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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


Jiffy Cheese Muffins 1 level cup flour, 1 1/2 cups grated cheese, 1/4 tsp salt, 1 heaped tsp Baking powder, 1/2 tsp mustard, 1 egg. Break egg into cup and fill with cold water. Stir with fork and mix into above ingreds. Spoon into 12 well greased mffintins. Bake 200deg about 12 mins

jennyp2 - 2006-08-27 20:05:00

Jiffy Cheese Muffins 1 cup Flour, 1 1/2 cups grated cheese, 1/4 tsp salt, 1 heaped tsp Baking Powder, 1/2 tsp Mustard, 1 egg. Break egg into cup and fill with water. Stir with fork and mix into above ingredients. Spoon into 12 well greased muffin tins. Bake 200deg about 12 mins

jennyp2 - 2006-08-27 20:10:00

Ginger Bread 2 large cups Flour, 1 tsp Cinnamon, 1 tsp Spice, 1 tsp Baking Powder, 2 tsp Ginger, 1 tsp Baking Soda.Melt 3 oz ( 75gms)Butter,small cup Syrup and small cup Sugar.Sift all dry ingredients. Beat 2 eggs with 1 cup Milk. Add altogether and mix. Bake 3/4 hour at 170deg

jennyp2 - 2006-08-27 20:17:00

Safari Biscuits 1 cup Sugar, 4oz ( 100gm ) Butter, 1 tblsp Syrup, 1 tblsp Milk, 1 tsp Soda. Put into a saucepan and bring to the boil, then allow to cool. Add 1 tsp Vanilla, 1 1/2 cup Flour, 1/2 cup Sultanas, 1/2 cup chopped Walnuts. Roll into balls and press with a fork

jennyp2 - 2006-08-27 20:24:00

Ginger Gems
50gm Butter, 1 cup Flour, 2 tblsp Syrup,1/4 cup Sugar, 1 egg, 1 tsp Ginger, 1 tsp Baking Soda disolved in 1/2 cup Milk
Cream butter and sugar, add egg, little flour then melted syrup, rest of flour and ginger, add milk and soda. Mix well. Cook in greased gem irons, hot oven

jennyp2 - 2006-08-27 20:30:00

All the above recipes from me are old family favourites and were originally in oz so I've converted them to grams. Enjoy!!

jennyp2 - 2006-08-27 20:32:00

Date and Walnut Loaf 1 cup Dates, 1 cup Water, 1/2 cup Sugar, 50gm Butter, Melt all together, cool then add these dry ingredients and boil for 3 - 5 mins. 1 1/2 cups Flour, 1 tsp Baking Soda, 1 1/2 tsp Baking Powder, vanilla. Bake in a loaf tin 170deg, 1 hour

jennyp2 - 2006-08-27 20:37:00

Harlequin Pudding (3 colour ) 50gm Butter, 60gm Sugar, 1 egg, 90gm ( 3/4 cup ) flour 1 heaped tbls Custard Powder 1 tsp Baking Powder, 2 tbls Milk, 2 tsp Cocoa.
Cream butter, sugar, add egg then sifted flour bp and cust powder. Lastly add milk. Take 1/3 out of the bowl, place into microwave proof bowl and add 2 drops of cochineal (red colour ) Mix in then add another 1/3 from mix and place on top of the red. Add the cocoa to the 1/3 still in the original bowl and mix in. Now add that to the microwave bowl and mix all 3 colours slighly. Cover with gladwrap and cook in microwave approx 3 - 4 mins. ( till it's firm to touch ). Serve with runny custard. My kids loved this desert.

jennyp2 - 2006-08-27 20:49:00

Lemon Custard Pudding 1 tbls butter, 1/2 cup sugar, 2 tbls flour, rind and juice of 1 lemon. 1 cup milk, 2 eggs.
Cream butter and sugar, add flour, salt, lemon rind and juice, then milk and egg yolks. Lastly fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour into a pie dish or individual ramekins. Bake 40 min at 170 deg. Stand dishes in a pan of cold water to cook. This has a sponge on top and a lovely lemony custard underneath

jennyp2 - 2006-08-27 20:54:00

Snickerdoodles 150gm Butter, 1 cup Sugar, 1 egg, 1 tsp Cream of Tarter, 1/2 tsp Baking Soda, 2 cups Flour
Mix in usual way, cream butter sugar add egg etc, Form into balls and roll in 2 tblsp Sugar and 2 tsp Cinnamon. Flatten and cook 10 mins at 190 deg

jennyp2 - 2006-08-27 21:00:00

Hope this helps jaxma, will find some more of my books and see what else I can find. Off to bed now...

jennyp2 - 2006-08-27 21:02:00

Honey Rice Bubbles 100gm Butter, 1 tblsp Honey , 90g Sugar, 5 cups Rice Bubbles. Boil butter, sugar and honey together for about 3 - 4 mins. Stir in rice bubbles and spread on tray.

jennyp2 - 2006-08-27 21:34:00

Malt Raisin Biscuits 100gm Butter, 1 tblsp Malt, 1/2 tsp Vanilla, 1 cup Sugar, 3 tblsp Milk. Melt in a pot. Stir in 1 tsp Baking Soda, add 2 cups flour, 1 cup raisins. Roll into balls, flatten bake 190 deg 15mins

jennyp2 - 2006-08-27 21:37:00

Fruit Squares ( fly cemetry!!) Puff Pastry, 100 gm Butter, 1 large grated apple, 1 tsp cinnamon, vanilla essence, 125gm brown Sugar, 250gm Sultanas 1 tsp Spice, slice of Bread. Melt butter, add remainder of ingredients. Leave until cool. Roll out pastry, place filling on bottom half then place another layer of pastry on top. Prick all over, bake 40 mins 200deg

jennyp2 - 2006-08-27 21:42:00

Can't loose it now so... Bump!!

jennyp2 - 2006-08-29 16:16:00

jennyp2 You are a gem! Keep them coming please :-)

jaxma - 2006-08-30 13:57:00

BUMPITY BUMP Keep it coming guys, everything sounds real yummy

lisa2211 - 2006-08-31 20:30:00

Today I have made the Christmas cake from the Kiwi Kitchen. The one without butter and it has come out looking very good. Wish I could taste it now as I would love to know if I should make this recipe for my xmas presents that I give to the family. Can anyone tell me if they have made one and eaten it as yet. Thanks.

clair4 - 2006-09-01 16:51:00

She called it the best carrot cake in the world when balisal posted it some months back, & I finally had a chance to try it. She's right. Dry: 1-1/2c wholemeal flour, 1/2c white flour, 2-3t mixed spice (or 1+ t cinnamon, 1/2t nutmeg, 1/2t allspice), 2t baking soda, 1/2t salt, 1c coconut, 1c chopped walnuts (optional, or do as I did & substitute rolled oats because I'd run out of walnuts). Wet: 3 eggs, 2c sugar, 3/4c plain yogurt, 1/2c oil, 2c grated carrot, 1c crushed drained pineapple (will need 2 400g cans to get enough).

lennyb1 - 2006-09-01 20:47:00

Best carrot cake pt.2 Stir dry ingredients into wet ingredients, pour into 23cm tin lined with baking paper. Bake in 180C oven for about 1 hour. When cool, ice with: 250g cream cheese softened slightly mixed with 1c icing sugar & enough fresh lemon juice to make a spreadable icing. Sprinkle roughly chopped walnuts on top. Balisal also recommends this as a banana cake with 3 bananas, only 1c sugar & much less spice, but I haven't tried this myself.

lennyb1 - 2006-09-01 20:53:00

Cinnamon buns pt. 1 Dough: 1-1/4T active dry yeast, 1c warmed milk, 1/2c sugar, 1t salt, 2 eggs, 75g melted butter, 4c plain flour. Dissolve yeast in the warm milk in a large bowl. Add rest of ingredients, mix well, & knead the dough on a lightly floured surface for a few minutes until smooth. Return to bowl, cover with plastic wrap, & let rise in a warm place for about an hour, or until doubled. (In practice, this took me 1-1/2 hrs.)

lennyb1 - 2006-09-01 20:59:00

Cinnamon buns pt 2 Filling: 1c packed brown sugar, 1T cinnamon. Have ready 75g softened butter or margarine (I mashed the butter with my hands to get it spreadable). Roll out the dough to a rectangle about 40cm long by 53cm wide (it should be about 1/3 to 1/2cm thick). Spread evenly with the softened butter, & then cover the buttered surface evenly with the filling mix. Roll it up tightly and carefully along the long edge.

lennyb1 - 2006-09-01 21:07:00

Cinnamon buns pt. 3 Cut slices from the roll, ideally 4cm thick but 3cm will yield more rolls. Place the slices a few cm apart on a greased baking sheet, cover with a tea towel & let rest for 20-30 minutes. Bake the buns in preheated 200C oven for 10 minutes, until lightly browned. Icing (may want to reduce these quantities, makes a bit too much): 200g softened butter, 1-1/2c icing sugar, 1/4c cream cheese, 1/2t vanilla essence, dash salt. Cream these together & slather generously onto buns when they come out of the oven. (But maybe not when they're still really hot, as much of the butter melted out. Maybe that was a good thing!)

lennyb1 - 2006-09-01 21:15:00

chocolate gingerbread part 1 175g unsalted butter
125g dark muscovado sugar
2 T caster sugar
200g golden syrup
200g black treacle/molasses
1/4 t ground cloves
1 t ground cinnamon
2 t ground ginger
1 1/4 t bicarbonate of soda
2 T warm water
2 eggs
250ml milk
275g plain flour
40g cocoa
175g chocolate chips
250g icing sugar
30g unsalted butter
1 T cocoa
60ml ginger ale

Preheat the oven to 170C and tear

Melt butter along with the sugars, golden syrup, treacle/molasses, cloves, cinnamon and ground ginger. In a cup dissolve the bicarbonate of soda in the water. Take the saucepan off the heat and beat in the eggs, milk and bicarb in its water. Stir in the flour and cocoa and beat with a wooden spoon to mix. Fold in chocolate chips, pour into the lined tin and bake for about 45 minutes until risen and firm.

cazk - 2006-09-04 18:10:00

chocolate gingerbread part 2 Icing
Sieve the icing sugar. In a heavy-based saucepan heat butter, cocoa and ginger ale. Once the butters melted whisk in the icing sugar. Lift the chocolate gingerbread out of the tin. Pour the icing just to cover the top

cazk - 2006-09-04 18:10:00

lemon cake 120g butter
180g castor sugar
180g SR flour
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk
2 lemons, zest and juice
Extra 2 tbsp castor sugar

Cream butter and sugar. Add lemon zest, flour, eggs and milk and beat well. Pour into lined loaf tin and bake for an hour at 180ºC.

When cooked the cake should have an interesting dividing area in the centre.

Mix the lemon juice with the extra sugar and pour this on the hot cake and allow to cool.

cazk - 2006-09-04 18:13:00

Jaffa Marshmallow Slice 125g Marg or butter, 1/2 cup sugar, 3 Tablespoons cocoa, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon vanilla essence, 1 teaspoon grated orange rind 3 cups weight watchers breakfast cereal, 1/4 cup sultanas, 1/2 cup baby marshmallows.
Heat the marg or butter, sugar & cocoa together in a saucepan until the butter has melted. Remove from heat & cool 1 minute. Beat egg, vanilla essence & orange rind. Place the cereal into a plastic bag & crush lightly with a rolling pin. Mix the cereal, sultanas & marshmallows into the melted mixture. Press evenly into a baking paper lined slice tin. Refridgerate for 4 hours then using a warm knive cut into pieces

whiskey13 - 2006-09-04 18:16:00

Malteser Traybake 100g butter
200g milk chocolate
3 T golden syrup
225g finely crushed digestive biscuits
225g maltesers
Melt together the butter, chocolate and syrup then add the crushed biscuits and the maltesers. Mix together quickly then pour into a lined swiss roll tin and chill til set. For a special occasion drizzle with some melted white chocolate

cazk - 2006-09-04 18:17:00

cazk Do you crush the Maltesers or leave them whole please?

jaxma - 2006-09-05 07:08:00

leave them whole you get lil malterser circles when sliced ;)

cazk - 2006-09-05 09:43:00

# 1468 Yes I have made it and tried it I used sherry, didn't like the cake at all. You may like it, I'm pretty

maitredee - 2006-09-05 10:49:00

Bump bump bump

r.mascord - 2006-09-06 22:04:00

Bump for Lizzyd

dizyq - 2006-09-07 10:09:00

This message was deleted.

rebma - 2006-09-07 10:15:00

betta bump again don't want to lose this one

jennyp2 - 2006-09-09 13:15:00

cool thread bump...

natenaki - 2006-09-09 16:07:00

Jack Daniels Cake 1x340grm pkt golden buttercake mix
1x85grm pkt instant vanilla pudding mix
4 eggs
150grms butter,softened
1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup Jack Daniel's whiskey
1 cup white choc bits
1 cup coarsely ground pecan nuts
icing sugar for dusting
extra white choc bits to decorate

Grease a 22cmx30cm baking dish;line base with baking paper.

Combine cake mix and pudding mix in a large bowl. Add eggs,butter, condensed milk and whiskey; beat with an electric mixer until smooth. Stir in choc bits and nuts. spread mixture into prepared dish.
Cook in a moderate oven, 180oC, for about 45 min, or until cooked, when tested. Stand cake in pan for 5 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack to cool.

Serve warm cake dusted with icing sugar; decorate with extra white choc bits.

whiskey13 - 2006-09-09 17:25:00

Caramel Banana Cake 125gms butter
2 eggs
1 cup(3 ripe) mashed bananas
1 1/2 cups self-raising flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
2/3 cup sour cream
2 tablespoons caramel flavoured topping
2 tablespoons sherded coconut, toasted

15gms butter
1 1/2 cups icing sugar
1/4 cup caramel flavoured topping

Grease a 20cm baba pan. Cream butter and sugar in a small bowl with an electric mixer until light and fluffy, beat in the eggs one at a time, beat until combined. Transfer mixture to a larger bowl, stir in bananas, sifted dry ingredients, sour cream and topping; beat until smooth. Pour mixture into the prepared pan. Bake in a moderate oven for about 1 hour, stand for 5 minutes, turn onto wire rack to cool. When cold, top with the caramel icing and sprinkle with coconut.CARAMEL ICING Beat butter and sifted icing sugar with an electric mixer, add topping, beat until smooth.
Cake can be made 2 days ahead, but is unsuitable to freeze or microwave.
Cottee's Caramel Flavoured Topping is ideal for this recipe

whiskey13 - 2006-09-09 17:38:00

Ginger Cake 110gms butter, 1 tsp cinnamon, ½ cup sugar, ½ tsp ground ginger, ½ cup golden syrup, 1 tsp baking soda, 1 egg, beaten, ½ cup milk, 2 cups flour.

Cream butter & sugar until light & fluffy. Add syrup & beaten eggs slowly. Mix well. Add the sifted dry ingredients alternately with the milk. Pour into two lined, greased, floured 15cm sandwich tins. Bake in a moderate oven (180-190C.) for about 30 mins. Cool on a wire rack. When cold, sandwich together with butter cream & ice the top with ginger icing.

whiskey13 - 2006-09-09 17:41:00

White Chocolate Carrot Cake 1 cup self-raising flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup castor sugar
1/2 cup crushed pineapple, no added sugar
1 cup grated carrot
60gms white chocolate chips
2 eggs
1/3 cup olive oil

Combine the flour, soda, pineapple, carrot & sugar into a bowl
Heat the chocolate chips in the microwave on 50% power for 30-40 seconds. Stir into the flour mixture with the eggs & oil.
pour the cake mixture into a microwave ring dish & cook on 70% power for 5-6 minutes
Allow to stand, covered, for 5 minutes before turning out.

whiskey13 - 2006-09-09 17:44:00

Quick & Easy Citrus Cake 125gms butter or margarine(at room temperature)
180gms castor sugar
180gms self-raising flour
Rind of lemon
2 eggs
1/2 cup plain flour
2 teaspoon orange
Topping:- juice of 1 lemon
tablespoon castor sugar
generious grated orange rind
Combine butter, castor sugar, flours, eggs,milk, lemon & orange rinds, in a large mixing bowl; beat well. Spoon into tin & bake for 50 minutes in a 180'C oven. Mix lemon juice, castor sugar, stir until dissolved; pour over the top of hot cake, sprinkle with grated orange rind.

whiskey13 - 2006-09-09 17:48:00

Quick & Easy Mocha Fruit Cake 1 kg Fruitcake mix 2 Cups Strong Coffee 150gms Cadbury Fruit & Nut Chocolate 2 Cups Self-raising Flour Soak the fruit in the coffee overnight.Preheat oven to 180*C. Coat a 20x28cm baking tin
with cooking spray, line the base with baking paper.Roughly chop chocolate & add with the flour to the fruitcake mixture.Spoon into the prepared tin and bake for at least 1½ hours or until a skewer comes out clean.

whiskey13 - 2006-09-09 17:53:00

Easy L&P Cake 1 Large pkt vanilla cake mix (510gms)
1 pkt vanilla instant pudding
1 cup L&P soft drink
1/4 cup vegetable oil
4 eggs
Preheat oven to 180'C. If making cake, grease & flour a 26cm tin, for cup cakes, line a muffin tin with patty cakes. In a large bowl combine the cake & instant pudding mixes, add the L&P & oil & mix to combine. Add the eggs then beat with an electric hand mixer on high speed for 2 minutes or until thick & creamy. Pour into the cake tin or muffin cups & bake for 55 minutes for the cake & 15 minutes for the cup cakes (or until a skewer comes out clean from the centre of the cake and the cup cakes spring back when lightly pressed in the centre.)

whiskey13 - 2006-09-09 17:58:00

Coconut Layered Chocolate Cake Cake: 200g butter
1 1/2 cups brown sugar, lightly packed
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups Pams Self Raising flour
2 tablespoons cocoa

1 1/2 cups desiccated coconut
2 tablespoons icing sugar
1/2 cup milk

To make the filling, mix the coconut, icing sugar & milk.
Pre-heat the oven to 180 oC. Lightly grease a 20 cm ring
pan. To make the cake, cream the butter and sugar until
light. Add the eggs, then sifted flour and cocoa. Spread
half the mixture into the ring pan. Spread the filling evenly
over the top of the cake mixture and pat down gently.
Spread the remaining cake mixture over the coconut. Bake
for about 45 minutes. Stand in pan for 10 minutes before
turning out. Ice with chocolate icing before serving.

whiskey13 - 2006-09-09 18:01:00

Creamy Nut Fudge 2x100gm pkt white marshmallows
60gms butter
1 tablespoon water
125gms cooking chocolate, chopped
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 cup chopped pecan nuts

1. Grease an 8cmx26cm bar pan; line base and 2 opposite sides with baking paper, extending paper 5cm above edges of pan.
2. Combine marshmallows, butter and water in a medium pan;stirover low heat until marshmallows are melted and mixture smooth.
3.Remove from heat; stir in chocolate and essence. Beat with a wooden spoon for about 1 minute, or until mixture thickens. Add nuts; beat until combined.
4.Spread mixture into prepared pan. Cover; refrigerate for about 4 hours,
or overnight. Cut fudge into squares.

whiskey13 - 2006-09-09 18:09:00

Gingernut Bites 90gms butter
1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk
2 tablespoons golden syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
250gms packet gingernut biscuits, crushed
1 cup sultanas
1 cup coconut, approximately

Melt butter in a saucepan, add golden syrup and condensed milk. Stir in essence, biscuits and sultanas over a medium heat until well combined; cool to room temperature. Roll heaped teaspoons of mixture into small balls, toss in coconut, refrigerate until firm.

Makes about 50.
Recipe unsuitable to freeze or microwave.

whiskey13 - 2006-09-09 18:11:00

Peanut Butter Swirl Fudge Brownies 200gms butter
250gms dark chocolate melts or chips
2 cups caster sugar
4 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
3/4 cup flour
1/4 cup self-raising flour
1/2 cup cocoa
150gms(the remainder of the bag) dark chocolate melts, chopped up
1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter

Preheat oven to 160'C. Paper line a 20cmx30cm sponge roll tin. Melt butter and chocolate I use the microwave). Beat sugar, eggs and vanilla in a food processor or with a hand-held mixer. Add melted chocolate mix, plus flours and cocoa. Stir in the extra chopped chocolate. Pour into the prepared tin. Dollop the peanut butter over the top and swirl it through the mixture with a knife. Don't mix too thoroughly as it still should be visible.Bake for 50 minutes, until firm. Cool in tin and cut into small bars or chunks. When cold, store in an airtight container.

whiskey13 - 2006-09-09 18:14:00

Melting Moments (oldie but a goodie) 125 grms unsalted butter, softened
3 Tblsps sifted icing sugar.
3 Tblsps cocoa.
1 cup plain flour.
2 Tblsps cornflour.

1. Preheat oven to 160 oC. Grease 2 baking trays or line with baking paper. Using an electric mixer, cream the softened butter with the icing sugar until pale and fluffy. Sift together the cocoa, flour & cornflour, add to the butter mixture & mix until a soft dough is formed.
2. Pinch off pieces of the dough and roll them into small balls each about the size of a walnut. Place the balls on the prepared baking trays about 5cms apart. Lightly press each ball flat using the back of a spoon. Mark each biscuit using a fork thats been dipped in cold water. Bake biscuits in the oven for 15 mins or until they are a light golden colour. Using a metal spatula, carefully remove the bisuits from trays onto wire racks to cool. Store in an airtight container. Makes about 36 biscuits

whiskey13 - 2006-09-09 18:16:00

Chocolate Berry Cheesecake 250gm Sweet plain chocolate bisciuts (Ernest Adams Double Chocolate chip butter Cookies)
100gms Mainland butter, melted
430gm can watties Boysenberries in syrup
500gm tub Tararua Cheesecake Filling
2 tsp gelatine

Crush the biscuits in a food processor or by hand. Stir in the melted butter. Press into the base & sides of a 23cm loose bottom flan tin. Refrigerate until required.
Drain & reserve the juice from Watties Boysenberries in syrup.
Beat together the boysenberries & Cheesecake Filling until smooth. Spread into the prepared flan tin.
Sprinkle the gelatine over the reserved boysenberry juice & when it has absorbed, warm in the microwave for 2 minutes on high & stir until dissolved. cool. Pour over the cheesecake filling & refrigerate for 4 hours before serving

whiskey13 - 2006-09-09 18:23:00

Choc Fruit & Nut Slice 2x200gms pkts fruit & nut biscuits
100gms butter,melted
1x500gms pkt Jersey caramels
1/4 cup cream
1x250gms block fruit & nut chocolate, chopped
extra 25gms butter, chopped

Grease & line a 20cmx30cm lamington pan with baking paper.
Place biscuits in a food processor & process until finely crushed.Add butter, process until combined. Press mixture over base of prepared pan. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Combine caramels & cream in a sauce-pan. Stir over a low heat until caramels are melted & mixture is smooth. Spread caramel mixture over biscuit base & refrigerate until set.
Combine chocolate & extra butter in a bowl. Stand bowl over a pan of simmering water, stir until melted. Spread mixture over caramel & refrigerate until set. Slice into squares to serve.

whiskey13 - 2006-09-09 18:26:00
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