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The FEIJOA thread - YAY its feijoa season!


fejoas and me About a year ago I was diagnosd as having an intolerance to fruit. Even so since December my bowel problems have got worse and worse. I love fejoas and was so upset that I wouldn't be having any this year. About 2 weeks ago I was feeling especially bad and fed up so I thought ****** it and ate 2 fejoas. Well would you believe I am cured! I have just had the best two weeks in several years. I have been eating 2 fejoas a day and all is great. Now I have two problems - how to get hold of a years supply? and how to preserve them. This thread is fantastic. Thanks for the ideas. When freezing them is it best to peel and freeze like that? Is there anyone in Wellington with a laden tree??

helen59 - 2008-04-28 13:14:00

freezing them? am i able to chop up and freeze the fruit to make jam and chutney at a later date when i have the time grateful for advice thanks

fishheadsoup - 2008-04-28 14:11:00

Feijoa juice To make juice peel and cook with a little sugar and water ,then put into kitchen whizz you can then freeze it. Just thaw when you want to use it , is nice added to apple or grapefruit juice. It tastes just like the cafe feijoa juice.

margy17 - 2008-04-28 14:19:00

helen59 we have 36 feijoa trees my 8yr old sells them out the gate 4 $1.00 a bag but more than happy to courier some down to you free of charge, let me know all ready this season he has sold over 200 bags that more than enough money at his age. we are in Napier so they can be in Wellington the same day

aswift - 2008-04-28 14:39:00

I will ring a courier tomorrow morning and get back to you.

helen59 - 2008-04-28 20:30:00

helen59 my pleasure,

aswift - 2008-04-29 08:59:00

Helen59... ...check out #93 for info on how to preserve the little blighters....

camenymcvertt - 2008-04-29 11:57:00

do any of you lovely ladies or gents have a feijoa and coconut cake recipe?

thanks Tanz

stylie - 2008-04-29 14:47:00

aswift Hi. I contacted NZ Post Couriers today and it was very expensive to get fejoas to Wellington from Napier. I gave up after the first courier which was wrong. I will try again tomorrow. Cheers.

helen59 - 2008-04-29 22:34:00

..... FEIJOA AND COCONUT CAKE - 150 grams butter, 1 1/2 cups caster sugar, 4 eggs, separated, 2 cups desiccated coconut, 2 cups flour, 2 tsp baking powder, pinch salt, 1 cup milk, 1 cup peeled and chopped feijoas. Beat the butter and sugar together until creamy. Beat in the egg yolks. Fold in the coconut and sifted dry ingredients with the milk and fruit. Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold into the cake mixture. Turn into a well-greased and lined 23 or 25cm cake tin. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 1 hour or until cooked. Cool for 10 minutes before turning out. Serve warm or cold with whipped cream or sour cream.

kennymac - 2008-04-30 06:06:00

I just made the #27 muffins from hannah.daniels. They are so moist and delish. I did add extra feijoa to make ti up to 2 cups. But OMG what a moist muffin...

alebix - 2008-04-30 16:18:00

bump bump

goldenbracelet - 2008-05-02 15:10:00

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budgy2 - 2008-05-02 15:22:00

mmmm made the cake recipe at the start of the thread. So yummy! Had to cook it a bit longer though.

michellee - 2008-05-02 20:47:00

Feijoa Wine Recipe Please. I thought I saw a recipe for feijoa wine. Can anyone help? I don't have a distiller. Thanks

rokido - 2008-05-03 13:45:00

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justinmmiller - 2008-05-03 21:40:00

BUMPITY bump :o)

jenna68 - 2008-05-07 06:26:00

ANYONE GOT EXCESS FEIJOAS IN NAPIER ? Just wondering if anyone has any feijoas they cant use or dont want? I live in Napier and would love to get some to try some of the gorgeous recipes in this thread.

susy07 - 2008-05-09 17:35:00

FEIJOAS IN NAPIER Hi again, first timer on this thread thing & not quite sure how it works but ....... the person with the son selling feijoas in Napier - any chance of an address and I will be thrilled to pop around and buy a good box full.
Cheers, Susy

susy07 - 2008-05-09 22:57:00

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tantric5 - 2008-05-10 04:17:00

Anyone still having these fruit..../ lovely....

valentino - 2008-05-13 18:53:00

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heather275 - 2008-05-14 18:39:00

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heather275 - 2008-05-14 19:31:00

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heather275 - 2008-05-15 07:23:00

bump Just been given a box of these by my neighbour. Going to make chutney etc as soon as I find some more jars!

natcat2104 - 2008-05-20 14:02:00

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glh1 - 2008-05-20 20:03:00

Freezing feijoas Hi,Ii just scoop the pulp into ice-cream containers and freeze.When I want to use just take out what I require.if you tap the containers when they are half frozen you can free flow them.I make cakes amd cheesecakes with them.Wynn Drabble from Havelock North has published a book of feijoa recipes.In last sunday's Star Times there was also a recipe for a Feijoa Cake.

snowflake11 - 2008-05-20 21:44:00

Ginger & Feijoa Cake 500g peeled and chopped feijoas, 2-3 Tbsp chopped crystalised ginger, 125g butter, 3/4 cup raw sugar, 1 1/2 cups flour, 1tsp baking soda, 1tsp baking powder, 1tsp cinnamon, 1/2tsp ginger, 1/2tsp nutmeg. Melt the butter in a largish pot. Add feijoas and sugar and cook till sugar is dissolved. Allow to cool. Sift together the dry ingredients and mix the feijoas into them. Add the crystalised ginger and pour into a greased ring pan. 180deg for about 40 minutes

lulu239 - 2008-05-26 11:01:00

Still going strong.... bump.

susieq9 - 2008-05-27 14:55:00

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spaniels - 2008-05-28 17:30:00

Yes..... you don't need to add sugar. Only if you want to.

susieq9 - 2008-05-28 18:16:00

Fertilising your feijoa I visited someone last week who has increased the size of the fruit, the yield and the flavour of her feijoas over the past few years by fertilising with glacial rock dust and setting up a small worm farm underneath the bushes/trees. The liquid leach from the worm farm goes directly into the soil around feijoas. I know where I'm putting the worm farm I plan to establish next spring.

trixiebelle1 - 2008-05-28 18:40:00

Bump Bumping for recipes to use the last feijoas.

boxsters3 - 2008-06-01 17:31:00

Feijoas - skinned. Hi you folk that peel and scoop out feijoas. Pour boiling water on them, and let them stand for a couple of minutes and the skin peels off easily - but not as easily as tomatoes.

I sometimes peel with the potato peeler, too.

macgrannz - 2008-06-01 23:14:00

Bumping for alan.pauline

lulu239 - 2008-06-06 11:57:00

On last page :o)

jenna68 - 2008-06-12 12:41:00

bumped for heatherlovenz :-))

245sam - 2008-06-15 22:41:00

to bottle: cut in half + scoop out, bring to boil in water (starting from cold water), then bottle (may not be quite cooked but will finish from heat in the water)-no need for sugar.

demsey - 2008-06-16 15:39:00

Up it goes :o)

jenna68 - 2008-06-21 09:15:00

And again ... :o)

jenna68 - 2008-06-23 19:36:00

One more for those with Fejoas.. *sulks* even though I don't have any! :o)

jenna68 - 2008-06-28 08:53:00

back to the top hoping these get saved over to TMC

bev00 - 2008-07-04 21:55:00

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owl32 - 2008-07-06 23:24:00

Bumping.. :o)

jenna68 - 2008-07-09 05:50:00

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herbiez1 - 2008-07-13 20:08:00

Hi Owl.. I think the season would be finished now, unless upper South Island fruit is still available.. I just checked on Trademe for you as I've seen them for sale on here.. hope you find some..

juliewn - 2008-07-20 03:18:00

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ladylaha - 2008-07-20 15:52:00

Spicy Feijoa Chutney 18 peeled & dice feijoas, 2 diced onions, 3 peeled & diced apples, 550g sugar, 400ml malt vinegar, 1Tbsp salt, 1/2 tsp cayenne or chilli, 1tsp black pepper, 1/2tsp ginger, 1/2tsp whole cloves, 1/2 tsp cinnamon. Put all ingredients into large pan, simmer for half an hour until chutney thickens, stiring frequently, put into hot, sterilised jars. purplegoanna (543 ) 1:25 pm, 18 Jul - recipe copied & pasted from another thread before it disappeared :-))

245sam - 2008-07-25 10:47:00

Bumpin :o)

jenna68 - 2008-07-28 06:31:00

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fruitluva2 - 2008-08-03 09:24:00
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