeks ago and will be using it... up till now its never been an issue as we have eaten together more often than not, but just lately everyone has been so busy and with the development of a boyfriend we don't see so much of them over the weekend. So now its a compulsory Family meal on Sunday night... with extras welcome. Last week if was Ma & Pa & Miss 18's BF. Tonight who knows... but definatly the toadfie Clan.

Have a great day all JB

toadfish - 2010-12-19 07:05:00
510 wrote:

Had the best sleep last night that I've had for ages. Enjoyed yesterday arvo as I spent a couple of hours , it was in the entrance of the local count down & lotto shop. People are so generous

Thanks julia
Sorry, I obviously accidentally deleted the most important part, as it doesn't make sense without it.
It was meant to read that I spent the afternoon volunteering on hospice table for the rememberance tree.

Edited by 510 at 9:26 am, Sun 19 Dec

510 - 2010-12-19 09:26:00

Toady, have a lovely family dinner tonight. I am making your brown rice salad as we are having friends over for dinner.

510 - 2010-12-19 09:28:00

Good Morning friends,
I am back home have up dated in health and beauty.
I am getting stronger and stronger each day,can now walk to the letter box and back without getting puffed out.
Thank you all for your kind messages and all,it helped me get though.

earthangel4 - 2010-12-19 10:25:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-12-19 11:47:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-12-19 11:50:00

Hi all,
too tired to write much ... but all's well with me. It's my 'friday' tonight & I'm looking forward to the next 2 days off. Being supervisor is great - but tiring!

winnie231 - 2010-12-19 16:22:00

Thank you charlie,sure hope its onwards and upwards from now on.
I just need my energy back,its so slow but they told me it will take a good 6 weeks before I am fully better.
Being back home is just so awesome,lol

earthangel4 - 2010-12-19 16:37:00

EA Great to hear you are slowly on the mend. I had pneumonia at the end of Septmeber. Went to hospital by ambulance cos I couldn't breathe one night. I was in hospital for a week. It took about six weeks b4 I got my energy back, & I seemed to be breathless for ages. Take care

510 - 2010-12-19 19:53:00

Thank you for that,now I understand why I am so tired and breathless but I am getting better,I spent 3 nights in Grey,I was getting worse so they flew me to ch ch,spent 5 days there,then back to grey for 2.
Its so good to be home,sure hope nothing else happens before I have my operation.
Its so good to be home.
We are already for xmas,have done no baking this year.
We are going out for xmas having it with dh mum,his daughter and soninlaw and 9 month twins and there 8 year old son,so it will be wondeful,then visiting dh other daughter in afternoon.
We are going away on boxing day for 10 days so its all going to be so wonderful and all.

earthangel4 - 2010-12-20 08:09:00

Thanks Charlie, I am hoping to persuade the girl's nother to give it a go too - she grew up overseas and hasn't had much cycling experience.

calista - 2010-12-20 20:21:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-12-20 23:06:00

wrote huge post yesterday and after the earthlings comment the green men took it and disposed of it and not on this thread!! - feeling very stress free here, which is a lovely thing, got xmas day all organized, mind you when I go to do the frenzied last minute stuff I wont be so cool calm and collected!! chill earthangel and hopefully that operation will be happening in no time and you will feel much better. I have been really terrible fogetting birthdays this month, another two today looked at the dairy at 10 to 10 and rang very quickly better to be late than another day (woops) anyway take care everyone think of all those days off just because its xmas

auckland_ali - 2010-12-21 00:12:00

Toady " when the world returns to normal " and time permits....please could you share your Brown Rice Salad recipe......? I lurk so will find it. Thanks and loving your idea of Sunday nights meal night and your welcoming open door policy...

jbsouthland - 2010-12-21 08:07:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-12-21 09:38:00

Yes Charlie,so can I,its the only one I use so yummy,lol.
Its raining and blowing a gale here,have just bathed the dog,now she is sitting by the fire,lol
We are already for xmas,so now its time too relax,the kids have there parcels so its all good.
Not doing much today,just going to sit and watch a movie.
Hope all is well in here,and that you are all looking forward to xmas.
Can not wait till boxing day,we are off too Hanmer springs till 5th Jan,woohoo.

earthangel4 - 2010-12-21 10:39:00

Thanks ....sounds Yummy away to check pantry for said ingreds...mum will love this also so will post her a copy...ta again.Has just stopped raining ( was much needed) suns out and its going to be another hottie!

jbsouthland - 2010-12-21 10:47:00

Best wishes earthangel.....stay well and enjoy your deserved holiday...!!

jbsouthland - 2010-12-21 10:49:00
jbsouthland wrote:

Best wishes earthangel.....stay well and enjoy your deserved holiday...!!

Thank you so much,am so looking forward to it.
Hope you get a rest over christmas and all.

earthangel4 - 2010-12-21 11:19:00

great rice salad I might make that for xmas day, had some the other day and ut had cranberries in it, very nice and a touch of xmas as well, boy its a muggy one here in auckers, we can dial up that humidity like no other place on earth I am sure!! phew, but hey short sleeves suns out gardens have had a tremendous water looking green and sunny what more could the eyes want to feast at. just finished my backlog of cards (4 I forgot, too busy being the goddess of christmas to worry about mere people having birthdays in said month!!) hope everyone is having a lovely day.

auckland_ali - 2010-12-21 15:17:00

First Christmas Day that have been rostered off in 7 years......we are planning a picnic type outing....just lazing really....we don't get stressed

jbsouthland - 2010-12-21 15:31:00

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cookessentials - 2010-12-21 17:00:00

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fisher - 2010-12-22 09:22:00

We don,t stress here either,just not worth it.
Looking forward to catching up with family and all on christmas day.
I am also getting better and better each day,cleaned my home from top to bottom this morning,and I feel good,woohoo.

earthangel4 - 2010-12-22 10:19:00

Earthangel - lovely to read that you're healing - must have been a very worrying time for you - I hope you recover quickly.

All organised here for Christmas Day too - from 9.15am we're helping prepare, cook, serve, clean-up, etc for the Community Dinner here that a church is running at a local High School.. had some trouble finding out who is doing the dinner, leaving messages, calling CAB, etc.. and then heard back on Monday.. we're looking forward to helping.

An Antipasto evening meal - homemade goodies, pickles, breads, etc, our favourite kind of meal - will sit outside with long glasses of chilled sparkling grape juice and platters of goodies..

We're having a Christmas meal with friends a few days later - an annual tradition for the past 15 years, so get the best of both types of meals!

Enjoy these few days before Christmas.. give yourselves some time to relax as well. Take care..

Edited by juliewn at 1:17 pm, Wed 22 Dec

juliewn - 2010-12-22 13:16:00

Hi Juliewn,
Yes I am healing nicely,so wonderful to be home for christmas,today is my best day ever,so should be all upwards from here,now its just to get my surgery over and done with,then I will be a new woman,woohoo.
I have never been so ill in all my life.
I am going into work shortly just to say hello and wish everyone a merry christmas and happy new year,as I am due back on the 7th Jan,too build my bank balance up,lol lol.
I am sure enjoying the break,you take care now and have a wonderful day.

earthangel4 - 2010-12-22 14:25:00

I have been so disorganised this year. I've had the stuff for Alison Holst's pineapple cake soaking in the hotwater cupboard - then when I finally got my act together I couldn't find the tin. A quick call to Dad and, yes it is up north. So I made one 18cm diameter cake and 3 (still in the oven)in Bakers' Delight mini loaf tins.

I know they won't have time to mature so am taking on small one to my tasting panel of guinea pigs* and will take along the other after it has been frozen for 8 weeks or so to test the difference. (* we have a drop in group at church on Thursdays and they are always kind enough to try my experiments). The large one may be somone's birthday cake in March.

Tree sitting tomorrow (2 hours) and then 4 hours on Friday. Some sleep in the meanwhile would be welcome.

calista - 2010-12-22 17:39:00

Busy day here, started the day early, with delivering a hamper, then to library. Dug up vegie garden, the soil here is so beautiful. Finished painting the concrete blocks in the front of the house. It looks so much better. Looking forward to dinner as we are being taken out to an indian restaraunt. So lovely not to have to cook tonight.

510 - 2010-12-22 18:00:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-12-22 22:51:00

waves hello, hard day at the office, liquid lunch, liquid afternoon tea, liquid dinner and all with different parties, the lunch date took me to the next one, the next one took me to the next one and hubby picked me up on his way home from the airport, perfect day :) will sing my way to bed now!!

auckland_ali - 2010-12-23 00:13:00

Morning Morning Everyone

Glad to see you had the sober drivers sorted Ali, very responsible!
Also glad you got your problem sorted Charlie... You must be so looking forward to you break. The good thing about camping is although the build up is huge, once you get there and the tents put up... the only thing you will be busy doing, is busy chilling. Campers where we used to go, tried to persuade us to to be there for Christmas Day apparently the campsite owners put on a big Champagne brekkie and the atmosphere was amazing.

Well works not too bad, didn't manage to get Tuesday afternoon off... didn't need to as both girls got called in for an extra shift at there jobs! Looking good for Christmas Eve off so thats good, have a lot of driving to do today... but thats fine by me even though the traffic is likely to be diabolical... get paid to be in the airconditioning listening to the radio,.. I am ok with that for a change.

Well thats me, feeling incredibly laid back about Christmas... all organised... and really looking forward to the big break.

Take care one and all

toadfish - 2010-12-23 05:58:00

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cookessentials - 2010-12-23 06:40:00

Good Morning all,its a beautiful day here today.
Cooks I know what you mean,I am worried about my son and family as they drive to Blenheim on friday to be with his dad for xmas.
They are going to be visiting us at Hanmer springs on way home,I worry till they get home.
I txt them to make sure they are ok.
I don,t have much more to do here,have a hair appointment this afternoon,going to get it cut and dyed.
Take care everyone and have a stress free day,I am off for a shower and start my day

earthangel4 - 2010-12-23 08:04:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-12-23 08:10:00

No, we could never be convinced to do it

toadfish - 2010-12-23 09:45:00
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