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BBQ Recipes.... including 245sam Meatball....

irish15 wrote:

What I dont understand is the cooking methods. I get the grill one with hood up. Indirect - now am i right saying you put the meat in a pan and sit it on the grill? you do not have the heat directly under meat but on the outside? rotissery - you take out the hot plate and grill? do you put a tray under the meat to catch drips? what does this sit on then? do you have the gas turned off under meat like indirect?

"What it means when one notes “Indirect Cooking”.

It is to do with a Hooded BBQ, cold air is sucked through the bottom of the unit, heated in the main chamber and passed out through the vents in the top of the hood. The end result is like something cooked in an oven but with the BBQ flavour.

The trick to indirect cooking is to keep the bottom vents open so air circulates evenly, and to minimise the number of times one opens the lid (the more often you peek inside, the more heat escapes and longer things will take to cook).

Always “Preheat” BBQ before indirect cooking, just as you would with an oven. Most Hooded BBQ’s have Temperature Gauges to indicate right heat required level. Always check the Manufacturer’s instructions for your BBQ. Generally, the food is placed in the middle section with the outside burners set at medium to high, the inside ones are turned off after initial heating, on some brands - the burners 2 and 5 are on and the rest turned off. If one has a digital Thermometer with a metal probe placed through the vent hole or any of the other holes preferably through the side in the middle ones in the rear and not directly over the burning heat source, one can get an accurate reading of temperatures. Take special notes on settings if one does this and please ensure the heat is steady preferably say after about 30 minutes at least, gives personal confidence of cooking heat available.

“Direct Cooking” Is referred when one is using the BBQ in normal fashion like grilling, frying etc etc without the hood closed.

Just a wee Personal note re Indirect Heat, and generally nice to know especially if one cooks by using Temperatures.

One recently checked temperatures on a 6 burner hooded BBQ, and using the upper rack hole and lower middle hole towards the botton of hood, using burners numbers 2 and 5, came up with the following reults;
Knobs turned to Hi, digital temp was 194c upper half and 183c lower half.
Knobs about one quarter down from Hi, was 190c upper and 180c lower.
Knobs at halfway from Hi to Lo, was 155c upper and 150c lower, quite a difference.
Also checked through the back vents and temps were about 1-3c slightly higher temp difference.

Hence on Knobs on Hi for roasting on the grill level and knobs for rotisserie and upper rack cooking between Hi and quarter way down from Hi depending on personal desire.
However, one should use a steak or meat Thermometer always to check the doneness of meats."

The above was noted in that TMC link.

To continue in next posting....

valentino - 2011-11-09 11:02:00

Generally one should have what are called "Diffusers", these are designed to fit immediately above the Gas Elements, one then removes the hotplate or hotplates but leave the grill plate in BBQ (these are great as they allow great flow of heat plus a platform to add other items whilst rotisserring.

As noted when rotissering to have drip trays under the meats but not too big to hinder that heat flow.

Best practise is to have two items on the rod evenly spaced apart like from end to first piece then similar space to next item then similar space to the end section, pay special note not have the meats immediately above a naked flame hence why the diffusers are excellent as they distribute the heat more evenly. Oh one can do a one only piece but placed in the middle.

The drip trays if using are best placed on the BBQ grilplate, must be elevate as far as possible from the flames without hindering the rotisserring process.

You can also cook meats (pieces or a chunk) preferably in a tray on a hotplate or grillplate without using the rotisserrie method, just ensure that the right heat is circulating via hood being closed hence "Indirect" cooking and (this is a must) to use a proper meat thermometer, one can even use foil to cover meats to cut down on excess browning.

Hopes this helps and I do know others here can also note their respective import.

Oh, to add re use of Diffusers, great for smoking items, just place on top of them a tray of pre-soaked wood chips like Manuka, cherry etc but must be non-treated non-toxic woods with herbs and tea leaves covered in foil punched with holes in top to allow the ensuing smoke to do its work.

Cheers and all the best.

Edited by valentino at 11:29 am, Wed 9 Nov

valentino - 2011-11-09 11:15:00

thankyou very much. Now to cook a chook on rotissery. Do you pre heat.
if so to what temp, if not do as you have mentioned above put chook in switch on burners 2 & 5 to what? medium? and cook for 1.5 hours? Im want to purchase a meat thermometer is there any I should look for. How do I find out what the temp of a cooked chicken is?

irish15 - 2011-11-09 11:31:00
irish15 wrote:

thankyou very much. Now to cook a chook on rotissery. Do you pre heat.
if so to what temp, if not do as you have mentioned above put chook in switch on burners 2 & 5 to what? medium? and cook for 1.5 hours? Im want to purchase a meat thermometer is there any I should look for. How do I find out what the temp of a cooked chicken is?

Yes, always preheat BBQ when using the hood, that is the hood is down creating the oven effect.

Best to have a good reliable thermometer in the hood itself, if not then one can get one that is ovenproof (Trade me has sellers that sell these) and turn the knobs until the right temp is met, does not happen instantly and once again - just like a normal oven.

On a 6 burner BBQ best to have numbers 2 and 5 on, on a 4 burner to have the outside ones only on.

Generally allow 1 1/2 hours for a medium to about 2 hours for a larger chicken.

Mitre 10 or Bunnings or possibly Trade Me sells these, the dial does not have numbers on them - just a range like Rare-Medium Rare- Medium- Well Cooked or colours and wordings similar meanings. Looks like a dial on the end of a metal prong (short skewer shape).

Using the last noted thermometer will tell you or by inserting a metal skewer and if the juices run clear or very little juices then it is cooked, visibly if the leg or drumstick joint starts to fall down or off the carcas then it is well and truly cooked.

Oven Thermometer..

Meat Thermometer... Looks similar to this..

There are now heaps of digital ones available but have temps on them and one needs to know the desirable internal cooked temperatures to appreciate these, generally try on roasts to your preference and taking notes as one does these to know what one is aiminig for, hopes this makes sense.


valentino - 2011-11-09 12:11:00

ok, on reading my book what there is of it, for spit roasting Im assurming thats rotissery it says to move the flame tamers all into the middle but if you do indirect have outside ones going only. Have you done rostissery like that, thats where I think Im getting confused.

irish15 - 2011-11-09 13:26:00

Are you flame tamers like slightly bent metal sheets with holes or slots in them, if so then move towards the outer burners only to cover the burners so whatever is placed directly above them will not get that direct heat as these pieces will help to distribute the heat flow, it helps to spread sufficient heat more evenly and protect the burners from hot dripping fats that causes unnecessary little explosions or flare-ups. These are actually called diffusers.

Oh, I have done heaps of Rotisserring and normal BBQing in my time.
You will get the hang of it after 2 or 3 times then you will be a pro like the rest of us, just do it and take notes each time.


valentino - 2011-11-09 14:22:00

yes they are metal bent sheets with holes in them and one covers each of the burners. would I need to take some out? we have a 6 burner. so the middle burns dont get turned on? only the outside ones. move the grill into the middle and sit a dish ontop to catch the fat dripping from the rotissery chook right?

irish15 - 2011-11-09 14:47:00

And to the above post re Diffusers, have them so they are directly below the meats.

If you only have one piece of meat and is in the middle, place a diffuser above each burner plus one directly below the meat.
Reason;- protect meat from the direct flame below it as the diffuser will rediect heat flow upwards which means coming from the outside edges of diffusers and if these are quite flamey (so to speak) could give unwanted or undesirable direct flame to the meat which one does not want hence possibly another diffuser below meat to stop this from happening.

The ideal end result is a nicely balanced evenly heat flow right across the whole BBQ, remembering that heat rises directly upwards, never downwards.

Hopes this also helps.

valentino - 2011-11-09 14:51:00
irish15 wrote:

yes they are metal bent sheets with holes in them and one covers each of the burners. would I need to take some out? we have a 6 burner. so the middle burns dont get turned on? only the outside ones. move the grill into the middle and sit a dish ontop to catch the fat dripping from the rotissery chook right?

Only turn on the burners 2 and 5 or 2nd ones in from each end, turn knobs to high to preheat, then just turn it a fraction down once cooking starts.

A dish below the meat is like having another diffuser but be wary that any fats into tray will burn of, sometimes good idea to put some water into the tray as this gives good moisture content within.

And you keep all the diffusers in, the heat flow will still be good.


Edited by valentino at 2:56 pm, Wed 9 Nov

valentino - 2011-11-09 14:54:00

im so confused hahah.

irish15 - 2011-11-09 14:56:00
irish15 wrote:

im so confused hahah.

No you not, just me going overboard but just go and do it..... You will be right.


valentino - 2011-11-09 14:57:00

so lets start at begining. I want to do a chooky rotissery style.Take hotplate out. put grill plate in middle, make sure the flame tamer is under the chook.Put pan on grill plate with a little water in. Preheat with hood down to high. once temperature reached turn down a tad. Keep number 2 & 5 going and turn rest off. put chook in and turn on rotissery and cook for 1.5-2hours. Is that it. If I want to cook a chook in a pan do I do the same as above but remove the rotissery?

irish15 - 2011-11-09 15:09:00
irish15 wrote:

so lets start at begining. I want to do a chooky rotissery style.Take hotplate out. put grill plate in middle, make sure the flame tamer is under the chook.Put pan on grill plate with a little water in. Preheat with hood down to high. once temperature reached turn down a tad. Keep number 2 & 5 going and turn rest off. put chook in and turn on rotissery and cook for 1.5-2hours. Is that it. If I want to cook a chook in a pan do I do the same as above but remove the rotissery?

In a nutshell, yes.

Flame tamers over turned on elements also at least.

Even in a pan but better rotisserried, in the pan can get burnt a little on the bottom if over a flame, if not then will take longer than rotisserried. Rotisserrie gives a better cook, better skin colour and is more controlled, even keeps juices more as it is rotated both within and on the outside.
Not to confuse you any further but one can get "Chicken stands" that allow a chicken be placed over and add a beer can with some beer in it directly onto a hotplate but cooked via "Indirect method".

valentino - 2011-11-09 15:48:00

not sure what you mean flame tamers over turned on elements. another thing how do you put the rotissary thru say a rolled roast

irish15 - 2011-11-09 16:20:00
irish15 wrote:

not sure what you mean flame tamers over turned on elements. another thing how do you put the rotissary thru say a rolled roast

Sorry, should read "Turned on Burners" not elements.

With a very long sharp narrow Knife poke through middle of meat from one end to the other then whilst the knife is in, turn or twist the knife to form the hole. With the Rotisserried rod push against end of knife - gently guide the rod through the meat pushing or pulling the knife out at the same time. One can take the knife out first but then the rod needs to go through where the knife has been.

A thought to add, buy some cotton string (pak'n'save have this), great to secure any loose pieces of meat onto the main portion of meat.

Once the rod is in place secure the prongs into the ends of meats and away you go.

Another thought, if using Stuffed meats, best to wrap meats in foil first then onto rod, secure with prongs and string then with about an 1/2 hour or so to go, take off the foil but leave the string intact, just a wee tip.


Edited by valentino at 4:47 pm, Wed 9 Nov

valentino - 2011-11-09 16:46:00

what would I do with out you. baked spuds can these cook while doing meat/chicken and how do you do them I like skins to be crispy is this acheivable?

irish15 - 2011-11-09 17:03:00
irish15 wrote:

what would I do with out you. baked spuds can these cook while doing meat/chicken and how do you do them I like skins to be crispy is this acheivable?

Yes, and Yes.
Read page one and 2 on veges.


valentino - 2011-11-09 17:17:00

12 skinless, boneless chicken breast fillets
2 cups lemon-lime flavoured carbonated beverage e.g. Bundaberg Lemon, Lime & Bitters
1 cup each of soy sauce and vegetable oil
1½ tsp garlic powder

In a medium bowl combine the lemon-lime beverage, soy sauce, oil and garlic powder. Stir thoroughly, then put the marinade mixture and the chicken together in a plastic container and marinate in the refrigerator for 6-9 hours.
Barbecue slowly - don't overcook. Turn frequently, basting with the marinade with at each turn. Cook until the meat is no longer pink in the centre and the juices run clear. Discard any remaining marinade after use.
Serves 6.
Note: We have always used chicken breast fillets, either whole or cut into strips and threaded on to skewers, but any chicken parts can be used and the marinating time simply increased to 12-18 hours for bone-in pieces. :-))

Edited by 245sam at 12:15 am, Thu 8 Nov

245sam - 2012-11-08 00:14:00

Some very nice salads in the next two posts.

One could also combine the two or serve as two dishes, ideal at Christmas or get-togethers.

Chargrilling is very easy and quick on the BBQ grill.

Editing to add that these two are really nice, simple and can be done way ahead of serving time, what more could one note but Enjoy, they are both worthy to be served and can imagine going very well with 245sam's recipe posted just above.


Edited by valentino at 3:21 pm, Fri 9 Nov

valentino - 2012-11-09 15:10:00

Char-grilled eggplant and rocket or Mesculum salad

2 red capsicums, quartered, seeded
2 tbs extra virgin olive oil
1 garlic clove, crushed
2 eggplants, trimmed, cut into 1cm-thick slices
2 zucchini, trimmed, thinly sliced lengthways
1 bunch rocket or a two handfuls of Mesculum, trimmed
100g soft goat's cheese
2 tbs toasted pinenuts
1 tbs balsamic vinegar
Shredded lemon rind, to serve
Toasted sourdough bread, to serve

Preheat grill on high. Place the capsicum, skin-side up, on an oven tray and place under preheated grill. Cook for 5 minutes or until capsicum is charred and blistered. Transfer to a bowl and cover with plastic wrap and set aside for 10 minutes (this will help lift the skin). Peel and cut into thick strips.

Preheat a char-grill pan on high. Combine the oil and garlic and brush evenly over the eggplant and zucchini slices. Place half the eggplant and zucchini on the char-grill and cook for 2-3 minutes each side or until tender. Transfer to a plate. Repeat with remaining eggplant and zucchini.

Arrange the capsicum, eggplant, zucchini, rocket(mesculum) and goat's cheese on serving plates. Sprinkle with pinenuts and drizzle with balsamic vinegar. Garnish with grated lemon rind. Serve with toasted sourdough bread.

valentino - 2012-11-09 15:13:00

Beef and beet salad

500g salad potatoes, cut into bite size cubes
8 baby beetroot, scrubbed or 4 larger ones cut into cubes after cooked
12 small slices or pieces leftover roast beef (or ham or chicken or smoked fish)
200g mixed baby salad leaves (mesculun)
2 tbs chopped dill
200g tub sour cream
1 tube wasabi horseradish cream
Cut potatoes into bite-sized pieces. Place in a saucepan, cover with cold salted water and bring to the boil. Cook until tender, about 5 minutes should be sufficient, then drain and cool. Meanwhile, cook beetroot in a pan of boiling salted water for 10-15 minutes (Longer if bigger size like 30 t0 40 minutes) until tender. Drain, then cool and halve or cubed.
Combine the potatoes, beef, baby salad leaves and 1 tablespoon of dill in a large bowl. Mix together the sour cream, horseradish, remaining dill and about 2 tablespoon warm water in a small bowl, then season with salt and pepper. Just before serving, add the beetroot to the salad. Arrange on a platter and drizzle with the horseradish dressing.

Edited by valentino at 3:29 pm, Fri 9 Nov

valentino - 2012-11-09 15:15:00

Valentino - I cannot get your link (trademe cooks) to work - any clues how? Thanks!

arrowmax - 2012-11-09 16:38:00
arrowmax wrote:

Valentino - I cannot get your link (trademe cooks) to work - any clues how? Thanks!

That website was where TM recipes were saved for others to use but has now ceased to exist.
Fisher a TM member and a regular poster saved all of these into his website but it seems to now no longer exists re downloads of those TM Recipes.

Some of us have saved these recipes on their computers, perhaps one day they will exist again but in the meantime, any requests can be made in this MSB.


Edited by valentino at 4:51 pm, Fri 9 Nov

valentino - 2012-11-09 16:48:00
arrowmax wrote:

Valentino - I cannot get your link (trademe cooks) to work - any clues how? Thanks!

Have had a wee play around, try these links to a dropbox, it may work, let us know please.


If a wee window opens up re share, simply click to close it then it should work.

Editing to add that look under TM-V2 for the thread called " The Great Kiwi BBQ".


Edited by valentino at 5:12 pm, Fri 9 Nov

valentino - 2012-11-09 17:06:00

Another very nice variation of Barbecued vegetable salad with feta and spinach

6 (about 415g) Lebanese (slender) eggplants, ends trimmed, cut into 1.5cm-thick slices diagonally
3 zucchini, ends trimmed, cut into 1.5cm-thick slices diagonally
2 yellow capsicums, deseeded, cut into 2cm-thick slices
Olive oil spray
1 x 240g pkt cherry truss tomatoes, stems trimmed
60ml (1/4 cup) extra virgin olive oil
1 tbs red wine vinegar
1 tsp Dijon mustard
Pinch of raw sugar or caster sugar
70g baby spinach leaves
100g feta, crumbled
Preheat a barbecue plate or frying pan on medium-high. Lightly spray both sides of the eggplant, zucchini and capsicum slices with olive oil spray.
Add the eggplant to the barbecue and cook for 3-4 minutes each side or until golden and just tender. Transfer to a large heatproof bowl. Add the zucchini and capsicum to the barbecue and cook for 3-4 minutes each side or until just tender. Transfer to the bowl. Add the tomatoes to the barbecue and cook for 5 minutes or until warmed through. Transfer to the bowl.
Meanwhile, whisk together the oil, vinegar, mustard and sugar in a small jug. Season with salt and pepper.
Add the spinach to the eggplant mixture and stir to combine. Divide among serving plates. Top with feta and drizzle over the dressing to serve.

valentino - 2012-11-11 12:35:00

Thanks valentino - the links both took me to somewhere I was asked to sign in with email and password, but after reading your edit, I see that these recipes are from the "old TMC" - and I am lucky enough to have 1,2, and 3 so I shall go check out all those recipes on there! Many Thanks!

arrowmax - 2012-11-11 13:14:00

Another very easy but slightly different salad, nice warm one but also nice if just non-refrigerated cold as well.

I have those Bamboo steamers, the larger size that fits over a good size fry pan with a bit of depth to hold sufficient water with a wee bit of salt and brought up to a simmering boil prior to placing the steamers on top, great for that side burner on the BBQ. I usually cut a piece of baking paper to fit inside with a wee (say about a 2cm diamter hole in the middle) to allow good flow of steam and to stop stickingness on the bottom.
The larger Bamboo steamers are about $12.50 per item, I have two steamers and one lid. Also great for those Dumplings, Pork Buns large or small.

Chicken tenderloins with eggplant and bok choy and ricotta salad

12 chicken tenderloins (about 90g each)
2 tsp olive oil
2 tbs shredded basil leaves
At least 2 Eggplants
1 tbs Olive oil
2 cloves garlic crushed
2 Red Capsicums
At least 2 large red sweet Chillies (Asian Stores sell these)
1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced
2 or 3 bunches or more sometimes do 4 of different Bok Choy Steamed
2 tbs red wine vinegar and 2 tbs olive oil combined into a dressing
3 tbs (60g) fresh low-fat ricotta
Cut Capsicums and Chillies into quarters, skin down on Grill, chargrill for about 5 minutes or until charred or blistered then place into a bowl and cover with plastic wrap for 10 minutes at least. Then peel the skins off and slice into thin lengths and set aside.
Slice Eggplants about 1.5 to 2cm thick and brush with combined oil and garlic then grill on grill plate.
Steam the Bok Choy for about 10 to 15 minutes or until wilted and firm parts are tender. Hint, any excess from the oil garlic can be placed on top of the Bok Choy.
Combine the chicken, olive oil and basil in a bowl and season with salt and pepper. Heat a Hot Plate over medium to high heat and cook the chicken for 2 minutes on each side or until it is golden and cooked through.

Combine the eggplant, Red Capsicums and chillies, onion , Bok Choy, red wine vinegar and extra 2 Tbs olive oil dressing in a large bowl. Divide the mixture among plates or into a platter and dot with teaspoons of ricotta. Serve topped with chicken.

Edited by valentino at 10:04 am, Mon 12 Nov

valentino - 2012-11-12 09:49:00

Barbecued lamb with mixed tomato salad


400g lamb backstraps
Olive oil cooking spray
About 150g baby Spinach Leaves
1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced
About 4 tomatoes sliced in wedges or quartered
1/3 cup dry-roasted almonds, chopped
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

Lemon, garlic and green onion rub
1 tablespoon lemon zest
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 green onion, finely chopped
3 teaspoons sea salt
1 teaspoon cracked black pepper

Make lemon, garlic and green onion rub: Combine lemon, garlic, onion, salt and pepper in a small bowl.
Spoon mixture over lamb, rubbing to coat all over. Spray lamb with oil.
Heat a barbecue chargrill or chargrill pan over medium heat. Cook lamb for 4 to 5 minutes each side, for medium, or until browned and cooked to your liking. Transfer to a plate. Cover with foil. Set aside for 5 minutes to rest. Thinly slice.
Meanwhile, place spinach, onion, tomatoes and almonds in a bowl. Using a fork, whisk vinegar and extra virgin olive oil together. Pour over salad. Toss gently to combine. Serve lamb on salad.

Editing to note, Green Onion is Spring Onion and preferably the bigger ones are used.

Edited by valentino at 2:06 pm, Mon 19 Nov

valentino - 2012-11-19 14:01:00

A nice easy one to do and quite quickly done on the BBQ...

BBQ or Chargrilled chicken with cauliflower and chickpea salad
500g cauliflower florets, quartered
400g can chickpeas, drained, rinsed
2 tbs extra virgin olive oil
Grated zest and juice of 1 lemon
1/2 red onion, finely chopped
2 tbs chopped flat-leaf parsley
Olive oil spray
850g chicken tenderloin


Blanch the cauliflower in a saucepan of boiling salted water for 1-2 minutes until just tender. Drain well and set aside.

Combine chickpeas, oil, lemon zest and juice, onion and parsley in a bowl. Season, then toss gently to combine.

Meanwhile, preheat a BBQ or a chargrill pan or frypan over medium-high heat. Lightly spray chicken with oil, then season. In 2 batches, cook the chicken for 3 minutes on each side or until lightly charred and cooked through. Transfer to a plate, cover loosely with foil and keep warm.

Lightly spray the BBQ grill or a chargrill with oil and cook the drained cauliflower for 1 minute each side until lightly charred. Transfer to the bowl of salad and toss to combine. Serve with the chicken tenderloins.

valentino - 2012-11-30 14:50:00

A very popular dish to add to any BBQ times.....

Grilled zucchini with caprese salad and rocket salsa

4 zucchini, very thinly sliced lengthways
1 tbs extra virgin olive oil
4 vine-ripened tomatoes, seeds removed, chopped
2 x 120g buffalo mozzarella balls, drained, chopped
1/2 cup basil leaves
Rocket salsa
1 cup rocket leaves, stems removed
1 cup flat-leaf parsley leaves
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
1 tbs tiny salted capers, rinsed, drained
1 tbs red wine vinegar
1/4 cup (60ml) extra virgin olive oil

For the rocket salsa, place ingredients in a food processor, season with sea salt and pepper, then process until smooth. Loosen with a little water. Set aside.
Preheat chargrill or barbecue to medium-high. Brush zucchini with oil and grill, turning once, for 5 minutes until lightly charred. Arrange zucchini on plates and top with tomato and mozzarella.
Season, then drizzle with rocket salsa. Top with basil leaves.

Edited by valentino at 2:57 pm, Fri 30 Nov

valentino - 2012-11-30 14:56:00

If you want to ruin that last recipe by jazzing it a little, simply sizzle some square pieces of streaky type bacon on the hotplate and mix it in.

Even sizzle up other chopped items like brier sticks, chorkitos, small specialty sausages etc...

It is quite ruinously nice and gets others to eat more healthy foods in the process.

editing to add that only a wee bit is required to be added...


Edited by valentino at 3:13 pm, Fri 30 Nov

valentino - 2012-11-30 15:11:00

I recently did a 50/50 mix of two recipes posted above, esp with that Wasabi - Horseradish dressing being used, was lovely. The beef and Beet with more of the caprese and rocket salad mix.
Cheers and it is now under 12 Days for Christmas.

valentino - 2012-12-13 17:00:00

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cookessentials - 2013-08-31 11:52:00

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cookessentials - 2013-08-31 12:45:00

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cookessentials - 2013-08-31 12:46:00

Done this a few times now, got it off the Regal website, very highly recommended.... BBQ or Oven style.


2 tablespoons reduced salt soy sauce
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon oil
1 tablespoon freshly grated root ginger
1 garlic clove crushed
2 teaspoons caster sugar
1 Salmon whole fillet or number of serving size pieces to suit
Freshly ground black pepper
For the marinade, mix the soy sauce, lemon juice, oil, ginger, garlic, and caster sugar in a large, clean zip lock bag.
Place the salmon in the plastic bag, close tightly and turn several times to coat well with the marinade. Refrigerate for between 30 minutes and 2 hours.
Season the salmon with pepper and place it on a hot BBQ grill, making sure it is not in direct contact with the flames. Cook for 6-8 minutes until the flesh is just cooked through.
Alternatively, cook in a preheated oven at 200C for 15 to 20 minutes or until the flesh is just cooked through.
When cooking in oven, use an ovenproof dish lined with foil with overlap up sides, place salmon on the foil, put the marinade all over the salmon, place another piece of foil over creating a lid then fold the overlapping sides of bottom piece over the outside edges of the top piece. Bake at 190c for 25 minutes or until cooked to personal liking.
One can put into the oven when cold then bring oven up to 190c but to allow additional 10 to 15 minutes on overall cooking time.

valentino - 2013-08-31 12:52:00

This is lovely especially when you can get rabbit.

Jamie Oliver’s grilled and marinated rabbit (coniglio marinato alla griglia)

• 1 x 1.2kg/2½lb rabbit, preferably wild, jointed
• a handful of fresh thyme and rosemary, leaves picked
• 4 garlic cloves, peeled
• olive oil
• zest and juice of 1 lemon
• 1 teaspoon honey
• 4 thick slices of pancetta ( a nice thick slices of Bacon works great)
• salt and freshly ground black pepper

I’ve written this recipe to be cooked on the barbecue, because the flavour will be amazing, but it also works really well when roasted in the oven at 200ºC/400ºF/gas 6. If you cook it in the oven, turn the pieces of rabbit several times to ensure even colour and cooking. If you cook it on the barbecue, you’ll need 5 wooden or metal skewers (soak wooden ones before you use them). Whether barbecuing or roasting, here are your rough timings:

Belly: 25 to 30 minutes.
Kidneys and liver: 4 minutes.
Saddle and ribs: 15 to 20 minutes.
Legs and shoulder: 35 to 40 minutes.

Put your rabbit pieces into a bowl. Using a pestle and mortar, or a liquidizer, bash or whiz up the thyme and rosemary leaves to a pulp, then add the garlic cloves and bash or whiz again. Stir in 8 tablespoons of olive oil, the lemon zest and juice and the honey, and pour this over the rabbit. Put the meat to one side and let it come to room temperature while you light your barbecue.

Now I’m going to talk about flavour. Get a couple of sprigs of fresh thyme and tie them together like a little brush. Each time you turn the meat, dab it with a little of the marinade to give you a lovely encrusted layer of flavour. This rabbit is going to be really tasty!

Keeping the marinade to one side, remove the pieces of meat and season with salt and pepper. Sandwich the pancetta between the 2 pieces of belly using 3 skewers. Put the legs and shoulder on the barbecue. When they’ve been cooking for 10 minutes, put the belly on. After another 10 minutes put the saddle and ribs on. Make sure you turn the meat over every so often. Look after it by controlling the temperature and basting it continuously with the marinade. Cut three-quarters of the way through each kidney and open them out like a book. Cut the liver into 4 pieces and push one piece on to each remaining skewer, followed by a kidney and more liver.

When all the pieces of meat are beautifully cooked, add your skewered bits of kidney and liver on to the barbecue and cook until golden, along with your 2 remaining slices of pancetta. After a few minutes, when the pancetta is browned, put it on top of the meat at the cooler end of the barbie. Now get your guests round the table.

You can serve the rabbit with any white beans, or roast potatoes, or grilled vegetables, or different salads – it really depends on how you feel and what the weather’s like. Just put a big bowl of your chosen accompaniment in the middle of the table and serve all the meat on a board. Lovely with a glass of white wine. Simple, honest and bloody good.

valentino - 2013-08-31 12:56:00

This is easy, simple and quick and very nice.

Barbecued Snapper

This is a fantastic way to cook freshly caught whole fish. Infused with delicious summer flavours, this recipe is great for sharing with friends around the barbecue.
Preparation Time:
10 minutes
Cooking Time:
40 minutes
1 kg whole snapper
2 lemons, sliced
1 tsp Crushed Garlic
2 Tbsp butter, cut into slices
2 tsp Lemon Pepper Seasoning
Coloured Peppercorns, freshly ground, to season
1/4 cup white wine
Preheat the oven to 180°C or preheat a BBQ.
Cut deep slits in the fish, approximately 2 cm apart. Place half of the lemon slices, Crushed Garlic and butter inside the fish.
Place half of the remaining lemon and butter on aluminium foil that has been greased with butter. Rub remaining garlic onto one side of the fish. Season with Lemon Pepper Seasoning, Coloured Peppercorns and top with the remaining lemon and butter. Pour the wine over then fold up the foil to form a tight parcel.
To BBQ, place the fish on a BBQ plate over low heat for 15 minutes on each side or until it is cooked. Close the BBQ hood to cook if you have one.
To bake in the oven; place on a baking tray and bake in the oven for 40 minutes or until it is cooked.

I think it initially came from Greggs website.

valentino - 2013-08-31 13:01:00

Using Pita Bread Pockets - very yummy for all the family
Try this on a BBQ.. On the hot plate have a mixture of mince, cut up and slice sausages, bits of bacon some white onion sizzling and eggs running through the mixture, on the grill side on low heat - heat some 1/2 cut soft made Pitta Bread pockets. Then on a table whatever next to oneself a bowl of Salad leaves chopped mixed with some red onion, chopped tomatoes and other such fillings and finally a selection of mayo - sauces. Put some meat filling into a pocket followed by salad filling then topped with the dressings and/or sauces. Wrap base of pocket with a serviette. Absolutely an all-time favourite with a good number of guests. one could also add their favourite seasoning to the meat mixture. Even some herbs whatever one likes...

valentino - 2013-08-31 13:06:00

BBQ’ed Lamb Pittas with Fresh Mint Salad
1 kg lean lamb mince, 1 cup finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley, ½ cup finely chopped fresh mint, 1 onion finely chopped, 1 clove garlic crushed, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon chilli sauce, 4 small wholemeal soft pitta pockets.
Mint Salad – 3 small vine-ripened tomatoes, 1 small red onion finely sliced, 1 cup fresh mint, 1 tablespoon olive oil and 2 tablespoons lemon juice.
Place the lamb mince, parsley, mint, onion, garlic, egg and chilli sauce in a large bowl and mix together well. Shape into eight patties. Chill for 30 minutes.
The Mint salad, slice the tomatoes into thin rings and place in the bowl with red onion, mint, olive oil and lemon juice, season well with salt and freshly ground black pepper and gently toss to coat. Wrap the pitta breads in foil and warm on low heated part of BBQ. Brush the BBQ grill or hot-plate with oil and chargrill cooking patties for about 3 minutes each side, do not turn until a nice crust has formed on the base or they will fall apart when you moved them. Remove the pitta breads and cut them in half. Fill each half with some mint salad and a lamb patty. Serve with some low-fat yoghurt or sour cream or a light dressing if desired.

valentino - 2013-08-31 13:08:00

Barbecued Apples
4 Granny Smith Apples, 50 g dried apricots finely chopped, 50 g dates finely chopped, 1 tablespoon dry breadcrumbs, 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1 tablespoon honey warmed, 2 teaspoons apricot jam warmed, 20 g firm butter and ground nutmeg to serve. Core the apples and using a small sharp knife run a small slit around the circumference of each apple ( This stops splitting during cooking ). Combine dried apricots, dates, breadcrumbs, cinnamon, honey and jam in a bowl. Divide the mixture into 4 and push into the apples. Dot the top of each apple with butter and wrap each apple in foil like a basket then joining all at top. Cook on BBQ before and whilst cooking all else and may take about 45 - 55 minutes overall, test with skewer to ensure all is tender. Serve hot with cream or ice cream and sprinkle nutmeg over the top before serving.

valentino - 2013-08-31 14:22:00

BBQ Banana Split

1/2 cup finely chopped dark chocolate,
2 tbsp chopped or slivered almonds,
2 tbsp chopped glazed cherries,
4 large ripe bananas unpeeled and cream or ice cream to serve.
Preheat BBQ to medium.
Combine choc, almonds and cherries in small bowl, set aside.
Place bananas on preheated BBQ, cook for about 8 minutes or until the skin is black and flesh is soft, (do not worry if they start to split, but remove from heat if inside start oozing out).
Once cooked, remove from BBQ, split the skin lengthways to expose flesh.
Scatter with choc and fruit mixture, serve immediately with cream or ice cream.

valentino - 2013-08-31 14:24:00

Glazed Pineapple wedges with coconut

1 pineapple,
½ c brown sugar,
½ tsp vanilla essence,
a little water,
1 tbsp Malibu liqueur,
3 tbsp butter,
2 tbsp desiccated coconut toasted and
vanilla ice cream to serve.
Preheat BBQ to medium.
Peel pineapple, slice lengthways and remove core.
Cut into long wedges 1 cm thick.
Put sugar, vanilla and 2 tsp water in a small saucepan, cook over low heat for 6 minutes or until sugar dissolves.
Remove from heat, add Malibu, then return to heat and simmer for a further 3 minutes.
Whisk in butter, continue to simmer over low heat for 15 minutes or until smooth and glossy.
Brush pineapple pieces with mixture and grill on preheated BBQ plate for a couple of minutes or until light scorch marks appear.
Arrange on a serving platter, drizzle with any remaining mixture and scatter with coconut.
Serve with ice cream alongside.

valentino - 2013-08-31 14:25:00

Barbecued Banana Dessert
6 Large bananas, dark chocolate and 1/2 cup chopped walnuts. Peel bananas, place each on a piece of foil, split bananas length-wise and fill with pieces of chocolate. Sprinkle with nuts. Wrap foil firmly around banana being careful to seal each end. Place carefully on BBQ Grill for about 10 - 15 minutes. Serve hot with ice-cream or leave until cold when chocolate sets.

valentino - 2013-08-31 14:26:00

BBQ Pesto Chicken with Roasters & Vegetables Serves 4
1 tsp Gourmet Garden Garlic
3 Tblsp Gourmet Garden Basil
2 Tblsp Toasted pinenuts, chopped
2 Tblsp finely grated Parmesan cheese
2 tsp olive oil
4 Tegel Fresh Boneless Chicken Breasts
4 streaky bacon rashers
700g bag Wattie's Rosemary and Garlic Potato Roasters
1 tsp Gourmet Garden Garlic
2 tsp olive oil
4 small tomatoes
1 red onion, peeled and cut in 8 wedges
4 courgettes, cut in halves lengthwise
Method :-
1. To make pesto: In a small bowl, combine first measure Gourmet Garden Garlic and Gourmet Garden Basil with pinenuts, Parmesan and olive oil, mix well and season with salt and pepper.
2. Cut a pocket into the side of each Tegel chicken breast. Divide the pesto into 4 equal amounts and use to fill the chicken breast pockets. Wrap a bacon rasher around each breast and secure with a toothpick.
3. Cook over a preheated barbecue, turning until golden on all sides, reduce heat and barbecue until thoroughly cooked through, about 25-30 minutes.
4. About 15 minutes before the chicken is cooked, toss the Wattie’s Rosemary and Garlic Potato Roasters onto a lightly oiled barbecue plate. Barbecue the potato roasters for about 15 minutes, turning occasionally.
5. Combine second measure Gourmet Garden Garlic and olive oil, brush over the prepared vegetables, season with salt and pepper. Barbecue beside the roasters for 5-7 minutes or until tender. Serve Pesto Chicken, sliced with barbecue roasters and vegetables.
Happy cooking from the Food in a Minute team

valentino - 2013-08-31 14:30:00

Thank you Cookessentials for reminding of this thread, posted a few more recipes, bit of a variety and all atre lovely.


valentino - 2013-08-31 14:32:00
valentino wrote:

Have had a wee play around, try these links to a dropbox, it may work, let us know please.


If a wee window opens up re share, simply click to close it then it should work.

Editing to add that look under TM-V2 for the thread called " The Great Kiwi BBQ".


Will be transferring some of these BBQ recipes of the old TMC here over the next few months.

Ever since I have switched to Fibre Optic, my upload has increased quite a lot to a stage where it is virtually doubling or trebling my download usage, quite alarming as Dropbox seems to be the main contributor. Don't know if anyone else is experiencing this but if you look into "msconfig" in the search files programs in your start button etc, it will show what is actually being automatically started when you switch on the computer, I have disabled this along with a few others that are not wanted. After a few days have checked my usage and this upload part has decreased a heck of a lot since I did this.
Cheers everyone, oh any special requests whilst doing this, please let us know.

Edited by valentino at 1:14 pm, Sun 1 Sep

valentino - 2013-09-01 13:12:00

BBQ Sweets & Desserts

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2 posts • Page 1 of 1

BBQ Sweets & Desserts

Postby Eden.M on Fri Aug 01, 2008 5:24 am

BBQ Marshmallows
Have a big bowl of marshmallows.. for a fun
part of dessert.. lift the hot plate and grill off the bbq and light the gas.. everyone can place a marshmallow and a piece of banana or other fruit on a skewer and toast them over the flame - hot toasted marshmallows and fruit.. yum!

Fruit kebabs
I use sliced kiwifruit, marshmallows, grapes, strawberries, pineapple... whatever. can eat as is ~ or lightly grill on bbq and dip in chocolate sauce. mmmmmm. both posted by jolittle

Another Kebabbed Fruit
2 bananas, 2 apples, 3 apricots, 3 plums, 24 marshmallows, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 2 tablespoons rum and 1/2 cup passionfruit pulp. Cut fruit into even chunks. Place a piece of each fruit and four marsmallows on each skewer.
Combine sugar, rum and passionfruit pulp. Brush fruit generously with this before and during cooking. Cook over grill over medium heat until the marshmallows begin to melt. Great fun when all are involved like toasting marshmallows.

Fruit Kebabs
Ingredients: * 2 kiwi fruit, peeled and cut into chunks * 250g punnet strawberries, hulled * 1 red apple, cut into chunks * ½ cup crushed peanuts * 150g pottlefruit yoghurt Method: 1. Thread pieces of fruit alternatively onto smallkebab sticks. Trim the sharp ends of the sticks with scissors. 2. Place the crushed peanuts onto plate and roll the Fruit Kebab in peanuts. 3. Serve with bowl of fruit yoghurt for dipping. both posted by sam924

Fruit Grill with Maple Syrup
3 Peaches, 4 Nectarines, 4 Apricots, 2 tablespoons butter, 1/2 cup maple syrup and 11 amaretto biscuits.
Wash fruit, cut in half and remove stones. Melt butter and brush the cut surfaces of fruit with butter. Place fruit cut side down on a hot barbeque grill for 1 or 2 minutes or until brown. Turn over and grill second side for 1 minute. Arrange grilled fruits on a serving platter cut side up. Drizzle with maple syrup and crumble over amaretto biscuits. Serve with yoghurt, cream or ice-cream.

Barbecued Peaches
12 canned peach halves drained, 6 tablespoons sherry and 1/2 cup sliced almonds toasted. Place 2 peach halves on each piece of foil, turn sides of foil up and pour 1 tablespoon of sherry over each serving. Seal foil firmly and place on barbecue grill for about 10 minutes or until peaches are warmed. Remove peaches from foil packages and sprinkle with almonds and serve with ice cream or whipped cream.

Kiwi Pancakes
Batter:- 1 1/4 cups flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/4 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 3/4 cup milk and 2 tablespoons butter melted. Filling:- 1 1/4 cup. Poster unknown...

valentino - 2013-09-01 13:22:00

Re: BBQ Sweets & Desserts

Postby Valentino on Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:25 pm

Jamaican Pineapple with Banana Ice Cream.

1/3 c brown sugar plus extra for sprinkling, 2 tbsp milk, 1 tbsp butter, 3 large ripe bananas chopped, 5 tbsp dark rum, 300ml cream lightly whipped and 1 large pineapple.
To make banana ice cream; put sugar, milk & butter in a small saucepan and simmer for 3 minutes. Blend or process mixture with bananas and 2 tbsp rum until smooth. Fold gently into the cream then churn in an ice cream machine or simply put mixture in a freezer proof container, freeze for 4 hours, whisking every hour or so to prevent ice crystals forming.
When ready to cook, preheat BBQ to hot.
Peel and core pineapple, then slice into six thick rings. Prepare six squares of doubled foil and place a ring on each. Sprinkle with a little of extra sugar, splash with remaining rum, and fold the edges of the foil. Place packets on BBQ, cook for 10 minutes or until hot. Serve packets unopened, so guests can enjoy the burst of aroma when they pull back the foil. The ice cream can be spooned directly on top.

valentino - 2013-09-01 13:23:00

Chicken - All Cuts & Recipes

Postby Eden.M on Fri Aug 01, 2008 5:08 am

Please check out reciupes in the "Hooded BBQ section", for more poultry recipes, just click onto link or shortcut.. :arrow: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=775 .

Ostrich meat
Mmmm Just tried Ostrich steaks. Cooked them like a beef steak, lightly salt and pepper and cook to med-rare. Beautiful.
posted by christopher53

Barbecued Free Range Whole Chicken
You need to be able to get it several cm above the coals so that it cooks right through without burning. The best system is to spatchcock it - cut down each side of the backbone and use poultry shears or strong scissors to remove it (use it for stock). Cut off the wing tips. With the bird skin side up press down on the wishbone area to flatten it. I then run 3 skewers through it from side to side to keep it secure. The you can marinate it or cover it in a flavouring such as rosemary and garlic. Cook it for about an hour. Test by making small cuts between the thigh and back - if it is no longer pink it is safe to eat. Smaller birds are more successful this way than larger ones. posted by davidt4

Honey Chicken Wings
12 Chicken Wings, 4 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 clove garli crushed, 3 tablespoons sherry, 3 tablespoons vege oil and 3 tablespoons honey. Rinse the chicken wings and pat dry with paper towels. Tuck the wing tips to the underside and put in a shallow non-metallic dish. Combine the soy sauce, garlic, sherry & oil and pour over chicken. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2 hours turning occasionally. Cook the chicken on a hot lighly oiled BBQ Hot-plate or grill for 5 minutes each side or until cooked through, turning occasionally. Place the honey in a small heatproof bowl on the edge of the BBQ to warm and thin down a little. Brush the wings with honey and grill for 2 minutes more. Serve. Variations:- Try apricot jam instead of honey for basting or if prefer a slightly hotter flavour, add some bottled crushed chilli pepper.
posted by Valentino

Honey Glazed Chicken Breasts:
6 chicken breast fillets (1kg), 50g butter softened, 1/4 cup (60ml) honey, 1/4 barbecue sauce, 2 tsp seeded mustard - Trim chicken of excess fat. Remove skin. Use a sharp knife to make 3-4 diagonal slashes across one side of each chicken breast. Prepare and heat bbq. Combine butter, honey, bbq sauce and mustard in a bowl. Spread half of marinade thickly over slashed side of chicken, then cover. Set remaining marinade aside. Stand chicken at room temp for 20mins. Place breasts, slashed side up, on hot lightly greased grill or flatplate. Cook 2-3mins each side or until tender. Brush with reserved marinade several times during cooking. Serve hot with buttered fettucine noodles if desired.
posted by pennysaver

valentino - 2013-09-01 15:06:00
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