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best ever chocolate cake and so easy


ok, I did a dozen mini muffins, dozen texas muffins and a big square cake and cooked it for a hour and it looked very cooked and squewered fine and now it has sunk!!! Not cooked or do they all do this??

newflover - 2010-09-12 15:08:00
purplegoanna wrote:

i just use plain old salad & cooking oil, dont use olive oil as its to heavy and you end up with a soggier heaviery base to the cake.

Mine was horrible hubby loved it but I was ashamed of it worst cake I have ever made. I used corn oil could be that.

boop2 - 2010-09-12 16:47:00
newflover wrote:

ok, I did a dozen mini muffins, dozen texas muffins and a big square cake and cooked it for a hour and it looked very cooked and squewered fine and now it has sunk!!! Not cooked or do they all do this??

Mine sinks once its out of the oven and I believe it should do this to give it the fudgy texture and flavour. About to make it again for a birthday cake.

gardie - 2010-09-19 09:17:00
newflover wrote:

ok, I did a dozen mini muffins, dozen texas muffins and a big square cake and cooked it for a hour and it looked very cooked and squewered fine and now it has sunk!!! Not cooked or do they all do this??

how did it taste was it ok ? mine has only gone down a liitle if any never any issues

hooksie60 - 2010-09-21 20:28:00
boop2 wrote:

Mine was horrible hubby loved it but I was ashamed of it worst cake I have ever made. I used corn oil could be that.

sorry to hear that boop2 to be honest I have never used corn oil but would guess it should be ok.

hooksie60 - 2010-09-21 20:31:00

Mine was perfect even though the power went off for an hour, just had to wait longer.Thankyou.

mdavis1 - 2010-09-22 20:40:00

I made one last night, it was gorgeous, so moist, had to make it a triple though. I get my sister, brother and brother in law, their six kids come home to visit once a week. I love baking them treats, and to my surprise this one is a GOODY. My daughter decided she wanted white chocolate for icing, and a BIG slice for breakfast as well. Thank-you ever so much hooksie60, this recipe would be very popular with family and friends, though they would rather me make it for them. Isn't it nice that, people like you share, wonderful recipes for others to enjoy. You are gonna be very popular in our house, and other places too. SIMPLY THE BEST..

homelygirl0011 - 2010-09-23 09:54:00
homelygirl0011 wrote:

I made one last night, it was gorgeous, so moist, had to make it a triple though. I get my sister, brother and brother in law, their six kids come home to visit once a week. I love baking them treats, and to my surprise this one is a GOODY. My daughter decided she wanted white chocolate for icing, and a BIG slice for breakfast as well. Thank-you ever so much hooksie60, this recipe would be very popular with family and friends, though they would rather me make it for them. Isn't it nice that, people like you share, wonderful recipes for others to enjoy. You are gonna be very popular in our house, and other places too. SIMPLY THE BEST..

Thats great homelygirl I am glad so many people can now enjoy this fabulous recipe.

hooksie60 - 2010-09-25 07:53:00

omg ive just made this and it was a real hit with the hubby and kids , if you have anymore recepies please share

camper16 - 2010-09-28 08:48:00

I used to make this cake once a week for my family and to cut down on the icing, I used runnyish icing and painted it on with a pastry brush then topped it with desicated coconut

nabbed - 2010-09-28 14:58:00

for a delectable dessert treat, use a long glass and punch/cut out a hole in the centre of the cake after its been iced, then full the hole to overflowing with fresh berries....looks fab....+with a bowl of whipt cream on the side of course....

purplegoanna - 2010-09-28 15:02:00

hooksie,exactly what oil do you use please? Passing this on to daughter who has 4 children.

jubellsrose - 2010-09-28 18:49:00

I use grapeseed oil as it does not have a taste as such and is neutral. I feel it helps carry flavours better. I use this in all cake recipes that use oil. Will be interesting to see what others use. I did use light olive oil once in a cake as I didn't have enough grapeseed oil and I couldn't eat the cake! - Everyone else did though.

gardie - 2010-09-28 19:10:00
gardie wrote:

I use grapeseed oil as it does not have a taste as such and is neutral. I feel it helps carry flavours better. I use this in all cake recipes that use oil. Will be interesting to see what others use. I did use light olive oil once in a cake as I didn't have enough grapeseed oil and I couldn't eat the cake! - Everyone else did though.

writes grapeseed oil on groc.list.Thanks gardie.I assume it is readily available.

jubellsrose - 2010-09-29 08:28:00
jubellsrose wrote:

ctly what oil do you use please? Passing this on to daughter who has 4 children.

Hi jubellsrose I use what ever oil i have in the pantry but mostly it would be extra virgin olive oil. but this is quite expensive the only reason i went for that was the amount of this cake that my family eat i wanted the best possible for their health. I have just recently brought rice oil but havent tried this yet so will let you know how it goes.....

hooksie60 - 2010-09-29 19:55:00
purplegoanna wrote:

for a delectable dessert treat, use a long glass and punch/cut out a hole in the centre of the cake after its been iced, then full the hole to overflowing with fresh berries....looks fab....+with a bowl of whipt cream on the side of course....

yummy must try

hooksie60 - 2010-09-29 19:56:00
doug57 wrote:

I have a 'similar' recipe..which gets made each week here..dead easy!

4 T oil, 1.5C sugar, 2 eggs. 1/2 C cocoa, 2C sr flour, 1 tspn Bicarb soda, 1 tspn vanilla ess, 1C boiling water. Bung in a bowl and beat well.
Place in greased cake pan and bake 40-45 mins [180/350] This is moist and rich. Ice with choccy icing!

I made this last night and is divine... can't see it lasting long though. As in it will be eaten....

filly6 - 2010-09-30 12:05:00

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fauna1 - 2010-10-04 09:22:00

I used rice bran oil and it turned out great. I personally wouldn't use olive oil as the flavour is too strong for a cake imo.

smileeah - 2010-10-04 10:56:00

Glad to see you had sucess smileeah.Yes well I will use my rice bran oil this weekend so am looking forward to see how it goes.

hooksie60 - 2010-10-07 20:16:00

It is lovely to see a younger generation taking uo some older recipes. I have been making this recipe for about 40yrs now and it never fails. Use any cooking oil you have in the kitchen except olive oil. I think it is too thick or dense if that makes sence. If your cake sinks in the middle it is because it has not cooked properly...too slow..too hot..

imrae1 - 2010-10-12 19:27:00

Have just tasted this YUMMY cake - best ever !! thanks so much

rockinrobin2 - 2010-10-17 11:22:00

Birthday chocolate cake
1¾ c Plain Flour
2 c Sugar
¾ c Cocoa
2 tsp Baking soda
1 tsp Baking powder
Pinch Salt
1 Egg
1 tsp Vanilla
½ c vegetable oil
1 c strong decaf coffee cooled ( I use 1 tsp coffee)
1 c buttermilk ( or 1 cup milk with a squeeze of
lemon juice and stand for a few minutes)
• Sift the dry ingredience into a bowl.
• Mix the combined liquid ingredience with the dry ingredience.
• Beat for 2 minutes till it is a smooth batter.
• Pour into a lined tin with paper extended up past the sides of the tin.
• Bake 180c for 50 ish minutes.
• Leave in the tin till it is cold.

This is a moist cake that is easy to cut into shapes for kids cakes. You can make it the day before and it stays moist for days. You don’t taste the coffee, but it is needed for a better cake.

aw217 - 2010-10-17 11:46:00

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vintagekitty - 2011-10-10 14:11:00

more chocolate cake anyone? :-))

245sam - 2012-10-03 18:42:00

Lovely to see this wonderful recipe near the top of the boards again!

gardie - 2012-10-03 20:11:00

Question in the recipe op used the abr. 3 ts bp and 3 ts salt is that tsp or tbsp. Confussed as the vanilla is listed as tsp vanilla?

pipa1 - 2012-10-08 10:32:00

Dam it, now I have to go and make this cake cos my daughters sitting next to me nagging hahaha. Sounds awesome though, so wish me luck

spangey1 - 2012-10-08 13:09:00

Good luck spangey - lets know how it goes. Pipa - teaspoons.

gardie - 2012-10-08 14:28:00

Turned out gorgeous thanks. Didn't realise how big it would be, so after filling my roast dish pulled out another dish for the rest of the mix. I'm gonna be a popular wife and mummy tonight, thanks for sharing

spangey1 - 2012-10-08 15:15:00

In this recipe is it table s or tea s for baking powder. thanks

goldfish59 - 2012-10-10 08:28:00

I'm going to try this one on the weekend. Can anyone give me an ballpark idea as to how long the cupcakes should take, going to split the recipe between cake and cupcakes as suggested, and I will test them, but I have no clue of even a ballpark time, never made cupcakes before.

nicole1011 - 2012-10-10 11:38:00

Is it a mud cake type recipe?

gerry64 - 2012-10-10 12:17:00

That was the best choc cake i actualy halved the ingredients and put in a square tin. Made yesterday and the last of it gone this morning was yummy

kiwikid1 - 2012-10-12 09:55:00

goldfish its teaspoon thats what a little t means a capital T means tablespoon in general baking terms.

kiwikid1 - 2012-10-12 09:56:00

so glad to see this cake thread still around
i have been making this as my standby for at least 3 years now since i first found your recipe hooksie
its a real no fail, mine never sinks and i use canola oil

i love that its dark and chocolatey but not sickly, very light when cooked long enough and at the right temp(everyones oven are slightly different)
it it makes a tonne
although it never seems to last long

ive made it for morning teas for staff and groups with thick choc butter cream icing and piped on to cupcakes
this recipe makes me nearly 60!

i have shared this recipe with soo many people and its always a hit on shared school lunch days
so thanks hooksie60 your a star!

Edited by pheebs1 at 10:31 am, Sat 13 Oct

pheebs1 - 2012-10-13 10:30:00

Made this the other day , did some as muffins which came out really nice & baked the rest of mix in cake tin, next day I cut the cake it was like a rubber texture? Really weird looking dense , any ideas why it. Came out like that ? I thought maybe undercooked? But when I tested it seemed cooked and looked really nice , going to make again today

trader125 - 2012-10-14 09:22:00

I just made it this morning. It has a much lighter, fluffier texture than I was expecting - I was thinking it would be moist like a mud cake? At the stage in the method where you mix everything except the boiling water "to make a batter" , my mixture certainly could not be described as a batter at that stage - more crumbly/dry. Not till I mixed in the boiling water did it turn to a batter - but quite thick. I did measure accurately too - apart from reducing the sugar by a cup.

trah - 2012-10-14 12:13:00

Made the mix again , my mix is very runny made muffins turned out beautiful & very moist

trader125 - 2012-10-14 13:19:00

Glad to hear that so many are still enjoying this recipe keep passing it on. Its good to see people still baking and not just buying store brought ....this recipe is very forgiving and doesn't require much skill so great for beginners to give them some confidence

hooksie60 - 2012-10-14 20:26:00
trah wrote:

I just made it this morning. It has a much lighter, fluffier texture than I was expecting - I was thinking it would be moist like a mud cake? At the stage in the method where you mix everything except the boiling water "to make a batter" , my mixture certainly could not be described as a batter at that stage - more crumbly/dry. Not till I mixed in the boiling water did it turn to a batter - but quite thick. I did measure accurately too - apart from reducing the sugar by a cup.

thats odd you mat have missed the right amount of milk? when its before the boiling water its definately a thick batter when its after the water its almost like its so runny
i pour mine into a jug and pour my muffins in that way
anyhoo however it comes its fab!

pheebs1 - 2012-10-15 09:29:00

It went really well, did a cake for work colleagues and 12 muffins for us. It did rise more than I expected so the muffins had muffin tops :) Also, despite lots of oil spray on the tin, it still stuck. Had to hide that under some ganache.
Have had heaps of complimentary emails from colleagues to say they loved it.

nicole1011 - 2012-10-16 11:07:00

nicole probably better to line the tin ( as I do) as it is a ruuny recipe the spray probably not sufficent. I use one of the baking mates from mitre 10 rather than baking paper then i can reuse just wipe clean... but either is good...personal preference only....hope this helps

hooksie60 - 2012-10-31 20:56:00

Do you mean those rubber type baking pans?

nicole1011 - 2012-11-05 14:33:00

yes you can use silicon bake ware ( not rubber lol) or just line your tin either baking paper or if you go to mitre 10 they sell a baking sheet that you can use in the oven or on a bbq they are really good.

Edited by hooksie60 at 8:49 pm, Mon 5 Nov

hooksie60 - 2012-11-05 20:49:00

Amazing cake, I cook at a boarding school, I doubled this recipe, two very large slice tins, the girls will love it, thanks so much for the recipe.

ginta - 2012-11-10 23:45:00
nicole1011 wrote:

Do you mean those rubber type baking pans?

theyre awful i find they stick as well
baking paper on the bottom of a oil sprayed tin works a treat
and always muffin tin patty liners
makes it soooo much easier
ps for the cake dont bother lining the sides just the sides
now im hungry!

pheebs1 - 2012-11-11 10:33:00

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deansstand - 2012-11-11 14:33:00

I did everything ritght but reduced the sugar to two cups. My only problem is the boiling water caused it to come out funny, hard to explain. A water clogged texture. I still liked the taste though but Im going to alter it somehow.

catlover28 - 2012-11-11 19:59:00
catlover28 wrote:

I did everything ritght but reduced the sugar to two cups. My only problem is the boiling water caused it to come out funny, hard to explain. A water clogged texture. I still liked the taste though but Im going to alter it somehow.

Did you use both baking soda and powder? It sounds like you didn't get the raising agents right. Should not be water clogged at all (once cooked!)

gardie - 2012-11-12 06:20:00
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