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brianmac - 2006-09-20 14:43:00

bumping this delicious thread! Fabulous thread - don't want to lose it!

amazongardens - 2006-09-22 19:41:00

extra easy fruit cake 1 kig fruit mix soaked overnight in 2 cups of orange juice - then mix in 2 cups of self raising flour bke for an hour plus at 160ish - when cooked turn out of tin but DO not eat on the first day as this cake is better the next day etc

shula2 - 2006-09-22 21:54:00

Does anyone have a recipe for a rich chocolate cake with whole red plums in it? Please!

cherise11 - 2006-09-24 14:44:00

On a bumping mission..... another awesome thread

ace441 - 2006-09-27 15:24:00

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brianmac - 2006-10-02 17:02:00

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brianmac - 2006-10-02 17:05:00

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brianmac - 2006-10-02 17:06:00

Thanks brianmac You must have an encycopedia of recipes. I love them all but cannot afford to print them all off. Have you put out a recipe book? Would love to buy it if you have.

clair4 - 2006-10-02 17:16:00

bumping should always be on Page 1!

wron - 2006-10-03 23:26:00

Cakes Clair4 any recipes you like copy and paste into word or the equivelant.
You can browse at liesure of line and mke any comments when you have made the recipe.

snapit - 2006-10-04 00:28:00

Love cake I would like the Alison Holst Love cake you mentioned Katalin2

smw54 - 2006-10-06 07:47:00

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barloo - 2006-10-09 14:30:00

Alison Holst's Love Cake She calls it Love Cake as its so fiddly you only make it for the people you love... so true! Made a fabulous wedding cake- I had a trial run and the first one slightly over cooked- the second one was perfect, I had reduced the temperature considerably.
Ingredients: 1 kg sultanas, 150gm mixed peel, 150gm cherries, 1/2 C rum/brandy or whysky, 1-2 t vanilla ess, 1-2 t almond ess, 1 t lemon ess, 1 t cardamom 1 t cinnamon 1 t ground nutmeg, 1/2 t grd cloves, 1/4 C strawberry jam, 1/4 C apricot jam 125gm butter 1 C sugar 5 eggs 1/2 C semolina 2 C ground almonds 1 1/4 C SR flour

katalin2 - 2006-10-09 14:58:00

love cake- ctd Put the dried fruit into lge mixing bowl. Add spirits of your choice and mix well, breaking up any fruit lumps. Add essences, using lgr amounts for pronounced flavour ( I just used smaller amts) then add spices. Warm jams tog until runny- dont boil. Add to fruit, mix well. Cover bowl tightly with gladwrap, leave to stand in warm room for 36 hrs. Stir mixtre several times during this period.

katalin2 - 2006-10-09 15:05:00

love cake- ctd Cream softened butter with sugar- add eggs 1 at time, alternately with 1T of the measured semolina. Next beat in the grd almonds, then the flour. Mix thoroughly but dont over mix. Tip this bowl into bowl of marinated fruit ( which of course you must sample... yum!) Mix well. Preheat oven to 160 deg- spreadmixtre into 23cm prep square tin ( I used round one) pushing into corners and levelling top. Turn oven down to 150 deg when put cake in-( more like 120) Bake 1 hr then at 140 ( maybe 100) for 1-2 hrs until the centre feels firm and skewer comes out clean. It was a v special tasting cake and lots of + feedback about it.

katalin2 - 2006-10-09 15:13:00

bump ...

maitredee - 2006-10-11 16:20:00

bumping up

wron - 2006-10-17 21:31:00

Ka donk ......

oconnec - 2006-10-24 12:42:00

Bump Bumping for someone looking for Rhubarb Coconut Cake

boxsters3 - 2006-10-26 20:43:00

bumping ... for dairy & egg free chocy cake

winnie231 - 2006-10-27 14:45:00

Pineapple and Carrot Cake Sift together: 2 cups flour, 1 tsp salt, 2 tsp baking powder, 2 tsp cinnamon and 1 1/2 tsp baking soda, then add: 2 cups brown or raw sugar, 3/4 cup oil and 4 eggs, mix well then add: 2 cups grated carrot, 400 ml tin crushed pineapple (optional 1/2 cup walnuts and handful of sultanas). Put in well greased tin. Doesn't rise alot so fill two thirds of tin. Bake at 180 C for around 1 hour until skewer comes out clean. Ice with cream cheese icing: cream 100g butter, 1 punnet cream cheese (250g), juice of 1 lemon then beat in 500 gm icing sugar.

betty_bu - 2006-10-27 15:04:00

Choc-banana Cake 1 1/2c selfraising flour,1/2c plain flour,3/4c white sugar,1/2c brown sugar,2Tbspn cocoa,1/2tsp bsoda,50g dark chocolate melted,125g butter,2 eggs,1/2c milk,1cup mashed banana. I don't always have cooking chocolate so don't have to use it. All you do is combine all the ingredients together so its a moist mixture then transfer into a 22cm greased cake tin. Cook in moderate oven for about 50 minutes or until cooked. Then ice with this chocolate frosting - 125g butter,1 1/2c icing sugar,2Tbsp cocoa,1 Tbspn milk. Cream butter until soft then add icing sugar, cocoa and milk gradually, soooo yummy icing!!!

rj5 - 2006-10-29 19:16:00

replace walnuts in cake with pumkin seeds or sunflower seed for a change.

snapit - 2006-10-31 01:26:00

Bumping .............

rj5 - 2006-10-31 18:58:00

bump ..

maitredee - 2006-11-03 10:22:00

yum yum

zitahnz - 2006-11-04 20:00:00

Cake thread on P4 No way!

wron - 2006-11-10 23:56:00

When making cakes Make 2 of the same then one can be frozen and ready for the hungry ones or the unexpected arrivals, if you need a pudding in a hurry. Can be served with custard or ice cream after warming in microwave.

snapit - 2006-11-11 00:14:00

bump bump bump

r.mascord - 2006-11-14 12:41:00

Thanks brianmac I made your sultana and orange jelly loaf and your orange yoghurt cake, I love to bake so these were great!!

rj5 - 2006-11-14 20:28:00

... bump

kennymac - 2006-11-18 21:10:00

Bump bumping for (71.) Rhubarb Coconut Cake

boxsters3 - 2006-11-19 17:40:00

Was on P4 Not now though

wron - 2006-11-24 22:13:00

Wow! This was on P5!!!!!!!

wron - 2006-11-30 19:42:00

bump read people talking bout this thread and have been hunting for it. Very good stuff dont want to lose it!

readz - 2006-12-06 09:35:00

Lemon Slice Cake Just posted recipe in 1kg lemons thread

flo16 - 2006-12-06 09:48:00

Bump ....

pixiegirl - 2006-12-12 16:16:00

P5... Unbelievable

wron - 2006-12-17 22:51:00

This was on P6! Just imagaine if it dropped off!

wron - 2006-12-24 10:09:00

Was on last page! Can't expire!

wron - 2006-12-30 11:57:00

Was on last page!!!! Saving

wron - 2007-01-05 19:55:00

13 mins till extinction.

noluck4 - 2007-01-12 19:42:00

Bump on last page

pixiegirl - 2007-01-18 13:29:00

bump bumping

pjcat - 2007-01-20 15:37:00

Bump .

noluck4 - 2007-01-25 23:29:00

bump again .

cazk - 2007-01-27 16:20:00

This is like Juliewn's newish bread thread It should be permanent but remember what folks warned us about - it could vanish so back up your absolute favourites or the lot! Read the saving threads to find out how.

wron - 2007-01-27 16:24:00

Hazelnut liquer mud cake.. 375gm butter chopped, 300gm dark choc chopped, 2c strong brewed coffee, 1/2c hazelnut liquer, 4c caster sugar, 3 cups flour, 1/2c self raising flour, 1/3c cocoa, 4 eggs. Combine butter, coffee, choc, liquer & sugar in saucepan. Cook over low heat till smooth. Set aside to cool. Sift together flour & cocoa. Stir into choc mix till smooth. Add eggs one at a time stirring well after each. Divide batter between 2 19cm cake pans. Bake @ 160° for 1 1/2 - 2 hours till cooked. Sandwich cooked cakes together with choc ganache and top with more choc ganache. Very rich & indulgent.

rkcroft - 2007-01-31 13:11:00

Just to let everyone know this fabulous thread has been saved, all recipes are now posted on for safe keeping, with free access to all, couldn't let this one drop off the end ! :)

fetish - 2007-02-06 08:41:00
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